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  1. @Nadosa To put it in some framework / model, you’re trying to start at the top of Maslow’s pyramid and go into nonduality. Start at the bottom instead. Get the foundation in place. Look into counseling / therapy. Check your diet and physical well being. When you come back to this pursuit it will be from a much healthier perspective.
  2. A Mystic knows all the mysteries and dimensions of life inside out. He can basicly do anything. Travel through time and space or walk on water if he wants to. A sage is usually just a pleasent being who trancsended his identity and reached nonduality.
  3. @Mu_ what lies beyond the known is a solo journey. I’m only pointing to the barrier that traps the inattentive mind. I’m not interested in all the god/absolutist stuff on here. Many people speak of god yet still meet moment to moment life with images(the past). Many people speak of god yet are still bound by the center as well. Many people speak of god/the absolute/nonduality, yet still carry over there chattering minds, such as dreaming. A reaction (recorded experiences that are not carried out and ended on the spot by undivided awareness). Those who speak of god still tend to live the same ol unwholly lives. It all goes much deeper than “god”..When ones head goes missing that is the sacred. And how we live day to day life determines whether the sacred comes to, or whether we can live a life of continual dynamic stillness from moment to moment. Anyway im not one to identify with anything including god. To be headless means to stay empty/nothing(whole-alone). All “things” of thought are ashes born of yesterday. The creative doesn’t carry over the past. Let go of what has been...stay empty/nothing-alone, or don’t
  4. I couldn't agree more and I enjoy reading the Upanishads and the Gita as their explanations of God (Self, Brahman) are more straight-forward and to the point. But I also love to see how beautifully twisted the Bible can be in the hands of the ego-mind. Now that I can see the biblical teachings through the lens of nonduality, they are much more powerful and clear. Here is another beautiful quote from Job 33:6@Big Guru Balls "I am the same as you in God's sight."
  5. Hey guys I was sniffing through the bible in search of some holy wisdom and I came across some great quotes about ego death so I thought I'd share. Luke 17:20 The Coming of the Kingdom of God 20 Once, on being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, “The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed, 21 nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is in your midst. Luke 17:30 It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed. 31 On that day no one who is on the housetop, with possessions inside, should go down to get them. Likewise, no one in the field should go back for anything.32 Remember Lot’s wife! 33 Whoever tries to keep their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life will preserve it. 34 I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. 35 Two women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left.” [36] [e] 37 “Where, Lord?” they asked. He replied, “Where there is a dead body, there the vultures will gather.” Add to ur commonplace book
  6. He has fell into the trap of calling himself a master on his way to mastery. This dude embodies nonduality but lacks epistemic knowledge. Psychedelics would deeply humble him, so would yoga and meditation but he think he has got it all. I honestly appreciate everything he is doing despite my opinions of him. Besides, he is not for everybody to watch, you need a lot of maturity to read between his lines. His vibe, passion, and intention is what keeps me watching, also he talks to his viewers so Im studying the dude so I can offer him something of significant although he seems to be very close-minded. He forsurely falls into the same traps he tells others to avoid. I love mycellf
  7. Nonduality INCLUDES the number 10, and everything else. That's similar to saying saying 1=10^(infinity). Yes, one is the first digit, but it is not equal. Further more. Mathematics is a man-made concept within nonduality. No mathematical equations will ever describe reality, just point to it or model it. The universe is not a number. "Infinity" is not a number. Within mathematics it can be manipulated like a number, and there's different sizes of infinity, so that should give you a hint at where math does not equal the territy.
  8. Becoming lazy because of spiritual growth is healthy, even if seemingly counterintuitive. Healing wounds, having realizations, raising your vibration, it all leads to changes in behavior. It might seem like you're taking steps backwards, but it only seems that way. Like Emerald said, you having what you considered positive traits, were likely just the byproduct of low vibrational behavior. For instance if I was afraid my family would disown me if I don't live the life they wanted, I might choose to work hard towards achieving some low vibrational goal. For instance, accrue wealth for the sake of greed and fear of being disowned. You'd be industrious, but extremely inauthentic, and in turn unhealthy. Authenticity is what this life is about, and it's what healing and spirituality moves you towards. If you're not doing what feels the most right to you, it's inauthentic. As you raise in vibration you start peeling back layer after layer of inauthenticity. You'll even find instances where inauthenticity led to a certain behavior, then realize a second layer of inauthenticity brings you back to the same exact behavior you started with. It's fascinating how that works, and it's because it's all about intention. Where your intentions lie, is where your authenticity or inauthenticity lies, not in the behaviors you exhibit themselves. Fortunately this back and forth of behavior does end. You'll eventually reach your healthiest state, pure authenticity with no energetic blockages/baggage. Then there is no more layers to peel back. The peeling of these layers, completely healing, is actually quite more difficult than realizing enlightenment. That's why you see these beings pointing towards nonduality in a way that's in no way helpful to anyone. They've achieved enlightenment, but did not do the work of healing, which is necessary to be able to fully comprehend the magnitude of existence. Then they try to teach others about it, while not actually even able to understand what it is they're even saying. It's like a 5 year old recognizing calculus could somehow be useful, then trying to explain to others the point of it. This is all to point to the importance of healing, which is completely underrepresented in spiritual communities, ironically. My best advice on this topic is whenever you notice something is painful, you're likely getting an opportunity to heal some sort of wound. Don't turn away from it, don't avoid it, face it. Face it without judgment, without trying to push it away. That's how you embrace authenticity. Suffering is the mechanism the universe uses to push us towards unity and love. And you might have noticed, the more you turn away from your problems, or the more combative you get with them, the worse they get. It's because the mechanism of suffering is designed to increase in intensity the more you avoid it. And some people will avoid it for so long that the intensity is increased to the point it literally kills them. Think cancer, heart attacks, autoimmune diseases. Those are just physical manifestations of the suffering an individual experiences and has never properly dealt with. People are so afraid to face their pain, they'd literally rather die. Hopefully in the upcoming generations, it will become common knowledge how disease manifests, and how to properly heal from our wounds.
  9. Marcus Aurelius is a very healthy embodiment of Blue. Even if you read Meditations you can see how he takes deep nondual understanding of God, nonduality, and Consciousness into a healthy blue perspective (which is all that Spiral Dynamics is mapping). This is not a knock on Marcus Aurelius at all. He is a very good example of strong healthy Blue in a time that was pretty much Red. You can have deep full nondual understanding and still be lower on the spiral. Remember, Orange, Green, Yellow hadn't even emerged yet. These are very new developments in perspective, world view, motives, and values (which is all Spiral Dynamics is tracking). Stoicism itself is a very healthy Blue (kinda Orange) philosophy which really values things such as: Honor Self-restraint Dignity That sense of being the upstanding valiant one Moral & emotional composure Submission of one's self-interest to one's state (country, land, territory, government, etc.) So on and so forth. Marcus Aurelius and his Meditations is a great piece to go back and work on remnants of positive Blue that people might not have fully worked through. I definitely wouldn't put Marcus Aurelius or even maybe people like The Buddha at Turquoise. Nondual understanding of all of reality doesn't really make you Turquoise. Turquoise is world-centric and people take for granted that there were still things such as slavery involved in that time. People completely take that for granted just to put these people on a pedestal. That's not to take away from The Buddha or any sages of that era and to say he was evil or bad. No. That was their time. That was the world view, perspective, etc. and full blown enlightenment doesn't really change that (more often than not). There was no Turquoise at that time because the world wasn't as connected as it is now where our society today is more all encompassing. Thus we have greater perspectives. Full blown enlightenment, understanding, and even embodiment DOESN'T automatically = Turquoise. The manner in which you embody God and the lens in which you view God depends upon one's level and stage in Growing Up, as Ken Wilber put's it. Sure there's correlation between deep non-dual understanding and mastery and Turquoise (or I should say, Turquoise has some apparent correlation to deep non-dual understanding) but as it's even said in science, correlation doesn't = causation.
  10. It might just be the phrasing tripping me up, but both "Father" and "them" seem to point to something separate from the speaker... Anyways I'm glad you see it as nonduality, I'll ponder it more.
  11. @Mikael89 Ya. Doesn’t matter when the “results” are observed, but it does matter if they are. Have you thought about the implication of the double slit, quantum erasure, “relativity”, nonduality and the law of attraction / no assertion? (In the cumulative sense) @Arthur Great post!
  12. @stevegan928 Some of this might be useful.
  13. No statement can ever be absolutely true. All statements are dualistic and at best relatively and partially true. Absolute Truth is not a statement or an idea. It is what is actual. The entire actual universe and much more! Some aspects of solipsism point at one or two facets of the Absolute Truth, but Absolute Truth is way more grand and radical than solipsism would have you believe. Nonduality is a much better term than solipsism. But it is true that you are the only thing that exists. But NOT in the way you imagine.
  14. In the universe, "things" have a "nature". For example, stars, black holes, molecules, atoms, photons, sound, etc all behave in certain ways according to their nature. Furthermore, things behave differently as they evolve. Stars behave one way but once they are black holes, they behave another way. Enlightened individuals behave they way they individually behave according to their nature simply because that is the way it is. Why does light travel at its relative velocity? Because that is just the way it is. Nonduality is true. Duality is also true but at a different level. That is the paradox.
  15. @tsuki I didn't mean that they would have free will after enlightenment. I was saying that, even though we don't have free will we make choices (which actually are illusory) depending on our belief system. But since on enlightenment one realizes nonduality of the world and there is no 'good' and 'evil' anymore than how do they decide what to do, since each thing is equally good. Either you hit your head at wall continuously or sit at one place continuously or go have sex with many men/women or go kill your nieghbour, they are all supposed to be equally good, because there is no duality. (They are all different arrangement of atoms in this universe caused by physical laws) SO, why don't they do 'evil' things ? Because for normal people its social conditioning, fear of jail, morality etc, but enlightened person is beyond the thought based things.
  16. So, I intellectually understand that there is no free will and there is no individual 'self' anywhere. Its just an illusion having a separate self going through life. Universe is just one process. So, there is no distinction of 'events' from universe's POV, like if one human kills another or rapes another its just a process. Although victims may fell various bad emotions due to different arrangement of atoms in their head. Still, rearrangement of atoms is just process which may produce negative feeling in the individual human. Inherently, in this universe there is no 'good' and 'bad'. There is not even a separate 'thing' in universe that exists by itself. Because its all one. If enlightened person realize this by experience then why don't they act 'evil' ? Why don't they go on killing or raping people? How do they decide what to do when everything is just equally good in this universe, whatever you do. Since there is no duality they could do anything. And if non-duality is true, then how can an individual live in this universe? Because by definition an individual is supposed to have distinction between what is good and what is bad for him and then pursue something and avoids something. If there is no 'good' and 'evil' since nonduality is true, then why don't enlightened individuals do 'evil' things (which actually are not so evil from Universe's perspective)?
  17. @Tony 845 there were about 2 months where i was like 'damn life is great' after i had my first awakening. then all hell broke lose for 10 (with plenty of nice peaks though). stay mindful and don't stop practicing. and if u have kundalini i highly, highly reccomend the teacher craig holliday as well as the K books on Leo's list! I don't have direct exp of such, but i am fairly confident from that Craig and those books can efficiently help you go from kundalini to nonduality
  18. @SQAAD I'm not quite sure what you mean. If I lived in a different reality, then I would never meet you. So, by definition, doesn't everyone you meet have to share your current, inherent reality? Am I missing something? Of course people can be on different frequencies or levels of Consciousness, but everyone you've ever met shares your reality. Has to. Unless you're starting to doubt whether anyone else is real or not... That can't be possible, because if you were the only valid point of Consciousness in the universe, and the universe unfolded around solely you, then there would have to be something outside of you. You'd have to be living in some type of simulation, with another real world "out there," and that outer world would have to be nondual. The reason nonduality is the Ultimate truth is because everything is one, and it embraces the paradoxes we see out in the world. You; along with everyone you've ever met, is a sliver of this infinite consciousness, all one. As it has to be.
  19. Time is a strange beast. It'll enslave you. If you're really interested in Truth, then the illusion of time can't be something to put your hopes on. That's what everyone else does. "Give it more time, it'll work itself out." "Give a single cell billions of years of time, it'll turn into present-day nature." When has time EVER been on your side? Time is the only thing we don't have. Why would you trust in time if time is an illusion? It sounds like your metaphysics is still grounded in materialism (there are more subtle forms of it). The perspective that "change = distance divided by time" is useful for physics and modeling, but in your own life, you've recognized that all you have is the present moment. Hmmm, how do we make sense of this? From the conscious, present awareness that you are, what does "change" really mean? Is every single cell in your body not changing in every moment? And yet, does the background presence that you are ever change? What is change? How does that relate to your current understanding, and how could that relate to nonduality? How do you bring about change in your own life? And if you're inclined to say "well I need a goal and some time" then ponder whether there's a more direct path or understanding to be had. You may have many misconceptions about what spirituality really is. I highly recommend watching Leo's video on What is Spirituality. But ask yourself: What is spirituality? Is spirituality about meeting some other celestial beings? Woo-woo stuff? Or is it about knowing one's own spirit or self? What could be a higher calling than that. to truly know thyself? Any time you reach to grab Truth with your mind, you instantly take two steps back. Try to understand why this is always the case; it's more certain than the laws of physics. Then become directly conscious of how this happens in real time. Ask yourself: Am I aware? Did you need to think to come up with the answer? It's not a trick question. It's as direct as can be. If you had to think about the answer, then that's the problem right there. Awareness comes prior to thinking, reasoning, seeing, tasting, touching, feeling, emotions, everything. If you can truly understand and experience this, then that's as pure of a spiritual/mystical experience as you will ever get. If really hope I didn't just confuse you more, lol. Laugh. Love. Live. What more could you possible want? There seems to be an egoic longing within you still. Try to locate what that is. And don't attack it. Genuinely try to understand it. Every facet, every angle. Love it. Get to know yourself before you even begin to transcend.
  20. @Leo Gura He teaches you how to get laid, make money through creating value, taking the right opportunities, and he approaches it in such a systematic manner where he goes in depth about every factor that is contributing to a specific goal and how all different factors function together . Kind of like what you do. You both address the heart of the problem, and from there architect a solution that is sustainable, real and takes in consideration all factor. But nowadays i can't see why Eben's advice would not be appealing to both higher level consciousness and lower level consciousness persons, I actually think its something flawed within his marketing strategy, he isn't advertising himself to a larger audience. And yes i do think it would also appeal to ORANGE, it's not like ORANGE is dumb, it just values self interests, and that's precisely what he teaches you. He doesn't have to water down his teachings for them to appeal to ORANGE, look at Sadhguru for example, his teachings are TURQUOISE but despite that a chunk of his followers are surprisingly, ORANGE (looking to take advantage of some of the benefits, like emotional control, or stopping the monkey mind, or feeling peace) and with Eben he's not teaching you NONDUALITY, hes teaching you to fuck chicks and become a creative money maker ! What more could appeal to ORANGE? But maybe i'm wrong, maybe ORANGE is impulsive and doesn't like to think hard and long in systems to manifest their self interests. It's just a shame that a person like Eben Pagan is getting an average of 500 views, within the first year of a video going up. His advice is much more advanced and valuable that some Tony Robbins feel good shit or some bullshit non systematic CharismaOnCommand advice, Their advice is good to hear and watch and heck even resonate with in the moment, but never is it gonna take you to that second or third step in your life and never is it gonna teach you the skills to actually cultivate mindsets to be able to make your own advice, your always dependant on them for the next piece of non root addressing solutions for problems.
  21. a lot of south american shamanism is rain forrest shamanism, i’m sure you can find shamans there if you go search for them, i even guess they will teach you a very direct nonduality. i guess it’s different as the ancient big cultures of south america like aztecs, maya and inca didn’t make it until now, the old cultures are subconsciously more suppressed even, they couldn’t transform their knowledge in the same way as india or most asian cultures did, due to historical reasons, so they never developed in that sense “mainstream” sages or techniques. i started to read carlos castaneda quotes like fortune cookies... in my experience the “sages” from south america i heard of - if you can call them sages, are mostly story tellers, like clarissa pinkola estes. and there is a lot to learn from ethnological research of stage purple communities and family living and how they interact with nature.
  22. @Inliytened1 Eben is stage yellow. Just because he doesn't teach straight up nonduality, don't write his teachings off as "lesser."
  23. Try to understand. It's the perspective that can't be "perspectived." Because it's by definition the cumulation of all, including the one your thinking right now. The mind can conceptualize it as a perspective, but that is an aping. Nonduality is not a perspective. If it was, who or what would be perceiving it? And a perspective, by definition, is a singular point of view! Also notice that the mind can only hold one perspective at a time.
  24. @Yousef sort of. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think nonduality is the infinity perspective, containing all other perspectives. But the word perspective kind of breaks down here, because a perspective requires something to perceive it. All perspectives are fundamentally partial. But nonduality is itself, it can't go outside itself to view itself. It created itself. So it's not so much a perspective as it is all of reality. That's why you need a direct experience of nonduality, because it can't be grasped only from the mind.
  25. @Rilles that's in the dream, at least, because you're the only thing conscious in the dream. Think of minecraft, as you move through the world it gets rendered, and the next village over doesn't exist until it's a certain number of chunks away. Now what if the very fabric of waking reality is consciousness? If everything was directly rendered and aware of itself, even deep space? If we're in a giant, connected mind? Think of your dream, but make a huge recontextualization, that you could simultaneously inhabit several perspectives, but the ultimate viewpoint is nonduality.