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  1. Just curious if others experience this in conversation with others, a dissolving of sense of self, where there is just the awareness of the other speaking and the responses that come up. I’ve noticed it happening since I started therapy. It’s like being in a meditative state but able to converse and interact. I’m finding it happens as the conversation progressively becomes more open with vulnerability on both sides. It’s stands in contrast to how I typically feel when interacting with others which is slightly contracted somehow. I noticed it in therapy, presumably because it was a safe feeling space where I could speak freely without fear of judgement. I enjoy the bliss of nothingness during meditation and when two people are conscious of it it’s a really interesting and fun space to explore and speak from with another. Curious how other’s find interacting with others, in particular close family & friends and if they find themselves in this state of awareness or perhaps this is their default?
  2. @student still very useful post btw. Just wanted to say I was referring to other kind of bliss.
  3. I'm not really sure what what the parentheses mean here. If it is omittance, I understand. Still, I'm skeptical when it comes to "almost constant Bliss".
  4. If this isn't bliss then... “I opened my eyes. The first light of dawn was filtering through the curtains. Without any thought, I felt, I knew, that there is infinitely more to light than we realize. That soft luminosity filtering through the curtains was love itself…” - Eckhart Tolle
  5. @student No, you haven't understood the bliss I'm talking about. It's an euphoric bliss. It's a rush. It came out of a state of consciousness where I realized only the Present was real/existed.
  6. Pure Being = Pure or Absolute infinity = Pure or Absolute Love = Pure Absolute Nothingness Pure Nothingness is everything in a formless state or state of pure potential. Right now you are a particular form or thing. Your substrate is nothing but you are a piece of it. So you are nothing and something hehe. Once you become directly conscious that you are nothing and everthing, so shall you become it. You will be Pure Being. Your form will die though. Pure Being feels like Total Bliss or Total Love.
  7. I am reading Path to God by Ram Dass. It is a excellent read. To answer your question, i don't know what the solution is. Nonaction isn't a solution since parasitism is the first thing masses gravitate towards. Ignorance is bliss. I didnt know about the riots or protests for a long time. It was a better place to be.
  8. Enlightenment and bliss are not always synonymous. Tolle is quite comfortable in life, all his needs are met. Even so, I remember in an interview some time ago he said he still gets irritated sometimes or even angry on rare occasions.
  9. Who cares about Eckhart Tolle? Bliss is when you give your full attention to yourself. Is when you reach contentment. Don't need anything or anyone anymore. The external was a "hoax", only the internal mattered. All your desires were wrongly directed towards the exterior (people, places, objects, body, food etc.) to get those little satisfactions/highs which could have been experienced in its full intensity if you would've just sat down with yourself in silence. What is out of your experience shouldn't matter. It is useless and a waste of time. Eckhart Tolle is an external object which you have 0 knowledge of.
  10. I do not mean to ridicule anyone here or come off as an inconsiderate jerk... But this video could actually be seen as a demonstration of a method for "defeating" depression. It could ease one's burden and encourage them to slowly but surely "take things into their own hands". Their peace of mind and happiness included. If nothing else, this guy could at least put a smile on your face. And that alone can mean alot. The dude's hilarious and wokeAF, obviously My personal and maybe not that humorous advice to anyone out there who's struggling with take your time. Baby steps. One moment at a time. Nothing is more important than your wellbeing. Everything else can wait. Be with yourself. Accept help if you feel like help is needed. Put yourself first, it's totally ok to do that. Be there for yourself. Try being there with everything you're feeling, thinking or going through in any way. And if you do find yourself running away from it all over and over again...keep coming back to it. Be with yourself and your experience as often as you're able to. To the best of your abilities. Don't torture yourself tho. Especially not with judgement and shame. You are divine and awesome. Sexy, too. ...And it's totally fine to sleep 16+ hours in a day or even to barely sleep at all. It's just a phase. Let it be. You are going through a massive transformation and will surely be grateful AF for surviving something that intense. Your bravery will be rewarded with great wisdom, depth, perspective, clarity, ease, joy, bliss, love, peace, compassion and much, much more. That's why It's all totally fine. Very challenging, but fine. You are fine, too. Keep breathing. Keep going. You got this. ❤
  11. Well, i think the lesson here isn't to touch on 5-Meo but to not waste your precious time looking into conspiracy theory that might or not be true. We become what we pay attention to, go spent some time contemplating God, and Love, and Peace, and Beauty, and Bliss.
  12. I wonder if cutting his arms and legs would be perceived by him as "bliss"?. There is no permanent anything. Get real.
  13. I think so. I live in constant bliss now at least, after my awakening. So I suppose he is too, since he obv is also awake. It's a choice. Full awakening means full control. Why not live in bliss? <3
  14. @Javfly33 e.tolle is dead. Bliss lives in that body. And bliss is always bliss. Bliss is that body.
  15. It feels like I've got a new default mode to adjust to now. Some kind of is-ness feels non-abiding. So bizarre, I'm in awe and sadness at the same time tbh. Maybe I'm in a sort of spiritual high, who knows. But it definitely feels like something substantive is here now. It's very different to ecstatic bliss you might get after meditating. It feels more real. Why is it that it always feels like the journey is only just beginning? I think part of me is dead now. But whatever isn't true could never be lost anyway.
  16. Thought: Somewhat cloudy and polarized. Not too loud or distracting though. Overall; positively charged. Several good ideas. Minor downloads. Some echo and delay. Awareness over thought; rather effortless. Prolonged periods of complete silence. Sensation: Woke up with a smile, falling asleep at peace. Minor turbulence. Release of stored tension. Very satisfying resistance exercise. Some drag and some rush. Love showers. - quite a few. Floating. Bliss. Joy. Excitemen. Peace. Contractions; one or two. Overall; nicely balanced and pleasant. Perspective: Mainly clear. Beautiful moments of crystal definition. Cartoon lucidity. Light admiration. Unification of seemingly opposite points of views. Several shifts and minor collapses. Frequent jumping. Bird's eye view. Seeing the mirror. Seeing nothing. Loking back at what is. Transparency. Detachment; rather effortless. *************************************** Overview: Great Day. Nice conscious breathing. - Can be even less disturbed and more grounded. The body is opening up and becoming stronger, firmer. Decent mental and emotional balance. An invitation for improvement: patience, discipline, absolute respect and understanding. Big picture, long game. More inspired action. Less hibernation. More being - less imagination, seeking gratification, pleasure and resonance. Purify senses more. Watch out for awkward body posture. Zoom out more often.
  17. @dimitri How do you find good feeling thoughts? I've tried meditating and just letting go if thoughts as they arise, but I dont get good feelings one that come up to focus on. Did you have any experience with the crown and third eye chakra opening? That's basically all I got right now, I know if these sensations in my head can relax and release fully then I'll feel a stickiness in my head and then bliss Haha
  18. @JayG84 A lot of spiritual masters define enlightenment as being aware of reality/Truth. This reality that you're saying you are aware of, can you see/perceive it? Can you understand it? Are you that reality that you say you intuitively know? Or is reality "out there" and apart from you? If you know that everything is one and you are this oneness, are your attitudes and actions in alignment with this type of knowing? Do you feel light and loving toward all forms? I guess trying to answer these questions will shine some light on it for your and also to see if you are enlightened. I imagine that enlightenment can "happen" without knowing that you are. I recall Eckhart Tolle saying that for years he was just silent, so silent that he didn't recognise that he was silent. Like he had no thought to arise a thought of "oh.. wow.. I have no thoughts". There was just nothing. Emptiness. To address your questions directly: 1. But do you actually see the "substance" of consciousness when you awaken? There are many different stages to awakening (in my experience). It's like things are slowly revealed to you. Doors open and doors close. Sometimes we get a glimpse of something which will uncover a discovery that will slightly shift our understanding and other times we get the full-blown experience, which causes us to change immediately. Some experiences are so powerful that the old way of thinking (or thinking at all) stops. And there is just a silence. Tears can come and so can laughter, for no apparent reason at all. Personally, I am a little stuck on the "substance of consciousness" thing. The only thing I have experienced it to be is "infinity". Infinity beyond the concept of infinity. A good way to tell if you are experiencing reality or have an "awakening" experience is that it will be completely different to what you have learned or imagined. But, when you try to explain what it is (as you're having the awakening experience or moment of "seeing"), you will be saying the same thing you said when you thought you knew what it was, but it will be completely different. This is why you cannot "learn" enlightenment or reality. 2. Is this close to what they call Enlightenment? Enlightenment is an "event" or experience which can be quite profound. It's not a thought or something that you create through imagination. I believe that the reason why people sometimes call it a "non-event" is because it does not occur in time. You know that you as the truth that you are has always been and you just imagined that you were something else. You may even be able to confirm that you have never suffered in life. Not that you will no longer suffer, but that you have never suffered, and you were only imagining your suffering. Also, you may feel as though you know everything. It is like all of life's mysteries just expose themselves to you and you don't need to read anything. Like you do not need to learn it. Many "positivity" quotes that you know take on a whole know meaning. You see how some "positivity" quotes are BS and some are very profound and could have only come from an enlightened person or from someone who at least was enlightened for a period of time. It's almost like everything clicks into place intellectually. 3. Is there a definite "barrier" that you cross when you "Awaken"? Personally, I have experienced many barriers or moments of reaching the "door" or "gate" and being too scared to continue through. It is almost like you are literally fearful of your life and you feel that you will die. One of my most crazy experiences was where I have an intense awakening experience and I was dropped into nothingness. At first I was like "mad, I'm here, I did it" (very identified and spiritually un-woke thing to say at that time because when I said "I" I literally meant me as an ego "did it"). It was a silence beyond silence and an emptiness beyond emptiness. Then a few seconds into it, I sensed something arise, almost like a thought or something maybe even an emotion or energy crept up behind me and then I realised "Could I be this emptiness?" and I thought "If I'm this emptiness then anything could happen". Like I could be dropped into an everlasting pit of sorrow and torture (for literally, ever, and never to escape). I don't recall if I did or not, but I could've let out a shriek of fear and it would have pierced through utter bliss (which was what I experienced first). Later I assessed the whole experience and tried to see where I went wrong because I thought I had "broke through". I later realised that I had a lot of ego identification in that moment and a lot of fear and confusion and I identified with it. I felt like "me", "getting" enlightened - obtaining it like a lost treasure that was for me and for me only. 4. Do you go anywhere? Like waking up from the Matrix or something? From my experiences you stay where you are. It seems as though things come to you rather than you go to things. 5. Does it "Look" different? Or is Enlightenment just the knowledge of Being that brings you peace? Imagine seeing everything you look at the same way that you look at someone who you are deeply in love with, even if it's a sliced-up zucchini or something. You can literally see so much beauty that you can be brought to tears of joy. Every woman and every man look beautiful and you love them. I've had a few experiences like this and it wasn't a thought. You do not "sustain" the beauty that you see by thinking about it in a loving way. it is already amazing and beautiful before you had an opinion. 6. Or is Enlightenment just the knowledge of Being that brings you peace? Enlightenment is not knowledge, but knowledge can come from it. The peace should be there before the knowledge. 7. Is the intuitive knowledge that you are ONE and that the self is an illusion good enough? If you have to ask, "is this good enough?" then it's not good enough. This tells me that you are still looking for something other than what you already are. If this helped let me know. I apologise if my responses are a bit all over the place. I feel that I am still exposing delusions and learning about the reality that I am. I feel confident enough to guide you as I have been where you have been. Consciousness and enlightenment is a funny thing because you could have an enlightenment experience today and you could potentially surpass levels of consciousness that I have experienced. You could then come into the full understanding of life and reality and I would be there in a heartbeat taking advantage of that by asking you some of my burning questions about it lol. Peace dude Lenny
  19. At a personal/human level, what you write is important. If we want to treat the mind and body with care, we don’t want to use substances recklessly or become addicted to them. What if a person has had wonderful experiences on LSD and is miserable without them? If the person starts chasing experiences as an escape of their misery into bliss, this can cause a problem for the person. So I agree that at the human level, we should treat the mind and body kindly. For example, I would not suggest that someone’s first trip be 10 hits of LSD in a crowded train station in New York City. That would be traumatic to the mind and body. At a transcendent level to the person / human, what you write has no relevance. in this realm there is no “me”. There is no “my body”. No “my goals and needs”. My story has no more relevance than a spider in Guatemala. Notice the idea of “you want to get enlightened”. Who/what is the “you”? The mind may quickly think “Me, of course”. What/who is “me” is actually a very deep area of inquiry and exploration. This inquiry/exploration may allow for the realization that there is no “me” and that there is no “me” to get enlightened. There is no one to get enlightened. . . Also, notice the assumption of enlightenment. What exactly is this enlightenment? If “you” are not enlightened, how do you know what it is? How do you know it even exists? If I asked “Are you debkijed?”. You would have no idea if you are debkijed. Also notice how you use the term “drug” for psychedelic. That is very revealing about your mind’s relationship with psychedelics. When I lived in Peru, everyone called the psychedelic Ayahuasca “medicine”. They had a very different relationship with psychedelics. For them, it was medicine that allowed healing. . . If you went on a monthlong meditation retreat in a far away beautiful forest filled with lovely flowers and birds chirping, your chemical physiology would be dramatically altered. The neurotransmitters in your brain would be dramatically altered. This altered state of consciousness could allow for a sense of deep relaxation and the appearance of deep insights. Yet you probably wouldn’t call it a “drug” even it you biochemistry and mindset has been altered more than a psychedelic. This is a form of social conditioning in western culture. Altering one’s mindstate through meditation is “natural” meditation-induced state and altering one’s mindstate with psychedelics is an “drug-induced” state.
  20. @Galyna Meditation quiets the activity of the mind, and leads to the “permanent state” referred to as no-mind, samadhi, and satori. I use quotes on “permanent state”, because it is not a state at all, it is who you literally actually are, an infinite being, unconditional love. Maya, is the believing of thoughts, which perpetuates the delusion of believing this place is physical and you are a separate physical person in it. The experience of no-mind is not an experience at all, it is that of pure silence, absolute love & bodily sensations of bliss, all day, everyday. There is no such thing as “body”, nor “days”. There is only infinite bliss. Thought is the activity of consciousness, which is infinite love appearing as thoughts. As such, consciousness appears to veil itself, like clouds appear to veil the emptiness of the sky.