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  1. I'm not going to debate anyone about God or nothingness or what a word is nor belief systems. I AM that, Whatever that is. I didn't ask to be here, so who or whatever created me or whatever the term is dreaming me up or i'm dreaming myself up or God tricking itself, or you antagonizing me or whatever, is not going to change anything. I'll continue to do what I love in this field for curiosities' sake ask a question or two about someone's take on things, but I won't get into any endless debates about God. This is something i love and debating the topic to prove myself right or someone wrong or to try and save someone from hell is not a part of the plan. It becomes pointless to argue about Infinity because it includes every possible thing there is and delusion is a part of it. All I'm concerned about is the ever-present presence that isn't concerned with all this chitter chatter and continuing to enjoy my learning about whatever it is that I enjoy learning. Certain things are obvious to me and one of them is the never-ending back and forth about the nature of existence that will not change anything because it just IS. That is also the essence of Infinity. I don't know how, apart from gravity, how I'm holding myself up on a spinning planet that goes around at a speed I can't even fathom, yet I'm all balanced and able to live and survive all these years with no prior blueprint. You can go ahead and baffle your brain about if nothing does or doesn't exist and if you're going to die believing in nothingness, but I didn't worry about my birth so I'm not going to worry about my death. Its all taken care of as far as I'm concerned because I don't even know how to make my heart beat. P.S. When I replied, "ok, got it" It didn't mean i agreed or disagreed, it meant I understood what he was saying from his perspective. Why argue with someone's perspective. This is Infinity, where all perspectives are valid even yours. Doesn't mean it's the Absolute Truth.
  2. Have you ever wondered why sleep is equal to refreshment of your body? That's is because when you're sleeping you're abiding in higher frequencies and you're too conscious to feel the illusionary pain, the higher the frequency the closer you're to what you are. Quick tutorial steps: 1. Wear ear plugs. 2. Wear audio headband. 3. Become comfortable with sleeping with sound and wearing headband and earplugs every night you go to bed. ( I have been doing it for 2-3 years every day). 4. Play sounds that make you feel the harmony and make you fall asleep, here's a good one: 5. When you're close to falling asleep and you focus your consciousness on your eyes or the black screen, you might see some shapes starting appear in darkness. This is a good sign and means you're raising in creativity and frequency and almost close to falling asleep/become unconscious. 6. Focus your consciousness on the black screen or whatever you see, but not too much. Like maybe 20-30%, the rest of your consciousness you focus on falling asleep. 7. Become conscious that there is no sound playing from your headband in your ears now and that you don't hear any music now.Congrats , you entered another frequency/domain from the material plane and you're in the mental plane now. 8. Focus on your black screen/small shapes appearing in the black screen of your closed eyes, and remember that you're nothingness/love/god, you will start feeling love almost like extasy all around your body and it will feel like you're hugging yourself. When you enter this state at the start of your sleeping cycle you will wake up refreshed even if you have slept for example 2 or 3 hours. 9. When you feel the energy all around your body, it will usually stay for some time so now you can focus on losing your consciousness and actually going to sleep. 10. If you start hearing the music playing, while you're looking at the black screen or shapes you're not in that frequency. The music is your guide, it tells you if you're still in the same bodily/material frequency
  3. @Princess Arabia Just search in google audio headband sleep or on aliexpress. I also use sillicone earplugs as you can shape them to small balls and stick them into ears, very comfortable to sleep with. The shapes that you see is just a beginning , it is even possible to enter what i call "ascended master" state by closing your eyes but not with this sleep technique. Your imagination/will/desire or whatever you want will manifest in structured reality that you can use to edit things in material world or get any information you want but that is because you're becoming one with reality . Like for example, your desire is to channel any knowledge to material world, you imagine akashic dome that has all the information with your closed eyes you will be viewing it like a real world that you see just as with open eyes. All the colors will look more vibrant and holy and pure, if someone would ask you something the answer would just simply come to you from these high vibratory imaginative places. The thing is, from what i have witnessed. The imaginative places always have structure/creativity even greater then this life which isn't possible to understand for me how it forms to that kind level of structure. Why does everything shape around you to "perfection"? My first thought would be, because you're eternal and you have created/experienced everything already. But that doesn't make any sense. I think gods and your unconscious highest desire, is to create meaning around you automatically forever. Why? Because at the highest state that i have ever experienced, there is just you,nothingness,eternity and potential and it is actually scary to be there and not know how you got there/what you are. @woohoo123 I don't use it often, it doesn't have much of a benefit to be honest. The only real benefit is that it will increase your consciousness/awareness a bit higher, because you will learn about frequencies and that it's not only about this world. You will learn that if you can't hear the music anymore, then why do you feel pain? It's because operate at a certain frequency and there is pain and music, if you switch your frequency there is no pain. Pain is just mind. For example recently i had tooth nerve pain, i entered this state naturally and tooth pain was gone. You can heal yourself using frequencies, as pain is just an imagination. This is really a beginner level of things, there are levels of consciousness where you can look at your own brain tumor or any other disease and just repair it. But at these levels of consciousness you won't have desease or pain anyway, since you're basically at ascended master/god levels of consciousness and will know that all is imagination. What is possible is that when you're sick and want to be healed and pray a lot, you can enter a high state by using certain medical tools by boosting your consciousness and god might help you by showing you what is wrong or where the disease is with your eyes closed and heal it. I was curious about ego death/mahasamadhi and wondered a lot about it, one day when i took some tools i felt my heart beating through my chest suddenly. Then i closed my eyes, and witnessed my heart beating in 3d live. Imagine how scary this was? But this is the power of god or what god is, anything is possible
  4. Ok, I try. But be aware this is extremely difficult to do it in a monological form via text, and hardly complete. Good news is: At that stage the path shows itself to itself if one just continues with the right meditation/awareness techniques. The illusion-mechanisms pop up one by one. If applying a good understanding of what will show up, the process can be fastened. It is like adding a blow-torch to the burning down of the illusion-building. So, here we go: Any thought implying I/me. "I-feeling" any understanding you have ("I" understand) any doubt ("I" doubt) all of it very subtle and fast forms of feeling separate. Or thinking that. Very fast & very subtle. Way faster than a thought elaborated over several second. Tenths/fractions of a second... Speed of awareness is crucial, that is being trained here And strength of awareness, to be able to also cut off core separate-self identities and suffering/resistance. Reckognizing that, not getting hypnotized by that, cutting it off by looking into its nature (empty consciousness). and since its very hard to tell the difference if a thought-arising is laced with individuality/separation/identity: Cutting off all of them, just for training. Yet, one can at other times also maintain ones awareness during practical daily life/thoughts. And memory of the past: It is being imagined right now, appears as complete "chunk" out of Infinite Consciousness/Being, and then gets elaborated in thought (which is very slow compared to how it emerges "fully" formed. That is truly a mindf*** when your awareness gets fast enough to spot for the first time how the complete past emerges immediately as "whole block" and then is slowly elaborated, fooling one to believe one is that "I" having this memory and thoughts. You see then how each any anything is just emerging to fool oneself. That is an aspect that Leo emphasizes with his concept of God-Realization. The past is radically imagined right now, there is no past. There is only an Infinite Formless eternal "Field" modulating itself to give the appearance of a past. Same for the "future". You don't have a past, You are an Infinite Vastness that is able to make up the past on the fly, and then have thoughts/feelings-arisings that "believe" that. Yet, that Infinite Vastness/Being CAN UNDERSTAND, and so it can understand that the past is imagined on the fly here and now. That is a major understanding/building block of Enlightenment, or seeing that separation from it all (separate self) is just an imagined arising within oneself. One is not a human, but the Infinite Vastness/Being (which is luckily also always here, aka immortal/eternal, can't go anywhere infinite Nothingness with nothing outside of it) imagining a human and all its elements moving/appearing within itself. So it is Duality gone (visual field nondual) -> Nondual boundless infinite (boundary of the field is gone) -> Infinite solidity of "external" visual field is gone, replacing solidity with mere groundless lucid appearance -> imagined illusion/lucidity/non-material, mere imagined empty hologram like appearance. time is gone (as described above, past imagined right now) -> always here, never not here Infinite Mind/Being. Eternal, immortal, absolutely fundamental, all is appearing and arising in it, always. space is gone (imagined IN the infinte vastness of True Being) -> space doesnt exist outside, space is imagined in oneself, the vastness of Infinity (which is not 3d space), and there is no 3D-space (or any space at all, non-euclidian, 4D, whatever) possibly existing outside of your Infinite Being. No outside. Infinite. All there is. Space is not self-existing outside of ones own nondual infinite being. It is imagined by it. What is behind your face? "beyond" the visual field. Not (3d-)space, but the Infinite (Being). -> spaceless, dimensionless, infinite. Containing all possible dimensions and realms, high and low. all of that is imagined/constructed/manifested right here right now in ones nondual True eternal Being, Infinite Consciousness/Being. -> A mirage/illusion appearing in ones Infinite Being, giving rise to the illusion of a human life within it. Another way to say that is: In Pointing out the Great Way, Brown is one statement: If everything (1) all appearance of the world/visual field is seen as mere appearance (empty) hovering lucid and hologram like in Infinite Vastness (that can still be stage 3&4 Thisdell with separate-self well and alive, and that is why that is accesible via psychedelics) AND (2) each and any thought/feeling arising/"internal" mindstream event (including everything one believed oneself to be, I-feeling, I-thoughts, the whole history, the whole asking what is Reality/True Being, ALL of it) is seen as empty arising in Infinite Being/Nothingness/Consciousness. which means that ones mindstream is then conforming to the enlighened mindstream, or close to how Infinite Reality really is. Then Enlightenment can happen. But it can't be forced, since that would be thoughts with a thinker identified with them, with I-feelings, wanting something. Infinite Being/Consciousness has to understand itself, with no artifical activity/separate self trying to force it. At that point, the properties of the mindstream above can be automized, and this automatic meditation/mindfulness can be protected ("mindfulness without [artificial activity]"), element (1) of Nonmeditation Yoga, see Pointing out the Great Way, Brown). One doesnt't focus on anything (which Daniel Brown calls particularizing). This picking out something specific with attention (particularizing, the fastest process of the mind, way faster than thinking) is what creates Duality, or better disrupts the original nonduality. Instead, one watches how particularization happens, and transcends that in a way that the boundless nondual unity with/of the visual field is not interrupted. Element (2) of Nonmeditation Yoga, "do not take to mind". and then maintains and waits in that state. Meditation and Mindfulness in these awakened nondual states does itself. Enlightenment can't be forced, because who would do the forcing? Instead, the Infinite Vastness/Being can understand/realize itself (or its True Nature) when conditions are exactly right. That is then Enlightenment. Bye bye illusion-human, hello Infinite Being/Reality "having" a human,. Making the mindstream conform to the enlightened mindstream so that Enlightenment can happen is very important, because that part can be done by intelligent and informed practice. And that is why an efficient system is way faster, more efficient for most than and way more pleasent than a brute force approach like sitting an staring at the wall (brute force method), concentration or Koan-style. more likely to work than betting on just by having the right Karma and enough of the mere-appearance-infinite-character of the visual field and thought/feeling space in place already (Ramana, Anamanda Ma), and then some contemplation based on the already very much conforming mindstream Only those who needed to walked the steps can tell about the steps. Those are on top can mainly tell about how the properties of the roof are/what Truth is, but its more difficult to talk about steps that didn't have to be taken/climbed because they were already in place. The low success rate of the Enlightenment-endeavours in my perspective is due to mostly using brute-force-methods (which need lots and lots of willpower and pushing through negative emotions on the pillow) with no clear map of the steps of the path and the lots of cul-de-sacs of the path, or prodigy-approaches of telling about nature of True Being, but not offering a method path for average-gifted persons (Ramana for example). So, conforming to the enlightened mindstream mainly is: (1) Visual Field nondual, mere appearance, "hovering" in Infinite Vasteness/Infinity, being manifested/imagined right now (2) every thought arising/feeling arising is seen as emerging out of True Being/consciousness, made out of it, moving in it. Especially all thoughts/feelings relating to I/me. Feels impersonal, no separate indiduality found in any of that. And based on that the separate self (what one thought oneself to be) can be realized as mere flow of colours/appearances/feelings/thoughts (which have a very coherent and well made structure/Gestalt, and therefor are extremly hypnotizing and seem believeable) appearing in Oneself (Infinite Being), including the whole past, and that one IS the always here Infinite Eternal Field of Being/Consciousness. And the former separate-self is like the tree-picture in this wikipedia-article (below): A representation for something that appears (the tree), but has no independend existence apart from True Being (which is the nondual infinite eternal vastness of Being right here and now, with the body and mindstream having no different priority or separation from all that is). A well made illusion. The picture of the tree concept doesn't point to a real tree outside of consciousness (an object), but to shapes/colours of an imagined trees within Infinite Consciousness, not to real trees that exist outside of Infinite Being, self-existing/indepdently existing outside of consciousness. There are no trees, just the concept of them, and some imagined colours/forms/sensations giving the Gestalt of an appearance of atree. Same way, there is no human/separate-self beyond the appearance-Gestalt, and the concept pointing to such an imagined self-existing entity. There is only Infinite Being, not the human (which only appears in Infinite Being). There always ever was, is and can be the Totality of (true) Being, self-aware, perceptions perceiving themselves. Either with reflective-self-consciousness arising (like normal human mind stream), or just mere awareness of the Totality without the self-consciousness part, perceptions perceiving themselves. Aware, but not separate. The non reflective-pure awareness of this vast field/being is more fundamental than the temporary appearing self-consciousness (with I-feelings I-thoughts). The Awareness is the Sun, the reflective (self-) consciousness (I-feeling, I-thoughts) is the reflected light of the Sun on the planets. Basically, its replacing ones old mistaken identity (imagined false illusion separate-self) with the correct identity, Infinite timeless/eternal (always here) Being. The flow of the human mindstream with its practical thoughts and so on happen within Ones True Being. One has a human, but is not only the human. Thoughts or feelings of separation are known to be illusion. When that shift happen, this realization is always available by just reaching out, or immediately always present. The visual field IS mere appearance and lucid/hologram/groundless, it IS infinite, eternal always here. Thoughts and feelings ARE just floating in it, made out of it, and "it" is onself, nondual. And that can be felt all the time or by just checking/moving attention there. It can never really be unseen. Reality/True Being understands itself. It is beyond doubt, unshakable, deathless/immortal always here. And that is the kicker: One/True Being is literally immortal and infinite. Not the ego, but True Being with its nature of Awareness. One can never die, and nothing outside one self can truly threaten one, because there is no outside of oneself. Seriousness and danger is replaced with laughter and security. Resting in True Being generates bliss, even when approaching it in Thisdells stage 4. Its a self-reinforcing positive feedback loop: Cutting off thoughts, field nondual, bliss flows. Literally. And that reinforces the stability of Nondual mere appearance visual field even more. Awakening enchances awakening. Suffering/resistance to what is no longer grips in any form since a long time. If it moves within ones being, is seen and let go. Would the inherent bliss of True Being ever be exchanged with grasping for being an ET seeing more of manifested reality, but suffers because its not enlightened? (more on that later). That is a "hard" shift, it is not just thinking differently. It is for sure not "I am God and imagine all reality", which is just cosplay. It is Reality understanding itself, Infinite Being waking up to itself. What can do the understanding of that? Reality/Being/Infinite Consciousness. Waking up to its True Nature. That last shift is knowing what one really is, and that understanding/realization runs over a short period of time. Waking up. Happens only once. And is final. Is beyond doubt (since these would only be more thoughts/arisings moving within Reality and subsiding into it). The shifts/Awakenings leading towards it go over a longer time, many years. And then of course there are infinite forms of manifestation, ET n+1, with vastly more understanding of the relative manifestations, basking in their understanding of the imagination process, different dimensions, higher realms, non-euclidian space, completely other alien manifestation realms. Humans look like ants compared to that for sure. These beings have been reported since millenia, in all cultures, all times. Reality-creating and maintaining Gods (Brahman, Shiva, Vishnu and endless other names for them). But it is the same True YOU, the only Being or Awareness in existence. The same being. There is nothing outside of it. No other (being, God, alien). And one can have an unenlightened ET, not having realized what Reality really is. Beings of higher realms are not necessarily enlightened. That tale is as old as the spiritual traditions. Although many of these beings of higher planes are enlightened. An unenlightened ET (which by definition has separate-self-elements not transcended/seen through in real time, which are by definition nothing other than the elements resisting the now, or suffering in other words) is a rather sad and suffering figure compared to a being who has realized its True Infinite Being. Calling the lower higher, and the higher lower. Whose modus operandi is that again? But lets not end too serious: It is all an illusion-game, "nobody" really gets lost forever, and Maya smiles lovingly on all not-really-(self)-existing-but-just-appearing children of Reality, humans and ETs alike. Although it can appear & feel very real & serious. Selling Water by the River
  5. @Arthogaan the upper case me is indeed eternal but guess what ? Is nothingness itself . The ego is gonna vanish forever.
  6. Nothing . And why are you making real life so to speak analogous to a dream ? You just don't want to accept that death is either an endless bottomless void of nothingness or the mysterious unknown.
  7. Yes, correct. İ am just trying to point out what is asked. However, fundamentally "i" don't even exist. Meanwhile this so called life is gift of consciousness/emptiness/nothing. İt is like living on nothingness. Do you understand what i mean? We have max 100 years of life within the time that which has never start. My sentences are so called real as 100 years comparing to infinity.
  8. That's the point, nothingness is infiniteness. But you can't grasp it (or maybe is almost impossible), in this dream which is called reality.
  9. The Four Noble Truths 1. There is suffering/dissatisfaction/stress/anxiety/lack of fulfillment inherent within life/existence. 2. The cause of this suffering is clinging which arises from desire. 3. There is a way to end suffering. 4. The Noble Eightfold Path (worth looking up) is the way to end suffering. The three marks or characteristics of existence are 1. anicca - impermanence (everything changes, nothing and no one lasts forever) 2. dukkha - suffering/dissatisfaction/etc. 3. ānatta - non substantiality of the self/non self/no self There is a process through which ignorance leads to suffering called dependent origination (worth looking up). The lasting eradication of this ignorance is full awakening. Brahman/Atman is not the ultimate truth or realization to be had. Consciousness is not permanent, some ultimate truth, or your true self. Gods are lesser when compared to one who is fully awake. The cultivation of unwholesome thoughts and states lead to suffering and ignorance. The cultivation of wholesome thoughts and states support awakening. Wholesome = free from the five hindrances of greed, ill will, ignorance, sloth and torpor, and restlessness. Emptiness isn’t focused on as much in Theravada as it is in later forms of Buddhism, but it is the idea that nothing at all has inherent existence or exists on its own. There is no self nature to phenomena. Everything leans on other parts of reality in order to appear how it does to us. Consciousness doesn’t exist on its own for example. It arises with craving, clinging, ignorance, material form, feelings, mental formations, and perception. Looking into dependent origination is a good way to see more what is meant by the term emptiness. Put simply, the experiential world is a sort of magical illusion with many parts working together simultaneously to convince us that the individual parts of reality as well as reality as a whole is a solid, real thing. Seeing emptiness takes the bite out of suffering and also dismantles the illusion of the self. Nothingness in Buddhism typically refers to a specific meditative absorption being the seventh in a series of eight meditative absorptions called jhana which are temporary states that reduce suffering and fabrication. The jhanas are seen as very central tools in Theravada Buddhism as they are wholesome states which provide a temporary refuge from the hindrances.
  10. You are right that this is the last piece of the puzzle. Self-Awareness (bold marking by me), or awareness of its own existence is indeed NOT the Absolute. Its the last illusion... I wouldn't say that for Awareness (since here we would be on slippery terrain), but for self-awareness/self-consciousness definitely. Massaro summarized it nicely. Maybe watch that video a few times, and then the other parts of the Infinity-series: Awareness is "always there" (or not, since its beyond existing and non-existing), at least as a potential for sentience (if nothing arises, aka cessation, deep sleep), but if there is nothing to perceive there is no (self-)-consciousness. Unaware Deep Sleep, Cessation. But it doesnt really make sense to talk about awareness/consciousness if there is no perception, since then there is also no self-consciousness or self-awareness. Its pure Infinity/Absolute. The clap of the one hand. THAT Reality/Being which can be unaware of itself is what you are. Not the (self-)awareness with which one identifies, that is one of the last lenses/filters of illusion. You can be nothing at all, unaware of yourself (since there is no self-reflective self yet), with the potential for sentience. In your case, I assume getting that is the last building block to Enlightenment and fully getting what you are. Without fully realizing that, there is a subtle murky "nothing" self (Roger Thisdell stage 4). Thisdells stage 5 (another video) is then the resolve of the contradictions of stage 4. Everything else after this True Being/Absolute comes later: Manifestation, Infinite Field of mere appearance, gods & humans & aliens and the whole shebang. The "I am self-Awareness/Consciousness" feeling/thought/Gestalt (very subtle, hard to spot, the end boss so to say) is the last illusion/filter/lense of the last separate-self that can be constructed. And since it can be seen, since it changes, its an object, temporary, moving in True You. Leaves us with the point who/what realized all of that? Reality/Being realizes itself. And that is called Enlightenment. Its not personal, its not anything separate. It is Reality comprehending itself. Jac O'Keffee: "We're left with consciousness that cannot know itself. It's such a fundamental that it actually can't know itself. However, it is known. You can drop back there and it is known, but you can't bring yourself there or your capacities to know it. It's almost like it's so fundamental that it can't turn around and see itself. It doesn't see itself. That's too much movement. That's movement such as space, time and identification and me, myself, I, and the building of my movie that happens". And maybe most important. It is not an it, or an Absolute, or anything "third person singular"-pronoun at all that "has" "Awareness" and explodes into manifestation. IT IS You. True You. With a big Y. That becomes totally obvious when the whole field is a mere appearance floating in Nothingness/Infinity (1), and you are "It" since there is no separate anything left at all, no center at all left (2). Nondual mere appearance, impersonally floating in the Infinite impersonal Universal Mind. Something reflecting about what it is (awareness,self-awareness, whatever) is already a separate-self (a manifestation, arising, moving within You. I-Thoughts/I-feelings have no dimension or form, but are still appearance/imagination/arising/"form"), and that hides the True Reality/Being. Too much movement... So yes, its tricky... Roger Thisdells stage model is nice. Since at stage 3 "Big-Mind" (Frank Yang called that God-state, easy to be reached via Psychedelics), one is already the nondual field (1). But getting the separate self mostly empty (Thisdell stage 4), and totally empty (Thisdell stage 5, centerlessness, Enlightenment), needs emptying out the separate-self completely. I have never seen one case where that was done mainly or purely with psychedelics. Not enough time in these states to empty out/transcend/understand the "high-speed-machine-gun-illusion-fire" of the separte-self-ego. But instead that lovely darling quite active appropriating all of the Nondual Infinity, Gods, Demons, ETs, n+1... Which sometimes is not for the faint-of-hearted. Ok, so, after mis-understanding the question the way I wanted in order to write about what I liked, lets come back to the original question: And why the "first" movement happened? 1.First, that is a question that presupposes duality. Form vs. emptiness, and also time. Which means it can't really be answered on the level of concepts. But lets try it anyway as good as possible, just so that it calms the remaining questions you have, so that you can rest in your True Being in a non-conceptual way so that the Big Bang can happen.. 2. Think in dimensions of Indras Net. Just because "your" perspective is "switched off" in cessation/deep sleep doesn't shut off all other perspectives. Understanding one single perspective ("yours") is enough to understand the structure of all perspectives/beings/nodes in Indras Net as Universal/Infinite Mind. Indras Net (which is also True You, but lets take the separte perspective) "continues" happily even if your perspective goes cessation/infinite/blank. 3. Who said it ever started? That is already a lot of Duality smuggled in. The past is imagined in its Totality right here and now. Its all a big illusion, including the past. True You is here right now, imagining all of it, fooling itself with such questions as you have (sorry to say, but you are close to the endgame boss, so I hope you forgive me). Get "rid" of the questions, let them dissolve in your infinite Nondual Being as mere movements of thought-arisings, and rest in your being in a non-conceptual way (Nonmeditation-Yoga). And sometimes softly ask yourself "who hears these words right now", but without effort and grasping. I have written extensively about Nonmeditation-Yoga (Mahamudra) somewhere else. Then the Big Bang can happen, Infinite Reality understanding itself. 4. Only Formlessness/emptiness/Infinity would be an asymetry. God has infinite potential of manifestation that apparently is being explored right here & now by "you" and "me" and "everyone else". To use a human metaphor: It is the nature of the Infinite to explore its potential, going from each creation cycle to the next. There have been many descriptions when coming out of cesstion/Nirvikalpha this original impulse for creation can be experienced. Not IN cessation (since there is nothing/pure infinity), but coming out of it. And, since its en vogue, lets close with ET: After so much Selling Water by the River, here the much more precise summary: The old pond, A frog jumps in: Plop! - Basho
  11. What does it preach?explain key concepts. Also, elaborate the idea of emptiness and nothingness if there is any,what does it say about nature of reality and it's mechanism and consciousness, what it is?asking to know out of curiosity.
  12. @Princess Arabia what you quoted refers to real life experiences and life from the human surgical Pov. The topic starter was confused about the nature of good , bad , suffering, the " greater good" and so on The title asks "how" is reallity perfect As for your question, Reallity=Consciousness=Nothingness=Infinity=Intelligence=Love and so on , are labels for the same thing
  13. What about I live on nothingness as nothing? Because, it can not put in the words.
  14. @James123 A dream of Nothingness Love. All egos cant fucking imagine where they are 🤣🤣🤣 they think they are in a universe or reality somewhere 😂😂🫠 Is terryfing this stuff.
  15. That's what we have to reach like a normal thing in every day meditation. I use some thc to soften. Then sometimes the thing goes deeper, it's nothing that you could think or explain, it's like if under the surface a supernova is burning, that is hidden inside you. In a moment, without any signal, the veil dissapears, and you see. It burns the self, it gets volatilized. Waves of energy pass through you and you realize that you are those waves. It is the force of life in its purest form that is seen through the layer of appearance, then you realize the unfathomable immensity of what the cosmos is. This is not enlightenment, it is awakening to what lives, to the cosmos. It's brutal. Enlightenment is something else for me, it is that in you the unlimited living void opens up, the nothingness that is everything. you merge with it and you are it, it is not thinkable. There is no more beyond this, it is the end of the game. The two openings are the two faces of reality. one is definitive, the other is unlimited exploration, a flower that opens and reveals its interior, blinding beauty. This is the interesting game, total emptiness is total freedom, but that's it. You have to be able to open yourself to it to open the cosmos. I want to see with LSD in the desert when it's hot, see without limit
  16. Nothingness can not die because is not even a thing or is born. Universe does not Exist. This is nothing. i surrender. Hahaha im going to lose my Mind. This cant be real . Hahaha no no no way 🤣🤣 ego created everything @James123 Universe, reality, me, you, everything.
  17. I might not be an authority of awakening or god-realizations or anything like that, so please take this with a grain of salt... I've had many 'awakening experiences', and in my daily life the insights have stuck with me. To the point where I live life just as if it was a dream. I see no difference between the dreams I have at night, and my daily experience. It's come to a point where I feel like I can just do anything. I can just walk up to a random stranger and say "Hey, I fucking hate you and I'm gonna kill you". I am an empath, and I care about people. But the more I've realized how everything is imaginary, it's taken my human morals out the window. I see no point, meaning, moral, or anything like that, in anything. It's pretty f^ckin' scary, cus' it feels like I can die any second or get arrested, or ruin my life or whatever, whenever - and it wouldn't make a difference. What I'm having trouble with is finding the balance between knowing the truth of reality, and integrating it with my daily life. I have a job, I have friends, I have a life, but it all seems so fckn shallow and useless. There is no difference to anything, because I'm just experiencing everything as consciousness; as through my 5 senses. Everything is just colors and nothingness. That's it. And I don't feel a need to do anything or care about anything, because it's all just a dream. I'm not saying this because of something I've learnt, I'm saying this because I'm so f*^cking confused about how I should carry on living my everyday life. I play this character of mine, playing this game of life, whilst knowing nothing truly matters. There is no difference to anything, whatever duality I cross, I know it's just another mental boundary. So whilst playing this game, I wonder, how should I act? I'm still trying to hold on to the character of me (ego) while trying to live in the infinite self. But at the same time, my character faces consequences, and I might end up in jail or whatever, perhaps dead. It doesn't bother me one bit, but I still don't wanna harm people around me who are still attached to the normie-way-of-life. I'm floating above everything, seeing everything as the way it is, seeing nothing but colors and shapes, infinity and wholeness. It's Truth and it's really the only thing that exists. But at the same time I kinda have to "down-grade" my sense of self to belong in this world and the collective retardedness. How do I cope? And how do I act? Sorry for seeming f^cking weird, but this is the only way I can express myself...
  18. @QandC This is common. What is basically happening is that you are disingaging/unhooking from worldly rules, morals, obligation, authority. Imagine a child that is taken away from his mom while he's still in the process of sucking from her breast What is going to happen is that you will naturally start to become you own authority. In other words: when you realize life is meaningless, it's ultimately Good because you can start to create your own meaning. My advice is: when you are ready, cut the stuff you feel you are annoyed by, keep the things you genuinely like to do. Because you will find that even in this ocean of nothingness there are some things you naturally gravitate towards. It's desires that made you incarnate, identify tham and fulfill them. That's the game. Change your life according to your inclinations. So it does bother you. There is always going to some deeeeeeeep programming that serves the purpose of not making you act like a madman. Because of survival, you're going to see that it's easy to act out of common sense. There is simply stuff you cannot avoid doing unless you want to harm your body-mind. Which is not something you want if you live anywhere there are scraps social constructs (ex. You follow the queue at the supermarket, exacly as you did before).
  19. That is just the beginning reaction of ego. It's web of useless meaning has been shaken. But that is just a perspective. Yes it's colors and sensations in nothingness. But it's no JUST. Its the most beautiful, inteligent, breathtaking design of those colours possible. Its a perfect illusion. There is full of meaning in just appreciating this illusion, this inteligence, the freaking immesurable beauty of your own dreamed up body. When you sleep at night and realize its just a dream you can sit there and be sad about it. Which is kinda lame if you ask me. You can become lucid and now marvel at your own mind, at the beauty and joy of dreaming, exploring and having fun with shit and being loving. Cheers mate
  20. If I were you, I'd continue playing your character as best you can. Maybe try another form of work or friends or discover other cool versions of you! I'd try to stay out of trouble and not risk going to prison. Why? Because in prison, you won't have time to think about consciousness/nothingness when your mind will be working in overdrive trying to survive in what many deem as Hell on earth. Not to mention, there's no reset button and your experience will just be the same place with even LESS variety in your 5 senses.
  21. I just want to know that my ultimate destination in existence is gonna be perfection..goodness..bliss . Not necessarily in a form of heaven.. eternal sleep or nothingness doesn't scare me .in fact its better than your wildest dreams of heaven . Leo says when you die you become infinite love. I hope so .and fuck all else.✋️
  22. the ego is a reflection of what is there, that is what god is. When you die, you won't change. All the experiences/emotions/duality is awareness or consciousness itself, which is god. It will be all within you, but you aren't able to express everything fully because you're just an awareness/consciousness in nothingness Infinity/God/nothingness
  23. Because when you're there you want. 1. to share your love/awareness/being/consciousness with everybody and not just yourself. 2. Even eating shit or being eventually slaughtered is better then being there, there is nothingness/potential/eternal being that's all. There , you will understand that you will never know yourself and some questions will never be answered, so gods focus is mainly on life.
  24. Let's say that there can be a total awakening or openenss to the living void, to the ultimate essence of reality, to the infinite well of nothingness. This is enlightenment, although it sounds empty and Buddhist. is that it is empty and Buddhist and can't be transmitted by words because it can't be thought. But from the Buddhist emptiness there is another awakening equally absolute and completely opposite. the openness to what the dance of the cosmos is. You can say that this is form and therefore secondary, but it is absolute, eternal and total, just like emptiness. It is a mirror in which on one side is emptiness and the other is life, and on the side of life you cannot open yourself completely because you would burn. the life side is absolute power, the eternal cycles in which the infinite synchronizes perfectly and flows, the unimaginable total glory of existence in its perpetual motion. the game we're playing now.
  25. Cosmos is a word that I use to describe the realization of what reality is. When your being opens completely to the absolute void and you become that, you realize the non-causal nature of reality, the only cause is the absence of limits, that is not a thing, and from that inevitable circumstance total reality manifests. You become aware of the nature of the living infinite and you open yourself to it partially, since totally would be like looking at the core of a star. As I said in the post, it is a two-sided mirror, on one side it reflects total emptiness, on the other, total plenitude. both are reality and both are absence of limits, and both are absolute .there is no logic here, there is existence. The interesting thing comes in the exploration of what lives. Opening to emptiness is total liberation, and it is not that difficult, you just have to let the self fall completely. It is the obligatory step to openness to the full, to the dance of the cosmos. I guess you would have noticed that the trees grow, the galaxies are there and all that. It is not an idea of the mind, you make an idea in the mind from a reality, but you are not the creator of the cosmos with your mind, that is a fallacy. No one is the creator, the only creator is the non-impediment to the existence of everything. Infinity is cyclical and synchronic, its what I can see, and I can also open myself partially to its absolute power. That is true spirituality, it is more than you think, infinitely more. break the final barrier, which is nothingness, and you will open yourself to everything. it is not so difficult