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  1. Have you ever had any breakthroughs in your practice that gave you any type of bliss?
  2. Okay, i finally have to say it. In one of my ayahuasca trips it was revelad to me with complete clarity that this life is nothing than amazing dream. I could have any dream I wanted, i could be rich man, a king, famous person all that, yet i choose to be this little Me, pretending to seek something, having all these worries and overcoming silly chalenges, having nothing to his name yet possesing fine physical beauty . It was also reveled that everything i could think is not "That", so basically we are here engage in totally useless activity, yet somehow beautiful expresion percieved by the dreamer. Everything you say here is lie! It is not true! All of the "serious" things we are discussing here are coming straight out of donkey asshole, all made up that have no ground on which they rest, no solid foundation. I wish i could just be done with all this, yet im here most of the time reading all the nonsense and getting hoked by the "high consciousness" stuff. God damn it, its all a dream! I was shown this and my whole body went into trembling and awe, such bliss to know this. Yet i still cant believe this, as im wrting now. But back then it was so clear and much more real than any of this. All i have is memory now..
  3. First of all if all you want is to lead a so called "good and happy life" you don't need to be awakened ..... because frankly you are not ready for it yet .Even deep meditation and samadhi experiences can put you in a tranquil state and joyful state. However , if someone is in samadhi , he may not be awakened or enlightened . To be awakened or enlightened does not mean that you will always be in peace ... it means to know the full nature of world and reality . it means to realize (experientially) that you are the Brahman yourself .....that you are god yourself (according to vedanta ( non duality)) , and let me tell you that if you are enlightened ... you dont need to be in heaven 24/7 , because for the one who knows the true nature of reality and bliss are just "emotions". But if you want joy and bliss , you can pursue the path of sehaj samadhi or yoga.. if you achieve sehaj samadhi , you will not need material things to make you happy , you can be happy under a tree but being enlightened is the best thing one can do in this life because he just realized what is reality.
  4. @modmyth I read the posts you linked I say that as mammals and biological creatures there is nothing that we can do for purely altruistic motives, just for the benefit of others There is always a deeply primitive, biological reasoning behind all of our actions Even cemented into the very evolutionary process, is this brutal, pragmatic, efficient process by which that which doesn’t optimally fulfil our Darwinian imperative is selected out of the gene pool For example, take self sacrifice, someone who is a martyr, or a dog who dies defending its master If the act of self sacrifice had no biological benefit, than the martyr and dog have just selected themselves out of the gene pool, those traits that made them on the surface seem altruistic, but when you peer behind the curtain, they cant possibly be Of course any functional relationship should be built upon a healthy amount of reciprocity, e.g. mutual respect, desire and understanding This does not mean that you do it for unconditional reasons/freely, you do it in the hopes that you’ll receive dividends on your investment If you do treat all people with this philosophy you will otherwise soon bankrupt yourself (if you understand my analogy) What you’re saying is similar to Gandhi’s “Be the change you wish to see in the world” The issue with that is it doesn’t work, because the world doesn’t give a fuck, and will chew you up and spit you out when you attempt that shit, it’s a good philosophy for those who want to live in misery and as failures I haven’t settled for anything, I’m acting upon the way in which the world presents itself to me, and I don’t think if you look at the world with detached eyes that you’ll find it’s optimistic Maybe it’s better to live in ignorance but the truth will set you free, and I prefer freedom than bliss Biology is our current understanding of consciousness, it’s not our god, it’s the meta physical forces that are placed upon us of which we had no say and possibly could never even fathomably have a say The unconscious effects of our consciousness still exist within consciousness, it is a figment of our conscious experience, the same with the subconscious I’d argue that we are mostly subconscious and unconscious creatures, the only substantive thing that separates us from the animals is our neo cortex and higher brain, our ability to abstract and communicate effectively Besides that we are just impulsive, base biological animals Animals don’t do anything purely out of love so how could we Also How can you predict the future without looking at the past? Legitmately curious Im not looking for the best possible reality, I’m looking for reality, if there is such a thing I try to not have blinders I don’t think that I’ll ever make the idea of romance sustainable, if I ever have a long term monogamous relationship with a woman, it’ll be out of fondness, respect and mutual desire, never out of “unconditional” love, as that is not possible and I don’t expect it from her, and I’d prefer that the two of us wouldn’t lie to each other, play make believe and pretend that we’ve magically achieved some idealised version of love, that our souls are some how magically connected We’re just people, and we’re all gonna die, and be forgotten, but for the time being we can take pleasure in each others company, I think that’s more romantic than the shit we’re sold today
  5. Yes, I see. Great way of looking at it. I'm becoming more and more conscious of the interconnectedness of my actions and words in other peoples lives around me. I tend to often take conversations in a meta direction with my best friends and we fall into deeper conversations about life. But sometimes I'll say something to someone that might challenge an unconscious paradigm they have and they'll seem shook up by having to face their egos in that moment. I don't know if I'm doing them a service when I do this. I'll think "maybe their ignorance is bliss". But then again, if they're not ready for it, then their ego with provent them from thinking about it deeper...or they'll just think I'm But really I'm just talking to myself, so sometimes I think that this is all just me being selfish, trying to pick apart other peoples (and my) unconscious behaviour so I don't fall in the same ego traps. But if we are all connected, I guess I'm raising the whole thing's awreness by a bit, right? Do you guys ever feel that way talking about this stuff in person with people who aren't ready for it? Or do you see it as a net positive? This forum is a safe space with open-minded people to talk about interesting stuff, but do you ever think that some people are better off being unaware of the true nature of reality?
  6. Yes, eternal life, perpetual bliss, super knowledge and divine wisdom. Also man, don't worry about understanding too much. Get a basic conceptual frame for how this stuff works for a kind of "loose guidance" but then forget it after...your job is to do the practices. It's like if you studied how to fall in love in an imaginary college for 20 years but then one day you see this lovely chick and all of your learning goes out the window and you float towards her and all you feel is the feeling, and you talk to her and boom it is effortless. Doing something with your head is different than doing something with your heart. What I've said before; the most important part of spiritual concepts is abandoning them in the much greater light of actual realization.
  7. The truth is infinite as nothing. Bliss meaning emptiness. Such as good and bad, infinite negative or positive numbers, when you plus them result will be 0, which nothing.
  8. @Artiekee Definitely exciting. Sunday 5:27 Today 5:49 Something happened. Don't know what. Saturday I went to bed around 10pm, later than usual. I wanted to watch a movie in the evening - kinda my gift for all the hard work and determination. Because Saturday is my day off, that's the day my mom calls me to catch up. I stayed quite some time on video chat with mom and dad, had a really good conversation. Then my brother wrote to me and had a good chat with him as well. A 'friend' also wrote to me. So I ended up having to cut both at 10pm to go to sleep. I woke up on Sunday, did the all the morning work (I am excited about the jewelry - they're gonna be the best so far) and after lunch, meditation, walk, I decided to watch the movie I didn't get to watch on Saturday. Little Women - cried with it. And the 'friend' I was talking about earlier wrote to me again during the movie. This guy is someone I met on Tinder during my crazy two months (I was actually on Tinder for a couple of weeks before I got bored with the games). We had some stuff in common, we liked each other, so he came over one weekend. We loved each other on that occasion, but I had decided that I don't want to have casual sex anymore, so we kinda stayed friends, texting every now and then. He turned out to be really immature, with deep insecurity issues. He was always looking for my advice. I kept showing him where he needs to work, I sent him videos of Leo, and others, to help him figure out his issues. And it seemed that how ever much information I shared with him he was still confused. He loves to keep a victim mentality. I had to keep calling out his victim statements. He said one day he would like to come run with me to the lake. On Sunday he said something like : 'Next Saturday I am definitely coming to the lake with you, no excuses on my side.' I was not happy with that statement. So, I asked: ' Why the urgency? ' He wants to talk. I felt so tired of dealing with others issues that I told him it's my one day off. I want to relax, to enjoy, not solve someone else's problems. And he asked if talking about what I think he should change about himself would be too much for me. That moment I lost my patience. I wrote some mean, harsh truths right back to him. At least, he won't bother me with the same question, over and over again. I do wish I was able to handle it better. I am not happy hurting people's feelings. And now, today. I did the morning work and it was shopping day for the evening, but it was raining heavily and after lunch I took a shower and by the time I wanted to get out of the house, the exchange office was closed. So, I switched it for cleaning day. I cleaned the whole house, dancing and singing ? I was having so much fun that I decided to go to the park and dance some more. I danced on the running track. It was so much fun. Me dancing through the serious running people. I developed this habit of going dancing with my dog in the evening when I was working in Portugal. I was a bartender then, worked 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. I used to finish work around 12 at night, go home, get my dog, a cider and a joint and walk, dance on the beach. Good times. It is there I created a strong connection to the moon. I kinda kept my dancing with my dog at night habit in England as well. I was still working late and the streets were basically empty when I was 'walking' my dog. Here though, with my routine, there is always someone in the park when I have my walk. Today I was brave. I didn't look at people, didn't care what they think. I am happy I could dance my heart out. I won't do it every evening, because I do run mornings as well, and I wish to keep my head clear (music lights up a fire within me) but once a week - end the cleaning day with a dance in the park. I like the idea. Today turned out like this because I think I needed to shake off some anger. I don't understand why broken men keep showing in my life. Where's the sign that says ' All you broken, come to me ' so I can take it off. It's like my narcissistic friend with whom I decided to spend my two months of ego backlash ( I realized that's what happened). He came over today to bring some clothes for the washing machine. He keeps asking every now and then : ' Sex? Bliss? ' laughing because he knows I smile and go ' No! ' But, for some reason, we have really strong chemistry and connection. And some days are hard. Especially on days like today when he hugs me for a few seconds before going out the door. And then, a friend of his, another broken man, approaches me on Facebook. He wants a female friend, someone to talk to, spend time with, so he can keep away from his ex, who is a broken woman. So, I ask again. If anyone is reading this, where is that sign that says ' All broken men, come to me! ' I am finally getting my shit together and it's like everyone wants a piece of me. ' Oh, I am struggling with this. Won't you help me? ' I am so tired with people who can't handle their own shit. I sit by myself, in my own pain, stare it right in the face. I hide myself from everyone and when I am up again, I go to people. With a light heart and a smile on my face. Seems the right way to do it Oh well, long post. But hey, work is amazing and the routine is working smoothly. If I manage to go to bed earlier I might wake up at 5:00 as well. But it's still light outside...
  9. @Ali T Follow your bliss. Do the practices that resonate. There is no need to rush. The result of awakening is the absence of fear and the presence of Love. Only ego fears.
  10. For suffering to die, its inverse must also die. How can bliss exist without an opposite?
  11. @IJB063 Bliss is not an idea, but appears to be, by appearing twisted. No.
  12. @Nahm If that’s your idea of bliss it’s pretty twisted Not taking a position is a position?
  13. Bliss appears as games, projection, me’s, and is in kind veiled by itself. Absence is not an opposite. Not believing in beliefs is not a belief, any more than not driving a car is driving a car. Nonexistence is not an opposite.
  14. @Nahm What is that if not a riddle? I don’t believe reality is bliss
  15. Bliss is neither an understander, Buddhist, annoying, nor trying. It is itself.
  16. @Raptorsin7 hmm. I'll get to that in a second. First of all the MOST IMPORTANT PART. How connected are you with your feelings? I get the vibe that not much, but I may be wrong. Are you capable of picking up on the subtle signals that arise in your body in the present moment, in the form of emotions, intuitions and authentic desires? That's Key. Its SO KEY I can't emphasize it enough. Feeling is way, WAY superior to thinking, and is one of the mayor shifts that will get you out of the Dark Night of the Soul and Nihilism overall. You can't get out within the thinking paradigm. I'd say this is one thing that I and many many others as I've seen had to learn the hard way, since Leo's vids didn't teach this explicity back then. Imagine the hypothetical scenario that you do not have the ability to think voices in your head. complete silence. How would you live? How would you decide? Literally no thoughts, just perception. How? By how things feel. By the sublte vibe that people emit and by intuitions, literally without much further thought. Now this is quite an extreme example. This actually requieres nuance. To develop this, I went through a 10 month or more period of just doing " what I felt like" . But this at first will lead you to your lower self instincts. I remember streaks of months and months of routine of porn, junk food and videogames. Just because " it felt good" But you gotta develop nuance in your ability to discern feeligs. Do I feel this desire coming from my " higher self " or from my " lower self ? It's super clear once you learn this language. Obviously in the case of junk food etc, I'ts an addiction , from the lower self, " the desire or feeling of NEEDING to grab some overstimulating mind-numbing food, etc etc. This would be a gross feeling. Quite strong and difficult not to notice. 100% the time will come when you are sitting on your couch and you feel uneasy, as if something was missing, as if you need something. Once again, thats a " gross feeling " We are looking to feel the subtle feelings here. It's like a whisper from your body. Or you may also call it a whisper from your soul. It's LITERALLY TELLING YOU what to do. But do you understand the language? Do you have enough base consciousness to notice and discern this subtle feeling? Or will you let it pass by like an unread whattsapp message that you never get to ? Byron Katie said that If you fight reallity, you will lose 100% of the times. Because things are how things are, and if you wish they were different, you are doomed. Or something like that. Yes, it comes from acceptance. But don't think or have opinions about it. Leo just uploaded a great video yesterday about making nuance distinctions. Feel how different imaginary scenarios make you feel. Feel how " resisting " something feels. Feel how " accepting and embracing " something feels. Literally imagine how something would feel and not only accept it, but love it . If something triggers you, causes you emotional upheaval, then great, GREAT! That's EXACTLY what you need to love and accept. One easy area to look at is whatever makes you feel shame, whatever you judge, whatever you fear / don't want to happen, etc. Basically your shadow. Once again, the process is " Notice that something is making you suffer. Notice that you are resisting it. Accept that you are resisting it. Embrace what is making you suffer by imagining it from all the angles that come up to your mind ( and also try to feel it in your body and emotions) . Embrace , love and accept all of that. Finally watch the Bliss come. You have to allow it to be, and also make your effort to embody it and blow air . Literally Imagine physically and mentally being in a bliss state in the very present moment. Feel deeper, and deeper and deeper into it. That's how you manifest it. " I'm telling you this because ultimatelly there is only so much we can do with words, but your FEELINGS are guiding you the entire time! In the blue Kriya book that Leo recomended when his video on it came out, they call it " inner guru ". Abraham Maslow calls it " the subtle desire for Self-actualization " . It's pretty much intuition, Ill paste an excerpt from Maslow's book in a different comment. Yes and no. You gotta start somewhere, but the most effective way, once again, is by " feeling acceptance" . Once you clearly have felt the distinction between lets say resistance and acceptance / Love, you have a direct experience attached to the sounds " I accept this " , just as I have made a connection between the sound " bliss " and embodying a " bliss" state that I was talking about before. Otherwise it's just an emplty label. If I write " szczęśliwy" , you have no clue what this, because it's a foreign language and you haven't made the mental connection between those sounds and the direct experience of " being happy " ( which is what this word means ) This wall of text should be enough to point you in the right direction. You gotta do the rest if you want actually want to. Besides that, It feels like a deep appreciation and admiration of the Perfection of the present moment, and a deep feeling of Love and acceptance. Start with some direct experience reference that you have of the emotion of Love. Then Imagine it deeper, and deeper, and deeper. Being present, relaxed and focused helps. Good luck
  17. Probably. When you look closely you will see that Jesus WAS a non-dualist. Basically everything he says is identical with what Buddha and traditional Advaitans say about "truth and peace" and how to attain it. Of course many christians, buddhist and advaitans would disagree with that statement. Buddhist probably won't talk about God. Most of them won't even talk about "what is", rather than "what is not" or sunyata. Christians will talk about a monolithic omnipotent, but not necessarily omnipresent entity which they call God. And they will certainly never admit, that they are somehow related to God, other than being his servant. Advaitans will talk about fullness, and how existence, consciousness and bliss are the same thing, and everything else that can be thought and imagined is falsity. IMO these are just different approaches to the same goal which can't be described with words.
  18. @Raptorsin7 Sitting; comfortably, on my couch. No pause. The emphasis was on breathing to become undisturbed, thus everything else was put on pause for it - so to speak. The "challenge" was to open up and align the body with the breath. As well as to maintain a steady, conscious flow. Increased perception and sharpened senses were a side-effect. Euphoria and bliss, too. It took me about 30 minutes to open up fully. Then maybe another 15 to enter the pool of Love. Can't tell for sure tho. It felt like Infinity, of course. I should also mention that I started microdosing DMT recently. And although I did not smoke right before this experience, the substance must have been activated in my body during the breathwork. Anyhow... Lots of words to describe a simple and very natural phenomenon... Conscious breathing. Being. - That is Bliss. Anyone can do it. Everyone is it.
  19. @ivankiss Can you share the specific technique you used? Were you laying down? Were you pausing between breaths or just breathing continuously? How long did it take to get to the bliss?
  20. I felt somewhat trapped and uncomfortable inside my body today. It felt heavy and fatigued. So I decided to do some breathwork to align the body and create some space for the breath. I noticed that my chest was "locked" and my abdominal area was contracted. I was breathing in reverse. Lol. According to google; "The diaphragm is a mushroom-shaped muscle that sits beneath your lower-to-middle rib cage. It separates your abdomen from your thoracic area. Your diaphragm helps you breathe by lowering when you inhale, in that way, allowing your lungs to expand. It then rises to its original position when you exhale." At first it was a bit painful. I don't know if what I was doing is the "proper" way to do this - I was kinda feeling my way through. It was an intuitive thing. I started filling my diaphragm with a lot of air; pushing my belly outwards. I focused on maintaining the connection while crossing the "bridge" to the chest and shoulder area. All the way up to the crown. As the breath was travelling through the body; pockets of tension were being released. My belly, chest, shoulders, neck, head and even face... There was so much tension. And it was all being released now, with each new breath. Lots of cracks. I was slowly making my way into the body. An undisturbed flow was now established. The breath deepened. My belly was no longer contracted. Chest and shoulders were wide open. Neck and head aligned. Face muscles relaxed. I was breathing through my spine. It felt incredible. All this went down with little to no thought about the ongoing process. It was mostly just breath and feeling the whole time. But turns out; all this was only a warm up. As I continued breathing deeper and longer; I noticed my state of consciousness becoming altered; significantly. I opened myself up for something big... Enter Full Nonduality. I would surrender the breath for quite some time, after every inhale and exhale. And during these "pauses", I'd be showered with the most euphoric feeling ever. It was as if I jumped into a pool of liquid Love and Bliss. My vision would turn black for a few moments. It's kinda like when you're about to pass out. Except that you don't. Instead you remain in this blissful, euphoric, endless pool of Love. It's heaven. My vision is full HD at this point. I feel like I'm at least 12 feet tall. Barely any thought enters my mind. I recognize divine alignment and perfection in each moment. I see geometrical patterns of Light. Each beam is a portal to an entire Universe. Infinity. The body is not still for a second. It is dancing along with the waves of the breath. Slowly, gently and incredibly smoothly. Intuitively; on impulse. Without an ounce of effort. It's floating, as if it was weightless. It is now fully activated. Present and on high alert. Immersed. Ready for any command on my behalf. It is almost as if I had a bird's eye view on reality. There is this profound sense of something primal. The body is an animal. But there's also something infinitely intelligent and divine that is present. It's Light. It's Love. It's me. Oh God. There really is no end to this. There is no end to your beauty. Needless to say; I "came down", quite a bit. At this precise moment; I feel good. Centred and relaxed. Whole. I am breathing properly. I don't feel fatigued. I am present. But my frequency has definitely decreased. I am not nearly as conscious as I was. I can only imagine how life would be if I was to breathe consciously; at all times. Whoa.
  21. Dual-mind consciousness passes through the experience of pain and pleasure. Non-dual mind consciousness experiences bliss of being. Pure-mind consciousness lights-up as the love of being! This light of love is what you are made of and this light of love is what you are looking for eternally. This is the divine paradox! You are seeking the stuff you are made of! Prior to dual-mind, non-dual mind, and pure-mind consciousness states you are unconscious consciousness being witnessed by conscious consciousness. Unconscious consciousness is the eternal gap between you and you! As the dual-mind consciousness you are the beads of the divine Garland. As the non-dual mind consciousness you are the thread of this Garland. As the pure-mind consciousness you are the self-effulgent light of love unaware of any thread or any bead. As the conscious consciousness you are pure aware spacelessness aware of pure unaware space. It is pure unaware space that turns into the energy-field and it is this energy-field that lights-up as the pure-mind. Mind is the movement of consciousness into space. When this movement of mind stops totally then unaware space remains as the time-less, eternal moment being witnessed by pure aware, time-less, eternal spacelessness. Peace is the name of the constant experience. So peace is the substratum of all experiences including the experience of divine, unadulterated, spontaneous bliss and love. Your ultimate truth is peace! Apart from you nothing is. Apart from you nothing was. Apart from you nothing is going to be. You alone are. All that matters is from where you are going to look at yourself. In the body I live as pure aware spacelessness and in the pure aware spacelessness I live as a body. By: Naresh Dhull
  22. @mmKay Thanks a lot man. So you think bliss comes from a deep acceptance of what is? Does that mean repeating in my mind over and over again I accept this? What does full on acceptance look like from a direct experience pov. I feel like i'm accepting what's occurring but idk how to tell if i'm resisting or not.
  23. Haha that's actually what I plan to do lol. I'll probably be sitting in infinite realms of tangible bliss, and just roll myself a fat blunt with some purple kush ? a wee joint here and there is no harm if you are aware enough
  24. @Skin-encapsulatedego my number 1 goal is enlightenment, I'll get enlightened and die trying at this point it would take something extremely large and significant to push me off my goal of awakening. If it takes until I'm an old man, so be it, may it happen 5 seconds before i die of old age, I will achieve it. But yes, my life purpose isint clear atm. I feel my heart is to start my own business of sorts... consciousness work is making me more clever and competent. If I had to guess I would say that I'll probably be a teacher of some kind, philosophy or truth. I'll have a better idea 3 or 4 years into my path with regular 5meo and dmt retreats. It's the perpetual bliss that just sounds fun lol ?
  25. Salvia people. Had a bad trip or let me say just a horrific trauma . ended up in a game show where the guy said congratz your life as you know it was all a joke for our entertainment your life ment nothing.. for you it felt like a lifetime but is was just a few sec for the audience . after that became just a speck of dust in a bigger picture just to get used to form a whole picture. It felt like a horror that I was nothing just a small part just to get used. and after that I became my couch that dreamed was a young man living life but than rememberd I just was a couch after all this, back to reality I just lost it. I feel like life is just a game or a dream. Or do I live the same life over and over (to entertain God, or whoever is controlling the reality)? All these kinds of questions just still are interfering with my normal day to day life. It seems Mother Salvia has her own "truths" and I regret it to this day. atleast my ego is dead but maybe ignorence is bliss..... Do You notice guys how, when people experience "beautiful" things from 5-meo or dmt, people eager to accept these direct experiences as Truth. But when they experience some sinister hellish things from things like salvia, they just call it delusions? So the benchmark by which we sort out truthfull vs delusional direct-experiences, is by which experience feels more pleasant ? It seems bias, don't you think?