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  1. @How to be wise I'm conscious enough to know they are not conscious enough to know what they are talking about. If someone tells me "You are not God", they are straight up ignorant of nonduality. Case closed. I'm not gonna entertain their delusions any further. Being openminded does not mean that I'm tolerant of bullshit. Just the opposite. A deep understanding of nonduality makes it extremely obvious to spot who's full of shit and who hasn't reached the deepest levels yet. Egoless was promoting a dualistic Christian version of a separate God. Which is pure devilry. It's obvious these people have not even bothered to do the basic research, to read the books, let alone to have direct experiences of the advanced and subtle things being discussed here. But these devils don't just stop there. Then what they do is they use the PM system to corrupt the minds of other members behind the scenes, out of sight -- trying to recruit them to their narrow-minded ideology, slowly sowing seeds of doubt and controversy. It's devilry plain and simple. And I'm not gonna sit by and watch it unfold. Devils who come here trying to run their tricks will get slapped across the face. If you want a forum where devils run free, there are thousands of such forums available across the web that you can join. The purpose of moderation is not to censor free speech, but to weed the forum of low-quality members. It only takes a small handful of low-quality members to turn a forum into a cesspool. Because it's the low-quality members who tend to be the most devilish, the most arrogant, the biggest know-it-alls, the biggest bullshitters.
  2. There is no crisis. Just stop bullshitting and keyboard-jockeying. That's all. You are free to discuss any personal development related topic on this forum as long as you do so intelligently, without having some sort of ideological or egoic agenda. Just be chill, normal, and don't start hysterics, fear-mongering, or preaching. And don't talk with authority about nonduality unless you have lots of direct experience. And even then, speak lightly. People who start claiming nonsense like, "You are not God" will be banned. There is not going to be any discussion tolerated on this matter because it is pure ignorance spoken by a devilish ego.
  3. Enough gossip and fake controversy. Go do the work. There are people who join here who are not interested in learning, but preaching their ideas. People who I determine are here without a genuine desire to learn, will be banned. It's not hard to see people on here who are consistent BSers, and also do not understand nonduality, yet keep acting as though they do. Don't come here to teach me or others nonduality. Be here to learn and have an open mind. If anything, I am way too lax with moderation on this forum. Most people should rightly be banned for spouting their arrogant nonsense under the present of spirituality. Egoless and Source_Mystic were acting like devils. And for this they have been banned.
  4. I am not even sure if 70% of this forum will even bother to read what I post here ironically people do not like to read anything longer that a paragraph. Dont fret lazy cult members I will highlight all the essential points. He could not even do a month of meditative living with out having suicidal thoughts ! After two weeks he quit ... I ask you is that a enlightened man. Leo should have stuck with actualization and studied the process of enlightenment on his own time until he got a grasp on the fundamentals. You are an intellectual leo you absorb knowledge , yet enlightenment is not about knowledge or concept. knowledge is where your mind has been stuck since you started absorbing knowledge from as many spheres as you can as fast as you can. It has caused many problems here as people started in self-actualization and then followed you directly into a completely different discipline and you just chugged along and went back and forth confusing the shit out of a good 70% of the people here adding concept after concept, mental minusha and more intellectual concept toys for your followers to play with and parrot back here. Yet you did them a great disservice. you created a trap for all of the beginners to enlightenment work. You fed them intellectualism knowledge and concept and then you expected them to progress in a completely different system using the same rules. When you clumsily said there was "no brains" I understood what you met even better than you did because I meditated for decades and because I have a foundation in zen. Then I wrote a very detailed post about concept, language mental constructs and the difference between the actual and the symbolic world of language . IT was not revived well because every one was so focused on your clumsy attempt to describe something you had not fully internalized yet. Now two and a half years later you stand here with all you misguided and confused followers and finally get to something that should have been a fundamental lesson. You are not a good teacher of the process of enlightenment and from what I am seeing from the past and now you took to many short cuts using drugs. Witch shows your sloppy haphazard way you try to teach enlightenment. You should have stuck to the sphere of knowledge and the world of the intellectual and actualization because you have given your followers the same disease you had and continue to have regarding enlightenment practices. The process of enlightenment is not about adding knowledge it is reductive is strips away until there is nothing left but the actual. The very fact that it took you three years to breach this topic is shameful. The people that hold up this web sight that understand the process of enlightenment had that understanding before they came here and should seriously think about if they want to be associated or waste there time with a teacher that is building his brand wearing a mask of accomplishment, when in fact , you are just fumbling along clumsily winging it when it comes the process of enlightenment. This place has become a trap for too many as they try to absorb as much knowledge as they can as fast as they can while simultaneously pursuing the process of enlightenment which has the completely opposite mechanism to reduce knowledge to eliminate concept and to increase awareness. Most of the threads are not answered in a constructive manner and are this type of pseudo intellectual mystical spiritualism, extrapolated from Leo's videos instead of experienced, processed and integrated by themselves personally. I have been around I have read threads asking questions that noone bothers answers adequately. I have addressed them individually in pm and I always give them this digital copy of this book because it gives the basics at the beginning and cuts though the mental shit and intellectual land mines leo throws at you every week. so please if you want to move forward and actually understand the fundamentals now instead of three years from now stop depending on leo as a guru and read this. It is free legal digital copy in the public domain. It is on the top of my book list yet. I will not charge you for it. This best book on zen it is not watered down it will help you understand the conceptual illusion we are all trapped in and how to move past that. It is also written by D.T. Suzuki an accomplished scholar that spoke fluent Japanese Chinese and English and lived and studded with monks in a monastery. Without this man and his books zen would not even be a word in the English language. This book is out of print but this is a free legal digital copy my wife found me has been ironically archived in in India . I have read this book three times in my life and I can say it is the best book on the enlightenment process i have ever read. this copy has a few spelling errors due to a non English speaking person translating it in to eBook format. it is nothing that a critical thinker can not easy mitigate or just read it in the direct facilely copy taken directly from the book every there pages or so that contains no errors. I challenge anyone her to go look at Leos responses the bulk of them not just one all. Go dig see what you find. how one sentence responses are what he considers adequate. The truth is leo stands on the shoulders of the people here that do know better than him. He reads others theory's and regurgitates them for you weekly. When will leo ever produce a original work instead standing on others shoulders parroting theory's and concepts? leo is a mask the person he shows you is not real. If he was sincere he would actually spend some time here counseling teaching and aiding in a meaningful way. He does not do this as you can see if you look at his responses to your questions. That is all I have to say Be wise and and take the path with the least amount of confusion. seek out teachers that know the information and have internalized it instead of ones stumbling though it. Even this video does not make it clear. . "Just keep staring at you hand and you will get it" take up the practice of navel gazing while you are at it and solve the mystery of belly button lint. Good luck in all that you do Goodby ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ @Leo GuraThe user @egoless has been banned for spreading misinformation about nonduality. In the future, I will be banning more people who keep talking shit about things they do not have direct experience of. This forum is not a zone to spout off all manner of falsehood under the banner of free speech. This kind of devilry will not fly here. If you don't agree, tough titty, find yourself some other corner of the web to shout your BS to. People who keep spreading JP's BS will also be banned. I expect better of you guys. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What should your followers expect from you ? (Enter the thought police) Leo who the FU&% are to to tell people what to think and if there experience is valid you steal 99% of your information from others. leo how about yourself when the holotropic breathing issue came up you spread disinformation by saying the mechanism causing effects was excess oxygen. Instead I proved it was in fact oxygen deprivation aka hypoxia but you still have not corrected that. You can not even live up to your own standards. nor can you self correct. You are a hypocrite a plagiarist and a fraud. Your 5meo-dmt is a short cut that has robed you of any actual progress though enlightenment. you took the fast sloppy undisciplined way and it shows in what you produce and your mental state. What misinformation did he spread ? So I and all critical thinking individuates can assess for myself if you are right or wrong. If you will not state the MISINFORMATION so people can decide for themselves you will be perceived as a dictator. If you are going to start banning people you might want to explain exactly why. because when more and more people start disappearing because they disagree with you well that will be actualized.orgs downfall. I guess form your standpoint now getting rid of trouble makers instead of talking to them and resolving issues is a tactical move on your part. How many hours did egoless post and help others here how many hours did he help your brand and draw others in. How many post did he make? I see all his post are still here for you to Profit off of. Well not with me I have hidden 95% of my post and all my original content off this sight what is left is personal help I gave individuates or things I really do not care about. If you would like to ban me feel free I have not posted directly on your forum in a long while and I just focused on helping others in pm and it is not because I want to take your followers I do not want anything or anyone from this sight because I view you and your followers and influence as fruit from the Poisonous tree. You have 70% of the people here so goddam confused and so invested in you intellectual concept traps only the ones that are new to enlightenment are the ones I could help. The rest are so indoctrinated to the cult of leo I can not unfuck there minds. As for the other 30% that have acquired some enlightenment experiences they all ready had the tools before they got here. them like me you have nothing to offer. As I see though the mask of @Leo Gura. So disappear me if you will let the mass banning began I will take it as a compliment at this point. All of my experience was hard earned though years of practice. Your biggest mistake was adding enlightenment to You are quite adept at self actualization because you are intellectual and the world of concept is your play ground. That is the very reason you will stall in your process of enlightenment that continues to be you biggest weakness and trap. Attachment to information , no not attachment , addiction to information. Until you over come that you will not go any farther pretend as you may. To the followers of the cult of leo If you are smart you will stop supporting a person that hides behind knowledge and produces nothing of any consequence himself you think after all that reading all that cross referencing at the least he could do is come up with some unique points of correlation and some original ideas. Yet that is not the case he still is a cliff notes version of everything he reads. I am completely done with this sight and anyone that has to do with it. Cheers
  5. To me, this is a broad form of moral relativism - not nonduality. You are saying that how people interpret data is relative to them and there are an infinite number of interpretations of pedophilia and none of them is truth. That is moral relativism. One can take it one level higher and claim that there are an infinite number of interpretations of moral relativism and each of those is relative to the person and none of them is truth. That would be relativism. I think relativism is at a higher level than rationalism - not due to complexity. Rather, because relativism is so much more unpalatable than rationalism (for most people). Orange stage rational thinkers hate relativism. I have found that relativism can be a huge trigger for Orange and relativists can be incredibly annoying to have discussions with. All they need to do is keep saying "Well, that view is just relative to you - it's not true". It's green/yellow level thinking that can get unhealthy. A person can go around causing harm and keep saying "Your interpretation is just relative to you. That is just one interpretation of an infinite number of interpretations". For example: An alcoholic loses his job and beats his children - she confronts him saying "Your drinking is harming the family, you need to get help". He responds "Your interpretation is relative to you. My interpretation is that I am a wonderful father. There are an infinite number of interpretations - none are true". Relativism is a powerful tool of thinking - but it can be used in unhealthy ways. That's why objectivists hate it so much.
  6. You're right. I didn't have sex with pedophiles when I was a child. I am not a pedophile myself, either. I don't have direct experiences with pedophilia. Notice that you have a specific way of interpreting raw data. I just noticed that I had one, too. People interpret children's relative naivety in one way or another. In one of Leo's videos, he said that there are infinitely many ways to interpret raw data and none of them is truth. Given what he said on this thread, he is very likely to object that that argument is related to nonduality and doesn't pertain to social issues. But, for me, there is no clear separation of nonduality teachings from other things. I was deluded about the whole topic of pedophilia. But, others are deluded about it too because they don't have direct experiences, either. It's like two blind persons talking about the shape of a skyscraper by touching it on the ground level. Once you recognize that you were adding interpretations upon interpretations to raw data, you will not be so sure about your opinions. I guess I was trying to demonstrate that we take our bullshits too seriously. Let me add more bullshits. I'd like to add that any degree of intelligence that you have as a human is tiny compared to infinite intelligence which also manifests itself in social structures and education system. Infinite intelligence is the order of the whole system. The order of a whole society is also part of infinite intellgience. In specific configurations of society, it may not be safe to have sex until age 30. In other specific configurations, it may be safe for most children to have sex due to infinite intelligence scaffolding human intelligence. We can talk eloquently and have various kinds of sex because of infinite intelligence, not because of human intellect. Without social structures, you can't even speak human language. Human intellect would become very primitive like a chimpanzee without the help of infinite intelligence. Human intellect is the work of infinite intelligence. Look at what happens to people who spend their first years with animals. Beyond a certain point, such people cannot learn human language until death. If you were raised by wolves, you would act like wolves until death. You acquire wolf intelligence. I suspect that we assume children are incapable of safe sex because we attribute our results to human intellect. What's great is not human intellect, but infinite intelligence. Even, chimpanzees beat human mind in some areas. If you tap into infinite intelligence the right way, an 8 years old child can get a PhD. If you don't tap into infinite intelligence, you might even give up getting a PhD at age 35. I think the same can apply to sex. I hypothesize that with the right structures, it's possible for infinite intelligence to make people good at sex before they hit puberty. It's basically infinite intelligence accelerating learning process. Our current model of bureaucratic education system is extremely inefficient. Infinite intelligence is an aspect of God. God can surely make people good at sex before they hit puberty. But, it's just a hypothesis, and I know that it is just another interpretation of raw data. Ignore me if you think I'm bullshitting.
  7. Leo should have stuck with actualization and studied the process of enlightenment on his own time until he got a grasp on the fundamentals. You are an intellectual leo you absorb knowledge , yet enlightenment is not about knowledge or concept. knowledge is where your mind has been stuck since you started absorbing knowledge from as many spheres as you can as fast as you can. It has caused many problems here as people started in self-actualization and then followed you directly into a completely different discipline and you just chugged along and went back and forth confusing the shit out of a good 70% of the people here adding concept after concept, mental minusha and more intellectual concept toys for your followers to play with and parrot back here. Yet you did them a great disservice. you created a trap for all of the beginners to enlightenment work. You fed them intellectualism knowledge and concept and then you expected them to progress in a completely different system using the same rules. When you clumsily said there was "no brains" I understood what you met even better than you did because I meditated for decades and because I have a foundation in zen. Then I wrote a very detailed post about concept, language mental constructs and the difference between the actual and the symbolic world of language . IT was not revived well because every one was so focused on your clumsy attempt to describe something you had not fully internalized yet. Now three years later you stand here with all you misguided and confused followers and finally get to something that should have been a fundamental lesson. You are not a good teacher of the process of enlightenment and from what I am seeing from the past and now you took to many short cuts using drugs. Witch shows your sloppy haphazard way you try to teach enlightenment. You should have stuck to the sphere of knowledge and the world of the intellectual and actualization because you have given your followers the same disease you had and continue to have regarding enlightenment practices. The process of enlightenment is not about adding knowledge it is reductive is strips away until there is nothing left but the actual. The very fact that it took you three years to breach this topic is shameful. The people that hold up this web sight that understand the process of enlightenment had that understanding before they came here and should seriously think about if they want to be associated or waste there time with a teacher that is building his brand wearing a mask of accomplishment, when in fact , you are just fumbling along clumsily winging it when it comes the process of enlightenment. This place has become a trap for too many as they try to absorb as much knowledge as they can as fast as they can while simultaneously pursuing the process of enlightenment which has the completely opposite mechanism to reduce knowledge to eliminate concept and to increase awareness. Most of the threads are not answered in a constructive manner and are this type of pseudo intellectual mystical spiritualism, extrapolated from Leo's videos instead of experienced, processed and integrated by themselves personally. I have been around I have read threads asking questions that noone bothers answers adequately. I have addressed them individually in pm and I always give them this digital copy of this book because it gives the basics at the beginning and cuts though the mental shit and intellectual land mines leo throws at you every week. so please if you want to move forward and actually understand the fundamentals now instead of three years from now stop depending on leo as a guru and read this. It is free legal digital copy in the public domain. It is on the top of my book list yet. I will not charge you for it. This best book on zen it is not watered down it will help you understand the conceptual illusion we are all trapped in and how to move past that. It is also written by D.T. Suzuki an accomplished scholar that spoke fluent Japanese Chinese and English and lived and studded with monks in a monastery. Without this man and his books zen would not even be a word in the English language. This book is out of print but this is a free legal digital copy my wife found me has been ironically archived in in India . I have read this book three times in my life and I can say it is the best book on the enlightenment process i have ever read. this copy has a few spelling errors due to a non English speaking person translating it in to eBook format. it is nothing that a critical thinker can not easy mitigate or just read it in the direct facilely copy taken directly from the book every there pages or so that contains no errors. I challenge anyone her to go look at Leos responses the bulk of them not just one all. Go dig see what you find. how one sentence responses are what he considers adequate. The truth is leo stands on the shoulders of the people here that do know better than him. He reads others theory's and regurgitates them for you weekly. When will leo ever produce a original work instead standing on others shoulders parroting theory's and concepts? leo is a mask the person he shows you is not real. If he was sincere he would actually spend some time here counseling teaching and aiding in a meaningful way. He does not do this as you can see if you look at his responses to your questions. That is all I have to say Be wise and and take the path with the least amount of confusion. seek out teachers that know the information and have internalized it instead of ones stumbling though it. Even this video does not make it clear. . "Just keep staring at you hand and you will get it" take up the practice of navel gazing while you are at it and solve the mystery of belly button lint. Good luck in all that you do Goodby @Leo GuraThe user @egoless has been banned for spreading misinformation about nonduality. In the future, I will be banning more people who keep talking shit about things they do not have direct experience of. This forum is not a zone to spout off all manner of falsehood under the banner of free speech. This kind of devilry will not fly here. If you don't agree, tough titty, find yourself some other corner of the web to shout your BS to. People who keep spreading JP's BS will also be banned. I expect better of you guys. What misinformation did he spread ? So I and all critical thinking individuates can assess for myself if you are right or wrong. If you will not state the MISINFORMATION so people can decide for themselves you will be perceived as a dictator. If you are going to start banning people you might want to explain exactly why. because when more and more people start disappearing because they disagree with you well that will be actualized.orgs downfall. I guess form your standpoint now getting rid of trouble makers instead of talking to them and resolving issues is a tactical move on your part. How many hours did egoless post and help others here how many hours did he help your brand and draw others in. How many post did he make? i see all his post are still here for you to Profit off of. Well not with me I have hidden 95% of my post and all my original content off this sight what is left is personal help I gave individuates or things I really do not care about. If you would like to ban me feel free I have not posted directly on your forum and I just help others in pm and it is not because I want to take your followers I do not want anything or anyone from this sight because I view you and your followers and influence as fruit from the Poisonous tree tree. You have 70% of the people here so goddam confused and so invested in you intellectual concept traps only the ones that are new to enlightenment are the ones I could help. the rest are so indoctrinated to the cult of leo I can not unfuck there minds. As for the other 30% that have acquired some enlightenment experiences they all ready had the tools before they got here. And to them like me you have nothing to offer. As I see though the mask of @Leo Gura. So disappear me if you will let the mass banning began I will take it as a compliment at this point. All of my experience was hard earned though years of practice. Your biggest mistake was adding enlightenment to You are quite adept at self actualization because you are intellectual and the world of concept is your play ground. That is the very reason you will stall in your process of enlightenment that continues to be you biggest weakness and trap. Attachment to information no not attachment addiction to information. until you over come that you will not go any farther. If you are smart you will stop supporting a person that hides behind knowledge and produces nothing of any consequence himself you think after all that reading all that cross referencing at the least he could do is come up with some unique points of correlation and some original ideas. Yet that is not the case he still is a cliff notes version of everything he reads. I am completely done with this sight and anyone that has to do with it.
  8. Don't muddle contexts. That was a discussion about nonduality. This is a discussion about something else. Your ego is over-exaggerating. No man goes to prision for accidentally bumping his hand into a woman's ass. Your mind is cherry picking this stuff to create a victim mythology for yourself. You are still stuck in Orange so Green is over your head. Like I said, you will precieve equality as disempowerment. Power is being taken away from you to equalize the playing field. The solution is to stop clinging to power and stop acting aggrieved. If you actually cared about equality you would willingly acknowledge the systemic inequalities which exist for women and minorities. But that would put you at Green, which you still aren't developed enough for.
  9. @Leo Gura seems like most all of your videos and teachings are focused on pre-enlightenment, or leading up to enlightenment. Then there are many videos on how to reach a Nonduality state. But there doesn't seem to be videos on post-enlightment. If realizing one is God/Infinity/Truth, and that you do not exist, and there is no anything, as it's all an allusion that you can wake from, is not full Enlightment. And there are actually, as you say, many depths and levels to enlightenment one must learn to reach permanent Nonduality Enlightenment (I'm assuming that's the main goal?). Then could you please do a video covering all these many depths and levels? How does one one attain a permanent Nondualistic state? How does one that is fully enlightened opperate in the world? Would they even be able to? Would they need to retain some Ego to opperate in the world, cause in a total Nondual state there would be no separation of anything? And if so, then it sounds like one could never be fully Nondual and interact in the world, is that how it works? If it is possible, how could a person who has no Ego interact in the world? How would they interact with others? How could they navigate any kind of relationships with others, with no Ego? The deeper one goes up these levels of enlightenment, do they typically find it harder and harder to be in society? What are the pifalls, traps, desired outcomes of each of these levels? I think it'd be very helpful to have this area fleshed out. I know once I do 5-Meo and hopefully have my Ego and Identy disappear, become Nondual, know Infinity/Truth; afterwards, info like this would be invaluable. After waking up from an enlightenment experience, once the Ego starts seeping back in, it would be nice to know how to retain this state. Having the knowledge to navigate post-enlightenment and all the many different levels of enlightenment, Knowing what are the highest levels, would all be immensely valuable. Anywho, hope you consider it. Would love to hear your thoughts on this possibility.
  10. @SoonHei I would consider losing one's self into an experience as a form of nonduality. For example, a person experiences a moment of such profound love that there is no time or self. Only the experience of love. This is one of multiple manifistations of nondual experiences I've had.
  11. really good read good pointers too
  12. @Elisabeth All the meaning in the universe, in actuality, is your thinking. The universe, in actuality, is Being / You. The word experience is somewhat problematic for this because it gets used haphazardly. One clear way to see this (imo) is by deduction of the double slit & observer. One who knows their true nature only sees resolve, one who does not know their true nature will continue thinking, leading to theories like Many Worlds, etc, there’s a bunch of them but that one has become popular as “it is supported by math”. In actuality there is One, and every person is the One, not “many worlds” which “individuals” are in. Of course this is also completely wrong. With awareness of each arising thought, we can become aware of each thought’s root. I would loosely say that each thought arises from a false understanding of reality, primarily from the a priori “ I “. In this sense, each thought would otherwise naturally resolve, because it would not have arisen. Because you are the Truth, the sensations in the body are always communicating the variance between Truth, and a false view/thought held (emotion). Eventually, thoughts do not arise in the commonly referred to manor, monkey mind resolves, and reality is seen as it is. (They all root back to nonduality.) Then, there is the actuality of love (not an “emotion”). But ya. Meaning, all you. Wild, no?
  13. Hi, I'm kind of getting clueless about my whole journey, and it's literally driving me insane. I've been seeking enlightenment for the past five years, some moments more intense than others, but lately it's getting really crazy, and i can't seem to stop it. I'm reading books, watching video's etc about Nonduality non-stop and it's taking all my free time. I want it to stop, but i know that's not in my control. I've had moments of total frustration ( like now ) where i would throw in the towel and tell myself i'm done with it, only to wake up the next day, wanting to start again. People are telling me that i must be grateful to have fallen on this path, but i can't honestly say that i am, and sometimes i wish it never happened at all. If there was a pill i could take to end this obsessive seeking, i would definitely take it and be done with it. I'm probably not the only one that is having this inner conflict. Any advice?
  14. Leo and I see this issue very differently: (1) Leo: Maya is none other than God, Brahman, and the Absolute. (2) Me: God is not Maya. Maya is a literal illusion. ----------------------------------- (1) Leo: Nonduality means embracing both, not elevating one over the other. (2) Me: Who is doing this embracing? ----------------------------------- (1) Leo: Relative and Absolute must be ONE. God's creation is not separate from God, it IS God! (2) Me: Relative Truth is an illusion. There's only one reality. Reality doesn't have facets. ----------------------------------
  15. You are still thinking in dualities. Maya is none other than God, Brahman, and the Absolute. You cannot get rid of Maya. Nor should you want to. Maya is all form. But form is not other than formlessness. Nonduality means embracing both, not elevating one over the other. Relative and Absolute must be ONE. God's creation is not seperate from God, it IS God!
  16. Yep. +1 A lot of people who criticize this stuff hasn't actually put deep thought and effort into pursuing this stuff. So they see the very surface level. Its like a kneejerk interpretation without truly trying to figure out what the person means. Viewing nonduality through a materialistic lens is like trying to see the other side of a 1 sided window from the blind side. Prior to nonduality I was a very skeptical atheist. I pursued nonduality solely because I wanted to understand this perspective being shared and just under a year of following this path I have found great progress. Thats not dangerous in of itself. Psychedelic drugs can genuinely give you a lot of insight. For instance it was psychedelics that showed me I blindly followed my culture. Such as what was and wasn't proper attire for certain situations. Thats not based in fact thats a subjective opinion based in culture. A lot of our morality also derives from that. This is something you can rationalize even from a hard materialist perspective. It strips a lot of social programming and you can dig very deep into yourself. Its been stated many times to 1. Do your research before doing a drug. 2. Psychedelics can definitely give you delusional thoughts. This is why the integration period in sobriety is important. 3. Psychedelics aren't guaranteed to enlighten you. They simply just have a high capacity to do so. You can give advice after advice on how to do a drug safely but there will always be people who don't heed warnings. Which at that point I'm not going to blame Leo for it. Psychedelics for this kind of work has been used for centuries. Probably longer. If you shrug off psychedelics because its a drug then you are simply putting too much value into sobriety over altered states of consciousness. Neither is more accurate than the other
  17. @Violinpracticerdude Please take a few minutes to research and learn what nonduality is. It would eliminate all of your questions so far.
  18. @cetus56 well, I don't know! It gets confusing when you have a grasp of nonduality, but in the dream of smelling flowers, I still felt like "me". You would think in this looser reality the boundaries of self would dissolve or at least be more fluid, but we still maintain a self in dreams that is at least somewhat similar to the selfs we think we are. I have been other people in dreams before though, and have witnessed things through other dream character's eyes, so in a way I suppose the boundaries of "self" are a bit loose. I definitely won't assume that it was in any way "my" dream, but of course there's no easy way to explain it when it felt like me experiencing it and I felt like I had choice and what-not. Just like in this reality, whatever that is.
  19. Toby, enlightenment has been mythologized quite a bit. It has also been said that the enlightened are aware of all their past lives. Assuming you are on board with ultimately nothing is separate...nonduality...advaita, there is something to ponder and question. All major states of consciousness (waking, dreaming, sleeping) are referring to are of one body/mind. All the past lives too refer to one individual. If there is no other or separation, then why would having more awareness of this specific body/mind really matter? Are you constantly aware of every inch of your skin...consciously...all of the time? Do you fantasize that one who is enlightened would be? There may not be conscious awareness of every inch of your skin every second, but don't believe there is a lack of awareness at any time for any piece of skin. Prick it with a needle and you instantly are aware of it. That is the Unborn mind - as Zen Master Bankei put it. It is not a matter of conscious awareness, because there is much the subconscious will notice that the conscious mind does not. Do you believe that there is no subconscious mind for one who is enlightened and it is all conscious? It is not a matter of being are that Awareness. Even now, when you wake up in the morning you say you slept very well. Part or even much of the night was deep dreamless sleep, but you say you slept very well. Why? Because you were aware. You never cease existing in the middle of the night. How do you know? Because you were aware. You might learn to be consciously a lucid dreamer...even when dreaming knowing it is a dream and keeping awareness. You might even learn how to do this in deep dreamless sleep. But do not make it a requirement of enlightenment. As it pertains to one specific body/mind...and you are really the All/Oneness, such a skill is not really needed. It is kind of like the long as there are no objects (planets, etc.) there is no light to be seen. A sun with nothing around it is just in blackness. In deep dreamless sleep, there are no it appears to be void...nothingness. And so it is experienced as nothing for me. I have no interest in gaining some skill in being consciously aware of nothingness for hours on end. I also have no interest in gaining the skill to know all of my past lives. I am not really this body/mind...or conscious awareness. I am all awareness...conscious, subconscious, superconscious, etc. What you are asking about has no relevance to enlightenment (IMO) - and is over focusing on the body/mind when you are Oneness/Everything. It is over-focusing on some kind of "me" that retains conscious awareness. Enlightenment is far more about realizing there is no other (seeing through the illusion of duality) and the cessation of suffering. You are the one shining the sun...whether you are conscious of it or not. You don't have to be conscious of it all, nor is it a requirement of enlightenment to be conscious of it all.
  20. Its only a monster and sadomasochistic if you see it that way Solving the relativistic dilemma of good/bad moral/immoral was something I sought to figure out for years even before I knew nonduality existed, but it was only prior to finding nonduality did I even get a solution proposed to me. If you actually go back and read the Bible with a nondual context it makes far more sense than it ever did. I'm pretty sure there are books out there that put Christianity into a nondual perspective. Nonduality was also very popular with the ancient Egyptians and greeks. (Where hermetic philosophy derives from) And considering that psychedelic use has been insanely popular throughout human history and they typically point you towards nonduality, you start to see a overall big picture in all of these ancient texts that seemingly everybody missed. You can call it a repackaged form of God but thats such a bland statement because the term "God" isn't as magical and mystical as people make it out to be. In short it can be summed down to your creator. Well remember YOU are this big infinite singularity. And that created you, so it is God. Which also means you are God. But there are so many notions and connotations people hold with the word "God" I tend to use it sparingly. Hermetic philosophy was one of my first introductions to nonduality in which it sort describes the universe as one giant living mind. Like your mind, but infinite and you are contained in it. Everything you are is a derivative of what reality is capable of. Bunch of other stuff like absolute truth and relative truth etc etc If you'd like to take a read:
  21. You’ve been high on nonduality the withdrawals will be metaphysical play with fire and you will get burnt
  22. @Nic Turquoise, then nonduality. Physical stuff, achievement, and thinking is a shadow. Live in & give your light of unconditional love, compassion, and communicate the understanding of suffering. You’ll need to go through ALL of your own bullshit, so you can help others realize theirs. Otherwise, they’ll convince you circumstances are king, and also trigger “you”. The success you’re looking for is pure Joy.
  23. @DrewNows It’s of course up to you, all roads lead to nonduality. Mine is one thing at the buffet. The buffet is all yours.
  24. @Bob Saget Yeah... that's how mushrooms can be, especially when you're so inexperienced and you take a dose of 3.5g. Your first dose should have been 1g. What happened was, the mushrooms were showing you nonduality but it is far too radical for you to accept upon first contact. The Truth is too overwhelming and the ego recoils in horror. The mind gets lost inside itself -- this produces the sense of insanity and hell. As you develop and become more conscious, and as you trip more, you become better able to surrender to Truth without struggling with it, and the trips becomes deeply enjoyable and profound beyond anything you can imagine. The more conscious you are, the more you meditate, the better you are able to control your mind during the trip. People with no meditation experience and monkey mind will get lost inside their own minds on mushrooms. Your mistake was starting with such a high dose. Dozens of trips are required to slowly get a feel for how to surf in the psychedelic headspace. Every trip builds on the previous. No two trips are the same. With each trip you figure out a bit of the puzzle. Mushrooms are one of the most challenging psychedelics at higher doses. They can get really twisted and they can easily butt rape you. Especially if you're egotistical and cocky. Don't get scared off. Just get more serious and lower your dose to something you can handle. Getting humbled by a psychedelic is a very good lesson. It lays the foundation for all future psychedelic work.
  25. It appears that what you actually believe is that your logic is more powerful than your feeling / vibration. That you need someone else to be happy, and that you can attract that someone else through a mindset of codependency & conditional love. That taking risks gets you into trouble. That rejection = pain. Furthermore, you believe this all applies to everything. That believing in yourself is stupid. That you must suffer when things don’t go as planned. These beliefs are how you feel, all the logic in the world has nothing on how you feel, and what you really believe about yourself, because, you are literally creating your own reality. Put how you feel first. Do not make conditions to your feeling good. Do not give the universe ultimatums. Do not blame. Put how you feel, first. Your power is not conditional, stop minimizing yourself. It is all pervasive, ever-present, it moves mountains, and creates universes - believe in yourself. Living through conditional happiness, is suffering. When you create this suffering, when you doubt & limit yourself, your inner being will not go there with you. It can’t. It is infinite intelligence, and unconditional love & happiness. It can not be otherwise. It does not pretend otherwise when you do. It is perfectly natural for you, to let go of your resistant thoughts of self doubt. The universe says yes to what you focus on. The “secret “ that anyone in nondual awareness knows, is nonduality. There is only you. So when you blame, assign fault, justify failure, etc - it is readily seen, that you are kidding yourself, short changing yourself - you are what is in your way - not someone else. It is readily seen, that you are experiencing exactly what you are attracting. There is not, nor has there every been, an example to the contrary.