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  1. @zeroISinfinity it has no name actually. It is awareness itself, but even when you add a word, it contradicts itself. But nothing and aware, therefore nowhere, everything and everywhere. Right now. All is nothingness. This is direct experience, if you label chair as a chair thats your duality. All is nothingness is happening here, and you just labeled it. Life is not exist. Even words, all illusion.
  2. Again, a gay act... I'm dissapointed, I thought I was not gay, and then I deep throat a banana, gaged, is that how girls suck dicks? I don't see any pleasure in that. Sure I might deny that. Sure. But what the hell, right? It's pointless to fight. So let's just give in and let's be gay. Ofcourse first things first - being straight, going out with girls, bringing them into my room, having sex with them, feeling pleasure, giving her pleasure, does that sound nice? I bet it does. After the whole straight bit, then I will be gay, noe I'm just acting gay, but I'm not gay. Sure I'm denying the fact that deep throating a ? is a bit gay. Let's face it head on. Bring it God, Devil or whatever you are. I will give in to you all in, I will give in to you so much that I will lose myself completely, I'll be gone in the nothingness. Everything you do to me, I will take, I might bitch and moan while you do it to me, but I will take it. Period.
  3. What is fear ultimately, fundamentally, when you break it all down? This: Fear is fear of you not being able to share love with all other selves in existence. Nothing more. Nothing less. The legimitate reasons for not being able to do selfless sharing of love are: - physical death in and of itself - a severe physical/mental illness - total social exclusion - lack of enough money and resources to do it - lack of sastification of direct survival-needs such as hunger, sleep, sex, appreciation from others, general safety, a home etc. - lack of enough love from others during childhood (because this makes you emotionally and unconsciously believe that you are not worthy and good enough to be selfless, i.e. share love.) And nothing more. This lists include all possible reasons of you not being able to share love unconditionally, i.e. be completely selfless. So all the things mentioned in the list you can -- already do, did or will -- fear...because of ultimately, because of *that*, being unable to share love with others. Physical death is the most obvious one (and all the other fears listed stem from that). But it is also the most mysterious/paradoxical one: because physical death will make you become Love in and of itself, which naturally means that there no longer is a 'you' that can practice selflessness/share love. Illness you can sometimes prevent and sometimes you can't. Social exclusion can be avoided by learning. The needed money and resources (including mental 'know-how') can be accumulated if your will is strong enough. Same goes for hunger, sleep, sex, appreciation from others, safety. (This doesn't necessarily apply if you live in a severe third world country, though). If you are so unlucky to have become a traumatized adult due to insane neglect/lack of love during early childhood, you need psychedelics or some other extreme measure that can reprogram your unconscious emotional workings (could maybe be extreme love/selflessness from another adult person, but unlikely to work, since you will probably reject his/her love in various ways, since you deep-down know you are not worthy of it). Of course, if you could recognize that physical death will only make your false self (the person you believe you are) unable to share love, not your true self (Love itself), then that would make selfless love-sharing A LOT easier :-) Anyway, anytime you are not acting in a selfless, unconditional love-sharing way (unconditional means also loving yourself, as well as all others, equally), it is because of fear..... of death ...... and that fear of death is fundamentally a fear of then being unable to do selfless sharing of love. (When you are death, or when you are very ill, you can't do it, obviously enough). So you ultimately need to let go of fear to actually unconditionally selflessly love yourself, the world and all others. And the only way to let completely go of fear is to deeply and directly recognize that what we normally consider death to be, is a grand illusion, and that what death actually is, is that it is totally and wholly equal to: Love. The only thing that dies during physical death is the limited, imaginary body-mind-person-ego; i.e. it is a character - a role - that dies. What remains after death is exactly that which were acting to be that role, i.e. that which wore the mask of the ego/person. And that is Love. And Love is equal to God, Consciousness, The Self, Nothingness, Oneness, Infinity, The Universe, etc., whatever you wanna call it. But it is loving and good. It is Love. Why does God not just stay God all the time to avoid feeling fear? - Because God is infinitely selfless. And that would be selfish of God. - Because God can't love itself without imagining 'other'. You see: other = you = God If God didn't imagine itself to be fragmented and separate from itself, God would then not be able to love itself. It is only by you imagining that you are separate, that you are able to love others... And then, ultimately, you will come to realize --- either by an awakening inside the dream of this life, or by a number of physical deaths and then awakening in some other life --- that 'others' are 100% equal to 'you', i.e. that you actually never were separate; you were always One, you were always God, always Love itself. So, of course, this is the ultimate paradox of reality: In order to become infinitely selfless, infinitely loving, you have to let go of the fear of death. But in order to let go of the fear of death, you have to experience what death is! You see? Letting completely go of the fear of death is only possible by actually dying. Then you can directly experience that what you thought death was, was actually Love itself! Luckily -- or actually not luckily, because of course! -- it IS possible to directly experience/become conscious of what death is, without physically killing the body. However, one ego-death most often won't do it alone. You need, after an initial ego-death-awakening, to actually then become concious of that which remains beyond ego: Love. And it isn't necessarily easy to become fully concious of it, i.e. yourself. It may take many more 'awakenings', more time, more understanding. After all, Love is limitless and infinite, so there is always room for more understanding for the limited human being. May you all surrender and let go ? May you all wake up ? Love ❤️
  4. Life and the entire reel from which the mind constructs of it is but a story. A story created by the mind to entertain the mind. This may sound nihilistic but when you really conceive of it directly you are afforded the opportunity to detach from stories and create them at will. You seek that life is nothing but a story created from the infinite potentiation of nothingness. My first mystical experience rudely showed this to me. Extremely powerful.
  5. absolute love and unconditional love are not per say the same. they are so different as a black hole is different to space, nothingness is to everythingness, destruction is to creation, egoic-love is to self-love, duality is to nonduality, time is to timelessness, when absolute love happens unconditional love dies - that’s why even in non duality there is always a dual choice even if the absolute does not like that.
  6. I realized that i have been avoiding mindfulness meditation for about 3 months now due to "The dark night of the soul" that i have experienced a while ago. I have recovered from it by building up a new identity from literally nothing (No pun intended) , which now feels as if i am a totally new person/identity living within the same body. The difference that i am aware of is that they are both fake identities. The point is that i know i can go back into that nothingness and experience that depersonalizing state again, which for the old me meant loosing my old identity. If it is possible that the Dark night of the soul can happen to me again (with the knowledge i have from directly experiencing it), will the potential experience of it be "normal" or have less of an impact on me then it did before, or will i pass through the same struggle of building new identities over and over again in order to survive?
  7. Because in truth -- from the highest perspective, Absolutely speaking -- it is not the kid that is getting raped, but God. Only God exist. Everything else is illusion. So "<all that can ever happen> in Reality" = The Godhead doing things to itself. Nothing is outside God. God = The Godhead = Everything = The Entire Universe = The Fabric & Structure of Existence Itself = Reality = Nothingness = Consciousness = The Self = Love = Absolute Infinity = Pure Selflessness = Me = You of course dont believe in anything i just said. directly experience the truth im pointing to. Words can only point.
  8. But that's a problem most people have as they think there's this void or nothingness AFTER the body dies. Saying that you're nothing NOW, nothing changes. The mind is still stuck on being mortal. We have to start from somewhere, right? This 'I am human' mindset is nothing but stagnation. The mind needs to be trained.
  9. Yes Leo, but most of us think that we are humans and this form is finite, so we think that death is nothing but returning to the Source or nothingness. Is this void immortality or we are truly immortal and death is only a limit of the mind?
  10. psychedelics are a visionary trance state They are an additive state like shamanic rituals involving repetitive music and dancing , it involves sensory/perceptive stimulus. In this case a chemical stimulus The chemical has a physical effect on the brain which triggers a mental state (this is not to diminish the value of the experience) but it's an additive state, adding something physical It could be sound (drums etc) and body movements, sensory input that induces a trance state of visionary and perception changes But it is antithetical to some forms of mediation (not all) which are often reductive, doing the opposite, removing stimulation to approach stillness, nothingness, focusing on one point , or observing our distracting thoughts in removed way . These forms of meditation are clearly not a visionary trance state although that occasionally may be experienced. There are additive and reductive states. These are very different and if you look at various meditative states and visionary trance states within them they are different. Each psychedelic is different and mediation has many variations not all with the same outcome. The other worldly experiences and perception changes under psychedelics are clearly not like the stillness of certain mediation states but they may be similar to other types of meditation that are more mystical (sometimes oriented toward focus on a deity). There is also a tendency in all of these things to bring into them ones already had beliefs and experiences and cultural background. Enlightenment might be inspired by a mental state but it is considered to be permanent condition usually resulting in clarity and wisdom. However what enlightenment is is very subjective and one person's "absolute truth" may be different than another's "absolute truth" . In fact truth can't be properly expressed in words
  11. Just curious if others experience this in conversation with others, a dissolving of sense of self, where there is just the awareness of the other speaking and the responses that come up. I’ve noticed it happening since I started therapy. It’s like being in a meditative state but able to converse and interact. I’m finding it happens as the conversation progressively becomes more open with vulnerability on both sides. It’s stands in contrast to how I typically feel when interacting with others which is slightly contracted somehow. I noticed it in therapy, presumably because it was a safe feeling space where I could speak freely without fear of judgement. I enjoy the bliss of nothingness during meditation and when two people are conscious of it it’s a really interesting and fun space to explore and speak from with another. Curious how other’s find interacting with others, in particular close family & friends and if they find themselves in this state of awareness or perhaps this is their default?
  12. @Member you are not awake brother. You haven’t realize the truth. I can even see from your talking style. Formlessness can be exist without a form, but form can not be exist without formlessness. Such as, every salmon is fish, however salmon can not be exist without being fish, however in order to be fish you dont need to be specifically salmon. Everything is pure consciousness (nothingness). If it doesn’t exist, nothing can be exist. Ask leo, you guys trust him but at the same time whatever you want to call it you can name it, because whatever name you put it, it comes from nothingness or pure consciousness. So whatever you do you cant run away. Nothing can be nothing and at the same time infinite. Nothing is the core.
  13. @gswva fear is not a force either. If you never felt fear, you can never know feel of love, thats why they complete each other. God is so simple, thats why it is just a being, thats why it’s nothing, which is formless and awareness itself. Truth is only state of being, which is nothing. Thats it. Thats what i have been trying to explain. Infinite nothingness, which is full complete being. Thats why all is one, all is it. The truth.
  14. @Member you are everywhere because you are nothing. @Inliytened1 infinite is nothingness. If you are not nothing, you cant be anything. Every form based on formlessness or nothingness. I still feel love, compassion or happiness a lot more however they are all beautiful illusions However, experience helped me to feel more love and compassion. Thats the beautiful part. However in actuality, nothing is happening. Ask anyone you want. If you are completely god. There is no emotion or thoughts there. Just you. When the dream disappears, only left is infinite nothingness. Thats why everyone is enlightened, because all is based on nothing and existed by nothing. If it is no nothing, it can not take any forms. Thats the reason why all is perfect because all is coming from nothingness.
  15. @Member where is your mind? Where are you? If you dont know the word of god, who is god? If you dont know the word of enlightenment, what is enlightenment? These are all matrix, words, which is an illusion. how do you know thats a cat? Lol. Words are created by humans. Cant you see. God, cat, you, me has no differences. It is all nothingness. Helping, what is helping, it is just action, action is just a word created within nothing.
  16. Because you're God sustaining this body and the whole universe depends on you. Nothingness and everythingness are the same, the only difference is in your mind.
  17. This is life bro because you're living right now. You only assume there is Death or nothingness. Matrix wants to make you believe that there are things outside of you and you have no power over your life. The only limit is set by your own Mind. At least, right now this makes sense to me & I used to believe in nothingness too because of ego death but I woke up to become everything, not nothing. Death is BS.
  18. Being infinite nothingness. Infinite and nothing. Infinite formlessness. Close your eyes, cut all your emotions, feelings and attachments. You will see.
  19. Brother, i dont want to call it god. You call it god, because you learned that higher source of human is god. This is still matrix. God is nothing. And being completely god is infinite nothingness. Hot-cold, good-bad, right-wrong, belief-disbelief and god-human these are matrix. I am nothing. When I thought, i was human at that time i could be god. But god, human, love, feelings vs these are within matrix. But truth is matrix is created by nothingness. Matrix has never even existed. This is not life, it is full nothing.
  20. Nothingness and everythingness are the same thing, just the same as life and death are. The only distinction is in your mind.
  21. You never become completely god brother. There is not even a blink happening there, all is infinite nothingness. You become infinite nothingness and awareness. There is nothing except you. Thats pure awareness just aware as nothing, nowhere thats the reason why it is everywhere and everything. Anything is formed on nothing. Close your eyes, look at everywhere. Thats what it is. Just cut the emotions, feelings and thoughts. Excuse my language, but you are infinite nothingness as a fucking king. Nothing is there except you. You are fullll nothingness. Love is nothing. You are full complete nothingness.
  22. @Member i don’t believe in anything anymore brother even love, these are all distinctions. The answer is direct awareness or nothingness. No more than that. Rest is emotion, thought or attachment. Because if yoo never realize yourself Love never occurs, but you are still aware in any situation as nothing. When you become completely god, you are completely nothing. There is nothing except you, there is no place for love or being love. Just you.
  23. @Inliytened1 not faith. I am thats it. When stuff turns out to be thought, you can consider as a faith. This situation makes me think, thats why i get confused, thats why it is not real. Awareness is nothing, but if you can name awareness, you can consider as love, because love is purpose of duality. I dont know why, I usually experience nothingness or the moment I don’t want to give any name, because it creates thinking even love. Thats why it has no name, it is the way that it is. If experience of love comes it comes.