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  1. @Galyna What led you to experience the nothingness? What les up to the realization? How did you know when you got "it"?
  2. @Galyna As you pointed out.. There is no ego.. No time.. No future. There is only the present moment. And that's still not quite right. The content is constantly shifting. There is only "presence" .. Eternal presence. You are getting close to recognizing your true self. Empty ever-present nothingness. And it doesn't identify itself with the person Galyna. Galyna doesn't exist. . The confusion is not a problem. It just is what it is. Yeah when you wake up your whole reality will collapse.. And that's no mistake. You are not going insane.. There is no you to go insane.. Who is going insane? No one! And that's freedom. You are one step away from awakening.. Now just focus on what is the actuality of this eternal presence beyond all concepts and analysis. You've glimpsed it. Now try to "define" it. Not by words.. But "see" what it actually is. This thing called life.. Existence.. Reality.. The universe.. Etc.... Isn't anything you think it is.. It just is.
  3. Recently I’ve been experiencing a breakthrough regarding Time and its implication. I am not in a state of clarity all the time but rather is pushed into it when suffering occurs. !!!!For starters, human language is incapable to relay the feeling or inner perception. But I will try as hard as I can. Please do not be too hard on me, I will be using words like "me", "I", "yours", "mine". Nothing here is mine or yours and it is shocking. Shortly after becoming “nothingness” in my direct experience on September 12th, I fell into the conceptual abyss of time. It became clear to me that if nothing has happened but only appeared as it has, there is only a present moment, time is not real. You carry this body in the 3D space (it is also an illusion, btw), it’s moving but on the background of “your” awareness, there is always stillness. It literally feels like I hit the wall and the motion of time in my thoughts has come to an end. The only representation my mind can create is this: ------>| Where the vector (------>) is thought about “my personal history” aka identity and its past and the wall ( | ) is this present moment. For the ego it is terrifying. Quite frankly I am not sure how to process this. This realization creates anxiety, the desire to hold still and do nothing. It disrupts my ability to plan ahead, dream, hope, and make any kind predictions. When thinking about the future it becomes blank/nothing. As of right now, I have this perception of the body in the 3D space and my thoughts. I am disoriented because my ego used to identify itself with a future/past when making any plans and creating hopes. It is scary because when nitpicking a thought there is no ego really, just a present moment that catches these thoughts’ frequencies (including the thought about “me”) as radio waves. I don’t believe in the thought story anymore. It is shocking. Because I clearly see how this illusion, call it ego, creates a time continuum and a personal story to function normally, to survive. When ego cannot cling to the time, it’s slowly dying, there is no story for it to hold on. Any thought that arises about the future is rejected automatically because I see that it is just a thought and the so-called future will never happen the way thoughts present it. Now…try to really grasp it and see what will happen. You'll be in panic. I’m experiencing this horrific fear. Of what? Of ambiguity and uncertainly, for the major part because I am very confused about this experience. The best word to describe my mental state would be confusion or disorientation. Also, the feeling that I am going slightly insane. However, this present moment is THE ONLY SAFE PLACE to be to avoid the suffering that is caused by the thought about the illusory future. This is my only escape. Appearance, call it "reality", is a quicksand of thoughts that create ego and time. There is only appearance, nothing really happens, and impossible by default. I do not claim anything here, just sharing. I am still confused and can not wrap my mind around it.
  4. Here is a complete nondual theory of everything that explains how there is "physical reality" from nothingness. There is actually no physical reality. All reality that you can be aware of right now is happening only in a mind-space - as your sense perceptions. Notice that you do not notice matter right now, you notice sensations and perceptions. Now, since those sensations and perceptions are made out of Mind, we can call them illusory. But there is something real here which knows those sensations and perceptions. That's called you. But that you is empty of content, the content is the illusory bit (mind stuff) mentioned earlier. Real Formlessness -> The you that is empty from objects, not even an I-thought object in it. This one's reality can be verified directly as that in experience which never changes. Illusory Form -> All the perceptions, conceptions and sensations that appear to make up a solid world made out of matter. Real formlessness + Illusory Form appears as Real Form. The Illusory Form borrows reality from the Real Formless and the Real Formless enjoys the play of illusory forms. Tadaaaaa (as Leo likes to say ) When the two merge, they are inseparable just like when you put cocoa in milk, the two will merge into one drink, which is better than both parts alone. PS: But notice please why this is totally Nondual! The Real Formlessness = Nothing and Illusory Form = Nothing, so these two fish that are swimming together are actually the same No-fish (nothing) just looked from a different perspective. I hope someone gets this and/or resonates with this because to me it's so damn beautiful.
  5. @Inliytened1 Thank you! I did have a few minor insights into nothingness. Nothing (lol) sustainable yet though. The most obvious one I had was on a mushroom trip and I was just laying in a hammock in the middle of the woods - I was feeling my whole body along with the universe seem to just evaporate into nothing. Sort of freaked me out but I ended up just trying to embrace it and let go.
  6. Is anybody in this stage where when you focus and contemplate you get these weak insights about reality but it so weak that it doesn't manifest itself before your eyes, it is more of a weak feeling of Love/infinity. I can feel all aspects of spirituality like Nothingness and the Truth but still all of them are weak.
  7. Hi! After having powerful experiences on heroic doses of psilocybin mushrooms, weed has gotten seriously psychedelic for me. As long as I take a moderate dose and not a really low one, I can get into fractal energetic yoga, and I realize that everything are just appearances and stories that are timeless and non-existent. It feels like insanity, but it's an insanity that realizes that the sanity it contradicts was just an illusion that never occured in the first place, which led me to start calling it Insanity with a capital I. In my day to day consciousness I don't feel all too enlightened which is why I find it remarkable that a little bit of sativa can get me so far. Is anybody else having seriously spiritual awakenings from moderate doses of marijuana? Some links: This is the thread about my heroic dose that I think opened me up to reach these stages: This is what I mean when I say fractal energetic yoga:
  8. 0/0=♾ Nothingness/Nothingness=God Buddhism’s greatest strength & flaw/Buddhism’s greatest strength & flaw = Infinite Love/Consciousness/Evil/Lucifer/Christ/etc. until ♾ Do you get it now?
  9. You are saying the same thing. Pointing to the same "meaning". It's just a technical difference in how you frame it and what meanings you imagine to the word "awareness". Ultimately there isn't a nothingness and a awareness and a appearance.. A dream and a sleep.. A world and duality and a you and a "aware of X"... These are all one" thing ".. There is just nothing. And not even. But because the mind can't sit still.. it imagines all sorts of non-existent things to constantly construct" reality". Because there is no Reality except to nothing. And not even to "that ". Because your mind will also again imagine "nothing" as a something. When it's nothing lol. See we could go like this forever.. The mind has to stop.. A radical shift. MUST happen to grasp what is being "pointed at" here.. Not the pointer itself. For the map is not the territory. Well if you truly understand what you're saying here.. You will see you are doing exactly that. All pointers are just pointers. the moon is not the finger. What I described as how nothing is the truth.. Is not the actuality of it. In the realm of words and language.. You can only point.. You can only go so far. Silence is the highest teaching.
  10. you speak the truth but still you are not waking up you are always awake. If you dont take yourself to be the appearances, but that space you are so masterfully referring to, then you are not waking up. On second read, you are saying something wrong imo.. The state of nothingness is the same as the state of empty awareness. It's not awareness happening in nothingness. There is no such thing beyond awareness. In deep sleep this is what it's like to be empty awareness, without objects. It's not the experience of nothingness without awareness. If you were not aware, how do you know you were in deep sleep? Bro stop doing this here, you aint waking up nobody ever wakes up. If truth is found you will know you're not waking up. The Truth is impersonal. Stop grasping
  11. A classical one. See the trick is what is "consciousness"? If you define consciousness as sight sound touch smell etc.. That's definitely will be absent. Just like in deep sleep. But the problem is we identify ourselves with these temporary appearances when we are actually the ever-present emptiness that contains everything inside of it. So you wake up in the morning.. Sight sound touch smell.. A body and a world appear.. They appear inside of what ??? Inside of awareness.. For if there wasn't An awareness that is prior to these appearances.. Where else can they appear "within"??? .. Ok so in deep sleep there isnt even awareness.. That's right.. Deep sleep is the sate of nothingness.. That's your real nature.. That's who you really are.. That's the only thing that doesn't come and go.. Ever-present.. Therefore the most real state of being is the state of nothing.. The most fundamental state of being is the state of nothing .... And" within" this nothing appears awareness.. And within this awareness appears all sorts of dreams... The waking dream and the sleeping dreams. Are just temporary appearances within the ever - present nothingness. Very helpful.
  12. Amazing report, I resonate a lot with this experience, definitely sounds familiar to my 250ug trip, even the picture you posted looks similar to the vision I had, except instead it was an infinite geometric column of Buddhas expanding in all directions for eternity as the light got brighter and brighter until I completely and totally dissolved into nothingness, but the nothingness was pure light, pure consciousness; the very essence of one's being. During such a process you see all the fears and insecurities the ego creates and realise it to be nothing but barriers from you experiencing god, with the ultimate solution being a state of total and complete surrender/letting go. THIS! Haha I'm still in the same position you are, and whilst contemplation is utterly crucial I found these 2 guides useful for getting back to that state of "pure being", if it wasn't for these guides I would've completely forgotten what the hell "pure being" even means. Maybe it isn't for everybody but I find that state of total non-doership to be the easiest way to empty the mind and subsequently have these sorts of experiences, albeit to a milder extent. Extremely peaceful though. When the mind is completely silent this essence simply reveals itself of its own accord, without the ego having to get in the way whatsoever.
  13. I'm experiencing it as a desire. no . But it appears that way. Not necessarily. Within awareness. Itself. A body is a body. A bird is a bird.yada Yada.. Because Wherever I go. It's here with me. Unlike anything else Awareness. Or nothingness. Or the ego (which doesn't exist). Or I don't know. It can't be said.
  14. Today I did a small dose of 5 meo, i was between the frontier of the no-thing and the thing, the no-time and the time. In a moment I was in the no time, after in the time, in a moment the illusion shows like it is: nothingness, a moment later like solid reality. So the nothingness and the illusion are the same, are together, glued
  15. Is carrying a body a burden or a bliss? Well if you ask me it's a burden. I discovered that I am eternal perfect needless soul. Desirlessness content ever-present perfection that is always hiding behind the surface of the world of forms. Maya . That's my real nature. I just did it. I made that discovery without any psychedelics.. Just good old meditation and observing the world of forms floating around the eternal nothingness at the center. The soul is identified with an imaginary temporary physical avatar.. For a while. Not for long time but for a while. The more I recognize my true nature and then compare it to the body.. The more I see the body as a burden. A burden that I have to carry on for my whole life. Babysitting this body. Task after task. Feed me. Please Me. Rest me. Move me. Clean me. Over and over again. A chore after a chore. Until I fall dead after reaching the limit of exhaustion. A house of diseases. A house of desires. The never-ending desire that doesn't amount to anything other than the multiplication of itself and the expansion of disappointment. A house of needs. A house of lacking and constant aiming. The mind can be at ease. The soul can just be content in the now. The body has to perform effort and chase after it's "needs". There seems to be a conflict between the body and the soul. The nature of limitation VS unlimitedness. "oh you don't have to think of it this way and be pessimistic.. The body is the house of God". Yeah yeah yeah.. The ghost in the machine. This is dualism. The body is a burden. For God to exhaust himself and start seeking breaking free from the temporary limitations that he decided to reincarnate in. Any thoughts on how to help myself change this perspective?
  16. But the Self is Here, there is nothing other than the formless Self right now. There is an object that APPEARS to be you, doing things in an apparent world. Both the character and the world are witnessed by the Self. All of the states are objects to the Self. The Self is the container, the prerequisite for anything to be there and be known. But it itself can never be known, it can only be "beinged". A good contemplation to see what I mean is to inspect your experience during a dream at night and to see how easily you can be fooled into believing that you are a different character - the character in your dream is different to your waking character. Both of which are not you. You are that which knows the states of Dreaming and Waking. You are that which remains in deep sleep when all objects are gone. Don't underestimate nothingness - it's not really nothing in the sense that it is not there, it's God, it is everything.
  17. The very question "Where does change come from?" is implying that you are asking in the realm of time. In the realm where things have a beginning and an end. But this is just imagination. There is not really change in reality. There is only nothing. All change is just an appearance of change, it borrows reality from the changeless eternal subject. But there is also benefit here for the changeless eternal subject, because it enjoys those illusions of change. That's probably why it merges its reality with all objects within itself. There is only ever nothingness, all appearances, no matter how real they look, are just skillful illusions. And I cannot say from direct experience where those skillful illusions come from and who/what is generating them and why. It's a movie and I appear to be the character. And you appear to be another character... But if we watch direct experience now, as you have taught me to do, I exist AS the ultimate reality - I have never changed EVER, only appearances in me change. I cannot tell how they change or why. My best guess would be that it's my imagination.
  18. Yeah nothingness is really hell for me I have flipped coins,i have seen the distinction. Sometimes it's hard to believe "that" is reality. This dream is easier to believe.
  19. If it's changing.. Then that's not what is aware of change. If what's aware of change itself is a subject to change.. Then a statement about absolute change cannot be made. Without there being a static ground that is observing the change.. without being affected by it. Who you think you are changes. Who you really are which is nothing doesn't change. How can nothingness change?. Forms keep changing. The formless doesn't and can't change. And since forms keep changing they aren't really forms.. That makes them formless. So forms change which means they are formless... And the formless doesn't change. In other words.. Change is changeless as change. If change is an absolute.. It becomes changeless as change. I hope this makes sense
  20. @Bulgarianspirit lol so being in hell is a better option for you than nothingness? But don't be afraid of nothingness.. It's not hiding "somewhere" that you might end in.. emptiness is the other side of fullness.. If you flip the coin of somethingness you will find nothingness.
  21. You should be good to others, because these "others" are just as much you as the "me inside this body" you believe you are. Of course it takes a lot of consciousness work to realize Oneness, i.e. that there is only one Self, which is what you are, and which is what everything and everyone else is too. This 'Self' is equal to Nothingness, Consciousness, God, Love, etc :> The 'I' you think you are, i.e. a separate self stuck in a body, experiencing an outside material world: that is illusion. You aren't stuck in a body. You are absolutely nothing, thus everything, imagining everything from nothing, including "yourself" and "others".
  22. To be fair,any mind destined to exist in the void for an eternity,alone in time would go mad, or have multiple personality disorder. Inside outside is the first thing to go... When one realizes this is all happening inside god's mind, truly see we are but imagined persons or puppets, at first the implications are maddening. Eventually you accept it but damm,this will never end. There is no escape even death is not an escape. The best we can do is accept things as they are. If some of you want to go away do mahasamadhi so be it,but damm for me thats no escape at all,didn't we run away(imagined) from that place for a reason? Can you bear the burden to be the only being for all eternity.. What bliss does nothingness bring? You will be back here,pretending again.
  23. @Sam Johnson how do you expect "other people" to exist outside of your imagination when you yourself don't exist outside of your imagination?. In reality there is neither "you" nor "other people". These are just nothingness misidentifying with a stream of thoughts and appearances creating out of them an illusion of "person" and "people" as solid entities when there aren't such things . The problem is you are assuming an experiencer on top of experience.. When there is nothing but experience alone. On my end as in your end. There is actually no two persons communicating right now. That's a thought which in not the actuality of THIS. Only being is real. There isn't a single "person "in reality. I know this sounds insane and it is.. It is absolutely true tho.
  24. Does this means nothingness is not every thing? bcause there is also my concept about it? So two things nothingness and concepts or maybe three things nothingness and concepts and distinctions
  25. Actual nothingness is not your concept about it. I can't explain it to you and you can't understand it. You either experience this or not.