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  1. @Freakyboo @Leo Gura Wow that really is a great interview! Just listened all the way through. Very very interesting to hear about people going all the way with the psychedelic path and showing that it is a serious possibility if done properly. Like he said, it has to be done with just as much focus and intent as a traditional meditative path. It's not easy. But do you think he's permanently awakened then?
  2. @mandyjw Thank you Mandy ?❤️ .. People who have not suffered enough of slavery will not have enough desire to break free. There's no point in trying to wake people up. When they're ready, they will. Suffering is a requirement for awakening only for the enslaved of us. People who were not enslaved too much are close to realise God without suffering at all. People who are in the middle of slavery will remain asleep forever, and they may not mind it a single bit. It starts being annoying when you're on one end of the spectrum. Mediocrity is the best way to deal with the majority of people, since they love being slaves. Some awakened people love to bring others with them. There are many awakened people that are living very mundane lives without bringing much attention to themselves. They just don't advertise it. Self-Actualization is way beyond just awakening. It's about revealing your fullest potential.
  3. Hahaha.... No I will not be joining your delusions. Don't expect awakened people to play your mind games.
  4. Shared on a Facebook group. Some guy killed himself as he was unable to awaken... STAYING ALIVE I’m going to try and lay this down as simply as I can: That spiritual “enlightenment” you’re searching for? Not gonna happen. No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, no matter what you are willing to endure, no matter how much you sacrifice yourself in the hopes of one day “waking up” – every ounce of that effort is literally what is preventing you from seeing what is right in front of your eyes. This ideal of the “awakened being”, the enlightened one, is an ideological poison that has infected so many brains and completely hijacked their functioning. Now, I get why it’s so appealing. Society has done us no favors. Its excessive focus on wealth over wisdom, on progress over presence, on consumption over compassion, on “success” over self-knowledge has led to a horrid state of affairs in which we are all alienated from one another and especially from ourselves. We find ourselves in a dull, grey haze of meaninglessness that immediately wilts every form of life it comes upon. Then, in the midst of such desolation, along comes a spiritual teaching that promises the exact opposite. It promises ecstatic bliss, boundless love for one another and ourselves, a feeling of oneness with all that exists, no more fear of the narrow self-interested ego. We begin to greet others with heartfelt hugs and namastes rather than rough handshakes. We begin to lose ourselves in songs of devotion and rhythmic drum circles under starlit skies and to the sounds of the waves lapping on the shore. We feel effusive love for everyone we meet and see the same reflected back in their eyes. And it seems we have finally found our home and our kin. We have left that grey miserable world behind and emerged into a parallel universe bursting with color, love and truth. For a time. Yet, unexpectedly, the old feelings of greyness begin seeping back in. At first we try and rationalize them away as just “having a bad day”. But then it happens more often. Our interactions begin to lack the luster they had before. We continue participating in the devotional songs, the drum circles yet it feels a bit contrived. We continue to greet one another with hugs and namastes but we also see how these shows of affection are somewhat superficial. We begin to see through others and the facades they are projecting because it is similar to the one we are projecting. We begin to see the greyness lurking behind their eyes, the fear behind their smiles, the quiet desperation with which they sing their songs of devotion, the anxiety concealed in every beat of the drum. Spirituality is the art of pretending things are okay when they are not. The more tormented a person is, the more complex the cover up. We will do everything in our power to surround ourselves with the things, the people, the teachings and the rituals that allow us to maintain that active state of denial in the most comprehensive manner possible. And when we ourselves ARE the problem then we will seek to deny our SELVES altogether. THAT’S what the appeal of non-duality is. Escape from the self. TOTAL ESCAPE. Spiritual seekers are some of the most emotionally damaged and psychologically wounded people one will ever meet. And there is a reason why such an incredibly lofty goal such as “enlightenment” appeals to such a person. The solution is in proportion to the problem perceived. And nothing short of a complete overhaul of who we are will suffice to solve it. This was the rationale feeding the mind of one of the readers of this page before he shot himself a couple of days ago. I had never had the opportunity to interact with him directly but I noticed he liked a few of my posts. I was informed of his death by his best friend who is also an active reader and with whom I have had a fair amount of interaction. He messaged me with the news because this is exactly the sort of thinking I have been criticizing through my writings on this page. What I felt last night when I heard what had happened was a mixture of deep sadness and rage. I barely slept because the image of this boy, who felt compelled to throw his life away because he couldn’t “awaken”, kept haunting my thoughts. Believing himself to be a failure in life, that sense of failure was further compounded by his “spiritual failure” to awaken. He had been an avid follower of a certain fraudster in Portugal as well as a few others in the non-duality scene. As a result of all the “enlightenment” propaganda he’d come to believe in, he became convinced that if he could only become awakened, like all his teachers seemed to be, his life would become radically different. That all his problems would go away. He suffered long with depression, headaches, insomnia and ringing in his ears. But when his friend counselled him to seek help he refused. He chose instead to believe what the brainwashed neophytes of the New Age were echoing around him: that all these were signs of “awakening”… What a fucking tragedy. … Spiritual propaganda is just another ideological poison, just another narcotic which may help you wean off the drug of materialism that most other people are hooked on to, but in the end will consume you from the inside and leave you a specter of your former self. “Waking up” has nothing to do with any of this non-dual garbage about transcending the self that people are being fed, these idiotic songs of devotion people are singing to some invisible entity who doesn’t give a fuck about them. It is simply taking a look at what’s around right now and choosing to take responsibility of THAT over anything else the mind can envision as a “better” reality. And “what’s around” INCLUDES the soaring debt, the relationship woes, the conflict with family, the crippling self-doubt, the uncertainty about the future – all those things that we are attempting to escape using our convoluted spiritual practices. It also means that we are not seeking to define ourselves in either material or spiritual terms. There is no “success” and “failure”, no “loser” or “winner” in anything we choose to do in our lives. Some things we choose will hurt more than others. But that is all part of the learning process by which we calibrate our own responses. Nature has programmed us with one job: STAYING ALIVE. Even the lowly amoeba understands this. The only failure is the premature ending of that process. I’m fed up of this fucking bullshittery. This spiritual circus act with these larger-than-life troupes of performers led by greedy, disingenuous ring masters fleecing their audiences for every ounce of material and spiritual wealth they possess. And the gullible sheep who will willingly swallow whatever shit they are being fed because they are so used to being led out to pasture. So, I’m going to lay down some truths right now that I am willing defend until the grave so that anyone who is thinking of walking down that road may have a moment to pause. 1. There is no such thing as an “awakened” or “enlightened” person. No such permanent state of consciousness exists. Everyone who has ever existed including the Buddha, Ramana, Nisargadatta and all the other “enlightened” peeps inhabit the same everyday ordinary kind of consciousness as you and I and all the other “average joes” do. 2. Some people have “awakening” or satori experiences which are TEMPORARY spiritual epiphanies. Sudden moments of clarity in which things appear to come together in a way that they previously hadn’t. NOBODY lives in a state of constant epiphany. Every epiphany, every insight, every heightened state of consciousness must eventually subside and give way to ordinary consciousness. 3. There is absolutely NO WAY to intentionally and accurately orchestrate such an awakening experience. Trying to do so is an effort in futility and a surefire recipe for great suffering. 4. Rarely, an awakening experience MAY follow a catastrophic nervous breakdown or a period of intense depression. But depression is NOT a symptom of awakening. It is a symptom that you need to seek professional help! (Just because some people emerge from car crashes with a new zest for life doesn’t mean car crashes are events one must glorify or aspire to experience). 5. Ordinary consciousness IS where the marrow of life exists. 6. No matter how many epiphanies one has had, one’s problems CANNOT simply vanish. They must be FACED. They must be taken RESPONSIBILITY for. They must be SOLVED by oneself and no one else. Otherwise, they simply remain and magnify over time. 7. Whatever you resist, persists. Whatever you suppress, festers. Whatever you deny, grows in the darkness of your ignorance. 8. If you truly are willing to take full responsibility for life AS IT IS, rather than as you wish it to be, you will find that all the tools you need to fulfill that responsibility are at your disposal. 9. NOTHING is worth ending one’s own life over. No suffering is too great. No hardship too difficult to endure. The human spirit is equipped with a power and an endurance that is truly supernatural. There is only ONE thing that can subvert it: IDEOLOGY. That is our kryptonite. 10. A single ordinary moment of being ALIVE is the highest spiritual achievement anyone can aspire to. Allow all of this to really sink in. Forget what you’ve been taught by society. Forget all the dreams and promises you’ve been fed by your gurus. Watch the twin towers of materialism and spirituality crumble before your eyes. Plant your feet firmly on GROUND ZERO. Take your stand there. And say: NEVER AGAIN. If you find yourself overwhelmed by life, by feelings of depression, by thoughts of suicidal ideation don’t glorify it as a sign of your spiritual transcendence. Speak to someone. A friend, a family member, a therapist, a counsellor, a physician.
  5. I mostly just fought my way to the surface, and would force myself to make noises with my mouth in order to be able to hear something that would be a lifeline to awakened reality, and use that to come out of it. I feel like we probably experienced different sensations, I don't want to be a red herring for you. Mine was more like a suffocating, enclosing, fearful, suppressive force, and wasn't related to psychedelics. It was happening to me in my sleep, as I was falling asleep, or waking up. After it would happen, as a young adult, I would sort of kick myself for missing the chance to dive headfirst into it and not flinch, but it was always too terrifying in the moment to go through with it entirely.
  6. @Shaun I would aim for at least someone Green, who loves nature, healthy eater, cares for their body, simple lifestyle/not too materialistic, and who also keeps their mind open and is curious to learn. None of us were born highly developed and awakened, we too had to start somewhere. You can introduce them to spirituality and see where it goes. It's cool to be with someone who shares similar values. Those people are few but out there, you just have to look.
  7. The unconscious is the limbic system and internal organs etc. On the mainstream college they teach only the mind. The awakened human being is able to use it. And in the process be able to use more than 10% of the human capacity. To tap into the whole, we use breath as main focus. Then everything unfolds into a dramatic entrance.
  8. No such thing once one has awakened the limbic system. Only the ideas in the head craves ultimatum and fabulous flashy feelings or being.
  9. After the initial awakening of 560s the work is about purification from the position of no-self. In order to purify, you need to bring it out and scrutinize it. The self-centeredness is not attributable to the awakened one when the realization of the no-self is genuine. It's a form of accumulated psychological and physiological trauma that needs to be released. That is what was happening in your journals. You needed an ear that would listen and the amount of synchronicities confirm just how much. It is not possible to go any further by 'accepting' the self-centeredness. Self-centeredness is the root of suffering and you need to be willing to stop. The only way forward is by letting go of things you hold dear and fight for. That includes both things you fight for your own benefit, as well as things you do for the world. There is a small self and the big self and they both need to go. That is the only thing that makes the pendulum stop.
  10. Psychedelics are very ineffective in terms of giving people persistent shifts in consciousness (what most people consider enlightenment/awakening). They are very effective in giving people temporal samadhi/Ultimate reality/ego death experiences. Thousands have awakened through meditation and related techniques while being sober. How many cases of awakening through psychedelics there are 1? 2?
  11. (DQ)"We are beginning to see the entire universe a holographically interlinked network of energy and information, organized whole and self-referential at all scales of existence" - Ervin Lazlo (DQ)"Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing there is a field. I'll meet you there" - Rumi (DQ)"A samadhi beats an organism any day" - unknown (Q) What is the essence of stage turquoise? - Leo Gura Holistic global collectivist & self-transcendent OVERVIEW Sacrificing the self for the benefit of existential reality Experiencing the wholeness of existence through mind & spirit The universe is alive & not a dumb clockwork machine Building a human community grounded on mystical wisdom Getting all of mankind to awaken You wont find turquoise in politics, education, media, business & universities Turquoise people are mainly mystics, sages, gurus, healers, visionaries. Clairvoyants, leader & teacher Synthesis of all dichotomies for the benefit of all life & all consciousness HOW IT EMERGES Realizes that I cannot solve the worlds problems just through systemic solutions (It needs community) Realizes consciousness unifies everything & everyone (consciousness is central & every problem is rooted in consciousness) Deeply sees the limits of thinking, modeling, reason, logic & mind Realizes that all its understanding of reality so far haven't been the ultimate answer Very serious spiritual practice; a flowering of mysticism & dissolving the boundaries between self, other & outer world. Awareness of Maya, ego transcendence Realizes that mind & understanding doesn't bring happiness and yellow wants a permanent solution A shift from learning about stuff to merging with the many VALUES Consciousness & Elevating the consciousness of mankind Existential truth Deep metaphysical insights Wisdom & the wisdom of nature Mysticism, spirituality & non-duality God & Divinity Holism, integration & synthesis (vs analysis) Left & right brain synthesis Being vs knowing, doing & having Honesty, transparency & radical authenticity Minimalist sustainable living (less is more) Collaborative synergy Human wellness Healing on every dimension (physical, emotional, spiritual, etc) Exploring altered states of consciousness Intuition Channeling & direct downloads from infinite intelligence Supernatural degrees of creativity Awakening & Transcendence Liberation Unconditional Love Emotional Mastery, Mindfulness & Presence Paradox Esoteric teachings Gratitude Unity Deeper & Deeper levels of interconnectedness Selfless living Sacrificing self for the greater consciousness of the whole Meditation, Yoga, Contemplation & Self-Inquiry Spontaneity, playfulness & self-amusement The really big picture (Embodiment vs models) CHARACTERISTICS Lighthearted vs heavyhearted & logical Spiral wizard Sees the human race as a single organism (not metaphorically) Sees the world as interlinked causes & effects in interacting fields of energy Has a supernatural intuition Deeply trusts in intuition Non-manipulative, Non-ideological & non-judgmental Far beyond greens faddish spiritualty Has had a direct experience of one being God (doesn't have to be enlightened) Deeper mental & spiritual capacities are awakened (New sense & new abilities) Heightened sensory awareness Paranormal / psychic abilities can develop The mystical become the mundane, the paranormal becomes the normal Ecologically conscious Being visionary & an inspiring leader Unifies science, technology, medicine & mysticism Deeper understanding of all religions & able to integrate them Synthesis of the East & West (Western technology & Eastern mysticism) Understanding of the fulness of the spiral & uses all the colors proactively & holistically Turquoise is referred to as the 6th or 7th Chakra in the Chakra system Business is about awakening people Sexual desire is transmuted into metaphysical love Great mental & behavioral flexibility Excellent at dealing with paradox Very wise & teach in unorthodox styles Post rational & post material connects to being rather than quantifying & categorizing the world Non-linear, human-centered, supernatural intuition Ability to connect to source High integrity The universe is both impersonal & deeply personal Deeper systems thinker than yellow was (systems are alive) Life consists of fractals Stands in awe at the cosmic order (micro to macro) Reality can be experienced but never truly known Life is the most important thing there is & on the other hand my life is completely important Detects the harmonic forces witch govern organizations Moves from gross to subtle External to the internal Transcendence of morality, meaning, judgement, life & death, duality, mind, reason, science and good & evil Finally has really deep honest, meaningful relationships & communication (NO EGO) EXAMPLES Sahdguru Shunyamurti Thomas Campbell Yoda Ken Wilber David Hawkins Shinzen Young Deepak Chopra Stan Grof Osho vs his community Mooji Rupert Spira Romaji Eckart Tolle Martin Ball Yogananda Sri Aurobindo Ervin Laszlo David Loy Allen Watts Wim Hof Mat Khan The Dalai Lama Sacha Shulgin Yoga Holotropic breathwork The holographic universe (BOOK) Opening the third eye Out-of-body experience Pineal gland Samadhi experience Mediums like Bashar Some of the stuff Aleister Crowley was doing Rudolf Steiner Occultist type figures Alternative healing methods The 'Maya' Notion Psychedelics; 5-Meo-Dmt The q race from star trek Rupert sheldrakes The Akashic records Paranormal abilities Dene Radians paranormal research Gandhi's ideas of pluralistic harmony Notion of 'Gaia' Biocentrism Transpersonal psychology Jung's collective unconscious Quantum field theory Sacred geometry Morphogenetic fields Reincarnation Opening chakras Saints, sages, mystics & prophets STATISTICS O.1% of the adult population is turquoise Less than 1% of the worlds total world influence is turquoise SLOGANS We are all god Everything is one You are already enlightened Everything is perfect & everything is evolving To see a world in a grain of sand & haven in a wild flower The kingdom of heaven is within Forgive them father for they know not what they do I am that Life is a dream WHAT TRIGGERS TURQUOISE The insanity of the world It sees the unsustainability of the world The status quo Myopia Materialistic corruption Profits over truth & spirit Dogmatic scientism & rationalism Ecological dysfunction Collective suffering of mankind Little, petty & mundane affairs LIMITATIONS: Can become too mystical & too spiritual to the point where they're unconcerned with earthly problems They live in their own reality Turquoise teachings can be short & confusing for less conscious people Can develop a guru complex, here everyone serves your spiritual ego - which can lead to corruption Life can become meaningless Can deny the importance of political issues Can assume that other people are just as capable of awakening are There can be a community division on a grand scale Can get stuck on shallow levels of enlightenment & non-duality Non-duality wars - gurus can sometimes criticize other gurus from other traditions Maha Samadhi (BOOK: graceful exists, how great beings die) Its not immune to false beliefs & cultural biases/values Its not immune to mistake Its not immune to sexual cravings & addictions Its not immune to hurting people & humanity at large. Its solutions are not always gonna work and can backfire. HOW TO FULLY EMBODY? Have a hardcore industrial grade spiritual practice Contemplate everything Embody unconditional love Long solo retreats Spiritual purifications of various kinds 5-meo-dmt Read turquoise people Meet turquoise sages face to face Study cutting edge science & technology Study non-dual theory deeply Open your chakras, especially the lower ones & your heart Transmute sexual energy Learn alternative healing methods Make sure you master all the lower stages (go back on each stage and ask: What am I missing & What have I fully integrated? (DQ) = Direct Quote
  12. @Jkris It's a process. One Awakening will not rid you of addictions, but as I mentioned, you have to die to Awaken - and you will come back a different form - but the differences may be slight. The more Awakenings One has the more the form is altered. Therapy and things of that nature are within duality - it can work within its context - but it cannot compare to God realization. In the end with therapy you are just talking to yourself and ultimately you must fix your own problems. Any who dispute this have not awakened. With ego transcendence you can lose the fear of death. It is possible. It is also possible to view the fear of death, while you still have it, as healthy - because you are conscious that death is Bliss - and also conscious that you as the ego still fear it.
  13. Not related. The awakened is fearless. You speak from ignorance.
  14. In a state of meditation, the life force and awarness increase dramatically. If one is awakened, and relaxes, to a DMT leve awarness, highly concrntrated but serene an relax at the same time, space time, slows down, literally. Come on, this was tested by einstein lasy century. High speed, bends space time. I tested this myself. Walking to a destination in stress mode or walking after 5 hours of meditation. Something inexplicable happens.
  15. You´re not going to be in a state of MDMA loving&Kidness because you are an Ego trying to survive, and survival being can´t love everything lol is not good for survival. However as Leo said, Kriya or Kundalini Yoga where heart chakras are awakened (metaphorical or really, at this point, there are just concepts and the bottom line is if they make a difference in your life or not, and they do) is your best bet. Also because in this way you will developing your love and empathy on a progressive, coherent level. MDMA and similar empathogenic drugs are great for discovering points of view similars of psychedelics, but, even if you could be on an eternal high of m it wouldn´t be very good since that love would be "forced" since deep in the inside you really don´t love or understand empathy.
  16. @lukej Again, beautiful. Thanks! So true. The awakened one in this house is 7.
  17. Even the most awakened will not escape from his basic biological urges
  18. @Aakash He made me totally batshit crazy/awakened too, but you'll look back on this and wish you held back a little more. There will be backlash. I know it's hard to do when you feel like you're weightless but try to ground yourself as much as you can.
  19. @Aakash @Leo Gura Yeah, I'm not so sure about that, guys. Some of the most profound experiences I had were around awakened masters and without them necessarily saying a thing. Of course, it is yourself that you find and that produces these experiences, but for some reason, the presence of an awakened one on the outside seems to triggers it. That's what they call shaktipat or darshan.
  20. @okulele A student can only ever be as good as their teacher. How did you learn that 1+1 =2 so easily from your teacher and not how to calculate 546 x 2562= 1398852. It wasn't by a process of osmosis, i understand what your trying to say here. but the process is not automatic.. The student themselves had to understand what "1" is, what "+" is , what "=" is, etc.. etc.. before they can learn what the expression 1+1=2 means and forge an exact copy of that in their own minds Therefore, Leo's state of consciousness is independent of the correlation between him being more awakened and how far the student consciousness goes. The only nuance approach is that infinite intelligence is working behind the scenes, but you can't take this into account as a factor when trying to mathematically elaborate it inside of language. The truth is: The student must teach himself and do the practices. The teacher only serves as an aid to help open up the individuals mind to the infinite number of ways the teachings can be expressed. In other words, teachers exist to open up the imaginations of their students. Rigid teachers, believe they are doing this but are actually encapsulating reality into a box, into a trap they have caught themselves in. Hence the educational system in the world is amazingly poor at being opened up to rigorous imagination, it would destroy the whole system because eventually someone like leo would have realised the fundamental assumptions of all predicated knowledge is illusory. LOL the irony of having one good student who questions everything he's taught. The 5-meo only works as good as the meta-knowledge + preexisting direct experience of truth. the student has accumulated and this will lead you to omniscience consciousness or not. Leo is only an aid or catalyst, there's no garunteed correlation between you taking 5-meo and reaching omniscience consciousness. Edit: So leo couldn't have reached omniscience consciousness without having experienced enlightenment first and so on, its a process that must constantly climb higher
  21. Spiral dynamics is a complex model. I wouldn't expect a clear answer to this question since Buddha lived over 2000 years ago and he was supposedly enlightened. Siddartha's ancient society was likely in the very low stages like purple and red. This would have likely limited his growth in all lines of development. Don't ask these types of black and white questions about spiral dynamics unless you are willing to research all of the material. Leo has said that the model's value lies in its complexity and nuance and I would agree. Many beginners have this notion that enlightened people are automatically stage turquoise and that's just not true...furthermore, spiral dynamics as a model does not do a good job of incorporating awakened conciousness where apparently Ken Wilber's integral models (which I havent studied much myself) do. To conclude, I understand your curiosity but ultimately your question can be answered by studying the model yourself. Watch all of Leo's content on the topic it's very comprehensive.
  22. @CreamCat Here is the most important point that you made which backs up my words in this topic, this is the most important thing that every spiritual school in the world ( like India or china or Nepal) miss, that's why they lost credibility from my point of view from the get-go when I saw that they were reducing the importance of sex just when started to realize about consciousness works and personal development, when I saw the teachings of LEO, I was fascinated by the quality of his videos, and the one thing I didn't accept from him was that he talked about the needs and desires like sex as petty and trivial thing, but when I saw his last awakened video, eventually he said that he found all of his desires ( including desire to have sex ) natural
  23. @Bill W I was reminded of something earlier today that might also be useful. A while back I read a book called Enlightenment: Behind the Scenes (by Marc Leavitt). Most of the book was about his enlightenment and how it happened. But there was one short part towards the end that I've always found helpful. He briefly outlines what he feels are the essential steps to becoming awakened (I don't have the book on hand so I am taking this somewhat out of context and might get the wording wrong). One component, he says, is deciding what you want and dropping the struggle. If I remember correctly, the line read "Drop the struggle, no matter how subtle, as soon as you become aware of it." What I like about this idea is that you can apply it to any struggle that you feel arising that you want to drop. It gets you into a space where you can feel what is arising, how it feels in the way it is affecting you, and allows you the space to drop it, either gradually or suddenly. The nice thing about becoming aware of subtle struggles is that as you learn how they arise and what they are you can then say to yourself "Ah, there you are again." In a sense you get to know the struggle better, and shine the light on it, so to speak When I think of letting go, I usually think it means letting go (of an attachment). In my experience attachments tend to be longer-lasting, whereas moments of struggle typically arise and fade. So letting go might be useful in the overall handling of something, and dropping the struggle might be useful in acknowledging the more momentary attachments as they arise. Of course, as long as the technique works for you, then you can call it whatever you want and use it in whatever way gives you the most benefit or progress. Hope this helps a bit more!
  24. Hello everyone. In a book I am currently writing I wish to add some ideas upon the French Revolution and give a perspective based on spiral dynamics. The research I've done shows that the French Revolution was obviously a reaction against a blue-stage, absolutist monarchy/feudalism. There was a transition to value thinking of orange-stage ideas . However the means of reacting were very aggressive, to say the least. In terms of thinking about power etc. this clearly shows a very red-stage mentality. France did not become a democracy after the French revolution either, rather a military regime formed by Napoleon Bonaparte. And his ways of acting were also very red/blue:ish. It seems as if the orange-stage values were too young to be fully embodied at the time and therefore failed to fully emerge. And after the fall of Napoleon the country returned to a constitutional monarchy, conservative ideas was brought back, and the catholic church once again got back some power compared to during the revolution. It was not until the industrialism that the orange stage fully awakened. What really happened here? Anyone who's got any ideas/knowledge about the French Revolution and can give a perspective based on Spiral Dynamics?
  25. @lukej Very nice post. I have to admit that I sometimes fall into this trap of demonizing the ego, in others and especially in myself. Now here's the problem, if I just accept everything as it is and as divine, will I be able to awaken? Isn't self-inquiry in a way a bypassing of the ego? Isn't there necessarily a struggle in the process? For example, I tend to feel a lot of resistance towards doing yoga, and even towards meditation. Isn't there the danger of just saying "hey the ego is divine and wonderful as it is, so let me love it and go watch TV instead?" I'm not trying to disagree with you, these are genuine questions. From the point of view of someone who has awakened such as yourself, I think you are absolutely right. But for most of us, who have not awakened (and want to), I think there is a balancing act that isn't easy to figure out...