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  1. My thoughts on direct experience are most likely open to modification. I don't believe my thoughts on this topic are set in stone. However, saying that..... where I stand today on it right now...... I think a lot of direct experience, probably the vast majority of it, still involves the mind making an interpretation of this direct experience. I (we?) then decide what the direct experience means, or might mean. I (we) decide. So, as far as I can see, this makes the direct experience a belief. In terms of trusting my direct experience...... If I burn my hand because of boiling hot water, I trust my experience. This is pain. There are not many different reasons behind this experience. Not so much interpretation that happens (if any). If I get into a heated debate with my father or sister. This is a direct experience. I might feel resentful and angry. I might feel hurt. I might feel lost. Perhaps I can trust the direct experience, but I know for sure, I can't trust my immediate interpretation of the experience. My immediate interpretation is that they are assholes and this is false. Perhaps even an awakening could be described as a belief in terms of what the direct experience meant. We might be able to trust the direct experience, but can we trust the meaning we bring to it? How does one remove personal bias from coming to a conclusion that a certain experience means one has awakened? If one is doing lots of work on themselves and yearns for an awakening, how does one look at their direct experience objectively? Does one bring their own meaning to each experience? I could get shot down here, I don't mind. I have no real position to defend. I am curious about everyone's experiences and interpretations. But, right now where I am in my development, I see that Leo has a lot of beliefs about what his experiences mean. They mean something to him for sure. I believe he is being honest and genuine. My gut feeling is that a lot of people don't want to consider their experiences as a belief or interpretation. I am here to see where the land lies and how I can help myself through others experience and knowledge which does (I admit) often exceed mine from what I can see on the forum.
  2. you say it there, rituals are like food - you can find junk and you can find healthy. even awakened people will have rituals, it’s just that they won’t have so many inflated rituals. on a more basic level, even brushing your teath or putting on clothes in the morning are rituals. what kind of food you eat is a ritual. an awakened person will have simple healthy thought through rituals on a high vibrational level. the question you need to ask is what does a ritual transport.
  3. Guys like Rupert, adyashanti, mooji, shinzen young do. this is not a who’s guru is better then who’s post either, this dawned on me the other day, think about it all Echart says is be here now, meanwhile self inquiry got him enlightened. Sadguru only said he sat on a rock to mediate & he awakened. just wondering you’re thoughts on the topic.
  4. I'll just say I have zero experience in psychedelics, but I might be able to address some of the last sentence. Rituals have as much power as you give them. I know people who read tarot cards and have a very elaborate ritual surrounding drawing the cards. They essentially meditate or even pray over the cards and will follow a specific pattern of shuffling and caring for the cards. If you ask them, they'll put a ton of value in the ritual, not because the ritual itself is valuable, but because it puts them into a certain state of mind where they feel more receptive to the lessons in the cards. I would assume the shamans feel similarly about their rituals, although if they have pre-rational magick like Leo suggests, they may put a lot of value into the specific ritual itself. You'll find this strong belief in rituals in a lot of places. People will follow specific rituals in meditation. Religions follow pre-determined rituals in their services. If you try to take away those rituals, some people will be completely lost. If you create a ritual, it makes the action feel more purposeful, even if the ritual by itself does nothing. (My opinion though is that rituals have little purpose in an awakened person)
  5. Basking as Formlesness in some cave? But Leo said that was not a point.(but I could bet that when he awoken thought entire point is to escape formed realm). Really what is the point as awakened Being you know you are not real. There is only God. Nothing matters really. Doesn't matter if someone stabs you in back alley or you are thrown to lions. Your mind knows manipulations, achieving, rat race all cause suffering to you and "others". Only thing there is is this Conciousness and it Will create all apparences, Toughts body, world, people, trees etc so you can really just surrender to it and do what Consciousness demands from egoic mind. Rest in Being and do what is needed.
  6. There are so many spirits that one lifetime is not enough just to count them. Individual mind is a trap. Only the awakened has the privillage to such individuallity.
  7. “Isolation” and or “loneliness”...are fear of the actuality of nonduality (a veil)h. A fear of what is conceptually unknown, but turns out to be what you Know more than any concept. You’ve been calling Enlightenment with a Mandy-sized-meta-megaphone. Now that phone is ringing (kinda proportionately to your calling of it) , the ‘ringing’ sounds like fear, so you’re hesitant to answer. Pick it up, say hello? Just see who’s there, no biggie. Or don’t. But don’t not answer and spread your “not answering fear” around to those who love you unconditionally, who need you unconditionally. The ‘addiction’ will play itself out. You’re getting a lot, growing a lot, it’s useful. The perspective “addiction” denotes a sense of lack of attention elsewhere. If you could snap you’re fingers and one or two things would just be magically ‘taken care of’, what would they be? Opening the mind, going from dualistic asleep, to nondual reach a point where understanding and Alone meet. If you seek enlightenment, yet still desire to be understood by another, inspect that desire. Get to the root of it. Why do I want / need to be understood? What do I gain when I’d understood? What would I lose if no one understood me again? Also, notice the Flip from thinking about what other people are thinking about you and what you’re thinking about yourself - to your actual experience here now. Stay in your actual experience. Thinking about what people are thinking about must go. Consider understanding someone, versus saying “you don’t understand!” to someone. Do you see how off putting that is? It only happens when you’re thinking about what they’re thinking about. It’s inherently insulting. With your dad...if you said “I’m crazy!”, and he’s been seeing a you which is liberating, freeing, filled with love & happiness...he’d probably laugh and say just be careful, or something light & similar. But he’s seeing emotional suppression, and he’s probably concerned for you. That is a very different “I’m crazy!”, and there is no need to put your dad through that. It comes on the foundation of needing to be understood. Accept that and do the work yourself. Don’t bug dad. He’s got his own experience. Be a positive manifestation of Love & Truth, bring that into his experience. Side note, be selfless to you hubby and kids. Then, when you’re filled with love & tears, and you’ve realized your grace & selflessness - then - through it in the garbage, and realize you haven’t even scratched the surface of the Love you can be in your family. You would not trade them for the world, so, don’t. There is a pace where you can have you cake and eat it to, a Right pace if you will. You’ll find that groove. The awakening is usually followed by big ups, and eventually big downs. The value of daily meditation, 30 mins, and hour a day - is really shining here. It becomes the Right, in the storm. Ya call the storm without the Right, it’s gonna be rocky for a bit. Smoother times are coming, all is Well, all is Divine. That made you who you are, This is too. Be patient, LOVE yourself unabashedly. I’ve seen only one other person which I would say was inexplicably “given” the gift of awakening. By given, I mean without years or decades of practices, trips, etc. Do not use your gift as ammunition to feed into thinking it is a “curse”. It is not a curse.
  8. @Bill W There are many Awakened people. Not proportional to total population of course, but they're out there He presents it in a way that modern folk can comprehend and resonate with. But Truth is Truth. Try not to fall into that trap.
  9. No, when I came here this winter (or came back I had an old account I visited infrequently) I thought Leo was full of shit. I connected with David on a lot of his beliefs about how enlightenment wasn't real and how we were already "enlightened". I may have not liked his tone that much, but I agreed for the most part. But then David said that Eckhart Tolle couldn't get you enlightened and I couldn't understand why he said that. I never even opened my mind enough to be receptive to Eckhart Tolle before watching Leo's videos. Leo did that for me. And I had come to here to throw it all in his face. I made a separation between the two. They weren't separate, I created them both, they created me together. Then I realized I wasn't awakened at all, and I realized what a weight my spiritual ego was. I always thought it was strange how connected I felt, how I would just learn something new and Leo would be talking about the exact same thing in a different way that very week. I never did psychedelics but I had an hour long high after watching his trip video. Then all that fell away and i started to think his work was ridiculous, at the same time Eckhart Tolle's teachings even stopped working for me, I fell into nihilism, there's even an old post from this past fall that I came here and made in desperation and Leo encouraged me. I started to have strange experiences and my posts in an Eckhart Tolle group weren't even approved to be posted at all. they just disappeared in the void and I was left alone. I tried to do spirituality on my own, i thought it was a solo thing. The law of attraction pulled me out of the nihilism and brought me straight here.
  10. @Nahm to fill my side-curiosity... if i may ask is this a realm / topic that will fly over my head if i have yet to have a solid initial direct experience? and the curiosity part... is this also something ANY awakened being will be fully aware of? like regular simple folks such as Jim Newman / Tony Parsons etc... or does one need to have done LSD/DMT etc to even activate or be receptive to such experiences etc. thanks.
  11. A mirror of an awakened human being is transparent. It can see through the other side as is. Clearly A mirror of a normal human being is opaque & reflective. It reflects the mind of the person looking at it. There's dusty mirror, dirty mirror, cloudy mirror... (Where you can't even see yourself clearly. Your innate nature. Your pure self...) I like the word 'lens''s the veil that is between you and another soul. Connection is only possible through a purified lens. Or else, you'd only see your own reflection. If you hadn't turned your mirror into a transparent glass, you're not awakened. Those who knows God knows everything the first, can see the greateness of God's Creations, goodness in everything the second, can make unbias judgement. You can take their words and the third, are blind and deluded, forever suffering
  12. Is normal, you fall asleep until yoy wake up. The sleeo is the awakened state not the hallutination of the ego.
  13. ADMINS! This thread is possibly inappropriate. If so, please take down. I am sure there is plenty seekers hanging around here, who would love some help with their spiritual process. In my experience, associating with enlightened masters is one of the best ways to awaken. You basically catch it by osmosis. With that being said, there is a group online led by two awakened beings meeting twice a week. They offer their presence and what they call Christ Consciousness Transmission. Sitting with them and getting this energy transmission is truly wonderful. Often times, two more spiritual teachers join in. It's a really good company to hang out with Here you can see more information as well as instructions on how to take part: Here are interviews with the awakened couple leading the group: I am aware that this might be considered as advertisement and therefore inappropriate here, but I get the sense that a lot of people here could use this sort of thing
  14. Like I said above, the mind will understand and speak of the Absolute in a thousand different ways depending on culture, era, brain type, personality type, past lives, genetics, language, etc. You must distinguish the Absolute itself from anything said about it. Anything said about it is always poetic, we might say. There is no one right or wrong type of poetry. Although some types are "higher" or more "truthful" than others. Not all poetry is equally good or equally effective at pointing out the Absolute. Which poetry you prefer will be relative to your mind, your ego, and your needs. If you are an atheist, poetry about God will not inspire you to discover the Absolute. You will prefer more scientific like maps and models. So when I speak of God, that turns a lot of atheistically-minded people off. But this cannot really be avoided since what they refuse to admit is God. And God is the most accurate word for it. Also keep in mind that there are many facets and degrees of depth to the Absolute. So not every awakened person has realized all the facets and degrees. So they may speak of one facet but not the other. This problem is called the 5 Blind Men And The Elephant (google it). Very, very few people have seen the entire elephant fully.
  15. Why are you saying this? Have you not studied the hundreds of awakened one who accessed and spoke of the Absolute? I expect you to be beyond such unstudied objections.
  16. Nature gives the lower chakras to us. We have to open the 4th (heart) chakra through our own efforts. The fifth chakra is usually too open and so we usually have to make efforts to close it up some. This gives finer energy that allows the sixth chakra to open up. Third eye begins to open with episodes of higher intuition (clairvoyance) experienced. The laundry still has to be done. We still shit, piss, cough, sneeze, cum, laugh or feel sad. We feel the intensity of things even more than before the fourth becomes opened. I can only give hearsay about the 7th chakra. I hope to report back about it before my body konks out. IME., Actualization doesn't require study of the chakras. Not the words about them. Awakened Conscience makes us our own boss. This can't happen if we only live in the lower chakras, when the body is the boss. The permanent witness is Awake when we are able to boss our Automaton around and make it sit still and be open in meditation. Meditation is that important. If you can't boss your Automaton around at least a little bit towards this particular practice then it's just running around calling the shots and we believe the excuses given by the friend and ally of our lower energies, the ego.
  17. As much as we appreciate good vibes, good source knowledge, Leo is just building and praising Ego, and he is making you noobs think he got something in his meditations. Is not to blame the cover, nor the individual, not even the good knowledge and insights Leo is selling. ∆∆∆∆The real problem is deep, are the real teaching beyond ego, beyond astral plain, beyond tripping, beyond awareness and knowledge.∆∆∆∆ As a phylosopher Leo says something, but maybe he is struggeling with energy. Being in the focus is very difficult, is more difficult than you noobs out there think. All that dormant energy, relying on a human being can destroy one in the process if he\she is not awakened. So, we like to brag in this forum, we like to be humble, we like to be critics and lovers of the infinite when is convenient and we have a good day. Or we simply get angry when true insights are called lies or vice versa. Learn from Leo people, not necesarilly the cover, nor insights. THE PERSISTANCE AND NEVER GIVE UP! Namaste Leo Gura and all the acolytes around.
  18. Enlightenment is simply regaining the full optimum potention of the body\mind. The dormant uses less than 10% of his faculties. The awakened uses way more of what it is. Even enlightenment nowadays is misuderstood by the tripping egos who got stuck in 'bliss' lol. So yeah, we are born awakened and we discover it again.
  19. No. The root chakra is where sexual energy is focussed on an awakened human being. The dormant focuses sexual energy up, to plexus and head. The feeling of bliss and arousal is in plain words, fucking oneself in the but. Here is where homosexuality projects thst into anothet human beings instead of own muladhara to transcend. The spleen governs sexual energy.
  20. Again, to live the consciousness about being gof is different from realuzing that you are god. Realizing that you are god is a candy ego. Simple as that. The liberated human being does not crave knowledge and understanding. And cancer is ego my friend. Awaken fitst, before saying what you read and experienced while you where trpping in the astral plane. All that is ego. Those human beings passing 150 years old are more prone to liberation, than conceptual zombies that have a wooden language. Liberation is way complex tha tripping on DMT. best of wishes, from an awakened individual.
  21. Mental ilness is just an anomally on the Ego, disharmony on the overall and sticking to much on the head anf self concept. This is achieved usually as a survival mechanism in a toxic family or circle. So those depressed amd heavy mental ilness usually is karma, is the adaptation of the mind to a situation or a way of life. Awakening solves almost anything, even the chronic conditioning. But to resolve clinical issues it need a great deal of work, i'd say huge. People arr having hard time to awaken, imagine if they have a condition to resolve also. Is atrocious, i remember my hip and knee injurirs, is atrocious, physically and emotionally. So the root will still be lack of being LOVE. LOVE = awakening\enlightenment\growth\childhood. So in conclusion only the awakened and children really know about what love is, the vast majority are trapped out of LOVE, wich is fear, resistance, ego, etc.
  22. Is not a myth for the awakened. Believe me i tested this so many time that is clear fot me. One can set an intention and a mindset about something, than simply command from the 7 chakras in sync, is way deeper than commanding, is like a vision, a perspective that wants to happen in life. People or situations. Bit all this is dependent on love, harmony. The matrix of the mind will realign with the fittest awakened individual so to speak. Yes this is again survival of the fittest, even at a spiritual level, because reallity always expands and is always an opportunity to grow more, etc. And yoy mentioned how anxiety works from a scientific perspective. In reallity doew not work that way, is all based on love. Love thy enemies is key. Anxiety is resistance, not thw bullshit expanationn of the neurons. Yes there are many clinical cases, but they have an explanation on the influence of the family and inner circle. Many are conditioned from birth, many escape any condition after awakening. This is vast and can't be generalized. The fact an truths are that we live in the 'survival of the fittest' scheme, like it or not. Hilarios how many say, you are enlightened relax, bla bla bla. Little people know that this goes both ways. The more awakened the more options to make your own reallity. The more dormant, the more fucked.
  23. I love Elliot hulse, at one point of time I had his voice in my head whenever I was in a difficult situation, suggesting me stuff ( most of the time it included breathing and balls) , these days although his new version seems and looks refreshing and even awakened in some sense, I don't get his ranting about women's nature so much, I think it's coming out of some or the other emotional wound or shadow he has. My speculation is that maybe somewhere he regrets Being With just one women his entire life, I think somewhere deep down inside this is there in him, and maybe that's why he's over reacting. Though sometimes I do feel that society is feminised these days. What are the kind of men we reward in our society? Men like bill gates, mark zukerburg, Jeff bezoz. Bill gates Is a good guy, Jeff bezos I don't know how he is, Mark zukerburg I have seen him in interviews he seems like a very underdeveloped man to me. In general I feel they lack real authenticity in their communication It makes me feel like associating the word "beta" with them. Now look at men like Russle Brand, Charlie Sheen, Tiger woods. They are considered as a bad example , they are shamed for being themselves being authentic. And they all seem to emit vibes I'd call "Alpha". It might seem as if society is structured in a way that if you are a nerdy geek you'll get rewarded, specially the society after 1990's after the internet and computer boom. Although I am not complaining , I want to get an perspective. I am very easily infuenced ( something I am also working on) and Elliot is one of the persons I have let to have a big influence on myself in past. This time I tried to understand him but really can't orient myself with his views fully . I'd love to come across various point of views members of Actualized community might have for him and specially his recent works. Thank you..
  24. A very clear, concrete and precise book on how to make the transition between mindfulness practices and the "no practice" of Awakened Awareness: Stephan Bodian, Beyond Mindfulness, Non-Duality Press, 2017
  25. No if one has not awakened. It will cut lifespan greatly.