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  1. I didn't watch the videos, but I haven't watched any of Leo's either. How can people accept ..the kingdom of God is within us...from the Bible and reject other parts? It also says Satan masquerades as an angel of light and seeks to devour and destroy. It says Jesus is the only way to the father. All paths don't lead to the same place. That is a lie that is being believed by even some Christians. The Bible doesn't say that. I am not saying nonduality and Christianity can't cooexist (neither am I saying they can, I do know know.) When ever you are experiencing the Absolute, know that it may not be the true God you are merging with. I only mention these things for those contemplating Christianity. If you are not, just as Pharoahs heart was hardened, you will not believe me anyway, and that is your choice. If this is against forum rules please delete. I will not be offended.
  2. Dude, captivating. I believe you experienced what you say you did, for what that’s worth. WHAT DID HE ASK YOU??? I’ll let you know what I see. I’ve had nondual / pure/only, experiences, but I had one which was “outside” of nonduality, which of course in words makes no sense at all. Of all I’ve read and heard, only one person described this same experience. What you’re saying is intriguing and I appreciate your openness and sharing very much. What did he ask you!!!! Heck of a cliff hanger man!
  3. @Sockrattes Did you experience the elves, then learn about McKenna’s experiences, or the other way around? The absolute is called the absolute because it’s absolute. There’s really no possibility of mistaking it, as, it is the absolute. Once experienced, it would not matter to you what anyone called it / you, that’s how absolute it is. Also, how does the term ‘nonduality’ register with your experiences? (If at all, not trying to assume anything)
  4. @Psyche_92 Very nice. The direct experience of ego death and full nonduality can be sooo beautiful.
  5. @Amanda R Batista It sounds like you have experience with personal development and you are engaged in common personal development techniques. Your comments about metaphysics, Leo's love video and mystical love experience suggests you are drawn toward something beyond personal development that involves an awakening of the heart. My hunch is that nonduality may resonate with you. If you want to explore this area, I would recommend finding a nondual teacher or two online. Based on the feel of your post, I would recommend Lisa Cairns for you. She has a youtube channel with lots of videos. I recommend starting with videos over the last six months. She teaches from her heart and doesn't over-intellectualize. As well, she is balanced between personal development and nonduality - which I think may resonate with you.
  6. I am in your similar situation. I just rejected following all sects because the way they developed is through power transition and collective egoism. These People sided with this companion of Muhammad and became this major denomination while other companions choose that person and they became the companions, while those who rejected both called Mu'tazilites(Isolationists) who accepted rationality and philosophical inquiry and later gave birth to the sufi mystics who are as muslim as was the prophet. Civil war broke as result of who sided with whom and they fought aggressively with so much blood in name of who has the sole divine right to say that he represent allah or nonduality, this insanity continues until today. Everyone by definition is a Muslim(one who total surrender to will of god or non-dual universe or circumstances laid by this non-physical, indivisible, non-dimensional god) because he was born on state of fitrah(complete surrender when they were babies and toddlers, not being able to take care of themselves and completely surrender to their care givers and many die due to lack of care) Life is struggle and as Prophet said"The strong believer is preferable in the eyes of god, than weak believer". Just stay strong and years pass quickly. Our lives are short and things get better with time.
  7. 1. Have someone punch you in the face. 2. Then immediately try to pretend you did not just get punched in the face. Truth / Nonduality is not mistakable, like the punch in the face is not mistakable. “Yeah but what about.....what if....this guy’d have to admit it’s possible that.....this one time don’t know.........anybody could be.......” - clearly you skipped step 1.
  8. @Nondescript I hear you, and I respect your faith ??. I think the more you look into yourself, the more you’ll find a really delightful, complete, and even infinitely funny, compatibility. “I am that I am”, and “The kingdom of heaven is within”, are of the wisest most insightful words ever written. Not to mention this little doozy...gets me every time!..... "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” I like to take that as, he didn’t say, “Unless you get real serious and figure everything out...” I like to think he means, keep it light, fun, compassion, play. When I think about the possibility of the merging of nonduality, Christianity, and what you have overcome in your life - and what that stands to do for others - goosebumps man, chills. Very happy and excited for you.
  9. @Nondescript Welcome to the forum. You’re at the right place. Lots of people here sharing very similar experience, trying to make sense of things, and helping each other out. I relate a lot with what you shared. Specifically the ‘inconsistent reality’ of electronics. I agree with you, there is a higher power, and I suggest it is showing you the possibilities of tuning into the subtleties in ‘everyday reality’. In my experience, there is infinite intelligence, infinite love, at play. This infinity appears as objects, people, etc - everyday stuff. But it is not everyday stuff, it is a miracle. Sounds like you were fortunate enough to experience a big phat dose of this. We’re all a little jelly. ? Perhaps what you experienced, is at the least, on the fringe of nonduality, or maybe, a strong inclination of it. That will probably be confusing af for a bit, but ultimately, it is the most worthwhile discovery, and relationship possible. There is an ‘impression of me as an individual’ which gets purged, or purified, as the delusion of this begins to be noticed, and eventually realized. Doubts & fears will be triggered, because none of them are true, nor were they ever true. Love is true, you are true, all is well - is actually true. The brain’s gonna try to hang on to perspectives to the contrary of this. As it does, use everything at your disposal, meditation, exercise, videos by nonduality teachers, clean eating, and be as open and honest as you can - make use of the forum. As you’re continuing to wake up, careful with what you share with people who are deluded with duality, they will think you are crazy. You are certainly not crazy. This is going to lead to things so wonderful, that you can’t even imagine right now, and most people, unfortunately, will never relate or investigate for themselves. The forum is a fine community for sharing these things. Don’t suppress or ignore, share. Give Jim Carrey a search on Youtube. He’s done some ‘fractal outbursts’, etc, and it might be comforting to see someone else going through the phases of waking up. It’s not happening ‘in your head’, you are not psychotic, there is most definitly God ☺️. A book or two, and some videos on nonduality will reveal to you much peace. Meditation also. That is why this is happening. Because you’re ready, and you can handle it. You’re waking up, to the adventure of a lifetime, follow that tease, those breadcrumbs of bliss. All is well. It’s supposed to be fun - but that will always be up to you. This kinda sums of life nicely, doesn’t it?..... “physical manifestations along with mystical experience”
  10. I don't know if this is too nitpicky, but the eyes don't make the distinction as all it does is transfer information. It has to be processed. Something that is very fast and doesn't inherently depend on thought. Identification does i'd say. But separation of things in sight seems to be automatic. Lots of things are happening outside of your conscious awareness. Calling duality the same as distinction depends on perspective. I wouldn't call duality or distinction inherently false as what it is fragmenting is there, but it can distract from seeing the whole. So it ends up becoming very illusory. Many in nonduality seek to make the nondual intellectual understandings shift into awareness. To experience nonduality instead of just learning the concept of it.
  11. Well, I never said it mattered. Leo only argued about the general tendency of Buddhist teachings and notice he promoted more integral teachings. This post is about Buddhism so it makes sense to address about specific cautions and criticisms about Buddhism but you seemed to take that as some exclusion to other teachings. You sound like me when I transitioned from Christianity to Atheism. Its very simple: Distinction creates dualities and so on. So its as subjective as morality. So really as a whole all you have is just everything as one thing. aka nonduality. Our "creator" is the most fundamental form/substance of everything. That is what those on the nondual path often defines as God which therefore makes you it. Separating you and God is nothing but a distinction you create.
  12. @Emanyalpsid If anybody is following Leo blindly without putting into the work to verify it for themselves then they are already doing it wrong. Leo has always promoted not to just believe him but to put what he says into practice and truly figure out if it works or not. Everything he has said is nothing new. Nonduality has existed for thousands of years. Yes spiral dynamics can be used to dismiss people because people stuck in a specific part of the spiral don't see the inherent problems with it while those above it do. Turquoise has problems too, it'll take rising above that to figure it out though. All SD does is explain their way of thinking. You don't need drugs to experience such things, they just accelerate the growth of it. If somebody has an either-or thinking mentality you'd likely dismiss that too because its a false dilemma.
  13. Don’t you see we are saying the same? Coral is not in duality of identity silly head. When have you ever experienced verbalizing such things as “them being closed minded”, without soon discovering nonduality again? Who are them, Robert?
  14. An understanding of nonduality is not nonduality, it’s a filter on duality, resulting in confusion. An idea of infinity, or death, is not infinity, or, “death”. Help people understand the self imposed nature of suffering, consciousness is not an identity in dualism, it’s all there is.
  15. @Faceless @Joseph Maynor Hello my old friends, as I see, you guys are still locked in nonduality paradigm. I challange you to forget that conditioning. I challange you to stop all of your practices for a month. Try to integrate back to normal life (or as we would call it duality). Observe the changes and then let’s talk after a month. I want to show you that what appears the Truth to you now is no more than conditioning of your subconscious over the long period of time. Be more open minded. Challange your worldview, challange your Truth. I did and I broke it down. I went through 4 completely different worldviews over the past 3 years and I finally found the true one. the Truth is you always have a worldview whether you are aware of it or not. Whether you are “enlightened” or not. You perceive reality always as you are... but reality is one.
  16. Jesus does not “fix” challanges. Through only Jesus I can be purified. He died on the cross to save me, you and all of humanity. He transforms me in an unbelievable way. I was able to quit most of my bad habits since I have been touched by him. Moreover, he completely ended my nonduality and meditation addiction. But back then I was not aware that those could be addictive...
  17. I had been what you would call “Enlightened to nonduality” and I reversed everything back. Now you judge.
  18. Spiral dynamics is a tool for advancement on the Mind watch out! Nonduality rises after one integrates all. But is not accurate. The tool is very good for the right side of the matter. To tap into the middle side of the matter, there is no more matter.
  19. @Shin I would not introduce words like "Spirituality" or "Nonduality" or "The Path". They just become a virus of the ego. I would start with the simple question of "what do you want?". If he/she doesn't want anything there is no need for teaching in the first place. And if he/she wants something, then the teaching and style of teaching is relative to that wanting something.
  20. I am not here to argue with those who want to stay asleep and ignorant, but to show the way of Jesus to those, who are close to waking up and want to end the nonduality delusion!
  21. This is a question directed specifically at @Leo Gura, but I would love to hear everyone's view on this issue. Does the Spiral Dynamics theory imply that one can enter the domain of Spirituality / Deep Metaphysics more easily if he has first entered stage Turquoise? To clarify the question a bit: Would it be easier to embody Enlightenment / Absolute Infinity if one has already reached Turquoise as opposed to someone who is at stage Red or Blue or Orange, for example. I ask this because of 2 things: I gather that Turquoise has values such as Consciousness, Elevating mankind’s consciousness, Truth, Deep metaphysical insight, Wisdom, the wisdom of nature, Mysticism, spirituality, nonduality, God, divinity, Holism, integration, synthesis vs analysis, Integrating all religions & science, etc. These values almost completely point to Absolute Infinity. Also the examples you gave about Turquoise individuals seem pretty enlightened to me. Does this mean that for any spiritual pursuits to be effective one must first reach Turquoise. On one of the mega-threads about SD you mentioned that the Buddha, Christ, Muhammad, etc., weren't at Turquoise. How then did they embody AI / God if there was almost certainly no such thing as Green or Yellow or Turquoise for that matter? You say that Red and Blue were the dominant stages of the time. Perhaps their approach to Spirituality was a brute-force one where they say, "Fuck it!" to the stages and attack the beast head on! Assuming this is what they did, what approach do you recommend to newbies in this work - gradual or brute -force? I guess my question in a nutshell is: What's the relation between Turquoise and full-blown Enlightenment?
  22. If they are paying your bills, it might be wise to just accept some of those simple compromises like not buying pork or alcohol. Once you are paying for yourself you can buy whatever you want. Freedom has to be earned. You could also tell them that you are pursuing spirituality/Allah directly, in accordance with nondual Sufi ways and the spirit of Islam (surrender to Allah). Muhammad was into meditation. If you are pursuing nonduality, the irony is that you are more Muslim than they are. But don't tell them that
  23. Anything you posit that created reality must, by definition, be part of reality, becauase reality is everything that is. Reality could only have created itself because there is nothing outside reality. There is nothing outside infinity. Inside/outside is a relative duality. Infinity does not have an inside and outside. It just is. You CAN have it both ways! That's the nature of Infinity and nonduality! It is includes all opposites.
  24. Coral will remain unattainable, an implication of, the “holy grail” - a punchline. If I am nondual, and you are nondual, what distinctions remain for words which unify? None. What words do you say to yourself, in samadhi? None. What words do you say to yourself in appearance of physicality? None. What would there be to say? Nothing. What reason to say it? None. Paradoxically, spiral dynamics doesn’t actually exist at the “coral level”. It’s a thought, in appearance, on appearance. SD’s strengthens perception of duality via distinctions, until it collapses on itself in nonduality. Coral is the innocence of the dreamer, the colorless rainbow, a promise, Horton.