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  1. If you believe "I am good" it means you believe you are "good" and that automatically means you believe you are separated. There is a universe in which "I am good", so now you are separated from the universe, by believing you are an individual and you are good. That is why I say, stop believing ALL THOUGHTS. You have nothing to do with that. Why the hell would you pick any "good thought" and believe it? The silence itself is the highest bliss, highest beauty, there is nothing for you to look in thoughts. If you believe thoughts are useful, you are still delusional.
  2. It is true @SamueLSD I actually had a realization of infinite awareness after 1 hour or so of breathing deeply after being so overwhelmed with suffering and thoughts. I was so done I just breath and breath and breath until... Not only my suffering subsided but it shifted to happiness and bliss for some seconds.
  3. Swami Vivekananda 1. Man is born to conquer nature and not to follow it. 2. When you think you are a body, you are apart from the universe; when you think; you are a soul, you are a spark from the great Eternal Fire; when you think you are the Âtman (Self), you are All. 3. The will is not free—it is a phenomenon bound by cause and effect—but there is something behind the will which is free. 4. Strength is in goodness, in purity. 5. The universe is—objectified God. 6. You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself. 7. The root of evil is in the illusion that we are bodies. This, if any, is the original sin. 8. One party says thought is caused by matter, and the other says matter is caused by thought. Both statements are wrong; matter and thought are coexistent. There is a third something of which both matter and thought are products. 9. As particles of matter combine in space, so mind-waves combine in time. 10. To define God is—grinding the already ground; for He is the only being we know. 11. Religion is the idea which is raising the brute unto man, and man unto God. 12. External nature is only internal nature writ large. 13. The motive is the measure of your work. What motive can be higher than that you are God, and that the lowest man is also God? 14. The observer in the psychic world needs to be very strong and scientifically trained. 15. To believe that mind is all, that thought is all is only a higher materialism. 16. This world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong. 17. You cannot teach a child any more than you can grow a plant. All you can do is on the negative side—you can only help. It is a manifestation from within; it develops its own nature—you can only take away obstructions. 18. As soon as you make a sect, you protest against universal brotherhood. Those who really feel universal brotherhood do not talk much, but their very actions speak aloud. 19. Truth can be stated in a thousand different ways, yet each one can be true. 20. You have to grow from inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul. 21. If in an infinite chain a few links can be explained, by the same method all can be explained. 22. That man has reached immortality who is disturbed by nothing material. 23. Everything can be sacrificed for truth, but truth cannot be sacrificed for anything. 24. The search for truth is the expression of strength—not the groping of a weak, blind man. 25. God has become man; man will become God again. 26. It is child's talk that a man dies and goes to heaven. We never come nor go. We are where we are. All the souls that have been, are, and will be, are on one geometrical point. 27. He whose book of the heart has been opened needs no other books. Their only value is to create desire in us. They are merely the experiences of others. 28. Have charity towards all beings. Pity those who are in distress. Love all creatures. Do not be jealous of anyone. Look not to the faults of others. 29. Man never dies, nor is he ever born; bodies die, but he never dies. 30. No one is born into a religion, but each one is born for a religion. 31. There is really but one Self in the universe, all else is but Its manifestations. 32. All the worshippers are divided into the common masses and the brave few. 33. If it is impossible to attain perfection here and now, there is no proof that we can attain perfection in any other life. 34. If I know one lump of clay perfectly, I know all the clay there is. This is the knowledge of principles, but their adaptations are various. When you know yourself you know all. 35. Personally I take as much of the Vedas as agrees with reason. Parts of the Vedas are apparently contradictory. They are not considered as inspired in the Western sense of the word, but as the sum total of the knowledge of God, omniscience. This knowledge comes out at the beginning of a cycle and manifests itself; and when the cycle ends, it goes down into minute form. When the cycle is projected again, that knowledge is projected again with it. So far the theory is all right. But that only these books which are called the Vedas are His knowledge is mere sophistry. Manu says in one pace that that part of the Vedas which agrees with reason is the Vedas and nothing else. Many of our philosophers have taken this view. 36. Of all the scriptures of the world it is the Vedas alone that declare that even the study of the Vedas is secondary. The real study is "that by which we realise the Unchangeable". And that is neither reading, for believing, nor reasoning, but superconscious perception, or Samâdhi. 37. We have been low animals once. We think they are something different from us. I hear, Western people say, "The world was created for us." If tigers could write books, they would say, man was created for them and that man is a most sinful animal, because he does not allow him (the tiger) to catch him easily. The worm that crawls under your feet today is a God to be. 38. "I should very much like our women to have your intellectuality, but not if it must be at the cost of purity", said Swami Vivekananda in New York. "I admire you for all that you know, but I dislike the way that you cover what is bad with roses and call it good. Intellectuality is not the highest good. Morality and spirituality are the things for which we strive. Our women are not so learned, but they are more pure. "To all women every man save her husband should be as her son. To all men every woman save his own wife should be as his mother. When I look about me and see what you call gallantry, my soul is filled with disgust. Not until you learn to ignore the question of sex and to meet on a ground of common humanity will your women really develop. Until then they are playthings, nothing more. All this is the cause of divorce. Your men bow low and offer a chair, but in another breath they offer compliments. They say, 'Oh, madam, how beautiful are your eyes!' What right have they to do this? How dare a man venture so far, and how can you women permit it? Such things develop the less noble side of humanity. They do not tend to nobler ideals. "We should not think that we are men and women, but only that we are human beings, born to cherish and to help one another. No sooner are a young man and a young woman left alone than he pays compliments to her, and perhaps before he takes a wife, he has courted two hundred women. Bah! If I belonged to the marrying set, I could find a woman to love without all that! "When I was in India and saw these things from the outside, I was told it was all right, it was mere pleasantry and I believed it. But I have travelled since then, and I know it is not right. It is wrong, only you of the West shut your eyes and call it good. The trouble with the nations of the West is that they are young, foolish, fickle, and wealthy. What mischief can come of one of these qualities; but when all three, all four, are combined beware!" But severe as the Swami was upon all, Boston received the hardest blow: "Of all, Boston is the worst. There the women are all faddists, all fickle, merely bent on following something new and strange." 39. "Where is the spirituality one would expect in a country", he said in America, "that is so boastful of its civilisation ?" 40. "Here" and "hereafter" are words to frighten children. It is all "here". To live and move in God even here, even in this body, all self should go out, all superstition should be banished. Such persons live in India. Where are such in this country (America)? Your preachers speak against dreamers. The people of this country would be better off if there were more dreamers. There is a good deal of difference between dreaming and the brag of the nineteenth century. The whole world is full of God and not of sin. Let us help one another, let us love one another. 41. Let me die a true Sannyâsin as my Master did, heedless of money, of women, and of fame! And of these the most insidious is the love of fame! 42. I have never spoken of revenge, I have always spoken of strength. Do we dream of revenging ourselves on this drop of sea-spray? But it is a great thing to a mosquito! 43. "This is a great land," said Swamiji on one occasion in America, "but I would not like to live here. Americans think too much of money. They give it preference over anything else. Your people have much to learn. When your nation is as old as ours, you will be wiser." 44. It may be that I shall find it good to get outside of my body—to cast it off like a disused garment. But I shall not cease to work! I shall inspire men everywhere, until the world shall know that it is one with God. 45. All that I am, all that the world itself will some day be, is owing to my Master, Shri Ramakrishna, who incarnated and experienced and taught this wonderful unity which underlies everything, having discovered it alike in Hinduism, in Islam, and in Christianity. 46. Give the organ of taste a free rein, and the other organs will also run on unbridled. 47. Jnâna, Bhakti, Yoga and Karma—these are the four paths which lead to salvation. One must follow the path for which one is best suited; but in this age special stress should be laid on Karma-Yoga. 48. Religion is not a thing of imagination but of direct perception. He who has seen even a single spirit is greater than many a book-learned Pandit. 49. Once Swamiji was praising someone very much; at this, one sitting near by said to him, "But he does not believe in you." Hearing this, Swamiji at once replied: "Is there any legal affidavit that he should have to do so? He is doing good work, and so he is worthy of praise." 50. In the domain of true religion, book-learning has no right to enter. 51. The downfall of a religious sect begins from the day that the worship of the rich enters into it. 52. If you want to do anything evil, do it before the eyes of your superiors. 53. By the grace of the Guru, a disciple becomes a Pandit (scholar) even without reading books. 54. There is no sin nor virtue: there is only ignorance. By realisation of non-duality this ignorance is dispelled. 55. Religious movements come in groups. Each one of them tries to rear itself above the rest. But as a rule only one of them really grows in strength, and this, in the long run, swallows up all the contemporary movements. 56. When Swamiji was at Ramnad, he said in the course of a conversation that Shri Râma was the Paramâtman and that Sitâ was the Jivâtman, and each man's or woman's body was the Lanka (Ceylon). The Jivatman which was enclosed in the body, or captured in the island of Lankâ, always desired to be in affinity with the Paramatman, or Shri Rama. But the Râkshasas would not allow it, and Rakshasas represented certain traits of character. For instance, Vibhishana represented Sattva Guna; Râvana, Rajas; and Kumbhakarna, Tamas. Sattva Guna means goodness; Rajas means lust and passions, and Tamas darkness, stupor, avarice, malice, and its concomitants. These Gunas keep back Sita, or Jivatman, which is in the body, or Lanka, from joining Paramatman, or Rama. Sita, thus imprisoned and trying to unite with her Lord, receives a visit from Hanumân, the Guru or divine teacher, who shows her the Lord's ring, which is Brahma-Jnâna, the supreme wisdom that destroys all illusions; and thus Sita finds the way to be at one with Shri Rama, or, in other words, the Jivatman finds itself one with the Paramatman. 57. A true Christian is a true Hindu, and a true Hindu is a true Christian. 58. All healthy social changes are the manifestations of the spiritual forces working within, and if these are strong and well adjusted, society will arrange itself accordingly. Each individual has to work out his own salvation; there is no other way, and so also with nations. Again, the great institutions of every nation are the conditions of its very existence and cannot be transformed by the mould of any other race. Until higher institutions have been evolved, any attempt to break the old ones will be disastrous. Growth is always gradual. It is very easy to point out the defects of institutions, all being more or less imperfect, but he is the real benefactor of humanity who helps the individual to overcome his imperfections under whatever institutions he may live. The individuals being raised, the nation and its institutions are bound to rise. Bad customs and laws are ignored by the virtuous, and unwritten but mightier laws of love, sympathy, and integrity take their place. Happy is the nation which can rise to the necessity of but few law books, and needs no longer to bother its head about this or that institution. Good men rise beyond all laws, and will help their fellows to rise under whatever conditions they live. The salvation of India, therefore, depends on the strength of the individual, and the realisation by each man of the divinity within. 59. Spirituality can never be attained until materiality is gone. 60. The first discourse in the Gita can be taken allegorically. 61. "Swami, you have no idea of time", remarked an impatient American devotee, afraid of missing a steamer. "No," retorted Swamiji calmly, "you live in time; we live in eternity!" 62. We are always letting sentiment usurp the place of duty and flatter ourselves that we are acting in response to true love. 63. We must get beyond emotionalism if we want the power to renounce. Emotion belongs to the animals. They are creatures of emotion entirely. 64. It is not sacrifice of a high order to die for one's young. The animals do that, and just as readily as any human mother ever did. It is no sign of real love to do that; it is merely blind emotion. 65. We are for ever trying to make our weakness look like strength, our sentiment like love, our cowardice like courage, and so on. 66. Say to your soul in regard to vanities, weakness, etc., "This does not befit thee. This does not befit thee." 67. Never loved a husband the wife for the wife's sake or the wife the husband for the husband's sake. It is God in the wife the husband loves, and God in the husband the wife loves. It is God in every one that draws us to the one we love, God in everything and in everybody that makes us love. God is the only love. 68. Oh, if only you knew yourselves! You are souls; you are Gods. If ever I feel like blaspheming, it is when I call you man. 69. In everyone is God, the Atman; all else is but dream, an illusion. 70. If I do not find bliss in the life of the Spirit, shall, I seek satisfaction in the life of the senses? If I cannot' get nectar; shall I fall back upon ditch water? The bird called Châtaka drinks from the clouds only, ever calling as it soars, "Pure water! Pure water!" And no storms or tempests make it falter on wing or descend to drink from the earth. 71. Any sect that may help you to realise God is welcome. Religion is the realising of God. 72. An atheist can be charitable but not religious. But the religious man must be charitable. 73. Everyone makes shipwreck on the rock of would-be Guruism, except those souls that were born to be Gurus. 74. Man is a compound of animality, humanity, and divinity. 75. The term "social progress" has as much meaning as "hot ice" or "dark light". There is no such thing, ultimately, as "social progress"! 76. Things are not bettered, but we are bettered, by making changes in them. 77. Let me help my fellow men; that is all I seek. 78. "No", said the Swami, very softly, in answer to a question in New York, "I do not believe in the occult. If a thing be unreal, it is not. What is unreal does not exist. Strange things are natural phenomena. I know them to be matters of science. Then they are not occult to me. I do not believe in occult societies. They do no good, and can never do good." 79. There are four general types of men—the rational, the emotional, the mystical, and the worker. For each of these we must provide suitable forms of worship. There comes the rational man, who says, "I care not for this form of worship. Give me the philosophical, the rational—that I can appreciate." So for the rational man is the rational philosophic worship. There comes the worker. He says, "I care not for the worship of the philosopher. Give me work to do for my fellow men." So for him is provided work as the path of worship. As for the mystical and the emotional, we have their respective modes of devotion. All these men have, in religion, the elements of their faith. 80. I stand for truth. Truth will never ally itself with falsehood. Even if all the world should be against me, Truth must prevail in the end. 81. Wherever you see the most humanitarian ideas fall into the hands of the multitude, the first result you notice is degradation. It is learning and intellect that help to keep things safe. It is the cultured among a community that are the real custodians of religion and philosophy in their purest form. It is that form which serves as the index for the intellectual and social condition of a community. 82. "I do not come", said Swamiji on one occasion in America, "to convert you to a new belief. I want you to keep your own belief; I want to make the Methodist a better Methodist; the Presbyterian a better Presbyterian; the Unitarian a better Unitarian. I want to teach you to live the truth, to reveal the light within your own soul." 83. Happiness presents itself before man, wearing the crown of sorrow on its head. He who welcomes it must also welcome sorrow. 84. He is free, he is great, who turns his back upon the world, who has renounced everything, who has controlled his passion, and who thirsts for peace. One may gain political and social independence, but if one is a slave to his passions and desires, one cannot feel the pure joy of real freedom. 85. Doing good to others is virtue (Dharma); injuring others is sin. Strength and manliness are virtue; weakness and cowardice are sin. Independence is virtue; dependence is sin. Loving others is virtue; hating others is sin. Faith in God and in one's own Self is virtue; doubt is sin. Knowledge of oneness is virtue; seeing diversity is sin. The different scriptures only show the means of attaining virtue. 86. When, by reasoning, Truth is comprehended by the intellect, then it is realised in the heart, the fountainhead of feeling. Thus the head and the heart become illumined at the same moment; and then only, as says the Upanishad, "The knot of the heart is rent asunder, and all doubts cease" (Mundaka Upanishad, II.ii.8). When in ancient times this knowledge (Jnâna) and this feeling (Bhâva) thus blossomed forth simultaneously in the heart of the Rishi, then the Highest Truth became poetic, and then the Vedas and other scriptures were composed. It is for this reason that one finds, in studying them, that the two parallel lines of Bhava and Jnana have at last met, as it were, in the plane of the Vedas and become combined and inseparable. 87. The scriptures of different religions point out different means to attain the ideals of universal love, freedom, manliness, and selfless benevolence. Every religious sect is generally at variance as to its idea of what is virtue and what is vice, and fights with others over the means of attaining virtue and eschewing vice, instead of aiming at realising the end. Every means is helpful more or less, and the Gita (XVIII.48) says, "Every undertaking is attended with defects as fire with smoke"; so the means will no doubt appear more or less defective. But as we are to attain the highest virtue through the means laid dozen in our respective scriptures, we should try our best to follow them. Moreover, they should be tempered with reason and discrimination. Thus, as we progress, the riddle of virtue and vice will be solved by itself. 88. How many in our country truly understand the Shastras nowadays? They have only learnt such words as Brahman, Maya, Prakriti, and so on, and confuse their heads with them. Setting aside the real meaning and purpose of the Shastras, they fight over the words only. If the Shastras cannot help all men in all conditions at all times, of what use, then, are such Shastras? If the Shastras show the way to the Sannyasins only and not to the householders, then what need has a householder for such one-sided Shastras? If the Shastras can only help men when they give up all work and retire into the forests, and cannot show the way of lighting the lamp of hope in the hearts of men of the workaday world—in the midst of their daily toil, disease, misery, and poverty, in the despondency of the penitent, in the self-reproach of the downtrodden, in the terror of the battlefield, in lust, anger and pleasure, in the joy of victory, in the darkness of defeat, and finally, in the dreaded night of death—then weak humanity has no need of such Shastras, and such Shastras will be no Shastras at all! 89. Through Bhoga (enjoyment) Yoga will come in time. But alas, such is the lot of my countrymen that, not to speak of possessing yoga, they cannot even have a little Bhoga! Suffering all sorts of indignities they can with the utmost difficulty only meet the barest needs of the body—and even that everyone cannot do! It is strange that such a state of affairs does not disturb our sleep and rouse us to our immediate duties. 90. Agitate ever so much for your rights and privileges, but remember that so long as we do not truly elevate ourselves by rousing intensely the feeling of self-respect in the nation, so long our hope of gaining rights and privileges is like the day-dream of Alnascar. 91. When a genius of a man with some special great power is born, all the best and the most creative faculties of his whole heredity are drawn towards the making up of his personality and squeezed dry, as it were. It is for this reason that we find that all those who are subsequently born in such a family are either idiots or men of very ordinary calibre, and that in time such a family in many cases becomes extinct. 92. If you cannot attain salvation in this life, what proof is there that you can attain it in the life or lives to come? 93. While visiting the Taj at Agra he remarked: "If you squeeze a bit of this marble, it will drip drops of royal love and its sorrow." Further he observed, "It takes really six months to study a square inch of its interior works of beauty." 94. When the real history of India will be unearthed, it will be proved that, as in matters of religion, so in fine arts, India is the primal Guru of the whole world. 95. Speaking of architecture he said: "People say Calcutta is a city of palaces, but the houses look much like so many boxes placed one upon the other! They convey no idea whatever. In Rajputana you can still find much pure Hindu architecture. If you look at a Dharmashala, you will feel as if it calls you with open arms to take shelter within and partake of its unqualified hospitableness. If you look at a temple, you are sure to find a Divine Presence in and about it. If you look about a rural cottage, you will at once be able to comprehend the special meanings of its different portions, and that the whole structure bears evidence to the predominant nature and ideal of the owner thereof. This sort of expressive architecture I have seen nowhere else except in Italy."
  4. What does absolute mean in this context? Intense? Real? What? I've experienced both love and fear. Bliss and suffering. When I tasted love, it felt like I've never tasted fear. When I tasted fear, it felt like I've never tasted love. When I experienced bliss, it felt like I've never suffered in my entire life. When I experienced hell, it felt like I've never glimpsed bliss. God is infinitely brutal. No need to deny that. It's just the raw truth. ☯️
  5. @JosephKnecht Many people here have become directly conscious of Love. But none of that will do you any good until you awaken to Love for yourself. There is no Truth without Love. Love is not a feeling and it is not bliss. How you feel is irrelevant to Love. Feeling bad is as much Love as feeling good. Love does not discriminate. Here's something for you to seriously contemplate: Why would God create anything other than Love? What kind of idiot do you take God to be? When you finally realize that reality is Love, you will say to yourself, "OMG! How could I have been so fucking stupid? Of course it cannot be anything else. God would never create anything else."
  6. lovely thread with a lot of well matched words, thanks a lot. I think I have a difficulty in differentiating between the feelings and the emotions. -feelings are just bodily sensations and emotions are just relative states of mind? Emotion is triggered through perception and beliefs, and feeling is unconditional? When do people label feelings as bad and good? -in case of muscular strain as bad? How are feelings interlocked with attention/focus? -the notion of "feeling good/bad" is just out of attention on specific body part and its sensation combined with an arising thought for labelling it? It's difficult to determine my feelings. My feelings are always in nowhere, just are, maybe similiar yourself put it in words. Most of the time I have strong emotions. For years I was oftentimes stucked in them, sometimes over a period of weeks or months. Now they swing very heavily between extremes. States of bliss and states of limiting identification (sometimes frustration arises then). But after all the years it's just a relief they are flowing in higher frequencies between these different states. The dreamboard seems like a good idea to hold more stabilisation, maybe potential for alertness, when the pendulum swings back to frustration. Just for the 'benefit' of knowing and handling the swing more in alignment. Letting go the thought of being dependend of that crazy strong swing. Nevertheless being always in that rollercoaster makes everything colorful and alive but until now its different to integrate my behaviour in groups. it takes a lot of energy to align to other dynamics. After writing the text it seems it just lacks on clear sight letting this troubled root thought go (getting integration done). maybe you have some clear words for further understanding? sending love
  7. @The observer Interesting the projection of shame arises. Inspect that, see through it. Inspect with the finite mind, as the finite mind (be honest / be where you are) through the finite mind, as in, transcend the finite mind rather than settling for thoughts & idea’s. See what thought & idea is truly ‘made of’. Intellect can not go where it is presently claiming it is. The change of such a full & sincere inquiry & inspection, can not be spoken. One can only say this is the catalyst of the suffering, the ‘walls’ in ‘one’s life’. The dots can profoundly connect. Liberation. Glory, even, if you will. This, as it is, unfettered and untainted by the ‘bringing of a story’ to it. Love is bliss, appearing, allegedly. A wise man once said, “Infinite Love it is. Truth.”
  8. Hey guys. I'm about 8 hours into the life purpose course and about halfway through So Good They Can't Ignore You. Cal Newport's whole thing is that following your passion is bad career advice, instead you should leverage your skills to get the sort of lifestyle and work environment you want. This seems in direct conflict with Joseph Campbell's advice to follow your bliss. Also Leo talks about finding a new life purpose and moving on from the video game industry. This made total sense and I supported it while watching the video, but in retrospect I think Cal Newport would have advised him to hustle and become a better game designer so he could attain the autonomy he wanted. Is there an inherent contradiction here, is it just that it's easier to develop skills in something you care about? Would love to hear anyone's thoughts, thanks!
  9. @Lyubov Wow very cool, i'm glad i found someone in a similar spot as me. I will definitely look into psychidelic therapy. I already do psychs on my own, but my past few experiences haven't been great, but i'm going to power through. I should also add that my one break through experience came on LSD, after 2 weeks of pretty hard core practices. When the tension in the head/crown area is fully let go, everything in life made sense i had bliss flowing through me and i thought i was enlightened. What a day haha. Do you have insights into the journaling breath work combo? So you journal while doing breath work? Or you do them separately?
  10. What do you guys think about it? Ignorance is bliss, etc. Also society brainwashing (f.e House M.D - "When I'm happy, I'm worse diagnostician"). I believed that. Now, after listening to Leo for a long time, I want to believe, that, the more intelligent you are, the happier you are. I wanted to be happy, so I dumbed myself down. I think I just realized that. I want to be smart, intelligent, brilliant, as I naturally am, but I don't want to sacrifice my happiness for that. Is it really one or another?
  11. @JessiChell ? this journey is not never ending, you achieve the state of absolute bliss eventually. True, even though leo might claim otherwise, this forum is certainly a marketing medium for his course. But then you have to see, some of us are here because we have enough of self love and we want to contribute.
  12. Okay, i finally have to say it. In one of my ayahuasca trips it was revelad to me with complete clarity that this life is nothing than amazing dream. I could have any dream I wanted, i could be rich man, a king, famous person all that, yet i choose to be this little Me, pretending to seek something, having all these worries and overcoming silly chalenges, having nothing to his name yet possesing fine physical beauty . It was also reveled that everything i could think is not "That", so basically we are here engage in totally useless activity, yet somehow beautiful expresion percieved by the dreamer. Everything you say here is lie! It is not true! All of the "serious" things we are discussing here are coming straight out of donkey asshole, all made up that have no ground on which they rest, no solid foundation. I wish i could just be done with all this, yet im here most of the time reading all the nonsense and getting hoked by the "high consciousness" stuff. God damn it, its all a dream! I was shown this and my whole body went into trembling and awe, such bliss to know this. Yet i still cant believe this, as im wrting now. But back then it was so clear and much more real than any of this. All i have is memory now..
  13. Maybe striving for that might give you some inspiration. ?? Nothing wrong with wanting some natural bliss.
  14. Man, I've been practicing for quite a while. And what I've learned is that if you do it long enough, you end up hitting dry spots where your motivation runs dry. It's just something that happens. Part of the work is to just keep going. If you're paying attention to life, you notice that the same thing happens in other areas. Oh yeah, but like all things, bliss doesn't last. I welcome it, but don't strive for it. Thanks! I agree. Then again, life is ups and downs. I don't think we are meant to be joyous all the time. Good stuff man.
  15. ...I just can't choose between which benefit is my favorite, I'd have to say the perpetual bliss! NO! Being literally immortal! NO!! Id have to go with... understanding everything in existence. Those are my fave maybe hehe. I like the "being literally immortal" one... wouldn't you say @LfcCharlie4 ?
  16. So I recently entered Turquoise after being in Yellow for a long time now. I view my relationship differently do I the World, so do I the people, etc. So right now I am maybe 40% Turquoise, 40% Yellow, 20% Green. My loving boyfriend is stage Blue. ~ 60% Blue, 40% Orange. He is loving, kind, quiet and a good Christian believer in God. We get along well. I would like to present an analysis of our relationship because it's really interesting. Love and intimacy: My boyfriend's primary love language is action. Mine is kind words. We both communicate very well. He always surprises me with new job opportunities (I never asked him.. he just intuitively likes to help me and I am grateful.) As a Blue, he values hard work and community, and he desires me to be part of a larger community and society. As a Turquoise and an introvert I love alone time, Being, meditation, and my freelance job as a digital artist, but I cannot be financially independent if I don't work more.. which means more than 10 hours a day. Marketing included, it's a lot of me. And I need to meditate all the time or I lose touch with my Inner Being and infinite peace. Also I procrastinated while in SD Yellow because I love ideas and facts and reading... My mind is kinda scattered, I love knowledge, mysticism, I need intellectual stimulation nonstop. I want to be a psychologist but I don't have Bacalaureat diploma ( also because mind scattered), so I cannot apply to University yet. I like to show my love by communicating spiritual Truths and awakening him to Truth. He likes to listen to my ideas and finds me very interesting (He is Gemini Sun and Gemini Moon(?) I think). I am Aquarius Sun - Scorpio Moon. Our activities together include: - Listening to subliminal videos (quarantine beauty yeeeeesss! ) - Talking on the phone for long hours - Before quarantine we used to hike in the mountains and cuddle in the grass - Discussing politics, religion, God - Strengthening our bond, planning business ideas together He shows his love by actions. So he looks for jobs for me, for after the quarantine. I speak 5 languages to we are thinking translation job. We live in a small city and I never worked, apart from delivering newspaper. (I was stage Green.. unhealthy af :c ) ... Communication + Interests: As a Blue-Orange he likes history, nationality, culture, books, religion, money-making ideas, phone-games, movies, scary videos and paranormal, youtube, technology, science, arguments and debates. I try to elevate him to Orange-Green by teaching him about money, gym, business, marketing, technology, self-help, self-development, environment, government, and showing him veganism, compassion, empathy, self-care and subliminal / binaural audio (very Green! I'm passionate about subliminals. ^^ ) As an emerging Turquoise, my current interests are: subliminals, mantras, meditation, music, dancing, singing, creating, inspiring, helping others grow, helping others heal, reading and studying spiritual material and @Leo Gura 's material, sharing love, communicating, Being, Truth, healing myself, finding valuable friendships, experiencing bliss, exploring reality/other realities, feeling energies, developing psychic abilities and healing abilities, abundance mindset, forever growing, infinite love and gratitude, self-development, connection with God. As you can see a Turquoise thinks very differently than a Blue. But they do not contradict. In fact, Tier 2 can befriend anyone and help them grow. I know my list sounds sounds a tad bit airy-fairy, but it's more practical than you think! ^^ I am a goal oriented person. You can ask me anything btw.. ^^ So our communication and things we do together is mostly me helping him grow to my level. Personality: As a healthy Blue he is: serious, calm, collected, smart, independent, God-fearing, helpful, funny, optimistic, loving, kind partner, nice to people. As a Turquoise I am: playful, happy, calm, conscious, understanding, empathic, psychic, spiritual, positive, helpful, infinitely and unconditionally loving, also nice to people and other beings. We make a good couple. Sex: As a Blue/Orange, he views sex as a means to connect to his lover and strenghten the bond (Blue/Green), and an activity that feels good and that makes him a REAL MAN, as he said with his own words (lowkey Orange?). He is a very simple minded man haha. As an emerging Turquoise, for me sex is an expression of Love and connection. I can also use it for altered states of consciousness. I do not crave sex, I have low sex drive.. I channel sexual energy into creativity and physical energy most of the time. What do you guys think? Anything else you want to know about this unusual spiral combination?
  17. Have you ever had any breakthroughs in your practice that gave you any type of bliss?
  18. First of all if all you want is to lead a so called "good and happy life" you don't need to be awakened ..... because frankly you are not ready for it yet .Even deep meditation and samadhi experiences can put you in a tranquil state and joyful state. However , if someone is in samadhi , he may not be awakened or enlightened . To be awakened or enlightened does not mean that you will always be in peace ... it means to know the full nature of world and reality . it means to realize (experientially) that you are the Brahman yourself .....that you are god yourself (according to vedanta ( non duality)) , and let me tell you that if you are enlightened ... you dont need to be in heaven 24/7 , because for the one who knows the true nature of reality and bliss are just "emotions". But if you want joy and bliss , you can pursue the path of sehaj samadhi or yoga.. if you achieve sehaj samadhi , you will not need material things to make you happy , you can be happy under a tree but being enlightened is the best thing one can do in this life because he just realized what is reality.
  19. @modmyth I read the posts you linked I say that as mammals and biological creatures there is nothing that we can do for purely altruistic motives, just for the benefit of others There is always a deeply primitive, biological reasoning behind all of our actions Even cemented into the very evolutionary process, is this brutal, pragmatic, efficient process by which that which doesn’t optimally fulfil our Darwinian imperative is selected out of the gene pool For example, take self sacrifice, someone who is a martyr, or a dog who dies defending its master If the act of self sacrifice had no biological benefit, than the martyr and dog have just selected themselves out of the gene pool, those traits that made them on the surface seem altruistic, but when you peer behind the curtain, they cant possibly be Of course any functional relationship should be built upon a healthy amount of reciprocity, e.g. mutual respect, desire and understanding This does not mean that you do it for unconditional reasons/freely, you do it in the hopes that you’ll receive dividends on your investment If you do treat all people with this philosophy you will otherwise soon bankrupt yourself (if you understand my analogy) What you’re saying is similar to Gandhi’s “Be the change you wish to see in the world” The issue with that is it doesn’t work, because the world doesn’t give a fuck, and will chew you up and spit you out when you attempt that shit, it’s a good philosophy for those who want to live in misery and as failures I haven’t settled for anything, I’m acting upon the way in which the world presents itself to me, and I don’t think if you look at the world with detached eyes that you’ll find it’s optimistic Maybe it’s better to live in ignorance but the truth will set you free, and I prefer freedom than bliss Biology is our current understanding of consciousness, it’s not our god, it’s the meta physical forces that are placed upon us of which we had no say and possibly could never even fathomably have a say The unconscious effects of our consciousness still exist within consciousness, it is a figment of our conscious experience, the same with the subconscious I’d argue that we are mostly subconscious and unconscious creatures, the only substantive thing that separates us from the animals is our neo cortex and higher brain, our ability to abstract and communicate effectively Besides that we are just impulsive, base biological animals Animals don’t do anything purely out of love so how could we Also How can you predict the future without looking at the past? Legitmately curious Im not looking for the best possible reality, I’m looking for reality, if there is such a thing I try to not have blinders I don’t think that I’ll ever make the idea of romance sustainable, if I ever have a long term monogamous relationship with a woman, it’ll be out of fondness, respect and mutual desire, never out of “unconditional” love, as that is not possible and I don’t expect it from her, and I’d prefer that the two of us wouldn’t lie to each other, play make believe and pretend that we’ve magically achieved some idealised version of love, that our souls are some how magically connected We’re just people, and we’re all gonna die, and be forgotten, but for the time being we can take pleasure in each others company, I think that’s more romantic than the shit we’re sold today
  20. Hi, I wrote this free online program that repeats an intention you have 10,000X per second in computer memory. It's like repeating the intention yourself, but much faster and more powerful. Since all is connected, what happens in computer memory happens to the Universe. I've used intentions such as: I AM One with God. Or: I feel ineffable, orgasmic bliss. Or: My chakras are clear and balanced. Or if you feel anxious, something like: I feel calm and confident. I look forward to your feedback. A lady who was stressed out about the Australian bushfires used it to feel bliss to help get her through the day. Feel free to share with anyone you feel could use it. Also, I am looking to make this open source, so if you know how to do that, I would be grateful.
  21. Yes, I see. Great way of looking at it. I'm becoming more and more conscious of the interconnectedness of my actions and words in other peoples lives around me. I tend to often take conversations in a meta direction with my best friends and we fall into deeper conversations about life. But sometimes I'll say something to someone that might challenge an unconscious paradigm they have and they'll seem shook up by having to face their egos in that moment. I don't know if I'm doing them a service when I do this. I'll think "maybe their ignorance is bliss". But then again, if they're not ready for it, then their ego with provent them from thinking about it deeper...or they'll just think I'm But really I'm just talking to myself, so sometimes I think that this is all just me being selfish, trying to pick apart other peoples (and my) unconscious behaviour so I don't fall in the same ego traps. But if we are all connected, I guess I'm raising the whole thing's awreness by a bit, right? Do you guys ever feel that way talking about this stuff in person with people who aren't ready for it? Or do you see it as a net positive? This forum is a safe space with open-minded people to talk about interesting stuff, but do you ever think that some people are better off being unaware of the true nature of reality?
  22. Yes, eternal life, perpetual bliss, super knowledge and divine wisdom. Also man, don't worry about understanding too much. Get a basic conceptual frame for how this stuff works for a kind of "loose guidance" but then forget it after...your job is to do the practices. It's like if you studied how to fall in love in an imaginary college for 20 years but then one day you see this lovely chick and all of your learning goes out the window and you float towards her and all you feel is the feeling, and you talk to her and boom it is effortless. Doing something with your head is different than doing something with your heart. What I've said before; the most important part of spiritual concepts is abandoning them in the much greater light of actual realization.
  23. The truth is infinite as nothing. Bliss meaning emptiness. Such as good and bad, infinite negative or positive numbers, when you plus them result will be 0, which nothing.
  24. @Artiekee Definitely exciting. Sunday 5:27 Today 5:49 Something happened. Don't know what. Saturday I went to bed around 10pm, later than usual. I wanted to watch a movie in the evening - kinda my gift for all the hard work and determination. Because Saturday is my day off, that's the day my mom calls me to catch up. I stayed quite some time on video chat with mom and dad, had a really good conversation. Then my brother wrote to me and had a good chat with him as well. A 'friend' also wrote to me. So I ended up having to cut both at 10pm to go to sleep. I woke up on Sunday, did the all the morning work (I am excited about the jewelry - they're gonna be the best so far) and after lunch, meditation, walk, I decided to watch the movie I didn't get to watch on Saturday. Little Women - cried with it. And the 'friend' I was talking about earlier wrote to me again during the movie. This guy is someone I met on Tinder during my crazy two months (I was actually on Tinder for a couple of weeks before I got bored with the games). We had some stuff in common, we liked each other, so he came over one weekend. We loved each other on that occasion, but I had decided that I don't want to have casual sex anymore, so we kinda stayed friends, texting every now and then. He turned out to be really immature, with deep insecurity issues. He was always looking for my advice. I kept showing him where he needs to work, I sent him videos of Leo, and others, to help him figure out his issues. And it seemed that how ever much information I shared with him he was still confused. He loves to keep a victim mentality. I had to keep calling out his victim statements. He said one day he would like to come run with me to the lake. On Sunday he said something like : 'Next Saturday I am definitely coming to the lake with you, no excuses on my side.' I was not happy with that statement. So, I asked: ' Why the urgency? ' He wants to talk. I felt so tired of dealing with others issues that I told him it's my one day off. I want to relax, to enjoy, not solve someone else's problems. And he asked if talking about what I think he should change about himself would be too much for me. That moment I lost my patience. I wrote some mean, harsh truths right back to him. At least, he won't bother me with the same question, over and over again. I do wish I was able to handle it better. I am not happy hurting people's feelings. And now, today. I did the morning work and it was shopping day for the evening, but it was raining heavily and after lunch I took a shower and by the time I wanted to get out of the house, the exchange office was closed. So, I switched it for cleaning day. I cleaned the whole house, dancing and singing ? I was having so much fun that I decided to go to the park and dance some more. I danced on the running track. It was so much fun. Me dancing through the serious running people. I developed this habit of going dancing with my dog in the evening when I was working in Portugal. I was a bartender then, worked 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. I used to finish work around 12 at night, go home, get my dog, a cider and a joint and walk, dance on the beach. Good times. It is there I created a strong connection to the moon. I kinda kept my dancing with my dog at night habit in England as well. I was still working late and the streets were basically empty when I was 'walking' my dog. Here though, with my routine, there is always someone in the park when I have my walk. Today I was brave. I didn't look at people, didn't care what they think. I am happy I could dance my heart out. I won't do it every evening, because I do run mornings as well, and I wish to keep my head clear (music lights up a fire within me) but once a week - end the cleaning day with a dance in the park. I like the idea. Today turned out like this because I think I needed to shake off some anger. I don't understand why broken men keep showing in my life. Where's the sign that says ' All you broken, come to me ' so I can take it off. It's like my narcissistic friend with whom I decided to spend my two months of ego backlash ( I realized that's what happened). He came over today to bring some clothes for the washing machine. He keeps asking every now and then : ' Sex? Bliss? ' laughing because he knows I smile and go ' No! ' But, for some reason, we have really strong chemistry and connection. And some days are hard. Especially on days like today when he hugs me for a few seconds before going out the door. And then, a friend of his, another broken man, approaches me on Facebook. He wants a female friend, someone to talk to, spend time with, so he can keep away from his ex, who is a broken woman. So, I ask again. If anyone is reading this, where is that sign that says ' All broken men, come to me! ' I am finally getting my shit together and it's like everyone wants a piece of me. ' Oh, I am struggling with this. Won't you help me? ' I am so tired with people who can't handle their own shit. I sit by myself, in my own pain, stare it right in the face. I hide myself from everyone and when I am up again, I go to people. With a light heart and a smile on my face. Seems the right way to do it Oh well, long post. But hey, work is amazing and the routine is working smoothly. If I manage to go to bed earlier I might wake up at 5:00 as well. But it's still light outside...
  25. @Ali T Follow your bliss. Do the practices that resonate. There is no need to rush. The result of awakening is the absence of fear and the presence of Love. Only ego fears.