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  1. common error, mistaking the pure consciousness of turiya for nothingness
  2. Name dropping is not going to impress me Consciousness is not nothingness. You are conscious therefore you can't experience nothingness. A soon as you are breathing and blood is pumping through and a heart beating you it is impossible to experience nothingness People are making millions of dollars of this nothingness scam . It's selling a pet rock for $10 It's not real nothingness it's pseudo-nothingness
  3. God is nothingness, therefore absolute and infinite. Dont make a big deal. Thats what the answer is. Thats why all there is is god.
  4. God is nothingness. Nothing can not be created. Thats why god neither exist nor not exist. Because nothing is infinite. Every creation is existed from nothing, which is substance of everything. God never begins thats why can never be created, it all there is, which is now.
  5. How can ACIM say that the world today is crap? Nonduality teacher Roger Castillo, who sometimes quotes ACIM, said in a recent video that he thinks that the world is both real and also mind stuff. Something like that. Roger's view is similar to mine. And I think that the world is very valuable, or from a nondual perspective equally valuable as everything else. Jordan Peterson said in a presentation that people defend their perspectives that Leo talked about, because if someone challenges their perspective that threatens their ranking in the social status hierarchy. And in the animal kingdom that means threat of survival; in society that equals to potential loss of money. The nothingness ACIM talks about is that people give different values to different perspectives. And of course, especially our own perspective, and the perspective of our group, that is most valuable of all. That's of course a fallacy when seen from a nondual perspective. That's mindless chimp stuff, no matter how "intelligent" and "successful" the person is regarded to be. ACIM may go even deeper than that in its explanation of the world, but that's at least one reason for why the world is delusional.
  6. If I am all that exist, silence seems like the only way to be. There isnt anyone else to communicate. There is no other. Leo is teaching to nudge me to this truth. There is no leo other than me. Leo is me trying to slowly ease me into this truth, coz I am shit scared of facing this truth all at once. The only time I felt happy and ecstatic about this 'I am the only being' is when it dawned on me when I first took ayahuasca. I went and told my spiritual guide 'You are me' and laughed. I remember not meaning it in a 'we both are similar or we both are human' way. I meant literally 'you ARE me' or more clearly, you are in my imagination and is a way of me helping me to see this truth. You are my arunachala. Then I went and laid on my bed. For rest of that night and ever since then this has been anything but ecstatic for me. It is terrifying and in all my future ayahuasca (or marijuana) experiences this has come up, it feels very scary, and boring. Oh my god, how boring is it that I am the only being out there with nothingness for ever. It is so disheartening to know that I wont get to see my son "really" grow up because he doesnt really exist and is only there as my imagination. My wife and my kids and my parents and this small life of mine (which seems imaginary in that now), however petty seems much more worthy and interesting. Is that my ego resisting its death? But it has a point, doesnt it? How can I prefer nothingness over beautiful something. At first I thought I was somehow deluded and that my mind had made up this 'I am the only being, everything is my imagination' stuff and its not really true. So I didnt talk about this with my guide or fellow explorers. When everyone was talking about bathing in love, boring meaningless and terrifying didnt seem like the right answer. My mind is definitely tricking me is what I thought. But the seed was planted and as years go by I cant dismiss it easily. Its like a creeper that slowly grows on you. Leo is watering that creeper to make things complicated Why did the same "truth" seem so refreshing and liberating at first and is terrifying later? If it is true, who am i even writing this to? Is existence masturbation - Just pleasuring oneself endlessly. Coz what else is there to do? Just forget the truth, keep deluding yourself and enjoy the pleasure and pain. My previous materialist rational self would have explained this as 'delusion caused by ingesting hallucinogen and going crazy as the mind entertains crazy self referencing ideas that are impossible to prove'. Is that whats happening?
  7. This guy says Buddhism does not see God as the creator of heaven and earth, or humans. I'm really confused because I thought Buddhists mostly see enlightenment and God the same way that Leo talks about. Absolute infinity/nothingness/love. Something greater than the universe that includes and interpenetrates all aspects of it. If everything exists within God, how is God not a creator? Was everything not created just in this perfect way to maximize love? Is this guy just wrong?
  8. Infinity and Nothingness on one side & Finite and Somethingness on the other.
  9. (This is not my video) Some of you have probably seen this video. But it really did pull me out of a contracted state of consciousness. (that I had put myself in) Everything has always been perfect and right where it needs to be. We just have to accept and start experiencing it... Be willing to accept who you are, be willing to see yourself exactly as you are. "Life" doesnt need to get to a perfect state or a stage for you to feel ready to step up and accept your gift. You... are... worthy... A few months ago I wrote this to someone, but later I found out, that the message wasn't for that special someone. It was for me... "I had to go through the darkness and its dark reflections that I was identifying myself with, to be able to see the white and vague light in the distance. Once I realised that there was more to my experience than the darkness I had been surrounded by, I started pursuing the white light. And when I reached the end of darkness, I found myself blinded by the massive and all surrounding light. And then I finally realised, that Im neither the light, nor the dark. I was the thing experiencing the both. And when I clearly saw that I am nothing, I laughed and dissapeared in to the nothingness of my existence"
  10. A few days ago, I posted a question asking help to wrap my head around nothingness. Many of you gave your own insights and perspectives. Today, I was helping one of my friends to understand oneness and the epiphany hit me like a brick wall that infinity is indeed nothingness. Nothingness is so vast and boundless that it can contain Infinity, so to speak. PS- It is funny how the mental mind constantly tries to find logical explanation and fails. Sometimes this tiring is needed so that the untiring can illuminate.
  11. Nothingness is imagining everything. Just like how a white sheet of paper holds whatever is drawn on it. You can have all sorts of mystical experiences of aliens, out of body, astral realms, chakras, etc. But all of it is happening within Nothingness. All of it is Nothingness. No-self is a higher degree of consciousness than an OBE or a formed mystical experience. The highest realization is that you have no form whatsoever. There is no reason to get out of your body because you were never in your body to begin with. You are omnipresent. You cannot go anywhere because you are already everywhere and everywhere is nowhere and nothing.
  12. The thing that drives my life forward, that motivates me, is this sense that I know what I want, what path I'm on, and what I'm doing. But in reality, when I'm honest with myself once in a while, the realisation comes about that I don't really know what I'm doing, or where I'm going. And I have no idea of the substance of what I want. I really don't know why I'm here, and why we are all doing this. People have told me over and over. I've heard all the reasons. Some from culture, some from spiritual teachers. But I don't feel it. This place just feels so alien to me. Its just weird as fuck. Why do we need to drink water? Its so weird. Why do we need to eat? Its so weird. Why do we need to have sex? Its so weird. There's a trillion things that could have been created instead of eating, drinking and fucking. Procreation could have been looking at each other with different smiley faces, or cubes bouncing around, or different patterns of light. But instead its rubber our bodies against each other. Why those things? Why is that the way of surviving? What's the point of even doing these things? Why is it so important? Its not important to Nothingness. And yet here we all are, taking these things with deep importance and value. People's values are also weird. They want things which I don't want. They believe in things which I don't believe in. I totally gave up on feeling a connection with people's personalities ages ago, because we diverge so much that its literally impossible. On a metaphysical level I can connect with them, connect with them as MYself. But not on a personal level, that's definitely gone. I don't even know if they exist on a personal level, and it feels like they don't. I've never seen their soul before... which just adds to the weirdness that I find myself in, why the hell don't they exist? What are they? People look like pure aliens to me, like I just came from another universe and were dropped into this one. I feel like I'm in some alien minecraft. Where aliens are doing weird shit, placing importance on things that aren't important, and doing stuff that makes no sense. Even racism feels weird to me. Fighting over skin colour? Its like watching grass fighting over different shapes of their tips and making massive collective social dynamics and patterns happen from it. Its just so fucken weird. I just don't know what they are doing. War on drugs? so much turbulence from consumption? Have humans sat back for a minute and even thought about how weird consumption is? How we have mouths that we put stuff into it? Like that's just weird. And there they are fighting over as aspect of it... Death is so weird. So much turbulence around forms changing from one thing to another. And I don't ever remember a time when I did feel like this place was normal. The past feels imaginary, it feels like all of my past and history was created a second ago, and never happened. So was I ever normal? Was this place ever normal? Maybe it was never normal? Maybe I really am an alien from another universe? That possibility certainly feels more real than the idea that I'm a human. This possibility, this particular form, is just one out of a billion. And everyone is taking it as if its absolute, as if its the only way things can be. Consumption through the mouth is the absolute way to grow. Racism is the absolute way social problems occur. Living in a society is the absolute way of living. This universe is the only universe that exists... And all of my motivation comes from that absolute belief, that this universe is the only universe, and is the only way things can be. I eat because eating is the absolute way to grow. Its the only way to grow! No other way... Other universes don't grow in different ways... of course not! This is the only way to grow... And I just feel stuck because, everything I got out of Leo's LP course was based on this belief that this universe is the only one that exists. And all of my passion and drive and vision all comes from that. And it feels super, ridiculously insincere. Because deep down I know its not true. Deep down, I don't feel like doing anything, deep down I feel like the universe already has a plan and a vision, and my little petty ones are just distractions from the big universe's plans. So I'm in a conflict, I've got lots of social conditioning telling me to survive and be passionate about something, then I've got my inner muse telling me its all bullshit. And I don't know how to move forward.
  13. Sweet sweet innocent child - you have to learn when the adults are talking on a relative true level (within the context of human life/the dream) and when we are talking on an absolute level. But even then, most people here on this forum, even Leo, seem to often forget that even the difference between 'relative' and 'absolute' is imaginary, arbitrary and meaningless/illusory. Fundamentally, "dream/life/ego/samsara/human" is 100% identical to "Awakening/God/Nothingness/Love/Consciousness/Death/Brahman/Heaven/Nirvana There is zero difference, ultimately - it's all Oneness. So you pointing out to me that there is no others, just clearly shows your lack of understanding, especially your lack of understanding context. ❤️
  14. I am not enlightened, neither I had any OBE, but recently I am trying to do astral travel. But.... in his enlightenment video leo said that you are nothingness aka pure transparent awareness, so I can't wrap my mind around that if there is no self then how this experiences is possible, what is actually getting out of our body if there is noself ? this thing is keep bugging me whenever I try to achieve OBE. Please enlighten me on this topic, thanks! ?
  15. Terrifying terrifying. Whom am I kidding was it entire time. @actualizing25 it's a trap 'man' it's Infinite, literally Infinite no God damn limits at all and it's this. Want proof want 5 meo dmt and 5 meo dpt. See how fast it will "crawl" out of nothingness. Only drawback ia not that I actually feel it,it's I really can't BS @Nahmanymore, doesn't allow that ?
  16. Very close to awareness...I have it too, all the time. Interesting how people name it and try to define it. In my personal experience this "thingy" does not have any qualities, it is empty, close to nothingness.
  17. Paradox is essential. Thingness itself is a paradox. Because it's absolutely impossible for something to exist yet here it is. In Buddhism they talk about emptiness "sunyata". It doesn't mean nothingness or what you think of the concept of zero. But basically the lack of any substantial existence to all of phenomenon. Always changing. Insubstantial yet appears as if it's so solid and real. Tempting you to grasp at it.. Only to realize there is nothing there to grasp.. Yet it reappears again and you are decieved again like a fool.. Sweet cycle lol.
  18. Hey guys. I remembered that leo was talking about 2 orthodox Christian mathematicians that they have realized infinite and nothingness one of his episode. After they couldn’t accept it (however, they did find and accept with mathematics) because they were hard core christians. Does anyone know which video or episode was that? Thanks.
  19. The ego is a structure. That's fine except for the belief that the structure is something separate. A Course in Miracles says: The nothingness of the ego ACIM talks about is the illusion of being a separate entity. And "a form that seems like something" is the ego structure. The structure is real but it's not a separate entity. The entity called the ego is nothingness! Transcending the ego is "simply" about realizing that it's an illusion. The difficulty, or seeming difficulty, is that the structure of the ego contains a lot of hardened conflict and a shell of protection. The ego is a fear-based structure. And as long as the belief in separation remains, the shell of fear remains.
  20. You see or become yourself (nothingness or oneness) You get afraid of yourself (Nothingness to ego or birth) You find yourself (ego to nothingness or death). Someone whispered to me. Lol much love.
  21. To continune a bit -- i feel like i don't have anything and haven't achieved any of my vision, i feel cheated by my external circumstances. However i put all my effort so that i be blissfull and unclutch from everything. It throws me into that little bit of expanded state of consciousness, or that nothingness. I don't know if my life will get better to the point that i can be more creative and suffer mundane bullshit less. Honestly i am slowly considering just putting more and more time and energy on my awareness by dropping pleasures and hobbies after work and then just hopefully getting enlightened and finding a way to leave the body. This is not the only realm also, but whats the point of all realms if you don't feel free. It feels so radical that inwouldn't tell this to my dearest friends but, if i had a chance to leave now and not come back, this instant, i would do it without looking back. Everything reaks mediocrity and gain/loss suffering and pleasure dynamic.