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  1. Nothingness is uncreated, therefore eternal. This nothingness is a single dimensionless singularity which projects the reality upon the formless void, for the experience of the uncreated, so that creation can manifest itself. God is an eternal sacrifice.
  2. Jesus will fight with Buddha about the meaning of GOD. Jesus: I am the SON of GOD! Buddha: No!!! God has no SON!!! GOD is just silence, nothingness...
  3. I am reading his book now ("The Book of Not Knowing), this is NOT what he is saying! In fact, he is saying totally opposite thing. Why do you deny the illusory nature of our beings? If there is some level of illusion, aka intermingling of our thoughts, memories, feelings and sensations that comprise personality then it meant to be this way. Even if!!! it is not the true nature of the Self! Everything is correct, he is saying here that the true Self is nothingness, but it has nothing to do with actual experience. I feel like every person on this forum interprets teachings in the way he feels the most comfortable with. But sometimes we can be blindfolded with our interpretation! Hope I do not sound rude. <3
  4. We have been debating over duality being an illusion for months now. It is an illusion, but it exists. Just like nothingness exists. Still love you bro. Like i said you are where you are and that's how it should be. I'm not trying to push anything on you. I'm just stating what i have become directly conscious of. What you are currently conscious of is what reality is to you. And that's perfect.
  5. That's amazing. Think about it. If you divide by Zero, Math cannot make sense because every number is potentially every other number. Every number is unmanifested, every number is in perfect union with every other number. Division by Nothing, divided by Nothing. To make sense is to Divide, to manifest is to divide. Ignore that and you can have math, you can have manifestation, you can have every individual thing. But Divide by Nothing and you shall perish into Nothingness, because everything will become everything, which is nothingness. As Leo said, Paradox is a feature, not a glitch. Of course all integers are equal, of course your whole number system will collapse if you truly embrace it fully. This is it's nature, the Illusion. It can only be upheld so long as you do not allow for Division by Nothing, Undividedness. You cannot escape the breadcrumbs, you can only deny them, as the mathematicians do. God = Division by Zero Look at this, it's just poetic: Almost reads like a religious text if you ask me. Of course division by zero cannot be defined, because it is no thing.
  6. Wouldn't the dream analogy be most accurate? An infinite imagined dream.A mind so smart it gets lost in itself forever. Manifesting as everything and everyone possible, talking to itself unaware it is doing so,it has forgotten it is this mind. It never truly wakes up too. Its nothingness so it keeps dreaming. Nowhere to go,nothing to do.
  7. Infinite Singularity, nothingness.
  8. You see that this nothing is aware perhaps there are other aspects to it? All aspects comes from nothing. After this there is no aspects. However, i am not even in the body, so contemplating with you (me) is a great contemplating. So i loved it. Because me (as body or words) and you are one aspects of infinite nothingness right now ❤️ I am just telling the truth thats it i am not telling yea i know it, there is no me in the body i am you thanks for great conversation. And this is just internal conversation of real self. Thats why i am you and james and everything
  9. Yep. How can i see if i am not in the body? Thats what you call being experienced and experiencer at the same time, which only can be nothingness, which absolute thats why deflection. Experiencer and experienced things are identical.
  10. Are there any other qualities? You don't have to answer me, but explore for yourself. Thats ok man. We are having fun There is nothing to explore. Because, Absolute includes all the qualities thats why it is nothingness
  11. Exactly not even one, not even a blink damn right i cant explain it man. Impossible. Any word is not it. Ajata translates as “no creation”. This means to say that nowhere has anything ever come into being. Therefore, the entire universe (or universes) — and everything therein — has no reality. In other words, the ultimate condition is nothing, or nothingness. This is right now words only creates the duality or existence if you dont think nothing is happening
  12. There is no word of it, any word doesn’t represent it. Because there is no you in the body truth is unknowing or not knowing. I can only tell you that infinite sleep but awake, but these are all words, because you are nothing (therefore everything) how can you know that word of awareness when you are nothing? (Nothingness is the formlessness and core, therefore it’s everything that something and nothing at the same time). Thats why no word represents it. You can ask me how i know, i am it man, specially in meditation as soon as i close my eyes there is me formlessness. So what is there? It doesn’t have any quality man it is nothing but aware. But when it is nothing how can you know word of awareness? Thats the state has no word represents meaning of nothing. Thats why you cant get it. But you are it. Just dont think anything, because there is no you to think something. You will get it. And i am not talking by my ego, because i am not even in the body man. We are not here and we think we are talking this is the funniest part, little little nothing is happening within complete nothingness:) I had 2 times glimpses with Mahasamadhi. (But that doesn’t mean i reach state of Mahasamadhi because if i reach, there will be me to write these messages ). If i am aware now and write these messages and aware of the body it is not Mahasamadhi. When you are state of Mahasamadhi you are not aware of anything. Infinite sleep but awake as nothing. Right now i am in Shamadi because i can still type you or aware of you. But nothing is happening here.
  13. How you know that you born in the first place? Words are just sounds that you putted meaning in it, so the world, enlightenment vs. if no one told you anything, you would be never exist, because you are existed and created by the thoughts, which is duality. Ego is way deeper than that being nice or good. Ego is knowing in the first place “ i am exist or aware”. If you can be aware of so called duality, even “being aware” is an ego. Because there is no you in the are nothing in the body.if you are aware that you have body or can talk, thats what ego is. Thats how enlightenment comes with not knowing. I believe my experience and yours was completely different. I am operating from the moment anymore, i just uses thoughts when it is necessary. If you have no thoughts nothing is happening. You are infinite nothingness right now. But i am not a human anymore or in the world. You are in the world because of your thoughts and human because of thoughts. No one is here nothing is happening. I am not even in the body, so how can write these messages to you? Because nothing is happening,
  14. Additionally, if you want to be god in state of nothingness, you can say all is me (pick up some words from duality, which makes world is existed agian) and the moment turns out to be love inevitably (because whatever you see, hear and taste is you). This is love of god The unconditional one, and you can be the moment as love much loveeeeeeeee
  15. Nothingness is right here. There is life happening only with “words”. After the realization I understood that it is really hard to overcome from language. Because if i dont think now, i am in state of nothingness. Do you know how it feels? It feels like you are sleeping but awake, thats why nothing is happening. Or you are nothing thats why you are happening as nothing. But when you are nothing you cant know something, thats why you are not aware either. I really cant explain. I did my best ❤️ but it is so clear that i can see the world, shamadi, Mahasamadhi, zen, enlightenment, life, earth are only exist with thoughts, when thoughts are gone you are nothing, and nothing is happening here, which is being directly in the moment. Thoughts creates dualities even love or aka god. They are states that includes god (love) because god is still different than something. Only nothing could be complete.
  16. Hence why language breaks down - as Truth is prior to it. However there is pure Nothingness or pure Infinity and then you have a finite piece of nothing or aka something. When the finite dissolves there is only the Absolute. As the Absolute you can and will have Absolute realizations - but they are not bound by finite thought - or time or space - or knowing. Knowing colllapses into Being and the two are One. I know you have had realizations as the Absolute - or you would be taking all of this as belief.
  17. Definitely. Thats why nothing (or pure or formless) can take any form. Thats why we are nothing, therefore everything. Absolutely. Just dont forget nothing is right here. The duality is existed by only thoughts, if you dont think, you will be willingly open to not knowing. Which is the moment of nothingness, and right now in the moment. Only thoughts keeps us away from nothingness. Absulute state of consciousness is nothin or formlessness therefore it could be any state.
  18. It’s not that mediation is trivial and outdated, it’s that the average user fails to cultivate the innumerable benefits it provides. Very few attain what mediation is purposed for. It is not simply to empty the mind, it is to ascend ones consciousness to profound levels and align to the presence of Now. Both of these premises far exceed any numb-skull spending relentless hours using the concepts their mind proliferates. The mind is a useful tool to a degree but a heavily limited one. The problem we have here is that mediation has become superficialised and fictitiously abused. And as such, we have many doubting it’s utility because rarely does anyone know how to properly cultivate it or have an ounce of capacity to do so. Mediation needs to be re-instated as its prior practice. Sitting for long periods of time, painstakingly, without movement or any accessible distraction. The highest consciousness comes from the space of nothingness beyond mind. The mind itself, is a surface level operator merely concerned with the very conceptual symbolisations in which it creates and is limited by. Rarely does any human use the mind wisely let alone the consciousness that facilitates it. Mediation done properly is far more powerful than most have the comprehensibiity to even imagine (especially in the west). Unfortunately, the conventional being is far too deluded to even entertain this possibility.
  19. @JayG84 "If Time vanished how could anything remain?" - This is a very underrated question IMO (and great job for asking it!). Along similar lines of thinking, I've asked myself the following two questions many times before and have compared and contrasted my answers to them to help myself develop a better understanding of what might more fundamental/true (ie consciousness versus time): #1. Can consciousness exist without time? #2. Can time exist without consciousness? #1 seems possible to me, and also more likely than #2 (if I were forced to pick between #1 or #2 as being more true/fundamental), because I can imagine everything (the total collapse of all conceivable dualities into a uniform substrate/essence/being/intelligence - including all possible sensations, frames of time, dimensions, realties, etc) existing in a single moment. However, a counterargument here could be that maybe this ISN'T possible to imagine without any time whatsoever, because there is SOME amount of time required (even if it's an infinitesimally small amount) to imagine such a nondual/infinite substrate/substance/essence/intelligence that IS all of these things. I'm not sure, but it's always good to play devil's advocate. #2 seems mostly implausible to me. I don't know how time could exist without something (consciousness) to experience/witness it. I could see time and consciousness existing simultaneously though (this seems consistent with oneness/nonduality). But again, to get back to your original question and close the loop here (pun intended), what does consciousness with ZERO time look like??? Does consciousness even exist with no time whatsoever? If 'yes, then would god consciousness experience infinite possibilities in a true time-less state? If 'no,' then would something like true 'nonexistence' (not to be confused with formlessness/nothingness) be possible if the converse were true and literally everything disappeared because there was no time for anything to exist or be experienced in the first place? I have a lurking suspicion that there is more to the concept of 'nonexistence' (or something like it, if you want to argue that nonexistence can't exist because it directly contradicts itself). I know most people on this forum disagrees with this possibility, but I think it's worth investigating this further to see if there's yet another veil hiding key info on what something like 'nonexistence' might look like and how that could fit into total nonduality/infinity.
  20. @VeganAwake If there really is 'no one' "there" as you say, why is it so important for 'no one' to get confirmation from others if 'no one' is liberated or not? Another thought for who/what? 'No one', right? So if there is no one to be concious or unconscious of anything in the first place, why are you then asking these questions? When you say "conscious me", what do you mean exactly? Do you mean some part of the person/separate mind/'soul' - like personality, preferences, memories, habits, beliefs, ideas, knowledge, dreams, world-views? Because if that's what you're talking about with "conscious me" then of course that will die with the physical body, because both the physical body & the person-mind is not really *real* in the first place; it's just imagination. Only that which is actually *real* cannot die, because it was never born either. It has no form, no attributes, no limits and it's not dependent on anything (like "time" or "space" for instance). But everything else: e.g. time, physics, space, form, matter, objects, physical reality, mind, thoughts, emotions, sensations, sense of self, sense of-no-self, ... IS dependent on it. What words would you use to describe that/it ?? (well knowing that it has no attributes and that all words used therefore are only pointers, nothing else). In other words: to you, what is that which is real and cannot die? What words will you use? Personally, I'd like to use the following words interchangeably: Consciousness, Love, God, The Absolute. These 4 words are all pointers to exactly the same thing, for me. It is what I am, ultimately. It is what you are, ultimately. It's all One (Oneness could be a 5th word). It is what just is beyond the body, beyond the apparent external world, beyond the apparent separate mind/persona. We could call it Pure Being as well (6th word, hello). It is not just beyond everything, it is also the source & substance of everything. It is also that which experiences everything (body, mind, world, etc.) ... It is that which imagines everything/all forms into existence ... out of itself ... to itself ... by itself. There is nothing else than it. Nothing is outside of it. And nothing is inside of it either, because The Absolute is infinite,... so it has no inside, no outside. It just is what actually IS. So all 'illusory things' (body, mind, other humans, the physical world, space, time, matter) are ALSO *that*. Nothing is not that and simultaneously it is nothing either. The real, unreal. The unreal, real. Form is emptiness, emptiness is form. That is why I told you to go out and look on the sky and take a talk while enjoying the sun and some music. Cos that is fucking IT. There is nothing else than THAT. (All my and your word games here are just pure fucking nonsense-conceptual-bullshit, ultimately speaking). Eckhart Tolle talks a lot about it. He calls it "The Now" / "The Present Moment" (7th word, hello). “Death is a stripping away of all that is not you. The secret of life is to “die before you die” and find that there is no death.” What Tolle means by this, is simply that all that really exists is The Now. It is what you are. The Present Moment is all you got - it is you! The Now is eternal and infinite. It was never born, it will never die. It is nothing and everything at the same time. The Now is pure bliss in its essence. It is Samadhi. Samsara is seen to be Nirvana itself. The very world we walk on is seen to be Heaven. World, Heaven. Heaven, world. Nirvana, Samsara. Samsara, Nirvana. It's all ONE. (Non-duality 101, remember). Jesus said it: "The Kingdom of Heaven is within you". When you see this -- no, feel this, more importantly -- that all dualities collapse into each other (right in front of your eyes, and inside you, too); that is when I'd say 'a person' is truly awakened, although you are also right: it happens to 'no one' ... because 'no one' is exactly what God / The Self / Love / Consciousness / The Absolute *is*. You see? It is no one. It is not WaveInTheOcean, it is not Trump, it is not Leo, it is not VeganAwake, it is not any body, any words, any thoughts, any emotions, it is not any thing; it is nothingness..., and therefore by the virtue of being nothing, it is simultaneously also everything, you see ?? (( But remember: words are still only pointers. Don't get stuck in believing in words/concepts. Replacing concepts with direct experience is the biggest trap in this work )) So after the body dies, all that will go on living eternally is that which already were eternal. No one. God. Love. Consciousness. Whatever you wanna call it. It is YOU (ultimately) and it is ME ultimately (not as the separate selfs we can think we are, no no, I should have made that clear by now). We could also use a 8th word: The Self (Sri Ramana Maharshi liked to call 'it' that). Consciousness / The Self / 'no one' / "spaghetti monster" / Love / God is that which imagines the body and the mind. It is that which is playing it is a separate self, i.e. a human being. It is that which imagines thoughts, imagines feelings, imagines 'other', imagines 'self, imagines 'no one', imagines 'God', imagines 'love', imagines monters, dragons, stones, physics, time, space, all possible words, concepts and sensations. In other words, that which is wearing the mask will remain infinite and eternal after the mask dies (mask = body/person-mind/memories). You see? <3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ From another thread: Who/what then recognize that recognition of <there's no one' here> ??? ... No one? But who/what then recognizes that the recognition of <there's no one here> is recognized by no one? ... No one ? But ... and you see where I'm going with this ... <3 Again, let me quote you here: Who has received confirmation? You say that there are no one 'here', right? And yet, you are also saying that no one then went over to some other 'enlightened masters' to get confirmation that there truly were no one 'here'? . How did that go about, really? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I do understand what 'Liberation' is. It is a word. Like 'boobs' or 'underwear'. Could it be ---- just be open to this possibility; as you say, we should practice unknowing ---- that it is not "no-one/God/Consciousness" through the WaveInTheOcean-avatar who is stuck in concepts from others, but that it is instead "no-one/God/Consciousness" through the VeganAwake-avatar who is stuck in concepts from others, such as from "Liberation Unleashed Guides" ?? I read the guides you linked to, and they all seemed fine and full of spiritual wisdom (to me, probably not to my dad or mother), but they are still just meaningless words on their own. Don't trust or look at the "words / the finger pointing to" ..... but instead trust "your own direct experience / the moon". Bless you brother And by the way, I don't care if any people in my life or on this forum consider me awakened or not. All I want for my friends, family and all people in this world, including you, is the same that I have received in form of lasting peace, love and happiness*. To be actual happy is really all that matters, and I really want all others to be happy, cos all others are me. I'm just very egoistical, you see? I want myself to be happy at all times. I just know 'myself' is not just WaveInTheOcean's private mind, but every single other mind in the whole multiverse. They are me. So to answer my question: I couldn't be less curious what others think of me. What I know is my own inner subjective experience. I don't need others to validate anything in me. I am complete. You can call me misslead or self-fooled or awakened or enligthened. What does it matter, what words you and others project onto me? Nothing. It really changes nothing inside me. Inside me there is only peace and happiness and love to self and other. It is not dependent on any validation or anything. I don't know if I'm liberated (by your book), and I couldn't care less. For what it is worth, my best friend since childhood called me "legendary" two days ago at a party when he was drunk (I wasn't, I'd never want to be drunk again, no point anymore for me... I am already drunk and high on life sober). He said I was the most fantastic and unique human being he had ever met. LOL. I told him I loved him too, haha. He's cute and such a nice friend. Not spiritual at all, unfortunately. But you can't force friends. Show, don't tell. Let's see where's he's at in 10 years;D ... In 2 weeks I'm going to a cottage with him and my little brother and another really close friend (they are both much more spiritual) and we are all going to take a bit of 2C-B and/or shrooms. Hopefully, my good non-spirutal friend will soon be on the path, but if not, that is also fine. He's already ultimately perfect, just like everything else. It just saddens me to see people -- i.e myself -- suffer. * It did come at a price two years ago though, where I was in such a deep 'victim-poor-little-me-depression' that I almost killed myself (everything was planned, just couldn't do the last step of actually jumping due to the love towards my family). I still get close to tears when I think about the contrast of that period of my life (felt like an eternal bad nightmare LSD trip) to my current state of mind / life, and how close I was to ending it (all imagination, though, so maybe I did end it in another dream, but luckily not in this dream, ehehe). But as Jesus once said: "The heavenly highs you are capable of reaching, are proportional with the unacknowledged abyss you have the courage to sink down to." ... or maybe it was someone else who said it.
  21. Mahasamadhi is happening right now, but i am aware of the body (which makes completely aware if duality even as god). I believe ego is so deep, which goes till “There is an “I” that can know”. But even if you nothingness within the body, you are still aware of body. Please dont get me wrong i am not trying to proof myself, but Mahasamadhi happened to me last week (i have asked many people). I had no sense of self, i was watching tv and my ordinary consciousness came back in the kitchen and suddenly I realized how body walked and went to kitchen talk to my girlfriend . I was aware but in infinite sleep, i was nothing in the body, thats why i had no control whatsoever, everything was too much me(nothing) thats why nothing happened till my ordinary consciousness came back than I remembered. I was gone not here if i can write this is an “Ego”. What do you think? No brother. I consumed the shrooms almost 8 days ago.
  22. Hello guys, i know i left couple days ago, i had a ego death almost for 1 week. Lol this morning me 22 hours ago (james) completely died unfortunately:) and I have become enlightened (probably permanent satori). I know you guys tell me, yo if you become enlightened you will have no needs to tell us. No. You guys are all me you guys lie to me that i am a fucking human. Bunch of liars and great actors Let me tell you what james is, he think he can know something ,he born, human, male, in the body (because it can feel, know what the worlds is, reality, funny, ugly, good, bad vs. But this guy was stuck in words. Because, Thoughts (which are completely illusion) created him. If he never learned in his life, he will have no idea what the fuck he is. He cant even know what “seeing” or “being” is. After my ego death I completely realized (no psychedelics) i am not in the body, james is just a thought. I literally created this james and all universe from thoughts. I am the really nothing in the body thats why i am everything in the moment. Only thoughts creates this world or duality. Actually, really nothing is happening here with this consciousness (it is like meditating with no thoughts all day) when you dont think. This is only way to explain is you are in deep sleep but awake. i cant think much anymore , because there is no “I” as body. If i have something to do with body i use duality to connect with the people or world, in the rest i am the moment, which is all free you can do anything with moment, it is all free. Thats why it is all LOVE, moment is you so what will you do, you will lLOVE whatever comes in the moment or you can definitely stay in satori and watch yourself get away from duality and stop the existence and be the void (your truth self or nothingness). In easy way to explain it, everytime when you close your eyes, If you dont think, you will never know what are you where are you vs. Because i cant think much anymore, i have become so aware because i am the moment, and existence created by thoughts. If i dont think, i(moment, and my love as moment) am in satori. When thought comes you are completely aware that it is xoming from duality and if you dont like it you have nothing do with that, because you are the moment, nothing is in the body. There is no duality, all is you. Right or left don’t matter. There is no future or past only thoughts makes it, you are the every moment (as nothing) that you are aware of. And let me tell you how i see the world, i am literally watching a fucking movie with vr, and i take the life seriously as the game. My vision is back to normal, but i am the void that watched the movie anymore. In this game everyone programmed that i am a human, this place is world, i am in the body vs. But i am not god, not human, not awareness, vs. i have no idea what am i or what you guys are, WE HAVE NO NAME. Whatever you assume is not you. From ultimate perspective because of you are nothing and everything, you can never think because even words are you, when you become nothing therefore everything, you see that all happening is you. Thats why nothing is happening. You guys can tell me why dont you go drink poisin instead of water, because nothing is happening and all is me. NO. I am the void, which is aware of being human (as soon as words get in duality comes in), therefore i have to drink water in order to discover myself (so called life) in human body. But literally all happening is me, therefore there is not even blink happening here. DEEPEST SLEEP BUT YOU ARE AWARE. Or just remember the moment that you literally didn’t think anything and nothing happened, but somehow you are there with no name (i dont even want to say awareness ), but you know you are aware or something like that. Thats how every second goes when i dont think. Thoughts come from james, who helps me to connect and understand the duality. I am literally half human and half void anymore. My vision become the tv screen i am the emptiness like POV. Literally, my mind get bigger, i transformed or reborned. This body will die, i will never. Because i am the moment, AND MOMENT NEVER DIESSSSS. It is so bliss here. So much. And about death, what will happen when this body dies? If you are aware that any thoughts is an illusion, you will never die, because you were never born, you are the screen and projector of movie theater, if you project movie (so called seeing from the eye), movie will play, when body dies projector just wont project the movie but you are still the screen. So death is an Illusion, nothing will happen. You will never be gone, you are the SCREEN whatever movie plays (thoughts are those movies) So if you really don’t attach with thoughts, either your eyes open or close nothing will happen, you will never die. Because, when thoughts stop projector stop playing the movie and thats how you become enlightened. i am the moment, iam not infinite, but i have no beginning end no end therefore i am infinite. I(moment) will never die and born. I am literally immortal. Because, moment will never STOPPPP LOVEEEE i cant believe we even imagine that we can learn forget to be human lol lol I miss you guys (All of you is meee) Additionally, you can never be complete god when you are aware of the body, even if you are the nothingness. Because even knowing the language or being aware of body is duality, when you become complete god whatever happens you are it thats why you are everything here and nothing happens. If absolute nothing happens, i am completely here as nothing, thats why i am not here. And in these moments, only i am (void, nothing)Thats why when i am not aware of this body all the existence fades away. Everything stop existing. This place is all me, love is purring, i am in loveee with myself, which is all you. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU.
  23. "Well... people's notion of life-transforming is of course highly subjective. Those who are well-suited to it will get a lot more juice out of it. Exponentially more. Like 100x more. So that can explain that. Personally I'm not well-suited to it. My mind is hyper creative non-stop.Meditation is best for people with weak minds " --Leo Gura source of quote page 2> What if we've all been had to some extent? What if meditation is largely the emperor's new clothes? Are we pretending it leads to insights but it is basically zoning out on nothingness, getting high but with no content. Is it hype to get people to follow other people and sell classes where the teacher speaks for 10 minutes and then people sit for 30 minutes doing absolute nothing, virtually no supplies necessary but for some cushions? Is the wisdom intellectually constructed after the mediation is over ? ^ He's a philosopher too. You can see the problem here. You spend time reading books and processioning ideas and then it is suggested the wisdom comes from sitting around, wasting an hour of time sitting and doing nothing. And after you do this you dont wind up with much that is useful wisdom that is any different from what other people have said for hundreds of years. It's not creative and is not supposed to be. Creativity is about imagining things, building castles of ideas in the mind while meditation is about emptying your mind of imagination and thoughts in general. You can be mindful of thoughts but you just note them dismissively as distractions. You are trying to not be reactive to them and not engage in trying to mentally solving problems or come up with new ideas. You could be spending an hour to write down ideas, integrating other ideas with your own perspective and maybe coming up with something new or a new perspective, instead you're supposed to sit there and do nothing and pretend it's something. Sure 20 minutes can be stress relief but is it really anything more? And if you force yourself to do it routinely sometimes it's even painful and boring, not always tranquil. What if Beethoven or Einstein had gotten into meditation? Would they have zoned out and emptied their mind and not have given us what they gave us?
  24. Ego means a lot of different things to me in different contexts. It actually depends on who I'm talking to a lot as well, hehe. Cos I'm very much aware of the meaningless'ness of all words (i.e. their illusory nature), i.e. that all discussions (oral or written) are games, language games. Anyway, if I could myself objectively define what all words meant, without giving any fuck to anyone else' thoughts on the matter (which you cannot do, but let's pretend) then the word 'ego' would mean this to me: 'you' = <Love/The Self/God/Consciousness/The Universe/Nothingness/The Absolute/Etc.> 'self' = <person/body/mind/human being/conceptual self> If you can become conscious of all ego inside you, you will realize that the person, you think you are, is: game/play/illusory/a character. The personality/selfhood/human body/mind in itself is NOT the "problem" here. Thoughts and emotions are in themselves NOT the problem. The "problem" is identification with thoughts and feelings, believing that they tell something absolutely true about your true nature. They don't. They are play. The goal is NOT to remove ego. The goal is to BECOME CONSCIOUS of ego and loving it. Love = Understanding = Becoming More Conscious = Transcending = Letting Go = Accepting = Being If your goal is to "remove something", then you are in a process of: nihilism, self-hate, seriousness, denial, resistance, depression (the opposite of free expression), 'holding on', 'attachment' (you are so attached to yourself; you take yourself so seriously that you believe something should be changed about you)) ... which is no good for you. Your goals should always be: More Love, More Understanding, More Consciousness, More Dissolving/Transcending (NOT REMOVING ANYTHING, LET IT BE AS IT IS!:D), Letting Go. ---------------------------------------------------------------- "Not all egos are the same. Would you agree?" In regards to the above definition, I just made, I'd say both yes and no. The essence/nature of ego is always the same: tension and holding on emotionally/conceptually to the idea of being 'a poor little me' stuck in an external cold world. However, the way it functions/appears within different persons is different. Ego/The Devil is sneaky as FUCK and can take on many, many forms. Enneagram type 5's ego fixation is greediness towards understanding: we want more, more, more. More concepts, more understanding. Never getting fullfilled, never thinking we are good enough to interact in the world. All types have different ego fixation. I think Enneagram is very, very, very useful and interesting, obviously as you can see :-) The ego fixation is each core type's way of protecting themselves against their deep truamatic feelings: i.e. their feelings of separateness/mortality. Paradoxically, the holding on to 'protection', i.e. the holding on to 'the ego fixation' is exactly what creates the feelings of separateness and mortality. So what do we got here? A self-fulfilling loop that never ends; unless you manage to step out of it/let go (hello meditation, hello psychedelics). ............ Anyway, not all persons are the same, obviously. We are all strange, unique and different. That's Love. That's Good. Personality is not a problem. Personality is not ego. Personality is -- like everything else -- an expression of the Intelligence/Infinity/Oneness of Love. -------------------------------- "Someone who has an inferior ego structure will have a completely different path of deconstruction or surrendering from someone who has a superior / narcissistic ego structure. I think that is a very important thing to be noted." Sure, we have different ego-fixations, and therefore we "need" different "things" in order to get out of these self-fulfilling loops. However, the essence/nature of every loop is the same: resistance and holding on to the idea of being a separate self stuck in an external world, especially with emotions "that tell you that it is true" (it is not: the external world is just as much you, as your body-mind/persona is you; i.e. Oneness is what is). "That is why a certain spiritual path might work perfectly fine for one person and not work at all for another. Not only that, but it can also be damaging and it can further perpetuate unconscious ways of being." Agreed. We must all follow our own way to truth. _____________________________________________ "Love is the one doing the loving - so to speak. The 'ego' does not have to do a thing. I would describe the process as 'coming back' for yourself. Or 'looking down' on yourself from Heaven - so to speak. That is Love honoring the experiencer." Agreed <3 Looking down on yourself from Heaven - I really dig that! When you can manage to do that, at all times, you are awakened (in my selfish book:D) <3
  25. I started to write... But ran out steam. It happens. Will finish it off soon. Feeling kind of lazy. Not in a fatigued way, I'm otherwise alert. It just feels like I want to simply switch off and be inert, and let the mind wander off into nothingness. Ever catch that sweet spot just after waking up and just before the waking mind kicks in with all it's problems? That's where I want to be.