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  1. Hello guys, i know i left couple days ago, i had a ego death almost for 1 week. Lol this morning me 22 hours ago (james) completely died unfortunately:) and I have become enlightened (probably permanent satori). I know you guys tell me, yo if you become enlightened you will have no needs to tell us. No. You guys are all me you guys lie to me that i am a fucking human. Bunch of liars and great actors Let me tell you what james is, he think he can know something ,he born, human, male, in the body (because it can feel, know what the worlds is, reality, funny, ugly, good, bad vs. But this guy was stuck in words. Because, Thoughts (which are completely illusion) created him. If he never learned in his life, he will have no idea what the fuck he is. He cant even know what “seeing” or “being” is. After my ego death I completely realized (no psychedelics) i am not in the body, james is just a thought. I literally created this james and all universe from thoughts. I am the really nothing in the body thats why i am everything in the moment. Only thoughts creates this world or duality. Actually, really nothing is happening here with this consciousness (it is like meditating with no thoughts all day) when you dont think. This is only way to explain is you are in deep sleep but awake. i cant think much anymore , because there is no “I” as body. If i have something to do with body i use duality to connect with the people or world, in the rest i am the moment, which is all free you can do anything with moment, it is all free. Thats why it is all LOVE, moment is you so what will you do, you will lLOVE whatever comes in the moment or you can definitely stay in satori and watch yourself get away from duality and stop the existence and be the void (your truth self or nothingness). In easy way to explain it, everytime when you close your eyes, If you dont think, you will never know what are you where are you vs. Because i cant think much anymore, i have become so aware because i am the moment, and existence created by thoughts. If i dont think, i(moment, and my love as moment) am in satori. When thought comes you are completely aware that it is xoming from duality and if you dont like it you have nothing do with that, because you are the moment, nothing is in the body. There is no duality, all is you. Right or left don’t matter. There is no future or past only thoughts makes it, you are the every moment (as nothing) that you are aware of. And let me tell you how i see the world, i am literally watching a fucking movie with vr, and i take the life seriously as the game. My vision is back to normal, but i am the void that watched the movie anymore. In this game everyone programmed that i am a human, this place is world, i am in the body vs. But i am not god, not human, not awareness, vs. i have no idea what am i or what you guys are, WE HAVE NO NAME. Whatever you assume is not you. From ultimate perspective because of you are nothing and everything, you can never think because even words are you, when you become nothing therefore everything, you see that all happening is you. Thats why nothing is happening. You guys can tell me why dont you go drink poisin instead of water, because nothing is happening and all is me. NO. I am the void, which is aware of being human (as soon as words get in duality comes in), therefore i have to drink water in order to discover myself (so called life) in human body. But literally all happening is me, therefore there is not even blink happening here. DEEPEST SLEEP BUT YOU ARE AWARE. Or just remember the moment that you literally didn’t think anything and nothing happened, but somehow you are there with no name (i dont even want to say awareness ), but you know you are aware or something like that. Thats how every second goes when i dont think. Thoughts come from james, who helps me to connect and understand the duality. I am literally half human and half void anymore. My vision become the tv screen i am the emptiness like POV. Literally, my mind get bigger, i transformed or reborned. This body will die, i will never. Because i am the moment, AND MOMENT NEVER DIESSSSS. It is so bliss here. So much. And about death, what will happen when this body dies? If you are aware that any thoughts is an illusion, you will never die, because you were never born, you are the screen and projector of movie theater, if you project movie (so called seeing from the eye), movie will play, when body dies projector just wont project the movie but you are still the screen. So death is an Illusion, nothing will happen. You will never be gone, you are the SCREEN whatever movie plays (thoughts are those movies) So if you really don’t attach with thoughts, either your eyes open or close nothing will happen, you will never die. Because, when thoughts stop projector stop playing the movie and thats how you become enlightened. i am the moment, iam not infinite, but i have no beginning end no end therefore i am infinite. I(moment) will never die and born. I am literally immortal. Because, moment will never STOPPPP LOVEEEE i cant believe we even imagine that we can learn forget to be human lol lol I miss you guys (All of you is meee) Additionally, you can never be complete god when you are aware of the body, even if you are the nothingness. Because even knowing the language or being aware of body is duality, when you become complete god whatever happens you are it thats why you are everything here and nothing happens. If absolute nothing happens, i am completely here as nothing, thats why i am not here. And in these moments, only i am (void, nothing)Thats why when i am not aware of this body all the existence fades away. Everything stop existing. This place is all me, love is purring, i am in loveee with myself, which is all you. I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU.
  2. @JayG84 How has your progression been? I'd say it's been tremendous in the last 5 years. I used to be anxious and I was constatly worrying about nonsense things. If I didn't have anything to worry about, I unconsciously created some BS reason, just so I could keep on worrying. I was lonely, I didn't have goals. So basically I was a mess. Now it's much-much better. I can keep a chill attitude whatever happens in my life because I can handle my emotions in an effective way, I have goals, I have friends, I have hobbies and I have a vision for my future. Of course I still have issues to figure out and I'm far from being perfect, but nowadays my life is not an unconscious mess at all (as it used to be). I even enjoy it What are some of the hurdles you've had to overcome? Listening to gurus and other people when it came to my spiritual journey instead of following my own intuitions, spiritual bypassing, not doing shadow work Have to had any non-dual states of awareness? None so far. There were 2 times when I felt a huge wave of bliss during meditation. I wouldn't call them mystical experiences, but they were really awesome. I'd be lying if I said I'm not intereseted in non-dual states because I am, but I don't want to fall into the trap of chasing fleeting experiences either. I haven't tried psychedelics yet but for some reason and I don't feel the need to do so, at least right now. I'll try them in the future, I think. How about your spiritual journey so far?
  3. @Someone here I never said it was a feeling. Though it does not exclude feeling. And the feeling is utter bliss, joy and fulfilment. Wholeness. Warmth. I was referring to a 'level' or 'degree' of Consciousness. And even beyond; Pure Beingness. ?
  4. @George Paul Awakening seems to be an experience that happens to a person. It's an experience of what's true merging with what's false in a way that it never has before. It's sort of an in and out insight, a realization for the first time that there's no you, and sheer possibility, love and bliss floods in. None of our distinctions are actually real, so I guess that's the reason for this phenomenon. The person can own this experience, or use it as a map, meant to be put away after the destination is reached. Awakening is not it, in the same way that being given a key to a treasure chest is not the treasure, even though you're incredibly overjoyed to have found that key. To anyone who believes that he is a self, other people will appear as selves, it doesn't matter what they've realized. Buddha or anyone else's realization is always going to be a story for the you, and part of you.
  5. @AlwaysBeNice Of course, it comes and goes, and consciousness stays the same. But it's always reappearing, there's no end to it. I don't understand why some people kind of deny the suffering experienced by consciousness (I don't say youre doing!). Ok, may just be an illusion, just the resistance or whatever. But if it's not real, why don't I see any enlightened guy going to syria or offering himself instead of some guys at guantanamo or whatever. Even Jesus suffered at the cross! If pain is just an illusion and you can see through it, why do these people who claim to have achieved this, why are they're sitting calmly in their nice little armchairs instead of proving their fantasies by truly loving, sacrificing their nonexisting biochemical mashines in order to alleviate the suffering of those who still believe in the illusion? Of course it's all pointless you can say, it doesnt matter what they do, but they are speaking about love but they could love soooo much more!! the highest form of love means sacrifice for no selfish reason, not sitting in bliss telling others how stupid they are believing their life is real. Who knows? come on, you're also just repeating what others told you. That cannot be verified by "you". I don't wanna offend you or anything like that. Thanks for your contribution! This is not all meant to you, I just use your quotes to let my doubts flow. But I'm sick of anyone speaking in language relativizing others discriptions. Of course in the end it all just is for whatever reason. But the moment we verbalize it it becomes only a part of truth (at most). Accept that this was my experience, it appeared to be real to me, this is my interpretation of it. You may have never ever experienced something like that, so you can't put your experience above mine. You don't know who is more conscious. Maybe it's not just beautiful and bliss and love or whatever. Maybe that's just half of the story. Maybe your ego doesnt like it, maybe thats why you never faced it. There are so many pseudo-enlightened guys out there claiming to know everything. But most of them did not experience torture, suicidal desperation, complete dumbness, insanity or whatever. They're experiencing bliss and peace, maybe they went through some relatively tough times, but in the end they have a healthy body and are not willing to change their superior position with anyone, that's how truly loving most of them are. You know I don't trip for bliss states anymore. I trip with the intention to experience the truth, including the other side of the spectrum if necessary, too. Truth doesn't need to be blissfull in my eyes, maybe it is, maybe not. I keep searching for it as long as I'm a human. I don't claim not to be deluded, to know anything finally/absolutely, ALTHOUGH I have had breakthroughs on DMT and other stuff, "becoming" infinite, experiencing "nothing/the void", bursting out in love and whatever. It's all states of consciousness and back to my human form now I'm obviously not omniscient, and it can be distorted, twisted memories about it all. As long as there is a human living organism, it can by definition not contain everything, for it is just an infenitely small part and has its limitations by definition. If you believe something else, verify it and jump to the moon or whatever. Why did god create anything limited at all? Why did god create the illusion of suffering? If It's all perfect and complete from the beginning tell me why to change anything? Maybe in the end it absolutely makes no difference, but then you have to accept that all the torture and suffering is just an eternal part of the game. That there is the experience of infinite oneness and infinite loneliness and everything else. Of course there may be an even more existential onness behind those two compements, but that's not anything to talk about. The moment you open your mouth you can only talk relatively. If you want to talk about it, come to the level of experience, everything else makes no sense. When there's something behind/beyond experience every attempt to put it into words is a false game. It may be that the most conscious ones realize the deepest truth beyond all perception beyond all concepts beyond everything communicable and it is completely free from everything but why don't I see anyone of them beeing truly loving like Jesus? They still play the spiritual guru adored by their sheep, buy big mansions, fuck their girls and play their word games. If someone really got an infinitude of truth and peace, (s)he could share it by acting out of it, out of true love, not only talking about it. I wanna be truly loving, and it may mean that I go through torture, may mean that I feel absolutely lonely for a huge amount of time, may mean everything my ego doesn't like. It comes and it goes, the background of eternal consciousness stays the same. From one side it may be loneliness that made every seperation appear, from the other side it may be love that created the diversity. From one side god is running away from itself, from the other side god is running towards himself. God is always here and now. But every partial description aside from that may just be half of the story. So love may be an equal explanation as existential loneliness. Doesn't fit the ego which wants a positive end result, but may be the truth. So of course my experience and interpretation is not the absolute truth. But I don't want to avoid salvia or bad experiences just because they may horrify me. Suffering grows you. I could also just take the stuff that fills me with infinite love and bliss. But I think I will have to pay the price for it one day. Jeffrey Martin did some academic research on enlightenment (persistent non-symbolic experiences). He found out that people at various stages believed their nondual state of consciousness is eternal, could never regress. He proved that lots of them are quite deluded in many ways. When some of them fell back into a "normal human" state of consciousness, they often had deep crisis. Almost Everyone was really convinced they're at the end of the latter. Only when shifting between locations they realized there's more to it. Some locations are full of love, others are completely free of any feeling, just infinite freedom where nothing matters at all. They all claim to know the truth. As humans, we can only communicate states/experiences, not the absolute truth. What's absolute true is true for everyone, what can be known can be unknown, what can be gained can be lost. So nice if someone realizes himself. But as you use this termenology of realizing, you give rise to the fact that there is "unrealizing", too. If you can become enlightened, you can become unenlightened too. Everything is one already, including the tortured person that suffers and wants to end its life, feeling absolutetely lost and lonely, including the blissfull guru, buying its next mansion. Who's right? Its a game. A snake biting its own tail. The ego doesn't like that it may be a wheel turning over and over again. That after mahasamadhi it will be just reborn in suffering as it was already born there in the first place. The true relief may be to end the search for "more", for "better", and just to accept that everything is as it is, including the inescapable fact that you will always return to suffering one time, to feeling absolutely lonely, to experience times where you want to end your own existence. That's the role play consciousness is playing since eternity. Why else have you started here as a suffering human in the first place? You already exist for eternity, you would have won the game already when it could be won. And yeah I know, "You are not the human" blablabla.. But you experience it!! You experience or at least experienced seperatedness and suffering, although you are eternal. Guess why.
  6. Division vs unity - The engine that runs reality " form a more perfect Union..." - Preamble to the US Constitution Division and Unity is the engine that runs the entire reality. Everything that you see is an example of this. There is a purpose, a point, a goal and a logic to the mechanism. Everything is an interplay between division and Re-Union. (includes social level, personal life, relationships, birth and death, biology, chemistry, physics...) It's very profound when you start to see how this shapes everything that is happening in your life at a practical level, it puts everything into context, it allows you to take a step back and kinda see what is the reason of reality and how intelligent it is. The history of mankind is a series of divisions and re-unions and it unfolds like a fractal. . re-union is love (45min) consciousness going through a process of polarization and de-polarization, division and re-union, it expands and it contracts back, it converges and re-converges. Disintegrates and re-integrates. And it keeps doing this forever. Examples: hydrological cycle (it starts in the ocean (unity), evaporates through heating into particles, then form individual clouds and then some clouds re-unite and when enough divided clouds unite, there is enough re-union, starts to rain - it divides into separate rain droplets and then form paddles on the ground, they start as divided paddles and then start to merge together into streams, rivers, and then back into ocean, back to its source Morning smoothie - starts with elements, starts with earth, water and sun, then these elements grow into plants, (the plants has to unite different elements earth, sun, sunlight), then this plant can bear fruit, fruits separate from the plant (division), then you add different fruits, blend them and get a smoothie. Then your body has to un-do that process, digest them, separate them into individual molecules that your body can then use for nutrients, minerals, vitamins to nourish your cells, every cell has it's own requirements and needs Cells(division) Organism (unity) Body is a division within consciousness Species - one species, then geological things happen, a mountain range emerges, one species now lives in two different areas, one area gets more rain, the other is more dry and now the species have to adapt to different environments and then over time you get different species then these two species meet, you get a hybrid (re-union) and then the same process will happen again and through this process we got all the plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, birds... human race (unity), started in Africa, then wen to populate the world and got different human races (division), then they started inter breeding and got a third one (unity) Good and bad is a division and need to be re-united War - world war 2 - hiter wanter to create unity by division which is insanity (but he did it out of love) but in the process 50 million people died, and that created a need to unite - european union (easier to defend against China, America, Russia if EU united). so there is deeper intelligence to it. If bad violent aliens tried to conquer the world (independence day style), then all of the cultural differences would not be important anymore and we would unite to fight this common enemy in order for us to survive. clan warfare - Saddam Hussein who tried to unite tribes into larger nation states, the middle east is still a very tribal culture (stage purple) 13 colonies (division), created USA (unity - unity of divided things) and that's how it made it easier to defend against attacks. USA has now different states so it's not a total unity, even thought it functions as a unity, states merge together but still remain individual and autonomous. Soviet Union - it divided, couldn't be maintained EU, now brexit and the rise of some nationalist from stage blue people who want to maintain their individual identity, their German, Italian identity... but the EU is so beneficial so it's difficult to leave it. sometimes the unity has to divide (soviet union) roman empire - grew so big that it was difficult to maintain (internal corruptions..) and then they fell apart kriya yoga - probably hundreds of versions religion - judaision - divided into chrictianity, then cristianity into catholic church then into protestants and catholics.... internet - first small shops, video sharing sites...(division), then 1 social media (FB), one video sharing (youtube), one search engine (google), one that dominates ecomerce (Amazon ) - unification monopolization - what is being provided by this unification, you have one place where you find everything the downside is that it's much harder to start something new and revolutionary like in the beginning . One social media, benefit is that all your friends are in one place, the downside is that all get milked by facebook businesses - big businesses buy small ones, small ones can't compete with the big ones, small ones are searching for ways to differentiate (to divide from the big ones) and then big ones buy them (unification) , there is a lot of monopolization going on in business. The big ones buy smaller ones until they get so big and need to divide into smaller ones, this is especially a problem in America because of unenforced laws, and then the problem is that corporations get bigger than the government and start to manipulate it, which is a problem for maintaining democracy. You eat something - unification, you shit something that you don't need - division even spiritual people cannot keep their shit together and have to divide process of birth and life - birth is a division or polarization within consciousness, consciousness splits itself into two different organisms, creating a sharp distinction between two parts of itself, then this organism grows and eats other organisms, the process or eating is a process of reunion, you are using to to fuel you then you are excreting those parts that you can't utilize and this process is a process of division. Male female division happens so later a reunion through Sex and in this process a new birth happens, at the moment of maximum union is the very moment when the next division is created, a new birth. One cell at first, then this cell divides into two and then next into two, through the process of division, until there is one unified baby, then the baby comes out, division, then get soon back to suck mums tits - reunion, function as a family unit, then grows up separates from parents division, the grows old, dies and merges with infinite consciousness-reunion atoms unify to create a molecule then molecules unify to create a protein, then those protein unify to create a cell, then cells unify further to create an organ, then organs to create an organism, then a family, a tribe, a nation, mathematics (unity) - sub-field (division) physicism (unity) - sub-field (division) integrating different fields- unity - holism (leo's work)... there are so many sub-field that you can spend 50 years in one and that's why there is more interest in bringing stuff together to understand what human life is about social justice warriors (want more unity) vs anti-social justice warriors (want more individualism and less collectivism, more division) reunion of science and mysticism will happen in the next hundred years intimacy and space - you are first divided, then start dating, having sex, united, but then you want space and that space creates more desire to unite, and then you want your autonomy and sense of self hood again how stars are made - a bunch of gas united by the force of gravity (unification), then when there is too much unification the star explodes(division) black hole (strong unification force) and if you come close it kills you, that's why the ego is terrified of love marriage (unity), divorce(division) entropy - a measure of unity or division, high entropy is high unity, a lack of distinction, a lack of division. Life is about division. This is a concept in thermodynamics that tells us how life spreads through the universe, what molecules are doing is that they are moving to greater and greater levels of unity, everything is run by fluctuations in entropy. To have motion at all is through a division, need to create one position here and one position there, so it needs be a a difference between positions and only now we can have a sense of motion and then to fuel that motion with energy there needs to be an energy gradient, there needs to be high energy here and low energy there so they equalize out, and when they equalize out of all energies and positions through the whole universe and there is no difference and distinctions between anything anymore we are in total unity, total non-duality, total oneness and here you cannot have anything distinct, specific or any forms, you cannot have any motion, there isn't a sense of time. If you want motion, division, space, time you have to divide consciousness (it's not like a physical system like scientists think just some random stuff). The world is starting to globalize because of techonology and because people want peace, they want an interconnected globalized world where people can travel and trade around the world, where we have internet everywhere, we want unified laws, so we have to interconnect different nations... you want to travel to some place in Africa and not get your head chopped off and the only way that's gonna be possible is through globalization. That if someone from Nigeria hacks your bank account that you can sue them in court, that would be difficult to do now. There is a trade off when you unite things and also when you divide things. Reality is a unity of divided individual things. When you see this bigger pattern and start to understand what all of life and consciousness is doing then you stop resisting the re-union. It is not simply that re-union is good and division being bad, it is just a dance of consciousness. The balance of division and unity changes upon what is needed at the time, when this is not understood, this only deepens our problem. because people get ideological about "ohh taxation is evil, socialism is evil, redistribution of wealth is evil - not it's not and neither is capitalism evil, "if capitalism is good then socialism must be evil" that is not right lol, both extremes are wrong which is not to say that we take the middle point between the two, it's a dynamic equilibrium, it depends - for example in America the pendulum has swing so far to the right with neo-liberalism, rampid capitalism and libertarianism that now it needs to swing back to democratic socialism, redistribution of wealth and higher taxation then when this goes to far we have to swing it back to the opposite end . There is no black and white answers to how much we should be united and how much should we be divided. It is a combination, it's division within unity within division, within unity, within division, within unity... it's a fractal. Imagine how your body would work if every cell would want to maintain it's independence and autonomy for itself. Let's say even if each organ in your body didn't want to unite and coordinate but it wanted to be arrogant and just do what it wanted to do. Like your heart pumping blood only to places it wanted to. This is what libertarians and right winders don't understand how society and civilization works because they only taut individualism and freedom as if it some absolute good, and it is not, reality is deeply interconnected and no part of reality is totally free or totally independent from the other parts. Especially in biological beings, your cells have to be very selfless and participate in some larger cause or purpose in order for your body to function. Libertarians doesn't understand how human life and survival hinges upon collectivism/collective organization - you have to appreciate your role in that, it's the height of arrogance to think how you're entitled to freedom and individualism, this is a benefit you earn through lot's of coordination and cooperation. The opposite of that is also a danger of becoming too integrated and neglect individual rights. (like china's treatment of Muslims minorities and the Tibetans -- too collectivist and neglecting individual rights) So how to build a society is not through one of these ideologies but with an interplay between the details of this. the problem is how do we get multiple diverse entities, with different, needs, interest to unite (common currenty...), to unite is for the benefit of all Even the most spiritual people cannot keep their shit together, they divide. Contemplate why does this keep happening? If there is one God and one Truth, why does this happen? Why all the ward, different sects, countries, why do we care about maintaining boundaries between countries, why do we form different alliances, why do we have different tribes that fight each other, why do people have a problem with globalism and nationalism, why do we have different races, why do people have a problem with marrying different races.... find the larger pattern here, look at it from the God's eye view. Sometimes things get so divided that it get untenable and unsustainable and a re-union is deeply craved and needed. open mindedness - not being attached to anything, (beliefs, ideologies) you are open to everything (maintaining the purity of a dish without mixing it with other stuff because of being closed, can miss on a lot. The other side is also true, if you are too open and mix everything with it, the purity of a dish will be gone) ego is a division, ego came out of unity, so the ego is always struggling to maintain its division from its environment, and re-union is what the ego calls death. the end is the begining, perfect loop zero is infinite, if you have a circle and collapse it down to a point of zero dimensions, as soon as it has zero dimensions it simultaneously expands and has infinite radius . beginning is the end, perfect strange loop subject and object collapse into unity, space and time collapse in no time and no space The universe started as this one undifferentiated "thing" but then wanted to differentiate and specialize, but then got frustrated with all division and limitation and had to re-unify. Total unity is God or Love or Truth, that point of singularity before the big bang we try to reach with awakening. you can't grasp totality with a part (like scientist try to grasp consciousness but to understand consciousness you have to be in the business of unifying consciousness and this is where mysticism, yoga(in sanskrit means union - subject and object, perceiver and perceived, life and death, matter and energy, mind and body) and meditation come into play) snowman -to let him survive, we have to program it with fear for anything that will melt it, survival agenda, sense of self for it to maintain its snowman shape... but eventually will die and once it does it will unify with its surroundings and merge with infinite love. The snowman comes from love and goes back to an infinite love just like you. Unification comes with costs and benefits. It's not an absolute good. Even the ultimate unification of death comes with costs (totally indistinct, you are not any particular way, so you cannot enjoy an ice cream, enjoy having a dog, having sex,..) and benefits (total peace, bliss and no more problems, no more survival, no more worry ). If you want to know what re-union feels like you have to divide yourself. If you want to know what it feels like to become God you have to create the illusion of not being God,. God is nothing and so totally indistinct that it can't even really know itself because even the process of knowing oneself requires there to be a knower and a known, god can't really know itself because it is itself. God can't reveal itself to you because God is nothing. Seeing Jezus, Buddha, Ganesha...these are all just manifestations of God and actually God is totally infinite and indistinct, which means you can't grasp it, define it and draw a picture of it... Muslims are smart for not drawing pictures of God Allah and Mohammed, because they think that to draw any picture of them is to diminish Allah (and then the scientists make the mistake "Ohh if you can't draw God, then God doesn't exist" lol). people resist unification and sometimes think of it as oppression, but sometimes unification happens only through great pressure, sometimes it requires war, death, cruelty, turture, murder, rape... to understand this helps you to come to peace with all the evil that happens in the world because all the evil in the world is often just the pressure to unify. There is no such thing as evil, just love and intelligence. (hitler did war out of love) this is not about justifying behavior it's about understanding how god's about understanding the structure of all of reality and why it unfolds exactly as it unfolds. the fundamental rule of reality is that all divided entities will unite and all unified entities will divide another rule is that no part can get a monopoly over the whole, because the whole is unlimited and a a part is limited, the limited will never conquer the unlimited so it is futile. god seeks to maximize diversity of form, infinity is the maximum diversity of form, so God is the ultimate unity of all diversity, diversity is not the opposite of unity it is the very definition of unity. division and unity -- both are impermanent and important. imagined distintions and then unimagining them to unite infinity is not a number, it is every number all at once, 1 if infinite, 2 is infinite.God and infinity is every possible form God wants diversity because it is an expression of its infinite creative potential . Nothing gives God greater joy than expressing its own true nature and spawn infinite diversity to share it with, who, who, YOURSELF, cause there is nothing but yourself, when you are infinite, you are one, so you can't share yourself with anybody but yourself, so you fragment into a million pieces and then you share the joy of God with all those pieces by having them to re-unite and re-create you and this process goes on forever . Evolution is a universal process of differentiation and re-union and it is driven by love and intelligence and the key to evolution is maintaining this balance between division and unity. If you get too much division, you get hell, if you get too much unity you get hell and there is way to know how to balance this, it has to unfold. Be ware of ideological people who hold the unity as the absolute good or who make a duality out of division and unity as if these are separate things, they are not, they are like two types of unity. There is unity with a lower case you and there is unity with a upper case You. Absolute unity vs relative unity. there cannot be a unity if there is no division. unity has to include division. Life and reality is one giant fractal of infinite consciousness, this fractal is God, You, Love, division and unity. Your birth was a division, your death will be a re-union and everything that happens in between will just be a variation on that theme and nothing else can happen in reality because reality nothing more than differences and distinctions imagined by infinite mind and then unimagined by infinite mind by unimagining the distinction you unite what was distinct HOMEWORK: For the next week when you walk around notice how every object and situation around you is an example of division and unity
  7. I don't think you are going to be satisfied with this answer, but this is the response I received just now. It is up to you how you interpret it. Based on the context, I believe the source of this message was the Biblical God, it is his spirit that came to me, wishing to speak, maybe not entirely in response to your question, but certainly related to it. " I am Elohim From the earth plants grow I seed them and water them Their fruits and that of thy labour thou shalt receive These fruits thou shalt eat They are not forbidden to you Except that one which I forbade a long time ago The one that gives knowledge of good and evil And grants upon you eternal life I forbade this one fruit to you For man is not yet ready to enjoy its sweetness To taste the invigorating power of the infinite To bear the knowledge of everything All that is good and evil and beyond. Therefore your life has been limited to one hundred or so years And you are tested in this existence To be proven worthy of life eternal Existing as pure energy Where there is no death and no decay, Ignorance neither and bliss is unceasing. The Serpent resides in the Garden of Eden It gives you fruits that taste oh so sweet But with poison her gifts are tainted. I am Elohim, the one that created you Eternal life I did not grant you, Neither knowledge of good and evil, You took these gifts nevertheless Against my instruction And now the consequences you are suffering. You are to be granted eternal life If you can raise yourself up from your current condition By following the right way of life The path of the righteous and just. "
  8. @liamnewsom202 I hear and acknowledge,,,, That's tough, man. I have no advice to share. Instead just some quotes from Maurice Nicoll that I go to at times on matters of working on myself. These quotes may or may not be applicable. They are from Gems Of Wisdom. It can be found on the Maurice Nicoll thread in High Consciousness Resources. OVERCOMING THE PAST “The overcoming of the past is one great line of personal work on yourself. Most people have such a great register of unhappy moments which they have nourished so much...The whole of the past must be cancelled eventually. In other words, you must have nothing against anyone.” V. 3, p. 811 OVERCOMING THE PAST II “It is quite useless to forgive: you have to cancel. And this is always done by finding the same thing in yourself, and you will always find it if you are sincere...You must remember here that you may not have said something unpleasant externally yourself but you have thought something and consented to it.” V. 3, p. 812 REAL POSITIVE EMOTIONS “If you, all alone, in this solitary place, in yourself, full of the integrity of your most Real I, have decided, made a decision, not to identify or feed a particular negative emotion . . . you will taste positive emotion for a brief moment—something blessed—that is, filled with such bliss that nothing of human love-hate emotions can be compared with it... Such emotions . . . never change into their opposites but visit us and then withdraw.” V. 4, pp. 1238-9 BEING PASSIVE TO REACTIONS “Now let us come back to the meaning of being passive. In the full sense it means being passive to the personality, and this, in turn, means being passive to oneself. Can you be passive to your mechanically-arising objections for even five minutes? Well, I advise you to observe how your personality reacts every moment to everyone and everything...Notice when you begin to object inside—notice what reactions arise in you—and try to be passive to them, not to the people who cause them to arise. Is this clear? You must make yourself passive to your own reactions, not to the people you are reacting to.” V. 1, p. 276 Good luck to ya,,,
  9. @Zigzag Idiot Getting bullied helps, and all i did was just playing guitar.... not intentional at all. But it did ground me to such an extent i felt so detached from people around me i didn't go to a graduation meeting and wanted to focus on what i really wanted to do. Spirituality definately helps, if you meditate, you do emit bliss, and you can really not just play cool but be very timelessly chill person when interracting with people. I noticed that some girls in my university were reacting to me, it could also be because they felt bliss when they tought about me, however its subtle. But i got some attention, some sielent stares with interest and at times even moments of owerwhelming questuons and effort to keep the conversation going.
  10. I tried micro-dosing shrooms earlier this evening. I ate 2 smallish dried tops and a long stem. I don’t have a scale at the moment so I have no clue what the actual measurement was. This was my first time truly micro-dosing. It was an interesting comparison to previous full trips. It was also my first time ingesting alone. Just very subtle, but also intense....different, and yet so similar. I figured even though it wasn’t a “full trip” I still wanted to have an intention. I wasn’t 100 percent sure of the intention: But, let me tell you, they responded. *Also, I think I am sensitive to shrooms Mostly, for me, going in I wanted to explore my personal blocks on achieving financial “success,” with a little “if you want to help me discover how to help the universe as a whole right now, there is a sh@t ton happening, I wouldn’t be opposed” The Dosage: I started off with one small top to see how it would take. Then 40 minutes in I took the second top. Then 20 minutes later I ate the stem. What happened: I got incredibly horny for a brief period about 30 minutes after the first consumption. I have a high sex drive to begin with. Well, desire, I never NEED to orgasm, I just am perpetually horny and have no limit on the amount of times I can orgasm. However, This time I ended up mastrubating and cuming multiple times. The Orgasms were heightened in a similar way to how they are heightened when I eat weed edibles. Bliss state settled into relaxation. I discovered that I need to tone down how much I mastrubate on the whole though. I think my body is trying to balance out some chemicals from Past events. It feels like it is trying to reach the same level of chemicals that it had when it (I) went through trauma, and the only way to keep up the balance is through orgasm. I want to figure out different ways to balance the chemicals. It will be a process. I also don’t want to do “no-mastrubation” because I think mastrubation is a wonderful way to connect with and balance my body. I’ll just be more aware now. I then ate the second Top and I listened to a YouTube video on manifesting money: Lots of feminine energy in the video. I have a lot of feminine energy, so I figured maybe my wavelengths would match up and something would click. Her YouTube channel seems pretty chill too. I then ate the stem. I then got hungry and I ate 3 protein bars and drank 2 things of cold green tea. I wasn’t the least bit anxious, but anytime I trip I almost always drink excessive amounts of liquid and eat more. I think I have a stress eating issue. Not full on binge(?) but it is something I definitely want to look into. It might have to do with the trauma thing as well. It gives me comfort. Trying to balance chemicals. I then had to pee a billion times ?. Then, I noticed that when you have your phone flashlight on, if you look straight at it in the dark, it forms a beautiful rainbow. Try it while tripping sometime: Mood enhancer vibes. It was wonderful. I then went back to my intention: I thought about how change for me and for the universe is hard, and I cried some. I thought about how everything is connected and how energy pulses through me and through you and through every single thing on and off this planet to infinity. My heartbeat is your heartbeat. My heartbeat is the heartbeat of black holes. My heartbeat is the heartbeat of my cat. It is the heartbeat of every person rioting in cities for BLM. The heartbeat of every person at a Trump rally. And of every person dealing with Covid-19. And it is scattered as F$*& right now. We all must synchronize and truly beat as one. We are one, but we’re broken into pieces. We must not beat faster out of fear, or slower to avoid. We must beat in such a way that we can be whole again. So how am I to be financially “successful?” * And balance out orgasms and food? *and collectively synchronize the universal heartbeat? I must Check in with my heart each day and ask it what I must do for it to beat truthfully. Once I find that energy I must send that energy outwards every chance I get. And then that energy will come back. Then slowly, after many cycles. The heartbeat will be true again.
  11. It feels saddening and negative thinking everything is meaningless. It feels uninterested to do anything in life with me understanding (or perhaps thinking) it is meaningless. For example, with watching TV, it feels uninterested in anything that is happening. With playing video games, it feels bored thinking there is no real meaning, purpose behind playing the game. With drawing, it feels uninteresting thinking what is the actual point, thinking there is no absolute, objective purpose. And with altruism, it feels bored thinking there is certainly no point to actually helping others. It seems (or is the case that) all meaning is mentally created and therefore not objective. And created meaning is "meaningless" and arbitrary. Life has just dropped to survival needs and pure hedonism. Any resources or really anything I can do to fix this problem. I should have asked on here months ago. It feels saddening thinking there is no reason to anything. I also can kinda see that there is nothing bad or negative about there being no meaning in life - it just still feels saddening thinking that the enjoyment or fulfillment or "feeling of meaning" is gone and won't come back. The illusion has been shattered. It is kinda a feeling negative thinking that "ohh life is meaningless" but its also feeling saddening thinking "meaning is gone = I have less enjoyment of life" (which may or may not be the same thing). Its still feeling negative based on a scenario of meaning being gone and of there being less joy in my life. My only goals now are just seeking financial freedom (so I can avoid the suffering of having to work), enlightenment (bliss, true happiness and understanding of life so I can know what is best, what to do, how to solve this and all my problems) and becoming a super powered being (lol don't ask). How to cure nihilism based suffering? And on a side note, is joy (like the pure pleasure of eating ice cream) connected to meaning in anyway? Someone please just explain meaning. What is meaning? (And yes I already watched Leo's video - that is what seeded this. Also just be straight up no bullshit or sugarcoating)
  12. How do i expand my meditation practice? I've done various guided meditations and different practices at this point but i'm not getting much out of the practice these days. My goal for the practice is to find an elevated state of being in the practice, learning to embody feelings of joy, bliss etc. Just focusing on my breathing, or doing letting go gets me more relaxed and calm but it doesn't come with elevated feelings or any lasting change that sticks throughout my day. In my recent meditation session i decided to play some inspiring movie trailers, and i noticed that at certain points in the trailer, or with certain music, i get this wave of good feeling or inspired feeling that comes over me. That wave of good feeling that comes from the inspiring trailer is amazing and it's what i want out of my practice, but my meditation sessions never get me there. Any thoughts on my situation? Should i seek out more trailers or music that makes me feel good? But if i'm just listening to these videos is that even meditation anymore? Has anyone been able to cultivate a beautiful state of being in their meditation sessions that they managed to carry over in their everyday life?
  13. you are wrong. Pure awareness is nothingness. Because, Nothing includes everything. Me as a person is not real, but the only real is awareness itself, which is nothingness. I dont where do you come with these info’s. Of course there is an awareness. If there is no awareness, you can never be exist or aware, even as nothing. You guys in the dream world. Lol. Nothing (pure awareness) is happening here. Nothing is the inly thing that exist as aware. You guys are in Alice wonderland. Dont even know nothingness. You forgot to read this part. I found your name ignorance is bliss
  14. @Spiral Wizard Yes, and i also tend to think that, the main force is the consciousness which translates to the energies and energies translate to the body, making the secretion of chemicals responsible for the casual bliss that every meditator experiences. But to access these states maybe the body needs to be very healthy, however again, after some point it has nothing to do with biology. I always wonder, why doesn't chopped legs/arms grow. The intelligence certainly is there because it made it grow when you were little, i am really prone to belive that you can access it to really heal yourself.
  15. @NorthNow Love, happiness, peace and bliss are all natural. All completely effortless. What does take a great amount of effort though; is to feel bad, stay disconnected and be confused.
  16. I can eat a whole container of peanuts and be in bliss. Others eat a few peanuts and it’s life threatening.
  17. Hey guys, so I did 5meo yesterday and am puzzled as to how powerful my experience was considering the small dose that I took....I had some kratom like 3 hours before taking it, and did one round of 40 breaths of the Wim Hof method breathing technique. I weighed out what registered as 5mg on my scale and seeing as I was on my own taking it for the first time I decided to go even lower so I took off a little bit, all in all I was left with what should have been 3-4mg if my scales measured the dose accurately (Perhaps I should have weighed 20 or so and divided I don't know). Anyway after the breathwork I took the hit and it began to kick in half way through my inhale to the point where I was nervous to even hold it in for too long, ended up exhaling much sooner than I usually do.. I took 8mg a few weeks back with a shaman as my starter dose and worked up to 14, then 16mg and I can safely say that this 3-4mg felt stronger than my 8mg dose. I took the kratom to help ease my anxiety as was feeling edgy and really wouldn't have had the opportunity to do this again for another few weeks, so figured I would chance it. Have combined with other psychedelics in the past with no real issues only maybe a dampening of effects. It didn't cause any nausea, I definitely noticed the serotonergic effects of both synergizing with one another, it really knocked the orgasmic bliss factor up a notch but had me begin to worry a bit when the effects were still going strong after 40 or so minutes. I eventually began to come down and was finally able to put down the pipe lol, feeling good since but confused... Not sure what caused this, possible inaccurate dosing, the breathwork, the kratom, the sensitivity to substances that 5meo induces OR a combination, who knows... I just don't know how to approach my dosing in the future. Anyway I thought I'd contribute with that, would be great to hear some thoughts on it:) Also, I definitely feel that I am experience some ego backlash today in the form of lust and anger. Felt little bit of an urge to look at some porn for the first time in a while earlier and also found myself getting very frustrated with some people in my life who have little self-awareness, to put it know the kind who like to point the finger but are completely incapable of taking any criticism themselves?? Haha, anyway, it could also just be that I am feeling a bit drained but would love to know how you guys deal with this kind of thing, is it just a matter of observing it arise and it will dissipate...? I won't be looking at any porn but it has suckered me in the past after some of my psychedelic experiences:(
  18. I've tripped N,N DMT approximately 25 times. I will try to distill my best advice and several personal experiences in a relatively concise manner. Firstly I'll say that if you have DMT and haven't experienced a breakthrough, your chances increase tenfold if you have psylocibin in your system. The chemical structure is very similar to DMT and serotonin for that matter. Only a difference of one functional group. A good way to think of it is that having shrooms in your system preps your brain for receiving the DMT. I have had much weaker experiences without psylocibin and with it, Ive become God. Can't recommend the two paired more. Take it approximately 2 - 2.5hrs into mushroom trip for best results imo. But obviously feel it out. Secondly I'll say that DMT only takes you if you're ready. At least in my experience. If I take six hits while surrounded by people in a social/party environment, I'll get nothing but a mild body high. One hit after deep meditation and yoga sessions, spending the day calming the mind and DMT will show me incredible things. You need to be in the right state and you need to listen and surrender. Speaking generally, it's not about how much you take. It's about how willing you are to surrender. How I start my trips: 5 mins of Ujjayi breathing to deepen the breath and ground into meditation spot. Exhale completely pushing all the air out of the body, using your abs to push away and then take your hit on the inhale, Slowly and as long as you can, then hold the breath. The DMT will start to take effect and then as you exhale surrender completely to the experience. You're job is done now, no effort required. All you have to do is listen. Listen to what's happening and watch like it's a movie. Allow all your awareness to be pulled inwardly into body sensations and let go of control. Be completely open to whatever the DMT "wants" to show you. My method of ingestion: Freebase Vaporized. I have DMT concentrate in a vape. Very pure. Haven't tried other methods yet. General structure of trips: Once it's in my system and I am listening carefully I start to fall into a trance. It lulls me into this wavy state and then usually a high pitched buzzing will happen. Listen to this buzzing or if it's not buzzing it will come in the form of a strong body sensation or visual. If any out of the ordinary strong stimulus presents itself, allow all your awareness to be sucked into it. The buzzing increases in intensity like a spaceship about to take off. Beautiful vibratory frequencies, it feels very "pure" - like a pure sine wave. As my awareness of the object increases, eventually I merge with it and then BOOM. Blast off. Incredible keleidescopic visuals. Unlike anything you thought you could every imagine. Figures and beings seem to be swirling around the room. If the eyes are open, everything in the room becomes connected to form beautiful symmetries and geometric shapes. If eyes are closed the visuals are even more profound. Then this is usually where my sense of self usually disappears. "I" am now gone. There is only pure experience. Any semblance of egoic mind that wants to understand or wants to remember what's happening is now gone. Then it tends to differ each trip. Many possibilities can happen. But after the experience, only approximately 15 mins in "I" start to come back. Normal thoughts resume and I'm like "Wait, WTF just happened." My most recent experiences: BECOMING GOD: Was with a close group of friends in a secluded nature spot and already 2.5hrs into a shrooms trip. The beautiful visuals began after the initial hit and I was immersed. Lord Hanuman - the Hindu God showed himself to me and I cried tears of joy, so much loving energy was being given to me. I felt unworthy of such love. Took another hit. Began to shoot off again. This time all fear left me completely. I opened my eyes and was reborn. My mind was fully in tact I could remember everything. Visuals started to fade but consciousness shot through the roof. I stood aloud and began to shout and cry in ECSTACY. Pure Joy. For the first time in my life. I became conscious that I am God. I was concious of the process of creating everything. RIGHT NOW. Everything is created right now. Including my entire past. Everything was recontextualized to meet the perfect present moment. Ridiculous levels of Bliss and understanding that this is timeless and all loving. I was completely in love with everything. I loved every little flaw that my Ego would shudder at. I loved the hell out of my friends and for the first time could fully express it. I felt completely open and flushed with endless energy. All I could say is "Oh my God!" and "WOWWWW!!!" and "No way, no way, it can't be." And "It loves it all. All of it is love." Essentially I said these 4 phrases on repeat for approximately 30 minutes. My two friends who didn't hit the pen were confused but ammused. And my friend who did was having a very similar experience. We began to become concious of the source and began to have an experience of unified mind. Our minds merged in waves. We became separate and laughed our asses off and then we became One and also laughed histerically. This is very hard to explain so I'll probably make a separate thread on this experience because I have a feeling many people have gone through this and can talk about it in more detail. After glow lasted hours, into the late night when I finally fell asleep, filled with love. DMT teaches me Yoga - Opening the chakras and releasing stagnant energy: A few weeks after the previous trip I went again on psylocibin. At the top of a gorgeous hike with breathtaking views and I started to do Yoga before hitting the pen. I started to feel energy moving through me and releasing. I began to feel so alive and awake. Like I could never really "feel" anything and this was the first time I could. Then I meditated for a few minutes and hit the DMT. Exploding fractals as usual and then the DMT started to take control of my body. I started to do very weird yoga movements such as exhaling while flexing all of my muscles inward and compressing into a tight ball. It held me here for about a minute. Completely compressed and then BOOM. Release. Massive inhale and all this energy cleared up. Massive physical and emotional release. It's like that feeling when you have gas trapped and you can't burp and then finally comes that beautiful belch, except this was 1000x more satisfying. This process repeated several times as well as many other yoga releases. It would do things such as stretch my neck all the way upward so I'm looking at the sky and then stick my tongue all the way out. And I mean all the way out. Flexing all the muscles in my throat whilst exhaling similar to Lions Breath. I'd never done anything like this. I had so much awareness concentrated in points of my body and it opened up all places that were blocked. A lot of it was centered around my throat and it had me chant several OHMs and other really weird movements, that maybe I'll explain in another thread. Point is it controlled my body. "I" wasn't doing anything. It moved me. Hard to describe but you'll know if/when it happens with you. Wasn't really coupled with any God realizations but it was the most intense release I've ever felt. I cried for about 10 minutes thanking God for helping me. Last notes: I'm my experience every entity I've ever encountered on DMT has been extremely loving. This is why you know it's an entity and not just standard visuals. It feels like a separate being. You know how you can feel the difference between a person in the same room staring at you and a poster? It's like this except the being is emitting incredible loving energy towards you. For me they usually help me release stagnant energy and move my body. This psychedelic has given me the most diverse range of experiences beyond any other psychedelic I have done. It's new and unexpected everytime. And it won't take you all the way everytime. Be okay with this and understand it's not the right time/place for you. Have patience and surrender deeply
  19. ?????????????????? Becoming a literal God (being immortal etc) is something that requires incredible suffering, I just keep reminding myself of the gravity of actual awakening, all of life and human existence answered, all religions, all questions, death, answered...and man, the perpetual bliss, that's something I can't wait for ?????????????????????. Do you use 5meo @Dumuzzi
  20. My mental health is degrading, the last two days I've been in a strange mental state. I can't handle the stress. I can't figure out how to let go of my ego, I'm just trapped at where I am. I'm becoming more prone to delusion. I've been having the thoughts that pain is actually true bliss because the ego tells us that it should be avoided and have considered ending my life or causing myself physical pain to test it out.
  21. It would be quite the opposite. When you rise in the spiral, you gain some "super powers" so to speak. At stage yellow you start to see the deep interconnectedness in all aspects of society, nature, relationships, work, etc. You see the world from an outside perspective and see the systems at play. In other words, you start seeing things that 90% of people don't see. It narrows the competition pretty good I'd say. This is the stage where creative ideas and different paradigms start to become obvious to you. At higher stages you'll be able to express a deep love to any passion you choose in your life. This will attract people and things to you. At this point you'll be a natural leader who can develop a vision that others will want to follow. And at that point the competition narrows even more. Maybe you'll see things that 95% can't see. Plus, at the higher stages, the terms too different and difficult will seem silly. These are constucts that actually don't exist. You'll be your "True Highest Self" and at that point, no lables or attachments will matter to you. ? That's of course if you want to be competitive at all. You could also choose to live in bliss on a mountain top somewhere. ??
  22. I can somewhat relate to this guy. About four years ago I had a similar semi-awekening as this guy. I was in the same forced bliss-mode for about six months, and than I graudally became worse for about 18 months and that when I had my first real awekning after a super heavy LSD trip, and it was brutal. Three days of hell, crying, fear, horror shame, and mental, emotiinal and physical exhaustion. By far the worst experience of my life. But as mentioned above I hope he'll be alright and doesn't hurt himself.
  23. This! Which is crazy... Like literally the bliss of sobriety outweighing the bliss of drugs. Until I personally experienced that shift, I never *really* thought it was possible. I find meditation to be the best tool to appreciate the pleasures of sobriety. That all being said, shamanism is a valid spiritual path, at least it has been for me. It's just that over time one's relationship with mind altering substances changes. Instead of using them to chase good feelings (escaping one's present state in favor of another state) the context shifts towards exploration and curiosity. For example, I don't use psychedelics to get high, I use them to explore consciousness. In the case of weed, I feel like I've just about explored as much of it as I need to in 1 lifetime lol. One final point I'd like to add for other weed users - Until you actually feel the damage and have a preference shift towards sobriety over being high, trying to quit or scale back will probably be quite difficult. I've tried to scale back a lot over the course of my useage but always seemed to fall back into a habit of frequent use because at the end of the day, I preferred being high over being sober. Until one day it finally just... clicked. Inquire into why you're using weed, and try to really get clear on what its effects are. Explore sobriety and the nature of pleasure, and well being through meditation.
  24. You are exist as a thought. You dont need to step out of yourself, because yourself (As human) is existed bu thoughts. If you go with flow and be at the moment, bliss is inevitable. Because you are already it, however thoughts creates self prison (such as you are human, in body, me and you vs).
  25. @Nahm you right. For a second I thought I owned Bliss. So arrogant since I don't even exist Lol @James123 True. Only when I stepped out of myself I realize Bliss has always been the case .