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  1. ... and no imagined rodent has been hurt Enlightenment doesn't mean that one is always right when it comes to relative truth like the things you mention. It just meaning knowing what you truly are, and what Reality is. Answers to both is the same. And on top, having that accessible all the time means nothing else than being to switch off/cut-off any ignorant I-thought and I-feeling of being only this little body mind, which makes the states (1)-(4) available all the time. And this can be done (without lying to oneself) if the Awakened State is accessible anytime (1) Infinite boundlessness of the Visual Field (and any other perception/dimension) (2) its groundlessness, or mere-appearance (imagined) character "hovering" in Infinity (3) the eternal nature of this Infinite Reality/Consciousness is always known (4) there is no (zero!) separate-self I-thought/feeling still hypnotizing. Impersonal. Empty. Silent. Vast. Yet, giving rise to all appearances and thoughts. And if one chooses to, one can cut off these thoughts/feelings off in real-time. The magic word is real-time, Or high-speed cut-off of any thought/feeling arising that ignorantly believes in being only this body-mind. Speed & strength of awareness, before any thoughts starts hypnotizing oneself and are believed&elaborated. And that takes normally many years. But its worth it. The high-speed cutting of of (4) isn't always necessary, but that ability is what opens up the Awakened states described in (1-3). And if thoughts then rise again, simple mindfulness lets let flow in Infinite Being without believing them, if (1)-(3) are powerful enough. And: Being able to generate (1)-(3) with (4) induces so much bliss that the annoying separate-self arisings don't "grip", even if they are not cut off in realtime but just watched in mindfulness. Ego-wanting/avoiding only grips when one is not in a positive enough state already. One has a human, but one isn't one. True Being is Infinite Reality. That doesn't mean one does stupid things for to ones relative vehicle, like James hand-into-the-fire. Beings who know their True Nature are not brain dead. And that is having Absolute Truth always available. Or Enlightenment. It is not an idea, and there is zero doubt about it that this is final. Can't get more infinite than infinite, and there is and only can only be THAT. And any Alien, ET or way-out-spectacular-appearance-of-consciousness appears only in THAT. Nice to understand&see, but not really urgent in any way. There were enlightened Zen Masters who thought Japans Imperial Wars were great. So one can be totally wrong on relative stuff. But the Absolute stuff must be handled. Selling smiling little annoying Buddhist-rodents by the River
  2. Interesting as a type 5 ennegram that would be your main attachment. I have you has a 584 tri-type the scholar same as peterson and hawkins actually, all 3 are INTP 584 ennegrams Thats interesting to me, that if God said you dont need to think anymore, and every moment in your life will be pure peace bliss and perfection with divinity shining through, you wouldnt take that trade. Guess we all have different attachments. God speed broski
  3. Well categorized! Pain and Pleasure are the basis of most of how we try to function in life, You eat things You like, not dislike, because there is pleasure associated with it, but we can go beyond this as Human Beings, its okay to enjoy something but not okay to make it life's mission and purpose... Bliss is beyond this pleasure/pain equation, its knowing what You are and what the Reality is, not via intellectual understanding, but experientially...
  4. I've heard that the word "meditation" originally comes from "med-", which means to heal. Therefore, the way I think of meditation is as a healing process, generating positive states, controlling one's mind, etc; it is not about direct consciousness. That'd better be called contemplation, which is intending to discover what's true about anything, with no particular ritual or cosmology behind it. That's the distinction I like to use. At the risk of oversimplifying: Pain is at the root of suffering, although the latter can more easily be seen through and to some degree, transcended Pleasure and pain are part of the same dynamic Bliss could be regarded as freedom from the pleasure-pain dynamic, so it could be a "natural state," although it is rarely experienced Understanding can be interchangeably used with insight, breakthrough, enlightenment and consciousness, depending on how you hold each of them
  5. Nothing hilarous about it. You get to set your own point. I set my point as understanding. I don't care about your bliss. If you care about it, good for you. But don't tell me what I care about. Eventually you will realize that all the bliss in the world still left gaps in your understanding.
  6. @Water by the River It is possible to seek spiritual pleasure. And what I said is that I don't promote that. I don't regard you as seeking spiritual pleasure. Bliss could refer to pleasure, or maybe not. People use words in different ways.
  7. @Leo Gura That clears up a lot of things. Just know that you are not actually doing Spirituality, what you are doing in an endless entanglement endeavour. Proper Spiritual path is discarding absolutely everything that is not moving you towards liberation. The road does not end until this being is completely Free. How long you want to make the time on the road is up to you ,you can entangle yourself endlessly, just don´t think people that want to go in a more straight way towards the ultimate are less than you. They are actually the ones that are actually on the spiritual path. You are doing something else, which is fine, is just not Spirituality, you clearly demonstrate with those words, you are not on that. Bro....really? The point is the Experience of Being. Because you are the Being. Not the understanding. Understanding = Identification. Your being still do not want to break the bondage. Just don´t think those who want are the dumb ones. Bliss is itself the Being! And with your pair of balls you say 'the point is not Bliss but understanding' 😂 hilarious bro. Much Love. Everyone goes at his own pace. ..
  8. 1 hour ago, Water by the River said: Like any other being, it seems to me you strive for what brings you satisfaction. Now you equate pleasure with bliss or non-suffering. Which I didn't do: The Sat & Chit in Sat-Chit-Ananda, or the bliss & love that a sobre Awakened Nondual State brings is also not pleasure, and I assume you are well aware of that. So lets look up Wikipedia (I know..) "Pleasure is part of various other mental states such as ecstasy, euphoria and flow. Happiness and well-being are closely related to pleasure but not identical with it." "Pleasure refers to experience that feels good, that involves the enjoyment OF something". For example of Infinite-Consciousness-chasing-exploration. The bliss or love of Awakened Nondual States doesn't NEED the enjoyment OF something. Then we would have to consider the nondual essence Nothingness behind all appearance as OF something. Which luckily it isn't, because it is not OF something (but Infinite Being, Nothingness and nondual appearance and not something specific IN/OF it) Selling the basic difference between pleasure and between causeless Sat-Chit-Ananda by the River
  9. Like any other being, it seems to me you strive for what brings you satisfaction. And even if that comes from "Infinitely Consciousness"-ET/research/n+1 or whatever. Dukkha=unsatisfaction (unsatisfying is a much better translation than suffering) = separate self = appearing/imagined opposite of bliss & love of Infinite Being. Or do you strife for dis-satisfaction? These guys also did what they liked...ānanda Sat! Chit! Sorry. Watching & cheering the Great Discoverers departing on their ships by the River. Really!"Where no man has gone,Shatner as Captain James T.
  10. Just unite with God so that you have God's bliss in your baseline state of being 24/7 and then you won't need anything and if you want something it will manifest instantly. Practically speaking do: no-sleep, semen retention and you can add breatharianism to it as well later on. I'm sure you have probably already heared of semen retention/nofap/brahmacharya so i won't go into it. I can give you a couple of sources/channels that explain how to practice no-sleep, the problem is many are in russian so you would have to translate the script of the video in google translate or ChatGPT. Basically no-sleep boils down to removing deep sleep out of our life, we still rest the body and the mind, but we don't fall into deep sleep anymore, practically the way to do this would be by having an alarm clock that rings every 15/20 minutes once you go to sleep, that way you won't reach the deep sleep stage while still resting your body and mind and also you won't need as many hours of sleep as usual because deep sleep hours will be gone and they make most of our sleep hours per night, the reason why doing this gives us a state of bliss is because the state of bliss is actually our natural state that we sabotage with things like sex, food, and most importantly deep sleep, deep sleep has 0 benefits and only destruction, it's the core of all diseases in the body and it takes so much of our energy, but anyway this is just a nutshell, here are some of the channels that talk about it: These are all russian channels and here is a playlist in english even tho it's not as detailed:
  11. It has nothing to do with bliss or pleasure. It is simply about degree of consciousness. Ken Wilber's comprehension of consciousnes is good, but still limited. I don't care about pleasure, I care about Consciousness. Any pleasure that comes about is a nice byproduct, but ultimately irrelevant. Ironically, it is meditators and Buddhists who love to talk about sitting around basking in bliss. When they should be talking about Consciousness.
  12. Exactly. Heroine is a foretaste of these states where the self-contraction is totally obliterated. Unearned bliss. That is what makes it so dangerous. Luckily, psychedelics are not that dangerous, and can be even non-addictive by boosting consciousness. Yet, certain similiarities in possibilities of bypassing are hard to ignore.
  13. I can verify I have tried Heroin (not IV, 'only' smoked and snorted), and still falls short of true exuberance Bliss you can naturally put consciousness is. I actually told Leo something like this last week. (And which is why I said psychedelics do not definetely cover the range of consciousness our being is capable of, meanwhile people usually think the opposite! That psychedelics have something that their Being do not, is the opposite.) Not only heroin most other opiates I´ve tried and I can verify even if they might be the kind of drugs that more get close to the stillness and easiness our Being seeks, they still fall quite short, they bring down/null down certain key aspects of consciousness, providing a fake-not legit-not-fully result of the Real Deal our being can truly Be. Thus, why naturally, the seeking never ends until complete Unlimited unbounded, completely free Being is realized and stablished. If I am not the proof all of this is possible I don´t know what else... But people will keep believing their Being has limitations What to do.
  14. The issue that after you experience heroinepsychedelic levels of blissconsciousness, nothing less will satify you. Ken Wilber once wrote something along the lines of certain states of bliss can only be accessed in higher subtle realms or states of Awakening, and Heroine/Opiades can give a foretaste. Of course that is addictive. It is a kind of unearned divine bliss, not accessible sobre because the structure to do that is not in place. Of course that wreaks the whole growth path and its dynamic. And that is why heroine is truly evil stuff. It is true that nothing less will satisfy oneself than the awakened states True Being brings along. And that it is normally a long and hard road achieving that sobre. But what is the alternative? Addiction? Meditation done in the right way/technique, over long time in daily practice (even if its carried into daily life and not on the cushion) early over a decade can produce fascinating results. I can testify that, and I consider even short amounts of meditation as adding up if done with the right technique. Key is getting it working in daily life, then the necessary time of thousands of hours can be added up. The strength of consciousness to transcend former identifications is strenghtened always, even by small amounts. Which can add up over years, decades, or lifetimes.
  15. No, not human logic. Basic laws of duality when Infinite Being splits itself apart and plays hide & seek and return to the source. How do I know that? Well, there are Awakened states where that is blatantly obvious what separate-self arisings that hide/cloud True Being are (separation= a spectrum of evil, from very mild to very very dark), and how they they literally contract the original Infinite Blissfull Being just with their arising into duality and separation. And contraction IS suffering, it is directly realized and felt that way, a cluster of sensations and contractions assembling a localization and center, most often in the head. And if one is able to cut them off fast enough, the Infinite Field returns to its original state: infinite and groundless and nondual without a center again. And full of love and bliss. True Being is boundless infinite Nonduality and (your much absolutized) Infinite L-O-V-E. Sat-Chit-Ananda. and anywhere were that Awakening and love (when the clouds of ignorance is removed) is not and where it is clouded by separation, there is just necessarily suffering (in cycles and various degrees) and the self-contraction. It is totally obvious and infinite/absolute that it is a no-brainer. And that realization my friend, that is absolute. There is no realm where that is not the case, because you know, Infinite True Being. Nothing outside of It.Either nondual and infinite and mere appearance and love, or duality and out-thereness, and fear. Somebody ought to make a youtube-viedeo about it. “Reality unfolds like a fractal divisions within divisions reunions within reunions. Consciousness polarizes and depolarizes it expands and it contracts back it diverges that it reckon verges and it keeps doing this forever eternally and that is the dance of consciousness or Infinite Mind” Aha. And now lets think that to the very end. And again, I am not talking about animals, nor rocks or bacteria. But higher level beings and their evolutionary lines, starting on a certain level of complexity. A molecule can not be evil, but the game of Karma/souls and return to the source starts at beings/perspectives with some level of self-awareness. But thanks for commenting, I understand you and your behaviour a bit better now. I assume you think that something like a (relative, just appearing, but appearing nontheless) soul "storing" in a higher dimension all this self-contraction or openess/love, and other lessons and the impact it had (on others, and oneself), from life to life, doesn't really exist, even in a relative way. Or is subordinate to hey, its all imagined anyway. Which is true, but forgets the power that suffering and/or love still holds for a separate being to either be awakened in sobre states or not. Including you my friend. I have a bit the feeling that you believe yourself to be a bit above the game of cause and consequences, or in other words Karma. You still are not telling why you stopped doing psychedelics and what happened, and write more about crocodiles. If you don't just want to escape via psychedelics (spiritual bypassing) and want to find genuine happiness and sobre Awakening in daily life, I wouldn't consider myself (or my relative being) to be in any way above this game of cause and effect. How about this view? "Although my view is higher than the sky, My respect for the cause and effect of actions is as fine as grains of flour." Padmasambhava If newbies take over this way of thinking (like lets go into a haunted house and try some DMT to meet something really evil, or blow up your relative life & values and just do spiritual/psychedelic bypassing, and I don't know what other less-than-smart-irresponsible stuff)... all these a bit less than funny posts in your forum where people somehow go for spiritual bypassing, although you write in places that is a no no?) and follow their idol, and then wreak their lifes... Ever considered its actually YOU in just another form suffering that? Literally You? Not metaphorically, not only true in some way out psychedelic states, but literally, all the time, just Absolutely True. Is that intuition and resulting love and compassion still so far away from your sobre life? You think that Infinite Intelligence will not give you some "less-than-positive-credit-points" on your Karma-Bill for just letting that happen? Where are your clarifying comments when a 20 year old again writes some irresponsible stuff that anybody with some more life-experience will see will f*** u* their lives? And what does Infinite Intelligence have in stock to finally correct such tendencies? Crocodiles. But is that really necessary? Although the law of cause and effect and the crocodiles are just imagined, their imagined bite creates very painful imagined sensations. As we are all probably quite aware of. Ok, that was the sermon for the sunday at the imagined church of Selling basic cause & effect by the River
  16. Personally is not about time. Is about whatever time you are doing you are doing it absolutely focused and intensely. The reality is in today's world most people have an uneasiness in their body that they can´t just sit still for 15 minutes properly. Most people will say yes i can, but the insides theres no really stillness and intensity. There is a feeling of wanting to be somewhere else, of the body not being completely let go of. IMO for meditation to be really succesful, you have to be able to sit and instantly feel pleasure, absolute stillness, like your body is absolutely dead, ideally even losing the feeling of a body. You should be merging with the floor and the air. When you get to that level of stillness and intensity and sit in meditation, you will realize what you were doing before was a circus. Ideal Meditation should be instant and effortless, you sit there and bum, you rip the benefits, if you are sitting and forcefully try to be peaceful, is great, like, keep doing, is better than doing nothing, but don´t think that is what is about. That forcefully way of doing it was created by the western world. you have a point, but i think the main issue is that people also assume that just because one is sitting with closed eyes, one is already meditating. In most spiritual schools meditation is just a piece of the puzzle, it is only a certain aspect and is carefully put in the sadhana at a certain point, is just a step. Nowdays in the west people want to make it their own everything, so they say fuck all traditions schools and gurus, I know what meditation is, is just sitting here and closing my eyes, and im going to do it 1 hour, the more i do it the better!. And they don´t get much like that. In my spiritual process Meditation only happens at the end and for some minutes. You do it when you already have done the most intense practice, so you rip the benefits effortlessly by having your eyes closed and sitting You are not trying to meditate, you just sit there and close your eyes and bliss out because anyway you were already blissing out before sitting. you are just sitting and closing your eyes to go more focused and deeper into what is happening. But people sit and there is no preparation, they are uneasy the baseline consciousness is crap, is not activated is not intense, they are not in meditation, they are fighting with thoughts. This is not the way to do it IMO.
  17. Semen retention does not "force" open the minds eye. You need sadhana, meditation, practice to slowly transition and switch the channels. Yes, semen retention does produce force of potential to be used, but if you have no bliss or no meditativeness in your life, persistant sexual fantasies is all you will have and you will be frustrated, if you manage to persist that, maybe it can happen, but it's very unlikely. If you retain semen and do sadhana, yes you will have growth. You will have more mental clarity, emotional stability and bliss.
  18. No, the point is to establish yourself in your own Being so absolutely nothing that happens on life leaves you a scratch. You are spreading the classic toxic masculinity, capitalist, teeth grinding, stress is positive ideology. Here's a fact, If you would be on a 20mg peak oxycodone pill 24/7 no thing in life would left you a scratch. That´s how you are supposed to handle your mind, body and emotion. Completely dis-identified from it and above them. So you are in your throne of inner bliss where nothing can touch you, but at the same time you can touch anything and everyone. the good thing is, we are an internal factory of blissfulness, that's what our being is... if you only you discover where are the inner keys to get to your Throne You just lost the keys sometime ago, and you even forgot you were the King) Selling Bliss by the River @Water by the River You just got yourself some competence in the business.
  19. Ralston and the whole vedic tradition? Shiva= That which is not. Chatananda rupah = I am the form of consciousness and bliss. How can something that contain all experiences be an experience? Is not bound by anything. Not even the apparent higuest realizations. The Real Self is holding and containing those states effortlessly, being untouched by any of It.
  20. Every step I took being influenced by culture standards or what im ‘supposed to do’ was a dumb step. Every step that was influenced by waiting to get happiness, worth, validation, love…etc from the outside was pathetic and dumb. Lately I realized sacrificing all of that was precisely the price I had to pay. And now thinking about it, I laugh at the absurdity of it, why I didn’t surrendered it earlier! Is shit compared to who am I. Culture and other humans will try to play all sorts of games so you take endless detours and never reach the destination. They tell you need this or need that, they will make you believe reaching certain society or personality standards, is more important than being REAL YOU. How stupid. How full of fear and little power in their hearts they have. This is a projection of their own weakness and fear. Is important you do not take any detours and go straight for what you want. For what you one time you lost and now all sorts of humans are trying to sell you stuff, selling you happiness and worth in instalments. That is SHIT! Discard that! Go towards the Throne!!! Real you is better than any CRAP that humans try to sell you. Real You feels more complete, blissful, perfect and grandiose than anything else. Ultimately, you are creating the body and mind you are getting identified with. Can you imagine a creator, a King scrambling for scratches of Love? Completely nonsensical! Is time you know and experience the utter Bliss, Perfection and Inner Power that is experiencing your Self as something that can not be taken away from you, and that you will never abandon again. REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE BABY!!! LETS GO! Go STRAIGHT INTO WHAT YOU REALLY WANT!
  21. Then no issue, go get It. But is an endless high and low. And lows are usually more frequent that highs in that Game. There is another Game in town, which is being in inner bliss within and taking every damn step in this dream in a conscious manner. Involvement yes, but no entanglement. When your inner happiness or well being depends on getting money, fame, and status, you DAMN sure you are going to get all tied Up in the process, in every step you take.
  22. I sometimes copy this warning and add to my notes. For me this warnings are as valuable as the insigths. Today I am more aware about using to much Psycadelics. Last months I was feeling so amazing not using it that the very ideia of using was disturbing. I know that everytime I will use it it will bring material to work and at some level is amazing to have the bliss and the material but at same time one need grounding work and not only high states.
  23. Yes, the basic dynamics is: People view moral consistency as the only tool to compell people to do something they do not really want to, by showing they are contradicting their own values and showing the reductios of their logic to them. But as you say, where we draw the line for what is acceptable and not in the end is arbitrary in the sense that, we could go much further than we are currently demanding to go, and future humans probably will have those expectations as baseline. The danger with this kind of self-awareness, and the misapplication of notions of hypocrisy, is that at any given point in time you can create a slippery slope which would put such a high burden on a given individual that they no longer would feel compelled to actually abide my the moral standard. We humans can only adopt so much responsibility for our actions at a time, too much and we cannot maintain the responsibility. More responsibility necessitates more selflessness. Expansion of identity has to happen gradually. If a tribal person for example expanded their identity to complete universality, they might have significantly hampered the survival of their own tribe, maybe even acted in contradiction to it. We can see this with vegans who view it as permissible to kill carnists, as long as the consequences would be positive. This type of alientation, from a rapid expansion of identity that outpaces current society, can be counter-productive and slow moral evolution. This is why, in the end, it requires a change of the internal state of the mind of any given person, such that they don't feel compelled to adhere to a moral norm because of notions of ethical consistency, but rather because they genuinely desire to act that way. In essence, they have to recognize their own subjectivity and learn to express it fully. In some ways ignorance is bliss, because if you are tricked that the step you are making is the morally necessary step, and therefore compell yourself to do so, you might make that step because of how responsible you will feel for your action. If you were to recognize the full scope of your ultimate expression of subjectivity, and the responsibilities it entails, you might not feel responsible to actually adopt any of those, because of how arbitrary it will feel. You should contemplate the difference between cutting up a live cucumber into pieces and cutting up a live infant into pieces. A vegan who views veganism as a philosophy of harm reduction* There is a reason why I view veganism as a movement of ceasing the objectification and commodification of animals. It has to be a clearly defined and actualizable practice, similar to the abolition of slavery. In that sense, a carnists is closer to a slave-keeper than a vegan is to a carnist. I agree that in many ways the way of life of a Jain is a fuller expression of our subjectivity than a vegans life is. The function of hypocrisy (the ignorance towards ones own selfishness) is a function of moral evolution as it happens in systems that mainly motivate individuals through moral compulsion rather than things like expansion of compassion and love. As I described above, self-awareness is a dangerous thing in this sense, as it can hamper the progression of individuals and render moral compulsion mute, which in a system that does not cultivate love, compassion and growth in individuals can lead to significant negative consequences.
  24. That is false and you dont understand what Heroin is. Heroin is an opiate and downer. You can not say Life Will never feel as good because heroin as similar opiate drugs numb and block feeling. They bring down Life, not Up. This is not bliss this is intoxication. Definetely the ectasy and bliss ive touched on my own with Yoga shits on heroin (again, heroin does not provide ectasy or bliss, is an opiate/downer) or any other drug for that Matter. Also in your psychedelics too, altough you guys never ever believe this because you guys think love and certain euphoric states is the peak of human chemical possibilities. Not at all, at this point i find the psychedelic peak crap also.
  25. Psychedelics are over rated, as is literally any drug. The bliss and Power I can get with Yoga goes beyond any chemical state produced by any substance, and ive tried from Shrooms, to 5=MeO to Heroin. Nothing touches what you can generate within, nothing. In fact everything that you know of culture, not just drugs, but people, sex, relationships, actually literally crap compared to the states I touch doing Yoga. And im a normal dude, im not a yogui of the himalayas, i just spent a certain devotion and intensity to the process for a couple of years. When you give Yourself totally things happen. As always I dont There is a reason why i am sober and IS not because of sel control, is because i can take psychedelics, mdma, oxy, heroin, when i want and Still is CRAP compared to what i touch on my own if i truly give myself to the process. You give Yourself so much your body dissolves in the Infinite. Completely sober. What drugs does that i ask? See if you have to take a drug, what you are saying you are not able to throw Yourself fully sober. You dont want to surrender. You have to take something to force you to surrender!!! Notice the trick. But humans do what humans do. Keep believing in imaginary limits. What do i know right? Just been saying the same thing for the past 2 years in this forum but people are too invested in limiting themselves.