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  1. Yup, that's nonduality. What else can be said?
  2. Real and false is an illusion of duality, transcend that misperception of the mind which manifests as the concept of real and false to perceive nonduality as it is.
  3. When I started experiencing epidsodes of nonduality I had difficulty communicating with people. I withdrew and spent a lot of time in nature. It's been an ongoing process of adjustment to interact with others.
  4. I think this thread is getting away from my point. I'm not talking about Jesus's teachings per say or the nonduality component. I'm talking about the man himself, his story, studying his own development and he came to be relatively. I actually have thought about it and I'm glad you brought up the open-mindedness component as I think that would be the key to get the larger and more important juice out of something like that and really to put into context what's being said and also to weed out the bullshit from the nuggets of wisdom.
  5. This is a good article that compares Jesus and Buddha. I encourage you to go through the archives as well... The man who runs the website and writes most of the articles is well versed in nonduality, but the main purpose of the site is to interpret the Bible allegorically and esoterically, as it is a roadmap to enlightenment and not supposed to be a religious book
  6. @Rilles The practices are not adding anything, or ‘increasing consciousness’, but relinquishing filters of cognitive dissonance. Practices are periods of time spent without all of the sensory content in typical day to day living, and with attention to the “contentless / emptiness”. If general misunderstandings of duality / nonduality have not been rooted out, then after ‘practice time’, upon returning to ‘the rest of the day’, misunderstanding is retriggered via mental reactions, the “separate I” is mentally reconstructed, and the giddy is gone. Stomach breathing can bridge the practice time into the rest of the day because attention is kept to the breath, allowing thought to come and freely go, revealing thought’s ‘just things’ (Maya / Illusionary) nature. Mental processes resolved, new ‘frequencies of observation’ (access of self) are revealed as being incomprehensible, which is why thinking was preventing access. An example would be the all too easily overlooked simplicity in the power of your attention, prior to focus, prior to thought, prior to verbalization, prior to reaction, etc. Just, attention. Easier to see with love first, and then literal creation of your own reality. So consider there is not a ‘withdrawal’ at play, but the opposite, the ‘adding of things’ (thoughts).
  7. I see you guys are not actually contemplating what ideology is. Ideology is NOT the entire domain of thought! One can think and conceptualize without being ideological about it. Be careful with lumping all thought and speech into ideology, as if there is only nonduality or ideology.
  8. Well, it's very simple. All that nihilism really boils down to is that being is meaningless. Which is what nonduality reveals. That's all. But the ego-mind don't want to accept that. To the ego-mind it seems negative or depressing or chaotic. You gotta be very careful though. Meaninglessness does not mean what you think it means! You don't need to dive deep into nihilism per se. You just need to become conscious that ego-mind constructs all meaning for the purpose of its survival. Once you become deeply conscious of this, life will cease to have meaning for you (at least for a while) and it will feel like a deep depressing nihilism as you realize that all your life motivations were predicated upon lies and illusions of the deepest sort. But keep pushing past that, surrender all your illusions, and you will eventually get to pure being, liberation, divinity. This is what they call the dark night of the soul. It's really more accurate to call it: the final death-throes of the ego.
  9. It does. One vs two is a distinction, a duality. Nonduality is both one and two. All distinctions are embraced at once, creating one unified field containing an infinite number of distinctions. Oneness and many-ness are in fact identical. Notice that a carton of eggs is both one and many at the same time. There is no contradiction because number is a relative projection of your mind. You're the one deciding whether you see the carton as 1 carton or a dozen eggs.
  10. I repeatedly stated that there are many facets and levels of depth to nonduality, and also all kinds of mystical and non-ordinary states of consciousness. But this is actually a case for using more psychedelics, not less. It's precisely because there are so many facets and various kinds of states and levels of depth that without psychedelics you will almost never explore even a small percentage of them. There is also a confusion happening here between stages of development vs states of consciousness. They not the same thing. Also, NDEs are not permanent. By definition, an NDE is a near death EXPERIENCE. And I've never conflated NDEs with awakening. They are very different things. I have repeatedly told you guys that this entire field is much more nuanced and complex than most people assume. And therefore, psychedelics are a great tool to explore this vast landscape and see what's up. The only problem is that people don't want to do it. They want one simple solution rather than doing 100s of trips and dealing with all the questions they will raise in your mind. No one is suggesting that you trip once and close your mind down. Just the opposite. You trip more and more, with each trip your mind opens more and more. It's sort of like you're being told, "Hey, go travel to Africa, there's cool stuff to see there." and you say, "No way, it's too dangerous!" or you say, "I've been to Africa once and seen everything there is to see." Both attitudes are deeply misguided. You could trip 100 times and still not see everything there is to see. People who have tripped less than 50 times, I can't even take them seriously. They have a massive lack of experience. So before you ask people for advice on psychedelics, first ask them, how many times have you tripped, and on how many different substances and at which dosages and under which conditions? That will shut most people up as it would be embarrassing for them to admit their lack of experience. Before you even think of hanging up the phone, answer it 100 times. You never know who's calling. Whatever excuses you have for not doing psychedelics, that's just what they are, excuses. Are there dangers? Of course! Exploration of any kind is dangerous. If you want to be safe, stay in the middle of mindless herd. Exploration is for daring souls. The mindless herd will always whine and complain about why exploration is evil. Don't ask a sheep for advice on how to be a lion.
  11. No, it is not beyond. It is just that. But there are many facets to that insight and many degrees of depth to it. I merely said that enlightenment teachers do not understand that 5-MeO can go there as directly as it does. If there was a pill you could take which would give you the level of consciousness of a Zen master with 40 years of daily practice, 5-MeO would take you there in 15 minutes and possibly even give you a deeper insight into that than that Zen master has had. Of course, the difference is, after 60 minutes, you'd be back to normal. Whereas the Zen master is stabilized in his insight. The purpose of 5-MeO is to give you a very deep glimpse of total nonduality. To show you how little you know and how worthwhile it is to pursue.
  12. This seems to suggest I am a blank screen and external stimuli enter to color the blank screen with images, sounds etc. This feels like a degree of separation. An anolgy closer to nonduality would be there is a blank screen from which pixels arise. The screen and pixels are one. Rupert Spira uses screen analogies a lot.
  13. @hundreth I really appreciate that you went out of your way to find the sources which you were referencing. However, I do want to note that Leo is still more or less right about his assessments of JP. JP MAY talk about eastern religions and myths, but he always finds a way to sneak his agenda into them, westernizing them without realizing it. For example, he talks about ying and yang quite a lot. Every single time he will proclaim that "it symbolizes order and chaos!" No. No it doesn't. Ok, maybe you COULD interpret it that way, but the origins of Taoism don't give a shit about hard dualities like "order" and "chaos." The whole point of the symbol is to point to the fact that "all is one." It tries to convey that seemingly opposite things are one and the same. The symbol is a glaring signpost for nonduality. JP, however, relentlessly uses it as "proof" that "even the eastern people agree with me about order and chaos!" Man, I really used to like that guy (followed him for a solid year before he got famous) but as I've started to grow and develop myself, It's becoming more and more clear to me that JP is stuck in his own paradigm. Again, he MAY find sources from halfway across the world, but he will warp their meanings to fit the overwhelmingly western map that he wants to see.
  14. Uh oh. Make sure you're not just regurgitating nonduality jargon Leo's told you. If you've had profound awakenings of your own, awesome. But I can see some ego doing the talking here Don't make the mistake of proclaiming outright that existence is "not real." You don't actually know this. It's real and unreal superimposed upon each other at the same time. If you experience this directly, you might find it delightfully simple. But that in itself is complexity. Remember, we're talking about literal infinity here! OF COURSE it's complex. And OF COURSE it's simple. It HAS to be both! Try not to settle on definitive conclusions about reality, that's a telltale sign of delusion.
  15. Ok, so I feel a little destabilized. Maybe you can help me resolve the confusion somehow. So let's say you work as a cashier at a supermarket and you have all these metaphysical concepts in your head (that Leo keeps talking about), like god is nothingness and all that. You go to work and the mind keeps repeating: This product doesn't actually exist etc. Sometimes maybe the ego gets into a fearful state and you need to take a pause because the mind needs some cooling. Is the problem here too much inquiry/contemplation and too little meditation? Leo said somewhere that most people need a few years of meditation before they are able to do even 5 minutes of inquiry, because their mind is so rampant. I am 21,tried to cut back the inquiry/contemplation to focus on mindfulness meditation and emotional mastery as I have frequent anxiety attacks, but as I'm working from home all day, my mind naturally tends to go towards existential questioning, which most of the time freaks the ego out and can't focus on work. What should one do in this case? Is avoiding spirituality for a while but keeping a meditation practice the way to go for a while until the mind becomes more equanimous? Or am I just resisting feelings too much? Or am I not going out enough and just lost in the mind all day, losing touch with what is actually in front of me? I calm down a whole lot when I hang out with people or when I have a dog nearby that reminds me that I take things way too seriously, or when I workout at the gym and not think about nonduality for a while. As a personal assessement of my case in the spiral dynamics, I suppose I'm halfway into Green but needing to focus a lot on Orange as there is not nearly enough integration done there. I was much more loving, calm, easygoing, at peace with life and generally flowing, not taking any problem too seriously and comfortable with confusion before having all these spiritual concepts in the mind. Even my meditation was much more powerful before having a lot of nondual concepts making the mind restless. I don't really know what I'm doing wrong. Any help would be appreciated.
  16. Because when you finally realize it, you'll say, "OMG! It's NOTHING!!!" There are many words for it that we use: Nothingness Formless Everything The ALL Oneness Nonduality Absolute Emptiness Void Mu True Self No-self God Brahman Infinity Absolute Infinity Apeiron Etc.
  17. my girlfriend is religious, completely clueless about it better to find someone who understand this field.
  18. Almost all colleges are a blend of blue, orange and green by definition ESPECIALLY in the west (I'm tempted to say ALL COLLEGES but I will just say "almost all" for now because there's no way for me to know for sure). The whole idea of rising in spiral dynamics stages is that your relative levels of consciousness are also rising. A stage yellow person sees more of the deep sameness in everything than a stage orange person, for example. Everyone in the west is so damn paradigm locked into duality that even people on this forum who've been exposed to nonduality struggle to realize it. People who've never heard of it (almost everyone you'll ever meet), therefore, have almost NO CHANCE at even realizing that they've locked themselves into falsehood. No matter what college you go to, the dualistic paradigm will be assumed and unchallenged. No matter what college you go to, consciousness will be assumed to be a byproduct of the brain, that we are our bodies, that we are born and that we die. Self development or self actualization will never be prioritized, being a functional member of society will always be number one. And as we've discussed, society these days is absolutely blinded to self development... so training yourself to be a good society member might be the exact opposite of what you want as a Truth seeker...
  19. @30secs your intellectual knowledge about nonduality doesn't matter. live it every second instead. remember, it's not about knowing.
  20. Martin Ball wrote amazing book :Entheogenic Liberation: Unraveling the Enigma of Nonduality with 5-MeO-DMT Energetic Therapy This book is also very good in -depth guide to properly using psychedelics in general, and how to avoid delusional miss- interpretations of one's trips.
  21. Yes, but he also drank quite a bit of ayahausca. I've discussed this issue with him in private at length. His consciousness of nonduality seems legit. As in: permanent nondual awareness. But he admits, and I agree, that his awakening was rather unusual and unique to him. Not a typical result.
  22. Linkėjimai iš Škotijos I am about to do tripping with my buddy soon who has never tried LSD (altough tried some mushrooms). Only a year ago he resisted the idea, but recently after realizing the depths and significance of nonduality, he himself told me that he feels ready and wants to try it with me. Since he has strong understanding in awareness I know it's going to be easy with him. I was thinking about what we could do while tripping, but then realized that no matter what we think of doing, it boils down to the INTENTION (exploring nondual nature of consciousness) and then surrendering, surrendering, surrendering to the experience. And the way this exploration of consciousness would manifest is really out of our mind control, altough depends on the awareness of the moment of tripping itself. I find it best to just set the intention and flow seeing where it takes it. I've done quite few trips, both with friends and solo, so what I'm thinking with my friend is to just flow in the authentic direction of my trip, doing the usual - meditating, listening guided meditations, exploring objects and talking. Do the trip for YOU first and foremost, and as already mentioned by someone in the thread, this will be an example for others who are tripping with you. Listening to this while peaking can be one hell of an insightful and enlightening moments for your friends (if they are open to it):
  23. I am not enlightened and I haven't had not even one little awakening experience. But from all the videos / books / posts I've seen / read, my conceptual understanding of the nature of reality is: I. Reality is not physical, it's experiential. II. Experiences occur inside intelligent empty awareness (God / consciousness / nothingness). Nothingness is what creates experience and perceives it. III. Experiences are not separate from nothingness, they are made out of it. IV. There is only one thing that exists. All 'individual consciousnesses' are interconnected and inseparable. Reality is indivisible. So, that's my basic understanding of nonduality (please correct me if I'm wrong or missing something). I don't want to seem arrogant, but the reason I've created this thread is that I'm frustrated by seeing posts the authors of which (it seems to me) severely misunderstand non-duality (things like "Leo is a narcissistic psychopath, he thinks he is God!"). It seems like a very simple thing. Why do people so often misunderstand it, or maybe I misunderstand it myself?
  24. @SoonHei What is the limit to which this illusion of yours will continue attempting to convince you it’s real? How honest are you in terms of “your path”? How far would you go to know The Truth? - Will you go beyond where anyone has gone? Wouldn’t you obviously need to, to realize nonduality? ” is it possible that there is a "reality" outside of this one” Consider, you just asked that question, a question about the nature of Self & Illusion, and quite easily accepted an answer from your own maya, which of course, this response is as well.
  25. @11modal11 Who are you asking all these questions to, while “you’re enlightened and nondual”? How is it you still believe in objective answers, in nonduality?