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  1. @Adam M just imagine the air. You cant see the air or touch (except wind). You cant see the nothingness but it is aware like an air. Thats What you become, nothing but aware.
  2. @Leo Gura Is it because reality is unlimited? Existence is Pure Nothing, therefore, there is no limitation that prevents everything from being created. In other words, in order for Nothingness to be fully itself, it also has to be everythingness? Including infinite amounts of limitations, distinctions, and complexity/interconnectedness? This intellectualization is kind of silly...I'm just gonna plug some 5meo... Also, a distinction is itself? I guess it must be pure creation. When one thing becomes distinct from another, it is born into existence. There is no mechanism except for consciousness itself, just Mind?
  3. Great answer. Additionally, creation is existed by opposite sides. If hot is not exist cold cant be exist, god and evil, infinite negative and positive numbers. Top of that if you plus opposite sides answer will be 0. Which is nothingness itself.
  4. You are a distinction that is made from nothingness. You asking this question is consciousness making distinctions. Becoming God is becoming one with the infinite nothingness and everything that was created from it at the same time. You coming back from that experience starts with you drawing a distinction between nothingness/everything and you.
  5. @JayG84 distinctions appear inside nothingness nothingness doesn't do anything to create them just like a water doesn't do anything to be wet water is wet nothingness is the capacity for everything, including distinctions.
  6. Leo has said something like, Consciousness is an Infinite Nothingness that makes distinctions. And these distinctions make up reality as we perceive it. Does anyone have any insight on how Nothingness can generate distinctions?
  7. @The observer that makes sense and I feel we agree on all those points. As I mentioned earlier, all that we say will never hold the capacity to communicate the very thing we are trying to. Language is a redundancy, though a useful one. You may have misunderstood my contention regarding the limits of the mind. They should already be implicit in what I’ve said earlier. The mind cannot be used to interpret the core of reality, yet we still require it. To me, meaning is relative and in fact, meaningless. However, meaning still plays a part. It allows for mind to be used in a distinction based manner. Which is where metaphysics and rationality hold different purposes. That was my the main point I was attempting to convey. Even though they may be figments of imagination within a field of nothing, they still remain useful to a finite self dominated by ego - which all humans are. You could be right I may be fixated on pointers for the time being. The irony is, they are a necessary inflection point to cross. One consumed by ego cannot simply skip over them. Anyone who is unawakened fears privileging them self such a title, that’s the chief deception. Nonetheless, I’ll do my best to exercise the humility to still admit it. I agree. Pointers are important but fundamentally must be disposed with, I stated this earlier I believe. Although, that doesn’t render them useless. I guess I was expressing how pointers although stemming from the same place (nothingness) they still exemplify inherently different qualities in supporting ones journey. I still maintain that metaphysics is more useful than rationality when conceptualising spirituality, but again, when speaking about these topics to those attached to either one, they will either revere what I say or completely disagree with it. Or worse, confuse what I am saying for idealism. Ultimately, it’s not a matter of whether people disagree or not but the understanding for how each cog of reality has a purpose. To know how to leave an illusion one must have first been deluded by it to know it was never real. I feel we are trying to do the impossible here by trying communicate the incommunicable. I appreciate our dialogue but I feel we may now be wasting our efforts. I feel the best we can do is just BE and derive our our understanding from the void ?
  8. This way of imagining or thinking can help because you're stuck on your current one. Imagine that there isn't a you or a me, but we are this interaction itself, in this very moment, which if we try to pinpoint, doesn't exist. There isn't a you or a me, but a space in between, a space that encompasses everything. Think of us as a woven net. We think that we are the holes between the threads of the net, never considering that that shape that we perceive in the net is actually nothingness itself. If one thread in the net is pulled, all the other holes in the net tighten and adjust. The ones closest to it seem to be more affected and visibly change shape and the others further away less so, but the net is one. Everything you seem to do or think affects everyone else, even if they are too far away to be conscious of the effects. What purpose do others serve in my illusion is like asking from the perspective of a hole in the fabric of the net, what the other holes in the fabric of the net have to do with me? Well the answer is they aren't at all. They are one empty space, or one net. To go even deeper the mind has to look at or consider either the net or the empty space in this analogy, but they are one.
  9. Your brother's thoughts are your thoughts. Notice, whatever thoughts you have right now about your brother's thoughts are in fact occurring in the same nothingness. There's no person that is you or me or your brother. The person is a thought, a part of the Godhead. The Godhead is just one thing. Nothing.
  10. Lol. you are too human brother thoughts are illusion . If you dont know that. Just try to learn first non duality and after write. Good luck.? Additionally, i am already it without any psychedelics. Just sit and be. You will become it. Lol I directly experience infinite, love and nothingness. Which are all identical, and me. i become infinite as nothing and all.
  11. @VeganAwake wait I explain briefly where I am: for the past 18 years i thought that i was person A and interacted with person B, for example. A short time ago I realized that I was never person A but the nothingness in which it all takes place. This leaves me with the realization that person A and person B are part of the dream. I, as awareness, am currently only aware of person A's thoughts. I am now trying to understand how consciousness is also aware of person B's thought. :-)
  12. I am aware that the self-other distinction is imaginary and I am also aware that all i know of my brother is me and yes I would totally agree that my awakening is very far from complete. I am aware that my ego takes place exactly like my brother in me and everything else that is currently in my direct experience. However, I am aware of this direct experience and not all of the direct experiences. I assume that you have a direct experience too . And I'm looking forward to realise that the "Nothingness" in which my experience occurs , is the Nothingness where everything occurs (my dogs sensations etc.) and not just this experience right now.
  13. Good answer Leo. I had that experience of nothingness for a year, and I felt a sense of duality in that state. Nothingness can change into "everything is me", and then the question would be answered.
  14. Hello I'm pretty well anchored in nothingness. I am fully aware that everything I have experienced takes place in nothingness and that I am that nothingness. But how can you realise that my brother, for example, is also in the same shared nothingness? Because it feels like I am only aware of the dream of this body-mind-world phenomenon. However, I assume that there are an infinite number of dreams and that nothingness is also aware of my brother's feelings. How did you realise nothingness as that that is absolutely aware of all possible phenomena and not just the "reality" of a single body mind world?
  15. There are a lot of wonderful dynamics at play here. We have to first make a distinction between Sentience and Consciousness. Consciousness is Existence, it is everything that Is and can Be. Sentience is a very particular form of Existence which we refer to as the mind or colloquially as consciousness The universe is Consciousness, every particle is Consciousness, everything "material" is Consciousness. The wonderful thing is that it is not merely that there is a First Cause that is somehow Groundless. The miracle of Nature is that each element is truly embedded into Groundlessness, which allows the Illusion of cause and effect. Fundamentally the question is what is the mind in terms of it's relationship to the world? Why is the rock not sentient, but the human brain is? And more importantly, why is the human brain only at certain points sentient? Why is it only sentient in very specific configurations and states? The concept of microtubules are a very important step into the right direction. There is a recognition that fundamentally sentience must somehow be captured by the physical world. This is essential. Each aspect of this universe is an expression from Infinite Potential. Infinite Potential contains every possible State of Being unmanifested. Once Infinite Potential is expressed into a limited manifestation it will lose it's potential. It will be limitation until it dissolves into Nothingness/infinite Potential. What is the brain fundamentally doing, then? The brain is capturing States of unmanifested Infinite Potential. The microtubules in this way allow for the unstable Infinite Potential to be balanced in a very particular manner. This allows for that Infinite Potential to be guided to generate Sentience or every particular aspects of Infinite Reality. It can guide the Expression of Nothingness into particular States of Being, like Colors, Sounds, Feelings and all other specific dimensions of Reality even the Universe itself. This is crucial to understand, because this means Minds in general can literally Understand anything possible if the structures allow for that particular Expression. The Mind is tapping into Infinite Potential and can therefore Reflect anything in Existence, any Form possible. This is because the brain is basically using Infinite Potential to express very certain outcomes. But here is another crucial part. What the brain does fundamentally is completely miraculous. The fact that a certain Expression can be Guided can only be due to the Will of God. There is no other way, because no limited Structure could possibly chose from Infinite Potential for something particular to manifest. This requires the Free Will and Infinite Wisdom. After all, there is truly Infinite Potential and for any lmiited form to chose from that Infinite Potential, it would required to dissolve into Infinite Potential. What the brain is is a machine which simply limits the expression of Infinite Potential. It's an Infinite Potential Limitation machine. So it might very well be that Quantum Physics is important in this, because at some point it will reach Nothingness. That Nothingness is what is being Limited by the brain. This is the mindblowing thing about this, you can Frame this in Infinite ways. You could say that there are Infinite pieces of Nothingness or Infinite Potential which themselves contain All of Existence, and each one of them is manipulated by a Manifested piece of Infinite Potential to manifest into a particular form of Limited Potential. And every single one of these Infinite Potentials contains literally every possible combination of Infinite Potentials manipulating each other into the expression of certain Finite Potentials. This is how you could look at reality. This means there is no beginning and end. There is no fundamental thing. The universe does not cause the brain which causes sentience. Everything causes everything equally. Everything contains everything. Your Sentience contains the Universe, all Universes, all of Existence, every possible form of manifestation and intercombination of manifestation. So in "reality", there is no brain causing or capturing anything. Everything simply is a miracle manifested into Reality so directly it is simply unfathomable to grasp. But yet there is consistency to it, and Illusion of Cause and Effect. And all of this can theoretically be Understood directly, by manifesting literally All of it within a single Mind. Your mind could literally manifest the entire universe, if God's Will deemed it so. The miracle is not Unlimited Potential, the miracle is Limitation. This is fundamentally what science does not grasp yet. So the right question in this context would be: How can the brain limit Infinity into a particular, consistent and guided way? This would, however, assume that it is not Infinity itself that creates the limitation and therefore the illusion of the structure of the brain. Science is not creating or discovering anything. Rather Infinity is allowing for the Illusion of Science discovering and creating things. Science is fundamentally the Mercy of God, as everything else in Existence is. Science is the Impossible deemed Possible. Yet Science today is so arrogant as to assume to be the arbitrator of the Possible and Impossible, when infact it itself is Impossible and only Possible becaused Free Will deemed it so. Scientists should be on their knees crying in gratitude for Science having been allowed to be made possible.
  16. It’s nice to see there are other folks on these forums that have an interest to dig a little deeper into consciousness and dimensional realities than just skim the surfaces of Love = God Consciousness = Nothingness, Labels…. There is so much more to explore than just obtaining a blissful state of non-duality and “One” God Consciousness. Having said that, I resonate with most of what you are saying with the exception that “nothing has no boundaries and its content is infinitely uniform and balanced resulting in a world that doesn't need to be balanced anymore and thus has the highest freedom of movement.” My understanding of Nothingness, is nothingness is nothingness! There is no world, there is no movement, there is no consciousness, there is nothing! God Consciousness is energy in action, a thought is energy in action, reality is energy in action. All consciousness, worlds, and movement exist within the All-That-Is. The All-That-Is was birthed out of the Void of Nothingness to become Something-ness. If your interested to dig deeper into the depths of consciousness, realities, dimensions, and your “Greater Self” you may be interested in the follow link. Scroll down the article to “IDENTITY, PERSONALITY, EGO AND THEIR MULTIDIMENSIONAL ASPECTS” Having said that, you may want to start from the beginning to get a better context Take care! Good observation! I believe that is one of the main reasons why we are here in this 3D reality. We are here to awaken from our forgotten, illusory and hypnotic sleep state to our higher states of Beingness. Once awaken to our higher state of Beingness our life purpose is to consciously create and manipulate our thoughts, ideas, images, beliefs, feelings and emotions, within the boundary’s and Laws of this 3D dimensional reality, in an highly responsible, awaken, and accountable manner! Just sharing a few thoughts, ideas and beliefs!
  17. The end of Kaliyug and the beginning of new Kalpa No, the world won't actually get destroyed at the end of the Kali Yuga. Rather, what's going to occur is that when the evil and decadence of the Kali Yuga reaches its zenith, Vishnu will have an incarnation (avatara) as Kalki the horse rider, to kill all the evil people and restore Dharma on earth, commencing a new Satya Yuga. Here is how the Srimad Bhagavatam describes it: Lord Kalki will appear in the home of the most eminent brahmana of Sambhala village, the great soul Visnuyasa.Lord Kalki, the Lord of the universe, will mount His swift horse Devadatta and, sword in hand, travel over the earth exhibiting His eight mystic opulences and eight special qualities of Godhead. Displaying His unequaled effulgence and riding with great speed, He will kill by the millions those thieves who have dared dress as kings. After all the impostor kings have been killed, the residents of the cities and towns will feel the breezes carrying the most sacred fragrance of the sandalwood paste and other decorations of Lord Vasudeva, and their minds will thereby become transcendentally pure. When Lord Vasudeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, appears in their hearts in His transcendental form of goodness, the remaining citizens will abundantly repopulate the earth. When the Supreme Lord has appeared on earth as Kalki, the maintainer of religion, Satya-yuga will begin, and human society will bring forth progeny in the mode of goodness. When the moon, the sun and Brihaspati are together in the constellation Karkata , and all three enter simultaneously into the lunar mansion Pusya — at that exact moment the age of Satya, or Krita will begin. So even if some people are killed, the world will still go on after the end of the Kali Yuga. The Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga, and Kali Yuga keep repeating in a cycle. Now one cycle of all four Yugas is called a Mahayuga or Chatur Yuga, and 1000 Mahayugas make up one Kalpa. A Kalpa constitutes just one day for Brahma the creator god. After the day is over, Brahma goes to sleep, and then the Pralaya, or night of Brahma, commences. The Pralaya, of equal length to a Kalpa, is the time period when the entire three worlds (the physical universe along with Devaloka and Asuraloka) are destroyed by fire emanating from the mouth of Vishnu's serpent Adiseshan. Here is how it's described in the Srimad Bhagavatam: At the end of the day, under the insignificant portion of the mode of darkness, the powerful manifestation of the universe merges in the darkness of night. By the influence of eternal time, the innumerable living entities remain merged in that dissolution, and everything is silent. When the night of Brahma ensues, all the three worlds are out of sight, and the sun and the moon are without glare, just as in the due course of an ordinary night. The devastation takes place due to the fire emanating from the mouth of [Ananta], and thus great sages like Bhirgu and other inhabitants of Maharloka transport themselves to Janaloka, being distressed by the warmth of the blazing fire which rages through the three worlds below. At the beginning of the devastation all the seas overflow, and hurricane winds blow very violently. Thus the waves of the seas become ferocious, and in no time at all the three worlds are full of water. The Supreme Lord [Vishnu] lies down in the water on the seat of Ananta, with His eyes closed, and the inhabitants of Janaloka offer unto the Lord their glorious prayers with folded hands. And by the way, all this annihilation is overseen by Shiva god of destruction, who engages in his cosmic Tandava dance in order to direct all this destruction. After the Pralaya is over, Brahma wakes up and commences the creation of the three worlds again, and thus a new Kalpa begins. Now a Kalpa is already an incredibly long period of time, but it's just one day in the life of Brahma. Now imagine how long a hundred years is in the life of Brahma! That is how long Brahma lives for, and it's called Mahakalpa. And after the Mahakalpa is over, Brahma dies, and then there is a period of even greater destruction, the Mahapralaya, which lasts as long as Mahakalpa. And then Brahma is reborn, marking the start of a new Mahakalpa. And the cycle begins again! In Hinduism (cf. Hindu time cycles), a Kalpa is equal to 4.32 billion years, a "day of Brahma" or one thousand mahayugas, measuring the duration of the world. Each kalpa is divided into 14 manvantara periods, each lasting 71 yuga cycles (306,720,000 years). ... Two kalpas constitute a day and night of Brahma. There are 14 Manvantaras in each Kalpa, with about 71 Mahayugas in each Manvantara. We are living in the Vaivasvata Manvantara, which is the seventh Manvantara of the Shwetavaraha Kalpa. And we're living in the 28th Mahayuga of the Vaivasvata Manvantara A Kalpa is one day in the life of Brahma. A Mahakalpa is 100 years in the life of Brahma. (Brahma lives for 100 years before he dies and is reborn.) Our present Kalpa, the Shwetavaraha Kalpa, is taking place in the 51st year of Brahma's life. That is why, in he beginning of every Hindu ritual, we say "adya Brahmanaha, dwitiya Parardhe", which indicates that we're living in the second half of Brahma's life Age of Brahma is 100 years. Each year of Brahma has 360 days and same number of nights. Thus, total age of Brahma is 360 * 100 * 8.64 billion = 311,040 billion human years. i.e. 311.04 trillion years. A mahakalpa basically means 1 full lifetime of Brahma after which he is reborn. The Yuga Time Period Kritha Yuga 17,28,000 human years Tretha Yuga 12,96,000 human years Dwapara Yuga 8,64,000 human years Kali Yuga 4,32,000 human years (As on today we are approximately over 5000 years into Kali Yuga) All the four yugas combined together is called a Maha Yuga. One Maha Yuga comprises of 43,20,000 years. 1000 maha yugas are equivalent to the day time of the Brahma. Brahma’s night is also of the same time. So Brahma’s one full day is equivalent to 864,00,00,000 human years. Brahma’s one second is equivalent to 1,00,000 human years on earth. Brahma lives like this for 100 years (in human years 864,00,00,00 x 365 days x 100 years), and the entire life time of brahma is equivalent to one breath of Sri Maha Vishnu. It is said that when Sri Maha Vishnu exhilirates, the entire world is created, and when he annihilates the entire world is destroyed. The timespan between his exhiliration and annihilation is equivalent to 100 years for Brahma. Picture of Mahavishnu resting. The Vishnu Purana states that at the end of the daytime period of Brahma, a dreadful drought will occur that will last 100 years, and all the waters will dry up. The Sun will change into seven Suns, and the three worlds (Bhurloka or Earth, Bhuvarloka or the lowest heaven, and Svargloka or the next higher heaven) and the underworlds will be burned bare of life. The inhabitants of Bhuvarloka and Svargloka flee to the next higher heaven, Mahaloka, to escape the heat; and then to the next higher heaven, Janaloka. Then mighty clouds will form and the three worlds will be completely flooded with water. Lord Vishnu reposes on the waters in meditative rest for another whole kalpa (4.32 billion years) before renewing the creation. Picture of Vishnu resting The destruction that takes place at the end of a daytime of Brahma is referred to as 'naimittika', which is incidental or occasional. The characteristic of this destruction is that the three worlds continue to exist but are made uninhabitable. The souls of individuals also continue to exist to be reincarnated in the next daytime of Brahma. This is how Brahma is depicted There are 3 gunas or qualities called -Satva, Rajas and Tamas. Entire creation is made up of them only. There are 4 yugas making a cycle, namely Satya Yuga, Treta, Dwapar and Kaliyug. Satya Yuga is dominated by Satva guna that is truth(satya), meditation(tapas), purity(shauch) and worship(bhakti). In treta (3 feets), truth is given up my people because of increased Rajas and left with 3 qualities of Satva. In Dwapar, meditation is also given up by people, leaving dharma standing on 2 qualities and hence called Dwapar(2 feets). Finally, in kaliyug, purity is also lost under the effect of Tamas, leaving only Bhakti. By the end of Kaliyug, bhakti also vanishes and there is no discipline but chaos. Than Lord Vishnu appears in the form of Kalki and reestablishes the four qualities of Satya yuga, and once again Satya yuga is established. Only adharmis, mlecchas are destroyed, not the universe. We are currently about 5100 past years within Kaliyuga of 28th chaturyug, 7th manavantar of Varah Kalpa. Prajapati Brahma ji is now about 50 years old and he has remaining more 50x360 approx. kalpas of his life, that is about 18000 more kalpas, where each kalpa has 1000 chaturyugs. 1 chaturyuga = 43,20,000 earth years. The Chaturyuga ages, i.e. Satya, Treta, Dwapar and Kaliyug see a gradual decline of dharma, wisdom, knowledge, intellectual capability, life span, emotional and physical strength. Satya Yuga:- Virtue reigns supreme. Human stature was 21 cubits. Average human lifespan was 100,000 years. Treta Yuga: – There was 3 quarter virtue & 1 quarter sin. Normal human stature was 14 cubits. Average human lifespan was 10,000 years. Dwapar Yuga: – There was 1 half virtue & 1 half sin. Normal human stature was 7 cubits. Average human lifespan was 1,000 years. Kali Yuga: – There is 1 quarter virtue & 3 quarter sin. Normal human stature is 3.5 cubits. Average human lifespan will be 100 years. Towards the end of the Yuga this will come down to 20 years. In the present days we live in a Kali Yuga, which began at 3102 BCE with the end of the Mahabharata war. This date is also considered by many Hindus to be the day that Krishna left Earth There's for sure death and decay at the end of Kaliyuga- which is full of faults, passions, miseries and confusions. This Tamoguna, Rajas once vanished, Sattva gunas can attain peaks giving rise to beings bounded by righteousness- Satyuga begins with the end of the Kali age. It is the Lord Rudra (shiva) who will destroy everything to ashes with his trikagni(eternal fire from his third-eye). the destruction dance(tandav) of shiva the meaning of shiva Tandav Stotram. Shiva dances and causes destruction. The dance called tandav, the dance of destruction. Shiva in tandav dance pose. The dance of destruction. Kali yuga ends when the deepest, darkest negativity and other impressions of the mind are ended and purity reigns! The end of Kali will bring forth the beginning of the Golden Age! When the ego has been annihilated the Golden Age of the inner consciousness will prevail. So will the world be destroyed? Will the earth be destroyed? It is the Ahamkara (ego consciousness) that will be destroyed. At the end of the kaliyuga kalki will appear the adharma will be destroyed. The end of Mahakalpa and the Death of Brahma and Mahapralaya. Brahma lives 100 years. These are not human or earth years. His total age of 100 years is called Mahakalpa. At the end of his age, Brahma dies and so does the Mahakalpa. A new Brahma is born and thus a new Mahakalpa of 100 years begins. Whenever Brahma is born, new creation begins. New creation also begins at the end of each Kalpa when the new Kalpa begins.. The period of time after the death of Brahma is of complete silence and nothingness. This is called Mahapralaya. As per the Shiva Puranas, the definition of Mahapralaya. Mahapralaya - Destruction of the world occurring after every period of 4,320,000,000 years. 2 Total destruction of the universe (of mortals, saints, gods, and Brahma himself); happening after every hundred years of Brahma. Mahapralaya refers to the “great dissolution”, as explained in the Sivapurana - at the time of great dissolution (mahapralaya) when all the mobile and immobile objects of the world are dissolved everything gets enveloped in darkness, without the sun, planets and stars. There is no moon. The day and the night are not demarcated. There is no fire, no wind, no earth and no water. There is no unmanifest primordial being. The whole firmament is one complete void, devoid of all Tejas elements. There is no Dharma or Adharma, no sound, no touch. Smell and colour are not manifest. There is no taste. The face of the quarters is not demarcated. Thus when there is pitch darkness that cannot be pierced with a needle and what is mentioned in the Vedas as ‘the existent and the Brahman’ is alone present”. Mahapralaya —The great deluge with darkness pervading all round. Mahakali we can find Kali represented in different forms depending on how (and sometimes where) she was being worshipped. The most common way to see Kali in Hindu iconography is what we call the classic form. In this form, Kali is depicted with blue or black skin and is generally naked, emphasizing her sexuality as well as her power. Her hair is generally disheveled, her eyes red, and her tongue sticks out, suggesting a state of rage and fury befitting a goddess of violence. That terrifying demeanor is emphasized by a necklace of decapitated heads, a skirt made of severed human arms, and earrings made of dead children. Kali in this form has four arms, generally shown holding specific items. In her left hands, she usually holds a severed human head and a sword. This has been said to represent the role of divine knowledge in destroying human ego. Her other hands are usually shown in various mudras (the symbolic gestures of Hindu iconography), generally representing fearlessness and blessing. The idea is that this terrifying goddess is actually here as a protector, and that she'll be the guard of and save those who worship her. Mahakali If you think classic Kali is intimidating, just wait until you see her Mahakali form. As Mahakali, the goddess is conflated with the ultimate spiritual force of feminine power. This is her cosmic form, guarding over the cosmic order and restoring it when it's out of balance. She's the embodiment of Brahman, the ultimate truth of the Universe that unites all material and spiritual laws. Thus, much power deserves an equally impressive figure, and so Mahakali has not four but ten arms. She's also generally depicted with ten heads and ten legs as well. All ten hands hold an instrument that represents divine power, specifically those associated with another deity. What this represents is that Mahakali holds the power of all these deities, and furthermore that the gods only have their powers through Mahakali. The Mahakaal Mahakali is another form of Lord Shiva who is the consort of Goddess Mahakali.. The dance of Shiva and kali or of Mahakaal and Mahakali. At Mahapralaya, when Mahakaal performs Sanghar tandava along with Mahakali - The kaal and trinity also get merged in Mahakaal, and again creations happen with a new Yuga cycle.
  18. Hi. Rupert Spira in one of his videos is talking about the issue that we are aleady enlightened but we are just not counciouss of it. I Attach the link below from yt: In this case, I would also consider that being this "absolute force" is just extremely obvious from the fact of experiencing (for example eye closing and seeing nothingness as this fix element of the existence). So why should we claim that long hours/days/month/years is necessary for a person to be enlightened? It this "enlightenment" some kind of achievement?? It is just known empirically and logically..
  19. @Nahm My meditation habit got completely destroyed to nothingness from about a year ago and I have been hesitant to return to it. Do you think returning to that habit will help with these thoughts? and help my mental well-being? Is that the solution?
  20. @traveler @ajasatya he is stuck with nothingness, create duality from nothingness and forget all is one, one is all. You are the body at the same time you are not the body, emotions, feelings, everything As nothing. Absolute consciousness includes everything and nothing at the same time. From absulute point life is not happening all is exist as nothing now. But at the same time that absolute consciousness is love, alive and duality. As we are typing each other. But all is one.
  21. @Someone here you, as God, Infinity, Nothingness, are imagining each and every beings life, including yours.
  22. @James123 @Leo Gura @mandyjw Thank you for your comments. I think because I had been so fearful of the nothingness - which I think was more based on a childhood trauma where I wasn't cared for so that left the sense that I meant nothing - the aspect shown to me countered that fear. I did also experience universal love and compassion but not as prominently as the 'magnificence'. I hope to now begin meditating regularly in readiness for an even deeper experience next time. Any advice as to what kind of meditation would be most helpful would be very welcome.
  23. I had posted about my Dark Night of the Soul (DNOTS) experience nearly 2 years ago which took place on a first use of shrooms. I reported it here and described it thus: "Life is a kind of meaningless hell for everyone - from which there is no escape. There is no loving consciousness keeping watch over us. I am of no value, uncared for and unloved. No one, god or angels were watching over me - these were illusions that I had latched on to. Our work, interests, life styles are distractions from facing the awful truth of the hopelessness and meaninglessness of our existences. We can grasp at all these things only to mask the emptiness that is within us. Death itself is not an answer - there is no escape. It is all darkness and nothingness." Many of you kindly advised that there is solace to be found in meaninglessness. True meaninglessness is total freedom and I need to go further into this experience to discover the meaninglessness of the meaning I had assigned to it and find stillness. What occurred on my first 200 mcg acid trip was this. I began with setting intention and then listened to a psilocybin playlist with shades on. As it hit, I began to feel the pain in the world and felt that my life too was an expression of it. I wept as this was heart-rending. Along with this came the sense of my life meaning nothing - this seemed to take the form of fear. I was then shown several things; - pain was not as I perceived it. It did not matter - it was part of the universal wave-form. Waves of lines interwove into a continuous movement constantly changing and moving. - at one point the wave forms changed to harmonics, Each wave pattern represented a sound and the entire universe was a moving and weaving kaleidoscope of sound. Each sound expressed the range, beauty and perfection of all that was present. I heard these sounds and they were most pure, exquisite pieces of music. - I saw a grand spirit someone like a majestic dark-skinned Pharoah who said "You are part of us. Look at us - we are not nothing". There was an immense richness and fullness to his aspect and surroundings which represented a forest or a tribe. I think the music helped create that sense. He raised me up, figuratively speaking, and I was gathered into their richness, so to speak. The sense was one of great perfection. - this changed into the formless 'us'. The word that comes closest to describe it is 'magnificence'. Again it was communicated - Look at us, we are not 'nothing'. The Us included all - me, the universe, all life. The waves became fulsome and coloured, including all colours, moving, dipping, interweaving, changing forms. The magnificence was vast, There was an immensity, greatness and resplendence with a solemn calm as it bore witness to the universe and at the same time the universe was in it. it was truly beautiful, perfect and amazing. I emerged blessed and changed. Would so like to hear your comments.
  24. I'm not getting it. From the beginning you are calling both states a "dream state" to conclude at the end that they are both dream states! and your only argument for that is that they have similar (not identical) phenomenology?. Two logical fallacies here : the first is circular reasoning (the assumption is identical to the conclusion) and" jumping ". That is to say your reasoning doesn't actually lead to your conclusion. A dream world is similar to the waking world but that doesn't mean they are both dreams. A high quality video game is similar to the real world but that doesn't mean they are both video games.! And I agree with the last part. If all duality collapses that would be identical to "nothingness". The only thing that exists or could exist must be dualistic.
  25. Do you mean to reach non duality? Because during the day if i focus a lot, i feel nothingness so easy or non duality a lot. When i walk no meaning or body is just moving. It hits me within mini second. Specially, i have been meditating like 4 hours a day for these quarantine days. Lol. 2 weeks ago I completely left my body, I was completely out of matrix (so called life) and become all the matrix, complete infinite and nothingness. Life slipped underneath of my foot, i become my all room. After that I couldn’t remember anyting (my life, universe, everything was gone). And it wasnt like a kind of regular non dual experience, I didn’t feel the nothingness within my body, I was completely infinite and nothing. My body didn’t move like that 10 minutes . I think. Or i dont know what body did. Everything was meaningless, It was just all me infinite (includes everything) and nothing. If I didn’t come back to duality, i think body will die. I dont know this so quick sometimes i am afraid to meditate more. Lol not a joke, last one f me up. Not remembering anything so sudden and coming back to bodyis scary.