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  1. Let him know, lets see what he writes that you are fully god now, and have no survival instinct ? before death of body no one can be god. When you are god you are just you are, just awareness itself, which is nothing. He is a good guide till some point, but after that almost everyone got confused and turned out to have spiritual ego that people claim that they are god. Breaking point is experiencing nothingness and killing the self. However even if you kill the self you still dreaming because you still choose what you want to do or not. When you are god, there is no movement, no phone, no forum, no others, no feelings, no choice, there is nothing except you, because you are nothing.
  2. I asked 4 meo to show me reality is an illusion... Never had a crazier obe.Became nothingness observing the room, saw the atoms in the room.Felt cold disappeared and died.Then my "I" returned. This was the day after doing it in the forest and having a "normal" trip.
  3. I am, because i am fully aware that me as body is an illusion. My birth happened with knowing and learning, and ego death happened with not knowing. In order to have a belief there must be a person the born in first place. Enlightenment, human, universe, birth these are just thoughts. If you never learn you never born. But otherwise how can I explain this to you? I am not a good day friend brother, i am a bad day friend. And if you still have self within you during the death you will be in trouble to surrender. Because when you realize nothingness, you cant even say me or anything you will get destroyed and get chopped till nothing left within you or your so called personality. because you are nothing. Therefore there is no you to say anything. Good luck! Peace!
  4. You are me, i am you. s Raltson says even buddha takes a shit and no one talks about it. Before body dies survival instinct never completely goes away, therefore you cant be completely god before body dies even if you have no thoughts whatsoever in daily life. You still have to drink water instead of poision or you can not do not to drink water. If you dont trust me just dont do it, but you will have to remember when death comes to body, and you thank me at that time. I usually say the same thing because this is not a wonderland. When you are awaken entire universe duality become a thought in infinite nothingness. There is not much to say in non duality.
  5. @Leo Gura I have had the nothingness awakening with eternity. I get that 100%. I'm not in it right now, but how would you paraphrase the word truth so I can understand what you guys mean? The metaphysical nature of reality? Raw input? I believe that it might be just a word-thing. I would never call that truth. What's the difference between saying metaphysical nature of reality and truth? What am I missing?
  6. We certainly don't experience the world in the same way as other beings. Apes probably experience something very similar, but as "lower" the life form, the more primitive its perception/experience becomes. Bacteria for example have incredibly primitive perception; they don't perceive anything visual, acoustical, haptic or gustatory. They can perceive "scent" thanks to chemo-receptors, which isn't real smelling but some other sort of chemical perception. The experiencer who underlies all experience is the same though. If an bacteria could describe its sense of "I", it would have to describe the same "I" which we describe; nothingness/pure, empty awareness.
  7. I believe it's just the way it was before we were born. Pure nothingness. Why should it be otherwise? Edit: With the exception if this is the case: But in the end, can anyone really know for sure what's after death?
  8. To differentiate between 'The Godhead itself' / 'formless infinite consciousness' on the one hand, and then "something else" on the other, e.g. 'yourself running around in your house eating blueberry smoothie', is precisely dualism. You running around in your house eating blue berry smoothie is formless infinite consciousness. This is a fine pointer, but still concept (like everything we can think/say with words). We can't eat the menu. Enneagram type 5's primary ego-temptation: replacing direct experience with concepts. There are no rocks, no ants, no children, no adults. God-consciousness is what is. Every state is natural; every state is a state of God. There are no other states than the state of God. Nahm hit the nail on the head here: --- To insist on this slicing up of Reality/Oneness into parts keeps you stuck in duality. I understand; your job is basically to make fine distinctions when you present new material in your brilliant youtube videos. But every so-called 'person' is absolutely nothing other than yourself: nothingness, God, infinite formless consciousness. And what is there to be conscious of? God, Oneness, Nothingness. Infinite Love/Consciousness/Imagination you say, but how do you know that *ANY* so-called 'person' isn't COMPLETELY conscious of 'It' already but just plays on? Pretends? Like a great actor really immersed in his or her role? Consciousness goes deep cos it's infinite. But enlightenment isn't an accumulation or collection of far out (to humans) crazy trips into consciousness/mystical states/psychedelic trances. Enlightenment is 'merely' a complete surrender (complete let-go), beyond mind, beyond ego, beyond thinking, beyond judgements, to Reality as it is without concepts on top of it - without ideas or thoughts thoughts about it, Now. Of course there can still be lots of thinking, there can still be lots story-making (such as the idea of 'degrees of wokeness'), but if you don't see that any thought, any idea, any concept, any story is just that: concept, fun play, story-making (absolutely speaking: nothing!), well, then you are still stuck in duality. Enlightenment is looking at everything -- including all your so-called 'own' thoughts/ideas, as well as 'other's' thoughts/ideas -- and smiling on the inside, knowing (*feeling*) deeply that it is all absolutely Divine Perfection unfolding, no matter "what it is". A simultaneous complete immersion into & complete detachment from experience. If you go around still making judgements about reality that you deeply believe to be true, such as "I am not enlightened", "I am enlightened", "I am x or y" , "I am not x or y" , "x or y is not enlightened", "I still need x or y", etc., it is because you are caught in the hamsterwheel of duality; or should I say, you are caught because you are making those judgements. How to get out of this strange loop? Trying to stop making judgements is in itself a judgement of oneself: "I am making judgements, gosh I have to stop!" Don't try. Take yourself 50% less serious, smile, love, let go, let be.
  9. No. I have had 5-meo but no ego death. Just infinite light/nothingness. Planning tomorrow actually to finally do 5-meo plugged and contemplate in silence. Why do you say BS?
  10. Switching your identity to that of Nothingness to the exclusion of states and fields becomes its own subtle duality. If you identify with being an observer of the field, that is a subtle duality still. There is 1) YOU, and 2) the field. YOU = FIELD ONENESS Nothing more can be said.
  11. @Leo Gura This is the one thing I've seen you say in this forum more than once and I feel I haven't understood it yet, perhaps you might explain it to me. How could an ant not be as conscious as I am? I mean, I get it, it doesn't perceive as "much" as I do, but that's not the point, consciousness is not perception in the ordinary sense. It is all one consciousness, the great all-pervasive, all-inclusive empty awareness, it is Nothingness, how could there possibly be "a different Nothingness" ? An ant has (is) the same consciousness, the same Nothingness as I am. Having realized that you are that awareness (independent of whether you've realized it or not) , what is the point in pursuing "more"? What "more" is there supposed to be? (besides strengthening one's non-dual awareness in everyday life)
  12. @WHO IS you are a mirror of nothingness you reflect anything its infinite litteraly no bounds just take away all the bounderies it can be itself it can be anything it wants
  13. Definitely. Not even close to be awakening threat. For someone doesn’t even experience nothingness talks about awakening.
  14. It's a bad ending. I don't want to bring forth some conspiritualtionism black hole, and definitely not just morph ideas into attention, but I'm going to be trapped in a loop of nothingness, alone forever, and an identical unfolding is somewhat magically fine to all of you? Aren't you all cosmic comedians or liars? The absolute state of such a frightening outcome doesn't trigger any will of empathy to even yourself? Or do you care so little about yourself that you could rather deflect with degrading consumable activities such as sex, food or anime? There is no love. Everyone is doing whatever make their own self enjoyable. You can stamp such thick layers of conceptual sanity with labels such as "self-referential fear-based thoughts", "monkey-stretching duality", or "an endless codeword game of good and evil", it doesn't change the fact there is no actual reason to "wake up" to the insanely wild force of infinite selfishness that God is, letting yourself tumble down the bottomless pit of irrational delusion, succumbing to your own madness unleashed by your full creative power. If you are pure love then why do I fear you so much? If all is love then why do you want to leave me alone? It's not fair. I never wanted to be conscious in the first place. Stop saying that you are me. Just let me out! There is no such thing as untangling pointers, it's a meme. All is nonsense and desperate avoidance of doom.
  15. Basically yes, although there was still content in my experience, but it was made irrelevant by my overwhelming concentration on pure Nothingness. And moreover, all content IS Nothing. There really is no difference between content and no content. But if you want a pure no-content experience, that's certainly possible. It's not strictly necessary, but possible. You can become pure Consciousness with no content. This is a specific type of samadhi.
  16. Have you ever experienced pure nothingness with absolutely no content?
  17. @lbranjord What specific symptoms do you have from DP/DR? DP/DR, is the dark night of the soul, the ego being afraid of the nothingness and being ripped into pieces during every episode.
  18. Consciousness / not a thing / infinite potentiality vibrates at a multitude of frequencies and thus infinite being is being ‘reality’ by vibrationally appearing to itself, as itself, by itself. Vibration / oscillation / appearance is experientially probabilistic, that there may be experience / creation. This place is your creativity. ‘Your” ‘substance’ is everythingness, you’re everything. Ideally, every time the word nothingness is used, it would be immediately followed by fullness, wholeness, or maybe articulate absoluteness (not-two; empty & full), or more specifically, that absolute can’t be thought (thinking=twoness / appearance). Maybe...a mirage can’t think desert because the only reality of mirage is desert. Awareness can’t think awareness, because thought is the mirage, yet creation of awareness. (Minus relative linguistics) you are conscious you are nothing be default of having scrutinized and ruled out that you are something.
  19. @cetus @cetus My sense if self is very subtle, but I get your point. @Breakingthewall On multiple occasions, I also wasn't really fully emerged into it either. God is such a big word, nothingness and infinite consciousness might be 2 aspects of God, but not the full picture (I hope). I want to be speechless after the God awakening.
  20. Creativity that comes from what? I saw that my substance is the nothingness, so I'm nothing, you are nothing, but you are concious that you are
  21. It does not come from anywhere, it is nothingness appearing as that. When we talk about the experience of the dream we need to tell stories, because the dream is not actually happening. This appearance, this exact appearance (but not exclusively this appearance) is nothingness. It is not nothingness becoming the appearance, that would create a distance between the appearance and nothingness. It is just fresh, totally unique, never recyclable pure creativity. This can not be recognized by the dreamer though, because in the dream this is known as something tangible and real. The dream is pure creativity appearing as boring known dead stuff, the dreamer is boundlessness appearing bound.
  22. I saw that in my non ego experience, the infinite void. But it's a problem with your thesis: the illusion is not "nothing", is something. Even a thought or a dream are, from where the dream that we are comes? From the nothingness? So the nothingness is dreaming...a nothingness do nothing...the birth of the "I" is destined for disaster you the I has birth. From the nothingness. Like the thoughts. They came from the nothingness.
  23. But you said in your first post that you focused in the nothingness and you got the infinite consciousness.
  24. @Breakingthewall Ego death mostly in the evening while eating. Only nothingness, I was told that this is basically God, but I don't think that was everything there is to it. Apparently during the God realisation you can only utter the word God. It just stopped happening after 6 months. No treatment, nothing.
  25. So you had ego death, you got immersed in the nothingness but only that, finished that process? Ego death every day? In what circumstances?