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  1. Yeah. And many enlightened people fix these issues once they become aware of them to a sufficient degree. But they need to focus on them and be aware of them. Also, these are only publicized flaws of teachers. There are many more issues an awakened person might have besides procrastination etc. So when Shinzen cured his procrastination, that doesn't mean he turned into a perfect Buddha. That was only one big issue he faced. There still are micro issues he might be dealing with and we'll never know because they are not publicized. The point I've tried to make was that awakening doesn't equate to moral excellence or behavioral saintliness. Awakening is little bit of a double-edged sword here. It makes it easier to work on these issues if the person wants to get rid of them but it can also make them totally fine to have these issues and therefore eliminate all motivation to change those behaviors and thought patterns. That is why all awakened people have all sorts of behavioral issues. Whether big or small. Some do have much less so than others, but they still have them.
  2. @Nak Khid Hi! Yes. I'm aware of the allegations. I've talked to Culadasa about it. Let me address that. He definitely made a mistake and is ready to purify that shadow aspect of himself. He is also open to working with a therapist if the need arises. He also said that he is doing shamanic breathing practices to work on deep emotional work. This is basically Shinzen's procrastination issue all over again in a different context. The person is awake spiritually but there are still subtler and subtler layers of craving and suffering that results in immoral action. All of us have these issue including myself. I still watch porn and play video games. But these actions become bad, wrong and immoral from the moral excellence paradigm. There is actually no such thing as wrong actions. That is why mindfulness when you are awake sometimes allows for these sorts of 'cracks' in the armor. Morality is a human construct and is relative. These sort of 'negative' behaviours constitute your uniqueness in this infinite-ness of consciousness. And what is interesting is that even if suffering is fully eliminated, these 'immoral' actions can still occur automatically just due to sheer habit force in times when the mindfulness is less powerful. This is also similar to Joshua Sasaki Roshi's sexual allegations with students. The person is deeply awake but gaps in contextual understanding, lack of emotional work, childhood traumas, powerful negative habits all create these cracks in the mindfulness and results in less than moral actions. Behaviors are very important. But one's depth of spiritual realization is not a direct cause of their quality of behaviors due to the existence of egoic habit forces, emotional trauma and shadow aspects. So the teachings do work. Culadasa is deeply awake. But just like everyone he has behavioral issues, a shadow aspect and hasn't embodied a Buddha-like ideal of moral excellence. Such a thing actually doesn't exist. These are different lines of development and should not be confused with the validity of actual spiritual insight or methods. Look at Peter Ralston, Leo, Shinzen, Culadasa, Martin Ball...etc. they all have behavioral issues to a degree and are not morally excellent. You can easily cherry-pick all sorts of behavioral issues by observing them if your standards are moral excellence. For instance, Peter Ralston has a masculine and arrogant personality style. This can be seen as a lack of embodiment and a strong habit force when it comes to morality, personality and love aspects of consciousness. But it also can be a personal choice. Culadasa's style is much more loving and less-arrogant but his cracks in mindfulness are in different areas. This is one of them. Shinzen's style is precise but his mindfulness has cracks in procrastination (which is a behavioral problem) which is a deep unconscious habit force. Martin ball and Leo have insight mastery to varying degrees but are working on both embodiment and behavioral change. And so do everyone else including Eckhart Tolle, Sahdguru etc. All awakened people are in a continuum that has different behavioral strengths and weaknesses. And also all awakened people are conscious of specific spiritual insights and have embodied them to varying degrees. So there is no such thing as a binary awakening. Awakening is a process of spiritual growth. Especially when it comes to behavioral change. Hope this clarified the issue
  3. The problem here is with the overly-simplistic and binary notion of "an enlightened being". There is no such thing. There are many degrees of awakening and many different states of consciousness and many different modes of being. Most so-called awakened people still have plenty of impurities and their state of consciousness is not as high as it could be.
  4. Remember wrote: " this is because you quote a lot instead of experiencing what divinity actually is - as if you knew. theism and divine are not the same, one is an -ism. (and isms are mostly red or blue even buddhism if it is an -ism) also you contradict yourself a lot. (headache program, sorry to say - if you expected an answer hope this is satisfactory enough) " Yes,...Green's (SD 6) believe they are at the top of knowledge, and in a way they are, because at Yellow (SD ) begins a shift to gnowledge. Thanks for your response, says you are not Yellow (SD 7) "open to learning at any time and from any source, like bees that gather nectar from many flowers," and surely not higher, as per your beliefs about things divine have been rejected by Buddha, Lao-tzu, Tilopa, Guan Yin, and every known Awakened Being. "Contradictions in perspective among those Seeing the profound do not occur" – Taranatha. And yes,...was so thrilled to come across this Discussuon Forum ( even perhaps having an opportunity to commune with some Kindred Spirits). Considering Kindred Spirits that may come upon this Turquoise (SD 8) thread, instead of commenting on your post,...I'll finish with a few points on things divine, and their place in the One Space-Time; even though my above post on Turquoise (SD 8) was rather complete. Brahma, God, Creator, Allah, all things Divine,... ARE NOT,...nor synonymous with The Tao, Tathagata or Source. The Tao or Tathagata or Source is like a Fulcrum,...they do not Come and Go (Zer0). The Lever is One (Brahma, God, Creator, Allah, all things Divine). Duality effects its motion (Yang-Yin energy) from the Lever. There is no One Lever without Duality, no Center without Boundary, no Here without a There. As quoted before,..."Sensing is but an electric tension set up by the seeming division of one into many which "strain" to fulfill their desire for Oneness" - Walter Russell. However, even ACIM agrees, it will never be found because it's not Real. Oneness and Duality are part of the same illusory loop. Years ago,...likely before Remember was incarnated,...I quested for God,...even attended Religious Studies through the Masters level at two universities and a college. When it could not be found, decided to seek this elusive idea in the Present, which meant I had to let go of all beliefs, even the quest for a God. The Present was uncovered,...and just as Buddha, Lao-tzu, Tilopa, Guan Yin, and every known Turquoise Being had realized,...there is no God or divine thing there. "You abandon completely all belief; you abandon every sort of way of hanging onto life. You accept your complete impermanence; the prospect of your death of vanishing into nothing whatsoever, you see, and of not being able to control anything, of being at the mercy of what is completely other than you, and you let go of that, you see, this means that you even get rid of any God whatsoever, to do it fully. You don't have a thing left to cling to." Alan Watts. To Remember,...this is likely not your incarnation for Truth Realization,...however, an Eastern quote comes to mind that could be helpful in your predicament,...perhaps even posting it on your refrigerator: “Start knowing what you really know, and stop believing what you really don’t know. Somebody asks you. “Is there a God?” and you say, “Yes, God is.” Remember: Do you really know? If you don’t know, please don’t say that you do. Say, “I don’t know.”. . . False knowing is the enemy of true knowledge. All beliefs are false knowledge." And re-member: "In pursuit of knowledge, every day something is acquired. In pursuit of wisdom, every day something is dropped." - Lao Tzu "The real seeker of truth never seeks truth. On the contrary, she tries to clean herself of all that is untrue, inauthentic, insincere." Chandra Mohan Jain "We need to draw our attention to what is false in us, for unless we learn to recognize the false as the false, there can be no lasting transformation, and you will always be drawn back into illusion, for that is how the false perpetuates itself" Eckhart Tolle “Positive thinking does not bring you consistent peace. Positive and negative are attributes of duality. Positive means there's an opposite that you're trying to avoid. Negative means there's an opposite you're trying to attain. This keeps you in a constant state of avoiding, or attaining." Osho
  5. Are you alone when you became enlightened? Have you met people who have shown signs that they might awaken or are awakening or have already awakened?
  6. The human mind is conditioned to think there is something to find, something to attain, someplace to arrive. Realizing the opposite of that is a facet of awakening. There is nothing to find or attain. There is no place to arrive. That is a major realization. . . Yet then the mind will create a new duality and grasp the other side - it will get attached to the belief there is nothing to find, attain or arrive. We can let go of that as well. . . Then there is nothing, something and everything. The realization of Nothing/Everything is a major facet of awakening. To me, it sounds like you have enough conceptual understanding. The concepts can only take a person so far, because any concept (and its opposite) is Nothing/Everything. For the mind to hold a thought / imagine - there must be separation. That thought / image is not another thought / image. This is why direct experience is key. This awakening allows for liberation. This awareness seeks nothing. This awareness is beholden to nothing. This awareness is attached/identified to nothing. It is absolute freedom. Because you are creating things called "me", "you" and an "it" to get. That is relatively true. You've got the separation part down, no need to work anymore on that. Absolute Unity hasn't been revealed yet in direct experience. Thoughts / images are appearances, yet they are very tricky appearances. They are alluring and mesmerizing. Yet they are appearances in Now similar to dog barks appearing Now. For me, a key is not to trap my mind into thinking I need to choose between two opposites. Thoughts / images have no more relevance than any other appearances Now. Yet they also have more relevance than other happenings. A deep insight into the nature of reality has no more relevance than a bumble bee in flight and it also has more relevance than a bumble bee in flight. Awareness of Nothing/Everything has no attachment to either. It is free! The figuring can be helpful to form a framework of support. For example, imagine someone has direct experience of Nothing/Everything. Afterwards, they are like "whoa, what just happened?". Without any conceptual support, it is easy for the person to dismiss it as "woo woo, airy fairy stuff". With a conceptual framework its more like "whoooaaa, so that's what those awakened ones were talking about all those years. . . ". In terms of my personal story, there was a time I felt like there was something deeper I wasn't getting. At times, there would be a still small voice of "your not listening". And I'm like "I'm trying to listen. I'm meditating. I'm participating in a Sangha. I'm journaling. I'm doing Yoga. wtf else am I suppose to do to 'listen'". It got really frustrating. . . I was really curious what this "it" is. I didn't care if it would benefit me or not. It was like something in a safe and I wanted to figure out the lock combination to see what's in the safe. . . What resonated with me was psychedelics. I tried them a few times solo and they revealed so much. Then I went to an Ayahuasca retreat in Peru. At the personal level, each person is different and and have unique pre-dispositions, abilities and resonance. Personally, I sucked at meditation and "just being". I was so analytical and thinking dominated, that I missed all the tiny gaps and glimpses. Others resonate much better with meditation and just being. I've walked in nature with newbies and they are pretty good at getting in tune with Now. It's just how they are. Regarding it being so obvious. . . One thing I remind myself is that "it's paranormal until it's not paranormal". What seems obvious now was mind-blowing during the realization. "what just happened??!!". Yet once it sinks in, it seems pretty obvious. It's remembering something I already knew. @silene After having nondual experience, it's very common to feel like there is a "flipping" between nondual and dual realities. That is a relative human perception / experience. I often feel that way. It's beautiful and can feel amazing and fun. I can even start to influence it - drifting off into a nondual reality. This can also be transcended such that nondual = dual and imagined = real.
  7. Clearly Ralston just hasn't awakened the hart like 100s of other Non-Duality teachers, as Leo says there are manyfacets to awakening and not every teacher is finished, Ralston is one who is definitely not 'finished' so to speak, not shitting on him as his students clearly benefit from him, but just because someone is a teacher doesn't mean they are fully awakened. This is why I constantly recommend truly Self Realized beings to read and watch to understand what full self realization looks like. Eastern Examples- Ramana Maharshi, Nisgardatta Maharaj Western Examples- Rupert Spira, Adyashanti (more recent stuff), Ramaji and Francis Lucille Of course there's many more more but these are just examples of the top of my head. When you open yourself to love, your whole view on the 'world' changes yet again!
  8. @Leo Gura By nature, I am also hyper obsessive and focused. And also have a bit of Aspergers (it has its pros and cons). I have had my hard edges. When I was young (and Christian), I used to pray that God would give me a heart because I felt I lacked the kind of ability to love like "normal" people. The upside is enormous internal strength but felt like I was an empty shell. I suffered very much during my dark night but others wouldnt know it because Im the type that keeps pushing forward no matter what. Deep depression was constantly with me my whole life up until my awakening. I can almost guarantee that Ralston suffered through his awakening. The advantage I have over Ralston is that I did DMT 3.5 years ago and realized that love is the most important thing and that beauty is all around us if we just look. Love and beauty are inextricably connected. Love and beauty have become my focus for what I need to master in this incarnation and I plan on taking it to the peak of my potential. If one is awakened but they dont understand eternal evolution, love or beauty, than the only thing left to do is wait to die. If that is Ralston's state, I dont envy him. At minimum, how I invest myself in my life will be very different.
  9. @mindcentral Ken Wilber co-wrote a book Transformations of Consciousness where they studies people across the world, from different traditions, that were considered enlightened by spiritual adepts that know them. What he found is that the experience of enlightenment is NOT the same for everyone. It can be very different depending on the beliefs and assumptions of that tradition. Ralston's experience of awakening is going to be different than another awakened person that understands Absolute Love. Ralston's kind of awakening, along with much of Zen, can be very dry and "grey" with no connection with love, beauty, gratitude, etc, etc. Remember that the fact that many enlightened people disagree on a variety of subjects just proves that enlightenment doesnt mean they still dont hold delusional beliefs. Enlightenment is a process that continues to be refined after the initial awakening, not a destination.
  10. Ok so, should the dreamers and awakened be in relationships? Such as marriage.
  11. Remember everyone else is you also.. there is only THIS and it's absolutely perfect, there's no need to try to fix anything. If they come to you help them... let it be natural. Within the Absolute there is the dreamers and there is the awakened but it's all happening within the's all within THIS...its perfection ❤
  12. I recently i discovered the spiritual talker 'Sergi Torres', I don´t know how awakened he is but it surprised me how profounds his talks are. He still needs to get better at trying to talk more simple to audiences, sometimes it´s explanations end up in a "strange loop" as Leo used to say LOL But to be honest yeah I think he way more profound that Mooji´s talk for example (which I still love by the way but sometimes he can get some times too tiring on the "nothingness" and you can´t get from him other teaching that that one) Here´s a talk I was watching tonight: SERGI TORRES - TEATRE GOYA - "La libertad de pensamiento" Anyone has listened to him? Do you think this kind of videos are actuallly practical or are actually just losing your time? 99% i think its just wasting time but I have to say sometimes with this guy somethings resonate with me in a more profound level and actually will make me start self-inquiry seriously about some topic
  13. I have a feeling that the trance state itself is what would awaken them, the things spoken during that state would be of much less importance than their receptivity to entering the trance state itself. The necessary insights come of their own accord, and without proper respect for that, and sensitivity to a person's readiness, problems can arise. I read an account of someone who awakened partially through mesmerism in the 1800's. He was fascinated with it, highly susceptible to it, and already was highly conscious. The mesmerists were doing it just to put on a show, not really for the benefit of the subjects. Then he began falling asleep randomly throughout the day and thought he was very sick, until channeling started coming through. The focused intentions of another person together with your own lack of resistance can come together to become a very powerful nondual experience.
  14. Long way to go yet bro, I've been there, sounds more like Nihilism than a true awakening, but it probably is a true awakening. Right now you've realized no self, probably the first 'chapter' of awakening. Wait until you open the heart, realize you are everything and then realize that the Self is literally all, it will become much harder to treat yourself like shit, than it is when you think there is an other. There is no OTHER just YOU, so the person you're treating like shit is YOU, also if you need a concept to help you, Karma still exists, so you treat people like shit and you'll face some sort of consequences. Here's some food for thought, Charles Manson was awakened and look at the shit he caused, look at Bentino Massano. Stop thinking you're above others, and realize you are literally them, go deeper into the awakening and open yourself to love and from there compassion comes naturally. Good luck mate, remember You are those people you're treating like shit, and if they've got self respect they'll pull you up on it and won't let you get away with it. It's a common issue with enlightenment that people subtly, or not so subtly, start thinking they're better than others and nothing matters so they rationalize their shitty behavior, bring some awareness to this.
  15. @Lento I like your description of using Skepticism and Beliefs in a way that serves you as an individual, all must be thrown into the blazing fire and surrendered, and whatever remains after is meant to be in our lives @TRUTHWITHCAPITALT I get your points, but not all teachers say the same things and you'll notice subtle differences between them due to their depth and level of awakening and embodiment. A perfect example is Eckhart (btw I love him) and Ramana, the first time reading Ramana gave my ego a huge fright as it is SO much more profound than Eckhart's teachings, hearing things such as 'The World Doesn't Exist', 'All is The Self' after Eckhart was a big realization I was only in the baby pool so to speak. I am not saying it can be monopolised but there is certainly depths to spirituality it is not as black and white as awakened/unawakened. I'm glad you find Leo helpful and a great teacher for you I would just recommend learning from more than 1 teacher, as it's easy to become ideological and think the teacher is perfect etc, it's like only ever using 1 source for an essay, it's bound to be biased!
  16. It's beyond weird, beyond understanding, beyond good and bad, that's for sure. As soon as I realized that I had awakened, in the same way Charlie Manson had been awake, I went through a "Jesus take the wheel stage". Unfortunately (fortunately?) the illusion that there is a wheel at all is self created though. Hi my name is Mandy and I enjoy morality when it serves me and not at all when it doesn't. Contrast between good and bad, dark and light helps us to define the things we want and appreciate balance. The Osho documentary was incredibly entertaining, I so enjoyed the varying viewpoints of all the people involved and the fact that they turned the commune grounds into a Christian youth camp after was so fitting and hilarious. It's a "true" story and a lot can be learned from it, and a lot of new desires can be born out if it.
  17. Yes the focus has shifted within the individual and the collective. I think our focus is key. Some only notice the awakened or high vibrational aspects in and of the movies today while others are stuck in judgment not realizing it’s self judgment creating an inability to assist in raising the collective frequency which is actually just a mirror of our own frequency. We allow and choose what responsibility of the collective to take on and how we’d like to manipulate the whole
  18. @mandyjw I've read interview transcripts and it's actually scary how you can see he was clearly awakened/ had awakenings. He did a fuck tonne of psyches though. so insights were probably also going to happen. But, also highlights the importance of shadow work, work on a human level and dealing with childhood trauma, mental illnesses& Psyches and that awakening will not solve all of life's problems as many will have you believe.
  19. I pretty much agree with all your points in your last post, i think its just a tough situation to put yourself in, if youre not fully awakened and to some extent still 'chasing' its very difficult to teach others because simply put youre not always talking from that deeper place. The pressure of consistently making videos on any subject let alone this must be immense (even putting out a couple vids myself i can see this) and ive always been really impressed with the amount of high quality content Leo puts out, i mean he could be one of the most prolific on youtube period. But in terms of the nondual there is such a palpable difference between him and other teachers and you can see that they are fully there. Thats ok though and im sure Leo is aware of this as he does mention warnings, the problem really comes when people put him in this Guru status and get dogmatic about everything he says, as soon as he puts up a video i see posts saying 'im worried now that i have to be awakened before i do abc'. He would have to be honest with himself and look into whether hes encouraging this or enjoying that people follow him a little too much, not saying this is the case thats for him to decide. But young people are extremely impressionable esp those with mental health issues, those not happy etc so we have to be clear what are the benefits of Leos teaching and what are the limitations. Realistically if he wasnt so influential and so good at what he does we wouldnt even be having this discussion so full respect to him anyway
  20. Here's an honest critique @Leo Gura Before I want to say thank you for the many awesome teachings you provide, especially on PD and Politics I found them the most useful, and for this forum which is another great thing you have developed, so for all the ways you helped I'd like to say thanks, and this isn't to shit on you but is based on my own opinions, members of the forum I talk to regularly and then some people outside this forum who know of you and watch you. These are based on your spiritual teachings. 1) You teach based on insights it seems- Been said already, so won't go into much detail, the embodiment of your trips leaves much to be desired, and that is the main 'issue' I have with psyches, you've clearly had incredible insights, but It doesn't come across that you live these in your day to day life at all, and I just want to point out these amazing insights from Psyches are great, but it's the 'permanent' changes that really have improved my life 1000 fold, from my minimal Psyche experience they were great and gave some insights, but nothing compares to the immovable silence I feel now. 2) Risk of promoting Psychedelics to those under <25 - I'm not demonizing psyches, of course they can be awesome, but the way you talk about them, you make out as if everyone who's 'pursuing' enlightenment needs them, which is far from the case, you're probably one of the only, if not the only, teacher pushing them and promoting them so heavily, these are still drugs. I saw someone on here saying how they had to go to rehab due to psychedelic abuse and was really struggling in life, you have to remember a lot of people that come on here are going to be going through emotional/ mental issues, so immediately recommending someone to use psychedelics is risky. I personally know someone who ended up in a mental hospital on 2 separate occasions after an Acid trip, as after he couldn't stop seeing his Dad, who has passed away, so for people doing them please be careful, especially if you're under 25 as our brains aren't fully developed. Also, many people on here are not ready for the level of responsibility that comes with using those sorts of drug, while you can be responsible Leo it doesn't mean the kids and teenagers and young adults who follow you can, and many will simply copy you due to the position they are in, I was so close to doing just that, but am beyond glad I pursued a different path which for me has worked amazingly. Again, not shitting on Psyches but everyone here makes out they're the only/ best thing on this path, which simply isn't the case. For some maybe but not all, think about all the great masters and recent masters, how many used Psyches? Food for thought. If they work for you, great I'm glad 3) Concepts Concepts Concepts - I would love to know how many people you've directly awakened Leo, I suspect it's not very many, as your videos on spiritual topics tend to be hours upon hours of concepts, and yes I understand the need for theoretical foundations and understandings, especially for beginners. But, there becomes a time when all concepts must be burned, even the concept of enlightenment. Theoretical knowledge is nothing compared to actually living this teaching and surrendering yourself to the now truly. Words are merely pointers, and Silence is the highest teaching of all, Ramana only 'invented' self-inquiry for those who weren't ready for silent transmissions. Your mind will NEVER understand the absolute, it cannot, as anything is spoken about the absolute is 100% false, you cannot utter a word about it that is true. Sometimes, it feels as if you use your videos as a way to get your social needs met, I understand it's easy to do, but have you potentially neglected your human needs due to this work, you mention you don't work out anymore also, remember we are Human (cue a non-dual backlash here), and these are important things to take care of in our lives, if anything true self-realization makes you more human and more yourself than ever before. And, like I said, concepts and words are great to help, but the true teaching is merely silence and if you're still trying to understand it with your mind, you'll be chasing your tail forever, I know as I was doing just that for almost 2 years and if anything I only got further and further away. 4) Teaching without being truly awakened/ self-realized- This one I feel for you on Leo. You positioned yourself as a teacher so early in your journey, then let's be real you were as confused as everyone else, the burden of having 100's if not 1000's of people waiting for your every word on this topic must be very draining, when you yourself were only at the start of your journey back in 2016 I think it was. This can create a huge issue for you and your followers. Even now, it's hard to say you're truly self-realized, if you think I'm being critical, watch/ read some of the great recent masters such as Ramana/ Nisgardatta or for more western feels Rupert Spira/ Francis Lucille/ Adyashanti who are all clearly fully self-realized. I am biased to my own teachers who are also amazing, but I won't mention as I feel that would be slightly biased lol. There are clear differences in the teachings, clear as day, which is why I say there are much better teachers out there for this work in my opinion. But, Leo your perseverance and determination in this work are admirable! 5) If you don't agree with Leo good luck lasting on this forum- A couple people you've gradually wormed out of here, I understand it's your school and you can promote what you believe in but it seems slightly unfair to ban people who were helping people on here, but it's your forum so I guess that is fair. I think I'll stop there. Like I said I have a lot to thank you for Leo, especially those Spiral Dynamics and Conscious Politics series, among many other great videos you have done. But, like anyone you aren't perfect and I certainly am not either, neither are my teachers etc etc. But, if I'm honest I feel there are quite simply 'better' (frowned upon word in this community) 'spiritual teachers' (In reality there's nothing to teach because THIS IS IT) out there who will help awaken people, let's say more efficiently. Maybe, that's not the best term but I hope people get what I mean, if someone was to ask me for teacher recommendations regarding Awakening I know who I'd send them to, but if they were to ask for Personal Development, Politics foundations or even Life Purpose advice would certainly be a recommendation. I hope this doesn't result in a ban or whatever and I hope we can still have some great discussions on here Leo, I know you disagree with a lot of things I've said too, and I still look forward to the Capitalism vs Socialism video when it comes out Have an awesome day everyone.
  21. you kidding me? Leo has numerous videos defining enlightenment including the ones I posted and also one called "How To Become Enlightened - The Exact Step By Step Process Revealed!" and a pinned thread called Leo's Practical Guide To Enlightenment Let's not get bogged down in definitions. Was Osho a highly awakened person and can a highly awaken person maintain that they are not God and a second question, would a highly awakened person parade around multiple Rolls Royces or similar materilaistic displays?
  22. Yes, if your truely love him wouldn't you love him even if he is awakened? Let go of control and surrender to love. Or just tell him how you feel, just love, just be. Things might change once he is fully awakened. You can also awaken yourself and then you will understand what to do and why everything is the way it is. Love only gets deeper and stronger after awakening. You might also want to look into Tantra Yoga.
  23. What is the difference in using the term "fully awakened" and "enlightened" ? Many would say that is synonymous. And isn't evil one of the lowest ego states? Awakened mind or devilry ?
  24. I try not to use the word "enlightened" because it is highly misleading. For sure, he had a fully awakened Kundalini and he showed all the signs of someone who was at that level, with the crucial distinction that he became evil. He became obsessed with money and fame and used the gifts of the Goddess (Shaktipat) to enrich himself and create a cult of personality around him. Ultimately, this got back to him in the form of Karma and led to his downfall. It is important to note, that just because a person is awakened, does not mean he is good. Just as there are benevolent gods and malevolent ones, awakened humans can also be of all sorts and some turn evil, despite their obvious power. I thought, that the fictional depiction of the Sith Lords and the Dark Side of the Force in Star Wars was an excellent illustration of this principle, when I first saw it.
  25. I would say the criticisms from @electroBeamare fair but also at the sane time not necessarily Leo's fault. I've always thought the idea of enlightenment as presented on the forum is potentially unhealthy and almost anti-enlightnement, as it sets it up as a goal and is taken very seriously, this leads to comments like 'I'm going to get enlightened and then work on a career', as if it's the same as getting a college degree. It's only here where I've heard it discussed in such terms, most good nondual teachers have a fun, I can't believe people take this serious outlook, which is very counter to Leo's. Personally I believe Leo is just not awakened at least not to their extent, I think he's had profound experiences but to me he doesn't embody it in the same way, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, he's still on his journey. If you want nondual teachings there's a ton of teachers who completely embody it, one of my favourites is Paul Hedderman, who often says the subject of non duality doesn't interest him at all, which might sound ridiculous to us but if you were really awakened why would it interest you? I Having said that I think the value of is that it breaks down complex and not really talked about topics in a relatively easy way to understand and I can't express how valuable that is, things like the SD series were honestly amazing. The problem is when people take Leo as a guru and not a Gura lol. In that they hang on every word and start making life decisions based on what he says. To be fair he has always said do your own research and have your own sources. The teachings here (and anywhere) are tools and that's it, use them but don't add dogma or any kind of sacredness to them, don't assume Leo is right and work from there, do your own thing.