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  1. Well first off - don't take anything i say as the Absolute Truth, because they are merely pointers. And it's OK to be skeptical - you should be. And i expect to be demonized whenever i talk about Truth because it's extremely radical. But for me i discovered through direct experience that Leo's claims are in fact correct. (Not just his but any awakened person and there were many before me) I hit the first of my non-dual states when doing self inquiry to figure out what the hell i was. And then bam - it happened. A non-dual state. Here consciousness is at a completely different level and the self consciousness that you thought was you collapses into universal consciousness. That's when you will know you're True self. It wlll be actual. But requires a non-dual state in which you are pure actuality. The alien might be something your mind is conceptualizing and identifying with...(for me it was the soul) but if while meditating you can identify with that alien you should be able to become conscious that this is in fact "an answer" that your mind has deposited into the slot which in Truth is awareness itself - or Absolute Truth itself. This can subsequently help you disidentify with the alien. In a sense you aren't wrong because the idea of an alien is still part of God!
  2. I started using fluoride free toothpaste but I would not recommend the switch unless you've already cut way back on sugar in your diet. Then I found out that there's a ton of naturally occurring fluoride in tea, green tea and matcha. If you drink it get young leaf tea grown in Japan, not China. If you are concerned I would look at your entire diet, and not just your fluoride intake. Almond milk is full of calcium carbonate and other additives and preservatives are likely doing more harm than fluoride so I cut out my almond milk habit too. You can also add seaweed or a natural iodine supplement into your diet, it helps flush fluoride. I awakened without the use of psychedelics or much formal meditation, all the while I was drinking green tea and using fluoride toothpaste, so I don't think its a huge concern worth obsessing about. However our food system and environments are so contaminated that it does require a lot of knowledge and awareness to avoid the worst of it. The problem is definitely not just fluoride.
  3. Welcome to the Awakened Universe
  4. @dimitri just read the thread and came across this said by Serotoninluv: "For those that liked the dream analogy. . . Imagine our character Paul really wants to find truth. He opens himself up and surrenders as much as he can. He goes on a spiritual retreat. This could be a vippassana retreat, a solo retreat or an Ayahuasca retreat. During the retreat he has some glimpses of awakening. (The Real You is actually waking up a bit). Imagine what this would be like for Paul if You start waking up a bit. Paul and the world around him starts to dissolve and become odd. This could be liberating or terrifying to Paul. The Real You may even open your eyes a bit and notice your bed and the room around you. The Real You falls back asleep and Paul becomes Paul again. This glimpse beyond the dream is incredibly powerful. Paul doesn't know what to make of it. He feels really unstable. His whole perception of life is forever changed. Yet, he still tries to recontexualize this awakening into his dream world. So. . . how might Paul describe this to his friends in the dream. He would sound A LOT like what we hear in spirituality. As he looks around his dream world would say things like "I don't exist", "form is formless" (notice how form is formless within his dream). He would say "the person doesn't awaken, it's beyond the person". When people ask him "are you awakened?" it would be weird. He knows he is a dream character within a higher intelligence (The Real You). He would say "we are all One" (every thing within the dream is One dream occurring in the Real You). One of Paul's friends, Stacey, asks if awakening will help her lose weight. Another friend, Jack, asks if awakening will help will get rid of his anxiety and depression. Paul tries to tell them that there is something higher going on here and awakening isn't going to help anyone in the dream get anything. It is beyond the character. " IS THIS FOR REAL??? Has anyone have the experience of the real YOU waking up and the Real You may even open your eyes a bit and notice your bed and the room around you"??? Wow if true that is fascinating to me. PLease tell your experiences PLEASE!!!! I feel very liberated from thinking it's all a dream.
  5. Today, I am very much in touch with this mute interpretative faculty - maybe because I've been watching movies for the past two days. I'm aware of how I'm in contact with it and I usually leave it be, by itself, passively, and use it as a kind of radar for various everyday situations. For example, I was going to the grocery store and I noticed that my attention was shifting towards the buildings and my own body and I understood that that 'thing' was feeling small, fragile. The cities make people feel insignificant because of how big the buildings are, and how they represent the sheer scale of the collective effort to survive. I noticed that I instinctively retracted back to my own body and balanced this feeling of insignificance with acute awareness of the complexity of my body, as if I was reassuring myself that I am not, in fact, small. I am a very complex creature, very similar to a tall building, and started to notice small details of life scattered across the pavement. Like I said, this faculty is very active during my interactions with art, recently with movies. First, I watched the third John Wick movie, which apart from being a great spectacle, was also an exercise in body awareness and relaxation. If I fully immerse myself in the movie, my various body parts tense up instinctively and make me feel uncomfortable. It is not the emotional charge that disturbs me directly, but my bodily responses. Then, we watched Lord of War, which was a commentary on violence, and a critique of the green's attempt to scapegoat dysfunctional orange, when really - systemic solutions are needed. Today's movie, was really good. We watched Vanilla Sky which was about enlightenment with a meta-narrative story that talked about the subconscious mind! So, in a sense - as an awakened person with the intent of understanding my subconscious - I was watching a movie about a person that is awakening and battling with his unconscious mind! What the fuck?! It was mainly an exercise in not losing my shit and doubting my sanity, while watching another person doubting his sanity during his awakening. The ending *spoiler alert* brought me to tears, when the awakened protagonist understood that it was just a dream, and decided to resurrect his dead girlfriend for a last kiss. What brought me to tears was the realization that he knew that she wasn't real and he knew that she was a projection of his subconscious mind, but it did not stop the love. So, in effect, he was loving his incompleteness that was projected outwards, as a perfect person to fill his brokenness. Very, very bold. My subconscious had a feast in reading symbols, mirrors and looking through the smoke in this film. There is actually one instance when I know that I'm not using this faculty passively - it is when I'm trying to understand something that eludes me. I'm meddling with this field to recontextualize symbols used by another person, and forming a language, code, that 'makes sense'. The key component here is the willingness to abandon my understanding of his words that are usually experienced as "negative emotions". It is very dependent on Ego's willingness to stay malleable and flexible. For a very long time it had me bound in a perpetual 'understand everything' mode where I did not know when is the right time to listen, and where it is the right time to exercise my knowledge and stand by it firmly.
  6. Can agree with you, the mind plays tricks more often than one can believe. Especially after a awakening, frickin strong and creative it is at doing that! I meant the Steven greer type of encounters. Like the ce-5 protocol some his groups are using. (This video is a rare encounter. ) Many groups are very successful at this around the world. And this has somewhat been a hobby of mine for last 5 years. It is not that unusual as most people think about it. They like to show upp to awakened or spiritually inclined people, maybe it's just easier for them to do it. One has to see it to believe but of course, also question everything one sees.
  7. It's only a fair statement, if those people also are highly awakened. Unfortunately like you said, majority of them do not transcend their egos. You have to remember that even if those things that you mentioned would be true - they would still only be relatively true - because from a non-dual perspective, it's all you, it's all just God playing with itself. (So those entities, spirits, etc that you view as "other" is all you anyways). Labels do matter, because a lot of them keep people stuck from having a non-dual realization.
  8. Strictly speaking you do not need to follow any moral rules to awaken. Just like how you don't need to follow any rules to learn math. But if you are very wrapped up in acting from ego (being highly selfish) you will, in practice, not likely ever awake. So all that Buddhism is telling you is: stop being a fucking devil for a bit so you have a decent chance to awaken. Stop your whoring, theiving, and hoarding. Not because it is evil, but because it interferes with meditation. Yup It would be nice, but it is not a necessity. You are free to be a devil. There are no shoulds in the universe. The point is Totality. This means that some will be awake and many won't. The awakened person understands that most people should not be awake. There is no why or should. You are free to do whatever you desire. Things are Good regardless of whether you are conscious of it or not. Awakening clears up confusion. Confusion is okay too. It is part of Totality.
  9. I wouldn't necessarily say studying is a bad thing, especially if the study is a preperation towards a practical function in life, and the experience of studying itself can also be a valuable learning curve in itself. I myself am going to study Social Work because I want to have access with my degree to be able to be hired in job applications in for instance in psychiatric hospitals. I feel like people like those in psychiartic hospitals can use an (semi-)awakened being the most and yet are often dealing with most unconscious, insane behaviour from others, because these educated "professionals" may have a lot of knowledge, but very often they lack personal experience of transcending inner struggles, and therefore they can't truly handle the energy of insanity that hangs around places like a psychiatric hospital. I myself have done much of this inner work, and therefore have a grounding of being able helping people to transcend their struggles because of my own inner work (though there is still much inner work to be done). I hope that I can make a change there, but of course my future can still go in many direction and I might end up in a totally different place. Also, just the very experience of studying and facing new challenges that I have to overcome seem as of currently a very proper step for me. And also, I like the focus of my study on the high amount of internships that are required in the cirriculum. I prefer at least at this point experience over knowledge. And also, I also want to study Social work to properly understand the mainstream health care system so that I can be more effective as being a potential whistle-blower However, I do want to acknowledge that the intellectual understanding and "wisdom" of these universities and colleges are still very limited by for instance materialistic paradigms. Universities and colleges may have a lot of smart people and professors, but rarely do they have "wise" people there. Therefore, the question to actually study philosophy at an university is questionable, as professors are often ignorant of non-dual forms of wisdom and its many contradictory perspectives; they are often rooted in many forms of dualism as well and not too many of them are very spiritually mature human beings. In other words: wisdom and maturity are other things than cleverness and being a good intellectual. The internet on the other hand is full of highly awakened forms of content. You just have to search in the right places. So as far as knowledge alone is concerned, I wouldn't do the study if I were you. Except if you're interested in like the history of philosophy and how it all developed, and to sort of compare philosophies from different sources against each other just out of sheer interest. There are also other drawbacks on doing a formal education and working at a job that is rooted in mainstream society or the mainstream system. For instance, in my study Social Work and the work I'm allowed to do with my degree, one thing I'm not looking forward to is having to do much administration and paper work. I'm probably going to end up being very sleek and subtly slipping past many of these somewhat useless rules and regulations wherever I see an oppurtunity, because all this paperwork is so controlling and somewhat paranoid. Considering your study isn't really (directly) aimed towards training you for practical aspects of life so much, it makes your study a bit more questionable as opposed to getting a degree for an education that is aimed to instruct you more towards the practical domains of life. However, it may (or may not) still be potentially worthwhile. Just as you has said in the previous post, I also find in myself that external stimuli like discussion, teachers, student interactions, and potentially also deadlines and having set concrete assignment for yourself by others, can also be of an extra stimulation to sort of get yourself to do something. I wouldn't maybe have agreed with this sort of pressure as being "good" a couple of years back, but now I do see that —at least in my current situation— it has a certain value to it. It can sometimes be helpful to me if I receive external pressure or stimulation to go and do something; It gets me going more easily and I often even appreciate having received this external pressure afterwards. I can't answer your question if you should go and study or not. However, you should consider for yourself very well what your alternatives are and if you think you'd be better off with these alternatives than going to do this study.
  10. @Key Elements i do..i saw his quote and he said specifically that riding the ox backwards was not a test of enlightenment which is a lack of awakening to certain facets of Truth. Again it's not a knock on him it's just that he hasn't awakened to that yet. Had he been open minded to it and other facets he would still be teaching here.
  11. This is a conditional, personal, human construct of awakening. It is not Ablsolute Awakening. A personal human construct of awakening as practical value in being human, yet it is still a relative human construct. When you say "because he is suffering as a separate ego entity", you have created the same separate ego entity as you are pointing to. You have created an entity called "Martin Ball" that is separate from you and that there are appearances in this separate entity that disqualifies it from being awakened. Within a personal/human construct, that has value and I often use that construct in my life. Yet that aint IT. As well, when you say "psychedelics show you how much manual work is still necessary for deep and permanent awakening" I would agree with that for awakening. Yet not for Awakening, which is not dependent on human conditions. From a relative, personal human perspective - I agree. If we create a construct of what spiritual development and progress is to a human - there would be many different constructs and no one would agree on all components - not even the most spiritually "advanced" practioners. This is inherent to be human in a relative world. First, you are creating a distinction in which there is a "psychedelic state" and a "sober state". You are giving value to the "sober state" as being the default state of reality and a "psychedelic state" is an altered state of reality. From this mindset, one will see psychedelics as an altered state in which one temporarily steps out of the default sober state to gain insights. Then once returning to the sober state, the sober mind will ask "what did we get from the psychedelic state that applies and benefits the sober state? Is this application/benefit permanent"? This is a construct you have created. This is the most common perspective because the mind has been conditioned to create a reality that it can make sense of and gives it grounding and practicality for survival. As well, it is reinforced in society. You could also see the psychedelic state as being equivalent to the sober state - yet this is very difficult for a mind to do. This isn't just relevant to psychedelics - it is relevant to all different mind states. One will be contracted within a value dynamic until this is realized. Yes, and it also transcends your entire personal/human construct of what awakening is. You are speaking of awakening, not Awakening. Yes, at the human level I would agree. I'm am a strong advocate for research in psychedelics and training practioners who use psychedelics for spiritual and therapeutic purposes. For example, I would like to see new infrastructure built for psychedelic-therapy - in which health care practitioners go through extensive training. 100 years from now, I think humans will cringe about how psychedelics were used. For example, desperate people suffering with mental conditions such as PTSD ordering psychedelics online and trying to self-medicate without knowledge and experience of psychedelics. I think in the future, we will be much more advanced. Someone with PTSD will be able to walk into a clinic for free and receive quality psychedelic therapy from a highly trained practitioner. I agree. Psychedelic revelations will be contextualized at the baseline conscious level of the user. I think having a basic foundation of maturity, development and stability is helpful. I think that would be interesting as well.
  12. @Key Elements @Nahm So how You live your life as awakened devil. Trust me in my entire life I've never seen anyone awakened not Just That I barely saw only few lets say Selfless Good persons.All devils are You and You are concious of it but at the same time they are not. How You act? Even asked this question to Leo. Do YOU embody all of YOUR True Absolute Nature as personal self. Problem with That is that You Will be ripped apart. Some of us didn't need an awakening to live such self sacrifice life Before and I really do know possible implications of it. Not fun at all. Ofcourse If You have interest in playing small game. This is where wisdom is required. Turn out to be delicate balancing act.
  13. I appreciate that you're putting a lot of effort into explaining difficult concepts, Leo. But being rationally aware of your strings won't make you awakened spiritually in any sense. It is still you playing as God. But you are NOT God, that's self deception. If there's a God, it is everything and we're a part of it. It seems that many members on this forum say that they're enlightened or awakened spiritually. This is a big red flag for me. Why would you say that again and again when exchanging ideas with others? It's not constructive at all and this attitude seems just plain arrogant. Relative truths are not absolute truths and nobody is entitled in telling the truth to others. This sense of entitlement is egotistical.
  14. ? Even if the selfless awakened is superior - the real superiority is an healthy integration of the two.
  15. Every spiritual school has rules you must play by. Welcome to society. If anything my rules are too lax and too accommodating of diverse perspectives. This tolerance gets abused by devils. But I have some limits. Undercutting the highest truth I know cannot fly here. If someone wants to teach that there is no God, that love is just an emotion, that psychedelics are delusion... well... they will have to start their own school. Not in my school. I hold WinterKnight to a higher standard because he is here in a teaching capacity and representing enlightenment. I would have less problem with it if he was just making random comments as a non-teacher. In the future I will be screening people on this forum harder when they claim to be enlightened in order to maintain the integrity of these teachings. A lot of people come here, claim to be enlightened, and then they're off to the races with their twisted and half-baked views. 1) Your awakenings were not nearly deep enough, requiring much more embodiment work. 2) Your desire to feel good is never going to work. You cannot use spirituality to feel good. Rather, what spirituality teaches you is that no matter how bad you feel, that is good. This is very counter-intuitive. The ego wants to lock in a happy state. This is not only impossible but it is the very cause of your unhappiness. Happiness is total acceptance of whatever is happening in the present moment. That means if you're getting tortured, you accept it without trying to escape it. The desire to escape suffering is the very thing which creates suffering. Because this is not as slight a difference as you think, and because this problem, while small now, will only grow larger and larger with my newer teachings until it comes to a head. I have a very specific teaching I want to offer the world. I created this platform to offer this teaching because I knew that no other platform would allow me to teach what I need to teach. This is precisely backwards. You are God. Period. The mistake you're making here is you're still maintaining a subtle distinction between self & other. You're "otherizing" God. You're missing the most important point of all: THAT YOU ARE GOD! This is no metaphor. You created the whole fucking universe. But you forgot. Now you must remember. Thousands upon thousands of people have awakened to Love. Many even on this forum. But awakening to Love has nothing to do with walking around all loving all the time. Do not confuse Love with some sentimental positivity. You can find Love in a warzone. Here's one example: No. What I'm talking about is not emotion. It's existential insight & raw Truth. How you feel about it is irrelevant. I understand that more than you can imagine. No, it does not matter. Consciousness cannot really cease. It can just be empty. Empty or full doesn't matter, it's all the same Truth. Nirodha Samapatti is identical to NOW. Existential Love is not a state. Love is all states.
  16. @Leo Gura Do you know anybody that has "awakened to love" and now is walking around all loving all the time? I just don't think such people exist. The closest are probably monks who put a lot of emphases on loving-kindness meditation in their spiritual training. Don't you think your emotions are influencing a lot of your interpretation of psychedelic experiences? One thing I think you greatly underestimate is how peoples interpretation of the same experience can differ. For example from your enlightenment happening live video, I can tell you have much much stronger emotional reaction than me. When I first awakened to no sense of agency, I basically came back to my computer and continued to watch youtube. Even when I had my first big psychedelic breakthrough, first thought was not God but rather that was the most alien and weird experience ever, like becoming a very fiber of reality. Don't you think that these cosmic experiences where there is no "I" but still awareness that you enjoy, are still in a subtle way a survival strategy compared to a complete cessation of consciousness like Nirodha Samapatti? I don't think it's possible to shift into a persistent state of love. However, if it's somehow, I wish you to attain this and guide us on how to do it.
  17. @Leo Gura 1. Yes, but my abilities were that of a mystic, which is different than a clairvoyant or psychic. Mystics tend to merge their essence naturally with the divine. They get far more information/knowledge/insight but is usually pretty deep so it takes a bit for them to unpack it. Mystics are considered to be deep reservoirs of spiritual energy, which is why dark spirits tend to leave them alone. If spirits harass anyone, its usually the clairvoyants/psychics. I had a knowing as a child that spirits would not want to mess with me without understanding why I knew that. I did have an experience twice about 30 years ago where I woke up and saw a brilliant light in the room and felt like I started floating above the bed, which scared the shit out of me at the time. Clairvoyants talk to many diverse spirits while mystics tend to only communicate with the divine or a direct messenger of the divine. Psychics see; mystics know and command. You are also a classic mystic IMO. 2. I think everyone can develop their natural abilities much further than they currently are. The question is what are ones natural abilities? My fiance is a gifted clairvoyant. She can see spirits, channel them and speak with them but there is not nearly the sizzle and crackle in the air when she calls the divine into the room like when I do it. Spirits tend to do as I tell them but they might test her a lot more. With that said, I try to develop the areas that I am naturally weak as much as I can. My favorite books on that are by Ivo Domingues called Keys to Perception and the Magnus Opus by John Kreiter. 3. Many people that are highly awakened are mystics. Since they dont have the psychic sight talent, the spiritual world, along with all its possibilities and potentials is not as obvious. When a mystic steps into that realm however, they can usually summon massive amounts of spiritual power. The REAL power is making ones way through acceptance and finally making it to complete surrender to the divine. Once this happens, the divine may give the mystic authority to speak and command in the divine's name (I call the divine Adonai because I like how the Jews "conceptualize" God, which is actually no concept). The power that one has when this happens is ineffable. If the divine has not explicitly granted the authority, the Mystic can request this authority is granted to manifest the divine will he is surrendered to. Of course, he is responsible for how he uses that power but the mystic is expected to discern himself how to use it on his path of evolution. I think that this seems to be fairly uncommon because one weakness of the Occult path is the lack of attention to total acceptance and total surrender to the divine. Yogis typically get stuck on the being side of the paradox and occultists generally get stuck on the doing side of the paradox, which hinders that shift to surrender for the occultist. I believe this paradox should be resolved without leaving either out. 4. Great question...Im also curious as to why some are mystics and others are psychics. 5. My healing abilities have been getting quite a bit stronger but when i was granted the authority to speak and command in the divine's name, that was a game changer. Im still exploring this but the first time I used it, my fiance had a back that has been in extreme pain for years. I started rubbing her back muscles and in my head, said "I command the muscles to release and be healed in the name of Adonai". As the word Adonai entered my head, a massive surge of energy came into my body, shot down my arms and hands into her back. Even though I was silent, she immediately yelled from the shock of energy and jumped up. She was totally healed in a way that was FAR beyond my previous abilities could even come close to. I experimented with it and found that if I say it out loud, it is even more powerful. This ability is something I am still experimenting with to see how far it can go. I also created a servitor and used the same authority/command and the spirit showed up and requested to speak directly to me through my fiances body as a medium. This spirit was far more real and powerful than the two other spirits I made without using that method. 6. I have projected myself 30 miles away into my fiances bedroom and whispered into her ear. I didnt say anything to her but she told me the next day she felt me in her room and told me what I said. The healing abilities at this level are new and Im just familiarizing myself with it. Ive been shown deep insights where I had complete knowledge about very complex subjects but this is common for mystics and you have also experienced this. Whether it is a spirit guide or the divine, its spoken to me telepathically but that is also common for mystics. I created a servitor/spirit and infused it into an object. I started talking to it and "charging it" and the object started moving on its own (very shocking). It did the same for my fiance. Ive summoned spirits that spoke through my fiance several times. I just started shifting my attention to the occult a year ago. Its been a pretty crazy but extremely interesting ride. Im sure it will get crazier and even more interesting as the years go by
  18. I've always been really connected to nature and fascinated by plants. When I bought my old house I started feeling presences around me in the middle of the night, I felt like there was a crowd around me and I wasn't alone. This happened off and on for a few years. After noticing poison nightshade on an herbal healer's grave in a nearby old cemetery, I looked him up and read his book which explained how he was born with, but also developed clairvoyant powers. After that strange things kept happening, I found the remains of the mansion he built that burned down. I started going there and getting insights. I noticed after the fact that I had had a number of little awakenings that happened all in this section of my town. The trees that I had had an epiphany about not being real, but just a projection grew by the brook that ran behind the cemetery. The place at the river I felt intensely present at and became obsessed turned out to be overlooked by his home. He grew up in the area up above it. I've become more aware of how witchcraft and magic work, how the bird baths and the monument and the stone pyramids on his grave are symbolic and the huge population of crows there and how they dropped the seeds of the poison nightshade there. When I awakened I gave this 1800's garnet ring that was my prized possession and left it on his grave. I didn't know at the time it was a gift for the crows, I just had the intuition to do it and it felt perfect and exciting. Yet it doesn't feel right for me to study witchcraft much outside of what I'm intuitively drawn to do. I could write a book about the little presents and synchronicity I've found there since and looking into his history. Is it possible for an area to be "magic" more than another? Or is it that I have less resistance there than other places and so the walls of duality start to fall away for me? Or is there a kindred spirit, or past life situation going on here? Does it even matter? Is that I have an inexplicable love for him and for the place itself and so when you smile, the universe smiles back?
  19. @Meditationdude Psychedelics awakened me in a powerful way. I would not have been awakened without them. There is absolutely no way I would have made the progress without them. As to what it takes for others to awaken, thats not for me to say. Have you ever thought exactly why you are so opposed to psychedelics? Is it societies rules that have been imprinted? Is it fear of having to release control? Whatever it is, it is limiting imo. There is no objective truth that psychedelics are "bad". Its a "truth" that depends on who you ask, what culture they live in, what time in history they live in, etc, etc.
  20. Yes, and answering the OP's question then would depend on if his ex GF has transcended her ego. He didn't mention whether she's awakened or not.
  21. Short story: Awakened two years ago. Ever since life feels like it shouldnt have happened after that day or feels like it is "a dream". Feeling like my person, ego, sense of self is there but I cant attach to it with my logic anymore. Yesterday I went through this awakening mentally. It was painful. I got a huge backlash. I felt like I was going insane. It felt like I perceived life the way it would be if I believed my stories and thoughts: horrible. Then this sense of self my logic tries to get a grip on...but it doesnt work. It triggers a feeling of "death" being the only solution for my logic. My body seems not to be integrated at all. Focusing on breath triggers dissociative feelings of my body not being "mine". Furthermore this logic thing is always underneath lingering there just waiting to pop on the surface. It makes some situations unbearable. Mind says: it makes no sense that I am here alive when "your person in your head" died 2 years ago. Story? Why is this story there? Somehow it is there and just feels so true. I got Flashbacks too yesterday, I felt set back into the past, I was taken into another dimension, absolute utter horror. And I have absolutely no clue how to deal with that stuff. Logic doesnt work. I am just utterly and deeply confused. And that makes me very anxious.
  22. Go to a sage now. Either moojiji or sadguru there are many people that can help you out but they must be enlitend and you must meet them in person, Also can i add that anxious, pain and confusion are all obversed and are part of the dream that you awakened from so how can this things even bother you really, just saying. Also if you can't get to some one in irl then try watching moojiji videos and find a case that is answered by him similar to yours and TRUST me this is easier that it seems.
  23. @Inliytened1 Your claims and logic lack nuance, are black and white, and don’t look at reality honestly. This is due to your non dual state being filtered and distorted heavily by your defilements. This also causes you to not truly understand what I am saying which will make a back and forth between us not at all productive. Ill end my comment with a story. A friend of mine awakened and stabilised in non duality. Thought his fear of death was eradicated, only when he got kidnapped and was actually threatened did he start to realised that his former beliefs and viewpoint lacked tremendous honesty.
  24. @zeroISinfinity Yes, you become that empty universal mind, but that still doesn't mean you are fully conscious of how it works or even what it is. For example, are you conscious right now of how Universal Mind is materializing your physical body? I'd guess not. This requires a radical degree of consciousness than even most awakened people do not have. For example, I have become conscious of how I create every molecule in my own body. This realization has nothing to do with removing defilements.
  25. The further I sink into the ideas of actionless action and living from the fullest uninterrupted self, the more that I wonder that an entirely "awakened" Earth to be contrary to the process that seems to be itself already happening and the suggestion itself from a place of judgement. Any thoughts? I'm sorry if my question is poorly worded, I'm having difficulty translating these ideas into easily readable concepts under regular language. The idea seems to be that in an "enlightened" state that we realize even the "bad" to just be a judgement and just part of the process. If that's the case does the world need to wake up at all, besides the usual amount of people that already are usually on the path? Thank you.