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  1. How can ACIM say that the world today is crap? Nonduality teacher Roger Castillo, who sometimes quotes ACIM, said in a recent video that he thinks that the world is both real and also mind stuff. Something like that. Roger's view is similar to mine. And I think that the world is very valuable, or from a nondual perspective equally valuable as everything else. Jordan Peterson said in a presentation that people defend their perspectives that Leo talked about, because if someone challenges their perspective that threatens their ranking in the social status hierarchy. And in the animal kingdom that means threat of survival; in society that equals to potential loss of money. The nothingness ACIM talks about is that people give different values to different perspectives. And of course, especially our own perspective, and the perspective of our group, that is most valuable of all. That's of course a fallacy when seen from a nondual perspective. That's mindless chimp stuff, no matter how "intelligent" and "successful" the person is regarded to be. ACIM may go even deeper than that in its explanation of the world, but that's at least one reason for why the world is delusional.
  2. Infinity and Nothingness on one side & Finite and Somethingness on the other.
  3. (This is not my video) Some of you have probably seen this video. But it really did pull me out of a contracted state of consciousness. (that I had put myself in) Everything has always been perfect and right where it needs to be. We just have to accept and start experiencing it... Be willing to accept who you are, be willing to see yourself exactly as you are. "Life" doesnt need to get to a perfect state or a stage for you to feel ready to step up and accept your gift. You... are... worthy... A few months ago I wrote this to someone, but later I found out, that the message wasn't for that special someone. It was for me... "I had to go through the darkness and its dark reflections that I was identifying myself with, to be able to see the white and vague light in the distance. Once I realised that there was more to my experience than the darkness I had been surrounded by, I started pursuing the white light. And when I reached the end of darkness, I found myself blinded by the massive and all surrounding light. And then I finally realised, that Im neither the light, nor the dark. I was the thing experiencing the both. And when I clearly saw that I am nothing, I laughed and dissapeared in to the nothingness of my existence"
  4. I am not enlightened, neither I had any OBE, but recently I am trying to do astral travel. But.... in his enlightenment video leo said that you are nothingness aka pure transparent awareness, so I can't wrap my mind around that if there is no self then how this experiences is possible, what is actually getting out of our body if there is noself ? this thing is keep bugging me whenever I try to achieve OBE. Please enlighten me on this topic, thanks! ?
  5. Nothingness is imagining everything. Just like how a white sheet of paper holds whatever is drawn on it. You can have all sorts of mystical experiences of aliens, out of body, astral realms, chakras, etc. But all of it is happening within Nothingness. All of it is Nothingness. No-self is a higher degree of consciousness than an OBE or a formed mystical experience. The highest realization is that you have no form whatsoever. There is no reason to get out of your body because you were never in your body to begin with. You are omnipresent. You cannot go anywhere because you are already everywhere and everywhere is nowhere and nothing.
  6. Sweet sweet innocent child - you have to learn when the adults are talking on a relative true level (within the context of human life/the dream) and when we are talking on an absolute level. But even then, most people here on this forum, even Leo, seem to often forget that even the difference between 'relative' and 'absolute' is imaginary, arbitrary and meaningless/illusory. Fundamentally, "dream/life/ego/samsara/human" is 100% identical to "Awakening/God/Nothingness/Love/Consciousness/Death/Brahman/Heaven/Nirvana There is zero difference, ultimately - it's all Oneness. So you pointing out to me that there is no others, just clearly shows your lack of understanding, especially your lack of understanding context. ❤️
  7. You see or become yourself (nothingness or oneness) You get afraid of yourself (Nothingness to ego or birth) You find yourself (ego to nothingness or death). Someone whispered to me. Lol much love.
  8. Terrifying terrifying. Whom am I kidding was it entire time. @actualizing25 it's a trap 'man' it's Infinite, literally Infinite no God damn limits at all and it's this. Want proof want 5 meo dmt and 5 meo dpt. See how fast it will "crawl" out of nothingness. Only drawback ia not that I actually feel it,it's I really can't BS @Nahmanymore, doesn't allow that ?
  9. Very close to awareness...I have it too, all the time. Interesting how people name it and try to define it. In my personal experience this "thingy" does not have any qualities, it is empty, close to nothingness.
  10. Paradox is essential. Thingness itself is a paradox. Because it's absolutely impossible for something to exist yet here it is. In Buddhism they talk about emptiness "sunyata". It doesn't mean nothingness or what you think of the concept of zero. But basically the lack of any substantial existence to all of phenomenon. Always changing. Insubstantial yet appears as if it's so solid and real. Tempting you to grasp at it.. Only to realize there is nothing there to grasp.. Yet it reappears again and you are decieved again like a fool.. Sweet cycle lol.
  11. Hey guys. I remembered that leo was talking about 2 orthodox Christian mathematicians that they have realized infinite and nothingness one of his episode. After they couldn’t accept it (however, they did find and accept with mathematics) because they were hard core christians. Does anyone know which video or episode was that? Thanks.
  12. The ego is a structure. That's fine except for the belief that the structure is something separate. A Course in Miracles says: The nothingness of the ego ACIM talks about is the illusion of being a separate entity. And "a form that seems like something" is the ego structure. The structure is real but it's not a separate entity. The entity called the ego is nothingness! Transcending the ego is "simply" about realizing that it's an illusion. The difficulty, or seeming difficulty, is that the structure of the ego contains a lot of hardened conflict and a shell of protection. The ego is a fear-based structure. And as long as the belief in separation remains, the shell of fear remains.
  13. To continune a bit -- i feel like i don't have anything and haven't achieved any of my vision, i feel cheated by my external circumstances. However i put all my effort so that i be blissfull and unclutch from everything. It throws me into that little bit of expanded state of consciousness, or that nothingness. I don't know if my life will get better to the point that i can be more creative and suffer mundane bullshit less. Honestly i am slowly considering just putting more and more time and energy on my awareness by dropping pleasures and hobbies after work and then just hopefully getting enlightened and finding a way to leave the body. This is not the only realm also, but whats the point of all realms if you don't feel free. It feels so radical that inwouldn't tell this to my dearest friends but, if i had a chance to leave now and not come back, this instant, i would do it without looking back. Everything reaks mediocrity and gain/loss suffering and pleasure dynamic.
  14. @kagaria you should learn to differentiate between mind and ego. Mind is a tool. Ego is the energy inside you that wants you (God) to believe that you are not-God, but the mind/brain/body. You see? The body, brain and mind are tooooools. Great tools man. Extremely powerful imaginary tools. So powerful that they -- when used properly -- can be used by you - God - to self-realize. If there were only God/Oneness/Love -- i.e. Me/You -- and nothing to contrast it with, like i.e. separate minds, 'stuff', form, minds, bodies, waveintheocean, kagaria, then We could not ever "know" ourself. So yeah, powerful tools. So extremely powerful that they can also for a lifetime trick God (you) into believing that you are a separate self/mind/body. Don't let that happen tho. TAKE CONTROL OF THE TOOL! Ego is just all that energy inside your body-mind-avatar-vessel that 24/7 INSISTS that you are not God but a separate mind/body/self. How to let go of ego? Become conscious of it. Awareness/Love is all that is needed. You can't eradicate all ego, cos that would mean to stop being human. And hell, even Jesus and Buddha existed as human beings, right? (from a relative true, human perspective; of course absolutely everything is God, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here). Just become conscious of ego. By becoming conscious of ego, you start taking control of your mind, instead of letting ego control it. Ego = non-awareness / being asleep / unconsciousness / fear / feeling of lack / feeling of being a separate mortal self / tension in body and mind Mind = a tool for Consciousness/God/Love/Nothingness/The Universe/The Self/Absolute Infinity to explore itself.
  15. Lol... we need a thread to talk about whatever hehehe... Maybe a non existent thread or something like that. The nothingness thread... where topics change all the time. Maybe @DrewNows agrees about that...
  16. Yep pregnant nothingness empty and crazy!!
  17. Hello everyone, my enlightenment experience is settle down now. I have transformed. Here are details. James, enlightenment, universe, world vs, these are all words. Words, thoughts and meanings created so called duality, which is james and his world. When you have complete ego death, you realize that meaning of the words fades away and you see the truth. Truth is non duality, this place is you, nothing, there is no life, death or language. Right now you are happening, which is nothing. You have no body, it is just a word. You are not going anywhere, because you have never started. I have never born, james was just a thought as apple. Transformation; after heavily experiencing non duality, understanding (james and world exist just by sounds and words), truth me is nothing (thats why as an human you can reach non duality without thinking), every particle is that has shaped is nothing, which is me thats why i am infinite. My new personality is nothing, therefore it is completely letting go, i have become the whole and seeing the whole, language or thoughts represent duality. Thoughts (which are me) rises, i analyze, decide and let go, thoughts are useful to connect to duality. Additionally, every feeling arises or thoughts arises from nothing(silent mind). Such as, pain is a type of feeling, if you dont name it as a pain, there will be just feeling, if you dont name as feeling, it will be just appear from silent mind as nothing. Death is the same way, if you have silent mind (nothingness), death will appear as nothing. Therefore because of not thinking , i am immortal. I am nothing and experiencing myself. So, i cant run away from myself. I am the dreamer of james, world, duality, language, and you guys. I have almost become witnesser of the body, thats why whatever body does i am relax because nothing personal, destiny is already written, you are not in the body, you cant control it, just let go and enjoy the show. No thoughts gave me perfect understanding that when i dont think nothing is happening, which is enlightenment. Because most important thing is there is no “I” in the body, new “I” is nothingness, therefore i cant think thats my nature. Additionally, it is being so flexible during the day and that flexibility makes you create love in every moment. Because you are like a water and looking for love kind of high by love:) I have been meditating 3-4 hours every night. I have realized that any emotion, thoughts and visuals ( comes as emotion or feeling) comes from nothingness, if you dont name them, it will just appear and disappear as nothing. You are the silence mind, Therefore, i dont get disturb anymore. Additionally, I feel so much silence during the day, however when i interact with people, knowing that my body has no differences than yours ( i am the giant mind), i have become more humble lovely and understandable person when interact with others. Rest, i am with myself. But definitely, my life career, everything has entirely changed. I will help people (specially poor kids), old people and move back to my country and take care of my family (most of my family is old, and needs me, and they are me). Because i am literally nothing in the body. I am literally in dream and knowing that i am the dreamer. I look at people’s face there is no mind, it is empty, including my body so funny but it is directly love, i cant see almost any misbehavior. Because there is nothing there except the reflection of love. But truth is even now nothing is happening, i am writing these messages to myself for self masturbation. I have no body, family friends vs. it i just all me. Thats why i am more fair to everybody. if i am still dreaming and aware of you guys, i would love to share my experience because i am still dreaming and you guys are me. I am love, because love is the best illusion of any duality. Love is the purpose of all creations and dualities. Thats why if every moment if you are in love, life is heaven for you. So i am in love with myself. No matter what just LOVE IT, LOVE YOURSELF. Purpose of dreaming is LOVING YOURSELF. Every second if you dont love (which is surrendering and letting go), it is hell. I am nothing, therefore all of you, love in with myself therefore love in with all of you. Additionally, so called life starts with knowing (you born, yo can know vs) and ends with unkowing or not knowing There is no you, you cant know or thing anything, you are nothing. thats why this is after death because you have never born Love you guys! Best Regards!
  18. Thats what i exactly say, if nothingness in every projection, when you look at from perspective of nothing word of table, chair, reincarnation, are identical because they are all one, which is nothingness. So word of reincarnation and table are identical. You answer yourself is the reincarnation is real, if it is identical with table?
  19. Can we agree on: Capital "S" self, God, Eternal Consciousness = Nothingness (in order for everything to be contained in it as a projection). Yes? Reincarnation is real.
  20. @justfortodaywhat is the differences between what you say now and what i say in the first comment ? you are approving me thanks brother. But i am nothing, thats why james and you are inly different vibrations within me. Which is me nothingness again. Thats why there is no you or james or life, just me, nothingness.
  21. @James123 Don’t get cute with me on terminology. You know that what I am saying and what you are saying is the same thing. Im saying that your POV and my POV are nothingness experiencing life, via 2 individual projections emanating from consciousness. 1 consciousness or server, infinity of POVs within it. You and I are probes that God inserted into its own asshole to know itself. Disprove me.
  22. That subject is formlessness or nothingness. Thats why all is one, because formlessness can be formless and at the same time can take any form. So This is nothingness. This is nothingness. So where is the world, reincarnation, universe or enlightenment? You are not even in the body, because there is no body. So how am i wrong with saying there is no reincarnation? There is nothing here, so where is the reincarnation?
  23. The general formula applies to both. It starts with a single concept which then gets applied to itself, producing a different concept. One model produces unity first, the other produces nothingness and duality.
  24. I obviously don't know that. I just Beileve in it based on the pattern that every night I do wake up after sleep. But that's just a belief because Correlation of phenomenon doesn't guarantee the independence and continued casual chain.. Yeah that's right there is nothing in the universe that Really guarantees that the sun will rise up tommorow . Same with sleeping.. I might sleep tonight and then dissolve into nothingness forever and never wake up again. Death is no exception obviously. It's just a belief until it's not. All talking about death is BS unless one is already dead (in which case he cannot talk about it). Only one way to find out what happens when you die.....