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  1. bruh That´s a Rupert´s quote I would advice against trusting everything of what of a Guru says or gives the impression (sometimes it´s not their fault) to communicate. I actually love Rupert Spira´s teaching but I have no direct experience of actually how it is his experience of life. Unless you are a in a buddha state all day long I don´t see how you are going to be in a hapiness state all day long. If really hapiness or bliss is your truly biggest motivation in life, the move is easy. Surrender all desires and go to an ashram to meditate all day long. You probably won´t realize total truth or awakening as leo says, but I´m sure you´ll be in an almost 24/7 peace state all day long. It just that you will have to surrender probably absolutely everything. And I doubt your ego wants to do that. I used to think like you, that hapiness and being in peace was my first priority in life, but then I realized if that would be true i would have surrendered everything by now and have gone to a meditation cave. In the inside there´s more drive in me that hapiness or bliss. Sometimes I think if we are alive is to experience live fully and be explorers, as you have said, cats are "happy" or "fullfilled", but they are not really experiencing the 1% of complexity of the human mind do. If you, as God, is experiencing life right now as human, why not open yourself to experience the whole range of the thing? The happiness, the sadness, the discovery, to explore, to create. But hey, I don´t judge you, ever lasting bliss sure looks delicious, is just doesn´t seem very realistic as a human form. But as I said you can always go to live on a cave.
  2. Thank you. I wish I could meditate and do some self-inquiry again. But I feel disencouraged and fearful, as if I cannot believe that I can ever liberate myself from thought. Because my story is there and popping up, beliefs etc. I cant let go of and am so attached to. I made it straight 2 weeks, but now my mind pulls itself back to distraction. It all feels like I want to suffer, even though I dont want to be triggered, I let it all happen...and then it again feels like there is no free will... Why am I afraid? Because the oscillations are so strong. Meditation can be such a bliss. But the switch to old habits is even stronger then.
  3. Good question! I did several 10-day retreats doing Vipassana meditation, also experimented with mindfulness meditations and using mantras. What I liked about Vipassana meditation was the fact that you just focus on your breathing. While focusing on the breath you observe your thoughts, ideas, beliefs, feelings and emotions as they appear and recede from the Human Mind Consciousness (Ego) with no attachments. Eventually the thoughts etc., appear less often and a stillness happens as you become more conscious of the energy within your physical body. In my particular case while doing Vipassana meditation I had huge blocks of energy within my body from years of physical abuse from sports and other stupid activities, suppressing my emotions, feelings, not dealing with my dysfunctional unconscious beliefs, destructive behaviour patterns, psychological addictions etc. Over the course of 50 years my body had contracted and compressed my skeletal structure to the point that I could not sit cross legged, turn my head left or right and I could not kneel or bend over. The compression of my body affected my organs as they were also compressed from the physical muscles, ligaments and fascia contraction, which pushed my organs into unnatural forms and positions that hindered their performance etc. This then created physical ailments that then lead to surgeries and the pharmaceutical drug treadmill. What I eventual realized was that I had ignored the signals from the conscious organization that maintains my body’s health, wellbeing, balance, and harmony. (I know this is somewhat off topic, but I feel it adds to the depth of meditation and how some aspects of consciousness can be obtained from meditation) The blocked Energy then became my mind struggle as I journeyed into the field of energy that held the structure of my physical body from within. Hours after hours and day after day I tried to observe the rise and fall of pain that my body held from all the blocked energy. Eventually I managed to accept the pain and released my mental attachments to them (for lack of better words). Once I managed to release my mental attachments to the blocks of energy in my physical body, I began to observe a greater depth of beingness. It was a complete stillness within, I no longer was attached to the physical. I was no-longer me, but still me as a consciousness. I was floating in a field of energy and consciousness with no concept of a physical “I” or “Me”. “I” was sheer bliss, Love and a feeling of being home. I could have stayed there forever, but just as I was going deeper into the layers of consciousness, physical reality dragged me back to my body and Human mind Consciousness, when a student tapped me on the shoulder, late in the night, and told me to leave the meditation hall and return to my room. Go figure!!! A Student sharing thoughts, ideas, and beliefs!
  4. Why God? Why did you make me a complaining creature? Nobody would be complaining if they would feel bliss beyond ecstasy all the time
  5. @Esoteric No, you made too many assumptions here, ironically. I love the phrase "wonderful logic", your logic always changes by the information and experiences exposed to you, and we usually tend to think we are really logical and that the other is stupid. If you think i am flaud, we are both ignorant here. However, lets adress the "question" here. First of all, good for you. However it could be meat, yes, why would you just exlude it and attempt to praise it like a gift of god or smth. But so it can be so much more other factors, i can't monitor what you do, but i can share what worked for me, and got this result. So i can continune to be a devil and reply you back with the same pretentions and silly sarcastic question: I said that i stopped eating meat and didn't get sick for a long while, so that HAS to be the only factor that helped me into not getting sick, besides nutrition alone, not even touching what else i ate/did and do. WoNdErFuL LoGiC, RiGhT? But now you are going to point out i mentioned that i also did meditation and took some breaks after eating so my whole fallacy has failed, nooo, my precious logic has failed me, (and you probably are the prefect being of god who can't be illogical, right)? Of course i don't think that, but the blatant "logical" attack is a bit too far, and you kinda did assume a bit more than you might want to. Why could and couldn't meat be the reason? Or part of the factors? It did some things to me when i stopped i can recall clearly - less need for sleep, lighter stomach/body, less anger and restlesness and suddenly my spiritual practices become so much easier to do and there was so much more bliss. Before that meditation was a exausting chore and i was waiting for it to end. And in this case, yes i think i was the meat.
  6. @Leo Gura Yes, of course, it is/can be a dangerous assumption (and it is my assumption), however my intuition (if there ever was one) tells me, its going to be ok, and that also equates "even if i die part" as i feel. There is just sense of completeness. Isn't the non-duality counter-intuitive... This sense of intuition is bold but i don't know if it is naive. But i will leave it at this statement - happiness and bliss = optimal function of the body, which does all the work and does make the differnece so i do disagree to an extent. However, it will probably still be something unpredictably bad that i have not experienced yet when thinking about going trough it. I mean its not nearly as bad as rabies which hijacks and disables your motor function.
  7. @Leo Gura For sure! Meanwhile if people really meditate and be blissfull, eat lightly and not so frequently, you will be ok for the most part. I can tell you this because when i became vegetarian, even with the whole sweet tooth thing i have going on + good amound of meditation and bliss - for these 4-5 years i maybe have been sick for 2 days mildly. Otherwise i had like the worst flu in march of 2015. Never got really sick after that. Of course virus will do its thing but you really can make the diffrence.
  8. For those who are open/interested in psychedelics. If you’re over 20, your life is in a relatively ordered state, have no recent family history of psychosis, done quite a bit of foundational consciousness work( eg. meditation) and you’ve done plenty of research(you get the general vibe about what a psychedelic trip involves), you should absolutely make taking a psychedelic the next “big move” in your life. Consider making it close to, if not the number one current endeavour in your life; get some LSD and take it. If this is already the case, there’s no point waiting any more. You are simply delaying yourself from being exposed to the most potent catalyst that is available in order to understand your true nature at a much deeper level than ever before. (Not even close to the furthest you’ve gone merely philosophising, contemplating enquiring, ect.) You will likely have to let go, or more likely, be ejected out of your current paradigm. So if you are very attached to it, make it a point before tripping to be faithful that the experience will be nothing but growth no matter how “crazy/mindfucky” it gets. You may even feel “broken” and “lost” in the days after, but it’ll transition to growth in the long term, with steady integration work and you will be thankful. (The more limiting beliefs and behaviours you have initially, the more likely you are to sense growth. It may be painful...but so was growing pains as a kid, and you don’t complain about that now, you know it was essential) Conversely, you may feel bottled up and held back in your current paradigm, like you’re ready to take a plunge, in which case, you will probably feel deep bliss in the following week afterwards. All in all, afterwards you will be far better equipped to delve deeper into consciousness work, understanding perspectives that you were totally blind to in the prior state(trip virgin). - you may never question Love again - your limiting beliefs will be blown out of the water - it will be made intimately known the fact that you are more than you though you were - you will see past “randomness” and it will be replaced with ever unfolding Love If a classic psychedelic experience like LSD sounds too “scary” or “volaltile”, you need to break your ego down a bit by any means then reconsider. MDMA is an option for a less mindfucky type experience, that, at a good dose, will open you up to just straight Divine Love. But it won’t be enough to get you on the trail of deep, meta knowing of being that we’re aiming for. And has an addictive potential. Personally I’d recommend 150ug of LSD in a natural environment at 10-12am on a warm sunny day, making sure you are somewhere you won’t be concerned with other people finding you. If you can, have someone very close to you trip sit you. (don’t trip together) Mindset: what can LSD show me. Be playful. Take it easy. So get some and do some. Go light. Go hard. But Go. Stop being locked in that paradigm of yours. Time to go meta
  9. COVID-19 = accumulation of all of your thoughts about COVID-19 all thoughts = Nothing Nothing = Bliss Bliss = Love QED
  10. I nominate all meditators in this forum who are currently in self isolation - to meditate 3 hours a day for the next 21 days... Document the process & publish a video titled... "I meditated 3 hours straight for 21 days, this is what happened! " I am currently on day 2 of 21 and attempting to complete at least one 3 hour strong determination Vipassana Sit per day. Lets create a wave of bliss...
  11. They elaborated by saying that the ancients have tried everything, from metals to psychedelics, and that none of it works. I can sort of understand on one level, because I've experience stuff that seemed like a kundalini awakening(it was sobee though) and during that time i got the sense that if I wasn't careful, I could twist and knot the energies, disrupt them, and then have to do extra inquiry work to place awareness on them and unknot them. And I can totally imagine psychedelics doing this to you. But my intuition listening to them was telling me that these energies are imaginary, and are Nothing, and they are taking these energies as being absolutely real. They haven't gone beyond the energies and hence taking it too seriously. I dont know, but in my experience, all that energy stuff, while you can feel it, is just bliss, like everything. No difference. The biggest threat i see with psychedelics right now is forgetting to integrate them. Which could lead to dependency. And believing you need to do a dualistic thing (like taking a substance) to get non duality... which is fucked. I see that if you keep taking psychedelics without integration, the fact that its an external substance could trick yourself into clinging onto duality. You need to let the substance go and realise its imaginary and one. And truth is not coming from the substance but you. But this issue is also in meditation. Walking and sitting down in a particular pose to realise non duality? You've gotta let that dualistic idea of sitting in a pose go to realise oneness.
  12. Bit spooked. There's still 'kundalini energy' making the hands tremble. So, I've been wanting to try psychedelics proper for the past 2 yrs. I've had significant challenges getting them. So I havent had a trip before, but am so fascinated. Today i was just fed up. When I get fed up, I like to have a frank conversation with God. He doesn't always give me attention(more accurately, I as God pretend to be caught up in important imaginary things) but when I'm fed up, he does, and always in a big way. So I sat at my desk, and said the good old mantra "Alright God, stop playing games. I want to know what actually the fuck is going on here." Works every time, too well. I zoned into the present moment, expressing my frustration and disatisfaction in not knowing a few answers. As I zoned into the present moment, expressing sincerety and deep desire to know the answer, felt the kundalini start to vibrate the whole of existence. I heard the typical zing sound hover from the left ear to the right. As I remembered how there is nothing outside of me, and every sensation, thought, colour and sound emenates from the source as imagination, and noticed it all drawn back to pure bliss, I asked, with huge energy and desire "Why the fuck do I want to take psychedelics so badly God!!!!!???? What is it about them that intrigues me so much! What are psychedelics??? what are they!" As i asked, was the response hahaha. I was there, a human, with a brain, a brain that can imagine things, a brain experiencing reality... that was, until I realized that brain, wasn't a brain, but the entire existence itself. And an answer to my question, was felt in the present moment. There is no world out there, I'm imagining it all. And.... I'm imagining psychedelics. And I'm imagining all of the greatness of the buddha. And I'm imaging all of the greatness of Adyshanti. And I'm imagining all of the greatness of Sadhguru. You could also say, you are the buddha, adyshanti and sadhguru(what the actual fuck). All of the secrets of the Tamil siddhas, the Tibet practices, all of it, the most enlightening parts of it, are all in your imagination, and they are here right now. Look, there they are, sitting at the heart of consciousness. what the actual fuck. All of the wisdom of meditation techniques: right there buddy, its creation is right in front of you. And look there's all the people that are practicing them. And look this is how it integrates with the rest of the world and how it forms the God head. woooow Oh and just to show off. Here are all of their mystical experiences, folded up neatly, and placed cutely in the godhead. whaaaaaaaaaaaaat Psychedelics are in your imagination. Those agar plates in your room growing spores? Imagination, those tubes ready to incubate them? All imagination. All those rules about contamination control and bacteria? Imagination. Oh and here is everything about psychedelics, from its creation, to its plantation, to its usage by the ancients, to now in your room. Do you see it? There it is! Right in front of you, all this time. No I mean, literally the creation, platation and usage, is all compressed into the godhead. Its right there, like God grabbed the shamans, the forest, and their spiritual experiences from the past, folded them infinite times till they were to small to see, and then revealed to me that they were right in front of me. God goes on, All this time you've been wanting to try psychedelics, everything you've ever wanted to know about it and more, has been right under your nose. See how clever that was? What in the actual fucken fucken fucken fuck was that. Oh and here is the future: Here is you eating them, here is you having an experience from them. Look there all of it is, in the heart of consciousness what the actual what the actual what the fuck. That was like seeing the entire universe, be shrunk down onto a table, for me to see. I thought that was going to be the most surreal thing I would ever experience in my entire life... till this happened I was looking at my foot. And I saw all of reality in it. ALL. My fucken foot is a universe. What the what the what the what the actual fucking fuck fuck fuck. That was absolutely shocking. What the actual fuck. My foot is infinite size. It had a trillion galaxies in it. And those trillion galaxies in my food, had a trillion galaxies in them. And it goes on forever. My foot never ends. It has infinite complexity. Literally. You could zoom into my foot and see galaxies in it forever. Holy mother of fuck this is scary. what am i looking at. Omg and then the most shocking thing happened. This isnt just my foot. This is everything. Everything goes on forever. You could zoom in on everything, and it literally is an infinite amount of galaxies. Omg it contains literally beyond everything. I dont know what to say. This is just so different to everything I've experienced. You cannot even remotely describe this. Omg this goes beyond everything you could imagine, including gods and past lives. And just because God must have felt the urge to prove his point, the lights started flickering, the walls started waving, and I started seeing the most ridiculous visuals I've ever seen in my life. Then god ends it with a note: "thats why you wanted to try psychedelics, because this would have happened". Did I just trip on shrooms, without taking shrooms?
  13. @Gsk Sorry to hear that you're going through a lot. I don't think you're in a state to be taking in these kind of teachings. Sounds like you got a lot of shit to work through. Start there instead of trying to figure out the fundamentals of reality. I'm sure you have a lot of objections and confusions, but awakening is the only way you'll truly understand. Your ideas of imaginary and real are not the same as it is to an awakened person. When we take on teachings as beliefs and not from direct experience, the teaching immediately becomes distorted. Your understanding of Leo's teachings is not what he is trying to say. It's only a pointer to it. This is a huge source of suffering. And even if we were given the truth, you seemed inclined to deny it. I wonder why that is? Truth will not baby your survival needs. This is a huge hurdle people struggle with. Whether you are ok with it or not, will not change what reality is. What it always has and will be. There's a reason ignorance is bliss. While the truth can set you free, it is not without its own challenges. You must be prepared to give up life as you once knew it and radically accept what is.
  14. @pluto How does one surrender to source downloads? I've only had the download experience with bliss once on lsd. Not sure how to get there without psychs yet
  15. Back home in Vancouver. Feels good to be home. I am learning to be happy with my parents, and the key for me is to just be myself and be honest. I'm not hiding who I am, and if they aren't happy with it then so be it. I was always a spoiled brat anyway and my parents dealt with me. Now i'm a spoiled brat, but all I want is happiness and enlightenment lol. Lot's of panic over the virus, my grandma is in her 70s and I bet she is scared. Shes a bit psycho so maybe she can cope well, but this is god's will so we will see what happens. Self acceptance. Acceptance of who and what I am, no matter what or who I am is the next step on the path. Murdering and raping, I accept you. Spoiled brat who has everything handed to him and still finds a way to be unhappy, I still accept you. However I am, whoever I am, whatever I am, is completely and totally okay. Full acceptance. The suffering of trying to BE something other than what is, is a huge problem. But the problem is created by resistance to what IS. What is, is. And that is pure bliss and love.
  16. HRV- Heart Rate Variability Breathing, will take you deep pretty quickly. You enter HRV when your in/out breath's are less than 6 breaths per minute(bpm). It's not hard. All you have to do is make the out breath slightly longer than the in breath. For example, breathe in fully for a count of 4, and breathe out for a count of 6. Make sure there are no pauses on the in and out breath. Keep the breath fluid. First sign,and good marker you are in HRV , is the hands will get "hot and heavy",another sign is tingling or slight numbness in the bottom lip. Also a "tingling" in the spine which is the dorsal vagal nerve. In fact, HRV is directly stimulating the dorsal vagal nerve.In Kriya yoga it is called the sushumna. As you continue over several minutes, and as a result of "entering the sushumna/DVN, "great bliss" or joy will manifest. As you continue more, the breath will become very subtle to the point of almost stopping. This has been called "the breathless state" or "the tranquil breath". At this point you're in a very deep state,but fully aware. You may also lose consciousness of the body as the senses have been drawn within and are no longer outward going. If you want more info,I would highly recommend checking out this program 4th Phase - Tranquil Breath. It was developed by a Kriya Yogi and I can verify he definitely knows what he's talking about. He teaches the basic HRV breathing on his YT channel, but the "Trainquil Breath" program goes more in depth and adds a couple of important practices not shown on the channel.
  17. @Inliytened1 For me it's higher dose pyshcs haha true. But you never know, maybe if I lick my lips 10 times and spin around 10 times that might produce bliss too haha. I'm open to anything, i'm at the "just give me bliss and absolute happiness already" stage of the path,
  18. @Haumea2018 Leo's descriptions are cool stories. But what he's pointing to is not. What he's pointing to is what happens when you contemplate. The answer you get after contemplation. Its contemplating deeper and deeper into the GodHead. Leo's assertion that some people are more awake then others is ridiculous and ego ce tric - true. Leo's drive to go deeper and deeper is not enlightenment - true. But Leo is not talking about cool stories. He's talking about revealations from contemplation. When Leo or anyone serious takes psychedelics, you take it to contemplate. Not to come up with cool stories. It is possible to paint a mystical experience with a certain projection, to give a mystical experience a story, a meaning, and a projection, but I don't think he's doing that here. Leo is aiming to quench his curiosity. And some teachers - like the Buddha - were into this. That's different to relieving suffering, embodying ever lasting peace, bliss and love, and integrating a non dual perspective into your life. You're not gonna do that with Leo's teachings. With Leo's teachings, you will be more aware of what God is. Leo and you guys are aiming for totally different things, and are on different planes. And your confusion is from taking your orientations and aims as absolute, without seeing they are different. There are different levels to how well you embody bliss, love and truth into your daily life. There are different levels to how conscious you become of what God is. What God truly is. Knowing yourself more and more deeply. This has nothing to do with enlightenment(sorry Leo it doesnt) and 'normal' teachers are aware of this - Jann Esmann talks about depth beyond self realization, and sadhguru talks about how kriya yoga is used for going beyond self realization. This is for the Selves that are curious. Not the selves that are not curious and are just after bliss, peace and love.
  19. Being God means that you occupy the highest reality. You take responsibility for this universe and its course. Seeing this entire experience as one (time as one, this life as an endless paradox, dying into this life over and over again) puts you in the center of the highest reality, this present moment. That is why it is worth considering. It brings you to a point of maximum oneness and deep awakening. The present moment never ends or begins. It could very well be assumed that it in fact does begin where it ends! Here is a example of the thought process. Wow this definitely could be the truth. If this was the truth, and I am awakened now, what is stopping me from succeeding in life? I am totally accepting of the fact that this life may be the only experience. Of course it is the only experience. My entire personal experience of life may definitely be the thing that is one, and everything would tie into this. Even if it isn't, I am deciding to save myself for the express purpose of preventing avoidable suffering in the future. I know that suffering before this moment was only leading into knowing I must tread the path again to experience the bliss I do right now. In a way, I am experiencing the Nirvana of past lives and future lives, right now. I would love to know if there is anything more deep and profound than what I am telling you right now. Even if I give this idea up, I am still living it. This idea melds so easily with Being to the point that it is one and the same with the experience. Seeing that I am posting, replying to myself--alone in this topic--suits the purpose very well I suppose! This thread is an almost-contained paradox(give or take a couple replies) in which I further on this insane idea of reality for others to sit and judge. What could you expect? People to be open-minded? Hey Leo, Your audience is not open-minded enough! They could be discovering experiential insight into the repetition of this experience on micro and macro levels! Yes! Even if Reincarnation is true, Even if it isn't! You've found yourself totally accepting of being in any cause, in any situation, directly from the point of your life, right now! It's the only life that has ever been!
  20. Having curiosity for understanding God, and being drawn to integrating a non dual perspective into every day life(living in bliss, peace and this sense of completeness and this sense of satisfaction and love and just basking in it, like basking in a pool on a hot day) are definitely 2 distinct drives. If you've got a drive for the latter, its actually possible to go beyond all of what you are drawn to, and go deeper. The question is, do you want to. Not saying Leo doesn't have whatever you wrote before, inflation or whatever. Its totally possible for someone to go deep into the former without the embodiment of the latter(which i guess would be a form of inflation). But its not like if you have a deep sense of curiosity and are drawn to going beyond that completeness and bliss that you're deluded. You're just different and expressing a different Self. This is how amazing This is.
  21. @electroBeam Spot on. You put it perfectly. I myself resonate with Leo because my main passion is knowing reality, god, love, intelligence, etc. I look at the absolute state as a positive side-effect, because it will eventually dawn on you. And I like the idea of studying teachers across the board, which Leo actually suggests you do. Leo has often said this work is about more than just feeling good in your body, and living the rest of your life in some bliss state. And I agree with that, and id say that's where psychedelic use differs and can take one deeper than the standard teachings do. The teachings such as Spira, Ralston, etc, ultimately trying to make you realize your true nature, disidentifying with the false self. Psychedelics I believe will take one deeper into the structure of the machine of god, exploring god consciousness and not just basking in bliss. There also comes a time where one has to give up all "external sources" which is what Leo has been doing now recently. And what many of us who are on this path will have to do at one point. But none of us are as far as Leo has gone I'm sure. He got where he is precisely because he studied teachers of various sources. The teachers like Spira, Ralston, Sadhguru, etc, all still have their own way of teaching things. They are not completely rid of ego, else their teachings would all be exactly the same. Different cultural upbringings and worldviews play a big role. You can experience divine god consciousness from a stage yellow (teal), turquoise, indigo, violet, etc, thinking you've "made it" when in fact it's just a state from which you see your worldview. Integral Theory covers this very well. Reality is infinite after all, you can go on forever.
  22. @fridjonk I want to separate his teachings from him because i dont know anything about him. His teaching's orientation is what makes it less integrative than Rupert's. His drive is to 'figure out' or contemplate deeply reality. Thats literally his teaching's focus(his teachings before i made this post because after making that post i stopped watching him). He has a very sharp, pointed focus on unravelling the 'how' consciousness works. And he unravels many fragmented aspects, from love, intelligence, bliss, Moo(nothingness), and there's a drive to figure it out. Its like this huge curiosity, single focus on 'figuring it out'. If you check out other teacher's teachings, they arent so limited, and subject themselves to just this single pointed focus of deep contemplation and 'figuring things out'. There's emphasis on how to live with what you've figured out in your day to day life: work, relationships, family problems. How to practice spirituality while living life. How to embody bliss, how to constantly Be peace(in contrast to what Leo does which is, fuck embodying peace, lets go figure out what the fuck Love is, quench ya curiosity). How to constantly be compassionate in times of covid. See the focus is much more on living with mystical insight in day to day life. And generally these sort of rupert spira teachings goes beyond Leo's drive to know more and more about consciousness, its either beyond it, or its just a different orientation. Just a different focus. Leo focuses on knowing more and more, others focus on living through all aspects of life: work, relationships, blissfully, from a different perspective. Could be wrong, but people like Charlie are conflating the 2. Leo has said in a blog post that he's not a zen master but an explorer, and he said on the forum he's passion is studying God, and he wants to do that for another million years. Its clearly a different focus. A lot of sadhguru's advice actually contradicts Leo's. Sadhguru constantly emphasises not taking the path too seriously, being to enthusiastic, and single pointed focus on the path, and taking the ideas of the path too seriously, and he always reminds his audience to treat both spirituality and mundane life equally. To live mundane life to the fullest. And forget spirituality for a while here and there. Leo's the exact opposite, constantly thrusting his audience into more and more hardcore spiritual practices. And he's getting more serious. This comes at a cost: a cost of forgetting to embody, forgetting spirituality is not special, and there's a beautiful life beyond psychedelics, contemplation and non dual ideas. To live a happy life, there needs to be at least some sort of satisfaction. You can't enjoy your life having a need to search deeper and deeper into the godhead. Thats why a balance between hard core Leo/Ralstone and softcore sadhguru is good. Like you've gotta ask why does Leo just want to know more and more and more? And aint ever satisfied? Because I've certainly been in states where i was completely satisfied and felt like just basking in it and living from that place. Because Leo's drive for more is in itself a particular state, not an absolute state.
  23. No No you got it all wrong. You don't follow Leo for enlightenment, every lasting peace, or to integrate yourself better. You follow Leo to understand consciousness more deeply, or to be more conscious of what reality is. Thats different to Ramana style enlightenment. Ramana style enlightenment is all about integrating yourself better. Ramana style enlightenment is about being whole, being complete, living a life of peace, living a life of beauty, no suffering, integrating your human life with your awakening experiences. Leo will never ever do any of those things if he takes the path he does, and thats not what he wants to do. He specifically said he wants to study God as God for another million years(in a particular reply on here). That has nothing to do with integrating God, or answering how to be blissful and joyful, or how to embody God, or typical enlightenment stuff. Leo lacks integration - by design. Because he's too busy going deeper and deeper into what God is metaphysically. Leo lacks coming back to why enlightenment is valuable in the first place, and he's (not to project just explaining here) disconnected with the joy and bliss and peace and even love aspect in his teaching. And disconnected to the embodiment. He's not trying to do those things, hes trying to go deep. You dont follow Leo to get enlightened or to be blissful or to find what it means to be human, and how to live a good life(even though Leo once said he's channel is about living a good life) you follow him to more deeply understand God.
  24. @Arzack - A breakthough IS pure Nirvana and bliss. But no words can describe it. It's also like pure heaven and pure hell at the same time... Because thats what God IS. It is everything... All rolled into one. But don't let the dark side freak you out, cause it's perfectly balanced by heaven, so to speak. When you come back... "The afterglow" stage, is like a full body cosmic orgasm. (As martin has referred to) . I have a more vulgar term, I like to say its like "being skull fucked by god" . Nothing touches that feeling. Nothing. It's the most amazing high you'll ever have. Hands down. And even then, it's still scary for the ego you to do again... Cause the ego just wants control of everything... And with MeO you are literally killing the ego self. So the ego doesn't exactly like that beforehand lol. I always get mega fear beforehand. And the longer I DON'T do it... The bigger that fear gets for whatever reason. Regardless, after I do it. I am more than happy I did For plugging, you have to clean your bum out. I always make sure I poo before hand THEN shower and clean out my bum with my fingers and soap. Otherwise your getting a diluted effect. Also, I'd highly suggest setting up a strong daily meditation practice beforehand. So you can allow yourself to fully let go.... I meditated for a hour every day for 30 days beforehand. And I'm over a year of daily one hour meditations now. Additionally, I read this entire thread (one hell of a long read lol) and did more research. Probably 30+ hours of research before going into it.... So I (kinda) knew what to expect, logistically speaking. But nothing can prepare you otherwise for the radical reality of the truth (the Godhead). But again... Fully worth it. 100%
  25. @nowimhere Good job. Let us know if you ever breakthrough with plugging. Can I ask you how it was for you to breakthrough when smoking it? Is it intensely unpleasant during the first part of the trip? And does it switch to bliss/nirvana? Martin Ball says that most people need to smoke it 3-4 times to reach that (back to back consecutively in the same session), because the effect is too short lasting when smoked. I tried plugging a minimal amount to test it and I didn't like it, my ass was on fire and it made me poo, maybe Martin has a point when he advice smoking it, after all if you have the balls to smoke it once you can probably do it again. Otherwise my (planned) alternative is ingesting 6 tabs of 1p-LSD on an empty stomach (Chris Bache style).