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  1. Pure Being = Pure or Absolute infinity = Pure or Absolute Love = Pure Absolute Nothingness Pure Nothingness is everything in a formless state or state of pure potential. Right now you are a particular form or thing. Your substrate is nothing but you are a piece of it. So you are nothing and something hehe. Once you become directly conscious that you are nothing and everthing, so shall you become it. You will be Pure Being. Your form will die though. Pure Being feels like Total Bliss or Total Love.
  2. "The only thing that creates value meaning purpose is the 'sense of self'.. and it's an illusion" Haha I agree in one sense. But to only take this perspective shows that you still got a long way to go:-) It's not the full truth. There is inherent Love built into the very fabric of existence itself. That you can't grasp this is something that makes me feel sorry for you. How can something that is not real, was never real -- i.e. not there in the first place -- create meaning and purpose??? Easy enough: it can't, cos it doesn't exist. There are more layers to Reality than your narrow and shallow nihilistic nothingness-awakening.
  3. A lot of guld nuggets in this video. He's obviously awake. I can relate so much to everything he says. Full control over emotions. You can still be sad but it's a choice. It's beautiful. Acting is a spiritual quest. He talks about how many actors are enlightened, Jim Carrey is a good example, because they learn that during acting they actually become their role. And this is the same they've done all their life: acting and then becoming the person. But that's not who we are. Depressive vs expressive. Yes, depression is the opposite of fully expressing yourself. "no-brainer" = "enligthenment". Yes the brain is a limiter. It narrows the Whole (Reality) to a narrowly defined "thing"; your survival is now all that matters. He talks about "What if your girlfriend broke up with you? Or you lost your job?" , would you still be happy? Would you have control over your emotions? The thing is: most people will be depressed and sad if they lose their dream job/dream GF/dream BF and there's nothing wrong with being sad/depressed, but here is what is "not-good": They don't WANT to feel sad/depressed while they are sad/depressed. And that's real unhappiness, when you resist your emotion. And why don't they want to feel sad/depressed after their loss? BECAUSE SOCIETY LOOKS DOWN UPON SAD PEOPLE. YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE SAD, says society. YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO SMILE ALL THE TIME AND WORK THAT HAMSTER WHEEL 24/7 haha. See, if I lost my mom/dad/my dream job/dream GF w/e I'd probably also be sad. But I want to feel sad if that happens, I'm not the least in doubt. I want to. And I can be happy again anytime I want to. happiness and sadness is a duality. it's the same thing. It's all Happiness with big H (i.e. Love) as long as you don't resist. Enlightenment = No resistance / being in flow / free = being unlimited = being in-control = expressing yourself freely Being "normal" = resisting (in order to survive as a separate self) = tension in mind&body = being limited = being controlled by external things = not-being-in-control = being depressed Sadness is a beautiful emotion. Why are sad movies popular? It's beautiful, cos you can let go after you've watched it. Sadness is beautiful emotion if you realize its your own doing; that you in ACTUALITY can break free ANY TIME, you want to. But most people can't break free. And they can't break free, because they don't realize that it's something you can do. LOL Oh god. Great video, that's just why I wanted to share it in a post for itself on this beautiful forum. So how do you become Happy for good? You stop searching for it externally. And start looking inward to see who you are. When you find out who you are / what you have left out all your live up until now, your prior false self will be shattered, and you can now be anyone you want (which is the "state" of the true self: <nothingness/everythingness/God/Love/Consciousness/The Acting Self Always In Full Control>. You can be sad, you can be happy. You realize you're fully in control, and the most stunning part: that you've always been. Prior to awakening you were just pretending not-to-be-in-control. hehe;) You were (are, if you are not awakened) pretending to be a 'poor little me', swayed by external conditions. A victim. Either you believe you are on parole, with God up in the sky looking after you (religious people), or you believe you are just an accident. A biological accident that happened in a universe that is basically a cold, unintelligent machine with no deeper meaning, no finer emotions, no purpose, no love, no intelligence. (atheists/ hardcore scientific-minded ppl). Haha. What's up all pretenders on this forum. When are you gonna let go and stop pretending to not be in control?:D Stop pretending = letting go = not resisting <3 Could you at least pretend to let go of the "reality is a cold machine"-myth and try, just TRY, to imagine yourself to be believing in this myth: The Universe is playful. It's Intelligent. Reality is warm, filled with emotions, filled with purpose. Who's filling it up with play, act, intelligence, warmth, emotions, and meaning? ........... YOU. You. You. You. God. You are God. It's all your doing. If you want reality/the universe to be a story of a God-creator in the sky looking after his children to behave well, then that's what it is. For you. If you want reality/the universe to be a story of a natural, physical, scientific, hard-coded, tough, rough, fully-automatic, cold, unintelligent machine made up of Natural Laws, where there just randomly, accidentally happened to be life on an otherwise lifeless rock floating around in dark space, then that's your story. Then you have to conquer nature and defeat it. That is what it's all about then. For you. But both these two myths (the religious & the fully-automatic-model) make you feel like a separate self. You see that? They re-nforce your concious/semi-unconscious deep belief that you are a separate human being isolated from everything else, living a temporary life, and that after that you will be death forever and ever in eternal darkness/nothingness. A separate isolated self that has to seek happiness externally during his/her limited life-span. Either from God in the sky -- salvation, by being "good" -- or from external, materialistic factors such as prestige, success, fame, money, social status, power, sex, food..., you name your addiction. But you see. No matter how much you try to be-good to please the Lord up in Heaven, or no matter how much success, sex and money you get, it will never make you really Happy. Why not? Because you still believe that you are a limited, separate 'self' living in a cruel world that will you no-good... You *KNOW* that you will eventually die and lose everything. And that makes you deeply depressed on the inside, whether you realize it or not. As long as you think of yourself as a temporary, separate self, you will constantly feel that you: lack "something". You will fear a lot. Regret a lot. You will be depressed by society/cultural norms/other people's opinion, because you always try to live up to their standards. But the only standard that matters is your own standard. Change your standard. Make the universe something that is intelligent. Buy into the acting-myth. That it's all a dream/act/game. And that you are the actor. That's a lot more fun than the fully-automatic and religious model, cos then you are eternal. You are just right now acting out one meta-characther, and after that characther has played its role, you will play a new one. You see? You are Divine, Eternal, Infinite, All-Powerful. You now see that it's all your dream. You are making it all function. It's all part of your play. It's all your doing. You feel CONNECTED. You are part of an intelligent dance. An intelligent play. The purpose is to see what we can imagine. How far out can we go? And how loving can we be? How powerful are our Divine Creative forces? What can we imagine? What can we do? Look at the past 10.000 years of human history. Look at all we have imagined, both "sad" and "beautiful" things. It's all play. It's all Creation. Your Creation. Of course just remember that you on purpose always choose to do something consciously and something unconsciously, simultaneously. If you did everything unconsciously, then that's equal to a deep sleep without dreams. That's where you go after you die. Until you wake up again:-) If you did everything consciously, you'd be nothing/everything/God. You see that? You can't listen to music, eat melon, beat the heart and shine the sun, all 4 things consciously, simultaneously. So you choose to do 2 things consciously: the music and the eating of the melon and then you do the sun-shining and the heart-beating unconsciously. :-) So even though everything is your doing, of course you will relatively speaking still be surprised when your conscious doings overlaps with the your unconscious doings, like the tree that might fall over your car tommorow, or how your loved one may get a sudden heart attack in 2 years, or how it's gonna rain like shit in 1 hour, or how you make an apple fall down from the tree while you read a book under it. By letting some things be done unconsciously, you can focus on something (i.e. make distinctions and thus manifest 'things'). That's what life is: a special type of focus. Your focus. Create. Express. Imagine. Love. <3 You see, if you could let go of all beliefs you have absorbed from the outside, what would be left? Pure experience. Pure being. Pure qualia. Raw conscious experience. And then you are free "to now put on" any myth you like. Will you choose the religious myth? The fully automatic machine-myth? Or the intelligent/play/act/dream-myth? See, all myths have their purpose. The religious myth was necessary for the evolution of ethics and "good behaviour"/good manners (a lot of harm came along too though, ofc). The fully automatic-machine myth/atheistic myth was necessary for the evolution of science and technology (which also brings good and bad things with it). Now we are in a unique position, us people who are living in the Western World. We have the comfy life now. We live in a democratic society where people mostly behave well, because they have been taught to behave well and because they can get food on the table everyday. And we got powerful technologies like the internet. So we can study anything we want. And we are all connected in a way we've never been before. And we can focus on what's behind everything. We can focus on ourselves, find out who we really are. And then when we have found that out: we can create our own myth and transform the planet. Make it a better place. Help ppl wake up. We need a new myth. A spiritual myth. A myth where all human people are seen as conscious souis who have chosen to live their human lives themselves (and for a deep mystical reason!). As divine beings, not just as "biological/cultural/ethnic human beings". As avatars of The Godhead. As "physical" vessels for love/imagination/infinity/God/Consciousness. The play/dream-myth, where you by buying into it slowly can start to see that it's all One. Oneness. Because it's all play (God's play), but it's play with a deep intelligent manuscript behind it. Your manuscript, not your ego's or the cultural/societal ego's manuscript, but: God's/Your's manuscript. Everything has meaning, purpose, because it's part of an intelligent plan. You start to see reality as something filled with meaning, intelligence, emotion and purpose and love. Then we can create a more loving society on Earth with less suffering, less pain, and more love, more creation for creation's sake. But also see, that there can only be "good things", i.e. happiness, good, beautiful, joy, surprise, laughter, love etc if we have something opposite to contrast it with: sadness, hate, bad, ugly etc. That's why life is not just from the get-go: paradise. If it were paradise from the get-go, it would not be paradise! Haha, you see? It would be nothing. "paradise" is only "real" if we also got its opposite: hell! You can't have hell without paradise, you can't have paradise without hell. Just like you can't have life without death and vice versa. And fundamentally all these relativistic dualities are one and the same thing: God/Love/Consciousness. We did it. To dream. For creation's sake. When you can transcend all perspectives and all dualities and let go of the dream, what you are left with is Paradise though. Paradise with a big P. Because you see it's all something you do. It's your garden of play. Of love. Of imagination. Of creation. You are now consciously in full control over all your emotions. Want to be sad? be sad. Want to be happy? be happy. Want to hate? hate. Want to love? love. Want to be bad? be bad. Want to be good? be good. Want to be beautiful? be beautiful. Want to fear? fear. Want to be at peace? be at peace. When you're fully awake, you are in absolute control and everything that happens to you is seen as your own doing, consciously or unconciously, doesn't matter, still your doing. and it is beautiful and you want to be Loving towards everyone and everything with a big L, cos how can you not Love yourself?????? <3 Create. Express. Imagine. Love. <3
  4. It may seem obvious to some of you, and it took a long time for me to truely grasp this, but I just came to the realization last night that everything that I have ever learned in my life can be deconstructed to Zero or Infinity, Nothing or Everything, Meaningless or Meaningful, Formlessness or Formed, God or The Devil. And ultimately, they are the same thing. Consciousness. The blank canvas of Nothingness that all distinctions (Everythingness) are made. All branches of knowledge points to this when you break it down to what is actual, and not ideas about something. There is a "consensus" out there to what the Truth is. It's just that no one wants to take that last step of saying "WE" are "IT" too. All Mathematics breaks down at zero and infinity All Science breaks down at Nothing or Everything, begininnings and endings, infinitely small or infinitely large, everywhere and nowhere. All of Philosophy points to this. Nietzsche, Descarte, Derrida, Heidegger, Kant. All their theories broke down when they deconstructed far enough. Religion, Psychology, Laws, Politics, Art, etc etc etc. It all breaks down. All of it is assigning meaning to the meaningless, making distinctions in something that's distinctionless. I used to think of it as only the Ego being false. But the Ego is ALL the distinctions we make in Reality. The Limits we place in the Limitless!
  5. @VeganAwake Nice post. Yes, they can only assist in awakening. Nothing more. Of course they can also do harm. Have respect for these powerful tools, man. There is already a psychedelic that can disrupt the normal functioning of mind inside everyone's brains. Serotonin What is before the thinking mind... The opposite What is there besides the thought of what is there... The opposite The first opposite is nothingness, the second is Awareness. Thinking Mind = Nothingness Thoughts = Awareness Non-duality 101.
  6. In my opinion psychedelics are a visionary trance state They are an additive state like rituals involving repetitive music and dancing , it has a physical dimension a sensory/perceptive stimulus. In this case a chemical stimulus The chemical has a physical effect on the brain which triggers a mental state (this is not to diminish the value of the experience) it's an additive state and that can be additive with sound (drums etc) and body movements, sensory trance inducers But it is antithetical to some forms of mediation (not all) which are a very reductive. removing stimulation to approach stillness, nothingness, focusing on one point , or observing our distracting thoughts in removed way in order to not become attached to them and let them pass. These forms of meditation are clearly not a visionary trance state although that occasionally may be experienced. there are additive states and subtractive states.
  7. @JayG84 A lot of spiritual masters define enlightenment as being aware of reality/Truth. This reality that you're saying you are aware of, can you see/perceive it? Can you understand it? Are you that reality that you say you intuitively know? Or is reality "out there" and apart from you? If you know that everything is one and you are this oneness, are your attitudes and actions in alignment with this type of knowing? Do you feel light and loving toward all forms? I guess trying to answer these questions will shine some light on it for your and also to see if you are enlightened. I imagine that enlightenment can "happen" without knowing that you are. I recall Eckhart Tolle saying that for years he was just silent, so silent that he didn't recognise that he was silent. Like he had no thought to arise a thought of "oh.. wow.. I have no thoughts". There was just nothing. Emptiness. To address your questions directly: 1. But do you actually see the "substance" of consciousness when you awaken? There are many different stages to awakening (in my experience). It's like things are slowly revealed to you. Doors open and doors close. Sometimes we get a glimpse of something which will uncover a discovery that will slightly shift our understanding and other times we get the full-blown experience, which causes us to change immediately. Some experiences are so powerful that the old way of thinking (or thinking at all) stops. And there is just a silence. Tears can come and so can laughter, for no apparent reason at all. Personally, I am a little stuck on the "substance of consciousness" thing. The only thing I have experienced it to be is "infinity". Infinity beyond the concept of infinity. A good way to tell if you are experiencing reality or have an "awakening" experience is that it will be completely different to what you have learned or imagined. But, when you try to explain what it is (as you're having the awakening experience or moment of "seeing"), you will be saying the same thing you said when you thought you knew what it was, but it will be completely different. This is why you cannot "learn" enlightenment or reality. 2. Is this close to what they call Enlightenment? Enlightenment is an "event" or experience which can be quite profound. It's not a thought or something that you create through imagination. I believe that the reason why people sometimes call it a "non-event" is because it does not occur in time. You know that you as the truth that you are has always been and you just imagined that you were something else. You may even be able to confirm that you have never suffered in life. Not that you will no longer suffer, but that you have never suffered, and you were only imagining your suffering. Also, you may feel as though you know everything. It is like all of life's mysteries just expose themselves to you and you don't need to read anything. Like you do not need to learn it. Many "positivity" quotes that you know take on a whole know meaning. You see how some "positivity" quotes are BS and some are very profound and could have only come from an enlightened person or from someone who at least was enlightened for a period of time. It's almost like everything clicks into place intellectually. 3. Is there a definite "barrier" that you cross when you "Awaken"? Personally, I have experienced many barriers or moments of reaching the "door" or "gate" and being too scared to continue through. It is almost like you are literally fearful of your life and you feel that you will die. One of my most crazy experiences was where I have an intense awakening experience and I was dropped into nothingness. At first I was like "mad, I'm here, I did it" (very identified and spiritually un-woke thing to say at that time because when I said "I" I literally meant me as an ego "did it"). It was a silence beyond silence and an emptiness beyond emptiness. Then a few seconds into it, I sensed something arise, almost like a thought or something maybe even an emotion or energy crept up behind me and then I realised "Could I be this emptiness?" and I thought "If I'm this emptiness then anything could happen". Like I could be dropped into an everlasting pit of sorrow and torture (for literally, ever, and never to escape). I don't recall if I did or not, but I could've let out a shriek of fear and it would have pierced through utter bliss (which was what I experienced first). Later I assessed the whole experience and tried to see where I went wrong because I thought I had "broke through". I later realised that I had a lot of ego identification in that moment and a lot of fear and confusion and I identified with it. I felt like "me", "getting" enlightened - obtaining it like a lost treasure that was for me and for me only. 4. Do you go anywhere? Like waking up from the Matrix or something? From my experiences you stay where you are. It seems as though things come to you rather than you go to things. 5. Does it "Look" different? Or is Enlightenment just the knowledge of Being that brings you peace? Imagine seeing everything you look at the same way that you look at someone who you are deeply in love with, even if it's a sliced-up zucchini or something. You can literally see so much beauty that you can be brought to tears of joy. Every woman and every man look beautiful and you love them. I've had a few experiences like this and it wasn't a thought. You do not "sustain" the beauty that you see by thinking about it in a loving way. it is already amazing and beautiful before you had an opinion. 6. Or is Enlightenment just the knowledge of Being that brings you peace? Enlightenment is not knowledge, but knowledge can come from it. The peace should be there before the knowledge. 7. Is the intuitive knowledge that you are ONE and that the self is an illusion good enough? If you have to ask, "is this good enough?" then it's not good enough. This tells me that you are still looking for something other than what you already are. If this helped let me know. I apologise if my responses are a bit all over the place. I feel that I am still exposing delusions and learning about the reality that I am. I feel confident enough to guide you as I have been where you have been. Consciousness and enlightenment is a funny thing because you could have an enlightenment experience today and you could potentially surpass levels of consciousness that I have experienced. You could then come into the full understanding of life and reality and I would be there in a heartbeat taking advantage of that by asking you some of my burning questions about it lol. Peace dude Lenny
  8. Mooji is great, i think one of the most direct teachers around in that if you follow some of his steps he can actually lead you into nothingness
  9. Who got that recognition? :-) Who saw it for what it was? What do you mean by 'here'? And what/who experienced this regathering of the ego? :-) Oh, so it was dropped like it was hot? By who? Who dropped it ? -------------------------------------------------- @VeganAwake-------------------------------------------------- To keep this discussion really simple, if you do not fully agree with this: Nothingness = Everything = Love = God = Ego = Consciousness , then I can safely say you're still lost. In either way, if you do actually agree, then we have nothing to discuss. Also if you disagree, there's no point either in continuing this "discussion" between I and myself. And it's perfectly fine to have an other recognition, experience or belief here... no judgement at all. <3 -------------------------------------------------- @VeganAwake-------------------------------------------------- I know you don't actually judge me. But still: Do you judge me for writing so much here about love and peace? Making <3's all the time? If your state of consciousness/enlightenment does not grasp/understand that Reality is in fact All About Love, then sure, you may still be somewhat awakened/enlightened/liberated, but it's pretty incomplete in the humble opinion of no one :-) Much love <3
  10. "there isn't anyone here to hold on to any concepts or beliefs... " Okay, this is gonna be fun, so why not. To use the nisargadatta-quote, my "problem" (not that I have any real problems in life since my awakening) with veganawake is that he is indeed too far on the "everything is nothing" on the <"I'm Nothing" <--> "I'm Everything">-scale. The scale is of course a dualistic concept, and nothing and everything is absolutely one and the same thing. But anyway, it's quote obvious to me -- I'd like to believe, I may be wrong -- that veganwake's mind is not really in full non-dual mode It's somewhat stuck in the "nihilistic nothingness/everything is perfect as it is/nothing matters/nothing exist"-way-of-thinking. Of course this way of thinking is true enough. There's nothing wrong with saying these things. The problem arises if you cling to these ideas and hold them as the whole truth. The whole truth is: "paradox, non-dual, infinite, every-perspective-is-equal". As I have said multiple times but which veganawake somehow does not seem to fully grasp is that everything that we can say with words and sentences can never-ever be fully true. And you can take any statement and flip it on its head and this opposite statement will be equally as true as the original statement. When we communicate and say things, we always say it to someone, either to ourselves or to another. What I say on this forum depends mostly on what I think most readers are identified with. For example, if most readers are lost in the dream and does not grasp that their ego and everything is fantasy and that they are Divine, then I'll say things that'll make them try to understand this. However, let's say most readers are fanatics who are clinging to the nihilistic belief that they don't exist and that nothing matters and that they truly are God and that they can do as they damn please, then I might write something like: "Everything matters. The Now is eternal and infinite. It's all that matters and it contains everything. You do exist. Yes as God. But you don't understand what God is. God has nothing to do with your personal beliefs and ideas. You may very well believe that you can do as you damn please, sure, but it's a belief, notice that. You do exist, and Reality is Real in the Realest sense. Yes, It's a dream, but it's your fucking draem. You decided to dream it up. Do you think that it was a mistake? No it wasn't. This dream of yours is intelligent and planned out. Make no mistake, fool". Anyway to conclude this pointless rant, I'll take some things VeganAwake have said and use his own logic against him. Just to make him see how lost he is. (I've been stuck in his way of thinking for a long time by the way. So did Leo. It's only recently, like the past 1-2 years that Leo has incoporated the Love-aspect into his teachings). "And the belief that there is a higher perspective as opposed to lower perspective is still caught in the dream and is still duality " Your sincere belief that there is no higher perspective as opposed to lower perspective shows that you're still caugtht in the fantasy-land of duality. I could say that there are indeed higher perspectives compared to lower perspectives, and it would be just as true as what you said. See, I don't disagree with you, only with your rigid mind. "And that's just fine because it's what's happening it's whole complete and perfect but for No One." It's complete and perfect for God as well, you could say. Your "sincere belief of nothingness" is just that: a belief. "there isn't anyone here to hold on to any concepts or beliefs... " Your belief that there isn't anyone here to hold on to any concepts or beliefs is just that: a belief. I could say that there indeed is someone here that is capable of holding on to beliefs and concepts, namely You (God, I'm talking to you my friend), and it would be just as true as your original statement. "It's already perfect it's already whole it's already complete it's already Paradise it's already the kingdom of heaven" It's not already whole. It's not already complete. We got a lot of work to do. The kingdom of heaven is certainly not here on Earth yet. Have you seen what's happening in US? How many children every day that die due to hunger in Africa? To say it's already paradise is ... well, of course true enough, if you look at it from one level of magnification, hehe, but not from another level of magnification:-) No level of magnification is more true than any other. We can zoom infinitely far out and infinitely far in, and it's always that: a perspective, always only half-truth. As I said, of course, from my level of magnification it's sort of already whole and perfect and Paradise itself is certainly right in front of my eyes in everything I look at. That's how I feel. I see the Beautiful Garden all around me. Do you? <3 Much love to everyone here. <3 Sorry for being harsh and arrogant, I can't help my self. <3 This isn't even something I'm writing. It's Flow.
  11. REFLECTIONS ON MY RELAPSE As I mentioned in the previous post, I had a relapse in my depression. It was fucking scary. I hadn't felt that way since last year. It's hell on Earth. No worldly problem can be compared with it. You just feel... hollow... and hopeless. It's as if I am the worst person in the world. All the vitality and joy were simply gone... Fortunately, I identified the possible cause: lack of good sleep. I had stopped taking quetiapine (sleep-inducing med). But after that episode, I told my psychiatrist that I'll be using this med for longer. I don't fucking care. In a way, this episode put some of my worries into perspective. I could clearly see how fucking stupid my "worldly" problems are. Again, nothing can be compared with mental illness. For example, my cat has died recently. It was really sad, and I'm still processing what happened. Yet, I want to feel the sadness and grief. It's a sign that I am alive. Now with depression... bleh... it's just nothingness. And the weirdest thing is that for a long time in my life I had gotten used to feeling that way, and I believed it was part of my personality or something. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Depression is an illness. And unfortunately, many people still doubt that it is actually a thing. I can speak from personal experience. It is like the difference between having the flu vs. not having the flu. The contrast is crystal-clear. But anyway, that episode lasted for 3 days. I'm glad that I have identified the trigger. (Apart from that, I am reading the book 21 Lesson for the 21st Century. Damn... it's blowing my mind, lol.)
  12. He explains it well but I don't agree with his preference. Mindful meditation being aware when a thought or feeling arises, acknowledging it is there and letting it disappear. In Burmese Therveda (Vipassana) this is done by "noting" A thought comes you label it "thought " this makes it pass easily. You are not listening to the thought's issue. You are watching what your mind does naturally. It has thoughts and feelings. You act like an outside observer so these thoughts and feelings may pass quickly and there there is a short nothingness in between which you experience. Another thought arises, then it falls. You don't cling to them. You are not trying to solve problems. You are letting go of thought. They come and then they go. This trains you not to be reactive to the automatic way that thoughts and feelings come in to you head and at the same time experience the stillness between the thoughts. You don't try to stop the thoughts. You become aware of them in order not to cling to them, you notice "there's that one again" . You are not trying to solve a problem, you can do that when you are not meditating. You are learning not to fear these things, to have a set period of time where they do not bother you. You may still feel bother by one. Note feeling bothered and move on. Do Nothing meditation Zen mediation is often the above type, Mindful meditation, being aware of one's breath, and thoughts how they rise and fall and paying attentions to one's breath which also rises and falls and has it's natural irregularities. However certain practitioners have also mentioned "do nothing" meditation. This is similar to mindful meditation, for given amount of time you sit with back straight and do nothing bu there is no there requirement other than you don't try to do anything. Self Inquiry you ask yourself "who am I" ? You turn inward to ask "who is doing the questioning" . There is no one at the bottom of that. Again you feel there is, again "who am I"? This is internal you are not focusing on random thoughts you are focusing on this question. Where are the thoughts and feelings coming from? Who is really having them? Is there anything really there? Concentration meditation (Samatha tranquility meditation) you decide on something to focus on, a random word or set of words repeated over and over again with eyes closed (vocalizing optional) or with eyes open on a candle or a visual point. Your mind drifts and then you remind your self of the focal point. You are not trying to be aware of things , thoughts and feelings to train your self no to be reactive to them like in mindfulness. And you are not asking yourself who you are. You have selected a random focal point and are using concentration to keep your attention there repetitiously. This leads to tranquility and focusing ability , like a baby been rocked to awakeness. Transcendental mediation is one of the forms of this type. Also similar to prayer and devotion Trance, repetitious sensory stimulus is used, sometimes sound and music, sometimes body movement, , could include intense breathing techniques or hallucinogens, sometimes done with other people or shamanic guides. Varying combinations of these things This is to inspire visionary experience and changes in physical perception and mystical experiences
  13. Mm. In the relative field it's all about relationship, but there are dimensions of nothingness, which few know, except sometimes in bed, where it's just quiet and peaceful and impersonal.
  14. God is a concept pointing to a self aware infinite consciousness experience that appears in This. You can't have this, it is already. Notice that consciousness of the infinite can happen but is not a permanent "thing." All appearances are temporary. It's formlessness forming, you can't have this, there is just this. It is totally complete and whole in it's very nature, because it is all there is. There is not-two, expecting something else than this is what keeps you in a state of seperation, searching for an experience that is yet to come that will end your search. THIS IS THE END OF THE SEARCH. Notice that the end of the search will never come in the future, you are searching for the end of the search, the end of the search must by definition already be the case. The search is hopeless. This is COMPLETE nothingness appearing as THIS. There is just what is happening. Show me something else!
  15. Thank you for the link! And I agree that spiritual awakening implies a lot more than ego death and being aware of what reality 'is'... or repeating like a dumb parrot that everything is the way it is. This is some serious shit which transcends the human abilities and understanding. Awakening is when you become God and conquer death like a true God, not when you accept nothingness like a powerless human being... because "hellaaaawww you're finite and it's all Maya". Who the fuck says that I'm finite?
  16. It's one of the main Thereveda Vipassana techniques usually called "noting" , Burmese method of mindful meditation This is no more boring and tedious than many other sitting meditation methods. The harder, like push ups, the more development, with consistent routine, building mental self awareness "muscle". for instance having to deal with boredom and any unpleasantness that might arise, negative thoughts, physical discomfort, external sounds-distractions. And often interspersed with feelings of tranquility and peace, all of these things which naturally rise in the mind and then learning not to cling to any of them, they rise and then fall, noting this "labeling" it disappears a pause of nothingness and something else rises, then falls. This leads to awareness and clarity becoming aware of the minds automations and emotions begging for attention. However If one becomes attracted to enraptured sensory experiences, sometimes with a shamanic guide, ritual music, body movements, in some cases hallucinogens then we can predict what may happen when someone then returns to mindful meditation, sitting still, it could become that much more "boring" in contrast. The question becomes can one deal with one's own demons when there are no other worlds to escape to? It's not easy. Some people have different goals VIDEO Shinzen, Noting pt 1 Shinzen, Noting pt 2 ______________________________________________________________
  17. Hello everyone, Last 3 months i have been working on awareness. Every time, I recognize that i am running by thoughts, i dropped it, did 10 push-ups and be aware of the moment. It is super boring, but, it is just a thought Results are crazy, i feel more less within the body, feel timeless, days and nights are too long ( it feels like they never start even time), meaning of duality fades away slow by slow, and additionally i got 3 times satori moments, which directly opens my vision and convince me this is completely dream. Satori moments are perfect glimpses to get rid of the thoughts. Because, it is just so clear, 1 second completely out of so called reality. As much as i get rid of the thoughts, nothingness increase, which includes full love. I can clearly see that love is not a feeling, it is the source. Thoughts are prison. Infinite love is outside of the thoughts. And the wall is so thin. If you love more, it will be more thinner. We can never be able to control what will happen to body, we just try to protect it with thoughts. But nothing is under control. You just need to think a moment when it is necessary and body do the rest. I just gave up anymore. Whatever is going to happen to body, it will. I am going to completely surrender. Love is right outside.
  18. This is the report of my last trip with LSD on May 22th of 2020. It was a very intense, somehow "bad tripping" experience and it has taken me some more effort than the normal to process all I went through. Here are some of the most interesting aspects, I how you enjoy reading it! Medicine: 175 ug of 1p-LSD Intention - What is God? - What is a Miracle? - What is my purpose in this life? - What is Telepathy? How does it works? The Trip I made some Kriya Yoga for an hour and at the end I took the medicine around 9:00 am. I started to feel the effects around 40 minutes after taking the medicine. I was sitting in the kitchen, as I was drinking some ginger tea I had a powerful mystical experience. The whole day was raining, however the room suddenly was very radiant full of light, I started to get very strong visual effects and as I was looking at both of my hands the illusion of self, of being apart from everything just dropped. Everything was pure white light around me, I could not see anything else. I was as if I had imploded, I became pure radiating Love. It was so miraculous being so present everywhere and anywhere, Absolute Infinity. Everything made perfect sense during that moment, as I realized that the present moment was everything that ever was, that ever will be and that ever is, that I AM. I cried because of this realization, that God is Infinite Creativity, Infinite Love, its Everything and its ME. No words make justice to describe the indescribable. As I started to feel the effects of the medicine getting stronger, I went to the room to lie down on the bed. And then it hit me like a train at full speed. It was as if I got connected to a stream and I started to get all kind of epiphanies and realizations, as if somebody was talking direct to me. At one moment it said: "Call me however you want to call me, God, Father, Consciousness, you know who I am, you have always known who I AM." It was as if I got connected to a second order level of consciousness where everything made perfect sense, I could see what I have done in past lives, what I was meant to do during this life and what I would do in future lives. It was more like remembering who I am and remembering all this stuff. At one moment I saw as I where a huge energy tree and that with every "trip" I am sort of building some sort of bridge between the dimension of reality I am used to and other new dimensions I am getting to know. And that somehow this was something very important I had to do during this lifetime. I could not tell the difference between having the eyes open or closed, between imagining something or the reality as I am used to be. This, together with the connection with the stream of messages with the Higher Consciousness started to freak me out. I started to think that I was really losing, but I also got scared because I would not know the difference if I was imagining jumping out of the window or doing it for real. And as I was tripping alone (even though this was not the first time) I just could not calm myself down. It was as something was wrong, or something could go really wrong if I just let go, and my ego was resisting very hard. As I could get lost in a Strange Loop and become crazy mad. I did everything I know to try to calm me down, but realizing that everything is a dream, an illusion was something that my ego was not being able to accept very easy as I experiencing during the trip. So I called a friend, just to get the illusion of being in control and doing something I am used to do, and to get the illusion of other. We talked for 20/30 minutes and I managed to calm down. I was moving in the room as I was talking but I could not feel the body. I was seeing like a bubble of consciousness moving with me, but outside of this bubble everything was just nothing, pure Nothingness. The most interesting thing however, is that as we where talking on the phone, I realized like on a meta-level that I was creating the whole thing in real-time, the illusion of me being in panic, the illusion of other (this friend), the mobile phones and telecommunication systems, the room, the floor, every fucking thing I AM! After this call I could calm down a little and continue tripping, I also realized that I had barely hit the two hour mark and that I had a long hard trip before me. As I could not completely let go of the illusion of fear, I lied on the floor, and tried to remain in an open position. I had all kind of crazy visions, like seeing at my hands and having like twenty fingers on each one. I realized how I project my shadow on external things, and how until that moment I was always "thinking" that something external is the source of this shadow. It was as if I could turn around and see me completely as I am, with all the fears and things that I can not accept about myself. Later after seven or perhaps eight hours of experiencing madness the ego started to reassembly more and I ate something and went for a walk in the forest. This helped me start recounting the trip and release all a lot of energy. Finally, on the evening night I was able to sit down very peacefully and in total surrender, for two hours or so. Conclusions In retrospective, I see that my ego was generating all of this fear and resistance and that: I should probably had to go deeper into this madness. However, I just could not do it during that moment, it felt so hard to let go. And this is fine, something you are able to push through but sometimes it is better to hold on. This only gives me the courage to keep on doing this work. It also allowed me to accept me more as I am, to be more genuine with myself and with what I really want to be. I already had some glimpses to realize that everything is a dream, but this is by far the most direct experience I have had into the Truth. It is possible to communicate with God, in fact we are always doing this because we are all One and we are all God. It is true that every awakening is always the greatest awakening, because we are always expanding more and more, forever infinitely. Being able to realize the Truth is not always the sweetest of thing you will experience, but it is every moment of pain and craziness worth it! As always thanks to the great community of and @Leo Gura for his great teachings and amazing content! Thanks for reading and for the comments!
  19. @Kalki Avatar i believe, most enlightened people are who is the most aware of the moment, which needs long term (years) isolation. Additionally if you want to follow beautiful path (love). Therefore, I would recommend you Rumi. Best ever. You will be love drunk Additionally once you are awake, you are awake, there is no higher or lower enlightened state. We all had the same experience, but only love and awareness make you stay higher level of consciousness and more nothingness in the moment.
  20. Well my friend. Yes, let's get real. Non-duality means not one, not two, not nothing, not form, not emptiness, not this, not that. Neti neti neti neti neti. When I write "God" , "Self" it is just how I feel it resonantes most with what I feel I am. I don't actually feel like a self with any desires. I don't know what I want. I don't know who I am. I can call it God / Self / Consciousness / Nothingness but all labels miss the actual point. The Godhead naturally cannot know itself. Just like teeth cannot bite itself. Like eyes can't see themselves. Like a hand can't hold itself. So I know that I don't know myself. I don't know what I want. I have faith that whatever happens is what I want. I trust the Universe and in that sense I'm just a wave in an infinite ocean being pushed by that. But I don't resist it. I have let go completely. And that is probably the best definition of enligthenment. A complete letting go. Another definition of the true nature of reality -- instead of "God" , "Self" -- could be that it is a musical thing. There exist no things. Only patterns. Only music. Only the dance. Reality is an infinitely complex musical happening with no beginning and no ending. I am that. I am music. <3 Yes, instead of saying I'm God or The Self I could as well say I'm the Spaghetti Monster and it would be just as true. I don't know what I am, and I'm fine with that. If you can be truly fine with that, truly rest in not-knowing, then you are free. Love <3 oh last thing "There is nothing left to adopt another concept of what I was, it was just recognized to be nothing, which was always the case." No, you are not nothing. You can't say what you are. As long as you believe yourself to be X or Y, i.e. "nothing", "God" , "emptiness", "Self", "Consciousnes" you are not there yet. I like saying I'm God and that everything is God. I'm just playing around: I'm fully aware that language can't grasp actual truth. :-) Language is a dualistic invention. A game God is playing =) Best of luck to you God.
  21. @JayG84 truth includes everything thats why it is nothingness or formless. So whatever you believe it happens within the truth. Your beliefs are something, which is exist within everything.
  22. Blackholes point out nothingness, all is one there as nothing. They just dont know how to approach it. Additionally, speed if light points out all the time is happening at the same time, which is the moment. So if they know how to approach the moment they will figure it out. Even math describes it, 1/infinite = 0, so 0= +- infinite, infinite = +- 0 even math disproves itself. Science just will get that they can not prove the existence with material (because it is not exist). But they can understand the what existence is with scientific drugs (5 meo, shrooms, lsd, dmt). They can never prove it because it is unexplainable. Science never say we can prove the god, because science is exist under control of religion in first place. Because they accepted in first place god is all knowing.
  23. More random insights: - Leo's simple rule for acing life -- always doing the most emotionally difficult thing in any given situation -- is only partially true. Like all dualities, difficult-easy is ultimately one and the same thing: Love. The insight to be gained here is to see that everytime a person does something 'emotionally easy', like ordering a pizza or watching Netflix, they do it because they are not 'whole' inside. They play PC-games, have sex, watch porn, eat junk-food, stay on social media on their phone, watch cat-videos, because they can sense they are not whole, and that 'sensing of not-wholeness' does NOT feel nice! And when they then do these 'easy activities' -- often unhealthy physically and mentally -- they momentarily forget that unpleasent sensation and get lost in what they are doing (watching cat videoes for example). They temporaiily forget themselves. It's symptomp-relief. Like giving a depressive person SSRi. It works, but not really. It doesn't *solve* the actual root issue of not feeling 'w-h-o-l-e'. Which is funny, cos' then you see it is God forgetting -> human forgetting -> lost in the moment of doing the easy activity -> relief/temporarily in some kind of God-consciousness (no worries) -> as soon as the activity stops (you realize you have to make dinner to yourself and get some sleep, so you close the YouTube-app on your phone) you get back to egoic consciousness of not feeling whole (but instead feeling lost and separate as this "poor little me"-body-mind-person). When you finally become 100% whole -- like I have become -- you can still do all kinds of "easy" "unhealthy" activites but you do it out of your own free will and not out of not feeling whole, cos you already feel whole! It's like a ice cream cone. Most people are cones with not enough ice inside the cone. They are not whole (i.e. they don't know they are God, i.e. they have not enough Self-Love in their body-mind-vessel). Therefore they do all kinds of activities to temporarily fill up the cone with icecream. But the ice melts again because it's warm outside. And you don't realize that the warmth around you is yourself. I.e. it is yourself melting your icecream away. hahahaha . Anyway when you finally become whole/enlightened it's like you are a ice cream cone filled up with ice that cannot melt anymore. You are harmony itself. Basically my point is, when you see your God, you also see that the "easy thing to do" and the "hard thing to do" are one and the same thing. hahaha <3 It's one. You've always done the right thing, cos you've been God all the time, and God never makes mistakes, only on purpose, but then it's not a mistake per defintion. xDDDDDDDDDD - I think many people, when they hear the words "It's all me, it's all my doing. I'm God and everything is God. When my mom knocks on my door it's myself knocking on my own door" they sort of believe that I mean this only in some symbolic sense, and that I truly still differentiate between "myself" and "my mother" (or any other stranger who might knock on my door for some reason). But listen up: No I don't. Haha. The most true thing to say with our language is to say that my mom knocking on my door is myself knocking my own door. I am my mother. I am everyone. I am God. - Language is a funny thing. Language is a technology. We have created languages in the West where we have nouns and verbs. Nouns do verbs. Things "do". But in actuality this is just a game we're playing. A language game. There are no things in reality. There is only patterns. The music. Reality/God can best be described as an infinitely complex endless musical happening. There are truly no actual "things" in the world. Only doings. Only dance/music/patterns/vibrations. On/off , on /off, on/off. Look at a river or a candle burning. That river or that candle can teach you everything about reality if you study it deeply enough. Cos you can easily see in a river that the river is not a thing. There is no river! Just flow. Same goes for the candle burning in the wind. - picture yourself setting in your living room and 2 meters south from is a chair with your friend sitting on it. You will be tempted to say "I am here and 2 meters from me is my friend, there". But may I ask, what about the 2 meters of space between 'you' and 'friend' ??? See, most people -- cos they are surviving machines -- only focuses on what is essential to their own survival, biological and socially. They filter everything else out. For example space. Literal space. For most people space doesn't exist. It's not a thing. It's "nothingness". It's non-being. Which is just a plain stupid line of thinking, if you think about it Because these 2 meters of space between 'you' and 'your friend' is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL in order for you to even have a concept of yourself and 'friend'. Without the space between yourself and your friend there wouldn't be any friend sitting over there. The space is essential. So the duality, space--things, must also collapse. Space and things are One. You can't have one without the other! Just like foreground and background! Like the front of a a bike and the back of a plain regular bike. if you cut the bike in half and say "here is the front of the bike" and "here is the back of the bike", you are right. But where is the bike now? It's gone. Because you need the front and the back together to get the bike. Also realize to say "this is the front of the bike" and "this is the back of the bike" is only possible because you already have a concept of what an actual bike is. If you went to an alien and said "here is the front of the bike" and "here is the back of the bike" he would look at you and ask "what the fuck is a bike?". In EXACTLY the same way you need space and things TOGETHER, ALWAYS, in order to know what space and things is. "Space" and "things" arise simultaneously. You can't have one without the other. It's all one! The same infinite complex musical pattern/happening! Love! The Tao! You see, just by using common sense I have now shown you that 'you' and 'other' are the same Oneness/Self. You and your friend sitting 2 meters away from you are identical, one, the same. No difference. The Self imagining itself to be separate beings. That's all there is happening. Doing it out of Love to Itself. You can't have one without the other. This goes for everything. Light, darkness, life, death. Yet many people consciously or unconsciously believe that it is possible to have one without the other. They believe it is: - possible to have things without space - possible to have space without things - possible to have 'self' without 'other' - possible to have 'other' without 'self' - possible to have 'life' without 'death' - possible to have 'death' without 'life' Also look at the problem of free will and the problem of personality. An ordinary person will say it was his doing if he hammers a nail into his wall. "I hammered the nail into my wall". If the next day a lightning strikes down into his house and puts in on fire, he will say "There was a thunderstorm today that stroke a lightning right down and burned my house to the ground. Poor fucking me! I hope my insurance will pay" . A truy awake person would say: "I consciously hammered this nail into this wall yesterday and today I somehow managed to unconsciously put my house on fire by making a lightning strike down on it from the thunderstorm". hehe. You see, the differentiation between what you call "your own conscious voluntary will" and "something that happens to me" is actually pretty arbitrary. This duality must also collapse. It's all your doing. Or it is not your doing at all. Haha In another sense it's not arbitrary. It's linked to survival. You make the distinction between 'your own doing' and 'what happens to me' because it makes you exist as a person. And you need to survive, you are programmed to survive. That's your ego. Your ego = believing you are a 'poor little me' somehow stuck in a hostile environment. This duality of free will vs not-free-will is what in fact creates your sense of personality/false self. You see, if everything was your own free will, you wouldn't exist as a person anymore, but only as God/Love. This is what happens momentarily during peak mystical experiences / psychedelic peak experiences. And this is also what happens when you die. You become Infinite Freedom, infinite Love, God, Infinite Wholeness, Oneness. And if everything wasn't your free will at all, then you wouldn't exist as a person anymore, but only as Nothingness. This is where "you were" before you were born. Or at least before you imagined yourself as a "human poor little me" (happens probably around age ~2, cos this is where children start to have self-image of themselves as existing independently of the outside world, haha). Nothingness = God = Love <3 <3 <3
  24. Try to imagine what is outside the universe, or what atoms are made out of; what existed before the beginning of time, or where you will go after you die. Try to get a sense that this nothingness is always present or atleast inevitable. If fear arises, that means you're on the right track.
  25. Because, you can never die, you are keep transforming form to form, but you are aware all the time. You are nothing (your ground) thats why you are everything (human, will experience cat, chair to infinite). Ground of everything is nothing. Thats why you wont die, body will die. You are the ENTIRE PROCESS. Whatever you is you which is nothingness, you are happening in front of your eyes. thats the reason why you are already enlightened, you are just having a confused version of infinite. Whatever you do is perfect. Every second you are transforming. Your hair, personality, thoughts, relations. Even body dies, it transformed into grass, air or ashes. But whatever you do you take infinite form of infinite. Thats why your true nature is nothing. Because your true nature is your manifestation of all forms thats includes everything. You will experience nothingness and take form again. Non stop. Till infinity. You will just experience different feeling than body (like peeing and breathing), and you will realize all the time you werent in the body, you were the thing that aware of the body, and you will get being in this body is dream. You are not are here as nothing. Entire process i nothing. Right in front of you.