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  1. @Javfly33 bliss is bliss. You are not the person who is experiencing bliss, you are the bliss.
  2. But Bliss can be conscious what it is or not. If not bliss could think is an object and imagine a shit ton of stories. This does Seem as an important difference.
  3. @EnlightenmentBlog ‘You’ as the subject which could be irritated or saddened by objects, or experience bliss, is the subject-object, separate self perspective. Eckhart is not experiencing bliss. Nahm is not experiencing bliss. These are thoughts. Meditation is ideal.
  4. @Nahm I get that. Can we keep it practical, for the sake of this discussion. And since you can only talk through direct experience, is almost constant Bliss being experienced? Or is there irritation/sadness/etc still arising? (I talk about you, but there is no you who experiences these, I know).
  5. Everything is fundamentally happening out of Love -- it is Love itself -- including physical pain. Of course, relatively speaking, physical pain is the opposite of bliss. Pain is an interpretation. Like everything else. If you are able to interpret everything happening to you as something you do to yourself, i.e. as Divine, then naturally you should be able to be in a state of bliss almost constantly, no matter the cirumstances, including what other people would call "physical pain".
  6. @EnlightenmentBlog There are not two. There is no one experiencing bliss.
  7. @Nahm Thanks. Made sense now. Does that mean that being agitated or angry also means experiencing Bliss?
  8. @EnlightenmentBlog There are not two, there is not really even one in a thing or form sense, there is only formless infinite bliss. Apparently this bliss is believing it’s a “thing” among “things”, apart from itself, and that “it” is ‘skeptical’ and ‘ not sure’. Maybe a simpler pointing...if you = existence, and it seems there is form & multiple entities, but you knew ‘who’ you are, ‘knew the truth’...would you ever for a second be concerned or worry about anything? If so, what? Why?
  9. I know it's stupid, but the thought crossed my mind. The ego lashes out against its destruction. The same things can be said for physical pain, no?
  10. @student still very useful post btw. Just wanted to say I was referring to other kind of bliss.
  11. I'm not really sure what what the parentheses mean here. If it is omittance, I understand. Still, I'm skeptical when it comes to "almost constant Bliss".
  12. If this isn't bliss then... “I opened my eyes. The first light of dawn was filtering through the curtains. Without any thought, I felt, I knew, that there is infinitely more to light than we realize. That soft luminosity filtering through the curtains was love itself…” - Eckhart Tolle
  13. @student No, you haven't understood the bliss I'm talking about. It's an euphoric bliss. It's a rush. It came out of a state of consciousness where I realized only the Present was real/existed.
  14. Just curious if others experience this in conversation with others, a dissolving of sense of self, where there is just the awareness of the other speaking and the responses that come up. I’ve noticed it happening since I started therapy. It’s like being in a meditative state but able to converse and interact. I’m finding it happens as the conversation progressively becomes more open with vulnerability on both sides. It’s stands in contrast to how I typically feel when interacting with others which is slightly contracted somehow. I noticed it in therapy, presumably because it was a safe feeling space where I could speak freely without fear of judgement. I enjoy the bliss of nothingness during meditation and when two people are conscious of it it’s a really interesting and fun space to explore and speak from with another. Curious how other’s find interacting with others, in particular close family & friends and if they find themselves in this state of awareness or perhaps this is their default?
  15. Pure Being = Pure or Absolute infinity = Pure or Absolute Love = Pure Absolute Nothingness Pure Nothingness is everything in a formless state or state of pure potential. Right now you are a particular form or thing. Your substrate is nothing but you are a piece of it. So you are nothing and something hehe. Once you become directly conscious that you are nothing and everthing, so shall you become it. You will be Pure Being. Your form will die though. Pure Being feels like Total Bliss or Total Love.
  16. I am reading Path to God by Ram Dass. It is a excellent read. To answer your question, i don't know what the solution is. Nonaction isn't a solution since parasitism is the first thing masses gravitate towards. Ignorance is bliss. I didnt know about the riots or protests for a long time. It was a better place to be.
  17. Enlightenment and bliss are not always synonymous. Tolle is quite comfortable in life, all his needs are met. Even so, I remember in an interview some time ago he said he still gets irritated sometimes or even angry on rare occasions.
  18. Who cares about Eckhart Tolle? Bliss is when you give your full attention to yourself. Is when you reach contentment. Don't need anything or anyone anymore. The external was a "hoax", only the internal mattered. All your desires were wrongly directed towards the exterior (people, places, objects, body, food etc.) to get those little satisfactions/highs which could have been experienced in its full intensity if you would've just sat down with yourself in silence. What is out of your experience shouldn't matter. It is useless and a waste of time. Eckhart Tolle is an external object which you have 0 knowledge of.
  19. Well, i think the lesson here isn't to touch on 5-Meo but to not waste your precious time looking into conspiracy theory that might or not be true. We become what we pay attention to, go spent some time contemplating God, and Love, and Peace, and Beauty, and Bliss.
  20. I wonder if cutting his arms and legs would be perceived by him as "bliss"?. There is no permanent anything. Get real.
  21. I think so. I live in constant bliss now at least, after my awakening. So I suppose he is too, since he obv is also awake. It's a choice. Full awakening means full control. Why not live in bliss? <3