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  1. No! That's the kicker! Nonduality is not a paradigm. If it were, it would be duality, not nonduality. You are making the mistake of confusing the map for the territory. Just consider: for there to be a paradigm at all, there must exist something prior to the paradigm -- the substrate so to speak -- which itself is not a paradigm. That substrate must be inaccessible via thoughts because thoughts themselves are a 2nd order phenomena of the substrate. Paradigms only occur at the level of thought. A paradigm IS a collection of thoughts. No thought, no paradigms. You can stop thinking an reality will still continue. But all paradigms will be destroyed.
  2. I'm not offering a concept, awareness perception, or perceiving from awareness isn't a concept, it is the IS of our consciousness experience. Yes, for me to communicate it I have to conceptualize it in language in my mind but I'm not offering the concept, it's pointing to the IS of awareness perception. From that perceptual IS of awareness the mind's concept of duality does not exist. So there is no this or that, X or Y, left or right, right or wrong, truth or illusion... none of it exists in awareness perception. It's not duality resolved into non-duality. A sunset and sunrise IS the same event, not opposite ones. The dualism mindset perceives in binary conceptual paradigms, even the concept of resolving duality into nonduality or the concept of dissolving concepts is conceptually binary to it. It's perceiving what IS without the mind's conceptual duality instead of using the mind to dissolve the mind's conceptual paradigm. It's awareness of what IS through pre-conceptualization perspective, so to speak.
  3. The concepts the two of us are offering IS concepts the two of us are offering. The challenge isn't the concept. The challenge is viewing a concept as a concept. The human mind loves to think X is Y. That's all we are doing here. You have one way of saying X is Y and I have another way of saying X is Y. The content of X and Y is irrelevant. How can X be Y? X IS X and Y IS Y. A concept of nonduality IS a concept of nonduality. A sunset IS a sunset. A thought about the meaning of life IS a thought about the meaning of life. The human mind fixates on what is on the left and right side of IS. Yet, the key part is the IS. With time, that which is on the left and right side of IS dissolves and there is only IS.
  4. If you have no 'horse' why did you quote me and challenge me to 'race'? We could just run around willy nilly in the field enjoying the grass, I'm down with it. You don't have to fit everything into your concept of nonduality..... jussayin'.
  5. @SOUL I agree that what you wrote is within nonduality. And the opposite of what you wrote is within nonduality. And the opposite of what I'm writing is within nonduality. I've got no horse in the race.
  6. I'm highlighting that nonduality includes what you wrote, the opposite of what you wrote and every possible variation of what you wrote. Don't get attached to any concept of nonduality.
  7. I'd be careful about giving *meaning* to insights. It looks like you are gaining some insight into symbols, relativity and nonduality. Yet, it seems like your mind is adding a lot of extra stuff: "Symbols are there to hide the truly miraculous nature of things, and in doing so, hell within the mind is created since we divorce ourselves from what is." "Hellish" is just one interpretation. I find what you described to be sooo fascinating. I want learn more and more about it!! It's exciting!!
  8. Nonduality is sort of the ending of paradigms, as it contains all paradigms. When we speak of it we try to explain that which lies beyond explanation, and attempt to guide thought to its end. It's like we are helping each-other find the key to our minds. But as you are pointing out, non-duality as an idea is dual in nature. It can point towards the truth but it can never be the truth.
  9. Seeing everything in dualism is a misperception of the mind and isn't an accurate representation of existence so nonduality is merely a reaction to the misperception.
  10. That why it's so hard to speak about nonduality. There is everything and no thing. Would the concept of nonduality be within everything? Yes Would the concept of duality be within everything? Yes Would every possible thought regarding nonduality be within everything? Yes The concepts of everything and nothing are hard to fathom since our brains have been programmed to perceive the world dualistically.
  11. @Gligorije It’s unbelivable, in the sense, try as hard as you can, the brain is incapable of imaging nonduality. What a paradox, imagination is.
  12. @Zeldor Great work. It’s nice to relate to others on nonduality. ?
  13. It's funny because despite all that is said about how radical enlightenment is (and yes it is radical), I've never felt that way. I never had a moment when I freaked out about the Truth. It was more like, "Oh okay so that's what it is. Yes it has always been the only Truth." What I mean is that there was never a moment of great shock like many people said there would be. Sure it still came to me in a snap, but there was no great mindfuck accompanied with it. I think its because prior to getting self-realized I already had a pretty clear idea of how its going to be through intense work with imagination. Also this is gold: "This is why you shouldn't try to teach nonduality to your cat." @Leo Gura
  14. I would consider that as sympathy. Empathy is extrasensory. An empathetic experience is an expression of nonduality. A form of oneness. Most of my life, I repressed my empathetic system. It was a distraction from my Orange-level pursuits. Emapthy got in the way of pursuing personal awards, grants. degrees, titles, recognition etc. A couple years ago, I transitioned into the Green stage and became aware of an empathy system. I’ve worked to develop this sense and I have made a lot of progress. I can receive empatheic information at times communicating with others. I’m still at a begginer stage and I can get overwhelmed at times. Like I actually experience what another is experiencing- it could be insecurity, fear, anger, joy. I actually have their experience. About a month ago, my friends and I were walking through a city. I made eye contact with a young homeless woman. All of a sudden I went into empathy mode and was overcome with absolute despair. I experienced the despair of her new meth addiction. I experienced depths of loneliness, having noone to turn to. It was overwhelming. Yet, I don’t want uncomfortable experiences like that to prevent me from developing empathic skills.
  15. Leo mentions 99 names of Allah from Understanding Islam. Which is amazing. I connected these names of allah along with spiral dynamics and human ego. I came to understand that This is what absolute reality wants. Absolute reality wants chaos, wants destruction, and on other hand wants people to love each other and get together and unite but Oh Boy, what love really means according to absolute infinity that Humans love to unite with other humans via means of total conquest and ideology. This is love according to reality. I completely surrender now and no longer resist, my ego jumps every now and then tells me to go fuck other humans up because that's what god desires it to be and i Ignore it and You can't believe what backfires I am experiencing!!!. What are other possible names you can come up to describe absolute infinity apart from 99 names of allah or traditional religious names such as Yahweh, ahura mazdah, allah, Holy spirit, Spaghetti monster, nonduality. Here's 99 names which made me cry and those attributes resonate even in most humans to some extent. Can You guys come up with awesome names that explain this majestic absolute infinity and explain its meaning mystically.
  16. Leo where can I find other mystical names. It just generates so much endorphins contemplating nonduality
  17. Contemplation on every topic has worked well for me, but I’m wondering now if I should just stay present more. One the one hand, contemplation seems necessary for a lot of insights. But on the other hand, maybe just being present will do more for me. I could have insights just from observing what is around me. What is a good balance? Or should I start to just focus more on mindfulness? I’m not sure, since contemplation seems like a really good method. If I could just focus on mindfulness for nonduality maybe I could just do that and reach infinity. Contemplation seems like a good method for that too though(neti neti). Which one would be better? Is just being in the moment the best way to go(mindfulness and also just being present)? If I’m seeing infinity in My everyday experience, should I continue to contemplate? Or just basque in the presence of it? I remember osho said he stopped reading books cuz it wasn’t raising his being. Maybe I could just focus on my being? How important will contemplation be after infinity is seen at all times? How much shadow work and personal development work is really needed at that level of consciousness? Wouldn’t a lot of it just naturally fizz out? And as you raise your being won’t you be able to reach the highest without contemplation? Lemme know what you guys think.
  18. @Nahm Unbroken abidance in the Self is enlightenment. Don't care much about what nonduality means.
  19. Somebody’s going to have to define enlightenment, and nonduality, objectively first. ?
  20. And some people will just not be able to follow nonduality no matters how much they try. Does that mean the work itself is pointless? No. Yes there is potential such shadow work may just not 'work' but that doesn't imply its a waste of time for everyone. Its more accurate to say what intentions such shadow work can satisfy and for people to decide if those satisfactions are what they are after.
  21. Actually mostly the opposite. The percentage of the population who are at a stage of development where they can pursue enlightenment is extremely low. Most people will require 10-20 years of ordinary personal dev work before they can seriously pursue enlightenment. Because they are not ripe for it. I am not a strict enlightenment teacher, and's goals go way beyond what people like Tolle or Mooji or Ramana taught. We have a much broader scope here, attempting to understand all dimensions of life: sexual, political, social, emotional, physical, philosophical, scientific, astral, religious, linguistic, motivational, business, leadership, ecology, art, etc. We do not stop or start with nonduality.
  22. Lol By that logic we should not teach children math, or train dogs not to piss indoors, or teach anyone nonduality. If their karma is right, all of those things will happen spontaneously. ----- Be careful how you apply your absolute insights in the relative domain. Or such absurdities as above will result. To teach nonduality without shadow work is downright irresponsible. Every serious spiritual tradition has strong injunctions against Zen devilry. Making a better world is part of the package, not optional. No one wants to live with Nazis and criminals.
  23. Martin Balls 'Being Human' (on Leo's book list) is a fantastic read-cuts straight to the point about how psychedelics should be used in a no bullshit manner. However, I have a few concerns over what he mentions. Subtle energies (Chakras) Do not exist are bullshit 1. On one of Leo's blog posts, he mentions that he was wrong about chakras and they do exist 2. Leo mentioned he was going to work on a video on chakras in his 'going Bhudda episode' 3. I have had an experience of my 'third eye' opening. After a meditation session, I sat down without a single thought in my mind, simply observing, utterly present. Suddenly, the centre of my forehead (where people say the third eye is located) starts to pulsate like a flashlight turning on and off on nearly empty batteries. Things start to become wavy, like I'm tripping on some psychedelic, then my vision abruptly goes dark. I could still feel my body but I could not see it. I felt as if there was something beyond this darkness, almost as if it were a veil, but every time I felt I got close to something my heart would beat and fear would take over-I dont even know what I feared! I wasn't scared of anything in particular, it was almost like a preset response... I shifted between this wavy vision and darkness for about 30 seconds until the experience just faded. Anyways, I'm not claiming I know chakras exist as I don't quite understand what I've experienced, but chakras do seem like the most likely explanation. Reading the book left me extremely confused to say the least. Also, as a side-note: martin mentions the notion of nothingness being the ultimate reality is false Could anyone explain what it could be if not nothingness? I'm 20 years old and have only begun my personal development journey for the last 2 years, only 1 of which have I known about non-duality. I have read 0 books on enlightenment/consciousness/nonduality (that will change to hundreds over the years) and mostly base my knowledge from Leos videos, so I apologise if this is a bit of shit question, its quite confusing to see read book titles such as 'god is nothingness' and hear contradictory things from someone like Martin Ball, both of which whom seem like trust able sources. Any clarification would be much appreciated.