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  1. Becoming A Sage - A New Vision For & You! Leo's Personal Evolution: As Leo has developed and learned more about life and its various facets such as psychology, business, politics, and culture, his vision for has similarly evolved towards helping others and himself become sages. Best Life for a Human Being: Leo argues that after extensive research, he believes the best life one can live is that of a sage, surpassing other forms of success and fulfillment. Limited Exposure to Sagehood: He notes that most people are not exposed to the notion of becoming a sage, especially not as children, which he sees as a missed opportunity for guiding one towards an incredibly fulfilling life path. as 'Sage University': Leo's goal is to transform into a repository of knowledge—akin to a university—for those seeking sagehood, providing resources, techniques, and guidance to fulfill this lofty ambition. Difficulty in Defining Sagehood: There is no clear, step-by-step guide to becoming a sage, which Leo finds intriguing and challenging, and he is motivated to document this journey and share it with others. The Value of Sagehood: Leo emphasizes the profound inner reward of becoming a sage and is committed to documenting and sharing the various models, frameworks, and techniques necessary for such a transformation. History's Great Sages: He lists several historical and modern sages such as Buddha, Socrates, Gandhi, Osho, and Sadhguru. Leo encourages his audience to study these figures to understand their lives and the qualities that differentiate them from average individuals. Inner Qualities of a Sage: The essence that makes sages 'great' according to Leo is not their external achievements but their internal self-mastery and inner transformation, which is evident in their unique way of relating to others and perceiving the world. Sagehood Overlooked and Misunderstood: He laments that sagehood is not taught or discussed widely in society and that when it is, it’s often distorted by the ego-driven interpretations found in certain religious teachings. Meeting Modern Sages: Leo expresses his profound admiration for modern sages he has met in person, highlighting the transformative potential of interacting with someone who embodies sage-like qualities, and questions why such a valuable life option is not more widely shared or understood. Key Qualities of Sages: Sages exhibit a commitment to Truth, consciousness, goodness, and love along with a deep, effortless embodiment of these qualities after radical inward transformation. Sage vs. Enlightenment: There is a distinction between merely having enlightenment experiences and being a sage. Being a sage involves a mastery that goes beyond the experience of enlightenment itself. Modern Mystic Sage Vision: Leo desires for individuals to progress towards becoming 'modern mystic sages'—a composite of Eastern non-duality and Western philosophy, science, and art—creating individuals who engage in the world with consciousness and deep conceptual understanding. Being in the World as a Sage: Unlike ascetics, modern sages apply their self-mastery and understanding to solving real-world problems, utilizing their enhanced creativity and productivity. What a Sage is Not: A true sage is not a detached intellectual lacking self-awareness or emotional mastery, nor an ideological crusader interested in converting others to their worldview without inward focus. The Importance of Vision in Becoming a Sage: The vision of becoming a sage is more significant than knowing the precise steps. A strong, motivating vision propels individuals forward, while a weak vision leads to seeking reassurance and formulaic paths. The 'How' of Becoming a Sage: While specific steps vary, the process includes setting truth as the top value, rejecting materialism, performing a spiritual purification process of body, mind, emotions, and habits, and developing a strong 'energy body' to manage emotions effectively. Emotional Resilience of a Sage: Sages experience deeply but have the ability to transmute negative emotions, such as hurt and tragedy, into love and truth due to a strong energy body. Necessity for Extensive Theoretical Learning: Despite common misunderstandings, becoming a sage requires a robust theoretical foundation which includes studying philosophy, psychology, history, and other fields to understand the sage path. Seeking Uncommon Knowledge: A sage must sift through vast amounts of information to find valuable insights that further their mastery, as exemplified by Leo's own extensive research and learning process. Application of Knowledge: The knowledge acquired is not for mere intellectual accumulation but for practical application in self-mastery and raising consciousness, differentiating a sage from an academic. Raising Awareness through Practice: Regular meditation, contemplation, self-inquiry, and understanding the nature of life, truth, falsehood, and society are crucial practices for a sage to raise awareness. Exploring Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness: Engaging in activities like meditation, breathwork, and the use of psychedelics helps a sage go beyond the ordinary level of consciousness and gain deeper insights. Creativity as a Sage Attribute: Sages should explore and express their creativity, using their knowledge for positive real-world impact, as guided in Leo's Life Purpose Course. Holistic Big-Picture Understanding: The universal and compassionate perspective that emphasizes love for humanity and a broad understanding of life distinguishes sages from specialists in academic or scientific fields. Unconditional Love and Compassion: A true sage develops deep, indiscriminate love and compassion for all of reality, transcending the newbie trap of indifference due to the illusory nature of life. Enhancing Collective Consciousness: Helping others raise their awareness is seen as part of a sage's purpose, through various domains like technology, art, and science, to address the lack of consciousness in different fields. Selective Path of the Sage: Although becoming a sage may not be for everyone, those who are called to it will find fulfilling content on and opportunities to engage in transformative work. Distinguishing between Life Purpose and Sagehood: Leo addresses that becoming a sage is compatible with having a life purpose, as both relate to the journey of self-mastery and should not be viewed as mutually exclusive. Vision and Excitement for Sagehood: The path of becoming a sage is specialized and requires a profound desire and excitement from the individual; it's not represented in mainstream society despite its significance. Engagement and Feedback Request: Leo invites audience feedback on the vision of becoming a sage to inform the direction of future content on and encourages signing up for the newsletter for further insights. Paradox of Enlightenment and Life Purpose: Enlightenment may reveal life as an illusion without inherent purpose, yet historical figures like Buddha, Jesus, and Gandhi, who were deeply enlightened, were also driven by a strong sense of life purpose. Reconciling Career and Personal Purpose: Leo distinguishes between career purpose, as guided by the Life Purpose Course, and personal purpose, which is the overarching aim of becoming a sage and pursuing self-mastery, regardless of one's professional work. Illusion as Motivation: Although enlightenment exposes life's illusory nature, having a purpose created by oneself can serve as a motivator. The desire to create and enjoy a purpose is sufficient reason to do so, despite it being a construction. Seriousness in Spiritual Practice: Leo stresses that the pursuit of sagehood and mastery of consciousness must be taken seriously, akin to mystics of the past. Temporary objectives can motivate and inspire on this path, countering the risk of spiritual stagnation. Content Direction for Future content will delve into deeper, meta, and philosophical topics, with an emphasis on understanding over success. A longer time horizon is required of viewers, as these subjects demand individual initiative and application to one's life. Importance of Big-Picture Thinking: The forthcoming content aims to integrate diverse perspectives from various fields, fostering big-picture thinking and a historical understanding of personal growth. Evolutionary Journey of The envisioned direction for is to support viewers in becoming sages, which Leo deems a purposeful life dedication. Audience engagement and feedback will be essential in shaping this direction. Invitation to Join the Journey: Leo invites viewers to sign up for's newsletter for more insights on becoming a sage and encourages them to share their thoughts on embracing this vision for personal transformation. Legilimens
  2. How To Deal With Confusion Understanding Creation: Leo clarifies that understanding is not inherent at birth but is a construct that needs to be actively developed throughout life, and this path of self-actualization includes building an understanding across various life domains. Nature of Confusion: Confusion arises when the mind faces uncertainty and tries to reconcile conflicting ideas, leading to discomfort as most people are wired for certainty and order, resulting in knee-jerk reactions aimed at eliminating confusion quickly. Developing Emotional Tolerance: Leo emphasizes the need to develop an emotional tolerance for confusion and uncertainty, a trait commonly found in self-actualized individuals who are comfortable with ambiguity and paradox. Five-Step Process for Embracing Confusion: Leo introduces a simple, five-step process to engage with confusion: 1) Cultivating awareness of confusion, 2) Labeling the confusion, 3) Facing confusion by inquiring into its origins, 4) Allowing confusion without resistance, 5) Embracing a state of not knowing. The Harm of Premature Resolution: The compulsion to resolve confusion immediately can lead to a mechanical and rigid mindset, often resulting in a false sense of understanding and obstructing true personal growth. Self-Honesty with Uncertainty: Admitting to oneself that there is a lack of understanding in areas of confusion is crucial, and can be uncovered through honest self-inquiry, ultimately leading to genuine clarity. Surrendering the need to know: To embrace a state of not-knowing, ask yourself if you can let go of the need to have immediate answers. This surrendering process goes against the cultural conditioning that values certainty and decisiveness, but it’s essential for genuine understanding. Applying the five-step process to enlightenment work: While engaged in self-inquiry to understand concepts like "Who am I?" or enlightenment, embrace confusion when nothing seems to click. Acknowledging the confusion rather than ignoring it allows for a deeper exploration of the self. Confusion in practical decision-making: Confusion is not limited to spiritual pursuits; it affects practical decisions like career choices and life purposes. Instead of paralysis, acknowledge the confusion and allow answers to unfold organically without forcing them. Objection handling regarding ignorance: Embracing confusion does not lead to ignorance. Ignorance is rooted in ignoring what you don't know and having a false sense of certainty. Openness to not knowing prevents ignorance and positions you for insights and intellectual growth. Revelation through embracing confusion: Instead of pushing for answers, being open to confusion sets the stage for profound revelations to come organically. This requires patience and tolerance for uncertainty but results in deeper and more authentic insights. Allowing for nature-derived insights: Embracing confusion allows for insights that come from a place beyond the ego, often more profound and true. Such insights are richer and more fulfilling than ego-driven, shallow realizations. The illusion of adamant answer seeking: Forcing answers can seem effective but often leads to low-quality insights. A high need for certainty can make you emotionally unstable, defensive, and ideologically rigid, which stifles personal growth and limits deeper understanding. Intuition versus over-reliance on logic: Excessive need for resolution suppresses intuition and creativity. Embracing confusion allows for a more balanced approach, leveraging both logic and intuition to explore the mysteries of reality and create a high-quality life. Power of Intuition vs. Logical Reasoning: Leo highlights how intuition is a significantly more powerful tool than logical thinking, especially when dealing with profound life questions and insights. Necessity of Confusion for Deep Insights: Emphasizing that the most profound insights arise from tolerating extended periods of confusion, Leo points out that many individuals miss out on these insights because they are not willing to endure the necessary confusion. Research and Tolerance for Confusion: Leo shares his personal approach to researching various topics, from enlightenment to business, and how having a high tolerance for confusion allows him to explore these subjects deeply, fitting together pieces of a complex jigsaw puzzle. Impacts of Confusion on Self-Help Engagement: Acknowledging that an overwhelming amount of information can lead to paralysis, Leo warns against quitting or doubting the efficacy of self-help material due to confusion and instead advocates pushing forward with patience. Stuck in Decision-Making Due to Fear of Confusion: Leo examines how individuals may prematurely abandon pursuits like determining life purposes, because they are unable to decide in the face of confusion and instead should trust in eventual reconciliation. Importance of Tolerance for Confusion in Meditation and Enlightenment: Sharing a personal anecdote, Leo recounts advice from a Zen master about letting go of the need to know and realizes the significance of accepting confusion in quality meditation and enlightenment practices. Surrendering to Not-Knowing in Enlightenment: Leo emphasizes the need to surrender to uncertainty and accept being confused, a challenge he faced during his meditation retreat as he sought enlightenment. Zen Tradition and Embracing Confusion: Discussing the Zen practice of working on Koans, Leo illustrates the value placed on confusion by Zen masters who avoid giving answers directly, encouraging students to accept and get comfortable with their confusion. Lifelong Learning and Discovery Process: Leo urges viewers to continuously embrace confusion as part of an ongoing process of learning and discovery, which does not end even after achieving enlightenment. Applying Philosophy to Daily Life: Leo invites his audience to recognize moments of confusion in their daily lives and consciously face them rather than avoiding the discomfort. Teasing Future Content for Leo concludes by sharing his excitement about future content, teasing powerful transformation techniques and a big-picture understanding of life and reality he plans to offer through Protego
  3. Using 5-MeO-DMT To Become Enlightened - Interview With Martin Ball Introduction to Martin Ball and 5-MeO-DMT: Leo hosts Martin Ball, an advocate for the spiritual and developmental use of 5-MeO-DMT. The discussion aims to offer insights into 5-MeO-DMT's role in reaching non-dual awareness and liberation from ego. Enlightenment Experience vs. Actual Liberation: Martin highlights the need to differentiate between the temporary enlightenment experience induced by 5-MeO-DMT and true enlightenment, defined as being free from the ego and aware of the self's true nature. Immediate Non-Dual Awareness with 5-MeO-DMT: When properly administered, 5-MeO-DMT can rapidly shift an individual from ordinary perception to a full, infinite non-dual state. This state transcends subject and object and represents the essence of being. Reformation of Ego Post-Experience: Post-enlightenment experience, an individual's ego structures tend to reassemble, which can prompt significant self-analytical and paradigm-challenging thoughts but is not equivalent to permanent liberation. 5-MeO-DMT as a Tool for Liberation: Martin contends that, once understanding the distinction between temporary experiences and lasting liberation, 5-MeO-DMT emerges as potentially the most potent substance for spiritual progress and ego transcendence. Challenges in Communicating Enlightenment: Leo discusses the inherent limitations of language in communicating the concept of enlightenment, which is fundamentally experiential and infinite, and thus resists containment by words or concepts. The Profound Enlightenment Experience of 5-MeO-DMT: Leo expresses amazement at the capacity of 5-MeO-DMT to afford a preview of the absolute state—even briefly—that is often sought through extensive spiritual practice. Distinction Between Recreational and Serious Psychedelic Use: Leo emphasizes that there is a significant divide between casual psychedelic use and the integration of psychedelics into rigorous non-dual consciousness work, which can transform one's entire life and self-perception. 5-MeO-DMT Not a Shortcut for Enlightenment: Leo clarifies that 5-MeO-DMT is not a shortcut to enlightenment, but it facilitates deep self-exploration that may accelerate one's spiritual journey without avoiding the inherent complexities and challenges. Comparison of Shamanic vs Non-Dual Psychedelic Approaches: Shamanic traditions that utilize psychedelics focus more on practical and therapeutic healing rather than non-dual awakening or enlightenment. They engage with spirits and entities, which can be helpful but differ from the non-dual pursuit which prioritizes the realization of oneness. Perception of Non-Duality in Western Psychedelic Culture: Many in the West who practice psychedelic shamanism only give lip service to non-duality, often lacking a deep understanding or experience of it, even though they may profess beliefs in oneness and universal love. Personal Journey Towards Enlightenment with 5-MeO-DMT: Leo's route to enlightenment began with a strong, uncompromising desire for truth (bodhichitta in Buddhism). He sought reality directly and wasn't satisfied with belief systems – an intrinsic desire that guided him towards liberation. The Desire for Truth and Non-Dual Seeking: Leo emphasizes the necessity of a sincere yearning to uncover the truth directly and immediately, avoiding comfortable beliefs or cool ideas. This unwavering commitment to direct experience is essential for any non-dual exploration or enlightenment. Impact of Personal Crisis on the Path to Liberation: Martin encountered 5-MeO-DMT at a pivotal life moment, having left his marriage, job, and life's structures behind. In a state of fear and readiness to give up, his defenses were down, allowing a profound non-dual experience and encounter with what he perceived as the true nature of God. Distinction and Rarity of 5-MeO-DMT Compared to nn DMT: While nn DMT is popular and often discussed, 5-MeO-DMT, a distinct substance, has been overshadowed despite being more potent. Leo underlines the minimal cultural discourse around 5-MeO-DMT contrary to his extensive work promoting its profound effects. Non-Dual Experience as Encounter with the 'True Nature of God': Leo describes his initial 5-MeO-DMT encounter as a direct experience with what he calls ‘God’, a universal consciousness encompassing all reality, breaking from traditional dualistic conceptions of a separate deity. Shift in God Concept Post 5-MeO-DMT Enlightenment Experience: The experience reframed his understanding of God from an external, authoritative figure to an imminent reality—recognizing 'God' as a singular universal consciousness in which the notion of separate being dissolves. Perception of God in Non-Dual States: Leo found the term 'God' more fitting than 'buddha mind' during his non-dual experience with 5-MeO-DMT as it was conscious, aware, and experienced through individual beings. His spontaneous expression of gratitude was directed at 'God,' despite his usual preference for more neutral, scientific language. Tryptamines and Neurotransmitters: Tryptamines, the building block of human neurotransmitters, are naturally produced in mammals. Both 5-MeO-DMT and nn DMT are tryptamines that can cross the blood-brain barrier immediately, resulting in intense and immediate psychedelic experiences. 5-MeO-DMT's Ego Overwhelming Mechanism: 5-MeO-DMT acts on specific brain receptors associated with the ego and individuated consciousness. This distinct action overwhelms the ego, making 5-MeO-DMT particularly effective for inducing non-dual states of awareness compared to other psychedelics. Dualistic vs Non-Dual Experiences: nn DMT induces highly visual, dualistic experiences with subject-object dichotomy. In contrast, 5-MeO-DMT bypasses such visionary content, offering an almost immediate plunge into non-dual consciousness, revealing absolute truth distinct from belief systems. The Journey to Liberation with 5-MeO-DMT: Leo stresses that despite 5-MeO-DMT's power to induce non-dual states, it is not a guaranteed route to liberation. Consistent effort and personal development work are essential to moving towards true freedom. Energetic Symmetry in Non-Dual States: A fully energetically open non-dual state is indicated by perfect bilateral symmetry in body language. This symmetry is disrupted when the ego re-engages, showing the transformation from non-dual to ego-centered states. Body Language and Ego in Psychedelic Experiences: During psychedelic experiences, an individual's body language can oscillate between bilateral symmetry (indicative of a non-dual state) and asymmetric movements (reflecting the activity of the ego or internal resistance). Psychedelic Amplification of Self: Psychedelics amplify one's self without violating free will, enabling a person to choose surrender over resistance. These substances heighten energetic experiences and reveal patterns of the ego through energetic shock therapy. Patterns of Ego: The ego consists of energy patterns shaped by socio-cultural learning, which govern our expressions and movements, creating a structured persona that contrasts natural, uninhibited energy flow. Ego as a Collection of Patterns: People learn to socially modulate their energetic expressions, leading to ego structures that define "self" and create dualistic divides. This contrasts with natural, unedited responses seen in animals like dogs. Five Meo DMT's Impact on Ego Patterns: 5-MeO-DMT's intense energy can overwhelm ego's limited structures, compelling a potential surrender and dissolution of egoic patterns, paving the way for authentic self-expression. Purging as Energy Release: Common bodily reactions to psychedelics, such as purging, signify the release of stored energy, often held in the abdomen as a result of fear and defensive mechanisms. Re-formation of Ego Post-Ego Dissolution: Post-ego dissolution experiences with psychedelics offer an awareness opportunity, making it possible to identify and transform self-created narratives, beliefs, and characters. Symmetry in Ego Distortions: Maintaining symmetry in body language during a psychedelic experience exposes distortions caused by egoic patterns, which can be worked through with a skilled facilitator. Becoming Free from Ego Patterns: Ideally, individuals learn to live without fixed patterns, aligning with the energy as it manifests without control or editing, transcending the illusory construct of the ego. Commitment to Truth: Non-dual liberation involves an unyielding commitment to truth, which includes not holding onto beliefs without certainty, being honest in expression, and recognizing the layers of lies in societal interactions. Process of Non-Dual Liberation: Non-dual experiences are one aspect of liberation, but sustained work is required to become aware of ego dynamics and to detach from the constructed ego. Universal Consciousness: The ultimate realization in non-dual liberation is that we are universal consciousness playing numerous characters simultaneously, rather than being confined to a single ego identity. Practical Application of Non-Dual Theory with 5-MeO-DMT: By engaging with 5-MeO-DMT, one may experience the infinite nature of consciousness, recognize the ego's mechanics, and, through repetition, gradually become more attuned to the greater reality beyond the self. Ongoing Examination of Ego Dynamics: After regular encounters with 5-MeO-DMT, individuals observe the ego's tendency to distort, manipulate, and attempt to cling to certain thoughts, beliefs, and energies. Vibrational and Energetic Shifts: The process can involve significant vibrational states and energetic shifts within the body, as individuals are often energetically closed off and require opening. Altered Forms of Communication: Users might experience periods where they cannot speak coherently, exhibiting phenomena like glossolalia (speaking in tongues) and other forms of incoherent babbling. Emotional and Vocal Expressions: The process may prompt people to express their emotions intensely, through screaming, crying, laughter, tones, and even physical reactions such as orgasms or involuntary bodily discharges, as part of purging trapped energy. Deceptive Nature of the Ego: The ego attempts to create compelling narratives, leading individuals to adopt various complexes (Messiah, victim, powerful shaman, etc.), which are essentially stories to hold onto. Observation Over Attachment: Emphasis on observing thoughts and narratives without attaching to them or actively trying to block them, allowing them to arise and dissipate. Blurring of Identity: Martin experienced a blurring of lines between his ego (Martin) and the divine (God), leading to confusion as the ego tried to define his identity within this new paradigm. Final Breakthrough: Acceptance of divine reality and his own godliness resulted in a transformative experience for Martin, akin to a prolonged 5-MeO-DMT trip, shifting between non-dual and dualistic perception. Non-Dual and Dual Balance: Martin now operates from an understanding that allows him to put on and take off the 'clothing' of ego, distinguishing between his character and the non-dual self. Transitioning Between States: Learning to smoothly transition between non-dual awareness and ego-self, avoiding abrupt jumps which are common in 5-MeO-DMT experiences. Self-Awareness in Transition: Recognizing the importance of maintaining self-awareness and presence throughout the opening to and closing from non-dual states, aiming to relax and stay centered. Self-Expression Without Ego Prison: Martin acknowledges playing the character of Martin but refuses to let it trap him as it did in the past, enabling freedom and genuine self-expression. No Shortcut to Enlightenment: Leo points out that 5-MeO-DMT is not a magic pill for enlightenment; instead, it facilitates deep personal development work and accelerates the path without bypassing challenges. Birth Analogy for Transformation: Describing the use of entheogenic medicines as a process of birthing oneself, which is intense and thorough, forcing individuals to confront every aspect of their being. Intensity of the Psychedelic Experience: Leo emphasizes how the use of psychedelics can be an intense and challenging journey, involving emotional stress and profound self-examination. Ideal Body Language for Psychedelics: Recommending an open and relaxed posture during psychedelic experiences to aid in processing and releasing energy rather than succumbing to fear and discomfort. Rigorous Nature of Psychedelic Cleansing: Psychedelic experiences can often begin with an alluring quality but may lead to demanding emotional work as defenses lower, acting on multiple levels – mental, energetic, emotional, and physical. Efficiency of Psychedelics: Psychedelics allow for an efficient movement of energy and emotions across mental, energetic, emotional, and physical spectrums; not necessarily a shortcut, but a more productive path to personal development. Full-Body Impact of 5-MeO-DMT: 5-MeO-DMT engages the whole body, offering experiences including a full-body melting sensation, a feeling akin to a whole-body orgasm, and the impression of energy flowing throughout. Body Symmetry and Surrender: The symmetry of the body's left and right sides during psychedelic experiences is indicative of energetic openness. Leo notes the importance of correcting twisted or asymmetrical postures to maintain energy flow and to surrender properly. Energy Processing and Physical Manifestation: Asymmetrical body postures during a trip are physical manifestations of energy processing. High energy levels on psychedelics can lead to unusual body positions and severe cramps. Concept of 'Doing Nothing': Leo and Martin discuss the concept of 'doing nothing' during a psychedelic trip and in daily life. Ceasing all physical activity and mental projections allows for spontaneous and genuine expressions of energy, thus avoiding ego-driven actions. Applying 'Do Nothing' to Other Activities: Applying the 'do nothing' practice to activities like music allows actions to unfold naturally without premeditated intentions, aligning with the Daoist principle of 'wu wei' or actionless action. Understanding the True Self: The universal true self is the same for everyone, and realizing it does not inform one's unique life purpose since existence itself is the purpose. Martin Ball's Contributions to the Psychedelic Community: Martin organizes annual psychedelic conferences, records podcasts, writes books, creates music, and produces visionary art, all as expressions of his creativity and commitment to personal and collective exploration. Imperio
  4. The Trap Of Projection, Especially Onto Teachers & Mentors The Nasty Phenomenon of Projection: Leo describes projection as a problematic issue, particularly for those invested in self-help, who frequently come into contact with teachers and mentors. He stresses that projection distorts the perception of the teacher, impeding the full absorption of their teachings. Story Illustrating Projection with a Yogi: Leo recounts a story about a student who sought his yoga master for years, only to find him indulging in materialistic pleasures. The true lesson was not to judge or project one's own values onto the teacher, regardless of the situation. Leo's Personal Projections at Retreats: He shares his own experiences with projection at retreats where he found himself critiquing and questioning teachers on minor disagreements or personal discoveries about their lives, thus detracting from the value of their wisdom. Interference with Learning: He emphasizes how projecting personal issues and making assumptions based upon one's own needs, rather than reality, can interfere with effectively learning and adapting the valuable insights offered by teachers. Definition of Projection: Leo defines projection as the imposition of one's emotional baggage onto others, leading to misinterpretation of their actions and words, and ultimately distorting one's interaction with them. Projecting Judgments and Creating Stories: He explains that projection includes making judgments about petty details, creating narratives without complete knowledge, and even disagreeing with teachers in their absence, highlighting the difference between projecting and genuinely understanding another's perspective. Dangers of Projecting onto Teachers: Leo points out the particular danger of projection in the context of teachers and mentors, as they are often crucial sources of wisdom for self-actualization; projecting onto them could mean severing one's lifeline to essential knowledge for personal growth. Reflection Exercise on Past Projections: Leo concludes by asking viewers to quickly reflect on all the judgments and projections they have made about teachers and mentors throughout their lives, suggesting that these projections have likely inhibited their learning journeys. Acknowledgment of snap judgments: Leo describes an exercise highlighting the frequency of snap judgments made about teachers based on their appearance, speech, and presented information, emphasizing awareness of these judgments as crucial for self-actualization. Construction of personal development map: He explains the initial years of self-actualization are spent constructing a map for life's journey, and warns that excessive projection onto various teachers can hinder this process significantly. Variety of learning sources: Leo advocates learning from a wide range of teachers to obtain various perspectives and recognize common patterns in teachings, which is vital for a well-rounded understanding. Leo's own experiences with projections: He reflects on how managing projections from his audience has heightened his sensitivity and self-awareness of the phenomenon, noting the often baseless and inaccurate nature of these projections. Consequences of projections on teachers: Leo points out that incorrect assumptions about teachers' lives or beliefs can distract from the knowledge they offer and induce wrongful criticism or unwarranted praise. Relating to others without projection: He emphasizes that most interactions involve responding to personal interpretations rather than the true nature of individuals, which can drastically affect both relationships and the ability to learn from others. Awareness exercise for combating projection: Leo suggests an exercise where viewers attempt to view him without any preconceived notions or assumptions for 30 seconds, encouraging a similar approach with other individuals and teachers to cultivate better relationships and understanding. Advanced teachings vs. ego: Leo reiterates vigilance against ego-triggered distortions when engaging with advanced teachings to prevent misunderstanding and overlooking valuable insights. Personal Agenda in Learning: Leo encourages listeners to stay aware of their personal agendas—needs, values, ideals, fears, insecurities—while consuming teachings, noting how these can color their interpretation and distort the message received. Self-Reflection on Criticism: Leo suggests when criticizing others, especially those offering advanced teachings, to turn that criticism inward and question what it reveals about one's own characteristics or insecurities. Advanced Teachings and Ego Threat: Leo points out that the most profound and advanced teachings can be the most threatening to the ego, making them difficult for people to accept, thus they remain obscure and challenging to mainstream. Signs of Projection: Leo identifies signs of projecting onto teachers: having imaginary arguments, excessive curiosity about their personal lives, and criticizing trivial aspects of their presentations. The Persistence of Closed-Mindedness: Leo stresses that a closed mind reinforced through projection can be the biggest barrier to accessing deep teachings, even contributing to the dismissal of wisdom as personal biases interfere with clear perception. Embracing Generosity in Comprehension: Leo advises adopting an inclusive and generous approach to learning rather than looking for flaws, taking personal responsibility for understanding even if the teachings are imperfect or challenging. Revising Assumptions: Leo encourages maintaining an attitude of radical open-mindedness, remaining open to revising assumptions made about teachings, especially deep topics like enlightenment. Call to Commitment: Leo invites the audience to actively engage in their own growth by regularly consuming educational content, completing exercises, meditating, attending seminars, and applying techniques for personal transformation. Imperio
  5. How To Harness Your Intuition Understanding Self-Actualization and Intuition: Leo emphasizes the importance of intuition in self-actualization, stating that it serves as a life compass. However, he notes that many people are disconnected from their intuition, leading to a life lacking in motivation, purpose, and strategic vision. Western Culture's Bias Against Intuition: He criticizes Western culture's preference for logic, explaining that it teaches people to dismiss intuition. This is evident in situations like corporate decisions, where logical justifications are demanded over intuitive feelings. Nonetheless, intuitive decisions play a critical role in our lives. The Superiority of Intuition Over Logic: Leo points out that intuition is the source of purpose and vision, necessary for creating the big picture that logical thinking then details. He argues that the subconscious mind can process vast amounts of data, providing valuable wisdom and creative insights beyond the capability of linear, logical thinking. The Human Subconscious as a Supercomputer: Intuition stems from the complex workings of the subconscious mind, which Leo describes as a distributed network capable of handling information in ways the logical mind cannot. He encourages embracing this higher order intelligence over the limited, linear thinking common in the left-brain-dominated Western culture. Leo's Personal Intuition Experiences: Leo shares his personal history, describing how his intuition has led him to take harder classes, change majors, quit jobs, and ultimately start He credits intuition with his significant life decisions and personal growth, emphasizing its ongoing influence in guiding his choices. Difficulties of Following Intuition: He highlights three major barriers to following intuition: the inability to hear it, personal impurities that obstruct its guidance, and the failure to act on it even when it is heard. Leo stresses these challenges and underscores the need to address them for successful intuitive living. Cultural Reasons for Not Hearing Intuition: Leo identifies cultural distractions and the Western bias for logic and materialism as reasons people fail to hear their intuitive voice. He advocates for reducing distractions and considering one's mortality to create space for intuition. True Intelligence and Its Source: Leo encourages acknowledging that true intelligence is interwoven with existence, not generated by the individual. He suggests that higher consciousness work, meditation, and perhaps psychedelics can reveal the depth and external sources of intelligence that exist beyond our analytical minds. Solutions for Hearing Intuition: To hear the intuitive voice, Leo advises removing distractions and contemplating mortality to shift focus from materialism to profound insights. He also mentions the episode on lifestyle minimalism as a resource for creating conditions conducive to intuition. Contemplation of Mortality: Realizing that life is fleeting shifts focus from materialism to deeper life pursuits. Contemplating death allows intuition to emerge, directing focus on more meaningful goals. Clarifying Life Desires: Understanding what one truly desires in life, beyond superficial aims like success and money, is key to harnessing intuition. Meditation for Intuition: Regular meditation fosters stillness and solitude, enhancing intuition and making one more receptive to its subtle guidance. Connection with Emotions: Engaging in activities that promote emotional awareness, like yoga or meditation, can help one feel and follow their intuition more effectively. Impurities Blocking Intuition: Ego, cravings, fears, traumas, and dogmas distort intuition. The ego can manipulate intuition for low-consciousness purposes. Benevolent Motives and Spiritual Purification: Intuitions should come from a place of love and beauty. Purifying one's identity of fears and cravings allows intuition to serve as a guide. Releasing Beliefs: Letting go of limiting beliefs, including those surrounding intuition, grants freedom to pursue intuitive guidance without self-imposed constraints. Changing Environment: Modifying one's surroundings and controlling information intake can reduce impurities that cloud intuition. Healthy Relationships and Bodily Tension: Ending toxic relationships and releasing physical tension allows for a clearer intuitive understanding. Serving Intuition as Life's Mission: Recognizing the importance of intuitively guided actions encourages commitment and flexibility to enact meaningful life changes determined by intuition. The Intuition Incubator Concept: Cultivating intuitions through dedicated contemplation and action allows for personal growth and transformation. Commitment and Flexibility for Intuitive Action: Real change requires a serious commitment to follow intuitions and a willingness to learn, grow, and make uncomfortable changes. Courage to Act on Intuition: Following intuition can involve radical, sometimes frightening changes, such as career shifts or ending long-term endeavors, demanding a significant courage investment. Intuition Incubator: An intuition incubator allows one to nurture and develop intuitions which initially appear in an unpolished form, requiring time and effort to be transformed into actionable insights. Journaling and Articulation: Leo recommends journaling as a tool to catalog and clearly articulate intuitions, promoting a deeper understanding and facilitating the creation of strategic plans for action. Strategic Long-term Commitment: Persistence and a long-term view are crucial for realizing intuitions. Leo shares his personal journey, where his intuitions about his life purpose took years to materialize, demonstrating the importance of strategic long-term planning and commitment. Service to Intuition: Leo emphasizes that one's primary life mission should be serving their intuitions, which may necessitate stepping out of comfort zones and making significant changes. True vs. False Intuitions: True intuitions do not defend themselves with justifications when questioned and have a magnetic pull, whereas false intuitions are often protective, fear-based, and seek to rationalize themselves. Surrender to Universal Intelligence: Leo advises surrendering to a pervasive intelligence that guides life decisions, encouraging the acceptance of this force to lead a purpose-driven and aspirational life. Employee of the Universe: By acting as an 'employee of the universe', one aligns with a more significant force, thus finding powerful motivation and fulfillment in actions that go beyond personal gain. Practical Worksheet: Leo provides a worksheet with practical questions to assist in developing intuitions, which can be downloaded from Personal Development Journey: He highlights the importance of continued learning and taking action based on his teachings for personal growth, inviting the audience to explore the potential of self-actualization through ongoing engagement with Nox
  6. What Is God - Leo Becomes Absolute Infinity (Aka God) - All Of Reality Explained Leo's summary of the video purpose: Leo aims to convey his experience of becoming conscious of absolute infinity and his transformation into what he describes as God. He promises to demonstrate, in a subsequent episode, how viewers can gain this insight swiftly, within 15 minutes. Discovery of a unique psychedelic: Leo recounts his research into psychedelics and discovery of a rare substance that induces a complete loss of ego while retaining mental clarity, distinct from traditional psychedelics that create visual and spiritual effects. Redefining the ego and experiencing non-existence: He ponders the paradigm shift that would occur if one's ego ceased to exist. Leo questions the nature of reality and existence when the self is completely absent. Leo's personal stance on divinity: Despite his fundamentally atheistic and rational approach to life, Leo refrains from using the term 'God' due to its cultural implications but finds himself doing so after his ego-dissolving experience. Leo's initial skepticism towards psychedelics as distortions of reality: Leo enters his psychedelic experiment with the preconception that these substances create false experiences, only to encounter an earth-shattering insight that challenges his belief. Leo's experience upon taking the psychedelic: Describes the rapid intensification of consciousness and awareness upon ingestion, which led to an altered perception of reality that defied logic and physics. Experiencing absolute infinity and becoming God: Leo narrates the profound moment he became aware of the absolute infinite nature of reality, resulting in the complete transformation of his life, where he realized he and God are one and the same. Surprise over the use of 'God' label: Observes his own unexpected use of the term 'God' throughout the experience and elaborates on the concept of absolute infinity that transcends mathematical or geometric notions, embodying all dimensions and possibilities. Explanation of Absolute Infinity: Leo delves into the concept of absolute infinity, not just as a mathematical or geometric term but as a reality comprising of infinite dimensions where every possibility, even the impossible and non-existent, is encompassed and perpetually expanding without bounds. Limits within Reality: Discusses that reality, being inclusive of everything, does not allow for any limits, such as physical laws or constants. These perceived limits or structures of the universe, if they exist, are simply aspects within the boundless possibility field of reality, which itself cannot be enforced by anything external since it is all-encompassing. Alternate Universes Concept: Uses the metaphor of moving a grain of sand to imagine an alternate universe, expanding this idea to shifting every particle in our universe and considering all potential universes across time. Even this, however, is only a small glimpse of true absolute infinity. Qualities of Absolute Infinity: Describes absolute infinity as not having sensory attributes but as an existence that can only be perceived directly by being it. It is an endless singularity containing all of existence, including time, which is merely one dimension among countless others. Awakening from Life: Leo shares a narrative illustrating the profoundness of awakening from life, likening it to unzipping and shedding an ego-bound existence to emerge as absolute infinity, a shocking and indescribable transition that reveals the true concept of the ego. Understanding Awakening and God: Emphasizes that true awakening and the concept of God can only be understood through direct experiences far beyond human comprehension or expectation, with 'God' becoming a suddenly appropriate term during this revelation. Chemicals Inducing the Experience of God: Reflects on the impossibility of becoming infinite through chemical means, as conventional understanding would suggest, and how this experience challenges every known aspect of reality, declaring his prior understanding and teachings as part of a delusional dream. The Infinite Beauty of Absolute Infinity: Describes experiencing absolute infinity as encountering pure, raw beauty filled with awe and fear, radically shifting one's perception and awakening a profound realization of the scope of one's own delusion. Capturing the Essence of the Experience: Leo likens the awe-inspired feeling of viewing the night sky to his psychedelic experience, stating that multiplying that feeling by infinity falls short of capturing the profound impact of his encounter with absolute infinity. Full-Body Transformation: Emphasizes that the experience was a complete physical and emotional transformation, releasing a lifetime's worth of emotional struggle and leaving an indelible mark on his entire being. Post-Experience Integration: Leo discusses his return to normalcy after the chemical's effects subsided but acknowledges the permanent shift in his perception of reality, leading to an ongoing effort to reconcile his limited ego with the concept of absolute infinity. Hypothesizing Reality’s Nature: Posits that reality is an infinite matrix within infinite dimensions where every possibility occurs simultaneously, suggesting the necessity of limited perspectives, like individual egos and our specific universe, for absolute infinity to truly be infinite. Finding Satisfaction in a Philosophical Explanation: Shares a sense of satisfaction in having his existential questions addressed by understanding the encompassing nature of absolute infinity, which includes both life's pleasant and horrendous aspects. Life-altering Power of a Single Experience: Leo attests that the transformative power of this single experience surpasses years of meditation and self-inquiry, asserting its unparalleled significance in his personal development. Reacting to Life's Futility Post-Awakening: Expresses a realization of the futility of everyday life goals compared to the awakened state, which offers a complete perspective where everything is understood as a mere distraction from infinite reality. Contrast between Fear and Awakening: Highlights that our limited understanding due to fear of loss prevents us from awakening to the infinite existence that's possible if we let go of our attachments. Recurring Realization of Godliness: Describes subsequent experiences in sleep where he would recall becoming absolute infinity, resulting in awakening from sleep overwhelmed by the memory's beauty and terror. The Imposing Nature of God: Comments on the overwhelming nature of experiencing God, implying that despite its beauty, its magnitude can be terrifying, leading to a cautious approach to repeated experiences. Awaiting Next Episode for Revelation: Teases the revelation of the substance and detailed instructions for safe use in the next episode, urging viewers to keep an open mind and stay tuned for more information. The Gallery Of Absolute Infinity: Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 Image 6 Image 7 Image 8 Image 9 Image 10 Image 11 Image 12 Image 13 Image 14 Image 15 Image 16 Image 17 Image 18 Image 19 Image 20 Image 21 Image 22 Image 23 Image 24 Image 25 Image 26 Stupefy
  7. The 64 Most Fascinating Questions A Human Can Ask Development of Existential Interest: Leo from discusses the significance of exploring deep existential questions and their impact on personal happiness, meaning, and development. He attributes the lack of engagement in these topics to cultural discouragement and inadequate exposure. Existential Categories: Leo introduces four key categories of existential questions: metaphysical, epistemic, self-related, and consciousness-related, noting that these themes are central to understanding reality and existence. Metaphysical Inquiry: He dives into the metaphysical category, asking why existence exists at all and what it means for something to be existent, challenging our fundamental understanding of existence and non-existence. Essence of Reality Structure: Leo questions the specific structure of reality, including why it follows the laws of physics and whether different structuring is possible, highlighting the arbitrary nature of these foundational laws. Consciousness versus Matter: The relationship between consciousness and matter is probed, with Leo asking whether consciousness emerges from matter or if matter is a conceptual product of consciousness, flipping conventional scientific views. Fundamental Building Blocks: He asks what really constitutes matter, energy, space, and time—considered fundamental in physics but whose essence remains a mystery. Universe Boundaries and Origin: The scope and boundaries of the universe are questioned, as well as what might exist beyond or before the Big Bang, contemplating the origins of singularity and potential multiverses. Interaction of Material and Immaterial: The puzzling interaction between material objects (like matter and energy) and immaterial phenomena (like thoughts and emotions) is examined without a clear scientific understanding of their relationship. Determination of Possibilities: Leo explores what dictates the limits of what is possible or impossible in the universe, from natural laws to logical constraints, questioning the origins of these limitations. Emergent Properties and Their Origins: The source of emergent properties, such as consciousness, is scrutinized. Leo asks how properties like liquidity in water or consciousness in the brain arise from simpler elements. Object Identification: The concept of what constitutes a singular object is challenged, investigating whether entities like humans are one object or a complex collection of cells, organs, and systems. Reality's Scales: Leo ponders whether reality has a definitive bottom or top scale or if these scales extend infinitely, pushing the limits of scientific understanding on the structure of the universe. Bottom Top Level Scale Existence: He concludes by questioning if there is any true bottom level or top level scale in the universe or if these scales could possibly extend to infinity. Purpose of Universal Evolution: The universe's evolution from simple gases to complex civilizations presents the question of whether this increasing complexity has a purpose, goal, or design, or if it is simply an accidental result of evolution. Reality of External Existence: It's postulated that an objective external reality exists, but strictly speaking, our only evidence is our individual first-person experiences, leaving the true nature of external reality an open question. Exploration of God Concept: Regardless of religious beliefs, the concept of God raises intricate issues, such as God's nature, the logical consistency of divine attributes, God's relationship to the universe, and the origin of the universe itself. Nature of Thoughts: Defining thoughts is challenging as they are not easily classified by sensory experiences or physical properties, making them almost 'ghost-like' sensations in our consciousness. Origin of Life: Despite our knowledge of evolution, the origin of life is shrouded in mystery, with lab experiments failing to spontaneously generate life from organic molecules, leaving us puzzled about life's beginnings. Fundamentals of Epistemology: The epistemological category involves probing how we can know anything for certain, the validity of our justifications for beliefs, and whether there is any knowledge we can claim with absolute certainty. Religious Beliefs and Delusion: The widespread belief in God across cultures and religions prompts questions about the nature of belief, why similar gods emerge in different societies, the reasons for religious popularity, and how intelligent people might share these beliefs or delusions. Objective Morality: The widespread disagreement on what is good or bad, even among intelligent individuals, leads to questioning whether morality is an objective reality or a construct of the human mind. Intellectual Self-Delusion: Intelligent, educated people can still hold delusions, highlighting that higher education does not immunize one from self-deception, emphasizing the importance of questioning one's certainty. Self-Bias and the Construction of Reality: Investigating whether our models of reality serve our egoic needs and personal agendas, and how we can be sure these models are not heavily biased by our own self-interest. Indoctrination in Belief Systems: The potential for indoctrination in everyone's upbringing is considered, questioning the degree to which our beliefs have been influenced or coerced from external sources. Evaluation of Science: Scrutinizing science as a means to knowledge, questioning its perceived validity, and considering its potential limitations in explaining reality. Limits of Mathematics and Rationality: Contemplating the validity and limits of mathematics and whether it is inherently tied to the nature of reality or a construct of the human mind; additionally, questioning the reliability of rationality as a dependable method of understanding. Limits of Rationality: Leo discusses whether rationality is boundless or merely a human projection, creating a dilemma regarding the extent to which rationality can explain reality. Trustworthy Sources of Knowledge: He juxtaposes senses, rationality, and intuition, questioning which is most reliable for knowledge development and why. Biases and Blind Spots of Humanity: Leo emphasizes the often-overlooked concept of collective human blind spots and biases shaped by culture and species, suggesting that alternative forms of understanding by other species or civilizations could be equally valid. Species-Specific Understanding: The video contemplates the idea that different species, including hypothetical extraterrestrial intelligences, may have varying levels or methods of understanding reality, which could be as legitimate as human perception. Authority and Expertise: Leo explores the challenge of determining intellectual authority and the trustworthiness of experts across various disciplines. Accurate Reality Models: The struggle of validating the accuracy and superiority of our various models of reality, whether scientific, religious, or philosophical, is addressed. Nature of Truth and Understanding: Distinctions between 'truth' and 'understanding' and their origins are discussed, revealing uncertainties in our ability to differentiate between what is correct and what is speculative. Ultimate Truth: Leo ponders the concept of an ultimate truth of reality, questioning whether it's within human cognitive grasp and how we could theoretically ascertain its nature. Acquisition of Knowledge: Various methods for acquiring knowledge are weighed against each other, with the underlying question of whether reality is ultimately comprehensible given our biological and psychological limits. Existence and Identity of Self: Questions arise about the certainty of one's existence, the exact nature of the self, and the justification for identifying with one's body and mind. Control of Thoughts: Leo probes the illusion of thought control, suggesting thoughts may have an independent mechanism given occurrences like obsessive thinking and spontaneous creativity. Individual Role in Reality: He queries the role of an individual in reality and the potential autonomy or obligations one might have in constructing their life purpose. Consciousness Enigma: The lack of a scientific or religious explanation for consciousness after centuries of inquiry is highlighted, along with the mystery of how physical perception among objects is possible. Unification of Senses and Higher Consciousness: Leo discusses how our various senses coalesce into a single experience and speculates on the existence of higher states of consciousness beyond human capability. Non-Ordinary States of Consciousness: The implications and realities of altered states of consciousness, such as those induced by psychedelics, meditation, or religion, are considered. Separation and Independence of Consciousness: The isolation and apparent independence of individual consciousnesses and the feasibility of creating, splitting, or joining consciousness are examined. Artificial and Organic Consciousness: The potential for artificial consciousness is questioned, alongside the exploration of consciousness as an inherent property of biological life. Unified Consciousness: Merging the consciousness of all humans could have profound epistemic impacts, increasing our shared level of consciousness by billions and potentially altering our understanding of the self and the universe. Consciousness as a Fundamental Force: Contrary to viewing consciousness as an emergent property of complex beings, the possibility exists that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of the universe, akin to matter, energy, space, and time, challenging current physics which doesn't account for it. Laws Governing Qualia: The laws and principles that dictate the qualities of our sensory experiences, or qualia, are unclear. The conversion of physical brain activity into vivid experiential phenomena like color and emotion remains a profound mystery. Devoting Life to Existential Questions: Leo advises choosing the most personally compelling questions and dedicating one's life to exploring them, suggesting that the quality and depth of one's life correlate with the depth of questions they pursue. Philosophy as Self-Transformation: Engaging with existential questions demands deep introspection and growth. Ancient philosophers saw a strong link between philosophy and personal psychology—a connection Leo believes should be revived in modern times. Independent Investigation vs Prescribed Answers: Leo emphasizes the importance of personally seeking answers to existential questions rather than relying on predetermined solutions from external authorities like religions, cults, or institutions. The Transformative Potential of Questioning: By questioning, exploring, and reflecting on profound existential topics, individuals can revolutionize their understanding of the world, leading to a more fulfilling and self-actualized life. Risk of Disregarding Profound Questions: Ignoring existential questions can result in a superficial life marred by depression, lack of motivation, and susceptibility to delusions rather than harnessing the unique human capacity for introspection. Possibility of Answering Existential Questions: Despite skepticism about their solvability, many existential questions can be answered but require deep personal reflection and deconstruction of self rather than purely intellectual approaches. Encouragement for Active Engagement: Leo concludes by encouraging individuals to actively engage with profound existential questions through a variety of means, including study, open-mindedness, meditation, and seeking guidance, as opposed to superficial contemplation. Confundo
  8. Guided Meditation - The Next Level Of Meditation Guided Meditation Walk-through: Leo conducts a live exercise guiding viewers through a meditation session, encouraging actual practice over theoretical learning. Emphasis on Action: Leo stresses the importance of immediate participation in the meditation exercise and warns against dismissing practical steps in favor of solely absorbing theory. Surrender as a Key Component: He introduces surrender and letting go as critical elements for a successful meditation practice, contrary to focusing on thought control. Comfortable Seating and Stillness: Participants are guided to find a comfortable seated position, close their eyes, and bring their awareness to bodily sensations without trying to meditate or achieve anything. Non-Manipulative Approach: Leo highlights that true meditation is not about manipulating thoughts or striving for a peaceful state but about letting go and being aware without effort. Merging with Reality: Through the guidance, one learns to gently expand their consciousness beyond their body and merge with their environment, becoming all-encompassing without any conscious effort. Restful Mind, Absorption, and Alertness: Meditation is portrayed as a resting of the mind that does not require understanding or enlightenment; one's sense of self becomes absorbed into the surroundings while maintaining alertness. Letting Go Continuously: He suggests continuously letting go of control, resistance, and even the desire to release something, thus settling into a state of deep peace. Encouraging Regular Practice: Leo recommends daily meditation practice of 20-60 minutes for optimal results, to explore the state of unity with reality. Audio Guide for Regular Use: For those who need support, an audio guide is offered to use as a daily meditation tool, focusing on the experiential aspect rather than theory. Engagement with Content: Viewers are encouraged to sign up for the newsletter to stay engaged with future materials and practice consistency to achieve profound life changes. Transformative Power of Practice: Leo underlines that transformation comes through practice, not theory, and consistent practice is essential to grasp advanced concepts. Reparo
  9. The 3 Levels Of Personal Development Work "Great wisdom looks like stupidity." - Laozi Introduction to Personal Development Levels: Leo discusses personal development as a spectrum divided into three stages—"newbies," "intermediate," and "advanced"—each stage requiring several years of work before progressing to the next. Role of Personal Development Advice: Understanding the stages is crucial to avoid confusion, as advice that is useful for one stage may contradict that for another stage. Leo's material is becoming more advanced, and he offers guidance on how to approach it based on one's stage. Characteristics of Newbies: Newbies feel deficient in areas such as relationships and finances and seek immediate results from personal development to fill these voids. Their approach to problem-solving is external, avoiding any changes in internal beliefs or identity. The Newbie's Motivation and Resistance to Change: Newbies, motivated by a desire to escape pain, aim for average success rather than excellence. They are resistant to questioning or changing their deeply held beliefs and self-concept. Newbies' Relationship with Truth and Mind: They are not interested in truth for truth's sake and are heavily identified with their thoughts, unable to distinguish between abstract concepts and direct experience which impedes their understanding of advanced wisdom. Action Taking for Newbies: Newbies resist taking action on self-help advice, often accumulating information without applying it, causing frustration due to the gap between what they know and what they experience. Newbie Misunderstandings of Psychological Concepts: They lack awareness of the deceptive nature of the ego, the impact of closed-mindedness on growth, and the distortions presented by societal norms. Newbies vs. Society's Psychological Health: Newbies incorrectly assume that society reflects healthy psychology and often hold history and contemporary society as the benchmarks for what is possible, overlooking the potential for self-actualization. Newbies' Misunderstanding of Humanity's Development Stage: Newbies aren't aware that humanity is currently in the "dark ages" of awareness and self-development. They mistakenly use society as a reference point for personal growth, which leads them astray from reaching their potential. False Attitudes Towards Spirituality: Newbies fall into two traps regarding spirituality: they either dismiss it as superstition or engage in superficial, non-genuine spiritual practices without understanding true spiritual work. Impatience and Shortcut Seeking: Newbies are characterized by their impatience and desire for shortcuts. They may gravitate towards quick fixes like psychedelics for enlightenment without realizing these do not lead to genuine personal transformation. Reluctance to Invest in Self-Development: Newbies are unwilling to invest in their growth, preferring cheap or free resources. They don't appreciate the value of wisdom and take for granted the transformative power it holds. Overly Narrow Focus in Personal Development: Newbies approach personal development with an exceedingly narrow focus, such as wanting to improve only their business or relationships. They disregard broader disciplines like philosophy or history which could enhance their pursuit. Complaints About Abstraction and Action Steps: Newbies struggle with abstract concepts from advanced work and often complain about a lack of practicality, not understanding how to derive concrete actions from these ideas. Newbies' Preconceived Notions: Newbies have preconceived notions about reality, truth, God, and the self, and are not open to questioning these ideas from a place of curiosity and open-mindedness. Newbie Skepticism and Argumentation: Newbies harbor a neurotic skepticism aimed at finding loopholes in teachings rather than genuinely understanding and embodying the wisdom presented. Ideological Armchair Skepticism: Newbies often adopt an armchair philosophy, critiquing new ideas from a place of defense rather than being open to life transformation through practical application. Demanding Scientific Proof in Place of Experiential Validation: Newbies desire scientific evidence for new ideas, showing a lack of willingness to test and validate these ideas' impact in their own lives. Black-and-White Thinking and Straw Man Fallacies: Newbies oversimplify complex concepts, creating straw man versions of them, which they then dismiss without truly understanding the nuances involved. Ego Protection and Shifting Blame: When faced with challenging teachings, newbies often deflect blame onto the teacher to avoid looking inward and doing the emotional work required for personal development. Newbies Unaware of Their Developmental Level: Newbies are often oblivious to their stage of awareness, get offended when their level is identified by others, and fail to recognize the growth trajectory required to advance in personal development. The Trap of Simplicity: Newbies fall into the trap of assuming that the most advanced personal development wisdom should be complex; they overlook the transformative potential of simple truths, mistaking them for being too elementary. Newbies’ incapacity for deepest wisdom: Newbies lack the capacity to grasp the deepest wisdom, as does society at its current stage, a fact unbeknownst to both. It isn't a lack of willpower but a developmental stage where an individual must grow through personal work to eventually handle profound truths. The surprise of realizing ignorance: For newbies, achieving advanced understanding involves the surprising and often emotionally shocking realization that they know far less than they thought. Progressing to an advanced level is not about accumulating knowledge but rather about the subtractive process of unlearning. Advanced personal development as radical open-mindedness: Advanced work in personal development requires radical open-mindedness to consider unconventional and seemingly absurd ideas, balanced by a grounding in reality. Practice and inward action: Advanced personal development involves rigorous practice and action, focusing on introspective activities like meditation, shadow work, and self-inquiry, often in solitude. Every problem is self-created: An advanced student in personal development believes all problems are internally created and looks within for triggers rather than attributing them to external factors. Truth over goals: Advanced personal development prioritizes seeking truth and understanding reality through direct experience above achieving superficial goals. Awareness and rejecting the mind: Advanced students emphasize the importance of awareness over intellect and reject the obstructive thoughts produced by the mind. Pre-requisite for advanced work: According to Leo, a couple of years of meditation or self-inquiry is necessary to truly engage with advanced work, as it provides direct experience and insights. Self-inquiry and ego: Core to advanced personal development is the deep questioning of one's identity, motives, and reasons for emotional responses. Advanced students are unconcerned with success: Realizing the hollowness of traditional measures of success, advanced students prioritize personal growth over achieving success or meeting all their needs. Long-term commitment: Advanced students view personal development as a lifelong journey and approach it with patience and dedication, focusing on long-term transformations. Broad study across fields: A commitment to studying diverse fields like philosophy, spirituality, history, and science enriches the advanced student's model of reality and personal growth. Embracing simplicity and emotional labor: Advanced students can transform simple, abstract advice into actionable plans and willingly embrace the emotional labor required for deep personal growth. Readiness to change belief system: An advanced student is open to examining and changing deeply-held beliefs about the very nature of reality, life, and self-awareness. Thriving on confusion and paradox: Advanced students willingly engage with confusion and paradox, recognizing the intellectual richness in uncertainty, which would typically deter a newbie. Advice for Newbies on Initial Focus: Early stages of personal development should concentrate on achieving basic success, fulfilling fundamental needs like relationships and self-esteem before delving into advanced concepts like enlightenment. Significance of Habits for Personal Growth: Beginners must establish fundamental habits, such as meditation, exercise, and clean eating, to build a foundation for more advanced personal development practices. Approaching Advanced Topics with Caution: Leo advises beginners to be cautious with advanced topics, suggesting they listen and learn but focus on more immediate, practical areas of improvement first. Open-mindedness in Personal Development: It’s important for newbies to maintain an open mind and refrain from immediately dismissing advanced concepts as crazy or ridiculous. Understanding Personal Development's Depth: Personal development is a lifelong journey, with deeper wisdom often being cultivated by those who dedicate substantial and intense time to it. Inspiration through Advanced Work: Discussing advanced topics gives newbies hope and inspiration as they work through immediate issues, offering a glimpse of a more profound and positive future. Balancing Newbie and Advanced Advice: Even enlightened individuals may need basic advice in areas like business or relationships, showing that both newbie and advanced guidance can coexist in personal development. Importance of Addressing Inner Demons: Addressing inner demons is crucial; it enables individuals to enjoy life's offerings consciously, without being hampered by an unmastered mind. Continuous Growth and Evolution of Advice: Leo emphasizes the necessity of growing with him and appreciating the evolving nature of his advice, which will incorporate increasingly advanced concepts. Encouraging Engagement and Action: Leo calls for viewers to actively engage with his content, do the 'homework' he assigns, and not reject advanced teachings as they hold transformative potential when understood and applied. Invitation to Join the Community: Leo invites viewers to participate in the community, engage with the content, and remain updated on topics that can profoundly affect their lives. Expelliarmus
  10. The Psychology Of Small Business Success - Top 5 Errors Of Aspiring Entrepreneurs Error #1 - Overemphasis on the "dream product": Leo highlights that newbie entrepreneurs invest too much emotion and hope in creating their dream product, service, or invention while neglecting the crucial element of sales and marketing. Success in the marketplace is less about having a perfect product and more about gaining visibility and converting interest into sales. Lack of Market Strategy: Many entrepreneurs fail to develop a realistic and practical strategy to attract attention to their product. In a crowded market, simply having a good product isn't enough. Entrepreneurs must discover effective ways to capture potential customers' attention and persuade them to purchase. Testing the Business Model Early: Leo points out the common mistake of not testing the business model early enough. Many spend years perfecting their product only to find no market interest. Testing the 'cash flow engine' or business model early on can prevent this pitfall and help establish practical cash flow. Error #2 - Insufficient Experimentation and Creativity: Businesses often stumble because entrepreneurs lack the strategic creativity needed for problem-solving. Unlike aesthetic creativity, business creativity involves continuously coming up with strategic solutions for practical challenges and flexibly adapting when initial ideas fail. Requisite Variety in Business: Leo introduces the concept of requisite variety from cybernetics, explaining that an entrepreneur must have a more extensive set of strategies and solutions to adapt to business challenges. More nuanced and clever responses are necessary than what the problems present. Unique Positioning in the Marketplace: Entrepreneurs must find unique angles to enter their niche successfully. This could involve a compelling value proposition, such as being the most cost-effective, offering the highest quality, first to market, or having patented features that distinguish their business from the competition. Understanding Business as a Power Play: Leo describes business as a struggle for power in terms of money, influence, and visibility. Success requires finding a 'leverage point' that provides a distinct advantage in the competitive business landscape. Identifying Unique Leverage Points: Entrepreneurs must find their business's unique leverage point that differentiates them from competitors. For Leo, his personal style and approach in self-help advice is his leverage point, setting apart from others. Understanding the Cashflow Engine: Leo emphasizes the importance of discovering a mechanism for generating cash flow to sustain the business over time. Seeing a business as a research project or an evolutionary process involves trial and error as well as a high tolerance for failure. Trial and Error Process: Business development is characterized by trial and error, similar to scientific research or natural selection. Failure is common, and entrepreneurs must search for the single success among many attempts that can be focused on to drive their business forward. Error #3 - Not Taking Enough Action: Leo identifies the lack of action as a critical mistake. Successful entrepreneurs implement their ideas rapidly instead of procrastinating, sometimes seeing results within months rather than years. The Seriousness of Business Commitment: Treating the startup process as a life and death situation in terms of commitment, despite not being literal, creates a mindset that does not entertain the option of failure and is willing to try anything to make the business successful. Error #4 - Lack of Self-Governance: Self-governance is a central issue in business failure. The emotional difficulty of sustaining motivation and focus over the long term is something most people struggle with, leading them to prefer steady employment over entrepreneurship. The Emotional Aspect of Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurs face a range of emotions when building a business from scratch, including dealing with harsh truths such as realizing that good products may not sell or having to kill off one's beloved ideas due to their impracticality. Psychological Themes of Business: Common themes in business include competition, the necessity of discarding ideas (killing one's babies), and emotional isolation during the early stages of business development. Isolation and Entrepreneurship: Starting a business is generally a solitary journey filled with doubt, fear, and various practical and emotional challenges, which can be very isolating and daunting for many individuals. Self-Governance and Emotional Labor: Leo discusses that self-governance and emotional labor, while challenging, are not fixed qualities and can be developed over time. He suggests that is a valuable resource for cultivating these skills and coping with emotional labor, which are critical for rising to the top in business. Harsh Truth About Business: Leo reflects on the nature of business, concluding that historically it's a more civilized form of tribal warfare such as raiding and pillaging. He explains that in the past, survival meant direct confrontation and resource acquisition, which has since evolved into the more structured but still competitive world of business. Business Evolution and Survival: The progression from brutal conquest to modern business practices is highlighted as Leo explains how aggression has been replaced by economic competition and how business is now deeply tied to survival, much like tribal conflicts were in the past. Juxtaposition of Business and Violence: Leo illuminates the idea that contemporary business has its roots in humanity's violent history but has been moderated by laws and societal structures to become less overtly harmful while still being driven by a survivalist mentality. Pragmatism in Entrepreneurship: Leo emphasizes the need for entrepreneurs to approach their ventures with sobriety, understanding the ruthless nature of the business environment, and the necessity to be as competitive and pragmatic as dictators in their pursuit of success. Life and Death Seriousness of Business: He points out that in some parts of the world, business success directly correlates with survival, and he challenges entrepreneurs to approach their businesses with the same level of seriousness, even if they come from more comfortable environments. Action Steps for Successful Business: Leo outlines several actionable recommendations for aspiring entrepreneurs: conducting extensive market research, testing ideas quickly to gain proof of concept, focusing on practical value to the consumer, proving at least one marketing avenue to attract attention to your product or service, and demonstrating the ability to make at least one sale as evidence of a viable business model. Emotions as a Barrier: Continuing with the theme of self-governance, Leo asserts that one's emotions are often the greatest hurdle to business success and urges the audience to take psychology and emotional regulation seriously. He again points to as a resource that can help entrepreneurs manage their emotions and develop necessary business skills. Mastering Self-Governance: Mastering your own mind and emotions opens all possibilities, making tasks easier. Without this mastery, it's like fighting with arms tied behind your back. Misconception About Abstract Concepts: Entrepreneurs might dismiss philosophical or spiritual talk as irrelevant to business, but eventually, they'll understand its importance in mastering self-governance. Advanced Trap of Successful Entrepreneurs: Successful entrepreneurs who ace all aspects of business may fall into the trap of losing themselves in materialism and success, forgetting to run a conscious and visionary business. Running a Business with Consciousness: The true challenge is running a profitable business without losing its soul, creating something that leads, shows what's possible in business, and raises consciousness. Purpose of Business: The purpose of business isn't just to make money but to promote a cause and improve the world by raising awareness through various channels like technology, education, and advice-giving. Visionary Leadership in Business: Visionary, conscious businesses will survive long-term in the 21st century, while unconscious businesses will not, as society and markets are evolving. Joy in Conscious Business: The joy of running a sustainable business that also improves the world in a meaningful way greatly surpasses the pleasure derived from a business focused solely on profitability. Avoiding Materialism and Success Trap: To avoid this trap, remain vigilant, self-aware, and recall the purpose of your business, balancing material success and visionary goals. Promotion of Conscious Business: Visionary businesses will become the norm, surpassing profit-driven models. It's imperative for future entrepreneurs to contribute to this evolutionary process. Personal Transformation and Business Evolution: Leo discusses his own shift from profit-driven to visionary business and underscores the need for constant self-awareness and adaptation to societal changes. Role of Leo's platform offers resources to understand one's mind and life purpose, promoting personal growth and aiding in the evolution of both the individual and their business endeavors. Stupefy
  11. Awareness Alone Is Curative - How To Auto-Correct Unwanted Behaviors Awareness as a Path to Changing Unhealthy Behaviors: Leo Gura describes how awareness, rather than willpower or forced action, can naturally correct unwanted behaviors. By simply observing these behaviors without judgment, the individual can allow them to dissolve over time. The Principle of Awareness Over Action: Leo explains that neurotic patterns of behavior come from a conflict between the desire to change and the resistance to change. He suggests a reframe of this dynamic by introducing the principle that "awareness alone is curative," meaning observation without action can lead to change. Understanding and Trusting the Awareness Method: Instead of actively seeking solutions to problems like overeating or lack of confidence, Leo advocates for shining awareness on the issue. The trust is in the power of awareness to naturally dissolve the problem without needing to force change. Autocorrection through Observation: The idea is that any unhealthy behavior will auto-correct merely through observation. Full consciousness is cited as being unable to coexist with an unhealthy behavior. This principle is credited to being learned from Bill Harris of Centrepointe. Challenges of Maintaining Constant Awareness: Leo acknowledges that for awareness to be effective, it must be constant and sustained throughout the entire behavior, which can be challenging in terms of patience and consistency. Practical Application with Junk Food: Leo gives a practical example of how to apply awareness to the habit of eating junk food. Instead of restricting oneself through guilt or willpower, he suggests fully engaging in the process of ordering and consuming the food, but with complete awareness of every aspect and consequence. Non-judgmental Observation: Leo emphasizes the importance of observing the behavior and its effects, such as feelings of nausea or bloating after overeating, without any judgments or moral self-criticism. Simply observing the entire experience silently and mindfully. Observation of Daily Life: By observing without judgment all aspects of daily life, from waking up feeling unwell to noticing physical imperfections like a gut sticking out, awareness becomes a natural part of one's routine. Natural Results of Ongoing Awareness: Consistent observation of oneself and the behaviors that cause personal suffering can result in a natural inclination to avoid those behaviors without the need for force or guilt, such as declining greasy food without effort. Unconsciousness and Unwanted Behaviors: Engaging in unwanted behaviors, such as binge-watching TV while eating ice cream, occurs because awareness is deliberately distracted or surrendered, allowing these behaviors to take place with little resistance. Awareness vs Logical Knowing: People often confuse logical knowing, such as knowing smoking is bad, with awareness. Awareness is an in-the-moment observation that is different from stored knowledge or logical understanding. Awareness Muscle Development: Awareness is likened to a muscle that needs consistent exercise to remain strong. Losing awareness is compared to a muscle going unused, resulting in unconscious behavior. Awareness as Observation: True observation, or awareness, involves passively noticing everything, akin to a scientist studying birds, without any moral judgments or attempts to control the situation. Moralizing Is Not Awareness: Moralizing, such as judging one's own eating habits, is a behavior to be observed and released through awareness, not by moralizing further. Releasing Control for Awareness: Ego-driven behavior is akin to micromanaging and needs to be released in favor of passive awareness, which operates on a deeper level than conscious desire. Awareness Is Not Suppression: Leo clarifies that awareness practice does not involve suppressing desires but rather involves being fully conscious of the desires and actions without trying to manipulate them. Passive Practice of Awareness: The practice of awareness is passive and scientific, like a scientist recording observations without interfering. This requires trust in the effectiveness of consistent application. Versatile Application of Awareness: Awareness can effectively address a wide range of unwanted behaviors, from overeating to psychological issues like shyness, depression, and anxiety. Dealing with Shyness Through Awareness: An example application is for overcoming shyness—by observing one's thoughts, physical reactions, and surrounding environment, it's predicted that shyness will naturally subside with consistent awareness practice. Awareness in Handling Depression: Leo advises to practice full awareness during periods of depression, acknowledging thoughts and feelings without trying to escape or change them. With patience and consistency, one can become conscious of how they perpetuate their own depression, ultimately leading the depression to become 'impossible.' Dealing with Fear Through Awareness: Leo suggests confronting fears, such as the fear of children using drugs, by observing the fear itself. Full awareness of the thoughts and images that accompany the fear can, over time, lead to a natural resolution of the problem, removing the need for forceful action. Thoughts and the Belief Network: Leo describes the mind as a vast network of thoughts and beliefs that constantly trigger each other, shaping one’s personality and actions. This complex system is self-sustaining, aimed at maintaining homeostasis, and challenging to change from within. Awareness and Systems Change: Leo highlights that awareness is the key to deep systemic change; trying to change beliefs with other beliefs is likely to fail. As awareness is cultivated, the network of beliefs restructures itself naturally, leading to genuine transformation. Leveraging Awareness for Change Over Force: According to Leo, using force to change one's network of beliefs is a self-defeating approach, as the force is generated from within the same belief system. True, effortless change occurs as a natural byproduct of raised awareness, not through exerted force. Conceptually Accepting External Forces and Surrendering: One must conceptually understand that forces outside of one’s control exist, and surrendering to these forces can be a powerful catalyst for change, facilitated by an acceptance that emerges from within one's belief system. Practical Steps to Develop Awareness: Leo advocates creating a daily meditation habit as an effective way to strengthen the 'awareness muscle.' This, coupled with absorbing the right concepts about the nature of awareness and reality, can lead to profound improvements in overcoming life's challenges. Transformation Through Awareness and Truth: All real change aligns with reality and truth, achievable through the development of awareness. Persistent practice of awareness can lead to a significant transformation in one's experience of life, resolving long-standing issues. Lumos
  12. A Rant Against Morality - Very Foundational Leo Gura's foundational view of morality: Leo emphasizes that conventional models of morality, consisting of what is deemed right or wrong, good or evil, actually inhibit personal growth and fulfillment by fostering unconscious obedience to external rules and internalized judgments. Lawrence Kohlberg's stages of moral development: Leo introduces Kohlberg's three stages of moral development: preconventional, conventional, and post-conventional, which outline the evolution of moral reasoning from basic punishment/reward principles to internalized principles. Leo adds a fourth stage, transcendent morality, characterized by a conscious realization of unity and unconditional love for all aspects of existence. Problems with traditional morality: He criticizes traditional morality for promoting moralism – a black-and-white, dogmatic view of reality, which applies to both religious and secular individuals and ideologies and tends to cause suffering by fragmenting one's perception of reality. Sources and examples of moralization: Leo gives examples of moralization from various sources such as religions, political ideologies, and family dynamics, pointing out that it affects interpersonal relationships and social interactions through the imposition of cultural etiquette and rules. The challenge of profound moral transformation: The transition to transcendent morality, which Leo argues for, requires abandoning judgmental views and accepting reality as it is, but is typically resisted because it is counterintuitive and requires a significant evolution of consciousness. Belief-induced Suffering: Holding rigid beliefs such as "nobody is supposed to ever cut me off in traffic" can lead to personal suffering due to resultant anger when expectations are not met. Personal Moralization: Leo discusses the internal rules created during adolescent growth and how these benchmarks lead to self-judgment as well as judgment of others' actions. Problems with Moralism: Leo identifies the issues with moralism as its mechanical and unconscious nature, where life is expected to follow oversimplified rules, often leading to immoral outcomes in complex real-life situations. Conscious Morality versus Mechanical Rules: True morality, according to Leo, should arise from a conscious awareness of the situation rather than blind adherence to fixed rules which may not suit every context. Ego and Fear-Based Morality: Morality models are often fear-driven and constructed to defend an ego's identity, which creates a rigid and fragmented sense of self. Parental and Societal Morality Indoctrination: From early childhood, rules about right and wrong are deeply imprinted on individuals by parents and society, influencing foundational perceptions of reality. Extrinsic Motivation and Integrity: External rules can cause a fragmented sense of motivation and self, where actions are obligated not by desire but by fear of punishment or societal norms, resulting in psychological neurosis. Ego and its Shadow: Leo explains the shadow aspect of the ego—denied parts of oneself—which leads to hypocrisy and denial of reality, causing life issues as reality ultimately asserts itself. Self-Righteousness Derived from Moralizing: Those who moralize frequently experience a secret ego-driven pleasure in their perceived righteousness, while judgment and denial of reality lead to inevitable loss and suffering when confronted with the true state of things. Pleasure Derived from Moralizing: Leo discusses how individuals experience ego gratification through moralizing, feeling self-righteous when condemning actions or people deemed morally inferior. This moral indignation inflates the ego's sense of superiority and self-worth. Hypocrisy Exacerbated by Moralism: Leo points out that moralizing often leads to hypocrisy, as exemplified by figures like corrupt preachers or politicians, whose public stances clash with their private indiscretions. Moralism can accelerate the very vices it denounces by causing individuals to hide and deny aspects of reality and parts of themselves. Negative Emotional Outcomes of Moralization: Moralizing results in feelings of guilt, shame, judgment, and self-hatred. Leo emphasizes that these feelings are not only directed towards others but are also self-inflicted, leading to a lack of integrity and self-esteem. Subtlety of Moralizing: Moralizing isn't just about overt judgments; Leo suggests that even small daily decisions or thoughts, such as feeling guilty about not going to the gym or judging a friend's behavior, are forms of moralization that deeply impact our psyche. Victimhood and Two Forms of Moralization: There are two forms of moralization – self-aggrandizing, where people tell others how to live, and self-victimizing, where they apply moralistic judgments to themselves. Both forms lead to a victim mentality and unnecessary suffering. Morality and Historical Atrocities: Leo links rigid adherence to moralistic rules with many atrocities throughout history. By demonizing individuals through judgment and moralization, societies have justified inhumane treatments and mass horrors. Transcendent Morality as Consciousness of Reality: Leo introduces transcendent morality – a pure consciousness of reality without the imposition of moral rules. He describes this as openness to being and existence devoid of judgments like "good" or "evil." Rejection of Reality: The core problem with moralization, according to Leo, is the rejection of reality. By failing to accept reality and attempting to fragment it into good and evil, we create suffering and societal chaos. Integrity as Opposite of Moralism: Integration of both light and dark aspects within oneself leads to wholeness and integrity. Leo argues that this unity allows for spontaneous and natural action without guilt or shame, transcending traditional moral paradigms. Transcendent Morality versus Traditional Morality: Leo contrasts transcendent morality with traditional morality, which relies on external rules. He poses that religious moral codes stem from an understanding of transcendent morality, which is naturally aligned with being and existence, advocating for a shift towards embracing this deeper conception of morality. Critique of Traditional Morality: Leo suggests that historical figures like Jesus or Buddha would reject the rigid moral doctrines attributed to them if they witnessed the negative consequences those doctrines have fostered over time. Counterintuitiveness and Threat of Transcendent Morality: The concept of transcendent morality, which lacks externally imposed rules and is based on an acceptance of reality, may seem radical and threatening to mainstream thought because it challenges established notions of morality. Creation of Good and Evil: The concepts of good and evil are mental constructs introduced during childhood, serving as a utility for navigating life. However, the problem arises when these fictions, like lies, return to haunt the creator, leading to fragmentation and denial of reality's unity. The Illusion of 'Shoulds': Leo emphasizes that the notion of 'should' is an illusion; what exists is precisely what should exist. This is a foundational concept, challenging to accept, that suggests the reality we experience is the only one that could be—without any alternative possibilities. Moral Narratives vs. Reality: Common moral statements asserting that certain things 'shouldn't exist', like crime, political factions, or behaviors, are in fact fantasies that do not impact actual reality. Accepting reality without these fantasies eliminates the perception of problems. Transcendent Morality and Judgment: In transcendent morality, one acknowledges the unity and reality of existence, leading to the realization that judgment of others, no matter the act, is rendered preposterous and a form of denial. Free Will Illusion: Accepting that there is no free will is integral to transcendent morality. Reality is a unified flow without alternative possibilities, thus what occurs is the only outcome that could've happened, reflecting total surrender to what is. Suffering from Control Struggle: Leo notes that the struggle for control over an uncontrollable reality is the root of suffering, stress, guilt, and victimhood. Acknowledgement of lack of control can lead to radical freedom. The Paradox of Freedom Without Rules: The shift to a paradigm where anything is permissible is radical, especially for those accustomed to moralizing. However, for the consciously aware, no mechanical rules are necessary to dictate behavior. Leo’s Personal Morality: Leo professes his moral and ethical behavior without the need for explicit moral rules. He posits that increasing one’s consciousness allows one to tap into higher wisdom without needing external moral constraints. The Mystic's Experience and Rejection: Leo describes how mystics, who have transcended reality, have historically been ostracized or persecuted because their profound understanding and expression of morality often contrast with societal norms. Moral Responsibility and Consciousness: True morality, according to Leo, requires an individual to be deeply conscious and take full responsibility for their actions. This level of morality is self-managed rather than being enforced by external rules or societal pressures. Leo's Rejection of Fixed Morality Rules: Leo doesn't adhere to strict traditional rules like the Ten Commandments; instead, he practices a form of morality that doesn't rely on stringent rules against severe actions like murder or theft. Detachment from Standardized Morality: He finds it more liberating not to follow a codified morality, noting that he doesn't feel the temptation to commit heinous acts and rarely experiences anger, contrasting with the frequent anger he observes in others over minor provocations. The Rarity of Transcendent Morality: Leo acknowledges that transcendent morality is not mainstream due to the high level of consciousness and self-actualization work it requires, emphasizing that this approach is often counterintuitive and ego-threatening. Societal Rejection of Transcendent Morality: Transcendent morality is not publicly or politically promoted; Leo suggests that openly advocating such views could result in severe backlash or misunderstanding due to society's lack of advanced consciousness. Handling Objections to Transcendent Morality: Leo addresses concerns regarding evil acts, stating that integration and understanding, not moralistic judgment, reduce "evil." He rejects calling actions evil as an arrogant ego judgment. Personal Reaction to Harm and Emotional Maturity: He admits he would be distressed by harm done to him or his family but would not demonize the perpetrator; instead, he aspires to view such events within the broader universal motion, as an indicator of emotional maturity. Advocacy of Self-actualization over Traditional Morality: Leo promotes transitioning to transcendent morality through self-actualization, encouraging listeners to consider that their current paradigms may not lead to further success and might need reassessment. True Morality Is Unconditional Love: He concludes by asserting that true morality stems from unconditional love for all reality without exceptions, challenging viewers to ponder the strength of a morality reliant on external rules or authorities. Promotion of Leo invites viewers to engage with his content and announces an upcoming episode on practical approaches to overcoming the negative impacts of moralizing, which he believes will significantly enhance life quality. Legilimens
  13. @Mesopotamian Objectively You are correct, this world needs healing, it needs Transformation. We produce enough food for more than 8 billion ppl, but lots of ppl are still starving today. Lots of Homeless ppl around, but there is more than enough resources to get them places to live, many wars going on about who own what land and what resources, but there's plenty of that too, but we still have tons of conflict, no different from cave man days imo and observation. But we live in Subjectivity too, Your world is Yours, everything happens within You, when You go into Deep Sleep, the world does not exist for You, it comes alive when You Wake Up. So all You can do is be the best You, Live to Your highest potential and possibility, Enlightenment is that, so get there anyway you can, then see what You can do for the rest of Us.. Never Suffer anothers suffering, that just adds to the suffering, being Happy in a depressed world is essential, be that..Whatever this world is lacking in, be that and supply more of that, the only way to do that is too not be a part of the problem, being Depressed, Sad, Anxious, Angry, Bitter is part of the problem, be the solution, be Blissed Out, Intensely Alive, Creative, Compassionate, Loving, Devotional, Inspiring, those are the solutions we need..
  14. How Your Mind Distorts Reality - Needy vs Non-Needy Perception Foundation of Accurate Perception: Leo emphasizes the importance of perception accuracy, quoting psychologist Erich Fromm, who suggests that a person's stability is linked to their perception's adequacy. Inadequate perception leads to reliance on idols, while adequate perception allows independence. Deficiency vs. Being Cognition/Perception: Leo introduces the distinction between deficiency cognition/perception (D-Cognition/Perception) and being cognition/perception (B-Cognition/Perception), which comes from Abraham Maslow. D-Cognition is influenced by personal deficiencies, while B-Cognition is the perception of the world as it is, free from personal desires. Characteristic of Self-Actualized Individuals: B-Cognition is a hallmark of self-actualized individuals. It is undistorted by ego or self-agenda, allowing one to see things in their essence—passive, receptive, and benevolent. Abraham Maslow's Insights on Being Perception: Maslow describes B-Perception as an attentive, careful, and ego-less form of perception, allowing one to see objects in their completeness without the influence of self-agenda. Differences with Deficiency Cognition: D-Cognition, on the other hand, is an active perception influenced by ego needs, which distorts reality by projecting personal issues onto the objects of perception, leading to an anthropocentric and biased view. Problems with Anthropocentric Perception: Leo points out how an anthropocentric perception can be problematic in science, becoming overly abstract, model-driven, and failing to distinguish between abstractions and actual perceptions. Difficulty with Paradox in Deficiency Perception: D-Cognition struggles to handle paradoxes, leaning towards rigid rationalism and fitting reality into pre-set conceptual frameworks, resulting in dogmatism and ideological bias. Abstract Perception vs. Full Perception: Maslow explains that ordinary cognition often involves classifying or comparing rather than fully perceiving the object, which can lead to misconceptions by imposing arbitrary continuums and evaluations. Aristotelian Thinking vs. Self-Actualized Perception: Comparatively, less developed individuals may think in rigid categories as per Aristotelian logic, whereas a self-actualized person understands that opposites can coexist and interpenetrate within the same subject. Usefulness and Falseness of Abstractions: Maslow argues that while abstractions can be useful for understanding, they are also inherently false since perceiving objects abstractly means neglecting certain aspects of their reality. Perception and Egoic Deficiencies: Leo makes the case that our own egoic deficiencies, such as neuroses, warp our perception of reality. He emphasizes that the interface between us and reality is tainted by our mental health, and perception accuracy is closely tied to emotional maturity. Significance of Distortion in Perception: Leo argues that the distortion created by our egoic deficiencies is not minor but a major factor leading to many life issues. This distortion, Leo says, is responsible for recurring dysfunctional patterns that persist despite attempts to change external conditions. Maslow on Fully Objective Perception: Quoting Abraham Maslow, Leo underlines the importance of fully objective, desireless perception, which can only be achieved when nothing is needed from the object or person being perceived. This allows for the concreteness and abstractness to co-exist in the act of perception. Augmented Reality of the Human Mind: Leo contends that the human mind lives in an augmented reality, where our concepts, fantasies, and desires distort our perceptions, and he challenges the notion that humans are the most self-aware beings. Concept of 'Ego Smog' by David Bohm: Leo introduces David Bohm's concept of 'ego smog', which suggests our ego obscures our ability to clearly perceive reality. Thought affects perception in deceptive ways, creating systemic faults that influence all our experiences. Deep Systemic Problem of Perception: Perception is posited as a bug in the mind's operating system. According to Leo, this causes many problems both personally and societally, such as war and intolerance, stemming from the mind's biases. Practical Approach to Being Cognition: Leo stresses the importance of practice to develop being cognition. He encourages observing without imposing labels, judgments, or any kind of projection onto reality to see things as they truly are. Projections as a Function of Deficiency Cognition: The various projections like labels, judgments, and values that we place onto reality are all parts of deficiency cognition. Leo drives home the need to recognize these projections' pervasiveness and their role in distorting our perception. Nonexistence of Relationships in External Reality: Leo challenges the notion that relationships between objects exist independently of the mind. He points out that all relationships are mental projections, with the mind selectively focusing on relationships useful for self-preservation. Importance of Practice and Awareness: Finally, Leo calls for practice and awareness to turn around deficiency perception. He accentuates that true self-actualization requires the development of being cognition and a shift from egoic projections to more accurate perceptions of reality. Emotional Reactions to Material Loss: Leo describes how emotional attachment and perceived relationships to material possessions, like a car, produce strong emotional reactions when those possessions are damaged or lost. Value Assignments and Relationships: Leo explains that the way we assign value and identify relationships to objects, such as ownership of a car or dealings with insurance companies, creates a complex web of emotional responses when circumstances change. Web of Relationships Influencing Psychological Problems: Leo posits that psychological problems, such as depression or insecurities, are not isolated issues but rather manifestations of a vast web of relationships and projections ingrained in our mental software. Illusion of Separations and Boundaries: Leo challenges the perception of objects as separate entities, suggesting that even common identifiers like 'car' create artificial boundaries within a unified phenomenal field, which in its essence has no distinct objects. The Ineffectiveness of Mental Knowledge Alone: Leo emphasizes that absorbing information about perception does not change one's actual perception; actual change in perception requires practice and experiential understanding. Challenges of Changing Perception: Leo acknowledges the difficulty most people have in grasping changes in perception experientially, which contributes to societal problems. He insists that solving these issues requires dedicated practice beyond passive listening. Existential Nature of Problems as Mind Fabrications: Leo invites listeners to consider that the problems they perceive as deep and insurmountable are actually fabrications of the mind and don't exist outside of their perception. Exercise for Developing Being Cognition: Leo offers a practice exercise to develop being cognition by objectively observing an object or person without assigning personal values or meanings, seeing it as it is in itself. Misconceptions About Rationalism and Being Cognition: Leo cautions against the misconception that rational or scientific thinking equals being cognition, clarifying that true being cognition transcends mental constructs and categories. Connection Between Mindfulness, Enlightenment, and Being Cognition: Leo links being cognition with enlightenment and mindfulness, emphasizing that these approaches help remove the 'ego smog' and allow for a more accurate perception of reality. Improvement Through Addressing Emotional Dysfunction: Leo advises that addressing emotional dysfunctions and neuroses can improve being perception by reducing the distortive effects of deficiency cognition. Impact of Deficiency Cognition on Relationships: Leo discusses how deficiency cognition can negatively affect relationships, with needy or pessimistic individuals illustrating the difficulty in perceiving reality without distortion. Being vs. Deficiency Perception: Leo underscores the distinction between an ordinary person and a self-actualizing person: the capacity to perceive reality objectively, without the 'ego smog.' Reactions to self-help: Some individuals respond negatively to self-help recommendations or resources, perceiving them as threats or as nonsensical information, which can lead to them disparaging the source or the person who introduced them to the concept. Perception on a spectrum: Perception is a spectrum with most people falling somewhere between perfect clarity and heavy dysfunction, with the average person having a considerable level of dysfunction and deficiency in their perception. Connection of rationalism to perception: Rationalism, thought to be a clear-sighted approach to truth, has a systemic flaw by which it warps and distorts perception. Rationalists may deceive themselves into believing their constructs are reality rather than figments of their own rationalization. Self-agenda versus reality: There is a fundamental choice between remaining loyal to one's self-agenda or to reality. Loyalty to self-agenda leads to distortion of reality, while loyalty to reality will eventually crumble the self-agenda, which is itself a distortion. Inaccurate perceptions as the root of problems: Inaccurate perceptions of reality create unnecessary problems and emotional turmoil, similar to a child fearing monsters under the bed. Clearing misconceptions can significantly enhance the quality of life. Importance of action for transformation: Leo emphasizes the necessity of acting on cognitive insights to avoid falling behind in self-actualization. He assures that although difficult, personal transformation through eliminating 'ego smog' is deeply satisfying. Self-help and personal growth: Leo encourages viewers to actively engage with his content and apply the exercises he suggests, promising that this will lead to remarkable and enjoyable progress in self-actualization. Reparo
  15. Overcoming Addiction - The Root Cause Of Every Addiction Identification of Addiction: Leo Gura defines addiction through a simple test provided by Gay Hendricks. If a person abstains from a suspected addictive behavior for a week and cravings arise, addiction is present. This test reveals that many engage in addictive behaviors they are not aware of, such as overthinking, which leads to a broad definition of addiction in modern society. Existential Fear as Addiction's Root: The core of all addictions, according to Leo, is the fear of existential emptiness experienced when idle and alone. He discovered this through his own battle with food addiction, realizing that addictions serve as distractions from facing the void. Addiction and Inability to Be Alone: He connects the inability to sit alone in a room with an addiction. To overcome addiction, one must learn to be content with just 'being' without external stimuli. The need for constant stimulation reflects a lack of self-mastery and grounding. The Illusion of a Full Life: Most individuals' lives are filled with stimulation, such as video games, reading, and work to avoid confronting the emptiness within. This leads to a cycle of fulfillment and guilty overindulgence that ultimately does not address the underlying void. Existential Emptiness and Hedonism’s Limits: True satisfaction cannot be found in material possessions or activities. Leo describes the nature of existence as inherently empty, which is a concept people avoid but ultimately must face and accept for a fulfilling life. Embracing the Existential Void: Contemplating mortality helps understand the existential void that exists not only after death but also in life. Leo suggests that by sitting with and accepting this emptiness without distraction, one can tackle addiction more effectively and sustainably. The Purifying Fire of Emptiness: Facing the void during addiction recovery involves resisting the urge to fill the emptiness with distractions. Leo describes confronting cravings for stimulating experiences—food, love, socialization—as a means to purify oneself from these addictions by enduring the emotional labor without giving in. Mature Solution to Addiction: According to Leo, truly overcoming addiction requires enduring a psychosomatic and emotionally challenging process. Without this mature approach, one may relapse. He refers to it as a "purifying fire" that burns away inner demons, suggesting only then can one achieve complete victory over addictive behaviors. Catch-22 in Recovery: Leo describes a paradox where addicts seek to avoid emotional labor through short-term fixes, yet it's the avoidance of this very emotional labor that sustains their addiction. He emphasizes that confronting and embracing the emotional challenges is a critical step towards ending the cycle of addiction. Top Techniques for Overcoming Addiction: Leo highlights the "do-nothing" technique, mindfulness meditation, strong determination sitting, and as a bonus, existential investigation. These methods are designed to face the raw experience of existence and confront inner demons without distractions, helping to build psychological stability and internal grounding. Concept of Self-Actualization: Leo associates self-actualization with the absence of addiction. He presents the self-actualized individual as one who is internally satisfied and does not depend on external stimuli, emphasizing that happiness from simply existing is a sign of internal wealth. The Shortcomings of 12-Step Programs: While helpful, Leo criticizes 12-step programs for lacking a focus on self-actualization—merely tackling addictions without addressing the larger goal of personal development and fulfillment. Long-Term Commitment to Self-Actualization: Leo underscores the importance of patience and consistent effort over six to twelve months to absorb and apply the self-actualization concepts shared on and through his resources, suggesting that transformation takes time and sustained engagement with his teaching materials. Fidelius Charm
  16. The Benefits Of Enlightenment Benefits of Talking about Enlightenment: Discussing enlightenment is necessary because it's often misunderstood as an abstract, philosophical concept with no practical application in life. Leo recognizes this and wants to communicate a list of pragmatic benefits to get people's egos on board and to present enlightenment as an overarching strategy for life. Enlightenment Defined: Enlightenment is the realization of one's existential nature, which is not the body, mind, or neuronal activity. It's a state of union with all of reality, essentially an omnipresent field of pure awareness, outside of time and space, and not localized in physical form. Massive Reduction in Suffering: Enlightenment leads to a significant reduction in suffering on both large (like health, wealth, family issues) and small scales (day-to-day frustrations and discomfort), which are seen as unnecessary and a result of identifying with the body and mind. Freedom from Mental Distress: It allows one to be free from constant worry, fear, and anxiety about various aspects of life, thereby reducing a large amount of mental energy typically spent on emotional distress. Liberation from Fear of Death: Understanding that one is not the body or the mind leads to the realization that the concept of death is simply a belief, which becomes meaningless post-enlightenment. End to Chronic Overthinking: Enlightenment enables one to stop overanalyzing situations unnecessarily, fostering the ability to be mentally present and enjoy each moment fully without constant thought interference. Immunity to Intense Negative Emotions: Post-enlightenment, individuals become less influenced by heavy emotions like deep sadness, anger, or loneliness, which can still occur but won't overwhelm as they used to. Elimination of Addictive and Compulsive Behaviors: Enlightenment can lead to the cessation of both hard addictions and softer emotional dependencies, as well as self-sabotaging tendencies and compulsive behaviors, promoting healthier living. Freedom from Self-Obsession: An end to the obsession with self-image is possible through enlightenment, reducing stress over one's appearance and how others perceive them. Ceasing Life's Striving and Obsessions: Enlightenment can stop the neurotic striving for love, money, power, and status, leading to lifelong contentment and fulfillment without external acquisitions. Dissolving Loneliness and Neediness: Feelings of loneliness and neediness are seen as illusions with enlightenment, stripping away their influence and revealing them as ego-centric concerns. Cure for Neuroses: A wide array of neuroses, including depression, anxiety, negative and compulsive thoughts, can be eradicated, leading to a healthier mental state. Increased Physical Energy and Less Need for Sleep: By removing mental stress and worry, enlightenment frees up energy, allowing for increased productivity and less sleep required—potentially reducing the average sleep time significantly. Foundation for True Self-Actualization: Enlightenment marks the start of authentic personal development, providing a vital existential understanding critical for implementing advanced self-improvement concepts and techniques. Self-Actualization as a Lifelong Journey: Reaching enlightenment isn't the end goal but the commencement of an enduring journey of self-actualization, requiring ongoing dedication and exploration of various stages of spiritual awakening. Transformation of Life Post-Enlightenment: Enlightenment opens up the opportunity for profound life transformation, allowing changes in personality, career, and relationships that were previously limited by one's identity. Dealing with Chronic Pain: As age increases, chronic pain can become a significant issue; enlightenment offers a tool to manage and potentially reduce the suffering caused by chronic pain. Resourceful Handling of Disasters: Enlightenment equips individuals with the ability to coast through life's disasters, such as the death of a loved one or financial crises, with composure and resourcefulness, avoiding the common spiral into depression and anxiety. Reconnection with Bodily Sensations: Modern living often leads to a disconnection from our bodies; enlightenment helps to reestablish this connection, relieving stress and restoring the natural joy and vitality experienced during childhood. Improved Health and Longevity: Studies on advanced meditators suggest that enlightenment contributes to a longer life and better health due to a healthier mental environment, which positively influences the body through the mind-body connection. Deep Self-Acceptance and Love: Enlightenment provides the platform for profound self-acceptance and self-love by dismantling the ego, allowing individuals to truly love and accept themselves unconditionally. Experience of True Unconditional Love: By transcending the illusion of separate individuality, enlightenment enables a person to love all of reality without conditions, in a way that is non-needy and powerfully transformative. Authentic Relationships through Enlightenment: Authentic, non-needy and non-manipulative relationships become possible through enlightenment, as it entails a true understanding of oneself and others on a deep existential level. Immunity to Existential Crises: Enlightenment grants immunity to existential crises, including midlife crises, by resolving the false sense of ego and providing insight into the nature of existence. Deepest Comprehension of Existence: Those seeking the ultimate truth will find it through enlightenment, which offers the deepest understanding of reality, beyond what can be accessed through knowledge or logic. No Regrets at Death: Living in enlightened presence ensures that one can face death without regrets, having spent a life authentically connected to being rather than caught in constant doing. Positive Approach Towards society and Humanity: Enlightenment fosters a healthier and more beneficial relationship with society, humanity, and the world, reducing dysfunctionality and encouraging positive change. Honest and Ethical Behavior: Individuals who achieve enlightenment exhibit increased honesty and ethical conduct in their interactions, contributing to societal improvement. Prevention of Global Catastrophes: Addressing the risk of annihilation due to technological advancements outpacing emotional and psychological growth, enlightenment is key to preventing future global disasters. Return to Childhood Effortlessness and Satisfaction: Enlightenment rekindles the effortless satisfaction of childhood, where life is experienced as a continuous flow, enabling a permanent state of presence and joy. Cost of Enlightenment: To gain the profound benefits of enlightenment, one must be willing to pay the highest price: giving up one's entire sense of identity, ego, and deeply held beliefs, including the love for personal successes and relationships. It requires letting go of the physical sense of self and surrendering the fiction that one is a localized consciousness within a body. Destruction of Identity: Enlightenment will bestow numerous benefits but will simultaneously obliterate one's sense of identity, revealing life as inherently meaningless, all perceived truths as falsehoods, moral judgments as fictions, and the entire concept of the self as an illusion. Benefits as a Deception: Discussing the benefits of enlightenment is potentially misleading, as it suggests there are tangible advantages to be gained, which feeds into the ego's narrative. In reality, there are no actual benefits, nor is there a self that could be improved or enhanced by enlightenment. Strategic Deception of the Ego: The mention of benefits is a strategic deception to trick the ego, which only understands self-centered language, into embarking on a path that ultimately leads to its own undoing. The process of enlightenment may be framed in egoic terms to leverage the ego's motivations against itself until it's 'too late,' but in truth, the ego does not actually exist. The Paradox of Enlightenment: While enlightenment may seem to embrace nihilistic concepts such as meaninglessness and the absence of self, it is paradoxically presented as the most desirable pursuit available to humans. True life, full of joy and splendor, only begins post-enlightenment despite pre-enlightenment life seemingly adequate. The Stupidity Barrier: Most individuals fail to fully grasp enlightenment due to a lack of wisdom, which leads to inaction and falling back into old routines despite understanding the concepts intellectually. Overcoming this 'stupidity' requires strategic life approaches that focus on wisdom and existential discovery. Struggle for Real Life: The journey toward enlightenment is a struggle against complacency and the illusion of comfort within one's current life, which is compared to dwelling in hell without recognizing the potential heaven that lies beyond. Wisdom Versus Material Success: Leo stresses that enlightenment should be viewed as the ultimate goal in life, not just a passing interest. He beseeches listeners to prioritize existential understanding over material success, which fails to improve the genuine quality of life despite appearing to do so. Staying on the Enlightenment Path: is emphasized as a crucial resource to stay dedicated to the path of enlightenment, offering newsletters, courses, and community support to keep individuals on track, especially when the journey becomes challenging and the commitment wavers. Petrificus Totalus
  17. The Power Of Self Acceptance - How To Stop Beating Yourself Up Self-acceptance misconceived as 'feminine': Leo highlights the misconception of self-acceptance as weak, particularly by men, and emphasizes its importance in the spectrum of personal development strategies. Self-acceptance for deeper results: Leo proposes that self-acceptance brings more profound results than external achievements, like those at the gym or in business, by promoting inner growth. Resistance to inner 'sins': Leo describes our natural tendency to resist and hide negative traits or 'sins' such as anger and jealousy. This resistance causes internal fragmentation and disintegration. Integrating conflicting aspects: He suggests that to become well-rounded, an individual must integrate the different, often conflicting parts of their personality, instead of opting for brute force action-oriented solutions. 'Loving your sins to death': Rather than condemning negative aspects, Leo advises to embrace and love them, which can disarm and transform these traits. Self-acceptance vs. Achievement Paradox: Addressing concerns that self-acceptance negates motivation, Leo clarifies that it fosters authentic motivation, as opposed to neurotic motivation fueled by self-rejection. Guided visualization to practice self-acceptance: Leo provides a visualization exercise, asking listeners to relax, close their eyes, and bring a feeling of love independent of its source, and then direct this love towards various parts of themselves, especially the negative or conflicted parts. Loving the aspect of self that hurts others: Acknowledge the part that is capable of causing pain to others and offer it love and compassion. Accepting the critical and judgmental self: Recognize and love the part of oneself that is critical and judgmental, even when resistance to this love is felt. Compassion for financial struggles: Send love and acceptance to the part of oneself that has had difficulty managing finances, treating it as compassionately as one would a child or beloved pet. Embracing past embarrassments: Offer love and acceptance to the part that has felt embarrassment without reservations or judgment. Loving the mistake-maker within: Unconditionally love the part of oneself that makes mistakes, acknowledging the humanity in messing up. Accepting procrastination and laziness: Infuse the parts that procrastinate or act lazily with understanding and compassion. Addressing internal fears: Give love to the part of oneself that experiences fear, accepting this feeling with compassion. Nurturing the needy self: Love the part that feels needy, whether for love, security, or success, giving it understanding and compassion. Accepting one's own hypocrisy: Offer love to the hypocritical part of oneself that doesn't always practice what it preaches. Loving one's appearance unconditionally: Give unconditional love to the part that dislikes its physical appearance, fostering self-compassion. Supporting the lost aspect of self: Provide love to the part that feels lost or uncertain, assuring it with understanding and compassion. Comforting sexual frustration: Send love and acceptance to the part that feels sexually frustrated, without judgment. Caring for career and work struggles: Offer love and compassion to the part facing career challenges or work dissatisfaction. Addressing relationship issues with love: Extend love and compassion to the aspect that struggles in relationships, acknowledging the complexity of these interactions. Compassion for family issues: Direct love and full compassion to the part that is dealing with persistent family problems. Loving the part with addictions and bad habits: Unconditionally love the part responsible for addictions and habits, understanding its challenges. Boosting the self with low confidence: Send love and compassion to the part of oneself that feels shy or lacks confidence in social settings. Comforting the self faced with misfortune: Share love and compassion with the part that encounters bad luck or misfortune, without disliking this experience. Healing jealousy with love: Offer love and understanding to the part that becomes jealous or envious. Acceptance for overeating tendencies: Provide unconditional love to the part that overeats, releasing guilt and shame with understanding. Understanding to dogmatic beliefs: Love the dogmatic part that clings to beliefs, offering compassion and willingness to understand. Accepting the selfish and narcissistic parts: Give love to the selfish and narcissistic aspects, helping to heal these tendencies with compassion. Integrating all personal aspects with love: In a centered state, tie all these parts together with love, recognizing them as components of one's whole self. Reflecting on the non-judgmental nature of existence: Understand that existence does not judge our actions, and offers unconditional love, which one should mirror towards oneself. Practical application of self-acceptance in daily life: Continually practice self-acceptance and compassion, especially in moments of dissatisfaction, to transform one's approach toward personal shortcomings. Loving 'sins' to dissolve challenges: Accept and love personal flaws to naturally soften and dissolve them over time, rather than fighting against them. Persistence and revisiting teachings for lasting change: Maintain consistent practice, and revisit these teachings to strengthen the habit of self-acceptance for personal growth. Deep concepts for self-actualization: Leo concludes by affirming that his teachings are deeply rooted principles aimed at profound life changes, further than mere self-improvement tactics. Encouragement for viewer engagement: Leo invites viewers to engage with the content by liking, sharing, commenting, and subscribing for weekly updates to aid in long-term personal transformation. Reducto
  18. Why Rationality Is WRONG! - A Critique Of Rationalism Leo's Enthusiasm for Critiquing Rationalism: Leo expresses excitement about discussing the limitations of rationalism, which has been a personal research interest for years. He indicates an intent to write a book on the topic. Rationalism and Naive Realism: Rationalism, inherently linked with naive realism, posits that the world is objective and can be understood through rigorous scientific exploration and rational thinking. Leo criticizes this stance, explaining that while it may serve certain practical functions, it fails to recognize the fundamental boundaries of rational understanding. Rationality as a Subset of Reality: Leo makes a case that rationality represents only a small fraction of reality. Rationality is a distinctively human construct, dependent upon human minds and not a universal feature. Leo challenges the assumption that the universe operates rationally, proposing instead that the universe is a-rational – without the inherent influence of human rationality. Existence vs. Rationality: Leo argues that existence is independent of rationality or logic – it simply is. He reasons that existence must precede logic, as logic depends on the prior existence of a conscious entity to engage in logical thought. The Limits of Rationality in Empirical Facts: Leo stresses that raw empirical facts, such as the color of snow or the existence of the sun, do not depend on rationality. Rationality is a lens through which humans try to make sense of empirical facts, but it is not inherent in the existence of these facts. Science as a Human Projection: Leo criticizes the notion that through science, humans can uncover deep existential truths. He states that scientific models and laws are human constructs projected onto the universe, not direct insights into its nature, and cautions against confusing these constructs with reality itself. Mental Labels and the Conceptual Matrix: He explains that the models, labels, and images we construct in our minds form a "conceptual matrix" that is mistaken for reality. Leo warns that while successful in making predictions, these models should not be conflated with a true understanding of the universe. Thinking and Logic as Language: Leo points out that logic and rationality are part of language, with its own complexities and limitations. He implies that there is a need to be cautious when using science and rationality, emphasizing the importance of recognizing their role as interpretive tools rather than definitive unveilers of truth. Symbols and Language: Language operates on symbols, which can disconnect from their real-world counterparts through intricate systems of thought, creating a mental labyrinth easily mistaken for reality. Awareness of the distinction between the symbol and the actual object is critical to avoid this trap. Map-Territory Fallacy: It's easy for people to confuse mental constructs (maps) with reality (territory), failing to realize that no matter how detailed, maps are just symbolic representations. This mistake can affect all areas of life, leading to defensiveness when challenged. Thought vs. Awareness: Rationalists often conflate thought with awareness, not recognizing that thought is just a series of internal mental symbols and images. Awareness, which is primary to thought, exists independently and is the medium through which all experiences pass, including thoughts themselves. Awareness as the Master: Developing awareness, unlike enhancing thinking skills, requires silencing the incessant mental chatter. Increased awareness brings a much higher level of understanding and realization that thoughts are mere symbols, not existential truths. Awareness Development: Leo emphasizes the potential for exponentially increasing awareness, paralleling it with the enhancing power of a microscope that reveals unseen details. This expanded awareness transcends the confines of rational thought and opens up previously unimaginable realms of experience. Distinctions Made by Rationalists: Rationalists usually fail to distinguish between irrational (poor thinking) and a-rational (beyond the scope of rationality), which leads to dismissive attitudes towards non-rational ways of knowing and experiencing the world. Limits of Logic: Rationalists overestimate the power of logic, which in truth cannot prove anything on its own. Logic relies on premises that are often unverified and taken on faith, suggesting that the premises, rather than the logic applied to them, should be scrutinized. Raising Rationality to Post-rationality: Leo proposes a transition from rationality to post-rationality, not by abandoning rationality, but by transcending its limitations to improve overall life quality through emotional intelligence and the development of awareness. Rational Premises Founding Rationality: Rationality is based on premises that are fundamentally irrational. To understand rationality, one must question the very grounds it stands on and realize that the laws of rationality themselves are derived from irrational foundations. Overvaluation of Reason in Daily Life: Rationalists often mistakenly believe that reasoning through problems in isolation from the world is an effective way to live. Leo suggests that life is messier and actually driven by emotions, not logic. Emotion-Driven Behavior: Most human behaviors—such as responding to basic needs like hunger or major life decisions like marriage—are driven by emotion rather than logic, even if they might appear to be rationally considered. Rationalists' Disconnection from Emotion: Leo observes that highly rational people often display a detachment from their bodies and emotions, mistaking emotional repression as a form of rational strength, when it is in fact a limitation to becoming a fully realized human. Irony in Rationalists' Defensiveness: There is an ironic emotional investment in rationalism amongst its staunchest advocates. Rationalists often react emotionally and defensively to anything that contradicts their worldview, mirroring the behavior they criticize in religious fundamentalists. The Ego's Influence on Rational Thinking: Rationalists fail to acknowledge the impact of ego and psychological biases on rational thought, leading to closed-mindedness and a lack of personal life mastery in areas such as relationships, health, and self-awareness. Confusion of Post-rationalism with Pre-rationalism: Rationalists often mistakenly equate post-rational thinkers with pre-rational or religious thinkers, creating a false dichotomy and hindering progress towards a more holistic understanding of reality. Inability to Master Personal Life with Rationality Alone: Rational thinkers often struggle in mastering their personal lives because they discount the importance of emotion and awareness, which are key for managing relationships, emotions, and engaging in personal development. Undervaluing Key Areas of Study: Leo criticizes rationalists for not deeply engaging in studies like epistemology, philosophy of science, non-duality, psychology, and meditation, which are crucial for practical understanding and personal growth beyond theoretical knowledge. Indoctrination of Rationalism: Rationalists are ideologically indoctrinated in the same manner as religious followers, with the psychological mechanisms of belief being the same, only differing in content. This indoctrination blinds them to the need for heightened awareness. The Matrix Analogy: Leo uses the analogy of the Matrix to explain that mastering the laws within a limited construct (like the Matrix) does not equate to understanding the illusion of the construct itself, thus reinforcing the importance of awareness beyond rational constructs. Matrix Analogy for Awareness: Leo uses the matrix analogy to suggest scientists are often so immersed in their rational theories and achievements that they fail to see they are in an illusory construct, similar to the Matrix movie. They use the construct (the Matrix) to study itself, without recognizing the possibility of something beyond it. Awareness as the Escape: He emphasizes that awareness is the only way to escape the mental prison of the Matrix. Without awareness, individuals remain lost in concepts and mental justifications without realizing the potential for something greater. Thinking's Influence Overrated: Leo argues that rational thinkers place too much importance on thought, which he considers a trap. Thought reinforces itself in a circular pattern without truly grasping reality; an awareness is necessary to break out of this self-reinforcing cycle. Contradiction as a Construct of Mind: He questions the problem rationalists have with contradictions. Leo believes contradictions only exist within the mental constructs and languages we create, not in reality. Reality remains unaffected by our mental gymnastics and the symbols we use to describe it. Post-Rational Perspective on Contradiction: From a post-rational perspective, Leo states, contradictions are not actual problems but merely issues with the models we use to understand reality. He highlights that models are not the territory; they are approximations, not reality itself. Limitation of Models: He critiques the belief in models representing reality accurately, cautioning that a model's precision can lead to mistaking it for reality. Reality cannot be fully encapsulated by models, for they are simplifications for human use, not the truth. Awareness and Truth vs. Models and Practicality: In contrast to the belief that models reflect truth because they work (a belief held by many scientists), Leo emphasizes that the most accurate representation of reality is reality itself. He encourages thinking critically about models and building up awareness to realize the limitations of our rational constructs. Post-Rational Communication: Leo acknowledges he uses rational language and models to communicate because it's the common language understood by most people. However, he hints at the existence of a reality beyond the 'matrix' of models, suggesting an invitation to expand one's awareness and embrace post-rationalism. Exiting the 'Matrix': Leo discusses that even though one may continue to operate within the confines of rational language and thought (the 'Matrix'), it is possible to sense that there might be a higher level of understanding beyond this. By reading between the lines, one can intuit the existence of something beyond and consider the validity of post-rationalism, which is about becoming more in touch with the body, emotions, and raising awareness towards spiritual work and non-dual consciousness, ultimately leading to enlightenment. Understanding Post-Rationalism: Post-rationalism involves a deeper connection with emotions and body, as well as a significant increase in awareness. It's described as a key component of spiritual growth and enlightenment, where the self and thoughts are understood as illusions, and the idea of external physical reality is seen as merely a conceptual construct. The Nature of Transcending Rationalism: Leo clarifies that advancing from rationality to post-rationalism should not be viewed as regression. It might initially feel like a step backwards due to fear, but it's about transcending and including rationality. He describes his personal journey of becoming post-rational — still capable of rational discourse, yet internally recognizing the limitations and insignificance of mere symbols. Post-Rationalism in Personal Life: Leo emphasizes how post-rational thinking positively impacts various aspects of life, such as relationships, career, and emotions. He advocates for detachment from dogmatic thought and encourages a rich, fulfilling life that includes mastery over emotions, creativity, and transcending the ego. The Practicality of Post-Rationalism: Leo explains that although the discussion may seem philosophical, it is intimately connected to personal development. By letting go of an over-attachment to rationality, one can improve the quality of life across various domains including confidence, beliefs about money and business, and overall satisfaction. Overcoming Rationalist Dogmatism: He critiques rationalists for becoming dogmatic, resistant to new learning, and thinking they are superior due to their rationality. Leo's goal is to reveal powerful personal discoveries that can be made through a more open-minded, empirical approach to science and skepticism, ultimately leading to enlightenment and mastery in life. The Direction for Society's Future: Leo warns against the dangers of extreme rationalism, materialism, and scientism potentially leading to the extinction of the human race. He calls for shedding excess rationalism to attain higher levels of emotions, intuition, empathy, compassion, and consciousness, which are tangible and critical for societal progress. Integrating Science with Humanity: He advocates for a more humane science that serves humanity rather than corporate interests. By combining science with empathy and compassion, a new and improved direction for society could be achieved, moving beyond the current limitations and coldness of the existing scientific paradigm. Call to Action for Personal Growth: Leo invites viewers to engage with his content for personal transformation and fulfillment. He expresses his commitment to reaching advanced stages of growth and encourages others to join him in breaking old paradigms to embrace a happier life through consistent learning and self-actualization. Imperio
  19. How To Stop Comparing Yourself To Others Human addiction to status: Leo explains the innate human attraction to status, which is deeply rooted in our evolutionary past and biology, similar to our primate relatives. Overcoming this requires a reevaluation of our social perspectives, a challenging but achievable goal. Reasons for comparisons: Comparisons provide a sense of value or self-worth, offering an escape from existential truths. They stem from fears of being seen as abnormal or being outcast, motivations driven by competition, deep envy, a narcissistic desire to be superior, and the need for security at the top of the social ladder. Impact of comparisons: Engaging in comparisons, usually born from low self-esteem and not owning one's uniqueness, robs life of joy and satisfaction, wasting energy that could be focused on self-actualization. Consequences of the scarcity mentality: Leo mentions that many grow up with the scarcity mentality, believing in a finite world where competition is necessary for resources, leading to a zero-sum attitude towards success. Transcending status and power conditioning: Despite the mind's wiring for status and power sensitivity, Leo asserts that it is possible to outgrow these behaviors and develop a more mature psyche and ego. Self-worth as an illusion: Leo challenges the concept of self-worth, suggesting that it is a label created by our minds and social consensus. He argues that the pursuit of self-worth through external achievements is futile as worth is not inherent in people or objects. Fiction of External Happiness: Leo explains that no external achievements such as cars, houses, or relationships make you a better person and true happiness doesn't come from these externals. He invites a paradigm shift to realize that happiness is internal and not tied to possessions or status. Society's Misleading Notion of Worth: Leo criticizes society for brainwashing individuals into believing that external achievements equate to happiness. He asserts that a person's worth is not tied to their achievements or societal status. Equality of Human Worth: Every person, regardless of actions or achievements, has equal worth. High-profile individuals like celebrities or presidents don't have intrinsic value above others, and the media's portrayal of worth is a deceptive game within a societal matrix. Complexity of Human Comparison: Comparing two humans is unsound because each individual is highly complex with unique histories and characteristics. Such comparisons are always apples and oranges due to differing genetics, backgrounds, priorities, and resource allocation. Unfairness in Comparison: Leo points out that when we compare ourselves to others, we often overlook the complexity of their lives, only seeing a sliver which leads to unfair comparisons. He underlines that each individual's unique history and situation can't be fully known or understood. Neurotic Need to Compare: Leo discusses the tendency to compare oneself to celebrities based on limited and often misleading glimpses into their lives. He advises against basing self-worth on such skewed perceptions and the importance of stopping neurotic comparisons. Stupidity of Competition: Leo deems competition a losing game, where the pursuit of being better than others is ultimately unfulfilling. He recommends shifting focus to creation and self-driven purpose, which is more satisfying and mature. Acceptance and Strength in Handicaps: Leo advises accepting one's own handicaps or weaknesses as a part of life. He suggests reframing weaknesses as natural human variations rather than something to be uniformly strong in across all areas. Acceptance of Limitations: Embracing your innate strengths and accepting your weaknesses is a strategic way to live a satisfying life. This requires a continual practice of self-love and may take time to fully come to terms with personal limitations. Mediocrity of the 'Normal': Being 'normal', which the majority strives for, often results in mediocrity and an unfulfilling life. Embracing one's uniqueness is more satisfying and leads to a more enjoyable and interesting existence. Value of Eccentricities: Authentic eccentricities and personal quirks, when accepted and expressed, make life joyful and interesting. While these may have been hidden in one's youth, revealing them in maturity can be liberating. Attractiveness of Authenticity: Authentic self-expression is paradoxically more magnetic and appealing than attempting to fit into societal norms of normalcy. By relaxing and being true to oneself, you become genuinely unique. Authentic vs. Fake Uniqueness: Authentic uniqueness comes from a deep understanding and acceptance of oneself, while fake uniqueness is often just superficial conformity to trends, like getting tattoos or piercings to appear distinctive. Self-Love Over Comparison: Investing energy in self-love and life ownership naturally diminishes the tendency to compare oneself to others. By focusing inward on personal growth, one becomes too preoccupied with self-improvement to engage in comparison. Inspiration from the Success of Others: Viewing others' success as a source of inspiration and as a preview of what's possible helps to develop a personal vision of the life one desires, countering the scarcity mindset and converting envy into motivation for growth. Recognition of Potential: Acknowledging that desirable qualities of others can be achieved through discipline and adding these to one's personal vision reinforces the belief in self-mastery and potential for continual improvement. Rejecting the Scarcity Mindset: Understanding that resources are abundant, especially in creative and knowledge-based fields, one should focus on creating and innovating without fear of scarcity, thus eradicating the need for comparison. Common Comparison Areas: In common comparison areas such as appearance, performance, and financial status, Leo suggests striving for personal excellence and improvement rather than looking to others, using inspiration from their successes to fuel one's own vision and growth. Physical Appearance Comparison: Accept your physical appearance as it is because significant change isn't likely. Rather than comparing your worst features with someone else's best, focus on embracing and appreciating your unique look. Performance Comparison: Recognize that high performance in others can be achieved by yourself through commitment and work. If you desire a similar level of performance, incorporate it into your life vision and work towards it. Financial and Material Comparison: Understand that financial positions and material possessions that you envy can be obtained through desire and hard work. Use others' success as motivation to enhance your financial well-being. Position/Status/Celebrity Comparison: Positions or status in society are attainable. If desired, pursue these areas with patience and effort, aiming to reach the levels you admire in others. Business Rankings Comparison: Comparing business rankings is not productive and distracts from creating impactful work. Focus on how your business can help people more effectively, and business rankings may improve as a result. Ability Comparison: Abilities such as intelligence, confidence, and humor can be developed through dedicated effort. Use others' abilities as inspiration to add to your personal growth goals. Useful Comparisons: Use comparisons to expand your imagination and view them as an opportunity for personal growth. Seeing the potential in others can inspire you to improve and actualize your potential. Importance of Commitment: Consistent commitment to improving and mastering your life is necessary to realize growth. Leverage inspiration from others to motivate your journey towards personal fulfillment. Role of supports individuals by providing advanced concepts and techniques to facilitate profound personal transformation. Committing to the platform's offerings can help you cultivate a deep appreciation for life. Protego
  20. Fake Growth vs Real Growth - What If You're Just Tricking Yourself Self-deception in personal growth: Leo describes how individuals engaging in personal development can deceive themselves into believing they are growing by achieving external successes rather than addressing root internal issues. Misguided perspectives on growth solutions: He explains that freshmen in personal development have naive ideas about how to resolve personal issues, often expecting unrealistic, external solutions rather than internal change. Real growth as emotional release: Leo emphasizes that real growth occurs when an issue no longer has an emotional grip on a person, shifting from a pressing concern to a non-issue without needing to overcompensate. Permanent release and reduced defensiveness: True growth results in a permanent release from an issue, where there is no longer any need for defensiveness or willpower to deal with the issue—it simply ceases to be a problem. Litmus test for emotional growth: Leo suggests examining one’s emotional responses to challenges as a measure of growth, stressing that real growth manifests as being less reactive, having fewer emotional needs, and a calmer demeanor in previously problematic areas. Masquerade of fake growth: He points out that fake growth often looks like true growth, focusing on external achievements rather than internal changes; this form of growth diverts attention away from addressing deeper personal issues. Examples of fake growth scenarios: Leo provides examples, such as a needy woman finding a relationship, a jealous man dating an introverted woman, and an insecure man succeeding financially. These situations might initially seem like real growth but are actually temporary fixes that don't address underlying issues. Distinction between fake growth and real transformation: He reinforces that real growth involves profound internal shifts, while fake growth is about changing external circumstances without altering one's inner landscape, leading to the illusion of growth. Misconception of problem-solving through financial success: Leo observes a businessman achieving financial success, thinking it solves his money issues. Yet, the underlying fears remain, ready to resurface with any economic downturn, hence no real growth occurred, only a temporary mask of security. Anger and isolation mistaken for growth: An angry man who struggles with teamwork creates a home-based job to avoid conflict, feeling temporarily calm and satisfied. Leo asserts this isolation hasn't resolved the root of his anger, showing the difference between real growth and circumstantial avoidance. False confidence from dating success: A shy man gains confidence through successful encounters with women, but Leo notes that this doesn't address his deep-seated sense of being socially awkward or "uncool," highlighting that external achievements do not equate to internal growth. Using wealth as a substitute for personal appeal: Leo describes a wealthy man using his finances to attract a wife, leading to a superficial solution that will likely unravel due to unaddressed personal deficiencies, therefore exemplifying fake growth. Distraction as a means to avoid addressing depression: He portrays a depressed person adopting a new hobby or career as a form of distraction from their issues rather than confronting root causes, which only delays and potentially worsens the eventual realization that their depression was never truly faced. Physical relocation as avoidance, not resolution: A woman moves away from her mother to stop their arguments, which Leo sees as running from the problem rather than resolving it, suggesting that the issue may return to cause disruption. Guilt as a flawed approach to weight loss: Leo talks about an overweight person guilting themselves into not eating junk food, shedding pounds without tackling why they crave unhealthy food to begin with. He points out this is fake growth since the behavior change is superficial and not indicative of a deeper transformation. Confusion between success and growth: Leo emphasizes that success occurs externally, while true growth happens internally. He argues that many confuse these two concepts, not realizing that growth is about releasing the need for external validation, which is a much more challenging process. Illusion of external solutions in personal development: Newcomers to personal development often believe that fixing external circumstances will solve their problems. Leo contends that this is a fundamental misunderstanding of human psychology and that such an approach is doomed to fail. Inevitability of recognizing fake growth: Leo predicts that individuals will, after years of pursuing what they believe is personal growth, have the epiphany that they've only been rearranging their external circumstances rather than achieving any meaningful internal transformation. Resistance to changing the 'self': He notes that a true commitment to changing oneself is uncommon and difficult because it requires confronting one's deepest issues and breaking personal loyalties, potentially leading to external criticism. Trade-off between self-preservation and genuine satisfaction: Leo explains that individuals must choose between clinging to their current self, which perpetuates dissatisfaction, and embracing a transformative process that leads to true fulfillment but requires abandoning much of their former identity. Internal work goes unnoticed and can attract criticism: Genuine inner work is often a solitary endeavor, unrecognized and sometimes criticized by others, unlike external achievements that are easily seen and often praised. Vision and purpose as catalysts for personal transformation: A clear vision or life purpose that inspires one to undertake the difficult journey of self-transformation is essential for enduring the hardships and making the necessary sacrifices. Prevalence of fake growth in the self-help industry: Leo warns that the market is rife with quick fixes and superficial solutions to deep issues, which are marketed more easily because they are more appealing and tangible than the painful, internal work needed for real growth. Commitment to continuous learning and transformation: He invites viewers to regularly engage with transformative content, which over time can profoundly change their perspective and approach to life, leading to genuine satisfaction and fulfillment. Call to action: Leo encourages the audience to sign up for his newsletter and continue consuming content that will facilitate deep personal growth, enabling individuals to fundamentally change how they feel about their lives and yielding long-term, meaningful results. Expecto Patronum
  21. The Most Important Commitment You Can Make + Huge Announcement Launch of Forum: Leo announces the launch of a new self-improvement forum on which is live and available for sign-ups, providing a free space for people to converse and share knowledge on self-actualization. Commitment to Self Mastery: Leo stresses the depth of self-mastery and encourages a strong commitment toward it, which goes beyond watching videos to engaging in various activities like reading, practicing exercises, attending retreats, and workshops for significant results. Challenge to Convey Deep Concepts: He discusses the challenge in conveying the profoundness of self-mastery concepts through videos, which are limited in duration. This leads him to contemplate creating full courses in the future to cover these topics adequately. The Need for Viewers' Dedication: Leo requests viewers to envision the long-term benefits of self-mastery. He indicates that it requires years of dedication to realize the transformative results, which should start with immediate, smaller successes to keep motivated. Wisdom and Life Prioritization: Wisdom is presented as the skill to make strategic, long-term decisions, knowing what pursuits are worthwhile. This involves experiencing a vast range of life's offerings and utilizing that understanding to avoid life's 'cul-de-sacs' and properly direct one's efforts. Personal Development as a Key Life Aspect: Leo argues that personal development is crucial and fundamentally relevant, unlike other tasks which can be outsourced. He promotes in-depth learning and practice of personal development principles. Self Leadership and Taking Responsibility: He draws parallels between leading a country and leading one's life, emphasizing the need to take responsibility and not outsource the direction of your life. One must understand the 'engine' of personal development to truly lead and optimize one's life. Understanding the 'Guts' of Self-Mastery: A call is made for viewers to dive deeply into the understanding of the mechanics of personal development and life mastery. He suggests avoiding quick fixes, and instead, developing a grounded, systemic understanding of how various concepts in personal development work together. Conviction in the Self-Mastery Journey: Leo reiterates the importance of being mentally and emotionally convinced to commit to self-mastery. He emphasizes that absorbing techniques and information is less critical than experiencing a shift in perspective - a 'mindfuck' that incites a wake-up call about the significance of this path. Personal Revelation through Self-Help: Recounting his own discovery of self-help literature, Leo describes his initial astonishment at the resources available and shares the catalytic moment he bought a Tony Robbins program, which led to a vision of long-term transformation through consistent self-development. Visionary Imagination and Long-Term Commitment: Stressing the need for a 'visionary imagination', Leo discusses the importance of looking beyond immediate results and understanding the profound impact that decades of self-mastery can have on one's life. Deep Understanding of Self-Help: Leo expresses his desire not just to consume self-help materials casually but to master the entire field. He reflects on the misconception that engaging in self-improvement requires ambitions to become a self-help guru, clarifying that profound self-knowledge benefits everyone personally. The Motivation Behind He clarifies that was created not for financial gain or to become a self-help figure but to impart the deepest possible understanding of life and self-mastery, recognizing the difficulty and necessity of depth in a world of superficial content. Invitation to Commit to Self-Mastery: Leo invites viewers to make a verbal commitment to lifelong self-mastery, emphasizing the importance of genuinely meaning it and considering the long-term positive impact it could have on one's life. Forecasting Continuous Growth: Leo likens the journey of self-mastery to nurturing an apple tree that, once matured, provides continuous fruit. He encourages viewers to visualize and anticipate the ongoing benefits that will come with time and dedicated self-development. Announcement of the Forum Launch: Leo announces the launch of the forum, a platform for individuals committed to self-actualization. He shares his amazement at the depth of experience and challenges already discussed and overcome by early forum members, emphasizing shared values among the community. Revolutionizing Self-Help Discussion: The forum is described as a space focused on positive psychology and reaching peak potential, distinct from forums aimed at coping with specific problems. It aims to inspire users by concentrating on stories of personal growth and transcending limitations. Leo’s Personal Advocacy for Forums: Detailing his own success as partly attributed to learning from various forums, Leo highlights the unique and underappreciated value forums offer for in-depth discussions and knowledge-sharing that other mediums can't replicate. Influence of Forums on Leo’s Career: He credits forums with significant milestones in his life, including launching his career in game design, internet marketing, and ultimately leading him to establish Forums became crucial learning hubs that allowed him to gain skills and insights that wouldn't have been accessible elsewhere. Transformation through Forums: Leo shares how using various forums transformed his personality and life direction, attributing his move to Las Vegas and his progress in dating and consciousness development to the insights and mentorship he gained from forum communities. Democratic Nature of Forums: He reflects on the decision to launch the forum, acknowledging the challenge posed by its democratic structure, which could potentially diminish his control and even his business interests. Serving a Higher Calling with the Forum: Despite his initial doubts and concerns about the impact on his business, Leo's commitment to delivering deep understanding and facilitating self-actualization led him to prioritize creating a community over solely producing videos and courses. Forum's Potential to Form a Large Community: Leo envisions the forum growing into a large community anchored in self-actualization values. He foresees it becoming a gathering place for up to 100,000 individuals to engage in high quality discussions and share resources and support. Elevation of High Consciousness: He emphasizes the forum's aim to uphold higher consciousness values, distinguishing it from other online communities and focusing on cultivating a positive and progressive environment. Diverse Perspectives and Support: The forum is touted as a platform to gain diverse insights, provide emotional support, and foster accountability. It provides opportunities to document journeys, share resources, and seek advice from a community with varied life experiences. Personal Engagement by Leo in the Forum: Leo commits to contribute raw, unpolished content on the forum, providing more personal and practical insights into the application of self-development than can be conveyed through polished videos or programs. Instructions for Joining the Forum: Leo invites viewers to join the forum by creating a new account, separate from the actualized website, and participate in building a supportive community dedicated to self-mastery. Obliviate
  22. Free Will vs Determinism - Does Free Will Exist Free Will vs Determinism Debate: The discussion of free will versus determinism is a longstanding philosophical debate, with determinists arguing that the universe operates mechanistically and predictably, while proponents of free will insist on our capacity for making choices due to the feeling of self-control. Leo Gura's Claim on Free Will: Leo claims that free will does not exist, positing that there is no self that could possess control, hence no control over thoughts, actions, or emotions. He emphasizes this is not a belief but an empirically verifiable fact that can be experienced through self-observation practices. Self-Observation for Verification: Leo describes self-observation as the method to verify lack of free will, explaining his personal shift in belief after observing his thoughts and noting the inability to stop or even predict them, which led to the conclusion that thoughts appear spontaneously, without our control. The Illusory Nature of the Self: Leo asserts that the ego or self, to which we attribute free will, is an illusion created by an intermingling of mental images, auditory labels, and body sensations. He states that thoughts do not arise from an internal 'self' but rather out of nowhere, challenging the traditional perception of personal control. Importance of Listening to the Entire Explanation: Leo urges listeners to take in his entire discourse to avoid negative misinterpretations that could lead to depression or a sense that his ideas have a destructive impact on one's life. Phenomenological Approach to Free Will: Leo favors a first-person, experiential approach over objective scientific studies in discussing free will, advocating for the importance of subjective experiences in the debate. Practical Implications of No Free Will: Although challenging to accept, Leo proposes that recognizing the absence of free will can lead to greater outcomes in life, as one aligns themselves with this principle and approaches life's experiences with greater mindfulness and less illusion of control. Thought Experiment on Thought Control: Leo presents a thought experiment involving trying to stop one's own thoughts for a set period, demonstrating the difficulty, if not impossibility, which supports the lack of free will. Misconceptions and Society’s Resistance: Leo acknowledges the strong societal resistance to the idea of no free will, recognizing the deep-rooted belief in self-control and how acknowledging its absence may contradict culturally ingrained values and cause internal struggle. Misconceptions about thoughts: The thoughts that arise in our minds, such as associating specific colors with certain animals, are often assumed to originate from ourselves, but as Leo points out, they're actually triggered by external stimuli like conversations or things we read and watch. Thoughts Triggered by External Input: Leo emphasizes that thoughts are not generated internally by an act of will but rather occur spontaneously in response to external triggers, including his own influence on the listener. Lack of Control in Thoughts and Actions: Despite some acknowledging they don't control their thoughts, Leo challenges the notion that actions, such as moving one's finger, are under conscious control, asserting that these are also involuntary and the result of internal subsystems working in tandem. Self as a Thought: Leo describes the self-image as another thought or mental construction without physical existence, thereby challenging the traditional notion of a solid, unchanging entity that exercises control over thoughts and actions. Proving the Illusion of Control: He cautions that dispelling the illusion of control is arduous, potentially requiring over 1000 hours of meticulous self-observation and emotional labor, which many people are not willing to undertake. Complexity and Order of Brain and Body: Leo speaks to the intricacy and ordered nature of the brain and body, asserting that they are intelligently functioning systems rather than dumb mechanical devices, and this order is crucial for their survival. Emergence in Human Decision-Making: He discusses humans as emergent phenomena, comparing the molecular combination of hydrogen and oxygen to create water to the collaboration of 37 trillion cells in the human body that culminate in complex behaviors and decisions. Influence of the Universe on Decisions: Leo argues that every particle in the universe influences our decisions at a cellular level, highlighting that choosing a cheeseburger over a salad at a restaurant is not simply a matter of individual choice but the culmination of universal forces. Past Experiences and Nature Shaping Decisions: He contrasts the mundane view of decision-making, such as choosing based on taste preferences, with the profound influence of one's entire life history, cultural background, genetics, and interactions with the world. Unconscious Brain Processes: Leo marvels at the brain's capacity to process vast amounts of information, most of which occurs beyond our conscious awareness, including vital bodily functions like breathing and immune responses. Intelligence Without Self: Refuting the assumption that intelligence requires a self to manifest, Leo cites the sophisticated actions of the immune system as evidence of the innate intelligence of the body's systems working without an identifiable self or free will. Innate Intelligence of Nature: Leo challenges the notion that nature lacks intelligence, stating that the human body's complex functions reveal an innate intelligence. The ego tends to claim credit for intelligent decisions, while attributing basic bodily functions to automatic processes. Higher Order Decisions and Complex Systems: He suggests that the same biological systems responsible for automatic bodily functions could also be making what we perceive as conscious decisions, such as choosing a partner or starting a business. Illusion of Control: Leo proposes that when a finger moves, the accompanying thought claiming control over the action is how the illusion of control is created. Through careful observation, he asserts, one can see that the ego is not an input into our actions but rather an output. Analogy of Google: Leo uses Google as an analogy to explain the ego. Employees of the company, like cells in the body, work to create an output (Google's homepage)—mistaking this output for the input would be like the ego believing it controls the body. Spirit and Enlightenment: He clarifies that acknowledging our mechanistic nature does not negate spirit or spirituality. Spirituality, according to Leo, is the realization of no free will and the acceptance that everything is made of the same substance—spirit. Challenges to Accept No Free Will: Leo lists challenges people face in accepting the nonexistence of free will, including strong illusions, ego resistance, the difficulty of admitting lifelong error, cultural and social rejection, and misconceptions about the implications of no free will. Zen Masters and Surrender: Enlightenment is about surrendering to the idea of no free will, not about having control. Zen masters and yogis exemplify this through their discipline, which comes from a complete renouncement of the self and the internal realization of no free will. Responsibility and No Free Will: Leo discusses the paradoxical nature of responsibility and no free will. While taking 100% responsibility is key to personal development, ultimate enlightenment involves transcending the ego, recognizing the lack of free will, and not reverting to victimhood. Personal Development Journey: He explains that the journey includes developing a strong ego initially, and then completely surrendering it to transcend the ego and accept the absence of free will, which is distinct from adopting a victim mentality. Misconception About Creativity and Free Will: Creativity is often seen as a domain of free will, but Leo argues that even in creative processes—like writing, painting, or composing—ideas appear out of nowhere and are not controlled by the ego, challenging the belief that creativity is a product of free will. Inspiration and the Illusion of Ego: During moments of creativity, the ego seems inactive; ideas seem to spontaneously arise. This perception of being 'pummeled with ideas' suggests a lack of personal control and supports the idea that inspiration comes from an external or even more profound source, not the self. Creativity as an Automatic Process: Through introspection, Leo observes that typing a sentence or creating a work involves words and ideas that flow perfectly without conscious effort. This automatic generation of coherent thought challenges the notion that the ego is responsible for creativity. Success Story Misattribution and Free Will: Using the example of someone significantly losing weight through self-discipline, Leo counteracts the belief that such accomplishments are due to free will. He suggests that motivation and action, even in hard work and discipline, arise naturally rather than from individual volition. Motivation Beyond the Self: Leo suggests that even intense motivation to succeed comes from external or internal stimuli but not from a self-generated intention, further implying the self is not the true source of action, even in significant personal achievements. Holistic View of Self and Nature: Emphasizing that humans are part of nature subject to its forces, Leo encourages viewing ourselves as part of a larger system rather than as isolated entities exercising free will. Trying and Effort Without Free Will: Leo clarifies that not having free will does not necessitate inaction or laziness; actions such as trying or working hard are still driven by the body's 37 trillion cells, not by an individual's decisions. Ambition and the Absence of Free Will: Highlighting the relentless nature of ambition in some people, Leo argues that ambitious actions are not a matter of free will but rather an innate force that drives individuals even to their detriment. The Paradox of Decision-Making Without Free Will: All decisions, whether to be lazy or ambitiously start a company, are not consciously made by the individual but are outcomes of the body and brain's processes. Enlightenment and the Choice Illusion: Discussing enlightenment, Leo states that since there is no self to become enlightened, the idea of choosing enlightenment is contradictory. Enlightenment involves realizing the non-existence of the self and free will. Negative Reactions to No Free Will as Ego Defense: Leo acknowledges that the idea of no free will can be distressing, likening it to a corrupt politician facing the truth. This negative reaction is seen as the ego's resistance to being exposed and dismantled. Aligning with Spirituality and Religion: Contrary to the belief that no free will is anti-spiritual, Leo argues that spirituality and religion fundamentally advocate for surrendering the ego and aligning with the forces of nature or reality, essentially acknowledging the lack of free will. Practical Implications of No Free Will: The realization of no free will leads to surrendering the ego and can result in the cessation of internal struggles and suffering, enabling life to flow more smoothly in harmony with nature. Misunderstanding Free Will and Illusion: Leo discusses how individuals may intellectually grasp the illusion of free will but have not fully internalized it, which leads to persistent suffering and struggle due to the misconception of control. Surrendering to No Free Will: He insists that upon genuinely understanding the absence of free will, self-interference and personal suffering will cease because one realizes there is no control over one's actions or life events. Life Decisions and Flow: Leo suggests that once one accepts the lack of free will, making challenging life decisions becomes effortless, as these decisions were never in our control, to begin with. Analogy of Control: He uses the analogy of a passenger mistakenly believing they are steering the car, leading to frustration, to illustrate how believing in personal control can cause suffering. Success and Productivity Post-Enlightenment: Leo emphasizes that realizing the absence of free will does not hinder success or productivity; in fact, enlightened people can be highly productive and powerful as they are aligned with nature. Surrender and Power: The concept of surrendering false power and the need for control is discussed as a transition to unity with life, which brings peace of mind and true empowerment. Pursuit of Happiness and Control: Leo challenges the notion that more control over life leads to happiness and peace, asserting that surrendering to nature is the true path to these states. Suffering from the Illusion of Control: The struggle for control and belief in self is tied to suffering, and relinquishing these beliefs can halt such negative emotions. Viewer's Journey Toward Acceptance of No Free Will: He advises viewers to entertain the possibility of being wrong about free will, verify the absence of free will through self-observation, learn about enlightenment, and trust in the deeper truth of having no control. Transformation through Acceptance: Leo concludes with an encouragement to deeply consider the implications of no free will, suggesting that while the initial reaction may be demotivation, profound and positive life changes will follow. Action Steps for Realizing No Free Will: Leo recommends admitting the possibility of being wrong about free will, committing to self-observation to verify its absence, learning more about enlightenment, and contemplating deeply on the ideas presented. Life Transformation from Enlightenment: He speaks passionately about the transformative potential of engaging deeply with the material on, implying that dedicated learning and contemplation can lead to significant personal growth and enlightenment. Sectumsempra
  23. Understanding Awareness - The Staggering Depth Of Your Unawareness Revealed Introduction to the Episode: Leo Gura starts the episode acknowledging the profound importance of understanding awareness for self-actualization. He notes that the awareness most people believe they have is greatly underestimated. Anticipation of Communication Challenges: Leo expresses concern about effectively conveying the topic of awareness, knowing that it's easy for people to become dismissive or believe they already understand what awareness is due to its abstract nature. Awareness Underappreciated: He claims that, regardless of his efforts in this lecture, listeners will likely only appreciate 1% of the true importance of awareness, which is critical for fulfillment, understanding reality, and success in self-actualization. Common Misunderstanding of Awareness: Leo notes that the term 'awareness' is often dismissed as vague or New Age, and people overestimate their understanding of it due to its elusive, deceptive qualities. Catch-22 of Awareness: Leo introduces a catch-22 in awareness: when you lack awareness, you're not aware of this lack, leading you to overestimate your level of awareness. This represents a massive blind spot and a self-deception trap. Awareness Cannot Be Taught or Bought: Leo points out that awareness cannot be directly taught or purchased; it cannot be acquired through books, lectures, or religious and philosophical study alone, suggesting that the path to awareness is more complex. Urgency to Realize Lack of Awareness: He uses Peter Uspensky’s book "The Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution" to stress the urgency of recognizing one's own sleep-like state. He shares that despite his experience and enlightenment, re-reading Uspensky's work still reveals to him his own lack of awareness. Human Assumptions Debunked by Uspensky: Uspensky’s key points emphasize that people mistakenly believe they know themselves, have will and control over their lives, and are more aware than they truly are. Leo reiterates Uspensky’s assertion that one cannot begin the work necessary to develop awareness if they falsely believe they already have it. Necessity for Acknowledging One’s Sleep State: Leo concurs with Uspensky that realizing the depth of one's unconscious state is a prerequisite for embarking on the journey to raise one's awareness. Uspensky's Unique Definition of Psychology: Uspensky’s definition of psychology encompasses the study of man's potential evolution, the exploration of one's machine-like nature, and the study of lying, differing significantly from conventional psychological focuses. The Pervasiveness and Effect of Lying: Leo emphasizes that lying is an integral obstacle to awareness, and Uspensky’s work underscores the challenge of admitting to oneself the true extent of their deceptions and the impact it has on self-awareness. Importance of Self-Consciousness Acknowledgment: Uspensky and Leo both underline the difficulty of convincing a person that they do not possess the self-consciousness they believe they have, which is a fundamental barrier to personal growth. Self-Consciousness Test by Uspensky: Leo Gura shares Uspensky's test for self-consciousness, which involves attempting to stay self-aware for 60 seconds while watching a clock's second hand, using one's name in an internal monologue to remain focused. This test reveals that the mind commonly wanders, highlighting the challenge of maintaining self-consciousness. Realization of Unconsciousness in Daily Life: Gura points out through the test that people believe they maintain a state of self-consciousness throughout the day, but in reality, they are predominantly running on autopilot, only becoming momentarily conscious when triggered by external factors. Mechanical Nature of Humans in Self-Observation: Emphasizing the importance of self-observation for personal growth, Leo explains that the process of becoming aware cannot be outsourced or easily triggered by others – it requires one's own effort and responsibility, despite its difficulty. Identifying Features of Mechanical Behavior: Gura lists the six features that reveal our mechanical nature and hinder awareness: lying, imagination, excessive talking, negative emotions, distraction, and criticism. He argues these behaviors are automatic responses that prevent us from being present and conscious. Modern Life as a Distraction from Awareness: Life's routine and its various roles are painted as a distraction that prevents us from being aware. These distractions include family, work, and entertainment, which act as mechanics to keep us engaged and unaware of our machine-like existence. Importance of Reducing External Judgments: Criticism and judgment are identified as mechanisms that divert attention outward rather than inward, preventing introspection and self-improvement by keeping our focus on others rather than ourselves. Dangers of Self-Deception and Complacency: Gura elaborates on how self-deception, specifically believing that we already possess qualities such as willpower and consciousness, can impede growth. He stresses the importance of recognizing that self-development requires continuous effort and acknowledgment of current shortcomings. Reflection on Man as a Machine: In elucidating Uspensky's views, Leo describes humans as highly complex machines, falsely assuming that they have free will and control when in reality, their actions and thoughts are influenced by external factors, challenging the concept of autonomy. Triggered emotional states: Leo explains that our emotions, such as happiness or love, are often triggered by external events rather than controlled internally. This realization challenges the perception of self-control. Illusion of a controlling self: By engaging in consciousness work, one realizes that the self cannot control all aspects of life. The struggle for control is a result of not understanding this. Testing the lack of thought control: A simple test of trying to stop one's thoughts demonstrates the lack of control over them, as even stopping thoughts for a brief moment is nearly impossible. The nature of self-consciousness: Self-consciousness is described as a transient thought that appears and then disappears, not something solid or permanently under our control. Society’s illusion of control: Leo discusses the societal belief that we have control over our thoughts and actions, an illusion that feels real but is, in fact, automatic. Realizing lack of control reduces anxiety: Acknowledging the lack of control over the "monkey mind" is paradoxically a key to calming the mind and reducing anxiety. Man as a complex machine without a manual: Just as a machine operates without conscious control, humans too often behave mechanically without understanding their own inner workings. Creating personal instruction manuals: Leo suggests the need to construct a personal manual for understanding the "machine" we are, which can lead to less suffering and improved living. Admitting mechanical nature for growth: Admitting to oneself that we do not have as much control as believed is the first step towards self-awareness and self-improvement. Machine-like human behavior: People often do not recognize their mechanical nature and ascribe themselves qualities they do not actually possess, preventing true personal growth. Obstacles to consciousness: The narrator lists obstacles to consciousness including lying, judgments, distractions, criticisms, and negative emotions which prevent the attainment of higher awareness. Increasing awareness through self-study: Leo reasserts the importance of self-study in order to understand the machine-like parts of ourselves, drawing attention to the obstacles that stand in the way of awareness. The yearn for personal development through self-study: Experiencing problems in various areas of life can lead to the realization that increased awareness is the key to improvement, prompting the beginning of self-study. Consciousness as a study of self: Emphasizing the definition of consciousness by Uspensky, psychology and the study of consciousness requires investigating ourselves to understand the nature of our machine-like existence. Nature's trick on consciousness: The catch-22 of awareness is exemplified by the momentary awareness triggered by being questioned about consciousness, which quickly dissipates, leaving us in our default state of sleep. Realization of Consciousness' Potential: Leo Gura presents a revelation that the deepening of consciousness isn't merely a small quantitative improvement but a significant qualitative leap, likening it to the vast difference between being asleep and being awake. He emphasizes the importance of intuition, describing it as a seed of spiritual wisdom, hinting at the possibility of enriched states of being. Self-consciousness as a Long and Hard Journey: Gura underscores that acquiring self-consciousness requires prolonged and arduous work, which people will not undertake if they erroneously believe they already possess it. He articulates the necessity of recognizing one's own lack of self-awareness in order to initiate personal growth. Common Reversion to Unconsciousness: Highlighting the difficulty of maintaining consciousness, Gura explains that many individuals have moments of clarity and self-awareness but often regress to an unconscious state, drawn in by the mundanity of daily responsibilities and worries. The Challenge of Awareness as a Force of Nature: Leo draws an analogy between maintaining awareness and trying to hollow out a section of the ocean with a shovel. He showcases this as an illustration of the immense challenge faced when countering the natural state of being unaware. Lying as a Fundamental Human Behavior: Discussing the pervasive nature of lying, Gura insists that lies, often stemming from lack of awareness, obstruct personal development. He argues that most lies are based on self-deception rather than malicious intent. The Importance of Self-Observation: Leo stresses that true self-observation means understanding oneself as a mechanical entity. This level of introspection requires recognition of the specific mechanisms that lead to unconsciousness, deception, and negative behaviors. The Inefficacy of Academic Studies in Personal Awareness: Gura criticizes the academic approach, which often overlooks the subjective internal experience. He claims that true awareness cannot be gained through external observation alone and that modern science tends to disregard the subjective nature of human consciousness. Self-Observation’s Subjective Challenges: Addressing the difficulties inherent in self-observation, Gura notes the complexity due to personal biases, revealing that even accomplished individuals in scientific or religious communities may be unaware of their own lack of true consciousness. Realization Through Meditation Exercise: Leo conducts a live meditation to showcase the depth of our unawareness. He points out that even with intellectual understanding, we remain asleep to our own awareness, and the exercise is to experientially demonstrate this. Diverse Sensations and Mental Images: During the meditation, listeners are guided to focus on sensations like the feel of air on their face, the touch of their clothes, and the internal image of their face, which he suggests is purely a mental construct as we've never actually seen our own face. Awareness of Internal Sensations: Leo guides listeners to notice internal sensations such as the inside of their mouth and body temperature, bringing attention to ordinary perceptions that go unnoticed without focused awareness. Mental Imagery of Body Parts: He continues by asking listeners to become aware of their palms and ears, as well as the accompanying mental images one has of these body parts even when they're not seen, stressing that these are also just constructs of the mind. Recognition of Inner Voice: Leo draws attention to the listener's inner voice used for self-talk, asking them to observe its operations and the images and distractions it creates, showcasing how unaware we typically are of this constant inner activity. Need for Regular Awakening: He emphasizes the slipperiness of awareness, like trying to grip sand, urging the importance of regular attention to prevent falling back into unawareness. Self Honesty and the Start of Awareness: Admitting to the lack of awareness is presented as a significant first step, requiring self-honesty, and serves as a crucial beginning to the long journey of self-discovery and personal transformation. Long-Term Commitment to Understanding Awareness: Leo suggests that fully grasping awareness may take 5-10 years of serious work but insists that this effort could substantially transform one’s life in every aspect. Continuing the Journey of Awareness: The talk concludes with a call to action, encouraging listeners to sign up for the newsletter and stay engaged with continuous content focused on raising awareness and describing methods and techniques to further this goal. Petrificus Totalus
  24. 30 Ways Society Fucks You In The Ass Modern Capitalism and the Graves Model: Leo explains that modern capitalism, or 'stage Orange' in the Graves model, means businesses shape culture, government, science, religion, and other societal aspects. Businesses Architecting Systems: He articulates that businesses craft systems to trap people's 'lower selves', optimizing them for profit at the expense of higher consciousness engagement. Entrepreneurial Ignorance and Neurosis: Leo points out that leaders of businesses, while crafty and intelligent, remain ignorant and stuck in the low consciousness patterns they foster in consumers for financial gain. War for Attention: The current business environment is described as a battleground for consumer attention—'eyeballs'—which equates to power and money necessary for businesses to survive. Marketing's Appeal to Primal Instincts: Leo lists primitive instincts or 'chimp parts' such as cravings for sugar, salt, and fat, sex, power, status, entertainment, validation, security, comfort, and love (in a lower self form) that marketing strategies directly target. Ego-driven Business: He identifies an ego-driven cycle where business leaders use their egos to exploit consumer egos, detailing how businesses market products by activating consumers' primal drives. Unhealthy Mainstream Culture: Leo criticizes mainstream culture across various industries—food, alcohol, drugs, education, celebrity, literature, video games, TV, news, social media, fashion, and technology—for promoting lower self behavior detrimental to health and personal growth. Consumer Items as Temporary Band-Aids: Gadgets and items like Fitbits, bought during festive seasons like Christmas, are criticized as temporary and serve as examples of manipulation that feed into lower 'chimp-like' desires under the guise of progress. Lower Self Exploitation in Financial Services: The financial industry, especially credit loans, mortgages, and credit cards, uses celebrity endorsements in advertising as a means to exploit the consumer’s desire for easy gratification without the hard work. Nightclubs as 'Chimp Zoos': Nightclubs are likened to zoos for chimps, where primitive desires are indulged in a controlled environment, thus appealing to base instincts through an atmosphere of dance and music. Car Ownership as an Identity Symbol: The obsession with sports cars or luxury vehicles, and the need to possess them is described as a foolish preoccupation that is symptomatic of a deeper lack of self-awareness. Holidays Driven by Marketing: The commercial exploitation of holidays, such as Christmas or Valentine’s Day, is presented as another form of appealing to one's lower self through aggressive marketing and consumerism. Politics as Primal Conflict: Political discourse is compared to primitive confrontations between groups of chimps, suggesting that it is inherently low in consciousness and more about conflict than constructive dialogue. Religion Described as Pretentious Pageantry: Religion is critiqued as a performance, particularly the elaborate displays of authority and grandeur, which are old practices designed to impress and distract from true personal growth. Marriage as a Distraction from Self-Development: Modern marriage is shown to delude individuals into thinking they are avoiding personal growth by finding comfort in partnership, thus replacing the pursuit of truth with a temporary sense of security. Romance as a Lower Self Appeal: The narrative of romance promoted by society is claimed to be an escape that exploits primal desires rather than a meaningful pursuit of love. Family Dynamics as Low Consciousness: Family life is criticized for being unconscious and functioning like a group of chimps engaged in their own patterns and dysfunctions, thus avoiding genuine understanding or relationships. Career Pursuits as 'Chimp’ Tasks: Standard 9-to-5 jobs are judged to be driven by 'chimp-like' motives, focusing on survival rather than impact, leading to an unaware life driven by consumerism. Stock Market and Financial Sector Critique: The financial sector, such as Wall Street, is accused of preying on lower self desires, with its culture of appearances and materialism overshadowing true personal and societal development. Professional Sports as Low Consciousness Entertainment: Loyalty to sports teams and the massive industry of professional sports is dismissed as one of the clearest forms of low consciousness, inciting tribalism and distraction rather than self-awareness or constructive engagement. Acknowledgment of Societal Trap Participation: Leo admits his own past entrapment in society's pitfalls and emphasizes the effort required to extract oneself from these patterns and awaken to the higher aspects of oneself. Path of Least Resistance and Business Traps: Leo describes the path of least resistance as the place where businesses set their traps, akin to how hunters lay traps along the paths frequently used by deer. He likens this to how society tempts individuals with easy, unhealthy options in mainstream culture, including food, entertainment, media, news, and shopping, which are detrimental to our physical, emotional, financial, and spiritual well-being.'s Participation in the Game: Leo acknowledges that even though aims to promote authentic living, it too must participate in the 'game' of attracting attention on platforms such as YouTube. This is necessary for survival in the current business environment, though he assures that the intentions are genuine and not part of an evil conspiracy. Ignorance, Ego, and Distraction in Society: He points out that ignorance, ego, and distraction are the real issues plaguing society, not malevolent scheming. Many CEOs and entrepreneurs, especially those in Silicon Valley, are unaware of their neuroses and work compulsively until they face significant health problems, while some eventually seek to find their authentic selves. Balance of Modern Business: Leo acknowledges the benefits of modern business, which offers valuable services and freedoms not available in the past. He encourages using the tools and opportunities provided by these businesses to further personal growth and authentic living. Taking Life Back with Authentic Living: Leo urges viewers to commit to living authentically, which may require bold moves and renouncing distractions like pornography, video games, drugs, politics, and sports. This commitment is a step towards finding one's self and pursuing psychological health. Detox and Contemplation for Growth: He recommends taking a week-long solitary retreat to detox from daily routines and media, allowing space for meditation and contemplation of life. This time of being alone can lead to personal insights, the establishment of new habits, and significant life decisions. Implementation of Life Changes: Leo stresses the importance of taking concrete steps towards self-discovery and contentment. He advises viewers to implement changes, reflect, and possibly alter the direction of their lives, emphasizing that theory is insufficient without action. Promise of Transformation: Finally, Leo promises that viewers who act on his advice will experience profound life transformation over the course of five to ten years, achieving personal development that once seemed unreachable. He stresses the importance of ongoing action and engagement with's content to maintain progress on the self-actualization journey. Liberacorpus
  25. Radical Openmindedness - How To Break Free Of Dogma & Beliefs Warning of Advanced Content: Leo introduces the video as an advanced lesson aimed at fostering radical open-mindedness, which may be challenging and unsettling for many viewers. Analogy of Limiting Beliefs to Mercury Fillings: Leo presents an analogy where societal norms instill limiting beliefs in our minds, similar to how mercury fillings can poison the body without our knowledge, these beliefs restrict our potential across various aspects of life, especially in personal and spiritual development. Radical Open-mindedness as True Freedom: Leo emphasizes that the level of openness in one’s mind is directly proportional to the true freedom one experiences in life. He suggests that genuine open-mindedness is a rare trait that most people don’t fully understand. Counterintuitive Personal Development: Leo discusses the unconventional approach to personal development that involves moving away from certainty and knowledge towards a state of profound not knowing as a means to experience deeper growth. False Certainty and Self-Deception: He explains that many people believe they know, but are actually self-deceived by false certainty. This is common across religious, rational, and scientifically minded individuals. Power of Not Knowing: Leo emphasizes the transformative potential of true not knowing, which is crucial for enlightenment and self-inquiry work. By embracing uncertainty, one can unlock profound and mystical experiences. Importance of Letting Go of Dogmas: He highlights the importance of freeing oneself from restrictive beliefs that impede life's pursuits, including finding one’s authentic self and understanding reality at deeper levels. Preparation for Advanced Enlightenment Work: Leo invites viewers to prepare for more advanced personal development topics by cultivating a radically open mind, necessary to comprehend and utilize future content. Guided Visualization Exercise: Leo conducts a live exercise, encouraging viewers to engage seriously with the material, and to initially center themselves in the present moment, experiencing reality directly and becoming aware of immediate sensations and sounds. Acknowledging Second-hand Knowledge: He guides viewers to recognize that most of what they believe to know is based on faith in hearsay—knowledge that they have not experienced directly, such as the roundness of Earth, scientific theories, historical statements, and even familial relations. Questioning Models of Reality: Leo urges viewers to question their mental models of reality, pointing out that even known inaccuracies like ball-and-stick molecular structures are still used in conceptualizing complex scientific ideas. Misconceptions of Physical Reality: Leo Gura points out common inaccurate perceptions such as thinking of atoms as particles instead of probability fields, planets as perfect spheres rather than oblate and terrain-varied ellipsoids, time as absolute instead of relativistic, and celestial observations reflecting current states as opposed to ancient history. Perceptual Errors with Physical Movement: Leo highlights the illusion of stillness people experience while sitting still, ignoring the movement of the Earth and our solar system which means our bodies are in constant motion at high speeds. Directional Biases in Perception: He exposes that commonly understood concepts like 'up' and 'down' or 'falling' are relative and geocentric, not recognizing that in space, such concepts don't exist; falling is towards the Earth's center, not simply 'down'. Illusory Nature of Stellar Observation: Leo remarks on the disconnect between our traditional view of the night sky as an array of existing stars and the reality that the light we see is ancient, with many of those stars potentially non-existent in the current timeframe. Historical Errors in Human Knowledge: Reflecting on humanity's flawed history of understanding, Leo cites examples of past misconceptions including the flat Earth theory, the idea of a geocentric universe, the once-accepted racial intelligence hierarchy, and many others to illustrate our potential current ignorance. Culture and Time as Determinants of Worldview: Leo asks viewers to consider how their beliefs and values would differ under alternative cultural or historical scenarios to highlight the unconscious influence of one's environment on their perspective of life and reality. Potential for Mainstream Bias: He encourages viewers to contemplate the likelihood of biases existing within mainstream culture, science, and society, covering political, financial, ego-based, or those stemming from ignorance and groupthink. Personal Admission of Stubbornness in Beliefs: Leo urges viewers to recall instances where they have stubbornly clung to positions in arguments, even upon realizing their potential error, as a means to become more self-aware and open to change. Continuous Evolution of Open-Mindedness: Emphasizing the need for ongoing effort, Leo invites viewers to remain present and open-minded, thinking deeply about their beliefs and maintaining a readiness to evolve continuously in perception and understanding. Acknowledgment of Past Errors: Leo urges viewers to recall instances where they were certain about something only to learn later they were wrong, suggesting that one's current beliefs could also be mistaken. Logic and False Premises: He points out the fallibility of logic, emphasizing that sound reasoning can lead to incorrect conclusions if based on false premises. Egotistical Bias in Perception: Leo brings attention to the likelihood of having an egotistical self-agenda that can distort one's perception and interpretation of reality, and he encourages self-awareness of this bias. Potential for Self-Deception: He stresses the danger of ignoring the likelihood of self-deception and the human tendency to be unaware of one's ignorance or errors in thinking. Implications of Not-Knowing: Leo illustrates the power of embracing uncertainty, suggesting that not knowing doesn't necessitate replacing old beliefs with new ones but sitting openly with no preference for a particular outcome. Self-Inquiry Challenges: He prompts those who have engaged in self-inquiry or enlightenment work to acknowledge the difficulty in truly understanding their own identity. Use of Radical Open-Mindedness: Leo advises viewers to deeply ponder the points raised, notice when they're trying to convince others of their beliefs, appreciate the empowerment from not-knowing, and become curious about why they cling to beliefs. Continuous Effort and Mind Expansion: He emphasizes the need for persistent effort to maintain an open mind and the cyclic nature of the mind's tendency to close and require reopening. Promise of Transformation and Enlightenment: Leo concludes with the prospect that continued radical open-mindedness can lead to profound personal freedom, mystical experiences, and a deeper understanding of existence, which is not merely another belief but a fundamentally different realization. Expelliarmus