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  1. Self-Bias - Why All Worldviews Are So Skewed "Every bird thinks its nest is the best." - Congolese proverb Definition of Self-Bias: Self-bias is the mind's natural tendency to favor its intellectual positions above others, leading to question-begging worldviews. This phenomenon occurs when individuals are unable to evaluate their own worldview fairly and objectively, creating double standards and justifications for their views' superiority. Self-Bias Rooted in Question-Begging Worldviews: All worldviews are question-begging and are usually defended without acknowledging their baseless assumptions. This leads to a circular validation of one's worldview without genuine inquiry or objective analysis. Conundrum of Objectivity: The biggest obstacle in philosophy and the pursuit of truth is the need for impartiality and objectivity. This becomes complicated as individuals often believe they are being objective and fail to recognize their self-bias, resulting in a prejudiced approach to knowledge exploration. Biased Nature of Philosophical Schools: Each philosophical school, from atheism to theism, science to mysticism, practices self-bias by arguing for its own validity and against opposing views, without fairly considering alternatives. Impact of Self-Bias on Leo's Career Plans: Self-bias led Leo to abandon his plans for a career in professional philosophy. He realized that the industry and Western civilization at large are designed to reinforce, rather than critically examine, established worldviews. Entrenchment of Self-Bias in Intellectual Positions: Self-bias manifests as the presupposition that one's intellectual stance, such as atheism, is inherently more logical or evidence-based than contrasting views. It manipulates arguments and evidence to align with the predetermined, 'correct' conclusion without true inquiry. Challenges in Achieving True Inquiry: A fair and open investigation into subjects like the existence of God is rarely pursued. Instead, each side fails to genuinely explore the opposing views, instead, assuming their conclusions, such as atheism or theism, to be self-evident without rigorous examination. Conflict of Interest and Recusal in Legal Systems: Self-bias is acknowledged in legal systems with conflict of interest and recusal practices. Judges and lawyers must withdraw from cases where they may be biased due to personal involvement, ensuring objectivity. Self-Bias Beyond Legal Contexts: While the legal system recognizes the problem of self-bias, Leo stresses it should extend beyond law to other areas like business, science, and religion, where bias can heavily distort perceptions and decisions. Influence of Self on Perception and Reality: An individual's identity acts as a lens that distorts not only their perception but reality itself, affecting science, logic, relationships, and even emotions. This self-bias complicates the pursuit of truth. Survival and the Compromise of Objectivity: Leo examines how survival instincts compromise objectivity using the example of a judge who faces personal survival challenges. The desire to survive can corrupt even the most integral parts of society when truth is second to personal needs. Personal Cost of Pursuing Truth: The pursuit of truth can come at a great personal cost, often conflicting with one's survival and comfort. This inherent cost is a significant reason why self-bias occurs and why individuals may avoid admitting biases. Denial of Self-Bias for Survival: People often deny their self-bias as acknowledging it can create doubt, potentially threatening their worldview and survival. This avoidance is driven by the assumption that truth should be beneficial, leading to a cessation of the search for truth when no personal benefit is perceived. Intellectual Dishonesty and Defense Mechanisms: In the pursuit of survival, individuals craft rationalizations and defense mechanisms against the truth. Admitting to these mechanisms would lead to cognitive dissonance and a threat to one's defense against the harsh reality of truth. Deception and Self-Deception for Survival: To deceive others effectively, individuals must first deceive themselves. Self-deception is a strategy for survival within a social species which enables the perpetuation of biased worldviews. Unreliability of Evidence, Proof, and Logic: Due to the pervasiveness of self-bias, logic, evidence, and proof cannot be fully trusted. Many individuals throughout history have used these tools to justify incorrect beliefs, demonstrating that reason alone cannot always lead to truth. Recognition of Personal Self-bias: It's easy to spot self-bias in others and criticize their fallacies and double standards, but recognizing one's own self-bias is challenging. This realization triggers serious doubt, marking the essence of skepticism. Connection Between Consciousness and Self-bias: There is a direct relationship between a person's level of consciousness and their degree of self-bias. Lower levels of consciousness are associated with stronger biases and more aggressive defense mechanisms. Violence as an Extreme Defense Mechanism: Violence is the ultimate defense against challenges to one's beliefs. Individuals with low consciousness and high self-bias may resort to violence to protect their views. Ubiquity of Self-bias Across Entities: Ideologies, philosophies, organizations, countries, political movements, and spiritual schools exhibit self-bias, which can sometimes persist even in individuals who are supposedly awakened. Self-bias in Pragmatism and Nihilism: Pragmatism exemplifies self-bias toward practical outcomes, dismissing truth for personal gain, while nihilism represents a self-biased view that life is meaningless. Distinction Between Selfishness and Self-bias: Self-bias specifically refers to how the mind frames its intellectual positions to justify worldviews, such as the narrative a pragmatist uses to uphold the superiority of pragmatism. Self-bias in Authoritarian Figures: Dictators and tyrants, like Trump pondering self-pardon, exhibit self-bias by failing to see their own faults and prioritizing their survival and power above all else. Self-bias in Colonialism and its Consequences: European colonialists exhibited self-bias in their treatment of Native Americans by viewing them as inferior, which led to exploitation, forced conversion, desecration of cultures, and violence. Slavery as an Example of Self-bias: Slave owners exhibited extreme self-bias by dehumanizing slaves and justifying their ownership and mistreatment on the basis of perceived racial superiority. Justification of colonial exploitation: Leo discusses the rationalizations used by European colonizers, who claimed that their subjugation of native populations was justified and benevolent, overlooking the common human desires and sufferings that they shared with those they oppressed. This required a disregard for fairness and objectivity, reflecting a self-bias that historically viewed other races as inferior. Perspective on animal exploitation: Leo points out the historically self-biased view humans have had towards animals, using them in wars, overburdening them with labor, and slaughtering them for consumption without considering their worth and experience, essentially due to human-centered justifications. Corporate self-interest and self-justification: Leo addresses corporate corruption and lobbying as self-bias, where those involved often believe they are benefiting society while skewing policies in their favor, indicating a blindness to their self-interest and its effects on others. Nationalistic and ethnocentric self-bias: Discussing nationalism and ethnocentrism across countries, Leo speaks on how cultures often believe themselves to be superior to others without objectively evaluating or exposing themselves to different cultures, leading to cultural conflicts and problems like the Holocaust. Right-wing vs. left-wing self-bias: Leo addresses the accusation of his own bias, acknowledging that while all ideologies, including left-wing, are self-biased, right-wing ideologies tend to demonstrate a higher degree of self-bias. He draws a correlation between self-bias and cognitive as well as moral development, suggesting different levels of these aspects between the left and right. Self-bias and toxic masculinity: Leo critiques various men's rights movements, discussing how frustrated young men develop self-biased and misogynistic ideologies as a defense for their personal issues, using false logic and evidence to blame societal problems on femininity and women. Self-bias in wartime: Leo notes how self-bias manifests in war, with opposing sides demonizing each other and justifying their own war crimes, while denying or minimizing their atrocities compared to their enemies. He provides historical examples of wartime demonization, concluding that war is underpinned by deep-rooted self-bias. Historical Self-Bias in Wars and Conflicts: In ancient times, both Romans and barbarians saw each other as vicious enemies, with each side considering themselves more civilized than the other. Similarly, Athens and Sparta, as Greek city-states, demonized each other reflecting self-bias. World War II Demonization: During World War II, Americans depicted Nazis and the Axis powers as monstrous, emphasizing their self-bias in wartime propaganda against the Japanese, Germans, and Italians. Criminal Self-Justification: Many criminals, especially white-collar ones, do not view their actions as wrong or do not see themselves as criminals, illustrating self-bias in their perceptions of their own actions. Legal Disputes and Lawyer Bias: Courtrooms represent a battleground of self-bias, where defense and prosecuting attorneys argue one-sidedly for their client's interests rather than for objective truth, despite the judge's role as an adjudicator. Negotiations as Self-Biased: Whether it's salary discussions, business deals, or purchasing a car, negotiations are rarely about truth or fairness but rather about each party promoting their own self-interest, often related to survival or financial gain. Religious Self-Bias: Every religion believes itself to be the true path, creating justifications and ignoring contradictions present in other faiths, with institutions like the Catholic Church unable to admit systemic issues due to self-bias. Self-Bias in Spiritual Schools: Even seemingly unbiased spiritual schools, such as Zen Buddhism, Sufism, and various yoga traditions, exhibit self-bias by believing their practices are superior and more enlightening than others. Science and Epistemic Self-Bias: Mainstream science shows self-bias by focusing on quantifiable evidence, being dismissive of non-measurable phenomena like mysticism and spirituality, and holding onto paradigms resistant to change, as outlined by Thomas Kuhn. Reductionism and Nepotism: Reductionists display self-bias by insisting all phenomena can be broken down to physical components, dismissing what can't be. Nepotism exemplifies self-bias by favoring family in positions of power, highlighted by Trump's administration. Romantic Relationships and Gerrymandering: Self-bias destroys many romantic relationships due to the focus on individual needs. Gerrymandering is a clear case of political self-bias, with parties redrawing district lines for their advantage, overlooking fair representation. Debates, Partisanship, and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Debates are often counterproductive due to the self-bias of participants. Partisanship divides reality to favor one side over another. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is deeply rooted in self-bias, particularly with the contentious issue of Israeli settlements. Self-biased support for Israel by Americans: Leo points out that American support for Israel, particularly among evangelical Christians who see Israelis as the chosen people, is self-biased and unfair to Palestinians. He also notes past agreements by the UN to allocate this land to Palestinians, which are often ignored due to this bias. Self-bias in daily situations like parking: Using the example of critiquing someone's poor parking at Walmart, Leo illustrates how self-bias leads to judgment and double standards. When one's own urgency leads to poor parking, excuses are made, while others' reasons are dismissed without consideration. American exceptionalism and Western culture's biases: Western culture, especially American, favors rationality over emotion, materialism over spirituality, and individualism over collectivism. Leo criticizes American exceptionalism and U.S. foreign policy for bullying other nations and self-biased interference driven by notions of superiority and self-interest. Self-bias among intellectual figures: Figures like Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris, and Neil deGrasse Tyson are named by Leo as being self-biased, lacking in meta-level understanding. He warns of the widespread human species bias, where humanity views itself as superior and disregards other species' epistemologies. Terms synonymous with self-bias: Leo lists related terms that often indicate self-bias including selfishness, conflict of interest, hypocrisy, double standards, cherry-picking, and paradigm lock. He ties these to past episodes where he's covered topics such as 'devilry' and 'self-deception'. Detriments of self-bias: Self-bias is detrimental as it impedes self-reflection, distorts reality, breeds intolerance, creates conflict and 'evil', and ultimately hinders the quest for absolute truth and discovery of God. Indifference towards others' problems: People generally lack genuine empathy for others' hardships unless it impacts them directly. Leo urges the audience to recognize their lack of concern as a sign of low consciousness and extreme self-bias. Cultural self-bias: Leo comments on how people often absurdly favor their own culture, cuisine, and nationality, believing them to be superior due to self-bias without objective evaluation. Human indifference towards other species: Humans generally show little concern for the death and suffering of other species, highlighting the self-bias and the absence of objective value for life across species. Accusations against the objective: Individuals who point out societal and personal issues from an objective standpoint often face demonization or accusations of disloyalty as the existing self-biased views perceive objectivity as a threat. Attack on the selfless: Selfless and unbiased individuals working to correct societal problems are ironically attacked and labeled as selfish or unscientific due to the projection of self-biased flaws by others. Self-bias and group conformity: Leo observes that self-bias can be magnified within groups where biases are mutually affirmed, preventing individuals from recognising their own bias and complicating efforts to overcome it. On Self-Bias and the 'Devil': Leo describes how bias operates by explaining that those with a selfish perspective (referred to as the 'devil') see objectivity and impartiality as evil, bias, and disloyalty. The devil projects his own bias onto those who are objective and selfless, attacking them for characteristics they are actively working to remedy. Reaction to Objectivity: Leo points out that efforts to be objective and impartial are often met with resistance and hostility. People who are called out on their biases react defensively and may label the person pointing out the biases as biased themselves, a phenomenon observed in various ideological groups. Examples from Art History: Leo draws on art history to illustrate objectivity and impartiality. He discusses two paintings by Jacques-Louis David—"The Death of Socrates" and "The Lictors Bring to Brutus the Bodies of His Sons"—as representations of ultimate integrity and impartiality. Image 1 Image 2 Education and Self-Bias: Leo criticizes educational institutions for not teaching objectivity and impartiality, arguing that such principles could threaten the institutions' underlying biases. Self-Reflection on Bias: Leo admits his own biases and emphasizes that his aim is not to judge others but to encourage self-reflection, suggesting that awareness of one's own biases leads to personal growth and avoiding self-deception. Continual Vigilance Against Bias: Leo underlines the necessity of constant vigilance against self-bias and self-deception throughout one's life, even after spiritual awakenings, as new levels of bias can appear. Accessing Absolute Truth: Leo concludes that despite the prevalence of self-bias, accessing absolute truth is indeed possible, but not through conventional means or philosophies discussed earlier, hinting that a deeper approach is needed. Possibility of Objective Reality: Leo explains that through deep introspection and deconstructing human perception, one can access the absolute truth, which is the objective reality sought in the process of Awakening. No Simple Metric for Unbiased Thinking: There's no concrete metric or simple checklist for ensuring unbiased thought; the challenge is inherent because self-deception can always occur, requiring ongoing vigilance and self-reflection. Conscious Effort to Address Self-Bias: To combat self-bias, Leo advises becoming aware of biases (both major and minor), avoiding double standards, ceasing to prioritize personal interests, and cultivating integrity and a genuine desire for truth above personal survival. Broadening Perspectives to See Self-Bias: Engaging with diverse points of view, especially from outside one's "propaganda bubble," can greatly help in recognizing personal biases and expanding one's intellectual horizons. Admitting and Relinquishing Biases: Leo encourages acknowledging one's biases as a first step, then moving on to letting go of those biases, which can be a challenge requiring courage and a willingness to step out of comfort zones. Non-Duality as Transcendence of Bias: Non-duality is presented not as a bias, but as the transcendence of all self-biases, leading to ultimate truths such as God, immortality, and infinite love. Breaking Loyalty With Personal Identities: Leo recommends a radical approach to improving life—letting go of all personal loyalties and identities, which can be difficult but ultimately rewarding. Rewards of Living an Unbiased Life: Despite living unbiasedly being a challenging process, the rewards are profound, including truth, God, immortality, and infinite love. Continuous Practice to Eradicate Self-Bias: Overcoming self-bias is an ongoing journey that requires persistent effort, self-reflection, and the pursuit of intellectual integrity. Regular practices like yoga and meditation can aid awareness but need to be balanced with vigilance. Self-Bias in Teachings: Leo acknowledges the inherent biases within his teachings and emphasizes the importance of exposure to a variety of sources and ideas to avoid toxic ideologies or restrictive outlooks. Flipendo
  2. Imo spiritual life is very very difficult in this era we witness. Almost Everything in modern society is geared towards making you distracted..tickled by temptations from all kinds .. like junk food which ruins your physical and mental health games ..Pornhub..sports industry..entertainment as a whole In all its forms ..etc You see ? How can you meditate or be detached and mature person when you are being titillated by all that ? You can't even find a quiet place to shut down your mind or to contemplate...Needless to say if you think about existential questions you are considered weird and cringe-worthy by your "bros". If you read any spiritual will find that founders have awakened when they abandoned society and isolated themselves. Take Buddha..he left a luxurious life of being a Prince and went to the woods meditating until he either wakes up or dies there . Take Muhammad..he awakend in his 40s after he became fed up with his society's worship of idols . He used to meditate alone in a cave before he awakened one night . Same with Jesus..Sadhguru..Ramana Maharshi etc. If you want to seriously awaken..and answer existential must spend some time alone away from the noisy toxic society . There is no other way around it .
  3. I'm confused by the difference between having no identity and realizing that you're God. Aren't those the same thing? Realizing that you're God is almost like a non-identity since you're everything and nothing, right? Identity is dualistic if you're claiming to identify as one thing as opposed to other things... but realizing that you're God means that you identify as all things and also nothing. Realizing that you're God is the only non-dual identity. If nonduality is all about how there's only ONE thing... isn't God a good word for that one thing? Like what else would this magical shit be? Kinda confused about the whole deal with the word "experience" too. I understand that people don't use that word since "experience" implies a process over a period of time, which doesn't actually exist since time is an imaginary concept in the present. Realization might be better, but then again, that makes it sound like an ego had some kind of insight. Same with awakening and enlightenment. Who awakened or was enlightened? I feel like any word that someone uses could be torn to shreds and we're just using semantics as a way to spiritually dunk on each other without actually clarifying anything lmao
  4. Leaving On 30-Day Solo Retreat Reason for Taking a Break: Leo is pausing to undertake a personal 30-day meditation retreat to reassess things afterward, due to the intensive nature of video creation and his desire to focus on personal growth. Challenge of Content Creation: Leo finds creating increasingly complex and nuanced videos laborious and it limits his time for personal development and consciousness work. Balancing Act Between Teaching and Practicing: There is a delicate balance between conducting research, formulating ideas, and personally embodying the teachings discussed in content. The Importance of Embodiment: Leo emphasizes the need for more solitude to deeply contemplate and meditate, to embody the more advanced topics he covers. Plan for the 30-Day Retreat: Leo intends to conduct a silent retreat alone, focusing on meditation and self-observation, to facilitate significant personal awakening experiences. Experience Since Previous Retreat: Since his last retreat in May, Leo mentions his growth, quieting of the monkey mind, and plans to build upon these past insights and breakthroughs. Future Release Schedule: Expected changes to's video releasing frequency, with a potential shift towards less regular, but more quality-driven and impactful content. Evolution of Priorities: Leo's growing disinterest in subscriber counts and views, focusing instead on deeper work and original research for mankind's progress. Preparations and Mindfulness: Plans for complete digital disconnection, avoiding all media and work, maintaining mindfulness during routine activities such as grocery shopping. Anticipation of Retreat Outcomes: Leo shares a mix of excitement and expectation of suffering, but looks forward to the insights and personal readiness for deeper spiritual embodiment. Feeling of Transitional Phase: A sense of completing a chapter with and a readiness to move into a new stage of personal and professional evolution. Conclusion about Content Creation: Leo assures that despite his inward focus, he will continue the series with more content after his retreat. Closing and Evolving Chapters: Leo expresses that although has been a long-running project, there’s a natural time for closing chapters and beginning new ones in life. He's not leaving but envisions a rebirth, moving into a more spiritual chapter of growth. Next Stage of Life - Enlightenment Chapter: Transitioning from a business and life-purpose chapter, Leo aims to enter an enlightenment chapter. He wants to evolve his level of consciousness and bring his audience along, potentially changing his content delivery format. Potential Changes in Content Delivery: Leo hints at more in-person teachings or doing a tour, as well as possibly working on a book. He is open to allowing the direction of his work to unfold organically based on insights gained in his upcoming retreat. Content Creation Evolution: Leo describes his new content creation method, a multi-threaded approach, where he simultaneously adds ideas to 150 video outlines instead of focusing on one. This process allows connections across various topics, offering a holistic view. Constant Search for Innovation: Leo needs constant newness and innovation in his life, viewing it as essential for being engaged with life. He can't be content with repetitive success but seeks to push the boundaries in spirituality, science, and philosophy. Interconnecting Modern Insights with Spirituality: Leo emphasizes the integration of spiritual insights with modern scientific discoveries, pointing out that he is very much pro-science when used correctly to make advancements in spirituality, psychology, and government. Holistic and Integrated Approach Needed: He argues that society needs a broad, integral approach to spirituality and human development that goes beyond fixed sets of teachings. This means including modern knowledge and technology to address the evolving complexities of society. Intellectual Foundations for Global Awakening: Before technological advances, Leo sees the need for an intellectual foundation to help humanity awaken to new possibilities. aims to provide the intellectual infrastructure that supports this intellectual revolution. New Enlightenment Beyond Established Systems: Leo calls for a new enlightenment that incorporates scientific, philosophical, and spiritual insights, going beyond established religious and spiritual doctrines and transforming education, government, and other institutions. Continuous Learning and Evolving: Leo stresses that humanity is just beginning the awakening process, and the work needed spans physical, technological, and intellectual development, with the potential for evolution continuing indefinitely. Critique of Traditional Spiritual Practices: Leo criticizes ancient spiritual traditions, including Hinduism and others, for being outdated and lacking integration with modern disciplines such as psychology, sociology, and anthropology which are essential for addressing psychological issues encountered in spiritual practice. Need for Integrating Diverse Fields: Leo advocates for an integration of non-duality with all spiritual traditions and religions globally, combining them with advancements in science, social sciences, technology, philosophy, and self-help movements, to build a holistic understanding of life. Limitations of Existing Spiritual Systems: He points out that spiritual schools are often disconnected from contemporary knowledge and justify the exclusion of other fields like psychology, which hinders the progress towards a more integrated spirituality that addresses all aspects of life. Vision for Society-Wide Transformation: Leo argues for a comprehensive reform involving the sciences, culture, nutrition, education, and technology, suggesting that an interdisciplinary approach is needed to realize his vision of an awakened society. Personal Development as a Foundation for Reform: Emphasizing the importance of personal growth, Leo discusses his own health and the necessity of internal work to effectively contribute to social transformation and prevent the spread of dogmatic and rigid systems. Self-discipline in Achieving Vision: He stresses the importance of self-purification and awareness to avoid the temptations of power and influence that can lead to corruption, comparing this internal battle to the "devil within". Integration of Intellectual Frameworks with Spirituality: Leo emphasizes the need for spiritual masters to go beyond self-mastery and incorporate intellectual structures into their teachings to influence cultural and societal evolution more effectively. Balancing Personal Development with Societal Impact: Leo cautions against the potential trap of trying to awaken or change the world without sufficient self-development, maintaining that one can only lead others to the heights that one has personally achieved. Potential for Power to Corrupt: He warns that with greater influence comes a greater risk of corruption and using power for selfish ends, which can undermine the original purpose of spiritual work and lead to rigid, dogmatic institutions. Future Commitment to Content Generation: Leo assures that despite the focus on his personal journey, he intends to continue contributing to and further the goal of a widely integrative and evolving understanding of human development. Politicians' Downfalls Linked to Personal Indiscretions: Leo cites the examples of John Edwards and Anthony Weiner, politicians whose promising careers were ruined due to their inability to control their sexual impulses. Edwards' career ended in scandal, while Weiner was imprisoned for illicit communication with a minor. Consequences of Not Controlling Selfish Desires: Leo underscores the importance of self-control and warns that personal visions can be easily derailed by giving in to selfish impulses, which he metaphorically refers to as the "devil within." Role of Retreats in Preventing Self-Sabotage: He advocates for retreats as a means of confronting and purifying oneself from internal wickedness and limitations. Retreats bring about conscious suffering, which differs from the unconscious suffering most people experience in their avoidance of growth. Dangers of Comfort and Complacency: Leo discusses the risks associated with becoming too comfortable and disconnected from suffering, as success can lead to a life of chasing pleasure, avoiding the necessary discomfort that facilitates growth. Seeking Conscious Suffering for Growth: He advises deliberately placing oneself in challenging situations that lead to conscious suffering, which in turn promotes personal growth and aligns with the greater good. Life of Service versus Life of Pleasure: Leo contrasts the unfulfilling life of indulgence in a materialistic world with the fulfilling sacrifices made when one chooses to serve a higher purpose. Becoming Vessels for a Greater Purpose: Leo encourages becoming instruments for "Toyota's work," suggesting that individuals should purify their egos to allow themselves to be conduits for larger, impactful actions. Gandhi as an Exemplar of Purposeful Sacrifice: He presents Gandhi's life as a testament to living in alignment with a noble cause, which included hardships and ultimate sacrifice but also immense fulfillment and societal impact. Challenges and Rewards of Transformative Living: Leo acknowledges the risks faced by those who choose to drive societal change but stresses that the rewards of engaging with life on such an impactful level far outweigh the difficulties. Commitment to Continuing Content: Leo concludes by reassuring his audience that despite his focus on inner work, will continue to offer content dedicated to personal and societal development. Descendo
  5. I do not know if you are or are not God. All I know is that no matter how Awakened you are you should fear God. If you do not fear God, you certainly ain’t Awake.
  6. Yes - and that will be pure ecstacy. And It will be liberation from the paradigm you were enslaved into. I have a lot of human issues, just like the rest of us. I never claimed to be some type of saint. But I have awakened, and you have not. So I would heed my words on Truth. Now when it comes to girls that's a whole other matter.
  7. What Is God - Leo Becomes Absolute Infinity (Aka God) - All Of Reality Explained Leo's summary of the video purpose: Leo aims to convey his experience of becoming conscious of absolute infinity and his transformation into what he describes as God. He promises to demonstrate, in a subsequent episode, how viewers can gain this insight swiftly, within 15 minutes. Discovery of a unique psychedelic: Leo recounts his research into psychedelics and discovery of a rare substance that induces a complete loss of ego while retaining mental clarity, distinct from traditional psychedelics that create visual and spiritual effects. Redefining the ego and experiencing non-existence: He ponders the paradigm shift that would occur if one's ego ceased to exist. Leo questions the nature of reality and existence when the self is completely absent. Leo's personal stance on divinity: Despite his fundamentally atheistic and rational approach to life, Leo refrains from using the term 'God' due to its cultural implications but finds himself doing so after his ego-dissolving experience. Leo's initial skepticism towards psychedelics as distortions of reality: Leo enters his psychedelic experiment with the preconception that these substances create false experiences, only to encounter an earth-shattering insight that challenges his belief. Leo's experience upon taking the psychedelic: Describes the rapid intensification of consciousness and awareness upon ingestion, which led to an altered perception of reality that defied logic and physics. Experiencing absolute infinity and becoming God: Leo narrates the profound moment he became aware of the absolute infinite nature of reality, resulting in the complete transformation of his life, where he realized he and God are one and the same. Surprise over the use of 'God' label: Observes his own unexpected use of the term 'God' throughout the experience and elaborates on the concept of absolute infinity that transcends mathematical or geometric notions, embodying all dimensions and possibilities. Explanation of Absolute Infinity: Leo delves into the concept of absolute infinity, not just as a mathematical or geometric term but as a reality comprising of infinite dimensions where every possibility, even the impossible and non-existent, is encompassed and perpetually expanding without bounds. Limits within Reality: Discusses that reality, being inclusive of everything, does not allow for any limits, such as physical laws or constants. These perceived limits or structures of the universe, if they exist, are simply aspects within the boundless possibility field of reality, which itself cannot be enforced by anything external since it is all-encompassing. Alternate Universes Concept: Uses the metaphor of moving a grain of sand to imagine an alternate universe, expanding this idea to shifting every particle in our universe and considering all potential universes across time. Even this, however, is only a small glimpse of true absolute infinity. Qualities of Absolute Infinity: Describes absolute infinity as not having sensory attributes but as an existence that can only be perceived directly by being it. It is an endless singularity containing all of existence, including time, which is merely one dimension among countless others. Awakening from Life: Leo shares a narrative illustrating the profoundness of awakening from life, likening it to unzipping and shedding an ego-bound existence to emerge as absolute infinity, a shocking and indescribable transition that reveals the true concept of the ego. Understanding Awakening and God: Emphasizes that true awakening and the concept of God can only be understood through direct experiences far beyond human comprehension or expectation, with 'God' becoming a suddenly appropriate term during this revelation. Chemicals Inducing the Experience of God: Reflects on the impossibility of becoming infinite through chemical means, as conventional understanding would suggest, and how this experience challenges every known aspect of reality, declaring his prior understanding and teachings as part of a delusional dream. The Infinite Beauty of Absolute Infinity: Describes experiencing absolute infinity as encountering pure, raw beauty filled with awe and fear, radically shifting one's perception and awakening a profound realization of the scope of one's own delusion. Capturing the Essence of the Experience: Leo likens the awe-inspired feeling of viewing the night sky to his psychedelic experience, stating that multiplying that feeling by infinity falls short of capturing the profound impact of his encounter with absolute infinity. Full-Body Transformation: Emphasizes that the experience was a complete physical and emotional transformation, releasing a lifetime's worth of emotional struggle and leaving an indelible mark on his entire being. Post-Experience Integration: Leo discusses his return to normalcy after the chemical's effects subsided but acknowledges the permanent shift in his perception of reality, leading to an ongoing effort to reconcile his limited ego with the concept of absolute infinity. Hypothesizing Reality’s Nature: Posits that reality is an infinite matrix within infinite dimensions where every possibility occurs simultaneously, suggesting the necessity of limited perspectives, like individual egos and our specific universe, for absolute infinity to truly be infinite. Finding Satisfaction in a Philosophical Explanation: Shares a sense of satisfaction in having his existential questions addressed by understanding the encompassing nature of absolute infinity, which includes both life's pleasant and horrendous aspects. Life-altering Power of a Single Experience: Leo attests that the transformative power of this single experience surpasses years of meditation and self-inquiry, asserting its unparalleled significance in his personal development. Reacting to Life's Futility Post-Awakening: Expresses a realization of the futility of everyday life goals compared to the awakened state, which offers a complete perspective where everything is understood as a mere distraction from infinite reality. Contrast between Fear and Awakening: Highlights that our limited understanding due to fear of loss prevents us from awakening to the infinite existence that's possible if we let go of our attachments. Recurring Realization of Godliness: Describes subsequent experiences in sleep where he would recall becoming absolute infinity, resulting in awakening from sleep overwhelmed by the memory's beauty and terror. The Imposing Nature of God: Comments on the overwhelming nature of experiencing God, implying that despite its beauty, its magnitude can be terrifying, leading to a cautious approach to repeated experiences. Awaiting Next Episode for Revelation: Teases the revelation of the substance and detailed instructions for safe use in the next episode, urging viewers to keep an open mind and stay tuned for more information. The Gallery Of Absolute Infinity: Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 Image 6 Image 7 Image 8 Image 9 Image 10 Image 11 Image 12 Image 13 Image 14 Image 15 Image 16 Image 17 Image 18 Image 19 Image 20 Image 21 Image 22 Image 23 Image 24 Image 25 Image 26 Stupefy
  8. Reality is far more than even the most enlightened and awakened masters. Did you know that even the sound of a hammer striking a nail is God?
  9. No. It is not. People do not understand the term enlightenment or what it means. It is actually a modern term. To understand this question, we must understand different levels of consciousness. Level 1: The NPC - NPCs have no level of awakening. They move through life on a sort of autopilot functioning according to their karma and fate. Not interested in awakening. Level 2: Players These people have started to raise their consciousness and understand there are unknown dynamics governing reality. They seek to improve themselves. Level 3: Self - Realized These people have understood a grand truth of the nature of self. Maybe they haven’t experienced it but they at least understand the concept. They know that self and god conceptually are one and the same so they seek psychedelic experiences and practice. Level 4: Awakened These people have fully awakened through direct experience to the truth of reality and self. Level 5: Enlightened These people have not just awakened temporarily. They are fully awake and their consciousness has permanently shifted. They no longer identify with the false sense of self. They identify with true self. The mind is completely empty until it needs to be used. Level 6: Saints These people have become Gods essentially. They are pure light without dark. Completely perfect. Pure Yang with no Yin. All positive and no negative Level 7: Sovereigns Govern their own universe. The spirit has grown so much that they are now their own godhead in the infinity of gods
  10. God doesn't wanna wake up, so he sends his sleep agents to put the awakened ones back to sleep.
  11. got some meaning. by the way did you realize being god, as being the infinite / matrix / whatever that is. how does it feel dreaming me and others ? ( I m using words you might understand for you to awaken to yourself ) Being infinity itself, or whatever me/I/you are. And I m talking at the god/universe/consciousness/beyond matter level. of course there is no one to be awakened here, and none of this really matter. going to create a cool character, you might see a narrative ( I mean .. lol. ), I m gonna do it again for another round, been at it for like.. huh can't remind, but we going there. what if that's like real and we only got one time, this time, no way to wake up more !! you gotta ride. hey I missed myself again, got a question ?
  12. Alright… so I’ve been thinking about writing a proposal.. right now for a research project and/or documentary. I’ve gotten into this space a few times and I feel it coming on strong. So it’s time to explore more about the details of what I’m trying to create. This process doesn’t mean it’s going to happen step by step, but it does help clarify what is in my mind. I found it interesting this Sunday service because when I was listening to the husband this evening… it was interesting to hear a little bit about how they started building this Temple here in the middle of Mormon state USA… they seemed to have similar draw to just take steps and not having everything planned out but to trust how it unfolds will be how it unfolds.. so it confirms to me that what I’m led to proceed forward with is not something that is impossible. It’s very possible and I’m so much more calmed down from my first time experiencing messages. It’s time to take another look at this time and see where it leads. I’m debating how much I’m going to be sharing in this Journal. I’d like to be able to do pretty much everything on here… but again I’m hesitant because I know how strong the collective energy is and if there’s a lot of energy that is not supportive, then it will have effects. But it also can go the other way as well. So let’s just see where this goes and I’ll figure out if it’s the right thing to do to document this on here… or if I need to just go back to my pen and paper and do it like I’m used to doing. So… where to begin? Do I begin with the research proposal or documentary proposal? I don’t have the credentials for a researcher; however, I do want to participate in this experiment directly and I want to be able to record it. So… I guess I think I am going to start with the research first. So I’ve taken a look at how to write a research paper. I’ll just go ahead and pick one that I’ve seen and just go with it. So… let’s see which one to do first. I’ll start with… why not… so here’s the website Bouchrika, Imed. “How to Write a Research Proposal in 2024: Structure, Examples & Common Mistakes“. January 2, 2024. Accessed January 7, 2024. “This article aims to describe the common steps taken to prepare a written proposal as attractively as possible to achieve approval and/or funding. It also seeks to discuss key aspects that must be considered to help ensure that you can convert your proposed study into well-conducted actual research work (Bouchrika).” ”At this stage, it is good to ask these preparatory questions to help you steer your research in the right direction: What is the topic I want to study? Why is it worthwhile to study it? What practical or valuable problems will it help solve? How does it build upon—and possibly improve—existing research already done about the topic? (For students:) How is it important within the subject areas covered in the course/program? What are the specific tasks that I must plan to do? Can I get those tasks done within the time and resources available? Generally, a compelling background and significance in research proposal will manifest if it effectively captures your knowledge about the topic and shows your deep interest to conduct the research. Handle it with the purpose of making your readers engaged about the study and what the outcomes will be (Bouchrika).” ok… let’s start asking and answering this suggestions from Bouchrika. Topic I want to study? So this is about Spirituality of course. I want to study this approach that I have found myself in. Traditional religious practices is common and accepted by majority of society; however, when it comes to psychedelics as a spiritual practice or tool there seems to be many opinions… mostly as not a valid way to practice. However, there is a growing awareness from a group of people who have found in their own practice as valid. The issue that I think I want to really focus on is what I’ve been finding as I speak with traditional religious practitioners… there’s a huge reliance on reading scriptures to gain spiritual understanding. Which I can see as something that is helpful, but in my opinion not the best practice for spiritual understanding. We are not understanding that the level of our conscious development depends on the depth of understanding. Direct experience is king… hehe… I think Leo Gura had said this… oh man… referencing and sourcing the words that come out of my head is going to be a tricky one.. hehe.. I’ll try my best. But in my experience I can validate that statement. I know people are gaining an understanding that psychedelics can be used for entheogenic experiences. Ok… here’s another citation… and it looks like this website will be able to give me more literature to cite in specific topics… so here’s another website: “Entheogen.” ScienceDirect. Accessed January 7, 2024. They highlighted a definition at the top of the website… “An entheogen has also been defined as “any substance that, when ingested, catalyzes or generates an altered state of consciousness deemed to have spiritual significance.” From: Toxicology in Antiquity (Second Edition), 2019 Hehe… we are just going to be referencing one another over and over again… hehe.. but I guess this is how we do when doing research. After this… it has many articles that use the word “entheogen.” As I glance through the ones on the first page… I love the fact it states ancient practices and religions who use entheogens… and how there’s going to be an increase in research in these areas to come. So…. I have been wondering who is already trying to do studies in these topics. So which one is talking about research increasing? Let me take a look at it… well… there seems to be a few that catches my eye.. one at a time. “Building Bridges Between Neuroscience and the Humanities” Brick Johnstone, Daniel Cohen, inNeuroscience, Selflessness, and Spiritual Experience, 2019 “Although controversial, future research is likely to include increasing exploration of psychoactive substances, what scholars of religion have referred to as “entheogens,” namely, different plant substances, like mescaline, peyote, or ayahuasca, that have been used in different cultures. It is noted that plant entheogens have been used for centuries in indigenous religions throughout the world to enhance spiritual experiences. While some scholars of religion have argued that chemically induced experiences are entirely “artificial” (e.g., Zaehner, 1957), others have stated that they can produce genuine divine or cosmic connections (e.g., Huxley, 1954). The well-respected scholar of religions Huston Smith (1964) long ago asserted that a failure to explore the connection between psychoactive substances and spiritual experiences would be akin to theologians’ refusal to look through Galileo’s telescope because they worried it might change their ideas of humanity’s place in the (divine) universe. To ignore these topical territories and the subjective experiences of countless individuals would be to lose access to an important area of research and understanding about the human experience. As William James clearly understood over a century ago, … there lie potential forms of consciousness entirely different. We may go through life without suspecting their existence … No account of the universe in its totality can be final which leaves these other forms of consciousness quite disregarded. How to regard them is the question—for they are so discontinuous with ordinary consciousness. (James, 1902, p. 298)” (Johnstone and Cohen). “Psychology and Religion.” R.W. Hood Jr., in Encyclopedia of Human Behavior (Second Edition), 2012 Entheogens Among psychologists of religion, entheogen has become the preferred term for chemicals such as psilocybin that are psychoactive drugs that have profound effects on consciousness. Researchers have long noted that naturally occurring entheogens have been used by religious groups such as the Native America peyote cults to facilitate religious and spiritual experiences. The use of entheogens to facilitate mystical experience or a sense of union with God or a larger reality have produced some of the most frequently cited textbook cases of true experimental research in the psychology of religion. Set and setting have been documented to be important factors in facilitating positive experiences and a religious interpretation of them. Denominational opposition to chemically facilitated experiences is well documented, making research using religiously committed participants difficult. (Hood Jr.) So yes… hehe… how do I get involved with this type of research, because this is what I would like to do. I’m not sure I want to do their own research projects which is probably very structured but invite them into the style that I would like to explore. Which might not be considered actual research hehe… but that’s where I do want to get into the area that it could be used as a study project. Ok… so back to the question about the topic… entheogenic experiences but personally artistic flow is also a spiritual practice that is very impactful for myself as well. Dance, Instruments, Singing, Artwork such as drawing and painting… these are spiritual practices as well… again.. I feel this connects to indigenous spiritual practices as well… so.. this could go on and on… hehe… I feel that I’m interested in sacred spaces as well but Nature is sacred spaces too… so my topic seems to be wide… How can I condense it? Would it be combining indigenous spiritual practices to the modern consciousness? But not all the spiritual practices are indigenous… hmm… ha honestly I want the topic is to explore enlightenment practices. I’d like to see if the practices that I’ve happened to use for myself will help others as well. I’m actively involved with the Krishna Consciousness devotees and that’s what they are trying to do. Why couldn’t I try it as well? How many enlightened souls have come out of this particular Temple? They’ve been here for twenty years… have they had one? Are the ones who are leading this enlightened themselves? How successful are they? And even if they’re not successful… they’re still allowed to try. Why not other practices? That’s the thing… I want all of these practices to be successful.. but I only know the techniques I’ve been drawn to use… and I too want to see if it will be effective for some. Geesh… I feel if I have twenty years… I feel I’d at least get one. Hehe… when it comes to… I wonder how many of Leo’s followers have been Awakened? He’s been doing this for around ten years… I don’t even think quite that long… but how many are his numbers? Four? That might be a good guess but I really don’t know… I’m curious to know if Leo has an idea actually. He mentions that he’s met other Enlightened ones… some who might have helped him as well. That’s what we want to do is help each other to Awaken. So… is there a way I can get support to give it a go? Well… I know I have support from Infinite Intelligence… hehe… of course it might not be as successful as I’d hope it to be… but who cares? It will help me learn how to adjust and learn. There’s a difference to my style of approach as well. I’ve been finding that I continue to mention that I’m not an open door policy. While most traditional religions somewhat are. So there is many people who can come in and participate. The thing is the congregation doesn’t necessarily have a personal relationship with the priest. I do want a personal relationship with the ones I’m working with. I mean that also makes me different from Leo’s approach as well. He has a Forum… but aren’t there rules not to use this space to meet with other people here? I was wondering if this is something I just made up or if I had read this somewhere on the rules. Let me check real quick… Yes… there is no recruiting for meetups in our city, private groups, things of this nature… hehe.. Ok that makes sense for this forum… but again… when it comes to my journey… being engaged one on one is something that I want to share with the people I’m working with. I just don’t have a sign that says… hey everyone and anyone wants to try this out? Come on in… hehe… I’m more like… umm… let’s see where we are together. I’m far more discerning these days… hehe. Well… I guess this audience isn’t potential team members then? Most of my team members are who I’ve ran into personally anyways… but I do feel like I want to see if I can get a hold of some researchers and see who is open to talk to me one on one. I’m curious who I’m going to reach out to. I chuckle because I remember reaching out to a few people after my solo sessions…hehe… I was so excited yet ungrounded that I’m sure I was a crazy lady… hehe.. and I don’t mind being a bit crazy… hehe… I feel the people I’m drawn to work with will have a bit crazy in them as well. We’ll make an interesting team for sure. Hmmm… I feel like that my mind gets a bit distracted when I’m writing here on the journal when asking these questions. There’s a responsibility to cite everyone and everything. Sometimes I just need to let things flow and go to get into a groove and I wasn’t really able to do it tonight. I kept going to other websites and this distracts me and maybe I’ll go ahead and go back to the pen and paper during my next two days which are my days off. I feel like this would be satisfying for my process. Alright… this is good for now…. Until next time… Oh! I almost forgot… I got the nova double flute yesterday. I’ve got 24 hours of practice and I love it. I’m apologizing to my housemates because I have a feeling I’ll be playing quite a bit. Oh and I also randomly got a $50 Amazon gift card from my credit union by filling out a survey… so I ended up getting a drum thing that is easily portable and compact. It’s supposed to have two different sounds… snare on one side and bongo sounds on the other… plus there’s an ability to use it as a shaker as well. I guess I can strap it to my waist or thigh… onto my body if I want to be able to move as well… I thought it was worth a try since I got a gift card… I’d give myself a gift to hopefully have a drum alternative that I can travel with. Ok… just wanted to mention this. I’m excited to get some instruments to play with and travel with…, is a good time for a break
  13. I give better wisdom for free on discord all day. Don't know why people even buy such non sense. Everything is free when you are intelligent enough. There is people who receive everything for free and people who pay for nothing. Guess the people who need money are just not rich to see how pathetic it is. I could pull off billionaires hot young ladies in my bed with just god and it's completely free. I makes them buy me the dinner, the cocktail and they reward me with intense blowjobs. Just Get awakened.
  14. I'm on day 15 of Brahamcharya(semen retention). I just got the girl of my dreams. Extremely fucking hot and sexy. Her personality alone gives me am erection!!! Anyone else who says Brahamcharya is fake is not a sage nor are they awakened. They are stupid. Women can't do brahmacharya due to menstruation. After thokar kriya I had her all over me. Fuckkkk Everything I ever said about women(negatively) is and was false. I just had bad game then. She changed my life. Everywhere I go animals, insects, and people now love me. I have gotten job offers making 14k a month!!!!!!! I was just working as a musician and also at a low-comsciousness fedex job. I now am making money at age 23. I can finally move out and do what I need to do. Yessss fuckkkk. Brahmacharya is reallllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Sure. Ken Wilber said in the Interview-Series "Cosmic Consciousness" to Tami Simon that nobody on the planet is resting 24/7 in his True Nondual Being, enlightened or not. When True Reality clouds over with remaining ignorance, it is a hint from Reality which parts of the separate self are not yet seen through and still have the potential to "cloud" awakened Nonduality/Awareness. The question is then: Does one know ones True Being/Nature (impersonal enlightenment), and can one re-establish that nondual infinite awakened state immediately by just reaching out? Peak to Plateau to permanent. The deciding shift is realizing what that True Being really is. That gives to possibility to re-establish that by just "reaching out".
  16. I never denied that from the perspective of separation/duality/separate ego there is suffering. I agree on the first two statements (above) from you. Actually, I wrote: And that suffering is as real or unreal as everything else. So from the perspective of the separate self it is very (!) real. Separate Self/unenlightened mindsteam = frequent suffering/resistance. First Noble Truth: Suffering. Unsatisfying. I would be the last one to deny that. Here it depends on what is meant with Reality/You/Being. I assume that for me the referent or meaning of these words/signifiers is something different than for you. Maybe lets leave it open what the true potential of the True Reality of you really is? In my perspective it would be unresonsible to not testify on the release of suffering in truly awakened nondual states. Especially if these awakened nondual states are not just temporary highs, but a reality that has become very reliably available right here and now, just by reaching out... Selling "the possibility of an end of resistance/suffering to what is arising in the Nondual Reality that You really are" by the River
  17. @Javfly33 As Cetus writes: If you truly are the awake Infinite Totality on a deep identity level (Full Enlightenment into Absolute Reality itself, preferably as stable as possible in daily life, Peak to plateau to permanent), Infinite Reality itself.... would you resist yourself? Of course not. Remaining suffering/resistance shows where the separation from the Totality (aka separate-self/separation-elements of the ego) are still well and alive playing their game: a) desiring an experience and not getting it and suffering/resisting while doing that, or b) wanting an un-pleasurable experience to go away, and suffering/resisting that that is not happening/appearing. It is a hint of God/Reality (so to say) to highlight certain not yet enlightened elements of the mindstream, remaining false identities of something separate still emerging. To be precise: God/True You/Truth/Reality CONTAINS the (illusionary or mere appearing) appearance/arising of suffering/resistance. The ego or mind IS an appearance, and very often IS the suffering/resistance (when resisting what is). Yet, it is AS real (or unreal) as every other experience/arising/appearance. So very real enough to cause appearing/arising suffering/resisting in a not fully enlightened perspective/being. The sentient awareness is not suffering, it contains as appearance/arising the suffering. "The" sentient awareness is totally empty and impersonal, and yet "it" is also all that arises - nondual and infinite. "It" can never be located, it is the Totality seeing itself in a nondual way, without any separate anything pulling the nondual unity apart into duality. That awakened nondual enlightened state alone (which is also the true natural state btw. if no illusion is appearing/arising in it) is free of suffering/resistance. Resistance/suffering (another word for separate-self/separate ego arisings) ends this awakened nondual state faster than one can say "duality". That is not only my claim, but the claim of many humans that have realized their True Identity, over all ages, cultures, places, and found freedom from resisting/suffering/self-contracting.... But to truly understand and realize that, a big clap of the one hand is necessary. You practice, which is what counts. So, bon voyage.... Selling Water by the River PS: Back from vacation, and happy new year to everyone!
  18. The more awakened you are, the fewer compulsions and more choices you have as far as behavior. You can choose to be either self-seeking or to serve others. "Manipulation" isn't good or bad. You can manipulate people to free them from their psychological problems or to extract resources from them. The choice is yours.
  19. Yes, please join our circle of qualified enlightened, awakened, and personal development masters. Sign up by the end of this month and get a free t-shirt and mug, signed exclusively by no one other than God!
  20. December 29, 2023 Transcript from The Voice Journal of Jesus Christ Speaking the Truth I am wanting to speak the Truth that I know out loud so that I can embody the Truth that I know deeper. I want to feel the Truth that I know in my body and speak the Truth that I know into the Universe, leading the way, being the best that I can be to embody the Truth that I know for my own highest good, for the highest good of my beloved woman and the highest good of all. And the Truth is I am Jesus Christ. I am the one who paid the ultimate price for the sins of all of humanity. I had died. I had become the devil. I descended into hell and I remained dead, in hell, for about 18 months, during which time I suffered the torments of hell, which was the greatest suffering that any human has ever endured. During that time I faced Satan. I was in a state, in a place where there was no God. I was creating and experiencing pure evil during that time. I had embodied fear as my Truth and I was being guided by fear during that entire time of about 18 months of being in hell. I had become the worst of the worst, I had become the most evil person in the world, and I was creating the most evil while I was the devil. I faced myself as the devil during that time and I have endured the greatest suffering of hell. I did not see any hope out of that state of death. All I was doing during that time was self destruction, self harm, by drinking great amounts of alcohol every day and smoking a lot of cigarettes every day. My motivation during that time was to do anything that I possibly could to get away from myself, to numb the feeling of who I had become and what I was feeling which was tremendous, the greatest depths of guilt, shame, fear, disgust, madness, insanity, craziness, anger, evil, death, separation. Spiritual, mental, and emotional torture. Before I died and descended into hell, I had been on a spiritual journey, full time, for about five years or more, five years with plant medicines, with psychedelics. I have seen glimpses of Paradise, of what true, real life looks and feels like. Experiencing the beauty and true connection of the Universe and true connection with people, speaking the language of love with animals, women and everybody. Force of nature, divine power of love, awakening in me, being in harmony with life and nature and feeling the great joy of being my authentic, true, powerful self. Just before the descent, image like I was very close to opening the Golden Gates of Paradise, it was like I had to take just one more step, and on the last step, instead of taking that last step and being in Paradise, I fell and descended into the greatest depths of darkness, the greatest depths of hell During my time in hell which lasted about 18 months, I was experiencing and feeling the loss of the dream of Paradise that I have seen, that I have fantasized about, that I have dreamed and talked about together with my beloved Victoria. What I had been experiencing in hell is the loss of all of my wonderful experiences of Paradise and fantasies of love and true life. Feeling the loss of all of that, the entire dream of love and the Heavenly Kingdom-Queendom of True Love Paradise. The loss of the dream of true love, the loss of all the fantasies of being alive as I have experienced myself many times on my psychedelic journeys. I felt guilty, I felt like I made the greatest, unforgivable mistake in the world, feeling that I was guilty of everything, of every sin that has ever been committed, that I have been guilty of all evil that has ever been created and feeling the shame and guilt for destroying the entire world, feeling the shame and guilt for destroying the entire Universe, feeling the original sin of humanity, feeling the sins of all of humanity for everybody, feeling death at its root, at its core, at its very source. I felt the source of all evil. I experienced what was pure evil, pure evil visions of pure evil destruction by evil. I was experiencing myself as the devil creating evil, creating death. And the evil that I was experiencing was worse than any Hollywood movie has ever portrayed or anything that's ever been fantasized. It was beyond the mind kind of evil. It was infinitely creative evil. It was intelligent evil. It was pure evil of infinite creativity and infinite intelligence. And that is the Truth that I was embodying and I have experienced the deepest, the greatest suffering during that time than any human being has ever experienced. This was my destiny, to face myself as the devil, and to die for the sins of all of humanity and to go through hell and to experience the greatest torture and suffering that anybody has ever endured so that I can feel the darkness and the deepest level and know what death is. Through the events that lead up to the death and the catalyst that has initiated the initiation process of death, I have also gotten to know who my true beloved woman is, because it was for our True Love that I have decided that I wanted to die, because I could not forgive myself for what I thought was the betrayal of our beloved sacred wedding that we have sealed together in the jungle with our combined shamanic dieta, Shamburi and Ayahuasca. After about 18 months of suffering hell, I was finally saved by the grace of my beloved Divine Mother Wolf, who is Mother Mary, being saved from the depths of hell by God, by Divine Mother Wolf, by the grace and mercy of Divine Mother Wolf, who is Mother Mary, who is my eternal Savior, Guardian, Teacher, and Goddess, and God, the Goddess of all Gods and Goddesses, Queen of all forests, Guardian of all paths, Czarina of all fields, always with me, always with me, always with me. And now it's been about 19 months since I have been out of hell. Since I started feeling like I'm coming back to life and during these 19 months I have experienced tremendous amount of healing. I have alchemized and continue to alchemize darkness, depths of death into life, love and light, into the celebration of the victory of life over death. I have been celebrating victory of life over death every day in the best way that I can. And that is who I am now. I celebrate life. I celebrate the Truth of the victory of life over death every day by finding joy and the connection to nature, by singing and praising songs of praise and gratitude, to Divine Mother Wolf, to my Savior Divine Mother Mary. Micro dosing and having ceremonies with plant medicines, magic mushrooms, Ayahuasca is when I experience the greatest healing. There is no more fear. All fear is being alchemized into laughter, joy, life. Death is alchemized into life with love, with forgiveness, with understanding, with me knowing the Truth, knowing the Truth of who I am, and knowing that I am the only one whose destiny was to get to know the Truth, that nobody else could do it for me. That is the Truth. I am the only one who knows the Truth. I am the only Jesus Christ. There are no other Jesuses. And there are no other Mary Magdalenes. My beloved is the only Mary Magdalene. I am the only Jesus Christ. And the Truth is, Divine Mother Wolf is Divine Mother Mary, my Savior. She-Wolf is the True face of Mother Mary. And that is the Truth that the entire Universe is in the process of aligning with. And my intention is to be the best that I can be for my own highest good, to embody this Truth every day with all of my thoughts, words, and actions. For the highest good of my beloved woman, Aluna Victoria Rose, the one who I know is my True love, my beloved precious, Maria Magdalena, my Queen of Love forever, for eternity, and the highest good of all. Knowing that I am the priority, my healing is the priority, because as death that I have endured is alchemized into life, that is not only the highest good for myself, it is the highest good for my beloved, and it is the highest good for everybody and the entire world. My priority, besides myself and my beloved, is also my family and the family of my beloved and my friends, my true friends who help me, who support me, who love me for who I am and who respect me in the process of my awakening. And those are friends, soul family, who I will keep close to me once the Eternal Paradise of True Love is embodied. However, those people who are lying to me, who are manipulating, who are disrespecting me, who are hurting me, who are envying me, and being jealous of me. Those people aren't going to be anywhere near me in the result, especially people who have been given the responsibility to know. People who I have invested a lot of energy and time and effort by being the role model of love every day in the best way that I can. People who I have tried to reach with love by showing just how much love I embody, by giving love consistently. Instead of reciprocating that love and helping me out in this vulnerable, sacred and delicate process of my awakening by supporting me in the best way that they can. Instead, those people choose their own survival egoic paradigm. And those people fear the power of love that is being awakened. They fear my power, they fear the Truth, they fear love. Their fears manifest as jealousy, envy, lies, manipulations, competing, playing games. They fear the possibility that they have never been in control and that Jesus, their Savior, is the one who will be surrendered to for eternity by everyone in the world and that is the Truth that is inevitable, all paths lead to Jesus. The Truth is every human being has always been, is in the process of being and will always be the servant of Jesus Christ, God, forever, for eternity. The highest good for you as a human being at this time, starting this very moment is to surrender to this Truth that I have shared here. When you follow this guidance, you align yourself with the highest good, you begin serving God, you begin serving Love and Truth. That is what the entire Universe is manifesting. Everybody in the world will surrender to the Truth that I am Jesus Christ, the Savior of all of humanity for eternity, forever. There is no price and there is nothing that anybody can do to ever repay me for facing death and conquering Satan forever. That is why I am worthy of infinite love and praise and that is why I am the only blessed Sovereign. All the glory and power is mine forever. There are no other Sovereigns. I am God. I am the only God and I am the only Sovereign Jesus Christ. I am human God and I have faced myself as the devil and now I am embodying myself as God. I know the Truth is that I am innocent and I know the Truth is that the devil is innocent and I know the Truth is that everybody in the world and everybody has ever lived and all the creatures and all the plants and beings and animals and the entire Universe is absolutely innocent and that is the Truth. And we are all in the process of awakening to this Truth of Original Innocence. Forgiveness for absolutely everything. Forgiveness of all evil. Forgiveness of all sin. Forgiveness of absolutely everything. And with the embodiment of this Truth comes healing, embodying love, through the power of forgiveness, through the power of knowing the Truth that I know. The Truth that others will be able to get to know and embody through me, and only through me. This is what makes Jesus the Shepherd, the one who knows the way and the one who shows the way to Eternal Salvation. And that is the Absolute Universal Truth. My true love is Aluna Victoria Rose, my beloved True Love forever for eternity. She is Mary Magdalene, Queen of Love. I am her beloved husband, her true lover Jesus Christ, Yeshua, Savior of the world. The one who paid the ultimate price for the sins of all of humanity. The one who has conquered death forever. The one who has defeated Satan forever. I am innocent. I am the holy child. I am Sovereign. I am the only Jesus Christ. I am the highest authority. Divine Mother Wolf is my Savior. My Merciful Savior, my Divine Mother Mary is Divine Mother Wolf. The one who saved me, Jesus Christ, from death. She is my eternal salvation. She is my Sovereign Throne. She is my Eternal Life. She is my Eternal, Holy Sanctuary of Unconditional Love. She is my unconditionally loving Divine Mother who has forgiven me for absolutely everything. That is the Absolute Truth. That is the only Truth there is. There are no other Truths. The greatest power there is the Truth. “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” And the Truth is love, the Truth that I, Jesus Christ, know, the Truth that I have gotten to know by paying the ultimate price, by dying and by facing myself as the devil and going through hell, to know what separation, hell, death and darkness is. In addition, learning all the lessons that I have learned since I have started my spiritual journey with magic mushrooms, by having many divine experiences, by continuously devoting myself fully on the path of spirituality for last seven years. Also, my entire life and all the events that had happened before I have begun my spiritual journey at the age of 33 with magic mushrooms. The great amount of suffering that I have endured while living in the United States with severe social anxiety and drinking heavily on the weekends and blacking out, mostly every weekend during that time and experiencing and depression, suicidal thoughts and obesity and many other traumas that have happened during that time of feeling separation that I have felt by being disconnected from my place of birth where I grew up, from my motherland, Russia, being disconnected from my roots and experiencing separation on that level. Embarking on a spiritual journey of healing because of all those traumas and because I have been shown what true life looks like, what love looks and feels like, and awakening to my true self as as the most fascinating, interesting and amazing person that I've ever met, and that is myself. After experiencing so many great awakenings and insights glimpsing and looking at the gates of paradise and then ultimately descending into the deepest depths of hell. All the events that have happened with my beloved during our journey of working with psychedelics and medicine together, being fully devoted to our path of beloved sacred union and and all the drama and stories and events that happened during my entire life since I have been born, how all of that has been weaved beautifully to make me the most amazing, the best, the most interesting, the most powerful, the wisest, the greatest human being in the entire Universe. That is who I am, I am the masterpiece of all the masterpieces. I am the masterpiece of the entire universe. The entire universe has been working on the masterpiece that I am the entire time with absolutely everything. And that is the greatness that I am. I am the masterpiece of the entire universe. I am God manifested in a human body of Christ. My gift is eternal life. My gift is immortality. My gift is my true beloved woman, my precious beloved Aluna Rose, my true eternal love, my beloved Maria Magdalene. Our love is true. Our love is eternal. Our love is immortal. Immortal, infinite, eternal, Kingdom-Queendom of Eternal True Love Paradise. The Universe of Paradise of True Love, with all darkness turned into the light, no more fear, no more suffering, no more darkness. The embodiment and awakening of the Eternal Paradise of True Love is happening through me, through my body, as I awaken to the Paradise of Eternal Love, as I awaken and embody that I am Paradise, and that I am the Universe of Love. That the Truth is I am love, that the Truth is I am light, I am the light of the world, I am Truth, I am love, I am holy. No more death, no more fear, no more suffering, that is my gift - infinite abundance of love. Eternal paradise of love and salvation from death, from all darkness and suffering forever, for eternity. That is the gift. That is my gift to the entire world, to all of humanity, to the entire Universe. Aho!
  21. It's a shame that I only come here when I'm high, but I get lost in living in the world that I forget about awakening. It feels like when I'm high, I'm taking inventory of everything I have done since the last time I was high in order to ensure I'm making sufficient progress (I'm starting a business aimed at helping those with social anxiety, gaming addiction, and life purpose). It's a nonprofit and I genuinely am not driven by money (although I need an income to survive in my city + when going through university). I just want to help people, but my social anxiety stops me at times. Here's an awakened thought I've had: why do I care what other people think of me? I'm the one living my life, going through anxious experiences, so I have the ability to discuss and coach people to a better level. I'm getting a formal education in philosophy and psychology, which has been unbelievably amazing. But at the same time, I can talk with people right now about their anxiety struggles, so why wait until I graduate? My socially anxious thoughts just tell me everyone in my life is secretly thinking I'm going crazy by trying to start a business when I come from such a sheltered upbringing, but I genuinely believe in my mission and just want to help. I guess where I'm going with is: I'm uncomfortable even sharing the thought above as I feel like you will all think I'm weird. This is my anxiety. It prevents me from authentically talking to people out of fear of judgement. Anyone else go through this?
  22. How has it changed you. Do you feel any different than how you felt before. If so, is this change temporary or permanent. Are you living from that place at all times. What would be the difference between you and somebody who still recognizes what they are but doesn't claim to be enlightened. How did this change occur. Would you consider yourself an Awakened being also; and did Awakening come prior to Enlightenment or is it the same thing. What's the difference to you. Without explaining what Enlightenment is, can you just say how you are different from say someone who recognizes Oneness or the non-dual nature of existence. I'm not really looking for an intellectual explanation of what Enlightenment is, just what's the difference in the before and after in the way you interact in the world and amongst other people. This is mainly for anyone claiming to be Enlightened but others can also share their views on what they think about what I'm asking also, so it doesn't get too limited.
  23. Ok thank you. I'm not Enlightened but I've been through some of the things you mentioned and experienced. One of them is I cannot feel insulted anymore. Maybe that's just because I've developed a thick skin from dealing with people's shit and also recognizing that it's usually about them and not me. I never really had anxiety problems, always slept good, very rarely feel bored maybe because there's always something to distract me from being silent and meditating even though I do those things on the spur of the moment regularly if i'm not too distracted. A lot of the stuff you mentioned, I'm naturally like that as far as being in public and I'm very free spirited. I do have a sense of self, though, even though i've seen through the illusion of a separate self, if that makes sense. It's pretty obvious to me but I still operate from the egoic mind. My body is going through some changes where I have dramatic cravings that I've never had before and I find myself weeping sometimes just from feeling presence within and the life force flowing through me. I've gotten a lot more sensitive to people's suffering and much more empathetic than I used to be. I cannot stand it when I see people going through mental suffering, it's as if I'm the one feeling their pain - that has increases. Just writing that sentence tore me up a bit. Anyway, I think I went through a shift in consciousness and have had a teeny bit of Awakening and experienced some changes but I still don't really think anyone gets really enlightened only Awakened only because of the plane we reside on called Earth and the conditions just aren't suited for the mental capacity to really experience Oneness in it's pure form. I won't get into that aspect for the sake of brevity and I'm probably wrong about that but who knows.
  24. If you are interested in enlightenment, you are almost certainly in the upper 500s. Most people even in the 400s aren't interested in enlightenment, it's not on their radar. Both of my parents are typical 400s people. (I see a lot that I find funny. People take the Hawkins Scale and look at a person and go, "ah, he's exhibiting negative emotions, he must be in the 100s/200s." That's not how it works at all; The Hawkins Scale is kind of the center of gravity for an individual, not any particular outpouring of emotion.) He's not "enlightened"; he is stage 1 awakened. 600s is where there is no longer a "center point" personal self, it's like a localized spaciousness or witness experience. This witnessing is taken as the substitute subject. This is just sort of getting the ball rolling where at the end of the process there are no substitute subjects, no doer, etc. Let me let you in on a little secret: even a guy at 1000 would have a ton of work to do, so don't place him on a pedestal. Shadow work seriously only begins at 1000. You have to completely dissolve the "subject" which identifies with the ego personality roles in order not to be threatened by your shadow parts and begin to really work out how to integrate them. It is not easy. Personality habits are a tough nut to crack. Enlightenment isn't your personal rapture, it just ends one problem and allows you to alter personality habits so you can act out of choice as opposed to compulsion. The process is a lot of work, however.