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  1. Leo is merely being understanding and saying things aren’t black and white. Tight knit communities that are involved in spiritual work will undoubtably have unhealthy dynamics. Cult dynamics. Regular communities are unhealthy. Add the gruelling and destabilising nature of the spiritual path and you might fall and hurt yourself. Hurting yourself is a small matter though. Will you learn, understand and grow at that point in time or will you be a simpleton? Demonising others will not allow you to understand them, and you can not accept that which you fail to understand. That which you paint with a broad brush. Not defending mooji. Not a fan of him. Though I was listening to him when I awakened. Point being you can learn from all of life or you can demonise it, put other down and prolong your life of stress and ignorance.
  2. I think the first step would be to stop considering it as wage slavery and taking control of your own life and finances instead of feeling like someone else controls it. This might require you to sacrifice a little more than you feel you're willing to, or just focusing on saving a bit more. However, there are plenty of awakened minds that started with little money. As long as you are not overly concerned about your basic survival needs, you can move beyond financial constraints.
  3. Well, the truth/false dichotomy is a dualism that creates a perspective that separates 'what is' into two parts, true and false. There is just what is, there isn't an opposite to what is because what isn't..... isn't anything, it does not exist. There only is what is, there is no opposite, it isn't. So 'false' is still what is. The self is what is, ego is what is, the physical manifest is what is. It's all what is because what isn't... is not. Once one is awakened to this transcendent yet simple perspective of being it's so obvious it can't be unseen and the veil of duality in the mind is seen for what it is. The self suffering can come when someone has a perspective in this truth/false dualism because it may cause conflict of being with what is yet they believe it isn't. Transcending the truth/false dualism of separation that causes self suffering is liberation, it's the absolute unity of being.
  4. @WHO IS ?? “Whatever precious jewel there is in the heavenly worlds, there is nothing comparable to one who is awakened.” The Buddha (Sutta Nipata) “To support mother and father, to cherish partner and children, and to be engaged in peaceful occupation - this is the greatest blessing.” The Buddha (Mangala A powerful nonduality. “The root of suffering is attachment.” - WHO IS
  5. @Shiva Yes youre right. Im not lecturing anyone and I shouldnt. This truth can never be pushed onto anyone ever, I know. I usually just focus on retaining my own awareness during conversations and giving the most truthful answers when people come up to me. The vision for my life is to become a master communicator. And I know that communicating the truth is one of the most counter-intuitive things. Im inspired by all the masters of the past who have actually awakened significant amounts of people. Im only 19, I know my own foolishness too well. There is no real grind in my words yet. My gravitas is just starting to develop as a man. There is nothing in other people that I cant find in myself. You have bad days sometimes with the folks, I just needed an outlet. I felt caged. I dont want to undermine all the deep and loving moments I had with people due to this truth.
  6. @moon777light The one that tries to survive is the ego/the illusion. The spiritual ego, of course, would TRY to use enlightenment to survive. That's what religious people do. Enlightenment is opposite to survival. You realize there is no one there to even need to survive. Awakened people integrate the ego and use it as a tool without having to identify with it.
  7. A mirror of an awakened human being is transparent. It can see through the other side as is. Clearly A mirror of a normal human being is opaque & reflective. It reflects the mind of the person looking at it. There's dusty mirror, dirty mirror, cloudy mirror... (Where you can't even see yourself clearly. Your innate nature. Your pure self...) I like the word 'lens''s the veil that is between you and another soul. Connection is only possible through a purified lens. Or else, you'd only see your own reflection. If you hadn't turned your mirror into a transparent glass, you're not awakened. Those who knows God knows everything the first, can see the greateness of God's Creations, goodness in everything the second, can make unbias judgement. You can take their words and the third, are blind and deluded, forever suffering
  8. @Western Buddha I'm not sure if I read your post right but she gave you a handjob did she? Yeah I mean I'd probably be scarred if a trans woman gave me a handjob without me knowing she was transgender. I think I can relate. You just have this feeling of being violated isn't? A feeling which is very hard to articulate and describe. That feeling of being dirty and feeling shame? Try conjuring up the negative emotions and thoughts you have on this experience. And then pay very close attention to your physical sensations. Pay attention to the weird, swirly and pulsating emotions in your body. Come to terms with it, become interested with it. Experience it concretely. See why it is irrational to become bothered by this flowing emotion. Many of these deeply negative emotions have a strong physiological/physical experience to them, and its worth exploring them. Exploring the raw emotion of anxiety and fear. It's something I've been trying to do more recently. So long as you don't lose your will to fight, and remain steadfast in your commitment to face your demons it is impossible for you to not become awakened. -------------------------------------------------- In conjunction to what I said above, perhaps you can look at what happened to you in a funny way right? Like if she gave you a handjob and you cummed it must of have been enjoyable LMAO. A trans woman made you ejaculate. I mean it's no big deal. And I don't say this to belittle your response or your feelings. I'm presenting you my perspective. If it was me I'd just laugh and think "lol sexuality and attraction is so fluid", notice how much of whats going on here in terms of attraction and sexuality is a psychological game. Consider the possibility that the sexual experience you have is in of in itself wasn't actually bad at all. For us humans identical sensations felt in different contexts will drastically change out perception and enjoyment of the sensation. The context here are the thought stories you give e.g: The soreness of your legs the day after the gym vs the soreness in your muscles from a virus A child gets slapped. He turns around. In one situation he sees his father laughing, in the other situation he sees his father looking angry. Shudders of fear vs shudders of delight. anxiety vs laughter Tears of joy vs Tears of sorrow The deliverance from suffering comes in seeing through the illusion of contexts and thought stories. Where this consciousness work will lead I dont know. But I am curious, as to what is to happen once one enters the realm of acute extreme suffering. To experience the transforming of all sensations into pure ecstasy and bliss. Now thats something which is interesting.
  9. Life is perfect. You are perfect. Trust in something greater than yourself in your meditation. Faith in God is the most important step in meditation. Otherwise you will keep perpetuating your deepest knowing that you are unworthy of Gods love, that you are worthless, this is the deepest knowing of many people, and it will keep perpetuating until one trusts something greater, something that is already perfect, whole and complete, you. As all clothes are cotton, all dualities are pure love. Your soul that lives in the Heart experiences this. You can’t convince your mind life is perfect. You must live it in every moment as your deepest truth. There a well over a hundred thousand gurus yet only a handful are awakened because they stay lost in concepts. I want to share this, i want to shine this, I want to embody this.
  10. This is a very interesting topic. The problem is most bodybuilders are clueless about the bigger picture. They are consumed with their appearance, and have made an identity out of it. They'll go to the extremes like taking steroids to have that look. They're so consumed with themselves and their own ego its pathetic actually. Because its Ego to the billionth degree. Now the fully awakened person or opposite of this works out to stay healthy..not to look good for anyone but to feel peace with themselves. They no longer even need to look in the mirror frankliy. They understand and are conscious that the guys and gals in the gym with him ARE him - he doesn't need to be bigger or cutter. He's just himself, because he is everything. And nothing - the body is made of nothing - and he's aware of that. Very interesting. When i was younger I used to be big into bodybuilding and wanted to take steroids to be as big as everyone that did. Because i did have the genes naturally. But now I'm awake and i see how silly they are and how lost they are. I still go to the gym all the time - but so much more conscious.
  11. @Truth Addict The Awakened one says this. It takes enlightenment to grasp. But once Awake there is a desire that arises from Love to help others to Awaken. This isn't ego. Of course from your persepctive thats how it could appear - that's because language can't capture Truth so Truth can get corrupted when spoken to those that are not open minded. The snake eating it's own tail.
  12. @Truth Addict really? So you think I'm on this forum to defend some ideas and survive as an ego? LoL. If that were the case i would have much better things to do than being on an internet forum talking with you No..I'm on here because after i Awakened to myself i want to help others down the path to awakening. I am God doing his work through human form. You can choose to believe that or not. It doesn't matter either way. I still love you and i hope you will find the path to Awakening. It really is wonderful to unite with your true self. But if not, that's OK too. God wants to explore even not discovering himself. And no I'm not perfect. That's what makes me still human. But i can love and i don't need the last word in every discussion. It's not about that. It's about helping others. That's why I'm here. Not just because i saw some really cool idea online and thought it was neat. Truth is something much more powerful than that.
  13. I had an awakening experience about a month ago. So yeah, i am someone who claims: -''I have been awakened.'' However, I am still only attracted to hot women, and i want nothing but the hottest and most submissive women in my life. There is nothing wrong with liking the nicest things in life. But if you like nice things, chances are you will have to work hard to get them. Incels do nothing but complain. True. That's why i am never getting married. I don't need to be tied to a person and be denying and repressing my natural polygamic nature. Like i said, girls are not stupid. Yes this gives you your power back. Yeah. Good advice my friend.
  14. I have the same question man. I am participating in Ramadan and so far have encountered (I think) a few mystical experiences. Fasting + my loneliness + boredom for hours = me sitting on a chair in the park looking at animals and see stuff collide. You forget you are hungry or thirsty for a few seconds. I wish to relive those experiences everyday and so visit my local park a lot now. Impala's are funny. Atleast, I think they are impala's. They always just lay around and eat. Not much to do, just really simple. However, I don't know how fasting can do more for me then just a few mystical experiences. It sometimes felt like awakening, then again I have never ''awakened'' and so don't know how that feels.
  15. All life is definitely for survival. (Except dying in some way, but that is unimportant here.) But in Oneness (or Turquoise) it doesn't matter anymore whether something serves survival or not because we are aware of it. So I'm deviating a bit from Leo here. We know what a machine gun can do and yet the military is under the control of the wrong people. People who are not aware that they are struggling to survive because of what they are doing don't understand the reasons why they produce conflicts lovelessly and often unnecessarily, referring to beliefs so as not to go mad themselves. It must be remembered here that survival, evolution, is not a rational process. It is not the purpose of evolution to produce more highly developed forms of life. Life fills niches and occupies them without asking for any ethical sense. And that happens to us humans too. People cannot get out of this trap unless they realize themselves on another reflective, recursive level. That is why they remain like zombies spiritually standing and sticking to what they have. These are, of course, contradictions that inevitably arise by following dualities. But in this way they are incapable of dissolving them. They have no mental means to do so. This is similar to eating their brains because they no longer need them. (There is such a creature, I don't know if it was a jellyfish or something.) From their limited perspective, it is rational to ponder what the lesser evil is. For the awakened, that means they are uncooperative with you in many things. And then they are literally a half-dead instance of the uncooperative, rationalizing and configuring with other uncooperative demons to succeed in maintaining their own instance. A product of evolution. We would have to come mentally away from having to choose a rationalized evil. It is no coincidence that democracy happens this Count Dracula way.
  16. Good topic question. Leo says it according to his experience, and yes, I could definitely tell that it's not required for anyone to believe blindly what he says. And, yes, he's being honest to the best of his knowledge. However, if you suspect that something even deeper happened to you, and you want to tell Leo about it, it will probably not be easy to encourage him or convince him to "agree" with you because he hasn't experienced it yet. I agree with him that the no-self/nothingness is the deepest, if that's what he's saying. However, when you look at your life, does your experience of the no-self/nothingness fits into your life with profound meaning or not? Is it pointing to anything else in your life? Or, does it just come randomly here and there. If it does add to the profound meaning within your life, then I could relate. And, I would encourage you to say it in your life purpose in a cunning way so that those who are ready to hear it (awakened ppl) will understand that you're pointing to something very inspiring.
  17. Thats understandable. I was an atheist my whole life. But you are a Materialist also as you still believe your awareness is happening inside your brain. And that's fine too...but let me ask you meditate? Are you open minded enough to see if maybe Agnosticism may not be the answer? Also these are not Leo's or mine..there are plenty of Awakened people out there.
  18. @now is forever Too late. Spirit of place awakened me and wants something in return. @Truth Addict Her. I love her. Yes, I forget sometimes.
  19. Guys like Rupert, adyashanti, mooji, shinzen young do. this is not a who’s guru is better then who’s post either, this dawned on me the other day, think about it all Echart says is be here now, meanwhile self inquiry got him enlightened. Sadguru only said he sat on a rock to mediate & he awakened. just wondering you’re thoughts on the topic.
  20. Ah "awakened masters" cool stuff. Who wants to be part of collective ego? Who wants secret knowledge and techniques? Who needs any of this? Who likes secrets?
  21. @zeroISinfinity yes, and fall asleep. Awakened masters use this kind of techniques in initiations. Same in the occult and secret societies.
  22. Yes. Once you are awakened enough, you will notice every electronic device, even the small quartz hand watch. Dangerous? Depends how you dissipate that energy. If you resist it an think it will harm you it will. On the other hand we can use that magnetic energy to revitalize the body, but this is not fo the average user. Works the same like having a heater in winter.
  23. We do all this because of conditioning, living a natural awakened life will not make one impulsive like the majority of dormant flock. So, watch it when you say human nature, you probably mean mass brain wash in this case.
  24. The whole existance, and specially the body. But from an awakened perspective you don't have "a body". You are the body wich is interlinked with everything else.
  25. I've been doing some of the self inquiry exercises and the one where other people don't exist raises a few questions. If they don't exist and are only just perceptions and my perceptual field being all that there is, then why would one spread love and try to awaken the world? All you would be doing is creating the appearance of awakened people but you wouldn't actually be making any positive difference as they are not actually really experiencing. I'm not upset or scared of this so much anymore, I am past that stage. I now feel like I am just talking to myself in some sort way now and just feel mostly empty.