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  1. Thats called awakening by learning, which is just ego. Because ego learns. But when you are awaken, direct realization with nothingness you will get what i mean. Awakening is not learning it is being, which kills the self (your learning part, because you exist as learning). At least you can lie yourself but dont lie or mislead others that you have awakening being one is like falling love peace!
  2. When you experience nothingness, self breaks down into million pieces. You dont have an awakening. You just learned stuff. Awakening is not learning, it is being. And when you are being, self destroy into million pieces. Forget about arguing people, you wont be able to write from crying. Additionally, you like the people who goes into your way just dont lie to yourself, you never get the awakening. I just tell the truth. Don’t mislead with people with first lying to yourself and lying to others. Because you are me too. Peace!
  3. Yea man, unfortunately From absolute perspective or consciousness no free will. You are just a fragment on nothingness. Whatever you do it doesn’t change anything, because you are just a thought. But dont look at from this perspective, yet you still think that you have a body now. Just try to get awaken first, don’t confuse yourself for now. Because for you there is a free will.
  4. Realizing that your birth, entire duality is just a thought in nothingness, which is you and absolute (you). Imagine big bang, every particle created by nothing. Therefore nothing is everything, therefore everything is identical, because it is nothing. Additionally, big bang happened because of thoughts, learning and knowing. If you dont know nothing never happens. If you never learn, you never born.
  5. @Inliytened1 Alright alright thanks^^. Mahasamadhi however is a different matter then? As if Nothingness stopped imagined infinity there would literally be Nothing left. (other than formlessness) In contrast to Mahasamadhi however, we would still be left if anyone goes into mahasamadhi, so it would be false to say that Infinity ends at the point of mahasamadhi. Thanks for being so patient
  6. yes until Nothingness gets bored again
  7. Why it's not making any sense to me is that I would not say that there is My mind or your mind but just Nothingness aka Self which is imagening all things. (Which is as you said our shared reality) And if everything truly would end there wouldn't be anything left at all other than this Nothingess which stopped imagening infinty/everything, or not?
  8. By Infinity I mean all the infinite number of forms that Nothingness is imagening. (Formed side of Nothingess = Infinity , in my understanding) What I was asking was whether you think that infinite imagination will end when you merge into Nothingness/Mahasamadhi. As I see what many people is confusing here on the forum, me aswell, is how there can be anything left after the first person going into mahasamadhi, as Leo says "Everything ends" . So I don't get why there are any forms left when truly everything would end ? Hope that makes sense
  9. Listen brother, I got your answer right here. @Dazgwny - please try to grasp this as best you can. The perceptions you “have” are not perceptions. The shapes, colors, sounds, and sensations that compose your life are not happening in your brain but free-floating in nothingness. That is consciousness. Your field of consciousness is the raw, unfiltered fabric of the universe. Everyone you “see” around you IS you, from that POV. Makes sense? Yes. It’s all “you” because you’re the entire field of consciousness but THEIR experience is just as real as yours. In the “absolute” sense YES you are alone in the universe. But SO IS EVERYONE ELSE. LOL You get this? It is actually HILARIOUS. Everyone IS real, what you are seeing is pure, fucking magic. It is one consciousness split into a house of mirrors. Each mirror reflecting the other. ❤️ In other words, LIVE. Live, experience duality, enjoy it. Life is incredible. A complete miracle.
  10. @Galyna I'm reading it. A bit long gonna take some time. But I get the general idea. Moreover I don't believe in any spirtuial concepts at this point.. Call it awareness nothingness etc .. All of that ultimately should be transcended. It's an endless process of transcending delusion after delusion untill... Idk
  11. @Someone here okay, welcome to "Nothingness" honeymoon bro
  12. This is also why you cannot die because you die every moment all you are is the identification with now. you never weren’t an idea an idea doesn’t exist and cannot die you are the idea of the past story which doesn’t exist right now . You pull this imaginary story out of eternal nothingness. Also since every “moment is static thing” the only way you can experience this is because you are outside of time . Nothing has no time coordinate because it’s nothing
  13. @VeganAwake My advice is you shrink your Ego to a point so small that it becomes nothingness , then you will merge with reality now which is always pure awareness and knowing, everything. Only ego is blocking that shine and limits it.
  14. What is nothigness. Why "Reality" and not Reality. Reality=Dream=God=Nothingness =Love No dualities my sons.
  15. pure nothingness is what's respondsible for "reality"
  16. hmmmmmmmmm well it is now but nothing is happening. At the sharp present moment, not the story, there is only complete beautiful nothingness, but not the nothingness that the mind thinks
  17. @Someone here It can feel like you perceive yourself to absolute nothingness, so you're then immortal. There is nothingness and there will never not be nothingness. I remember being convinced of the immortality of my true nature with the depth of the experience. But that state of consciousness has faded from me in the present. I shouldn't go extrapolating meaning from that so readily, it's better for progress if I don't conceptualise with it and dig deeper since I'm not in that state right now.
  18. If there is no you now, you wont be able to understand these sentences. You haven’t experience nothingness or god consciousness . So listen instead of talking if you want to know what real god is and you are not god now.
  19. it is this yes you are right, but when it is this, your body has no difference than wall. So you wont have a sense of body or wall, everything will be nothing. So these all sentences will be identical with me and you therefore you wont be able to understand or you wont know what is understanding because everything is nothing. Absolute nothingness thats what god is. You are not awaken, dont come with the stuff that you have learned. This is not a theory, you literally become nothing therefore infinite or absolute. I forgot to talk for hours i forgot everything after awakening experience. I have become completely nothing therefore absolute. There was nothing except me. Sense of me was everything because i was nothing. We are talking about being completely god. Awakening is realizing what you are and your true nature are, which is nothing. But you can not be completely nothing, because at that moment you wont be alive. If you breathe you are alive. Let leo write.
  20. Let him know, lets see what he writes that you are fully god now, and have no survival instinct ? before death of body no one can be god. When you are god you are just you are, just awareness itself, which is nothing. He is a good guide till some point, but after that almost everyone got confused and turned out to have spiritual ego that people claim that they are god. Breaking point is experiencing nothingness and killing the self. However even if you kill the self you still dreaming because you still choose what you want to do or not. When you are god, there is no movement, no phone, no forum, no others, no feelings, no choice, there is nothing except you, because you are nothing.
  21. I asked 4 meo to show me reality is an illusion... Never had a crazier obe.Became nothingness observing the room, saw the atoms in the room.Felt cold disappeared and died.Then my "I" returned. This was the day after doing it in the forest and having a "normal" trip.
  22. I am, because i am fully aware that me as body is an illusion. My birth happened with knowing and learning, and ego death happened with not knowing. In order to have a belief there must be a person the born in first place. Enlightenment, human, universe, birth these are just thoughts. If you never learn you never born. But otherwise how can I explain this to you? I am not a good day friend brother, i am a bad day friend. And if you still have self within you during the death you will be in trouble to surrender. Because when you realize nothingness, you cant even say me or anything you will get destroyed and get chopped till nothing left within you or your so called personality. because you are nothing. Therefore there is no you to say anything. Good luck! Peace!
  23. You are me, i am you. s Raltson says even buddha takes a shit and no one talks about it. Before body dies survival instinct never completely goes away, therefore you cant be completely god before body dies even if you have no thoughts whatsoever in daily life. You still have to drink water instead of poision or you can not do not to drink water. If you dont trust me just dont do it, but you will have to remember when death comes to body, and you thank me at that time. I usually say the same thing because this is not a wonderland. When you are awaken entire universe duality become a thought in infinite nothingness. There is not much to say in non duality.
  24. @Leo Gura I have had the nothingness awakening with eternity. I get that 100%. I'm not in it right now, but how would you paraphrase the word truth so I can understand what you guys mean? The metaphysical nature of reality? Raw input? I believe that it might be just a word-thing. I would never call that truth. What's the difference between saying metaphysical nature of reality and truth? What am I missing?
  25. We certainly don't experience the world in the same way as other beings. Apes probably experience something very similar, but as "lower" the life form, the more primitive its perception/experience becomes. Bacteria for example have incredibly primitive perception; they don't perceive anything visual, acoustical, haptic or gustatory. They can perceive "scent" thanks to chemo-receptors, which isn't real smelling but some other sort of chemical perception. The experiencer who underlies all experience is the same though. If an bacteria could describe its sense of "I", it would have to describe the same "I" which we describe; nothingness/pure, empty awareness.