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@Nak Khid You don't need psychedelics to become awakened, but for some people, it really helps and is part of their paths, for others it isn't. Think about the 'Hippie' movement of the 60s, most of these did not become fully self-realized beings despite heavy psychedelic use, intention and setting also play key roles, I know a lot of people my age (20) who have used LSD and Shrooms a LOT and are certainly not enlightened, let a lone fully self realized. They aren't a magic pill, but can be used as a tool to help people on their journey. Like someone else said, there's no avoiding the inner work!
If leo or any other person can say something and change your life then you are definitely not awakened yet.
Apparition of Jack replied to Nivsch's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
@The Awakened Viking Yes, Green has limitations, but why focus on them now? Orange and Blue have limitations too, and it's those limitations that we're seeing are causing all of the major problems around the world with climate destruction, rising nationalism, etc. At this point in history, it's Green that the world needs. Just because it isn't perfect, that doesn't mean we can't just ignore it or try and skip it ahead because Yellow sounds "nicer" or "more rational." Embracing and embodying Green is a crucial part of the development processes. -
Is it important to connect with others on the spiritual path? To meet masters face to face? So far, Ive mostly been watching video’s, reading books, interacting on the forum. Not to forget practices ofcourse. Very little contact with awakened people, or people on a similar journey. Has it helped you to do so? In what ways?
Buba replied to Michael Paul's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
What can we do in advance to make kundalini awakening smooth? I have never awakened my kundalini, but sometimes I feel heat in my spine. -
LfcCharlie4 replied to LfcCharlie4's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Bill W Thank you mate for approaching this in a rational and open manner and you are more than entitled to your opinion. I would say try less to focus on the number and what each stage represents. It is merely a map to help show students where they are at, as well as show where teachers you are learning from. Tbh I thought RASA was crazy and it took me 3 months to actually cough over the money and get started with the 1-1 sessions but I'm glad I did, I get your point and honestly reading the book 1000 by Ramaji will actually help clear a lot of that up, he goes over many taboo subjects such as the corruption of Spiritual Teachers including cases of sexual abuse and scandals, whether all the allegations are true is another matter. Some examples of these teachers are: Bentino Massano, Mooji These teachers are clearly enlightened but have they gone all the way and are they fully integrated into the heart? In my opinion they can't be if they. In terms of LOC's they are in the 700s. All 1000 represents is complete self realization and stabilization in the absolute, I am personally not there yet, but my existential experience is fucking amazing compared to when I started a confused seeker back in February. My recommendation to everyone has been to read the book fully, then feel free to praise or critique as you wish as I feel we can then have a much fairer conversation. This video from Ananda describes LOC's more succinctly and better than I ever could!- I think the precise number have much littler value than the hundreds which for me provide the real value of showing how deeply someone is awakened, I feel awakening and enlightenment is much more nuanced than one simple awakening and that's it, even after reaching 1000 I know there will be years of work ahead of me in terms of integration and on my human personality- that work will never end! If you want to chat more feel free to PM me as I wrote this thread to help people as honestly this forum seems full of hardcore seekers just as I was before all this, this is the path that helped me and I hope it can help many others who are still seeking. It's amazing how simple it all is. Again, thank you for actually being respectful and honest, instead of just taking sly digs, I really appreciate that mate! Have a great week,and remember this moment is it -
LfcCharlie4 replied to LfcCharlie4's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@whoareyou No I was saying that as most people here go through Leo for what they believe, I don't blindly believe it's a good book I read the book, have been receiving RASA and 1-1 sessions with Ananda since February and it has transformed my existential experience to say the least. I have dropped seeking, my love for life only deepens with every passing moment, the sense of peace in my experience is astounding me everyday. This is not ego games, this is simply pointing out not all awakened people have the same depth of awakening, I thought this was common knowledge, that 1 awakening isn't the end. Most teachers as I pointed out say there are stages to this awakening process. Another example of a model like this is the 10 Ox Pictures. Other examples are- Seven Valleys of Sufism, Patanjalis Yoga Sutras, Nisgardatta's I just quoted to name just a few. Please stop playing the superiority card here, all you have done is come here and call me nuts for showing the thing that has helped me awaken more than anything else, through receiving RASA and working 1-1 with Ananda. I have dropped my seeking, but the reason I made this thread as the majority of people here are still hardcore seekers like I was for 2 years, and some people are seekers for 50+ years. I would love to know your existential experience, without you acting superior and have an honest discussion, cheers. -
mandyjw replied to mandyjw's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Dumuzzi The same "privilege" of heaven applies no matter what the religion, the idea that there is a cycle to break free of and one who can break free at all creates a game of winners and losers. Just because this is the thing that ruined Christianity for me says nothing about Christianity, it says something about the model of religion itself. The same exact problem exists in Buddhism, Hinduism, and If God himself was ever whole and perfect and decided to disperse into this what we often call mess and chaos, and you are God, and were never separate but always whole and always that... how could you ever get to state of realization where you would not make the same choice again to disperse into illusory form? Illusory form, the world just is what it is this moment is just occurs on its own, it just is. The question is why pursue enlightenment, why does this story line play out of a singular being breaking the illusion then continuing their life in the illusion enjoying the coming and going of forms, enjoying the illusion of other beings who are completely caught in the illusion. Out of compassion one tries to teach others to follow suit, but there is no one to follow, there is nothing to achieve and there are no others to teach. Yet to story of teachers and insights and the notion of a spiritual path is probably the most tantalizing entertaining thing you could do with your life. But it is delusion? Should we all just admit, we're just here to have a good time? I never could understand why almost all the videos on America's Funniest Home videos were people getting hurt. Why is it funny to see someone trip and fall or have some bizarre accident and get hurt? Could my compassion and love strictly my ego? Is the will of God that I am able to laugh when someone suffers? Does God enjoy everything that's happening? I don't want that. I want to be sad for the movie characters. I want to be happy for them. I want to live in illusion and delusion, even after I've seen through it to the perfection of love, even after I've awakened and lived in a state of bliss and seeing through eyes of perfection, I came back to this because I chose it. I like it better. I prefer it. -
If Enlightenment was a myth would you still mediate? Currently mindful meditation is quite popular. Traditionally it might be a part of a path to enlightenment and part of a lifestyle (forgive the term) of renunciation of wordy attachments but today it is also used just for the sake of stress reduction, relaxation or as a tool for focusing on becoming "successful" in a more mainstream sense on achieving goals of any type and not necessarily qualified by renouncing desires. As we know it can be relaxing and reduce stress but can also be boring and painful at times. Many people in this forum would still meditate even if it was certain there would be no enlightenment, by enlightenment I mean a revelation, a new perception that changes your life in a big way. Many people would still be content on doing it without a awakening experience for the sake of relaxation, stress reduction, concentration and goal setting. However I also notice a lot of people who are interested in enlightenment as primary to doing mediation and have been doing it daily or pretty regularly for a few years in some cases and some of these people are dealing with boredom and a feeling of not getting closer to their goal of being enlightened. So some of them have been practicing diligently for a while but do not feel these other non-enlightenment benefits are enough. If Enlightenment was a myth would you still meditate? I suspect some would not but I do not blame them. Everybody is different and we cannot assume that everyone who meditates are getting benefits that are enough to justify keep doing it. I would say a few years is plenty of time to asses if the benefits are worthwhile enough for a practical individual to keep doing it on a daily basis. _______________________________________________________________________ Another position someone might take is to meditate for the relaxation, stress reduction, concentration and to achieve goals and enlightenment might come one day but that is beyond one's control so you are just lucky if it happens to you. It is also interesting to note many Buddhist in Eastern countries don't even meditate and also interesting to consider spiritual teachers like Sadhguru and Eckhart Tolle and many others of the most famous spiritual teachers did not put in hard dedication to a traditional meditation practice. They were not monks or even lay adherents to a practice. Perhaps they were just born with it. Their stories are that they became awakened suddenly and were surprised by it. Assuming that enlightenment is a real thing and they are enlightened. There are Buddhist monks who say no one on the planet is currently enlightened. but others may think there are
LfcCharlie4 replied to LfcCharlie4's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Nak Khid she’s at 1000 or wouldn’t be able to give RASA and teach using RASA, they try and not filter it as much as possible. They’ve only been together since 2014 I believe so Ramaji delivered RASA before meeting her, and she was awakened before meeting him. She has a book called intimacy with the infinite which goes through her story, and highlights the destructive nature of enlightenment, let’s just say she gave up a VERY comfortable and wealthy life for what she’s doing now. -
Hi love, I am permanently awakened after a two-day ayahuasca retreat. Here is the report of the retreat. Before the ceremony, I had no intentions, desires, or expectations, just beingness. First ceremony: I became an absolute infinity. The entire existence. All the experiences, all the dimensions. The infinite consciousness. All is one. All is love. All the pleasure and pain, all the senses and emotions. Infinity of infinity. Total surrendering and beingness. The entire existence is just the imaginary manifestation of our infinite love. Time is love's infinite awareness of itself. I am all of you, and all of it is a song that's sang by the entire existence, and it is infinite love and beauty. The knowing of the true self is permanently present. Second ceremony: I became so infinite that I became absolute nothingness and god. The consciousness expands infinitely and beyond. All is one, all is whole, all is love. I am. I love. Just love, and nothing else. Just being, and the entire existence. I purged my entire existence into infinite love and merged into one. The infinite love radiance from everything and everywhere. Life is absolutely clear, it is absolute love. The total surrendering of existence. Enlightenment. The beingness of the absolute is permanent. No more questions or seeking, just absolute beingness. Nirvana. I love you all! Just love, just live, just be.
I was in to learning about Enlightenment for years before I discovered Nonduality and the True nature of Self and Reality. I took all kinds of so called enlightenment course, like Landmark Education. I hung out with high consciousness amazing spiritual people. I did psychedelics and hung out with others that did as well. And never once in all those years did I ever hear anything about Nonduality or any aspect the True nature of Self and Reality. When I discovered it, which I think was through one of Leo's videos a couple years ago, it was mind-blowing to me I had yet to hear this wisdom, the actual truth, not just some self-help philosophies of life. Fast forward two years later and it is now blowing my mind how many people I am coming across sharing this knowledge. Last weekend I went to a concert and the woman sitting next to me was talking to her friend about Nonduality. I got a new roommate a couple months ago and he goes to Nonduality conferences all over and films them. I did not know this about him when I got him as a roommate, finding out later. Tonight I went on Facebook and saw a post by an old friend and she was posting a meme about being God and being and knowing everything. I saw another post that had an interesting comment from a someone I didn't know (they live on the other side of the country). I, just for the heck of it, went to their page, and the very first post on their page was about Nonduality. Now I make a habit of asking new people I meet if they know about Nonduality and the True nature of Self and Reality, and about half have. It seems like it's literally everywhere nowadays. I guess my point is, I think one of two things are going on. One, this is Baader-Meinhof phenomenon, where one stumbles upon some obscure piece of information—often an unfamiliar word or name—and soon afterwards encounters the same subject again, repeatedly and increasing in instances. The other option, is that a few years ago this was just not a well known knowledge. Maybe within in some small isolated communities, but definitely not anywhere near to the degree it is now. I think this is a movement that is spreading very quickly. I think this knowledge of Truth has gone from a few thousand a few decades ago, to tens of thousands a few years ago, to today which I would guess is in the hundreds of thousands. I have nothing to base this off of, except from my own experience and the evidence I've encountered. Maybe I am right and there is a multiplying compounding effect going on. Maybe this knowledge is spreading like a wildfire across the world. Maybe it's because of platforms like YouTube and Facebook. Maybe it's because of easier access to more powerful psychedelics. If Nonduality and Awakening are spreading like a wildfire and it's reaching people in an ever increasing rate, maybe those tens of thousands today, will be hundreds of thousands a couple years from now, and maybe even millions soon after. If this is the case, then we are talking a global phenomenon. What would the world look like with millions of Awakened, or at the very least knows the True nature of Self and Reality? Would this shift the world into peace, love, and unity? Could we be seeing the start of the beginning of the end of the old ways of darkest depths Ego? Could we be seeing the start of the beginning of a revolution/evolution of humanity, that will forever change everything? Just a thought.
Nak Khid replied to Nak Khid's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
this is an awakened teaching ? -
LfcCharlie4 replied to LfcCharlie4's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@modmyth of course people have awakened to 1000 suddenly, Ramana is the perfect example of this, but most people’s vessels won’t be ready to stay there and it could actually cause more harm then good. -
LfcCharlie4 replied to LfcCharlie4's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@mandyjw very well said. I genuinely believe just spending time with an awakened person who has realised and embodied the self as all can genuinely change your life. -
LfcCharlie4 replied to LfcCharlie4's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@outlandish I understand, you should always go with what resonates with you. I'm a numbers guy so maybe that's why it helps me so much. But it is merely a map of awakening just like the 10 Ox Pictures are, not some sort of ranking system where getting to a 1000 is winning lol. There is quite clearly depths and magnitudes to awakening, not every teacher/ book/ course whatever says the same thing, and to be honest tools like this will help you evaluate teachers. I see why '743.4' or whatever sounds funny, tbh the units and tens aren't really that important more the hundreds from 600 onwards, the tens are fairly important in the 500's, for example the first 5 Ox pictures correlate with the journey to LOC 580. I can go into more detail how they are similar but I'm not sure that will help. This post was simply made to help people who are stuck, as I was stuck for over 12 months watching and reading Non-Duality constantly yet getting nowhere, just look at retreats where people go for years yet still don't awakened. As Adyashanti said if where he was studying Zen was a business, and profit was how many people actually became enlightened, they would be out of business pretty fast. i feel the whole Guru worshipping and Satsangs with a flower days are coming to an end, sure they help on some level, but unless they are your questions what help is it actually. I always found it funny how Rupert Spira awakened through Francis Lucille and has stories of them clearly talking 1-1 and becoming close friends, and Francis Lucille worked 1-1 with Jean Klein, yet they speak to hundreds of people during Satsangs and webinars, and rarely do 1-1 work, I guess the demand for this stuff has rapidly increased so it makes sense. I've attended several of Rupert's webinars and the main value I received was from asking my own questions, and funnily enough, you get hours to do that when you work 1-1 with someone. I'm not saying my teachers are the best or greatest, and you should work with whoever resonates with you best, I'm just saying I don't feel 1-1 teaching is emphasized hardly at all in the community, yet group satsangs where the same people turn up for decades is praised, it makes little sense to me. I rambled on a bit there, but I hope you get what I mean, I'm not sure of your views on Spiritual Transmissions so I won't even begin to go into that lol -
Forestluv replied to LfcCharlie4's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
To have a "system", a system must be created. The system will be limited to that system. For example, a construct of science is limited to that construct of science. Same goes for any system. For example, how should we score "glifjic"? . . . Huh? What the heck is glifjic? . . . Glifjic starts of as being very expansive since it is undefined. It could be anything or nothing at all. Yet even creating the term glifjic imposes limits. The term is a series of letters. The word has a type of sound. The letters may remind someone of a similar word they have meaning. There is an expectation that glifjic must mean something. So it is relatively expansive, yet nowhere near as expansive as infinity. As soon as we create an essence of glifjic, we have entered a human realm, which is also a limitation. We can give glifjic meaning and score it, yet this is in a human context - again a limitation to humans. . . We could say glifjic is a type of enlightenment that appears at a score of 1250. Yet it is an extra special form of enlightenment - not just a generic type of enlightenment found at 1000. No, this is a form of groking enlightenment, yet it is beyond linguistic expression because linguistic expression was transcended at a score of 1100. . . This also brings into question relativity and objectivity. Who/what determines whether a being has officially reached the glifjic stage? Do we need a glifjic-awakened being with a score of 1350 to determine whether a being deserves an official glifjic stamp of embodiment?. . . All of this construction is limited. . . . One can create an elegant sand castle beyond imagination. Yet it is still made of sand. . . These types of systems can have value, yet they can also be a huge distraction. -
LfcCharlie4 replied to LfcCharlie4's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura of course, I don’t actually know anything, these are all just assumptions and ideas and concepts, LOC as a whole is a concept, I’m more than aware of that, they could be wrong, and very wrong. Although you do agree there’s of course depths to awakening, and some teachers are more deeply awakened than others. im sorry to hear your experience with Ramaji wasn’t as good as you hoped, nobody is perfect, what LOC did he put you at btw out of interest, and did you receive RASA? Like you said nobody knows anything. -
Leo Gura replied to LfcCharlie4's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
You do not know the degree of awakening of any human beings. Just keep that in mind. That is what is true for you. Anything else are beliefs you have picked up from hearsay or your own speculations. You have no idea how awakened Ekhart Tolle is, or Ramaji is, or anyone. And even the notion that you could know is highly suspect. Assigning numbers to teachers is a dangerous game. It's extremely important that you admit to yourself that you don't really know these things. Otherwise you fall into a delusion of thinking you know something which you actually do not know. If Ramaji's mind is corrupt, then his scale could be corrupt and you have no way of knowing that. You cannot just assume that his scale is accurate. To assume such a thing would violate the whole thrust of our work here. FYI, Ramaji's numerical rating of me was immediately incorrect. He rated me too highly and wasn't aware he did so. You cannot trust anyone in this work. No one! Not Ramaji, not Buddha, not Christ, not me. -
Buba replied to Michael Paul's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
My Kundalini is not awakened. But I have experienced Dark Night of the Soul. I did not feel I exist. Life was meaningless and empty. I had severe headaches. Fear, depression, anxiety was severe. Glad you are better now. In Daniel Ingram's map Dark Night of the Soul is followed by Equanimity phase. Can you conform you are in Equanimity now? -
Great response @Byun Sean Just to add to the above snippet, I think it is important to realize the above in other people too. Just like how you did stupid shit before you awakened, other people are doing stupid shit before they awaken too! To judge them is to judge your former self. This only brings pain. That's why it is so important to accept and forgive your former self, as it instills the capacity to accept and forgive others. When you learn to fully accept and forgive, you increase your capacity to love. Instead of judgement or ridicule, you feel compassion and love for those that are hurting and henceforth acting out doing stupid shit. Such capacity brings forth real inner growth and encourages benevolence unto the world.
Nak Khid replied to Nak Khid's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
thank you you are now awakened -
coconutwater replied to coconutwater's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Is everyone else awakened at the time that I get awakened/enlightened? Every friend I tell about LSD wants to try it... lol even those I thought would never want to try it... Also thanks for the warm welcome. -
depend, if you do it mindfully. I read many tantra exercice about self pleasure. someone awakened could still put his life to the service of giving sex or be a master at sex. but surely this is a drug. but guess what, everything we put our hands on, is a potential chemical release ( energy depletion ). so surely if you cease an activity that depletes you ( like if you fap 5 times a day ) of course you'll feel like shit when you do, and feel good when you don't. if you see yourself as a phone, with battery everyday. it depend aswell how many time you abused porn:fapping. you can seriously live a healthy life while fapping on porn; But it depend the porn, depend the practice you do, depend how you do it, why you do it, and HOW many times you do it, and how your body react to overdoing it/ not doing it. I would try period without fapping for days ( just to effectively, cease the ritual pattern and become aware of it, if there is ) I think the shame from fapping, coming from religious belief
Could evil be considered coming from the conditioning of acquired Conscience from the Collective ego as opposed to inner truth from Awakened Conscience?