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  1. Take a video and all the frames in it. Spread them all out. All of those are happening simultaneously. That's what's actually happening. Nonduality is just realizing separation is perception. They only contain flaws and contradictions because you are too caught in concept and imagination in it all. Words are just pointers and in this work language breaks down so you must truly seek out what they are trying to say through direct experience. Look at your hand. That's not a hand. Hand is just a part of the model you built for reality. Concept and imagination. What you are seeing is actual with no concept applied. Everything is you and you are infinite. Everything and nothing. From the absolute you experience everything at once.
  2. Are you familiar with Hameed Ali's (A H Almaas) work? He talks about how there are realizations beyond Nonduality. He, and others seem to too, make a difference between awareness and emptiness
  3. We all need to be hoodwinked (thank you conditioning!). If you tell someone what nonduality is, they won't believe you. . If you ask someone what they really want, they don't know that they don't know. If you tell someone what's really involved, they'd never do it. We gotta wake em up or they'll sleep through the whole thing! @karkaore Your approach could be helpful on college forums too. "Just drop out!" "It's not worth it!" "You're fooling yourself!" "Stop fighting homeostasis! Just get a job at your dad's place!"" ...maybe dating sights too? "It will never work out!" "Listen to the fear! STAY HOME!" "THERE IS NO MR. RIGHT! HE DOESN'T EXIST!!!!" "She'll be just like your mom no matter which girl you pick!!"
  4. @Matteo You’ve been going along in an acquiring manor. You never ‘emptied your cup’. The path is deconstruction, less and less meaning empties the mind, reduces thinking, and realization can arise in this space. The final dissapointment, is the teachings. There is a full circle, completed in renouncing all ‘spirituality’. Without the fore mentioned emptiness, with a head full of teachings, one teacher after another - where can nondual realization arise? Suffering is thinking, over thinking. There’s no such thing as gurus. That is a deeply rooted thought, a projection. Again, it must be emptied, surrendered. Where can nonduality arise? That is the “problem”. That statement is NOT TRUE. You don’t know what you are. “I don’t know what I am”, is true for you. Don’t blow it off as semantical. This is the false belief you are repeating in different ways, which is the root of your seeking and suffering. Trade thinking for stomach breathing, for good, never look back. If you have a deeper trauma, from 12 or younger, get therapy. If not, you may just be experiencing the power of overthinking and having identified such. How will you realize what you are, while you’re claiming you already know? RIght, why would you have that thought, when it feels bad? Not trying to poke at you, just trying to help you see what you’ve missed. The ego, thinking, is one notch, one degree more cleaver than you. You will never beat the ego. You must surrender - from this moment on, stomach breathing. Notice when you consciously do it, you go unconscious in seconds and are mentally distracted, and you forgot. Practice it all day everyday, every minute no matter what you’re doing. (If what you want, is consciousness) Thinking will reduce more every day, until it literally stops one day. Good! Why are you thinking you need to trust someone, some person, some maya? What is nonduality? No more looking for shortcuts. You can not over think and breathe from your stomach at the same time. See this in your direct experience. None of those teachers mentioned this, or you did not commit to this? Stop looking for thinking to resolve thinking. Stop looking for clear ideas. “Hopeless” is also a thought. Surrender yourself to that voice within you, the unthinking, un-figuring-out, un-idea-maker. Surrender the finite (thinking) mind. What comes is the realization of infinity, nothing, Samadhi. It’s waiting, patiently, until you’ve done. It will never infringe. You must surrender to it. Trust me, what you really want, is not to hear any thoughts. There is. Can’t blow past it and go right into thinking, or you’ve already missed it. Breath / Awareness - do you see, in your own experience, these are prior to thinking? If not, pm me and I can quickly help you realize this in your own experience. It’s literally been right under your nose this entire time, you are looking once you’re already past what you are really looking for. It’s like you’ve been playing that Headbands game for 12 years, and your word is, “ineffable”.
  5. @Emerald from The Diamond Net on YouTube has an amazing life coaching program right now for people and wanted to leave a review as I think she’s an AMAZING resource for those of us on here who are motivated towards nonduality and spirituality but also maybe struggling in life in some way and can use some outside help. Most life coaches as we know are often super expensive and although some of us can afford to spend that money, not all of us can. Most life coaches are often over $100 per hour and don’t even understand the kind of stuff most of us on this forum are really motivated about so they lack that deeper understanding and often remain at Stage Orange. Emerald is offering a super affordable $32 for 1 hour sessions and I think it’s definitely worth more. I now have a better and more concrete plan of how to move towards my life purpose and now have a step-by-step plan on moving out from home, how I’m going to do so, have a plan on ways to work towards my own financial independence, have a well thought out process of how I’m going to access greater intuition in my life, and so on. Emerald is also very well educated and has great understanding of very important foundational psychology such as shadow work, the subconscious, trauma, and so on. This is really worth it and I hope you guys give this a shot if you’re skeptical about most life coaches who might not understand your motivations towards true spirituality and so on.
  6. Why is a childish question if you think about it, and even if it had an answer, it would only be to serve an egoic desire to know, and wouldn't solve your 'problem'. Look at it this way, Asking why is the same as asking what is the cause/effect. Why does X exist? Because Y. Anything you could possibly fill in would be a limited, finite, and false conclusion if you're asking about the totality of reality. You cannot figure this out, that is the barrier, is the having to know. X and Y could be filled in, but it would have no bearing on reality, wouldn't leave a mark, and you'd still be somewhat dissatisfied, because of the limitation of an X and Y answer. There is a reason why not knowing is the highest form knowledge, you're already there, but ego fragment or intellect is under the delusion it can reconcile, consolidate, and disseminate information in such a way as to reflect the whole. Basically, a fragment of reality (and this is being very generous to the ego) believes it can comprehend the entire whole. There isn't anyone here to know that there is no one here. It's so unbelievable, utterly unbelievable, it can't be believed. Enlightenment is being shown to you guys as a thing, an object, a place in time, a goal, a solution, an end, a means, an attainment, an addition, a commodity, a value, etc. When in fact, there is no such THING. That is a fact, Nonduality is a fact. There is not two.
  7. I think if just one person watched that video and was curious about what he was on about and then researched a bit and learned the basics of what he was talking about, then Jim would say he succeeded in a way. He probably knew that most people would write him off as crazy but then again, a few people might take it seriously and i think that is all hes going for. I would be happy to see more videos like this of people who are well known talking about nonduality even if they really don't know what they are saying, they can have an enormous impact and change a lot of minds. Because think of all of Jim Carries die hard fans and how most of them probably looked into non-duality to better understand what their idol was on about. I wonder if Jim will create anything with all of his power and his newfound love for the truth. He has the resources to create something beautiful i'm sure.
  8. There are a variety of pointers. The "Everything / Nothing" pointer is commonly used by nonduality teachers. It can be a really strong pointer for some minds. It is related to understanding distinctions. It's hard to place no-self awakenings and Everything/Nothing awakenings on a relative hierarchy or linear timeline. I've had partial awakenings to no-self and Everything/Nothing. The deepest glimpse I've had was Mu - which is prior to any concepts or ideas of no-self or self.
  9. @Consilience maybe because on a basic level you can have experiences without being much aware and having awareness without making it out to be an experience. both have very different qualities. also you can experience let’s say an elephant or you can be aware of it. or you can do both at the same time, the quality always changes - it’s the aligning of both what brings the difference, they have a dynamic - or what did you want to say? you could also maybe say, nonduality means there is no separation between consciousness and the content of awareness - but in this the awareness of consciousness itself or even in the awareness of experiencing consciousness itself.
  10. @Anton Rogachevski What is meant by self control? Who’s controlling, who is being controlled? What processes are directly experienced to support this “division”? Are you one Anton or two Anton? What about avenues of opening up the mind as to what the reality all around you is (to step away from concept), such as quantum mechanics, and or teachers like Bashar, Abaraham Hicks, Jane Roberts, The Law of One, etc? Their teaching’s are nonduality, or, that each is their own reality - keep in mind, only you are hearing what is said. About 1 in 100 people actually comprehend what they are saying, and I have a hunch it might pair with where you’re at quite well. If they sound foreign to you, or “out there”, that might be an indication they’re exactly what is needed at this point in opening the mind up.
  11. Not sure if someone have posted this before but it's a nice illustration.
  12. @Serotoninluv But what could be after nonduality at Coral?
  13. I find it difficult to progress with a busy mind. Activities that settle the mind are helpful: yoga, running, listening to nonduality speakers, meditation etc.
  14. I'm a 19 years old girl and interested in nonduality/oneness (or whatever it is called, I don't care much about names). For over a year and a half I have been establishing meditation, kinds of self-inquiry and journaling into my life. I'm not a fan of high self-discipline when it comes to these practises, and I don't believe it's a matter of hard work to realize my nondual nature. I tend to contemplate things quite informally, along with everyday happenings. But more than that, I often sit down and meditate on interesting issues following some pre-written questions. When doing that, I always lose my ability to keep all the strings together. I mean, I may ask one question and then I'll question the previous question. But at some point I can't focus on my experience: what is the question telling about, what I really perceive etc. Very often I see an invisible wall to come out in front of me. I can't get insight of anything, not even a word in my mind. My mind is stuck and can't handle anything like that. Right now, questioning the physicality issue really bothers me. It's so simple intellectually but still some very primal sense is saying that I cannot be the objects I am perceiving, and they just don't feel "me". I can simply see that everything is in consciousness (like every dense-like object is in a dream as well), and we cannot step out of that ground. But even then it feels like the physicality and independence of objects are existing in consciousness. I cant progress further than that, and every time I'm exploring it, a strange feeling of invisible wall comes. A wall between me and some understanding. How to approach this? Also, there's one issue that seems to be quite a big hindrance to embracing understanding. I have very persistent body-focused neuroses. I've got a diagnosis of OCD two years ago. Now, when everything is coming into my awareness as clearer, also the body-focused compulsions get worse. Sometimes my body feels like a total obstacle, because instead of exploring my mental beliefs, I'm stuck in my bodily sensations. On some days I may be aware of my stomach for 12 hours and I'm not sure if I'm hungry or not. Sometimes my throat feels dry all the time or I concentrate on my swallowing, without any intent. My question would be that can I include these problems to my overall inquiry and can nondual understanding help with these? Or do I just need to bypass them like other feelings? What to do when I don't have energy for fresh inquiry, because I'm so tired of attending to my sensations? Thanks for reading.
  15. We are the problem. There is no society. It all starts with me. Has nothing to do with “nonduality” to much distortion guys. It’s all your fault
  16. The trouble with these Dawkins wannabes isn't that they disagree with nonduality. I would love a deep, intelligent debate over the nature of reality. But they are not capable of it because they are philosophically shallow and unaware, and unaware of their own unawareness. This is what happens when your model is bad at philosophy. They are just not interesting at all.
  17. Thought tends to seek security first and foremost. It will gladly seek refuge in “nonduality”. Thought will move positively or negatively(accept or deny) as that is the basis of its structure/nature, as in reactionary response of will/desire in one direction or another. The self will cling and project what it has learned via knowledge/experience. The self is it's content(thought). The self will choose what fragment to cling too and what to disassociate from.
  18. This guy is just not very coherent if you watch the entire video. Over the course of the video he contradicts himself, special pleads, etc. He doesn't understand himself or non-duality very well. This is what happens when your parents force-feed you something as opposed to you coming to it organically. He was never ready for it in the first place. "Objectivity" is nonsense. Nonduality is about the nonconceptual, but he is so stuck in his concepts that he commits a category error by comparing the philosophy of "objectivity" (i.e. rationalism, I suppose?) with the philosophy of nonduality, as opposed to nonduality itself. "Nonduality" is a pointer to direct experience, not an intellectual construct that can be rigorously tested through "objectivity." In other words, he just doesn't get it. He's in his head filtering everything through a mental map and not seeing into the nature of things directly. The problem is that mental maps are just arbitrary bullshit, but he doesn't see that.
  19. Thank you @Elisabeth. That is a great example! I’m introducing meditation and nonduality in a first year seminar for nonmajors.
  20. 20 years balls deep in nonduality plus having family background supporting this, and yet this guy hasn't been able to crack the nut? I feel pity.. Nonduality is a very defined philosophy with defined methodology. If you wanted to be a swimmer but you instead jogged for 20 years and then wonder how come you can't make it as a swimmer, then I hate to break it to you that you need to see your own error instead of bashing against swimming. The instruction says unbroken self-inquiry/witnessing is necessary to break free the prison of the mind. Am I doing that? No? Then why the fuck am I complaining? Is it the fault of the method or fault of myself who isn't following the instruction?
  21. @Wisebaxter There might be a few people in your dreams at night, but when you wake up, there’s only one. This too, is a “dream”. (Just using the quotes because there’s not a word for the actuality, or rather, if I say a word to you, or you to me, then the point to be communicated is already falsified. The word nonduality is possibly the best pointer) Don’t start thinking about this though, as that’ll only take you further from ‘seeing’ what I’m saying. The usual suspects are the way (practices, psychedelics, retreats, etc). Thinking is the opposite ‘direction’. However, that silence you’re “in” - same over here (still an analogy though).
  22. @Serotoninluv Have you come across Sapolsky? His course is definitely yellow. ... wait, you actually teach meditation and nonduality to biology students? (respect)
  23. @thehero @Azote As Leo mentioned in his video, it's challenging to navigate life when one has evolved to the high end of their community. For me, that means evolving into Yellow/Turquoise in a Orange/Green community. I'm at a small college and I've run out of colleagues at my level of development. It's just me now. There is no one here to discuss developing at Yellow/Turquoise. Everyone wants to be hyper analytical (philosophy and science), human expression (communication and art departments) or how to increase diversity and equality on campus. All Orange and Green stuff. There is noone here talking about how to incorporate Yellow/Turquoise modes of thinking / being into the curriculum (except for some shallow talk about "integrating" course material interdisciplinary). Very few college professors in the world are at this level. My whole life, there have been Orange and Green professors pulling me up the spiral. No I don't see any. I don't see any books or videos about how to become an effective Yellow/Turquoise college teacher. Not much on how to create a Yellow/Turquoise course and classroom environment. This semester I am developing / teaching a course on consciousness. I'm all alone. As I try to pull my colleagues up, some colleagues try to pull me back down. As Leo said in his video, they are like crabs in a bucket trying to pull me down. I meditate with my students in class. I teach nonduality. I integrate science and metaphysics. A few of my colleagues are intrigued. A few of my colleagues are like "wtf, pull that crab down!" Overall, it is a mixed experience. At times disappointment, frustration and uncertainty. Other times, it is exciting, empowering and magnificent.
  24. You can't make him understand anything untill you fix the relationship. Right now you're debating who's smarter. He or you. And there's conflict and heated arguments. In such atmosphere he will never going to admit that you were right even if you are. That would mean he lost and you won. He will be avoiding that in so many ways. It's just pointless bittering and arguing. First if have to become friends with your dad. Only then he will be willing to be open to your ideas. You have to create a joyful atmosphere, a very comfortable, joyful, loving atmosphere. Only when people are happy, they loosen up. They become more open to new things. When heated debates are happening and when you both are on each other's's like a fight. Who's right and who's wrong. Both want to be right no matter what. And how do you win? By never admiting defeat. That's why those conversations you have are producing zero effect, only anger and frustration. Anyways.... I'd give him Inner Engineering book. That book simply has no flaws. It's made in such a way that you can't even argue with it. It just so so logical. And book itself is very light and funny with many jokes, it's very easy to read. Unlike other nondual books that use very complicated language. It's a huge advantage that the book is always funny because only then people's minds opens up to new ideas. It's easy to read,.it's very engaging and there's unbeatable logic in it that if your father reads it there's no escape for him. Edit: also he puts all the wisdom in funny stories that captures readers attention. It's not just dry informacion or philosophy. That's a big reason why this book is so good for beginners to nonduality. Sadhguru made this book exacly for this purpose. Exacly for your father you can say. To take even most religious unthinking or whatever mindset and direct them to nonduality.
  25. All of this is relative and contingent. That's YOUR point of view. Don't expect others to agree with that, and don't expect that to be some eternal, objective truth. Right and wrong are constructs of your ego-mind. If you stop thinking a thing is wrong, it will stop being wrong. People will use force regardless of what you believe is right or wrong. People do whatever they want, period. That is always the case. You are free to do whatever you are physically capable of doing. All shoulds are delusion. There are no shoulds in the universe. Whatever is the case, is what is. The ultimate goal for most people is not happiness but survival. Which is why most people are not happy. Your beliefs are mostly dualistic. The opposite of nonduality. It would be wise to question and deconstruct them.