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  1. Just a few questions I had after the video. Primarily for Leo but if u have an actually intelligent answer I’ll welcome it What’s there when no one is looking? Myself I had the intuition that infinite intelligence simulates everything so that it looks like there is an objective world. Why do we appear to live in a shared world? Again I intuited an infinite intelligence world simulation, with people who are linked karmically appearing to share a world. Why does it appear as if we have sensory organs directed at a world? By Nothing, you don’t mean what people normally think of as nothingness, do you? Is what you essentially mean by nothingness just total nonduality to the point where all appearances dissolve? Does the bubble dissolve in deep sleep, and is that blankness of deep sleep God’s perspective? Were you implying that no-self is more true than universal Self? You said the more profound way to interpret reality was pure objectivity over pure subjectivity. and this is tangential but is awareness inherently intelligent or is intelligence an appearance in awareness?
  2. Thank you for answering questions with patience. Here comes the most practical most relevant question for me at the moment. It might be too personal for you to relate or answer but i am gonna try anyway as i am desperate. I am 30, and have been an overambitious, overachiever but also a seeker at heart all my life. Since I study science, I had a passive assumption that success career and 'understanding reality' would be one and the same for me. But of course being exposed to Nonduality two years ago, that assumption looks clearly wrong and a trick of the ego. There have been 3 components of motivations so far, 1- Egoic, proving i am better than everyone, 2- Understanding Truth, which seemed to align with my work until recently 3- Financial/social survival. As you can guess, Nonduality has clearly undermined all these three motivations. So I find myself simply not working and expending most of my time on Nondual teachings. The love for truth that fueled my professional work all these years have now totally shifted onto spirituality, leaving very little motivation and indeed time for the professional science work. This is clearly not sustainable for many reasons but even the fear of future problems get set aside as mere 'egoic thoughts'. What would you suggest for someone like me? It is not enough to know that self-inquiry can be done with worldly work, because if there is not enough motivation to work daily, one simply doesnt work. How do I work without making Nonduality an excuse to not work? Ego can appropriate nonduality at times and use it as a 'loser's excuse'. the ideal scenario would be if i can continue both in parallel and complimentary way. But that seems like a pipe dream so far. If the first thought in the morning is about Nonduality my whole day goes into it. Thanks.
  3. @winterknight "I could say that there is a little self; I could say that there isn't. I could say that there appears to be but in reality there isn't. In the end, words just can't express truth that well. I think that's the key point. That all the concepts are themselves within the realm of illusion. All the concepts -- and thus all names -- and thus all objects." This is classic framing of nonduality in advaita isn't it? I'm not a expert on any traditions. And for a period of time this framing of truth aligned with my understanding and awakening at that point, however something shifted and if one could say more emerged/was realized however I really do get why it seems absurd from the stand point of what your saying. Concepts, illusions, objects in the perception of Self, is actually not encompassing the recognition that so called object, illusion, ego, self, perception, creation, matter, thoughts, feelings are themselves Self/God/Infinity. There is no such thing as not Self. There is no such thing as illusion in the most used and accepted definitions of the word. If Self is all, Illusion is included and it really shifts the life experience. This is not to say this shift/understanding is real awakening, or more encompassing since Self is always Self, its just less rejection of Self maybe, but even that sounds funny.
  4. Nonduality includes duality within it. Therein lies the full circle. See image of ying-yang.
  5. What makes it an illusion? Could it be the pursuit of the reward of contentment/happiness? Could it be looking to thought, as in the idea/concept/theory/abstraction of “nonduality” and conforming to it? Is this a process of self clinging to itself by looking for an answer/escape in “nonduality”(thought content). ?
  6. @SoonHei If by enlightened being you mean someone who has no identification with the body and mind, who is free from suffering, who's free of the fear of death. Who has zero personal agenda. Who's in a constant state of infinity or zero. Whom you could literally call a god.?! Who's presence could literally make you fall down on your knees and cry?! I'd say not single being is here like this. If by enlightened you mean someone who understands nonduality intelectually and has had an experience of oneness. Then i'd say every smart guy with some psychedelics is enlightened
  7. Heh, yes, a captive audience would be useful. I actually have tried a little Youtube, but even there it seems like attracting an audience is quite difficult. Spirituality -- heck, nonduality alone -- is a huge marketplace with 10,000 vendors all screaming at the top of their lungs. Maybe I've just given up too soon... I dunno. There's a few different ways of answering this question. One way is the argument that we have some very vague sense that "I slept." That's your memory of deep sleep. Another is the metaphysical way of approaching this question. The argument is that the brain cannot generate consciousness (because consciousness is not a process that "matter" alone can account for), so consciousness is an eternal substance all its own. If that is so, then consciousness is never not there. And if that's the case, then the only way to explain the deep sleep state is as the consciousness OF a "purely dark mental object." A third is the direct experience way. Upon realization, it becomes quite clear that consciousness can never not be. So therefore it must persist in deep sleep. But the truth is that these are just intellectual positions. They don't matter all that much.
  8. Well, it's really no more or less a state of nonduality than naming objects and having thoughts. Nonduality is seeing that these are the same -- seeing for yourself, directly in your own experience.
  9. While I'm a fan of luck and magic (atleast leaving it open as a possibility), I was not at all eluding to it. Totally put in consideration about "economic factors" (how much could this make, is there a market, how much capital will it take to get started, how long will I have to pursue this till I can expect a return and not back out before then, etc...etc...). I was pointing to two things. One, pointing to self limiting beliefs in regards to your endeavors in my last post. Like its not possible to run a 4 min mile, no one can scale a mountain without a rope, the limiting belief that one could become a healer, or a money maker through some endeavors, nonduality isn't real, god isn't real, magic isn't real, energetic distance healing isn't real. The other pointing is something more subtle to though, which maybe is the basis of your confusion. Many spiritual traditions call it seeing without ego or with buddha eyes, or seeing like a kid again. Its a open hearted, vulnerable, innocence, in your approach to something such as in your case maybe a business. It asks the same questions about how to do this venture effectively, asking the questions about what it needs to succeed, but with a softness and a acknowledgement that it doesn't have all the answers, not to get to caught up in unnecessary stress, accepts the possible failure, remembers to keep it fun...... Its present and able to adjust on the fly, willing to hear information from anyone and take it in and give a moment. It isn't brute forcing. I hope that points better to the "thingy" of my paragraph.
  10. 35+ Subfields Of Self-Help Success/Productivity/Goal Setting (stage orange, most appealing to most people, most people discover it through that) Law of attraction (visualization, affirmations techniques, confidence you need to achieve your own goals) Time Management Career and Life Purpose Creativity Business and Entrepreneurship (generic advice or specialized advised) - a lot of people enter here Marketing and Sales Leadership and Management Money Management Dating and Attraction - how to meet people and connect with new people , a lot of people enter here Relationship - how to develop long-term relationships - different from the previous one Love - how to be a more loving human being - distinct from relationships, dating and sexuality. You can use love in all areas. Family and Marriage Sexuality, Masculinity and Femininity - how to please your partner, what it means to be a man/women, how they think, how to own our masculinity, understanding the other sex thinks and feels Health/Fitness/Nutrition/Alternative Medicine - becomes more important as we age, can save your entire life, orange people take this for granted Body-Awareness and disciplines like Bio Energetics - becoming more conscious and aware of your body and the mind-body connection, how to leverage the mind-body connection to heal yourself Self-esteem and confidence - really important for most people, most people have terrible self-esteem, they have self-image issues, they lack confidence, they are shy, meek ( quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on; submissive."she brought her meek little husband along"), they don't know how to set boundaries, they turn into dormats, they get abused by others in relationships, they don't know how to assert themselves, they don't know how to be decisive, they don't like their physical appearance, they have some sort of trauma from the past because they were ridiculed or bullied in school Emotions - emotional mastery - all about the quality of your life, we are not though how to recognize our own emotions, how to deal with our emotions, we don't even know how to be aware of our own emotions and label our emotions properly - most people don't even know how to label fear,anger, jealousy, depression and anxiety. If some emotions are holding you back you have to study this sub-field. Developing your emotional intelligence will be life-transforming. Shadow work - closely related to the previous one. working with repressed aspects of your psyche and of your ego. Addiction and Recovery Trauma recovery - people who have been abused/molested. who have various kind of trauma, some sort of disease...chances are that you repressed and it's making you depressed, ruining your emotions, it might even wreck your ability to keep a career or be in a relationship. You need someone to help you with this. Mental disorders - bipolar, schizophrenia, OCD, depression, ADHD - requires specialized knowledge. Be willing to do the research to find experts who have knowledge that you need. Personality Types - MBTI, Enneagram. Even after you get enlightened you will still have a personality and you want to understand it. NLP and Hypnosis. - ways to program your own mind. Religion Spirituality - meditation and mindfullness, nonDuality, yoga, Psychadelics New Age/Paranormal/Psychic abilities (astral projection, chakras, OBEs, clairvoyance, near death experiences, auras, healing, channeling, (stage orange people stay far away from new age and spirituality because they view it just as some sort of delusion or some new form of religion, the materialist culture denies all this stuff, which is why it will require extra work from you to research into these sub-fields) Shamanism and Occult - make sure you get in order first the basics - emotions, career...before you jump into this stuff Healing - psychical, emotional, spiritual... Psychology Trans-personal Psychology (stage torquise) - incorporating spirituality into psychology Lifestyle design technical how to books Fields that I hesitate to call self-help but are still important. Politics and government Phylosophy, methaphysics, epistemology Social Psychology , cognitive psychology, antropology History and Science Biographies There is a lot of stuff, don't go around just reading about this, you want to be strategic about what you're reading. keep it to things that you can you can take action on, stuff that engages you Fields for newbies: Success/Productivity/Goal Setting Self-esteem and confidence (if you have a problem here ,it will carry into your career, relationships, into your feeling about yourself...) Emotional Mastery (because emotions run your entire life) Relationships Spirituality (possibility of completely changing your life and where you find your deepest growth), payoff is huge but the downfall is that it takes time homework: pick 3 sub-fields that you don't have a lot of experience in, and commit to purchasing 3 books for each of the sub-fields. Most people live their lives for 30 years with the same problem without realizing the answer is sitting there in a book that's how learning is, it's not obvious until it becomes obvious, it's always obvious after the fact. In the book there are more details to understand a topic in depth.
  11. Stop reading about nonduality. Come to a place of no experience/no time. The knowledge we accumulate very easily gets projected as an experience. The best thing I ever did was “ignore” information about what is beyond the known.
  12. All of these ideas are within absolute infinity. Within enlightenment. None of it is "IT" and all of it is "IT". We can't pull out anything from everything. One trap I see at intermediate / advanced stages is believing the spiritual concepts are true. Buddhism, nonduality, advaita, Ramana Maharshi, Shamanism - all of it. People can get so immersed and deep into one area and not recognize that they have not transcended higher. They are unaware that there is a higher level. It happens at all stages of development. I see it with myself, buddhist, advaita masters, in this thread etc. . . The higher you go, the more subtle it gets. That's why psychedelics are so powerful at the higher consciousness stages.
  13. Use these terms in Google search, you will find related sites: spiritual enlightenment, spiritual awakening, self -realization, nonduality
  14. @How to be wise Was thinking of you today...wondering if this is a helpful line of logic...surely you’re aware everyone has been talking about God for as long as there have been people on earth, but no one has evidence, not a single photo, etc. Most everyone has some fear of death, but of course, also, not one person has any evidence, nothing. The experience of love is pretty common, but no one has a picture of it, or evidence of where it comes from, etc. Do you see, or does it at least make sense from a logical standpoint, that death, God, Love, and The Truth are all the same thing? In the sense, nonduality (You), that it is the infinite you, literally playing, and this person/experience is you (infinite) limiting yourself to have this appearingly finite (person/earth/life story) experience? Is that helpful at all (with the fear of “death”)? @Solace Exactly ??❤️ @Jack River Same thing bruh.??
  15. @gilded_honour Sorry I don't know the answer to your question but this reminded me of one time when I tried to talk about nonduality with my dad and he just blanked out. I mean he fell asleep in like 15sec and started snoring :D:D:D funny how for some people's mind is resisting so much that even if you utter anything close to truth it will shut off The answer to your question is probably going to be some metaphysical, spiritual, celestial dimensionless type of answer I heard that just by getting exposed to surtain things like a guru or sacred places can deside that you'll get awakened in next life. So there are a lot of things, like a million things that influence this thing. What is the most mind boggling thing to me is how some sages can reincarnate into the next life being fully confident that they'll get enlighten. Like they fix something inside to make that happen. As I said... This is some meta spiritual stuff
  16. A lot of activity from me tonight, but I may have just hit on something. I see validity in what I'm saying and also ways it could be a misunderstanding, so bear with me. Looking forward to replies. Attachment is, as I have seen it, generally viewed as this big bad boy in experience. Desires, they should come and go, they hurt or they don't. No matter, we have an internal river of tranquility that stems from Being and Self. We should remain detached. Attachment to something else only exists if there is some separate thing to be attached to. "Ourselves" in nonduality is all. I am all. My true self is all. My ego is an instantiation of a deeper Self. All is an experience of the Self that I am living. Many things are arbitrary (my ego just went "ugh dude wtf that hurts" lol), but ultimately it is all Self that is experience. There is nothing but Self, me / you / my homework is all Self in the nondual sense of the word. This is how I understand it all currently. How, then, is there anything to be attached to? And from where does the command come to detach one's Self? If I am "attached" to another experience or ego, would I not just be attached to part of Self, and therefore drawing on Self for happiness, as is the goal? Of course, I may be attached to an experience in a way that is acutely unhealthy for this biology (e.g. fighting all the time with a friend, struggling with addiction, etc) or toxic to my ego... but basically, why do some people demonize attachement when it seems to be a part of experiencing the Self? I could see possible explanations being that the goal is to detach ego from pure, unconceptualized experience rather than what I just said, or maybe that detachment is about having absolutely no need for any other parts of Self other than your own instantiation of it (which I still wouldn't understand at that point).
  17. Ah, I think I'm on this same page. Just confused as to why anyone claims to know anything, then, even with respect to enlightenment? Just a note: She does seem largely dualistic and parts of Atlas Shrugged make it clear she didn't really understand philosophies like Advaita Vedanta and erroneously assumed that they are 100% illogical and baseless. You may have read some of her nonfiction - so have I. However, I am not as quick to completely debase her, especially in terms of how to create an economy and behaivoral expectations of individuals (or distinct experiences of the one Self, in terms of nonduality). Basically, her systems thinking is interesting to me. I should note that I am not supporting the unhinged capitalism so many people (incorrectly) think Rand raves about. It would be interesting to talk to you and others who so strongly rebuke her about the actual plots of her novels and their implications, bad and good. Also, Rand died of heart failure. Not suicide. So.... weird that Osho claimed suicide.
  18. a slightly different metaphysics than idealism, Spinoza proposed that there was a singular substance which exhibited both the qualities of consciousness and the qualities of matter. It's called neutral monism, and seems to me to be another way of philosophically interpreting the experience of nonduality, besides idealism.
  19. That is the core lesson of mysticism: reality is irreducibly mystical. You cannot know the Absolute because knowledge is a 2nd order process. Being is prior to knowing. You can BE the Absolute rather than knowing it. Or you can know that it is unknowable. Which is what Osho is describing. Nonduality means that knowing must collapse into being. Which is why the ultimate Truth cannot be spoke, thought, or symbolized. All symbols are too indirect. You must directly become the being of which all symbols are made. Language and thought must be entirely transcended. The Truth is beyond thought, imagination, or even your mind. Ayn Rand was of course an arrogant, egoistical, dualistic, stage Orange fool. The hallmark of the ego-mind is that it thinks it can know everything through linear reason. And in this it is deluded beyond hope.
  20. Anyone have suggestions for contemplative meditation questions? Things that are both in support of nonduality and things that seem threatening to it (the latter of which I don't expect any answers to haha). Thinking stuff along the lines of "What is a thought?" "What is your self?" Thanks in advance
  21. No self, not Self / nonduality (a guess). Some remarkable afterglows. Always loved him. Would love to talk with him for a bit.
  22. You'd be surprised who you can meet. I met a guy in a dragon ball z FB fan group that had ideas I only learned when I got into nonduality. Hes only heard of nonduality when I mentioned it but a lot of his ideas are getting close to those levels of contemplation. Amazing what you can achieve on your 'own'
  23. ^^ this I have similar problem too. Here all the spiritual ppl are either ppl into yoga (most havent heard about nonduality) or the haru krishna/some indian devotee ppl. Those are the worst since they wont even allow discussion and only see their word as the Truth. I wonder if it would be a good idea to attempt to make nondual groups to attract people
  24. @Aaron p Not sure about Ireland but there are tons of nondual groups in London I'm sure. What you're looking for is nonduality. Or maybe some kind of meditative yoga center. Not Hatha yoga but serious Indian meditative yoga like Kundalini yoga, Kriya yoga, etc. In Vegas we have a pretty good Indian yoga center. But that will vary a lot city to city. Usually you have to travel to find good nondual teachers. Isn't Rupert Spira in the UK? That might be your best bet. I've traveled to far away places to seek out the best teachers. It is worth it. In the old days folks would fly to India. Also Sadhguru has yoga initiations in London I'm sure. Maybe even Ireland.