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  1. @kagaria you should learn to differentiate between mind and ego. Mind is a tool. Ego is the energy inside you that wants you (God) to believe that you are not-God, but the mind/brain/body. You see? The body, brain and mind are tooooools. Great tools man. Extremely powerful imaginary tools. So powerful that they -- when used properly -- can be used by you - God - to self-realize. If there were only God/Oneness/Love -- i.e. Me/You -- and nothing to contrast it with, like i.e. separate minds, 'stuff', form, minds, bodies, waveintheocean, kagaria, then We could not ever "know" ourself. So yeah, powerful tools. So extremely powerful that they can also for a lifetime trick God (you) into believing that you are a separate self/mind/body. Don't let that happen tho. TAKE CONTROL OF THE TOOL! Ego is just all that energy inside your body-mind-avatar-vessel that 24/7 INSISTS that you are not God but a separate mind/body/self. How to let go of ego? Become conscious of it. Awareness/Love is all that is needed. You can't eradicate all ego, cos that would mean to stop being human. And hell, even Jesus and Buddha existed as human beings, right? (from a relative true, human perspective; of course absolutely everything is God, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here). Just become conscious of ego. By becoming conscious of ego, you start taking control of your mind, instead of letting ego control it. Ego = non-awareness / being asleep / unconsciousness / fear / feeling of lack / feeling of being a separate mortal self / tension in body and mind Mind = a tool for Consciousness/God/Love/Nothingness/The Universe/The Self/Absolute Infinity to explore itself.
  2. Lol... we need a thread to talk about whatever hehehe... Maybe a non existent thread or something like that. The nothingness thread... where topics change all the time. Maybe @DrewNows agrees about that...
  3. Yep pregnant nothingness empty and crazy!!
  4. Thats what i exactly say, if nothingness in every projection, when you look at from perspective of nothing word of table, chair, reincarnation, are identical because they are all one, which is nothingness. So word of reincarnation and table are identical. You answer yourself is the reincarnation is real, if it is identical with table?
  5. Can we agree on: Capital "S" self, God, Eternal Consciousness = Nothingness (in order for everything to be contained in it as a projection). Yes? Reincarnation is real.
  6. @justfortodaywhat is the differences between what you say now and what i say in the first comment ? you are approving me thanks brother. But i am nothing, thats why james and you are inly different vibrations within me. Which is me nothingness again. Thats why there is no you or james or life, just me, nothingness.
  7. @James123 Don’t get cute with me on terminology. You know that what I am saying and what you are saying is the same thing. Im saying that your POV and my POV are nothingness experiencing life, via 2 individual projections emanating from consciousness. 1 consciousness or server, infinity of POVs within it. You and I are probes that God inserted into its own asshole to know itself. Disprove me.
  8. That subject is formlessness or nothingness. Thats why all is one, because formlessness can be formless and at the same time can take any form. So This is nothingness. This is nothingness. So where is the world, reincarnation, universe or enlightenment? You are not even in the body, because there is no body. So how am i wrong with saying there is no reincarnation? There is nothing here, so where is the reincarnation?
  9. The general formula applies to both. It starts with a single concept which then gets applied to itself, producing a different concept. One model produces unity first, the other produces nothingness and duality.
  10. I obviously don't know that. I just Beileve in it based on the pattern that every night I do wake up after sleep. But that's just a belief because Correlation of phenomenon doesn't guarantee the independence and continued casual chain.. Yeah that's right there is nothing in the universe that Really guarantees that the sun will rise up tommorow . Same with sleeping.. I might sleep tonight and then dissolve into nothingness forever and never wake up again. Death is no exception obviously. It's just a belief until it's not. All talking about death is BS unless one is already dead (in which case he cannot talk about it). Only one way to find out what happens when you die.....
  11. @Amandine Shaming me actually reinforces some of the assertions that I made here. Plz dont do that Well yes, nothingness can do that, simple as that Plz no ageism
  12. This nothingness, that doesn't exist, has somehow strong political opinions. Funny thing is, that i've already proven, that Germany didn't go insane, when roughly 1,5 mio. people from the middle east went there. Isn't it possible, that you are just projecting your own insecurities onto others? I know, it's not your fault. You are just a kid. But why do you think, other people are more mundane than you are?
  13. Just because you say that doesnt mean, its not just your subjective judgement about me. Those countries are not socialist, they are not socialist democracies, they are not democratic socialism, they are a free market society with socialist regulations. I can assure you that socialist countries of the past did not want 60 million dead either, they are deeply ashamed of their history and try mask it and distort it. But still, it happened. I personally define my identity by nothingness and non-existence. Im saying that *regular* people would go insane without clear structures. Maybe they will be ready one day to adopt a global identity but at the moment this is not helpful.
  14. Yes there was never a actually awakening, because the person was never real. There is no light in awakening. Light is just a word. Awakening is you. You guys have no idea what awakening is. Ask leo, when you become nothingness, can you feel anything except yourself? Love, duality, words, enlightenment vs these are all illusions. You guys have no idea about what awakening is. Much love.
  15. Hello everyone, my enlightenment experience is settle down now. I have transformed. Here are details. James, enlightenment, universe, world vs, these are all words. Words, thoughts and meanings created so called duality, which is james and his world. When you have complete ego death, you realize that meaning of the words fades away and you see the truth. Truth is non duality, this place is you, nothing, there is no life, death or language. Right now you are happening, which is nothing. You have no body, it is just a word. You are not going anywhere, because you have never started. I have never born, james was just a thought as apple. Transformation; after heavily experiencing non duality, understanding (james and world exist just by sounds and words), truth me is nothing (thats why as an human you can reach non duality without thinking), every particle is that has shaped is nothing, which is me thats why i am infinite. My new personality is nothing, therefore it is completely letting go, i have become the whole and seeing the whole, language or thoughts represent duality. Thoughts (which are me) rises, i analyze, decide and let go, thoughts are useful to connect to duality. Additionally, every feeling arises or thoughts arises from nothing(silent mind). Such as, pain is a type of feeling, if you dont name it as a pain, there will be just feeling, if you dont name as feeling, it will be just appear from silent mind as nothing. Death is the same way, if you have silent mind (nothingness), death will appear as nothing. Therefore because of not thinking , i am immortal. I am nothing and experiencing myself. So, i cant run away from myself. I am the dreamer of james, world, duality, language, and you guys. I have almost become witnesser of the body, thats why whatever body does i am relax because nothing personal, destiny is already written, you are not in the body, you cant control it, just let go and enjoy the show. No thoughts gave me perfect understanding that when i dont think nothing is happening, which is enlightenment. Because most important thing is there is no “I” in the body, new “I” is nothingness, therefore i cant think thats my nature. Additionally, it is being so flexible during the day and that flexibility makes you create love in every moment. Because you are like a water and looking for love kind of high by love:) I have been meditating 3-4 hours every night. I have realized that any emotion, thoughts and visuals ( comes as emotion or feeling) comes from nothingness, if you dont name them, it will just appear and disappear as nothing. You are the silence mind, Therefore, i dont get disturb anymore. Additionally, I feel so much silence during the day, however when i interact with people, knowing that my body has no differences than yours ( i am the giant mind), i have become more humble lovely and understandable person when interact with others. Rest, i am with myself. But definitely, my life career, everything has entirely changed. I will help people (specially poor kids), old people and move back to my country and take care of my family (most of my family is old, and needs me, and they are me). Because i am literally nothing in the body. I am literally in dream and knowing that i am the dreamer. I look at people’s face there is no mind, it is empty, including my body so funny but it is directly love, i cant see almost any misbehavior. Because there is nothing there except the reflection of love. But truth is even now nothing is happening, i am writing these messages to myself for self masturbation. I have no body, family friends vs. it i just all me. Thats why i am more fair to everybody. if i am still dreaming and aware of you guys, i would love to share my experience because i am still dreaming and you guys are me. I am love, because love is the best illusion of any duality. Love is the purpose of all creations and dualities. Thats why if every moment if you are in love, life is heaven for you. So i am in love with myself. No matter what just LOVE IT, LOVE YOURSELF. Purpose of dreaming is LOVING YOURSELF. Every second if you dont love (which is surrendering and letting go), it is hell. I am nothing, therefore all of you, love in with myself therefore love in with all of you. Additionally, so called life starts with knowing (you born, yo can know vs) and ends with unkowing or not knowing There is no you, you cant know or thing anything, you are nothing. thats why this is after death because you have never born Love you guys! Best Regards!
  16. There's a long thread about Time on one of the forums. It's a huge topic, but I wanted to distill down my thoughts and experiences of it. First things first. What does my direct experience tell me? It appears that there is an awareness (which I'll call "me" for argument's sake), experiencing a "something". That awareness is peculiar in that it has a kind of recursion built in: the awareness is aware of itself. The "something" I'll call appearances. Appearances is the stuff of awareness, it's all the possible sights, sounds, smells, feelings, thoughts and so on. So appearances covers the entire set of awareness experience; by definition there is nothing more than appearances. Ok, so much for definitions. Where do the appearances come from? To avoid a kind of paradox I say the appearances are spontaneous and unrelated to each other. This is effect without cause. This is completely different from the materialist "cause and effect" view, where matter affects matter in a long thread stretching back in time. The paradox with the materialist view, is that the thread must have an "ultimate cause" otherwise it would stretch back infinitely in time. The ultimate cause is the Big Bang. Where does the Big Bang come from? This becomes a meaningless question, the Big Bang is a given. The other problem with a cause and effect view, is that that long past is being inferred. The past is reconstructed from evidence in the present, it is intelligent guesswork and coarse grained. It is literally a story made up to fit facts. In my view the experience of awareness is primary, any thought story is happening in awareness not apart from it. To avoid any paradox, appearances come unbidden and randomly, de novo, and I become aware of them. Because there is no cause and effect, there isn't a long chain stretching back in time. There is no cause and effect. There is no long thread stretching backward or forward, there is no thread at all. In this sense Time doesn't have any extent whatsover, it has no dimension, it is a nothing. Something (appearances) comes from nothing at all (just like the Big Bang). What else is in my direct experience? Even though appearances are themselves random and disconnected, there appears to be a strong persistence to my experience. The persistence is a large counterbalance to the rush of appearances. This balance of chaos and persistence causes a kind of "flow" to awareness. This flow is what I am directly aware of as Time. More accurately the appearences happen at a certain rate and rythmn. Where does the persistence come from? Since awareness is aware of itself it has a kind of looping structure. This gives it a kind of memory of itself. That memory is what allows the awareness to persist and exist at all. If you were to cut that loop, it would collapse back to nothingness and stop existing. The source of all persistence in my awareness is actually awareness itself. The persistence can take any shape it likes. Note that the looping of awareness is not just a simple loop like a ring shape. It is fractal and all encompassing in nature. Because the looping is unrestricted, it is allowed to expand out and become any shape it likes. In this way persistence and self awareness invades every aspect of appearances. This persistence is by nature conservative and unchanging (in its existence), it is ever present and timeless. Persistence is what gives the world structure and patterning. Persistence is the source of your ego. Persistence is the source of all matter and energy. In fact the scientific conservation laws is just that persistence laid bare. Persistence is the platonic ideal. In a strong sense the world of appearances and the world of persistence are just two sides of the same coin - a duality. Because the persistence can take on any shape (appearance) it likes it does so. Persistence, and appearance are just the fractal manisfestation of awareness itself. Persistence, appearances and awareness are all one. Once the loop of self awareness is made, the rest of reality and time crystallises from it in an ever increasingly dense looping fractal. Awareness becomes deeper and deeper without end.
  17. It depends on if you believe one should meditate on observing the monkey mind in such a way as to not be attached to it and to be aware of the present moment, experiencing moments of silence and sublime nothingness in the process Or if you wish to meditate on loving God A discord occurs if you try to mix them
  18. @IJB063 I will try to answer your question about Nothingness. This topic is hard at first to grasp. Nothingness is when the mind cannot think of anything. It is indistinguishable and all that is is unified, since all is one isotropic in nature, relativity doesn't exist and therefore form doesn't exist. Emptiness, nothingness, are when a conscious being cannot project anything into existence because everything is itself. Now to come to the topic of the dimensions, you should treat all dimensions here as spatial ones and as @JosephKnecht says don't treat time as a dimension. Lets say we look at mathematical dimension with f(x,y,z,i,j,k)=x+y+z+i+j+k as function. This has 6 independent variables or dimensional planes of movement. What happens if we don't add time to this equation? It will stay at the fixed point that you put values for. E.g. f(1,0,1,2,1,5)=1+0+1+2+1+5=10 As you can see if time froze or was not variable then the reality of this function would exist but only at 10. Maybe this is the 'frame' of the big bang where time didn't exist or was not considered variable and indistinguishable. Then later on these spatial dimension did indeed receive an arrow of time. But this time variable is not a dimension, rather a force that is present at every dimensions inherent Identity.
  19. Nothingness is an infinite isotropic field indistinguishable from itself. Isotropic adj. Identical in all directions; invariant with respect to direction. Having the same properties in all directions: said of a medium with respect to elasticity, conduction of heat or electricity, or radiation of heat and light. Having equal, common, or non-specific developmental capacity. Nothingness is the basis of origin of all what becomes. Unified oneness/the void/nothingness the ultimate fertile ground that holds infinite potential to create as time and space unfold mentally. When the mind is silent, empty of thought, one resides in nothingness and is truly present in what is. No imaginary projections what could be, not in motion, stationary truth that is ethernal.
  20. @VincentArogya don’t think about nothingness right now, concentrate on awareness and letting go. Love will appear inevitably. Dont try to reach it. Just be silent, it will find you.
  21. I feel It is getting clear, although intellectually. The characteristic of Love in the awareness was still present in the Nothingness of awareness. But, this hasn't been experienced spiritually and I hope that I don't anchor into concepts of Nothingness.
  22. In my awakening, I had the following clear insights: We are all one There is only Love energy True love is unconditional The Ego does not exist The true I AM is completely indestructible The true I AM is everywhere - in the mountains, in the rivers, in birds (the same words that I uttered during the glimpse) Life has a harmonious design Everything that I ever knew was an illusion and a lie. There is no such thing as time and space There is bliss and ecstasy hidden underneath the illusion These insights have stayed with me since the initial awakening and they have matured deeply. However, my monkey mind doesn't understand what Nothingness means because in the awakening, the awareness had a characteristics of Love. So, it is not even Love? Is there more beyond it?
  23. ?Yeah I wonder what technology people in the future will come up with when we become much more conscious as a society. Stage Coral tech will be truly mind-blowing...haha Well of course it's not a perfect analogy, but Love could be seen as the life force itself that IS Consciousness so a good relation would be the Electromagnetic Force itself. As for Nothingness, What does Electricity exist as before you generate it? You could say that it's limitness potential in static form in a given materal. Again, not a perfect analogy but nothing in our reality is. ?
  24. Where do nothingness and love fall in this analogy?
  25. First, start with the logical certainty that unconsciousness cannot manifest in the first-person. There is no such thing as first-person unconsciousness. In the absence of first-person unconsciousness, all that remains is first-person consciousness. Or in other words, there can never be a moment when you're not having an experience. All that can change is the nature of that experience. That is true without end, and without beginning, and transcendental of time. It is simply not possible to experience a lack of experience. So when it comes to understanding who you are, there are clearly two parts: a part that is eternally constant, and a part that has the potential to change. The question is, which part should you identify with? The entire definition of identity is predicated on a constant, as there is no such thing as variable identity. Therefore, when looking for a true identity, it makes no sense to identify with anything other than a constant, and in this case the constant is the constant nature of your consciousness. Therefore the two parts of your being can be expressed in terms of both identity and state. Your identity is your eternal consciousness, and your current state is the particular incarnation of experience presently being experienced (commonly and erroneously known as personal identity). Clearly, given that consciousness is eternal, the nature of your true identity is eternal. Or in other words, your true age is infinity. You have never not existed. For that reason, there is no need for a creator. Consciousness doesn't have to be created by anything, simply because it is fundamental. It has no opposite. Death is merely the opposite of birth, not the opposite of life. Science and religion often makes the mistake of assuming that something came from nothing, but in reality there is no such thing as nothing, as there is always consciousness which has the imaginative potential to manifest anything. Consequently the starting proposition is false: Nothingness is not fundamental. Everythingness is fundamental. That is to say, you start with everything and simply work backwards. Life is an exercise in subtractive synthesis. We are not creating stuff, we are simply filtering stuff out. We start with an infinite block of clay (everythingness) and filter and filter and filter until we have a clay figurine. When the clay figurine dies, the clay does not turn back into nothing, but rather the surrounding nothing, turns back into clay. Comprehend all of that, and then just simply substitute the word Consciousness for the word God, and your Grandad's good to go.