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  1. Hello everyone, 2 nights ago i consumed 8 gr dried shrooms. I just sit in meditation position and was recording myself in darkness and silence. When i closed my eyes i just felt into like a black whole, and just vanished in the black whole for almost 3 hours and 45 minutes. In that state, i dont know how to explain it, but i will do my best. Me is(me) happening (meeing). Thats why nothing is happening because i am nothing. Just everything is gone, nothing and infinite. You cant feel, touch, think vs. nothing is happening just you infinite nothing. And nothing is happening. You are not sleeping nor awake, not exist or non exist, not human not god. You are just nothing infinite singularity. After that i become aware that i am in the body (i left the body for 3 hours 45 minutes and all existence was gone everyone of you), i had crazy energy and worked out 2 and half hours in order to sweat and get rid of toxin of shrooms. I just felt so less in the body, i let the body worked out and watch. I was completely free and had nothing to do with body. It is just unbelievable. You are not even aware that you are nothing, because you are nothing how can you know something ? Infinite nothingness. Only advice from me as god is BE PURE FUCKING HUMAN BEING. Dont add anything. You will find the love. God created all the creation based of its loneliness therefore it is unconditional love. However, only human can explore, carry and understand what the LOVE IS. YOU ARE SO FUCKING SPECIAL. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW SPECIAL AND BEATIFUL YOU ARE. I dont think i will be good for the forum anymore. Because this is not an knowledge, knowledge comes from language. This can never be understood with language, because there is no me how can i understand what the language is. Thats why no one will understand me, i will better to shut up. i cant even say being or awareness . Just Empty. Nothing, me. Good bye everybody much luck to everyone. I hope you guys will be all happy with love and get whatever you want in your life. Much love. ❤️
  2. @Someone here these are all words. How can you be words? When you become the words and chair at the same time, let me know brother. Yes truth is something to become, you can not know it, till you become it. Definitely sun has no differences than mosquitoes flies in front of you when you look at the sun, thats reason why whatever you see at the moment is you, but how can you be mosquito and sun? What is your element to be both? Which only can be nothing ( even saying nothing add something, i cant name it, just IT), which is nothingness but aware if i have name it. Because staying at that level of consciousness, i dont need to drink or move. Because all is me as nothing, therefore i am not here or anyone is here. I am still human and control of the body. Because i dont eat poison instead of chicken. And i love you. Definitely, thats why you have to become it. Human mind can not comprehend it. Just imagine the air you cant see or touch (unless wind), it is all over on everything. But if you take the elements of air it could Go In anything and. But i cant really explain it. It is impossible to explain.
  3. @Koeke I am trying to find where the confusion is lying so that I can give you some pointers. I guess I'll try and answer your questions and see if anything comes out that is helpful. "Why? I can change my mind. I'm not sure if enlightenment is worth the trouble. My relationships will suffer if I commit to the path." How do you think that your relationships will suffer? Does the path look long and arduous to you? One where you have to neglect your friends and family? To turn your back on them to turn toward seeking enlightenment? Enlightenment is the easiest thing that you can do. Everything else takes effort. Enlightenment is there before everything else. We could replace the word enlightenment here with the word Truth. Truth is there before everything. Also, what do you think when I say that you cannot know Truth? Even right now, you cannot know it. You will not arrive at Truth. You will not arrive at enlightenment. You can only "be" Truth. You can never "know" Truth. Enlightenment happens when we have resolved a separation. It happens when what you are, and what you “think” you are become one. It’s kinda like this: The idea that you have of yourself will arrive at you as Truth. What you think you were will arrive at you. You were always Truth. Also, I don't take psychedelics and I never have (I was brought up and raised to view all drugs in a bad light and it took many years until I saw through this conditioning, but, this is still a part of my expression of body and mind). But, I have had psychedelic experiences (from my limited understanding of them). I don't want to make them seem not important for anyone’s journey and work. I can see from your first post that you do take them, which means that you have much more experience with them than I do. The way I see it, somewhere, there is an illiterate child sitting in the world, on a pile of dirt, and the Truth is still available to him (it is unfortunate that this may not be his experience though). Actually, I would say that Truth is his experience but he just doesn't know it. He is not really suffering but thinks he is. These things are very hard to convey. I feel that, from what I have heard from Leo and other people who have used them, that psychedelics show you what Truth is in a relative-ness way and can cause spiritual traps. E.g. there is a psychedelic taker who takes this substance, then accesses an altered state of consciousness and experience God (or reality) and then returns with a story of what happened. And points backward and says: "yeah, that's me back there. I know this. But, I'm stuck here for now because of my ego and limiting belief systems." This is where the teacher says: "But isn't the belief in just that: limiting belief systems and ego, the 'problem'?" The movement or manifestation of energy into the thought form "I must remove my ego before I get enlightened," is actually where the ego is hiding. It's hiding in the words. Truth (that which you are) somehow gets "tricked" into being something that it's not. I think it could be that Truth loved what it saw/experiences and then started to "think" that it was what it was looking at (thoughts and other phenomena), rather than "be" what it is. Also, the mind with its limitation cannot understand something it cannot perceive. So, as soon as consciousness takes the form of mind, it gets somehow “stuck”. (I don’t know this for sure, it just seems to be heading that way in terms of my level of understanding through the combination of the pointings of spiritual teachers, contemplation and of my awakening experiences). I don't want to cause you anymore confusion about this, if confusion is arising. I know that what I am saying is somehow being taken in somewhere, subconsciously. I want to make sure that my explanations are clear and cover many doors, so to speak (doors of understanding). "But there are things I should do to get closer to Truth, like Self-Inquiry etc. Can you explain how the confusion comes from this not-seeing?" Being confused about not getting this or not-seeing is arising in that which you are. In that moment, you be that which is "watching" the confusion arise. The Truth that you are doesn't bother itself with the confusion of the mind. The Truth won't endeavour to "resolve" this confusion about itself. You as Truth has watched this confusion arrive, and it will watch it pass. It will watch a seeming "you" pass as not-Truth. I want to try and explain something here and I'll try my best. It came to me one day when I thought about and contemplated how dreams work. It seems that, in our dreams, the whole event adheres to the laws of physics and nature (to some major extent - like we don’t have crazy psychedelic experiences in our dreams about being a mushroom and having hands made of a shape we've never seen before). It's almost as if we cannot dream anything that is not within our experience or imagination. We cannot dream about something that we cannot imagine. This for me was a good take-away for how enlightenment works. We cannot "imagine" God or Truth. It's almost as if the mind (as an energy field of thought forms and images) is a closed-system which cannot perceive anything outside of itself. In the dream state this manifests as an experience of things that we can imagine. In the waking state this manifests as thoughts about our life and the world. For example, we cannot think about something that we cannot think about. We cannot imagine something that we cannot imagine. And right now, we cannot even begin to fathom a life any different to the one we’re experiencing. Why? because we're seemingly, somehow "trapped" inside the closed-system of our minds. In your contemplation you need to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that that same doubt about not being that which you perceive, arises in a perceiving-ness (awareness) of that which you are (that which you cannot perceive). This doubt is arising in you as Truth. (this is very hard to convey with words lol). If we are Truth, and we cannot see Truth. Then, by inference, we are not that which we can perceive, in essence. An effort to “get closer” to Truth is actually taking you further away. Why? Because Truth is what you already are. The seeming “movement” of “you” getting closer to Truth is happening inside you, you as Truth. Can you see where confusion comes? Here we can replace Truth with reality, God, awareness, consciousness.. Nothing. You sense doubt rising from this nothingness. It takes form and builds into a more coherent form of thought about doubt and how you aren't already everything you ever needed to be. This form can take the shape of "I'm not good enough" and "I'm confused about life and how it all fits together" and "I want to work this out so that I can have a more fulfilling life", etc. When you know what you are you still see confusion, but you can see it for what it is. It doesn't move you from what you are. You are not "in it", so to speak. The confusion and the one confused is a "happening" or "event" that happens outside of you as Truth. From an absolute standpoint, we could say that the event happens outside of and inside of you. Maybe a better way to put it is this: the confusion and the one confused is only but a piece of what you are. It's not the whole. It is not you in essence. "Good point. I just want to be a dumb teenager sometimes. I know this won't really satisfy me. Haha, I feel like such a child writing this: "I want to be stupid! And I wanna know the truth! And I want sex!! But what do I need to do!?!?!" = A boiled down version of my thought process." Hahah I know what you mean. I guess we can always let the ego seemingly eclipse what we are. Here when I say ego I just mean that which we think we are. When you say "I know this won't really satisfy me" I can see from this that you will probably continue to strive for enlightenment (try not to build any ideas about what enlightenment is). Instead of striving for enlightenment you can go the other way (toward openness and lovingness). I like to see the movement out of ego as moving along a line, on the far right is faith and openness and going against all beliefs and opening up your arms and love to life in all of its ways. On the far left, is going inward to find what we are through self-enquiry (both directions have their own practices). Ultimately, they take us to the same place. Think about this, it is just as hard for you to open up your arms to life and love it limitlessly (without end) as it is for you to get enlightened through discovery of the Self through self-enquiry. In both cases, something needs to "die". Because in both cases, we think that we will die. If I open up my arms and take in the world for everything that it is and give myself to it completely, if I give myself to God, I might die. Similarly, if I look inward and try to discover what is really here, I might see what I'm not, and I might die. "I sorta grasp what you mean but I can barely 'play' with the understanding, again: confused. What is the reason, then that I shouldn't be on "my mind's" path?" What I wrote there is very advanced in terms of understanding. I would say don't try to work it out. Don't try to place or force my story of the path and how you are the path over what is here and now. In Truth, I am both wrong and right at the same time. So, don't listen to me (in a way of trying to apply it in any way). See how far you come in your enlightenment work and then when you see it you will remember what was said here and it will serve as kind of like a confirmation of your findings. You cannot say that you are that plastic bag blowing in the wind across the road, yet. So, don't try to force it. Try to prove or disprove it. A forcing or effort in the direction of trying to prove or live what I am saying will make things harder and add layers of confusion - if it is not first a part of your own experience. Find this to be a part of your experience. Honestly, in a way, it is so simple that it is too difficult to understand. It is so simple that understanding is not needed, and so, trying to understand it takes us away from it. Trying to understand you will take you away from you. Why? Because you can never understand you. You are too big. Hahah I just see a massive inconsistency and contradiction here: where I wrote "What I wrote here is very advanced in terms of understanding" and then I write "Understanding is not needed". See, this is why it's so hard to describe it and also to find it lol. Maybe it would have been better if I wrote: "What I wrote here is very advanced in terms of experience/knowing/along the path". We cannot understand that which we need to experience. Sometimes we cannot understand that which we have experienced, period. "What thoughts are you referring to? And how do they play-out?" I tend to be very "projecty" in these cases. I cannot experience exactly what you are going through. I can only follow a "compass" of sorts - through a lens of my personal conditioning and what I know. Which is hopefully structured in such a way that it can break through boundaries of communication. The thoughts that I am referring to are: 1. thoughts at all, 2. Thoughts in terms of there being "no rush", 3. Confusion (lots of it, feeling stuck, feelings and thoughts expressing themselves as every shape and pulling me in every direction, counter-thoughts, etc. Basically the whole package of phycological suffering, both subtle and gross forms). Again, I can only speak here from my personal, relative experience of suffering. Maybe we can call them "negative" thoughts, and ones that have no grounding in reality. The thoughts play-out as a type of poking-ness at "I" as ego. The thing that goes unnoticed is that this "poking-ness" and the mind's incompatibility with its own projections, is stirring up enough mud in the water to cause this type of confusion. This confusion isn’t no ordinary confusion. It's not a confusion about what to have for dinner (although it can manifest as this if you don't like the idea of "indecisiveness"). This confusion is an existential confusion. Served to us by God through the wonder of evolution. Don't try to get rid of the confusion. Pour your love onto this confusion. This confusion is serving you and will be a catalyst for your spiritual growth. I hope that this has helped and I am sorry if I caused more confusion. Actually, I might try and simplify this into one expression so that it'll dot the i's and cross the t's, potentially. You are that undisturbed presence. You have never been touched. You are perfect. Only the things that you are not can change. Nothing has ever moved you from this place. You cannot be defined by your mind. A thought can only wish that it can know you. It is so hard for you to see because God loves you now, without being able to see. I am with you. Peace dude Lenny
  4. I find this to be true for me as well. When I am totally immersed in existence, there is no sense of an I anymore, just awareness. Something I cannot name, and a sense of peace, love, joy, and wonder rises. Also, there is wisdom within all religions. I was wondering about it one night, I was finding myself focusing on being fully in the now (Eckhart Tolle's teaching), observing what is in front of me - and it hit me! There is no now because the now is Nothingness, God, Love; as a human, you can only be in the past or future. To be in the Now means to not be in the world, but outside of it, through it, to be nothing, to be the space for it. Actually, you are both at the same time, we just choose to be human, in the world, more than we choose nothingness. Creation is God's will, your will. I find it more helpful to embrace it than to look for a way out. That being said, I do go into nothingness every morning for a few minutes. It helps me guide my day with love, instead of separation.
  5. @AlwaysBeNice god/nothingness/existential consciousness, all just words, I use them interchangeably. Don't want to get stuck there. Creation/happening/appearance, same. All limited notions, this and not that. I don't assume god to be personal per se, or impersonal. Never claimed this. I don't feel lonely right now. Everything's fine. Just try to integrate my experience. Of course they are not true in the absolute sense, since they are limited, within truth, within consciousness. You don't realize your own belief system. You have theories like "It came out of nothingness, as an existential happening" , "Oneness organizes things through love intelligence and law of attraction, but it didn't make these things". It's the same. Just words and thoughts, not absolute truth. The moment you speak against me, you take a postition. You can't free yourself from it, using dualistic lanuage. Claiming: "All one can say is delusional" is itself something said. "Everything is relative" is an absolute statement. Thinking "every thought is wrong" is athought. I did never say god created itself because of loneliness. This doesn't make any sense obviously. But claiming there is no intention behind the relative world is not better or worse than claiming there is an intention per se. Duality, word games. Whatever is true and not these word games can't and doesn't need to be spoken or explained or corrected. I experienced infinite loneliness, in that sense it's real to me. It has its place WITHIN consciousness, I can't deny it from my very experience. As long as you didn't experience it, you can deny it if you want. Whether it happened out of love, by chance, because of loneliness or whatever, just words, just perspectives. It is. But why is there something like torture? Your "existential happening"-explanations are as pointless as saying its because god is infenitely lonely. You could say by definition, in the beginning there was something like an "existential happening", I dont refer to this because it explains nothing, and thats not what I intend when using language. Not saying anything makes more sense than saying something obsolete. If this is what you realize for yourself, fine. I don't even need to realize it, it can't even be doubted that we must take the first miracle for granted, no matter if we call it existential happening, nothingness, god or big band or whatever. So I dont refer to this. Absolute truth is true for everyone everytime everywhere, so no need to talk about it. We must go one step further to speak meaningful words about what comes next. So why does torture exist? Different perspectives, one of which I experienced and refer to as infinite loneliness. If that is too much for you already, just stay "existentially happened".
  6. So we're left with pure nothingness experiencing pure light, which shifts into "things" and "forms".
  7. So it is all an existential happening that came out of nothingness and will return to nothingness when the body dies? Did I understand your point?
  8. ^ it's not that you didn't touch upon something deeper, but people need to understand all story and concepts such as 'god did this, god did that', 'god wants this god wants that', are all still completely untrue. Yes it sounds profound and it may be fun to talk about, but really it's not true, i'm sorry. But the mind may think it is and perpetuate it's drama. So I'm not saying it to invalidate your experience, but I want to hammer this over and over again, all thoughts are not true. You try to personify God that way because the ego likes to hold on to concepts, albeit that makes it stay in ignorance ultimately as well as fear. Because really, it's all more simple than that, so simple the mind cannot do anything with it, so scares the thinking mind, so when it gets closer to it it starts to imagine concepts to hold onto to it's identity. --There is just what appears, and consciousness is free from it inherently. That's it. Only that must be realized. There is no real God either. It came out of nothingness, as an existential happening. Oneness organizes things through love intelligence and law of attraction, but it didn't make these things. _ So when you say I imagined this to escape loneliness etc, that's still the mind talking, because from a deeper level, there is no thinking going, nor is there any loneliness. All thoughts about what appears are simply baseless. .. Never the less useful that you talk about it, because leaving these ideas unchecked can really gnaw on people, also a reason why psychedelics are kinda dangerous, especially because people tend to think that the thoughts they have on them are like the great given insights, and no offense! This happens a lot. Also you didn't imagine anything, this tends to imply that somehow you 'willed' existence into existence, you didn't, you can't will yourself or existence to have existed, it just is, or it appears when it appears. Just as you don't make your dreams come by will. Leo didn't understand this at one point too, though imagining can also refer to the fact that manifest life is mental in nature, part of mind.
  9. @Petals Thank you for contributing! ? Good Stuff,,, Gurdjieff International Review Sayings of Gurdjieff An excerpt from A Study of Gurdjieff’s Teaching by Kenneth Walker Gurdjieff had the capacity to convey so much in some forceful saying that his words echoed for a long time in the hearers’ minds. His maxims did not usually take the form of polished aphorisms for, although he was acquainted with many different tongues, he was a master of none of them, and was inclined to poke fun at what he called the ‘bon ton literary language.’ Indeed, some of his phrases were memorable chiefly because of their colloquial character, such as that saying of his which Ouspensky so often quoted: ‘To know everything it is necessary to know only a very little but to know that very little is to know pretty much.’ A great deal of the force in G’s maxims was imparted by the man who uttered them, and this force is absent from the written word. Yet despite the weakening which his sayings will undergo in print, I have felt it worth while recording some of them in this final chapter. If it were possible for me to introduce them with a short and telling description of the man who uttered them and whose presence made such a strong impact—not necessarily favourable—on everybody who came into contact with him, I would do so, but I have never read any successful description of him. I shall not attempt, therefore, to make a thumbnail drawing of a man so difficult to portray as George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff. His maxims must stand by themselves. It is better to be temporarily selfish than never to be just. Only conscious suffering is of value. Man is given a limited quantity of experiences; being economical with them lengthens his life. Know that this house is of value only to those who have recognized their nothingness and believe it is possible to alter. Here we can only direct and create conditions, but not help. Remember that here work is not done for work’s sake, but as a means. Like what it does not like. Conscious love evokes the same in response. Emotional love evokes the opposite. Physical love depends on type and polarity. Faith of consciousness is freedom. Faith of feeling is slavery. Faith of body is stupidity. Hope of consciousness is strength. Hope of feeling is cowardice. Hope of body is disease. Only he can be impartial who is able to put himself into the position of others. We can only strive to be able to be Christians. I love him who loves work. Judge others according to yourself and you will seldom be mistaken. Consider what others think of you, not what they say. If you are not critical by nature, it is useless for you to remain here. He who has got rid of the disease ‘Tomorrow’ has the possibility to attain what he is here for. If you already know what is wrong and do it, you commit a sin that is difficult to redress. The chief means of happiness in this life is the ability to consider outwardly always, inwardly never. One of the strongest motives for the wish to work on yourself is the realization that you may die at any moment—only you must first realize this. Man is refreshed not by the quantity but by the quality of sleep—sleep little without regret. The highest that a man can attain is to be able to do. Here there are neither English nor Russians, Jews nor Christians, but only those following one aim, to be able to be. Take the understanding of the East and the knowledge of the West and then seek. Only he who can take care of the property of others can have his own. Remember yourself always and everywhere. A good man loves his father and mother. Help him only who strives not to be an idler. Love not art with your feelings. Respect all religions. Judge no one according to the tales of others. Blessed is he who hath a soul, Blessed is he who hath none, Woe and sorrow to him who hath it in conception. The worse the conditions of life, the greater the possibility for productive work, provided you work consciously. The energy expended in active inner work is immediately transformed into new energy; that expended in passive work is lost forever. Practice love on animals first; they react better and more sensitively. I add some additional sayings of Gurdjieff’s, most of which have been abstracted from accounts of meetings taken by him in London and America during the years 1921–24: There is only one kind of magic and this is ‘doing.’ All energy spent on conscious work is an investment; that spent mechanically is lost forever. We must destroy our buffers. Children have none; therefore we must become like little children. We attract forces according to our being. Humanity is the earth’s nerve-endings through which planetary vibrations are received for transmission. Everything in the universe has a place in a scale. No energy is ever lost in the cosmic scheme. One twentieth of all our energy goes to emotional and instinctive centres. Self-remembering is a lamp which must be kept alight by energy from these two centres. Our thinking centre is not really a centre, but an apparatus for collecting impressions. Formatory apparatus resembles a hired typist who works for a firm and has a large number of stereotyped replies for external impressions. She sends printed replies to other centres who are the ‘directors’ of the firm and who are strangers to each other. Wrong replies are often sent, as the typist is asleep or lazy. In deep sleep all communication between centres is closed. Our sleep is bad because we do not cut off lines of communication. We have good and bad angels. The good angels work by way of our voluntary, active nature and the bad through our passive nature. Mr. Self-love and Madame Vanity are the two chief agents of the devil. Do not be affected by externals. In themselves they are harmless; it is we who allow ourselves to be hurt by them. We never reach the limits of our strength. If we do what we like doing, we are immediately rewarded by the pleasure of doing it. If we do what we don’t like doing the reward must come later. It is a mathematical law and all life is mathematics. Man is a symbol of the laws of creation; in him there is evolution, involution, struggle, progress and retrogression, struggle between positive and negative, active and passive, yes and no, good and evil. Men have their minds and women their feelings more highly developed. Either alone can give nothing. Think what you feel and feel what you think. Fusion of the two produces another force. For some people religion is useful but for others it is only a policeman. We are sheep kept to provide wool for our masters who feed us and keep us as slaves of illusion. But we have a chance of escape and our masters are anxious to help us, but we like being sheep. It is comfortable. He who can love can be; he who can be can do; he who can do is. Sincerity is the key to self-knowledge and to be sincere with oneself brings great suffering. Sleep is very comfortable, but waking is very bitter. Free will is the function of the Master within us. Our ‘will’ is the supremacy of one desire over another. Eastern art has a mathematical basis. It is a script with an inner and an outer content. In Persia there is a room in a monastery which makes one weep owing to mathematical combinations of different parts of its architecture. Real art is knowledge and not talent. An ordinary man has no ‘Master.’ He is ruled now by the mind, now by the feelings and now by the body. Often the order comes from the automatic apparatus and still more often he is ordered about by the sex centre. Real will can only be when one ‘I’ rules, when there is a ‘master’ in the house. Morality is a stick with two ends; it can be turned this way and that. From the time when man began to live on the Earth, from the time of Adam onwards, there started to be formed within him, with the help of God, of Nature, and of all his surroundings, an organ whose function is conscience. Every man has this organ, and whoever is guided by it automatically lives according to God’s commandments. If our consciences were clear, and not buried, there would be no need to speak about morality, for consciously or unconsciously everyone would behave according to God’s commandments. Unfortunately conscience is covered up with a kind of crust which can be pierced only by intense suffering; then conscience speaks. But after a while a man calms down and once more the organ becomes covered over and buried. You should forget about morality. Conversations about morality are simply empty talk. Your aim is inner morality. External morality is different everywhere. You should understand, and establish it as a firm rule, not to pay attention to other people’s opinions. You must be free of people surrounding you, and when you are free inside you will be free of them. To be just at the moment of action is a hundred times more valuable than to be just afterwards. To gain anything real, long practice is necessary. Try to accomplish very small things first. There are two kinds of doing—automatic and doing what you ‘wish.’ Take a small thing which you ‘wish’ to do and cannot do and make this your God. Let nothing interfere. If you ‘wish,’ you can. Without wishing you never ‘can.’ ‘Wish’ is the most powerful thing in the world. To bear the manifestation of others is a big thing. The last thing for a man. In the river of life suffering is not intentional. In conscious life suffering is intentional and of great value. To love one must first forget all about love. Make it your aim and look for direction. As we are we cannot possibly love. Until a man uncovers himself he cannot see. Aphorisms © 1924 G. I. Gurdjieff A Study of Gurdjieff’s Teaching © 1957 Fletcher & Son Ltd. This webpage © 1997 Gurdjieff Electronic Publishing Featured: Fall 1997 Issue, Vol. I (1) Revision: April 1, 2000
  10. “To attain direct knowledge of what enlightenment is, it’s important to understand that everything that exists — the entire universe, time and space and all of life including each and every one of us – is a manifest or material expression of that which does not exist. From nothing came something. The unmanifest became the manifest. From the empty void, this whole material universe, which eventually gave rise to energy and matter, life and the capacity for self knowing awareness, dramatically emerged. Everything that exists came from this absolute nothingness. That means nothing is the source of everything that is. This fundamental mystical insight is basically this: that the ultimate essence of everything that exists is this no-thing-ness. Traditionally, this is the revelation that enlightens — that frees the self from attachment to the world, the process of creation, and everything in it. This is when we discover the limitless interior dimension of our own Being, when consciousness begins to open to itself to an immeasurable degree and when we discover the unmanifest dimension of reality. In that mysterious domain, there is no time, no space, no world, and no mind. Nothing has happened yet. This absolute nothingness or voidness or emptiness is traditionally called the Ground of Being. When we discover the literally infinite, timeless, formless nature of this dimension, we recognize that. This is what it was like before the universe was created”. You creating the universe or all these process right now with your thoughts, because when you read you thought, you learn something. If you dont think, you are absolute infinite nothingness. “In this understanding you know that every part of yourself is also not separate from that empty ground from which literally everything emerged when time began. That unmanifest dimension is always at the very core of ALL of your experience in every single moment, including this one, whether you are aware of it or not. When seen from an evolutionary perspective, unmanifest nothingness is not nothing. There is nothing happening there, and yet, inherent in the nothingness is an ungraspable mystery that is deeply compelling”. This so called world is all nothing, nothing inside of the body, you are here all as nothing, therefore nobody is here. The funny shit is “I” this person is completely illusion who write these messages, body is empty lol. When i look at around, I am everything but at the same time, i dont see anything because i am not there as something (which can see), and am there as nothing, which cant see or be seeing (thats why “I” that see something is an completely illusion). If i cant be seeing and cant see anything. ALL IS ME AS NOTHING. holly shit therefore why I AM NOTHING THEREFORE EVERYTHING , I AM HERE AS NOTHING THEREFORE I AM NOT HERE, I AM EVERYWHERE. “That is why when you enter into a very deep state of meditation, it is always so absolutely enthralling. Why? Because in that absolute nothingness there always exists the infinite creative potential for everything that burst forth as the entire universe. That unmanifest domain is the indestructible, transcendental realm of infinite potential that forever abides before anything has happened. The unmanifest domain is a place where everything is possible, but where nothing has ever happened. In this absolute emptiness there is a positive creative tension, experienced as a profound and powerful state of suspended awakeness. This unbroken tension exists in the infinite depths of consciousness precisely because everything is possible, but has not yet occurred. This is the vibration of empty-fullness that is so completely enthralling”. All these process are existed by thoughts, if we never know what the universe is or enlightenment is we can never find our true self, we create thoughts (duality) to discover our true self (non duality) through meditation or no thinking. This is an self masturbation everything is you, all the process (thoughts, enlightenment, human, language), entire universe but as NOTHING. Thats why there is no enlightenment because you are already it, whatever you do doesn’t change anything, everything is it NOTHING. Nothing has ever occurred here and nothing is happening. That why i (nothing) am everything, everywhere and every happening. “When l speak about the manifest expression of enlightenment, I’m pointing very specifically to what happened at that precise moment when nothing took that unimaginable leap and became everything. What happens when nothingness, which is the essence of everything that exists, becomes manifest? It’s important to try and recognize that moment in your very own experience. What we’re interested in here, is locating that same vibration—that same energy, that same intelligence—that initiated the entire creative process at the very beginning of time and history, in your own experience”. IMPORTANCE OF THE MOMENT AND NOW.
  11. They are identical, the only thing that makes they are different because of the thoughts. Life is not exist if you dont think. These sentences, me, you, chair are different because you label it with thoughts. If you dont think nothing will be exist. But that nothing is awareness itself. Thats why you are or so called here is awareness itself. Life is happening only in thoughts. When you lift up the thoughts , everything is identical thats why all is nothingness but awareness itself. Nothing is inside of the body, so how can you write these messages? You are not writing anything, you are just labeling. You are nothing but aware, thats why you are everything. Have you ever experienced infinite nothingness or formlessness? If you cant think, what will be left? Or what is the only thing that you can not forget?
  12. Whatever you think the formless is not the actual formlessness. Because it's form-less. The formless must be hidden forever. Because whatever appears must be some kind of form! That's why I say the only thing that exists is forms. Nothingness or formlessness or pure awareness. You are aware as a human now. Take away your body, whatever left, it is you. You are nothing, therefore you are everything. Not 2, only 1. If there is no awareness, nothing can be exist. You are mothing but aware, thats why you are everything and aware (such as human now). Non duality or nothingness is the awakening. Every form based on formlessness to take any form.
  13. Every form is based on formlessness. Formlessness is the truth. Because it could be anything. Such as every salmon is fish, but but not every fish is salmon. In order to be salmon, you have be fish first. Thats why truth is infinite nothingness and formlessness. It is the core.
  14. Definitely brother. Whatever you do is you, me is you. Infinite nothingness, Little little nothing is happening within nothingness.
  15. You are EVERYTHING. The entire field of consciousness. Be careful with your ideas of Nothingness. Whatever ideas you have of it are not it. Awakening is not about becoming convinced of something. Awakening is not a logical conclusion or a belief. It is a new state of consciousness. You need to access a new state, rather than trying to convince yourself from within your current state.
  16. @Member i have realized it during the glimpses of Mahasamadhi. 10 min through meditation and 2 hours with 2 gr dried shrooms. You will see sooner or later. Lol when you don’t remember anything about life (no sense of the body) when you become your room as infinite nothingness. Let me know
  17. Lol, you're just theorizing and have no idea what nothingness is. Nothingness is the same as death except that you can reach that state while being alive. It is clear to me that you've never experienced such state, otherwise you wouldn't use such nonsensical words such as pure awareness ?
  18. @Member how can I explain something has no name? Thats the reason why i am saying, it is pure awareness itself, which is nothingness therefore infinite (everything). Every shape is existed by awareness or nothingness. You have to be nothing or awareness itself to get a shape as something, even love. It has no shape or shapeless but aware. It is nothing, because there is nothing there but aware.
  19. Nothingness has nothing to do with pure awareness But that cannot be expressed in words if you've never reached that nondual "state".
  20. Nothingness is not really "nothing"... just sayin'
  21. Your enlightenment stinks. It is clear to me that you have no idea what nothingness is since you're using words such as awareness. Maybe you should change your mushrooms with something else 'cause right now you're making a fool of yourself. And nope, I'm not running, just saying to talk to your hand because I don't like to waste my time replying to nonsense
  22. enlightenment is nothingness . Run run run i am not a indian. But people who are from india feel disrespected when they see your comment. Watch your mouth.
  23. you are wrong. Pure awareness is nothingness. Because, Nothing includes everything. Me as a person is not real, but the only real is awareness itself, which is nothingness. I dont where do you come with these info’s. Of course there is an awareness. If there is no awareness, you can never be exist or aware, even as nothing. You guys in the dream world. Lol. Nothing (pure awareness) is happening here. Nothing is the inly thing that exist as aware. You guys are in Alice wonderland. Dont even know nothingness. You forgot to read this part. I found your name ignorance is bliss
  24. @zeroISinfinity you are wrong. Pure awareness is nothingness. Because, Nothing includes everything. Me as a person is not real, but the only real is awareness itself, which is nothingness. I dont where do you come with these info’s. Of course there is an awareness. If there is no awareness, you can never be exist or aware, even as nothing. You guys in the dream world. Lol. Nothing (pure awareness) is happening here. Nothing is the inly thing that exist as aware. You guys are in Alice wonderland. Dont even know nothingness.