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  1. @AlwaysBeNice Indeed there's nothing that "should work". If you were to actually apply the method; you'd find yourself in a constant state of bliss - for it's own sake. No other agenda than feeling good right now. Being happy and fulfilled with what life's reflecting to you. Are you still seeking? If so, I can see how the information he shares could be completely irrelevant to you. Alien yes or no... That's completely secondary, in my opinion. Can the information be useful and beneficial? That's what's important to me. And if there actually is an entity called "Bashar" that's reaching out to humanity... Even cooler
  2. @inFlow Not as a separate body, though every word is dualistic, distinction making, and implies it is, similar to how the usage of the word “ego” creates the belief there is a separate entity which is the ego. Bliss of feeling and thought arising. An energy traveling up and down the spine, mind & brain. Less dilution. Like removing mud from water reveling mud is made of water. Words create the distinctions which lead you away from where the words are intended to point you. Good to communicate & inspire at best, but after reading them look around where you are now and ask, wtf even is this? With proper singing, one learns to control the breath, expand the stomach, and feel the vibration of the registers, to produce a vocal ‘note’ of music. We can say, what is that note though, what is it actually? We can talk about pitch, tone, inflection, intonation, ideas baked into the single note conveying in feeling what unsung words can not...yet all of this points to the shocking effortlessness of singing, and that the doing was veiled by the claiming of singing. Yet even that, points to the wholeness of the single note, vibrationally inseparable of all vibration which appears to produce it. Nonetheless, one who does not properly stretch the stomach will not get to far, due to a clenched, tightening of the throat, in ‘efforting’ to compensate. There is no separate note, one creates it as one be’s it, as such, you’re discovery how you’ve been creating the ego. There is no note, and so “with” - in with proper singing is revealed to be a misnomer, and is none other than vibrational, and not even.
  3. @SamueLSD the thing is that I noticed that I wasnt screaming inside like oooh Iam going somewhere, but there was just observing going on, experience of the bliss, but without the ego-I. My deepest awakenings were on weed, psychs hit me too hard. But I dont poo poo them, it is a very powerful tool, but probably not for me.
  4. So I'm in rehab as I've done psychedelics in the past and in rehab it teaches that you can achieve bliss and satisfaction by being sober. And now I see what they mean. Being sober is a great for to some degree ofcourse these euphoric states and calmness are rare, but I think it goes a long way after the longer period of time in sober state. Previously I thought that I can only be happy by doing drugs, this is false drugs are good and all but there are consequences that come with it, especially after you stop taking the drugs for a longer period of time, like 6 months or so. Really these consequences and scary and Leo still proclaims that psychedelics can't get you addicted. This is also false, sure there are times after you take psychedelics in large dozes that you didn't want it anymore, but for how long? After it like you need to take another dose of those drugs to feel better again, to escape the suffering. It really bugging then my mind works like that. So anyway whenever I see that all this rehab did influence me in a way to see that soberity is not that bad, it's good actually. And really like we can't be taking psychedelics 24/7, there's a time and place for them, but we still need to stay sober and get back from all the chaos in my minds and fix it up a bit so we could be a part of society and live a prosperous life.
  5. One of my favorite episodes from Leo was "Life is a dream", in this episode Leo says something like "Reality is a dream, not only is it a dream, but it's every possible dream that could be dreamed". I tried rectal administration this time, I measured 25 mg using a measuring spoon, I ask the substance to show me "The Ox", and I hit it. Around 10 minutes my body starts to feel very heavy, , i'm good at calming my self but this was something else, a couple of minutes after I was in a state of incredible Bliss and awe, an incredible feeling of ecstasy, that was 100 times more euphoric than MDMA, I felt like someone woke me up from a dream which I've been lost in, and now I woke up from that dream to realize I was sleeping the whole time. I didn't want to get distracted by the euphoric feeling so around 17 minutes I started to contemplate, who am I? The answer I got was that I was a dream machine, a machine that can dream anything that could be dreamed, I also grasped implicitly what is Infinite Intelligence. I got very emotional and tears started dropping, I felt like I was incredibly lucky to be alive, but even more lucky that I could peek through this window, which millions don't even know exists, at this point, I started to lose the sense of me, it felt like a movie screen running with no audience, it's somewhat scary, but liberating, this movie screen is capable of dreaming up absolutely every possible dream because it cannot not do that... It's it was all consciousness, there was no "physical" world, it's a show running for infinity. This is where it shook me hard, my life is just one out of an infinite number of dreams, God dreams forever because he is infinite in nature.... because he is Infinite he also has the power to imagine everything. I also asked what will happen when we die, I understood that we don't die actually, because we were never born! Even though I grasped this concept a bit before, but this was a whole new level of understanding. I found that 5 Meo is an amazing tool for understanding things that are implicit in nature. My earliest insights on the magnitude of infinity were from this incredible website you might've heard of. "The Library of Babel" is a short story by Argentine author and librarian Jorge Luis Borges, conceiving of a universe in the form of a vast library containing all possible 410-page books of a certain format and character set" So yes, let's say that you could live forever, and you were given a task to sit on the computer your whole life. Your task is to type all the possible combinations of the English letters including spaces. at some point you will, of course, write Shakespeare or ever your own life, the things that you said, will say, or could have said are found in this library, the cure of cancer is found here too perhaps. In Reality, we are kinda living in the library of Babel and its books, swimming in the ocean of infinity. Of course, this is just the tip of the ice Berg when it comes to infinity as you are only confined to the English language and is limited to a couple of thousand characters, but give it a try, it's pretty cool. Also, check out the images section on the homepage, every image that can possibly be imagined is made from a certain set of colors and pixels. You can find a photo of you technically. Needless to say, infinity is a wild thing, after trying 5 Meo DMT and contemplating it, I could grasp a bit of what is pointed to when one realizes his Godly nature. Throughout the trip I was shouting: "Of course! Of course! it's infinite! How could it not be ?' " Please do share your stories of what would you describe infinity to be. The website of the Library of babel
  6. Thoughts are the substance of a "self". They are the ultimate narrative of god to trick itself into this illusion. They are like a magicians finger pointing to something obvious in order to catch your awareness so you don't realize what's actually going on. The more destructive/negative the thoughts, the more your awareness gets caught, since they are like an extremely loud alarm bell which lets you ignore the ever-penetrating silence in the background. If you have good thoughts, you can more easily let them go than negative ones, since losing something good seems less bad (because everything may stay good if you have a good basic level) than if you beliefe something is getting much worse if you ignore it. So bad thoughts are perfectly designed to keep you back from letting go, from seeing through the game. That's how this reality of me here and you there can sustain. That's how god can forget about itself. Of course you as a self don't like them since they are seperating you from god/love/bliss/freedom. But it's the only way for god to trick itself into the illusion, and it probably wanted to do so, otherwise it didn't create it. But maybe it was just a "mistake", who knows, so then everything would be just a waste-product of gods loneliness or whatever. Try to find out whether you wanted this diversity of existence or not! The only way to do so is to become more conscious.
  7. What else has god to do? The moment it realizes itself (if there even was "a moment"), it's all known and stays the same forever. The only "change" would be an "other experience" than experiencing beeing omniscient forever. Imagine god knowing everything, except not knowing everything. So to truly know everything, god must know what it is like to know nothing. Another way to think about it: What if god actually is infinitely lonely? Knowing that the only beeing ever existent is always itself. Tricking itself into the illusion of other makes it forget its loneliness at least for some "time"/in a part of reality. Maybe god wants to share its infinite love and creativity with something that has the feeling it gets it all free, beeing filled with bliss and gratitude. I personally see it kind of that way: Not just we, but god also can "think" about/"imagine" whether there is something "else" than it, or "outside of/beyond" it, or what it would be like to be nothing at all, or if it could end its own existence, or how it would be to not know itself or whatever kind of unanswerable (paradoxical) question. So every creature it created is its newest try to not know itself, creating a reality even more sophisticated than the last one, so "real" and "inevitable" that it needs "time" (=the ultimate illusion) to unravel itself. It's like god's tripping on its own created drugs, believing to be all sorts of crazy shit. Of course, no real time is passing in gods eyes, it's all the present moment and you're always conscious, but it (you) believe time to be a real tangible thing. Gods infinite intelligence is used to "seperate" itself and create and maintain this illusion (which must be finite, as it is not the absolute, just a creation). There never was a seperation, never time passing, no individual "self", but only gods infinite intelligence trying to do everything to be as dumb as it could ever be. The ultimate question/knowledge for god is to know what it's like to know nothing. It's impossible, since you always know that you exist. But you can come fucking close to knowing nothing, as you probably experience, since everything can be doubted/denied. Matter may be closer to this knowledge of not knowing, but we as humans do a pretty good job, too. There's much more to say but as you can see it's just speculation. I had some personal experience of infinite solitude etc. but it's just one dimension within infinite ones probably. Just realize this: If god wanted it simple and easy, it would have created reality that way. God loves brainfucking. The moment you fully awake, you will realize that everything is and was perfect. The more you lose yourself, the more you can find in the end.
  8. I suggest you to start doing long-mile runs (out in nature if you can). It is the activity that has resembled to me more relaxation, bliss, beingness...etc in a sober way. And it´s healthy!
  9. Jesus...I'd rather go jerk off for an hour. Why are they talking about the same thing....slowly....and strangely for extended periods of time? Plus...Leo said there was barely any water in his tub? Life threatening? Haha. Alright Also, I'd be interested in hearing about what these have as practises. I wonder how their hour and a half every day kriya yoga self enquiry practise go. I wonder how their 7 day intense 5meo retreats are going...even though that's quite little. I'd be interested to hear how their enlightenment experiences went...yeah. I wonder how their enjoying perpetual bliss and eternal life
  10. Exactly. The sooner this is understood the better. Better not have such expectation at all. The sole purpose of self inquiry is to know what you really are. Whatever comes with it, will come; whatever goes with it, will go. All shit will break loose eventually if one progresses with self inquiry. The key is to be indifferent to all that changing phenomena and keenly holding on to oneself. Self inquiry is not about peace, love, bliss etc. Its the antithesis of all that. If you want peace stop doing self inquiry and eat some good food, sleep in a comfy bed, bond with people and animals, take up Mello fulfilling habits, appreciate fine arts, join spiritual community and sat sang etc. But if you wanna know who, what, when, how you are; self inquiry is da wae
  11. I gotta be brutally honest with you here. But your seriousness around this topic very clearly shows me that you have a lot to learn still=D Sure, seriousness is necessary if you want to go down the path towards awakening. But once you finally "get there" you should be light as a feather. And you seem a bit heavy to me, bro, even though you act like you're the smartest sage around town. First of all, yes, you are right. People often think ego-death is always a walk in the park. And I agree, often it can feel just a brutal as a near-death-experience where you were resurrected by some doctors. However, from what I have gathered, heard, learned and directly experienced myself, the experience of ego-death can differ remarkably. It can differ in how deep it is (there are infinite depths to ego-death). Secondly, it can differ in how it is felt. It can either be easy peasy to go into ego-death-space or it can be brutal as fuck. I believe it depends on how calm and able you are to surrender. If you have a hard time surrendering, cos you're clingy, low-conscious and a "bad" person, and not at peace with yourself: expect a bumpy ride. If you're naturally at peace with yourself and have an easy time surrendering: expect bliss from the get-go. :-) Yes, you could say that awakening is something that radically changes everything. However, the opposite is just a true: Nothing is changed. I hope you are also aware of that. Anyway, you fall into the trap of mixing absolute truths with relatvistic truths. And it always tilts me as fuck when people do that, and shows me they're still big n00bs ;D (I consider my self a noob by the way, lot to learn still). Of course, absolutely speaking, yes, for instance, time and death are seen to be illusions. But so is everything else. Life/reality is seen to be a dream. An imagination. An illusion. So not only is time and death imganiry, so is your body, your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, the whole external world. But as I said, it's pointless to "discuss" absolute truths. Totally freaking pointless. Either you get it (because you've directly seen it) or you don't. Simply as that. Instead, what we can do, is discuss the relativstic truths inside the dream. How does the dream function? Time seems to be an important aspect of the dream. So does death. So does the external world, feelings, thoughts, the body. Right? :-) And same goes for the so-called "ego". "Ego" to me is - by the way - 100% synonymous with the word "person" (most of the time, the words can soometimes mean slightly different things when used in special contexts). Anyway, yes, the persons/egoes, you, Meta-Man, me as WaveInTheOcean, they are - absolutely speaking - illusions just like time and death are. However, relativistically speaking -- in speaking of how the dream works -- they are very real. Just as real as trees in the woods and cars on the subway. To contrast this, let's imagine a dragon flying around belching fire. To believe such a dragon exist on Earth -- relativistaclly speaking -- is to me a false belief. But to believe a tree exist, or that I as a person exist, is perfectly geniune beliefs , relativistically speaking. To believe a dragon really exist - outside books and film - serves no real purpose other than play and fun. To believe I exist as a person, WaveInTheOcean, serves a big purpose, namely it helps me to survive and continue on in the dream, among other things. Anyway, the point of all my rambling is, in order to function as a human being -- whether within society or in a cave in the mountains -- you have to believe that you exist as a person. My real point is that it is completely utterly retarded to view "real persistent enlightenment" as a permanent stage of "no-ego/no-self/no-person". Completely utterly retarded. And I'm glad @Leo Gurahas finally realized this, lol However, in another context, if we talk of "no-ego" in terms of: "very loving", "very conscious", "extreme selflessness", "very light-hearted", then we're talking about an entirely different thing. I view these attributes as very important markers of how enlightened/awake you are. And obviously, both you and me have a looooong way to go, right pal? If not, let's agree to disagree. Have a wonderful the rest of your Saturday. I think I have made my point here <3
  12. I've wasted the entire morning. Oh glorious rapture! I can even think judgmental thoughts about myself from pure love and bliss. Get off your ass Mandy! BIRD CHIRPS. Maybe I will, maybe I won't? Who can say?
  13. @WhatAWondefulWorld It is a wonderful world. Full of wonder. I wonder why would anyone want to leave this world. Don't romanticize God. Don't imagine that God-realization will give you permanent bliss in which you can bathe for all eternity. The infinite perfect God lacks finitude. God is currently the envy of your current finite state. God wished to be born through you so that He could experience your finite life. Embrace your life and attempt to see the beauty of it. In your embrace, you will eventually find His.
  14. I’d say this is best expressed through “I AM”. We could consider a series of stages. At first the mind is immersed into the personal identification of “I am”. . . “I am a 40 yr. old plumber who lives in California. I have three kids. I like eating pizza with Budweiser beer”. That kinda thing. The next stage is catching a glimpse of self-dissolution. For example brief moments such as: being in awe of a majestic sky, playing the trumpet, playing soccer, unified in bliss - in which the self and time briefly dissolve. There is only this majestic sky, the trumpet seems to be playing itself etc. Humans love this state and many spend considerable time and energy trying to reach these states. Yet they are just glimpses that don’t stick. They are contextualized into an experience. For example “Wow!! I totally got into the zone playing the trumpet just now. That was amazing. I want more of that”. This is still full-on identification to the self - it was an experience I had. The next “stage“ can be much more troublesome for the self construct. Rather than a simple dissolution of the self, there is realization of a higher “I AMness”. For example, there is awareness that I AM the soccer ball, goalie, crowd and grass. In the beginning, this is just a brief glimpse and there can be a range of impact. It can feel liberating and wonderful or it can feel scary and threatening. . . . If a mind sticks with it, awareness of a distinction can arise. . . There “me” yet also this “beyond me”. . . At an immature stage, this can be interpreted and experienced in all sorts of ways. For some minds, it may seem like a psychosis - like multiple selfs. For other minds, it may seem like an “observer” of “my self”. For other minds, a no-self state may serve as an escape from self identity. It can be very peaceful and blissful or there can be anxiety and resistance. One of the mind’s tendencies is to claim ownership. At early stages, it’s super common to hear things like “I need to work on my ego”. “My ego has been causing me problems, how can I tame it?” Here, a self construct has simply fragmented into “my good self and my bad ego”. . . A bit more advanced would be: “I’ve awakened and I am the observer of the self”. Yet this is still early on as there is ownership of being the “observer” or some “transcendent” awareness. Ime, this is where it gets tricky and subtle. One thing that can provide clarity of distinction is “I AM”. There is “I AM” and there is whatever comes after “I AM”. This is a super easy way to see self identification, yet it is unpalatable to the self as it threatens the existence of the self. If we can’t add anything to “I AM”, then there is no self construct. Yet this can get quite subtle such as “I am the observer”, “I am awakening”. It gets subtle and tricky because the mind often leaves off the “I am” part, it is an underlying assumption. . . A mature distinction between Self and self arises with repetitive and ongoing detachment and dis-identification - yet this is much easier thought than done. Ime and my observations, it takes a lot of practice. There can be major realizations, yet old patterns generally re-emerged. As well, there is a sense that “this is it”. It takes willingness, curiosity and (right) effort to go deeper and become aware of more subtle forms. At a more mature embodied stage, there is clearer awareness of “I AM” vs “I AM xyz”. For me, a couple easy ways to see where I’m at is to notice how attached I am to “me-ness”, how easily can I let go? For example, if Leo replied that this essay is a self-centered distraction and told me to get back to work, would there be an “I” that reacts? How would this “I” react? It may think “I’m not good enough” or “Leo doesn’t know what he’s talking about”. . . How would this feel? The body may feel defensive or embarrassed. What if Leo responded that this essay was pure enlightenment flowing from the Divine. . .would there be and “I” that reacts? It may think “Wow, I’ve made a lot of progress!!”. This may produce a good feeling of self-worth or pride. . . Yet the I AM is prior/transcendent to this. With practice, the distinction gets clearer and clearer. It becomes more obvious to the I AM (Self), when the i am (self) starts adding personal stuff in. Here, the mind may think “The essay that appeared is distractive hogwash from one perspective, yet also brilliant from another perspective.” There is no ownership or personal attachment/identification. Yet thinking this is a surface level. For me, feelings are a deeper indicator. For example, if someone replies that this essay is distractive hogwash, I can easily think “Yes, from one perspective it is”. Yet this is simply putting spiritual lipstick on the personalized idea of “That’s just your opinion”. A deeper indicator is the feeling response. If someone says this is distractive hogwash, does a feeling of defensiveness or unworthiness arise in my body? This would be indicative of personalization/identification/attachment. A more transcendent essence might be a curiosity of another view. Or perhaps laughter arises since the “other person” criticicizing me is actually me! We are both one and I am criticizing myself - which can feel quite comical. For me, these constructs helped provide a sense of grounding as I progressed. Yet as we go to deeper levels, both the constructs and progression are imaginations. Since the mind is no longer immersed into self, the mind is fluid and can now observe inter-relationships between Self and self as well as Self = self.
  15. It is time to report my progress. I am doing kriya yoga for 2 years now. Before i started kriya yoga i wasnt aware of the following things: - kundalini energy (prana); - inner light; - bliss; - love; - meetings with spiritual people at random. There was a guy who told me that he could show me a real demon which i could ask questions. For this to happen i had to go to his house but i havent contacted him because it is a distraction in my opinion. I also met a girl who was a healer. She told me that she could simply look at a person and "see" ad which chakra somebody was. By looking at me she knew instantly that she could trust me and share this information; - energy blocks in the body; - chakras; - people/places have different kind of energy; - becoming objects that i look at. During the last months the kundalini energy goes to higher chakras. First the energy was stuck at the fourth chakra but it goes now more to the fifth chakra. In the future more reports. Stay safe everyone.
  16. @James123 I am because I desire to be. Being is pure desire. Passion. Love. Playfulness. Joy. Bliss. Demonizing desire is a part of the old spiritual paradigm. As well as demonizing the ego, maya, or anything else. It screams separation. There is, for the sake of the argument; unhealthy desire. Or better yet; misaligned desire. Irrelevant desire. But fundamentally, there is nothing wrong with desire. It's not in your way. Just like thoughts are not in your way. Or feelings. Or egos. Or maya. Or anything else. That's just a very outdated spiritual path.
  17. @LfcCharlie4 I am not cranky I am just foolin' around. Nothing new I guess. Yeah coffee sucked balls drinking this turkish black one need to change it but got addicted. In all honesty confused af what to do, with enlightenment devil completelly dies and you lived for it even this spiritual games are for it. Don't want to continue this but I have to, real mess. Ignorance is a bliss sometimes. If I could choose again would delay enlightenment til age of 75 then I would be ok have a good laugh and will die in peace.
  18. @Alextvvv Yes, the ‘brain getting rewired’ is a ‘real’ thing. It’s unmistakable, and “rewiring” is a pretty accurate description of the change / experience / sensation. I can attest to the front, the entire brain and spine, and the lower area in the back of the brain just above the spine. That last one was by far most intense, though not painful or concerning in any way. There is also what I can only describe as an aura activation, like body awareness / presence beyond the body. It seems to go from 3 ft to maybe 12 ft and then beyond discernible edges / borders. There is also a similar body bliss change that occurs which seems to encompass & basically ‘reprogram’ all of the systems. All separate occasions. Not sure if they’re related in the sense one would always occur before another. Then there’s another which honestly can’t be approached with words, but is remarkably more unmistakable. Take it for what you will. Sharing cause you’re interested. Totally get how it might sound. The most impactful one, the back of the brain, took 3 - 4 days, and then the more gradual aspect of it was any thoughts arising, being ‘re-filed’ in accordance with the change. That took around a month. Also, one occurred in the very end of a trip, one in meditation, the rest ‘in the middle of a day’ out of nowhere.
  19. from a self-inquiry Im not "behind my head" or my "visual field" Im a everywhere in the body, the visual field is just one aspect of myself that Ive fixated upon so hard that I think I am that, but if I look closely I can see that I exist everywhere in the body but in different sensations and flavours. this insight was accompanied by a feeling of adrenaline, bliss and a weird sense of floatiness... this is a very fresh out of the oven hot baked bread insight, if anyone wants to clear it up for me or tell me Im wrong, please do
  20. Hey! I'm also twenty and have been on this path for ab 4 years rather seriously. Remember, ignorance is NOT bliss. If you feel like your spirituality is preventing you from enjoying mundane life then you are missing something in your practice. There are 2 aspects of spiritual practice, both are important: Wisdom: Knowing I am nothing. Love: Knowing I am everything. It sounds to me like you have too much wisdom and not enough love. I'd reccomend doing more self-love, compassion, forgiveness, and heart opening. I find myself falling into the trap of too much wisdom and not enough compassion (it's a very common masculine trap). Try out some self-love meditations or heart openers. It's very easy to ignore these practices. Don't! They feel amazing. Much love, Adam
  21. Question that comes up from suffering. Do I really want to do this? Become conscious of what's actually the case? Feels like I'm dying. Nope, you know what bliss feels like already. Doesn't feel like that at all. Do I really want to do this? I do. I do. I've had a few little love affairs They didn't last very long and they've been pretty scarce I used to think I was sensible It makes the truth even more incomprehensible 'Cause everything is new And everything is you And all I've learned has overturned What can I do Don't go wasting your emotion Lay all your love on me Don't go sharing your devotion Lay all your love on me
  22. Yeah i really got this vibe when tripping with a friend realizing i'm talking to my self while on Lucy.I might post that trip someday. To me it makes sense if you are eternal consciousness forever that you are lonely.Of course i didn't mean this post as something negative but educational.Insanity ain't a bad thing perhaps it is like a defence mechanism,but it does explain how we forgot we are one being and created all of reality with imagination.It does explain how we see a world when it's sheer emptiness beyond our form.A human analogy for me would be people with alter personalities.These personalities exist only in their minds and they are a part of their mind.But when the person looks deep within they are facets of his mind.Having seemingly their own character and problems.Taking this to the infinite mind perspective is a great way to open up one's imagination about the arising of form..Forgetfulness and ignorance seem to be main elements of existence.To me this ignorance is bliss there is nothing beyond it but nothingness itself. So i have fallen in love with it's insanity. Created out of love and beauty for its own good.The magic of it is that you don't feel alone,if you aren't conscious that you are all of it. Maybe that's the purpose of the ego,love yourself through being all the forms you can be always and forever..
  23. When you live these “smart things” rather than intellectualizing about them, they most certainly help our situation on Earth. Bliss, happiness, love and truth are available right now, regardless of form. This is a radical possibility many do not see.
  24. It’s pure bliss. Can’t be achieved. Focus on relaxing while breathing from your stomach. Don’t add to that, don’t question it, simply do it.
  25. if your mental health is fucked up the only logical thing to do is become a hardcore seeker. take it slow and slowly intensify your practises. ive worked up to an hour and a half of kriya yoga/self enquiry every day. will be starting intense 5meo retreats soon. if someone has a mind that is broken, no matter how many "good things" you bring into your life...your life will probably still be shit because your mind will still be fucked up. i'd consider it utterly nonsensical to dedicate myself to anything else in the given circumstance...i was the same, but now im happy...and im going to get enlightened, actually. learn how to do self enquiry, kriya yoga, practise for at least an hour a day and do 5meo retreats periodically and keep doing that until you enter a state of super knowledge, divine wisdom, perpetual bliss and eternal life...