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  1. It's interesting you say this phase pases in a few months, in my case I would say I've been in this "dark night of the soul" the last 4 years it seems it never ends, but maybe it's because I have a very strong ego. Thank god in between I get glimpses of the truth that I am a fictional character. That makes it bearable, that God takes a peek from here to there. Sometimes I wonder if really was a good choice to go out my basement playing videogames to know the world, since that moment I start becoming conscious of all of my demons, before I was so unconscious I was happy (ignorance is bliss?) But I guess this life was the one I was suppose to awaken from the dream, yeah. (Oh wait, now they say past lives are imaginary). Hey. Good luck with you processs brother! Happy for you you are making progress, it looks like it!
  2. Dream-consciousness, characteristically, has a quality which may be called 'blurred' or 'smudged'. It is quite lacking in crystalline sharpness or the quality of precision. The logical capacity is weak in the dreaming states. There is also a lack of firmness of will. The dreamer floats along in his consciousness, instead of being an achiever in it. He may dream in terms of ideality and beauty and be highly freed from the gross and the sensual, but the dreamer, as such, lacks character and strength. On the whole, his equipment is peculiarly poor for breaking from bondage to subject-object consciousness. He may be a good man and earn long periods of dreamlike bliss, but all this is less than the Liberated State. So, all in all, it should be quite obvious that for him who would attain the Higher Consciousness, one of the first necessities is the mastering of dreaming tendencies. To effect this mastery, there are several useful disciplines that can be devised, all of which cultivate the qualities that are the opposite of the dream-like consciousness. Thus, all activities that require a strong, positive, and incisive use of the mind, and all will-directed efforts, particularly if in directions that are more or less distasteful, are highly helpful. Strong intellectuality affords one of the best resistances to the dream-like state. Its danger is that it may develop egoism to such a degree that it becomes a serious barrier. But my judgement would be that it is easier to master an overly developed egoism - for here we have strength to work with - than it is to build the necessary strength in the too dreamy consciousness. So I should place somnambulism, rather than egoism and evil, as the first among the problems that must be mastered in this humanity if it is to progress toward Liberation. End. I just thought all this fits so well with Gurdjieff's ideas that it is worth sharing here.
  3. @UnconsciousHuman I recognize that pursuing money for the sake of money can become very empty and shallow. This seems to be what you are pointing to. In this case I am also recognizing that money is a resource that I can use in order to create the life experiences that I would like to create. For example, if you wanted to move to Sweden it could seem completely impossible if you do not have the resources to allow you to do that. Travelling can be a very fun experience, and you may enjoy your life more by doing this. I recognize that bliss is found in the present from another perspective, which means that I do not actually need to do this, but I would like to. The more I would like to do this, the more it inspires me to work.
  4. @LfcCharlie4 It's not logical for everyone to have great marketing skills and set up their own clinics. I still firmly believe in physical communities of people working together to produce a result (a hospital), now that being said. Are hospitals corrupt, selfish, and are paid off by big pharma? A percentage of them are...In an ideal society, those things wouldn't exist what would exist however is the government paying the hospitals for taking care of patients and the doctors making a profit from that money. No middlemen. No one needs to be rich! What is the point of excess wealth anyway? Isn't bliss and joy what people really are after?
  5. @erik8lrl I already go but I think i'm doing something wrong. I feel like i'm at a point in my understanding, where I want to be able to hit feelings of bliss joy, etc from emotional releases in a meditation session but I really can't. I try so many different guided one's but all i'm getting is a slight relaxed feeling. Like I may as well be napping instead of meditating. What other spiritual practices should I do, or is there an ideal meditation technique for flow states you think would be useful?
  6. @Vipassana Very cool to hear your feedback. I am currently meditating far less than you, however i want to up my time up to 2 hours. I started today, did almost 1 hr 10 min uninteruptudly and did 1 hr 40 min total. Strange, i cant say i did have mystical experiences but i do have unusual things happening to me, for example there is huge amount of energy channeling in and out my swadishtana and manipuraka. It is so much bliss there that i want to move instantly. I have constant expansion and contraction experiences altho very little and energies spike in my sahasrara. Nothing other than that i have. But i dont just sit i also center my mind on enernal truths that i feel subjectivly are true for me like if i am aware of this now, i always have been and always will be. This will go forever or no matter how i feel, wether i know or not i am Mahadeva or who am i e.c.t. and since i have done nirbaya dhyaan my swadishtana projects alot of intensity and bliss so suddenly it feels like there is so much depth to me. Prior to that i had a awakening experience in my work i guess, but it was nothing i have read anywhere. It was not feeling some infinite love, maybe a little bit or having no boundary, but there was like insane levels of emotional relief and i felt like somebody else is laughing trough me, i was just pressing this emotion and it just constantly made me laugh. Its like laughing from nothingness. It was so relaxing and at the same time very intense. It really felt like nothing matters and this is a dream. I didnt underestand wether i cried from gratitude or laughed to tears.
  7. @Meta-Man The point is; the mind is an illusion. It thinks it can control reality by studying, analysing, and understanding it where in fact all the mind knows is near zero. They say "ignorance is bliss" for a reason. Hahahaha.
  8. 1. Leo most went most-in-depth, than all, claim. I started the old topic based on the first segment of the video, that supposedly many teachers are not or haven't reached the deepest, and Leo had (though only for a moment(s)). I felt both statements to be so ridiculous, (based on my own experience with teachers). Which prompted me to write a seemingly disrepectful, or somewhat ridiculous, sort of light hearted internet humor, response topic, which got locked, and I suggested Leo 'should' start a traditional teaching course with students-ashram, and teach face to face, see what that is like. Also because the intellectual discourse really doesn't become relevant anymore after a sudden point of awakening, then it is all about Love and Real Contact in action, which must be done face to face, Darshan. - and quickly actually boundaries of higher or lower should be aimed at to dissolve to complete realization for the students, you can't be mentally stuck in your own head or on a subtle ego high ground when giving real teaching-satsang-darshan (but it was based on the idea I thought Leo was kind of thinking to be, well, gone farther than most teachers, like Shinzen mentioned, though he also said he didn't know, and also said at the end of the video he's still frustrated to not be at the end of the path sober. - this quite changed the sentiment, and along with the touching part in the middle of the video, - so it was a bit of early response from me. (I can imagine some of you may not find this so interesting to read at all, but I used to be active here and stuff). 2. How can you trust teachers. 'You should be careful to not put all your chips into one basket' - 'how do you know they have reached the end', 'how would you know?' -'You can't trust humans.' The question is based on a misunderstanding or lack of experience with legit spiritual teacher, or more accurately put, spiritual masters. Some of the teachers on youtube we can see, indeed it seems like they are actually 'teachers' or 'teaching'. this however does not compare actually to the real traditional guru role, the traditional guru role, was not about a teaching, but about relationship, if the teacher is an actual master-guru, but it's about Darshan, or transmission of The State, The Sighting. If a real teacher, or master in other words, is actually realized, they can work this way, in which case: all teaching becomes irrelevant and it only becomes about the direct relationship, in eye contact or silent feeling being-, so you can realize the same source as the the master is, in which case all doubts or worries cease, in which case all doubts of the highest or what ever go, because you are in That, I've only experienced this in glimpses with masters, but could clearly recognize they were in that all the time without a shadow of a doubt, it's just so obvious but I can imagine it sounds doubtful, something you have to see for yourself. So yeah, that's when you know the teacher is real or at the master role. In That, the seeking has ended in awe, and there is no more seeking any deeper limit or what ever, just doesn't occur, satisfied with God or love it Self. And I want to say that yes, even before a major shift, you can be quite happy just with love or resting where you are already, prior enlightenment does not mean 'bad' all the time. So this is how you know, so it's kind of ridiculous to actually belief you've gone deeper (than almost all teachers), while you, correct me if I am wrong, haven't sat in a devotional relationship with any teacher for a significant amount of time. But you also make statements of ur unknowing about it, fair enough. 3. "I've experienced so much consciousness" So higher consciousness means more understanding of reality, or perception of reality, telepathic connections? So much you can barely walk or talk? That is suppose to be higher enlightenment? Really? No. That can be a conditional mode of expression of reality, if somehow relevant, but still, enlightenment is described as freedom FROM experience, seeing everything as non-binding, and or divine, but remaining or knowing yourself to be untouched, that's what liberation or enlightenment is about, conditionally apparent experiences no matter how great or advanced are not classified as enlightenment. So 'super highs' aren't enlightenment or even slightly important anyways, and I would say, you underestimate how easily devoted sober practice can deepen over time, you think Consciousness or Gods needs drugs? It's a really blindsided opinion in my view. 4. MahaSamadhi-God is love Yeah this part especially well in the middle, was really beautiful watch. I think later, in the mahasamadhi part, you fall out of your love a bit, and start thinking too much about going deeper, the fearing you never come back. I would say this is not really so likely. I mean. As of already, we are the free consciousness, unborn. In samadhi we can disappear completely but we come back (and we don't), I don't see why it would be logical to assume at one point experience can never arise again, al though you can remain realized of still being there,, knowing you are completely unborn, and thus can't die, forever. I think Naropa in other topic is beautiful example of this that I know personally that was linked in the other topic, really really beautiful and life-long experience and devotion, really worthy to check out. He also speaks about Self-Realization and afterwards enlightenment, and stably so, which I think he also shows as permanently realized in his eyes and being. Here he speaks exactly also like enlightenment being love radiating like you do in the video. Also Adi Da is a cool example that speaks of the same, the light outshining the world, and everything recognized as divine, stably, and unnecessary also, or non-binding, love-bliss. David Spero is another favorite of mine whose authenticity is immediately obvious from the get go I'd say, here he speaks of the end also, 'So that naturally will be the end of all spiritual realization, the end in a glorious sense, not a dismal sense, in a glorious sense, of having realized everything' ( (this one is also really good Peace
  9. The Truth sank into realisation. All is one and I am it. I am all of this At first I thought realising the truth would be some out of this world, super special, mystical experience.. This right here is a mystical 'experience' ? There is no such thing as a more or less special 'experience', it's all one and the same thing. I am it all. Realising truth is very intimate and beautiful. What the hell is consciousness?? What the hell is enlightenment?? It doesn't even matter what it is. I am it. Whatever is, I am it. I am time, I am light, I am darkness, I am void, I am death, I am life, I am love, I am fear, I am infinity, I am finite, I am imagination, I am awakening. And what are all those things? Me, I am it all. Because that's the truth. No matter the circumstances, no matter the where or the when. I am There's no grounding myself in this, what a ridiculous notion ? I am it, God damnit! Call it nothing, call it nonduality, call it everything, call it God. Hell, call it evil or shit or nonsense if you want. It doesn't matter, nothing matters. The truth is I am it all and it's one. It's all one and the same thing, and it's me. It really doesn't matter what I do, it all is love, all of it.. struggle, bliss, it's all love. That's what it truly is, what every thing, every state, every phenomena, what it truly is is Love. It's me. How is it love? Because it is. It just is. The question 'How' is love. The answer to the question.. is also love. Every happening is love. It's self love. Love loving itself, it's all one. All along, the only thing I am, the only embodiment there is - is the embodiment of love. I am literally what is! I can't even say the truth has been right in front of me ? It's more accurate to say that the truth has been my face this entire eternity. And this is eternity, there's no attaining immortality and eternity, this right here.. this is it. This is never going to end, Never! Nor does it even change, it all is as it is! It's one and the same thing, night and day are one and the same thing. What the hell is duality and nonduality?? As you breathe, all this is the only thing that is and will forever be. No matter the circumstances, it's all one. Nonduality will never be attained/known until that which already is, in pure actuality, is embodied. Until then, nothing will ever be known simply because there's nothing to know. All that is known is imagined so. This is The Truth So simple, so obvious, literally the clearest thing that can ever be, requiring no form of intelligence whatsoever. One merely has to breathe it in to get it.. It's just that obvious. This Truth is love is one and Is I Am it ? So I'm going to leave The Truth Pilgrimage as it is, and see what the next pilgrimage or journey will be. ??????????????????
  10. Somebody can recall a dream or a trip. So why is there a threat to insights? There are different types of meditation with different aims. Other types of meditation might be purposed toward having a mystical experience that might be a visionary dream-like experience similar to a degree with artist imagination. In Vipassana also known as Insight meditation but the type of insight they are talking about is different. insight noun. an instance of apprehending the true nature of a thing, especially through intuitive understanding The method in Vipassana is in a way opposite of forms of mediation which lead toward mystical or ecstatic experience (although occasionally they might experience sensations of that type) The goal in Vipassana is to "see things as they are". So when the practitioner sits they still themselves and begin to observe what their body and mind are doing and quickly note them by mentally labeling them, "thought" "thought" "thought" or in noticing an irregularity in one's breath "irregularity" , a stiffness in the back "stiffness" "Stiffness" . Maybe earlier in the day you got angry and remember it for a moment "angry " "angry" "angry" . Etc. etc. You can't stop the mind from bringing up these thoughts and feelings. This process of labeling is a way of letting go of these various things that the mind brings up and trains the mind not to become attached to them. Sometimes sitting still like that for a time some weirder mystical visionary things might happen or profound sense of tranquility might happen, but are labeled in the same way and not clung to, not something to "bring back" . So the type of insight they are talking about here is to become more still to the point where you can become aware of how all of these thing the mind brings up, whether it's an itch on the back, a mystical experience, boredom, an emotion, these are all treated the same way. The "insight" part is not some revelation or intense experience it's observation of how the mind generates reactions to things so that when not meditating one can have a clearer relatively more objective view of reality when not meditating. So sitting and not doing anything, not taking in any outside stimulation it gives you a better situation to notice all the automatic and repetitive feelings, and thoughts that the mind generates. Being human we never fully eliminate these things we just become better at being aware of our mind's little alarms and realize we have the option not to react to them if we don't want to and let them rise and fall more quickly. In the dream state the mind is free to wander and the brain paralyzes the body so it is safe for you not to get up and wander around with your eyes closed. Then when awake another part of the brain engages and it has a survival instinct. This part of the brain does it's best to distinguish real from illusion to beware of threats to one's existence. Suppose you have a dream and you hear a dog bark. So what? But while sleeping there's still part of your brain ready to detect something external if it occurs. You are sleeping and you hear your dog bark. Your survival brain says "you need to check why the dog is barking at 3 A.M., could someone be trying to break in the house? Did the dog get hurt?". So the brain will allow wandering imaginative thoughts to occur if they are internal but not if outside stimuli occurs. If this happens this other part jumps out and tries to distinguish what is real and what is not real. Sometimes a dream gets scary and the brain is not sure if it's real so it might wake you up to check on things. And if you ingest certain chemicals and it could disrupt the brain's ability to make this distinction to varying degrees. One can prepare for that It's subjective and monks are instructed not to say if they are considered to be "enlightened" or not. Some traditions may regard "enlightenment" as a mystical visionary experience or a state of bliss. Others may regard it as the most sober, in a sense, condition possible, awareness, not of the infinity of the universe but acute awareness of the present the sound of an acorn hitting the ground on a Thursday at 6:24, the detail of it.
  11. There's no luck, but there is gratitude or jealousy. A grateful person is unable to feel jealous and cannot fathom gratitude from a jealous person's perspective. And vice-versa for a jealous person. Jealousy is not a problem for the jealous, they're comfortable being devils, they're comfortable being themselves. Ignorance is bliss. However, when a devil awakens to his devilry, it's like when a vampire comes out to light. He has to burn in order to become pure, so he pays for it by dying. There's nothing new about this, it's just evolution and giving birth to new form. Labour has never been an easy task. Some things have to die in order to make way for new things. There's nothing bad about jealousy per se. It's rather simply 'outdated'. You're where you are because you've paid for it. No one point of view is actually better than any other. It's just a matter of perspective.
  12. @fridjonk Its not about resisting death. I want ego death. I want love, joy, bliss etc. The question is how to get there asap. I want enlightenment, embodiment and integration, not just insights. And I want it every day all day. I want baseline consciousness to be enough. None of you "geniuses" have this yet. It's so obvious
  13. No its all actual. But pure actuality - pure infinity (melting into and merging with the present moment) aka a non-dual state cannot be sustained. There is ego death in these expanded states of consciousness and then there is a return to duality - the dream - second order - whatever you wish to call it. You will completely experience death or the illusion of death One can be in such expanded states sober or with psychedelics and they are no different. The point is these levels of Consciousness, however profound, do not need to be chased. When you try to seek or force things it will backfire. In these states of Absolute infinity one can have complete understanding of all of reality. It is remarkable. As Leo said it will bring you to your knees weeping. It will leave you reeling and drowning in pure bliss. So it is easy to fall into the trap of wanting to be in these states. I have felt the loss of what Leo is saying when you are no longer in these states of consciousness. But at the same time one has to realize that its always here. Its always here once it has become actual for you. You do not need to chase these states. This is infinity right now, albeit a finite slither but it is Infinity. One can be at peace and happy in any state of consciousness.
  14. What are your thoughts about this phenomenon called ascension? People calling themselves Lightworkers and star-seeds are saying that the ascension will be soon around the corner. Some say it is a be an advancement from 3rd density consciousness state toward 4th density for the whole human race. Others say it is the advancement from the 3rd dimension into the 5th dimension. others that it will be in 3 ascension waves after a solar event appears, and the rest who will be not able to ascend will be transported to another planet to fit their evolution. Then there are comparisons to it like enlightenment or heightening our state of consciousness. As before it was difficult to achieve this and now with light energies hitting the planet it will be easier for many to achieve this enlightened state with the help of the energies. This energy that causes our elevation of consciousness is called by some as the divine mothers' tsunami of love and others say that our solar system is entering a part of the galaxy where the light quota is significantly higher. Another version is that we will be having the global hearth awakening for all humanity, the realization with oneness and interconnectedness with life. The solar flash will cause this shift. Theory of the harvest says, where only people who have reached a service-to-others quota of 51% at the time of the solar event will shift into a 4th density consciousness state. And this happens every 25.000 years. I possibly misunderstood som theories but you get my point. The reality will probably be different from all of these theories explained. I personally feel that something is happening, I feel bliss and love with little or no spiritual practice or effort and see this happening to others to. And some are freaking out by this process. The question is, will we be able to: - ascend to 4th density? - Have a heart-opening during his lifetime? - Fail the process and be transported into another planet to further his evolution there. What are your thoughts? If something of this is real then I surely do not want to miss it. (Some say E.T. disclosure, mass arrests, and the monetary system will be remade alongside this. But that is another story.)
  15. Hey everyone, The last few days on here haven't been exactly all about loving life and embracing life post-awakening, I saw a recent post by Leo about falling in love with life and finding passions outside of Spirituality/ Consciousness Work/ Reality etc When seeking it's easy to drop ALL hobbies and outside interests, sometimes even necessary for a while. Just like when starting a new business or relationship that tends to take centre stage for a while, however, I feel Passion is such a valuable thing to develop in life, learning to love life and cultivating your passion for interests and hobbies and even your career is like having the key to a never-ending road to bliss, happiness, and joy! So, this is all about discussing our passions with each other, and potentially helping others find their own passion and love for LIFE! Life is so fucking beautiful and amazing and everyone deserves to experience an amazing and passion-filled life! And, before we start I'm of course not saying don't have a passion for Awakening/Spirituality etc, however, your seeking journey will come to an end eventually (hopefully) of course integration and living the understanding goes on forever, but I know many of us don't want to just become monks or stare at a wall forever, and many of us are already in love with life, so this is all about sharing and cultivating that love for life! In my experience, awakening has only deepened my love for life and my own passions. One last thing- Of course a passion for truth and awakening is fucking amazing, it allows us to find out the truth of our own being, and discover the absolute happiness and peace inherent in this and WAYY more, so just want to make it clear I'm not for one second saying stop spirituality or anything like that! Anyways these are some of my passions- Sport- Ever since I was young I LOVED sport, I remember day after day just going out and playing football for hours and hours on end, it was my first love! (Outside of junk food, I still managed to be a fat kid lol) I still love football more than ever to do this day and watch every Liverpool game every weekend, although now I play a lot more cricket, every Saturday and Sunday in summer for 4 months, it's amazing! It's also incredibly social after the games which is an added bonus, and it's a great community to be a part of. Also, when I do play PS4 it tends to only be Fifa or sports games lol, I guess I'm pretty weird like that. Business/ Sales- I've always wanted to run my own business, however when I got interested in spirituality I thought they were mutually exclusive. How wrong I was! Simply it meant evolving my business to come from a place of love and focus firstly on serving the customer and making them happy, not solely on money. Fusing spirituality with business has been one of my greatest joys and I wake up and get excited to work every single day right now, it's so fun! Most people find it weird that I actually like writing copy and running ads, but we're all different I guess. Health/ Fitness (Feeling AMAZING) - Acne was what got me truly into health and fitness, my spots were terrible. It led me to going Vegan and in the last year my research and knowledge has deepened so much, and there is still endless amounts to learn in this domain of life. I LOVE learning new things that improve my health and naturally make me feel amazing, it is just such a great interest of mine, and I will forever be a student of health! I guess personal development falls under this category as well which I love! I also LOVE helping people in any way I can, so if they are unhealthy help them sort their diet out, or if they want to play sport help them get started, or if their business is struggling help them there etc, it gives a feeling like no other I'd say these are my main 3. I love to do other things such as hang out with GF/ Friends/ Family, Listen to music, go partying/ raving occasionally, watch incredible TV shows/ Movies etc, but I'm not sure it's fair to call things like that a passion, more just enjoyable things I like to do from time to time. So what are all your guys passions in life, and if you don't have any explain why and I'm sure we can help cultivate that love for life that is longing to be expressed!
  16. Leo!!!! This could be my favourite ever post you’ve made on this forum and I’m so glad tbis is the path you are going down, I mean if you’re staying sober for a while as well we could end up best friends who knows ? This is beyond true, awakening will only heighten the true passions within you and allow you to express then even more, life is fucking amazing and just wow! Every moment is truly an incredible spontaneous gift, I just love it so much!! Im going to make a thread on exactly this- Passion! Cultivating passion and a love for life is like unlocking the key to a never ending supply of joy, bliss and happiness, every day becomes a gift! what are your passions outside of Spirituality (and 5MEO ?), it’s easy to neglect them when we are seeking truth and awakening, I know I did!
  17. Some verses from 'Devikalottara' to help with contemplation and self inquiry on Consciousness. 1) Understand that one who is not able to realise the Truth in his Heart by this knowledge of spiritual wisdom known as Kala Jnana, can never attain it even by studying countless crores of sastras (scriptures) spread out like the sky. 2) Therefore cast aside all fears (on following this path) and shed all doubts. Giving up attachment or desire for anything, be ardent in seeking the ultimate knowledge with wholehearted devotion and with a clear mind (without any trace of confusion). 3) When the mind moves even a little, that is samsara (worldly bondage); when the mind abides firmly and motionlessly (in the state of Self), that is mukti (liberation). This is certain. Therefore know that the wise man must hold his mind firm by supreme Self-awareness. 4) The happiness attained in this aloneness is the highest, boundless bliss. Which learned persons will not revel in that Supreme Reality, in which there is absolutely no action? Tell me 5) Being rid of the worldly knowledge, the great hero who has acquired pure wisdom, in which there are no sense objects, and which is all pervading and without any form, will attain immutable moksha without fail. 6) The void which is the infinite and all-encompassing one whole without a second, which is just the effulgence of pure wisdom, which is completely devoid of visible phenomena and which consists of the aspect ‘I’ is the seed which fructifies as liberation, bestowing salvation by enabling one to unite with the Supreme 7) Instead of following this direct path, do not ever contemplate even in the least upon chakras (located in six adharas, centres in the body), nadis (subtle nerves that produce the ten divine sounds such as Pranava), the deities associated with the lotus seats (in the adhara chakras, beginning with Vinayaka), the mantraksharas (potent sound syllables for the worship of these deities) and the diverse mandala murtis (the God-aspects, starting from those controlling the sun, Surya Mandala, the moon, Chandra Mandala, and fire, Agni mandala). 8) For those whose minds are constantly expanding, clinging to external objects, factors will always arise causing increasing bondage. If the outward-wandering mind is turned inwards to stay in its natural state, know that one will not undergo any suffering in the world. 9) Unite with that one totality, which is all-pervasive, which has no inside or outside, which is bereft of all (concept of) directions such as above, below and in between, which assumes all the forms in creation and yet is itself formless, which can be known only by itself, and which is self-luminous. 10) If any person does not meditate on this great all- pervading void, which is the space of consciousness (chidakasa), he will be a samsari (a worldly individual) forever in bondage to worldly attachments, like the silkworm in its self made cocoon. Understand this. 11) All living beings, of whatever genus, undergo great misery over and over again. Hear from me. In order to avert all this suffering and sorrow, meditate on the great void constantly without any break. 12) The mind, hankering after things of the world, is more restless than a monkey. If one controls it from wandering after external things and holds it in the void of non-matter one will attain liberation directly. 13) This complete wholeness pervades inside and outside all creations like ether, merging with them, and is itself formless. Dear, those who are submerged in this supreme bliss become that supreme bliss themselves. See, how wonderful! 14) If one meditates that the one Consciousness (chit) is different from the prana (life-force), which has subtly attached itself to this gross body, from the mind, from the intellect and from the ego, one will become established in that Consciousness. 15) Due to sleep and due to thoughts the mind always loses its sharpness, its foolishness increases, and it goes to ruin. Awakening this mind with effort, and without allowing it to wander, establish it in the state of Self. Persevere in this effort by fixing the mind again and again in its natural state. 16) Make the mind, which always clings to some support (attaching itself to sense-objects), devoid of all such supports. Making the mind, which is restless in clinging to external supports, motionless, do not disturb that tranquillity even a little. 17) When one adopts the practice (sadhana) by means of which one’s mind, which is restless like the wind, is made still perpetually, then the purpose of taking birth as a human being is fulfilled. That is also the mark of a true scholar. 18) If the mind falls asleep, awaken it. Then if it starts wandering, make it quiet. If you reach the state where there is neither sleep nor movement of mind, stay still in that, the natural (real) state. 19) Know that whoever meditates on that supreme void, and becomes established in it by virtue of constant practice, will definitely attain the great state which is beyond birth and death. 20) I alone am. No one belongs to me; nor do I belong to anyone else. I can see no one who can call me his; neither can I see anyone who is mine. I am all alone. 21) The day one is able to see oneself with his inner eye as not the body, all his desires vanish, and he experiences perfect peace. 22) I am pure Awareness, immaculate, perfectly liberated; and forever present everywhere. I am indeterminable. No one can grasp me or leave me. I am free from sorrow. I am always brahmamayam (of the nature of Brahman). 23) Even if the aspirant acquires many kinds of supernatural powers and magical powers such as visualising what is buried underneath the earth, and can demonstrate them before the world, he should give up mental attachment to them. All these (powers) are only bondages to the individual soul. Further they drag one to follow a low path. The supreme joy of liberation does not lie in any of them, but only in the Infinite Consciousness.
  18. I don't know, there are highly effective techniques out there like kriya yoga, and wim hof method, and whenever I try and do them I feel very little to no results. And I do them very rigorously and with a lot of seriousness for long periods of time. I've got a fear of missing out, because I see people having so much results with those techniques and I just can't seem to get any. However, during meditation for me its very easy to feel love and bliss, and during contemplation you can inquire into infinity quite easily. Sometimes I think I'm missing out by limiting myself to just meditation, but other times just doing meditation feels more right and in sync with my intuition, and it feels like I don't need other methods because meditation is already working well and I just need to do more of it, even if I've been using the same one for the past 2 years lol. Maybe psychedelics will help with this? Tell me what techniques I should practice and whether my fears of missing out/limiting what I practice are warranted And based on what you've said above, I feel like actually my neurotransmitters are upgraded on average, yet my baseline is very low on average. Because inquiring into mystical states is quite easy(like infinity) yet there is lots of neurotic stuff in this state of consciousness. Although this doesn't really make sense because I've only meditated and not taken psychedelics before. But to be honest, I don't really care about calmness of mind or peace or whatever, I just care about omnipresence and knowing what the fuck is going on. Although calmness of mind is usually a prerequisite to omnipresence.
  19. I'm actually after the opposite. I don't care about peace and even detachment from thoughts that much, or reducing suffering or even healing, or even feeling good/bliss. What I'm after is infinite intelligence and omnipresence. Knowing what reality is. Although the things above are usually needed for omnipresence. @Leo Gura do you find that psychedelics help maintain permanent states of omnipresence and infinite intelligence/knowing? Or you still need meditation and yoga for that?
  20. In other words, I would challenge you to cultivate other distractions @WhatAWondefulWorld I'm the same, I only care about being conscious of reality - that's why I became a scientist/engineer. If I were you, I would start a meditation/contemplation habit ASAP if not already done, start deeply questioning reality to the levels you are passionate about. Follow your bliss. There's no joy like being real intimate with reality. If you're passionate about reality and understanding, then that's what you're passionate about. No faking other passions is gonna make your life happier. You're not going to thrive and enjoy other things if they don't make you happy, you will just feel like you're wasting your time and are living a depressed life. Don't worry about survival for now, just focus heavily on your passion, survival will come once you've got that sorted - that's what happened with me.
  21. Sounds like a kundalini awakening. Heightened perception,bliss,timelessness, are all indications that the life energy (prana) is finding expression due to the clearing of some obstructions in the nervous system. How long have you been meditating?
  22. @WhatAWondefulWorld uhh...ok, just my opinion, but my advice would be the exact opposite to this... Meditation and intense consciousness practises are the only thing that fixed my fucked up head and life. I would strongly recommend you start doing hardcore practices for long periods of time with powerful psycs if you take your own happiness seriously. Anything else is a joke really. I don't know why nobody else is saying this...but if you have a notable amount of shadow work...don't focus on "making your life better" do hardcore consciousness practises! That is the means by which your life gets better!!!...haha. this is blatantly obvious. I'm actually a little surprised that nobody else is saying this... I was about to fail my education, I was a neurotic, toxic person who was twisted and toiled with deep deep suffering. And I knew I was fucked. I mean deep, deep suffering. I remember thinking "when will this ever stop" couldnt kill myself, would never do it. I've lived through hell ? if someone were to have told me "aww Aaron, get your life together before you persue enlightenment" that could have been enough to distract me from the healing and bliss which I now live in. I mean, holy fuck. Look at it like this, it depends how badly you want it... happiness I mean. If you don't pursue enlightenment...then I guess you either got fooled out of it, or you didn't want it bad enough. Feel free to stay in hell my friend, why tho? heaven is real ????? Deuteronomy 30:15 "See, I set before you today life and prosperity,death and destruction..." Choose life ?? then smoke a fat blunt when you win like the badass motherfucker you were created to BE! That's what I'm talking about. As soon as I get enlightened I'mma smoke a fatty
  23. @Leo Gura what if the experience you got so far including mind exploration & dmt never showed you any truth. you deluded yourself, believing love feeling as hard as the deluded here never existed. Maybe what you're looking for has to be drop to be found. what if you could be in bliss all the day, all the time, and without any drugs. like having only experience with people as high in truth as you are ? just idea, go find out.
  24. Just wanted to share this part of the book series 'Conversations with God' (book 3 specifically) in the light of all the mahasamadhi talk. Couldn't bear it to not post this. This contradicts the discussion or idea on this forum that Mahasamadhi is final and eternal: (Neal in dark red and that which is said to be God in blue) Am I clear that, once we reach this state of Oneness which many call Nirvana—once we return to the Source—we don't stay there? The reason I am asking this again is that this seems to run counter to my understanding of many Eastern esoteric and mystical teachings. To remain in the state of sublime no-thing, or Oneness with the All, would make it impossible to be there. As I've just explained, That Which Is cannot be, except in the space of That Which Is Not. Even the total bliss of Oneness cannot be experienced as "total bliss" unless something less than total bliss exists. So, something less than the total bliss of total Oneness had to be—and continually has to be—created. But when we are in total bliss, when we have merged once more with the Oneness, when we have become Every-thing/No-thing, how can we even know that we exist? Since there is nothing else that we are experiencing... I don't know. I don't seem to understand this. This is one I can't seem to get a handle on. You are describing what I call the Divine Dilemma. This is the same dilemma God has always had—and that God solved with the creation of that which was not God (or thought it was not). God gave—and gives again, in every instant—a part of Itself to the Lesser Experience of not knowing Itself, so that the Rest of Itself can know Itself as Who and What It Really Is. Thus, "God gave His only begotten son, that you might be saved." You see now from where this mythology has sprung. I think that we are all God—and that we are constantly, every one of us, journeying from Knowing to Not Knowing to Knowing again, from being to not being to being again, from Oneness to Separation to Oneness again, in a never-ending cycle. That this is the cycle of life—what You call the Cosmic Wheel. Exactly. Precisely. That is well said. But do we all have to go back to ground zero? Do we always have to start over, completely? Go back to the beginning? Return to square one? Do not pass "Go," do not collect $200? You do not have to do anything. Not in this lifetime, not in any other. You will have choice—always you will have free choice—to go anywhere you wish to go, do anything you wish to do, in your re-creation of the experience of God. You can move to any place on the Cosmic Wheel. You may "come back" as anything you wish, or in any other dimension, reality, solar system, or civilization you choose. Some of those who have reached the place of total union with the Divine have even chosen to "come back" as enlightened masters. And, yes, some were enlightened masters when they left, and then chose to "come back" as themselves. You must surely be aware of reports of gurus and masters who have returned to your world over and over again, manifesting in repeated appearances throughout the decades and centuries. You have one entire religion based on such a report. It is called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and it is based on the report of Joseph Smith that the Being calling himself Jesus returned to Earth many centuries after his apparently "final" departure, this time appearing in the United States. So you may return to any point on the Cosmic Wheel to which it pleases you to return. Still, even that could be depressing. Don't we ever get to rest? Don't we ever get to stay in nirvana, to remain there? Are we doomed forever to this "coming and going"—this "now you see it, now you don't" treadmill? Are we on an eternal journey to nowhere? Yes. That's the greatest truth. There is nowhere to go, nothing to do, and no one you have to "be" except exactly who you're being right now. The truth is that there is no journey. You are right now what you are attempting to be. You are right now where you are attempting to go. It is the master who knows this, and thus ends the struggle. And then does the master seek to assist you in ending your struggle, even as you will seek to end the struggle of others when you reach mastery. Yet this process—this Cosmic Wheel—is not a depressing treadmill. It is a glorious and continual reaffirmation of the utter magnificence of God, and all life—and there is nothing depressing about that at all.
  25. Hello :-) I am new here and I want to introduce myself a bit. I was always interested in psychology (and also worked in a closed field and went to quite a lot of training in this field and also read a lot). I always wanted to understand why people behave the way they do. But as years went by I sensed it is kind of going in circles, if the reason for suffering were pure psychological, why can't psychology find a solution? So after searching for a while (not even knowing what I was looking for) I endet up in non duality. Read a lot of books, saw a lot of youtube videos, went to a lot of reatreats.... And after going to the retreats I experienced a kind of shift in myself. But I guess it was not really an awakening. But it was a kind of dumbness and dullness (I usually think a lot), I had the impression that my thoughts got less and kind of much ...slower (and I used to be a quick thinker). Also, I felt there was a real heart opening, a kind of love to everything and everyone. I deeply felt (!) connection. I got really a bit blissed out, I was kind of happy all the time. Sometimes people even ask me what kind of drug I am taking. ;-) So, but then I got triggered and painfully hurt and the bliss dissapeard with also that kind of strong feeling of connection. So I wonder if somebody experienced somthing similar and what that was exactly? And I also wonder at the moment how to continue? It feels like I was thrown back in an old state which doesnt seem to fit anymore.