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  1. so you can visualize nonduality as a form of philosophy, whereas leo is doing science. nonduality might simply be defined as the realization that all the raw stuff of experience is the ground of reality. leo wants to explore the infinity of consciousness and find out all the different forms consciousness can take.
  2. caused for example by or by Realization/Enlightenment/Constant Awakened Awareness. "Dr. Rick Strassman hypothesized that there might be a correlation between bursts of endogenous DMT during deep meditative states which coincides with the “mystical” experiences. Based on studying the general projected mechanics for DMT synthesis and the physical aspects of meditative practice, the hypothesis doesn’t seem far fetched whatsoever." Maybe because of that? And for all the psychedelic receptors: Andrew Gallimore, "Reality Switch Technologies: Psychedelics as Tools for the Discovery and Exploration of New Worlds" Where do you think mystical/awakend/nondual states based meditation/realization come from, and what their bodily correlates are? When the nondual/awakened state becomes constant, why shouldn't there be the corresponding bodily correlate? How come psychedelics loose their effect when the natural endohuasca-system takes over? Nonduality is such a powerful Awakened State that it would be very strange if that wouldn't have chemical correlates in the body, and (Gamma-)brainwave patterns in the brain. Let alone Enligthenment... And concerning "AWAKENINGS": Human beings have explored the various (alien) realms/dimensions ever since also through meditation and other altered states, with psychdelics or without. Going from exploring Astral/Psychic, Subtle and Causal realms, to full blown Out of body explorations. If anyone wants sources, I have more than enough descriptions in my library of experiences of all this stuff, spanning over the centuries and all cultures of the planet. Selling Water by the River DMT: Produced by Pineal Gland confirmed. Video below, 5 minute mark
  3. everything is cope religion is cope, materialism is cope, spirituality is cope, nihilism is cope, nonduality is cope, addiction is obviously cope. LYING is probably the biggest cope. the amount of lies I tell is disgusting, I should vomit. the first lie I remember telling is when I said my favorite Star Wars movie was A New Hope, even though my actual favorite was Return of the Jedi. I thought my older cousins would judge me for loving the ewoks or some bullshit. I feel like a sewer rat covered in sludge. but I can’t allow myself to fall into self loathing, because that would just be more cope. everything short of taking absolute, 100% responsibility for every aspect of life is cope. I chose this, all of it. fucking all of it is my creation. I am actively creating hell for myself.
  4. I cannot be sure since I don't know anyone who has done it but me. And my path involved 10 years of nonduality and Buddhist teachings. You can always transcend the human spirituality as long as you have the desire to do so and you don't convince yourself that you're "done". So I'd say there's no rush. Give yourself a good 5-10 years of human spirituality. Be realistic with yourself.
  5. It's both. It's such a high degree that it opens up an entirely new domain of mind. It truly feels like you have been a caterpillar your whole life and then suddenly you evolved into a butterfly. And by caterpillar I mean all your prior human awakenings, enlightenments, trips, etc. It's in another league beyond those. It's truly fucking shocking. As shocking as Awakenings are, Alien Awakening is 10x more shocking than that. At this level you are in a domain that has never been written about or talked about by an spiritual teacher who I have ever read or seen. This possibility does not even exist for nondual teachers. It's something they've never even thought about once. And this will be completely obvious to you because anyone who experiences it would not be interested in teaching anything else. Nonduality becomes completely uninteresting once you discover alien consciousness. Because it's just 10x-100x more conscious.
  6. @Leo Gura Will you talk about limitations of buddhism, nonduality and spirituality in general in your new course or future videos?
  7. Half-baked or partial understanding of a situation. The problem isn't that science, nonduality, and Buddhism are outright false. It's that they are dangerous half-truths. The devil does not fool you with falsehood, he fools you with half-truths.
  8. nonduality says what reality is not. is not two. Well, once you realize this, that's when you start to go deeper into yourself, that is, into reality. It's just the beggining Buddhism i would say that it point much deeper, to realize the essence of reality, to truly open to yourself.
  9. I've indirectly covered nonduality is many videos. Nonduality is not false per se, it's just not a very deep consciousness.
  10. I remember joining the forum, and in my first thread being scolded by Leo for referring to the nonduality "theory". How dare I put the two words together, as if nonduality could be anything but TRUTH? Lesson learned: look to yourself for TRUTH.
  11. I agree. Awakening is realizing who you are, and for most people it happens over and over again. Enlightenment is remaining awake within the dream. Lucidity deepens the more you dissolve. @Water by the River The challenge of marketing spirituality is that you constantly have to oversell yourself. Your paycheck is only as good as your latest, most profound insight. What comes after nonduality > alien intelligence > infinity of gods? Instead of selling water by the river, teach people to draw living water from within themselves.
  12. @Ash55 Buddhism is obsessed with peace and nothingness so it is quite limited and shallow. Traditional Nonduality is not deep and direct enough but it is still way better than buddhim.
  13. Why does it matter whether an insight is true, if you don't integrate it? You can chase insights your entire life, and continue suffering in delusion, or you can integrate the truth of who you are and become free. Attachments are bondage, and lead to suffering. If you don't realize this, you aren't awake or AWAKE. I'm not a Buddhist, or a believer in any dogma, including nonduality.
  14. Nothing induces more false insight than human science, nonduality, and Buddhism. All human spirituality is false insight.
  15. An insightful article by Joan Tollifson on the nature of addiction, on how capitalism focusses on creating desires and addressing them rather than genuine needs, creating an artificial psychological sense of lack in the process and thereby pleasure addictions... Joan Tollifson is a spiritual teacher whose background includes Buddhism, Advaita, nontraditional meditative inquiry, radical nonduality, martial arts, somatic work, addiction recovery, political activism, visual arts . She is a student of Toni Packer, a teacher of zen buddhism , and have authored books and articles on meditation, nondual philosophy and openly shares her own experiences with addiction, depression, cancer, aging, disability, and other life adventures. Born handicapped losing a hand ( her right hand was severed in utero by a strand of amniotic tissue) she is also a disability rights activist.
  16. Nonduality is a wave in a cesspool made by scurrying rats. Do not corrupt my forum with your rat-waves.
  17. I watch Leo and Bentinho for six years and this is probably my favourite snippet ever. Just listening to it, after 9 minutes I feel like after 1 hour meditation. One with everthing, and naturally loving and joyful. You can feel sincere happiness of being, of existing in Bentinho here. I recommend watching the whole thing but the gold snippet I am talking about is between 29:25 and 40:00. I think it is perfect combination of Nonduality and God-Realization in very simple words.
  18. Disclaimer: I am NOT trying to put Leo's teachings in a bad light or anything.. this is simply words of caution for those who are prone to depression and also pathologically and seek truth in all aspects of existence. I used to be a "light Hindu" as a child .. I was brought up with the notion that there is some sort of God and afterlife.. but I never cared anything about it and didn't really pay the God question any time. In my teens I started getting existential.. unlike most teenagers..but also unlike most teenagers I got almost obsessive. Leo's videos helped me to move from stage blue to stage orange (before even hearing of spiral dynamics yet ). The separate God/after life perished from the realm of "possible" quite soon because his videos In 2016. Objective morality followed shortly after that . Free will evaporated as well easily once my intellect had taken full control of my mind. The last "battle" for my sanity was the ultimate "Is there ANY sort of meaning to life" question. And fair to say: sanity lost to reason once more. A few months post these radical realizations ..a realization added ontop of years of those other realizations I found myself isolated..without any ability to think forward in time. I was stuck in a frozen brick of existence. I tried to desperately fool myself back into the "safe" blissful ignorance. I tried to convince myself that I could live normally again without those comforting beliefs that leo have shattered for me ... But I realized it was just a futile reflex trying to perserve my being. Then I decided to join the forum .I joined two years ago ..and started asking questions nonstop to the point Leo has threatened me to "do the work " and stop "mentally masturbating" my way to awakening. But what he meant is I should basically start doing psychedelics .I couldn't get my hands on any because of their illegality in India. I went to Thailand to hunt some hookers few months ago but also I found that all psychedelics are banned there . So I continued posting here my contemplations and my mental masturbations . And to be honest ..I had glimpses of the "Ox " here and there just listening to Leo's videos . Until I stumbled upon his solipsism video .and that was the final nail in my coffin. Ever since I listened to that video I can't get out of my mind the idea that I'm all alone (the only conscious "thing " in existence ,as Leo tells the viewer in that video). I went mad for a while .my ego was out of control. It took almost a year to get past it. It took more than a few sexual experiences ..learning some skills or making some money .i told myself One day you'll realise how stupid you were for thinking any of that would help. I overcame it through understanding that not only did I not have all the answers..but that the answers I had were not the whole story. There's far more grey than there is black or white. I told myself: "Why are you so concerned with things you can't do a thing to change? What difference will knowing "the truth" actually make in your life? If you focus your mind on things you can't influence.. you will naturally become detached and depressed". I suffered.. and still suffer.. from clinical anxiety disorder. I formed a nihilistic view on life before I'd ever even heard of the word..or the works of philosophers like Nietzsche. Yet.. I've found..existentialism and nihilism to be of benefit to my mental welbeing. Although.. I can understand how the idea that life is inherently futile could be construed as depressing. But now ..I consider myself "enlightened ". NOW what do I mean by that ? I mean the following: I no longer believe in any thing .no belief systems whatsoever. Not even direct experience. Nothing at all. Total and complete not knowing and childlike wonder . I see all worldviews including nonduality and solipsism as just mental noise . I'm completely free from the shackles of the conceptual mind .I see that nothing I think or deduce has nothing to do with TRUTH. TRUTH is more serious than finding it on a forum or listening to a guy talking on YouTube. You must commit your whole life to it .and that's what Leo is doing .and I'm not.
  19. Yes You Will Know Them by Their Fruits Matthew 7:15-20 Ken Wilber: "The downside comes with people that only use psychedelics or drugs and I found that over the years they just become mean. Somehow it just kind of closes them down. It's like you keep doing it and you keep doing it you keep doing it doesn't quite cause the transformation. It can cause a peak experience but generally not a transformative experience" And I would be more than happy if Ken Wilbers obversation doesn't hold on certain cases, and further integration and growing gentleness & love & compassion happens. Yet, we have come to see time and time again that all the past declarations of moderation have had their "challenges in implementation". Yours truly has learned the hard way that going aggresive on anything is a less than smart idea, because doing that immediately stops any kind of awakened nondual state by closing down, cutting the flow of bliss, love and compassion from the source. Causing only more suffering on top of the suffering/pain occuring by the thing causing the aggresiveness. There is no stable baseline state of staying awakened without compassion and love. And the alternative to compassion and love can only be ones own suffering. That learning & knowing (and not allowing closing-down emotions&actions) is one of the advantages of going the sobre paths. One learns time and time again not to do certain less than smart stuff because of the negative effect it has on ones state. Instant Karma so to say. There are "security locks" on Nonduality & Awakened states & Enlightenment installed by Reality itself, and of course having an autoimmune/allergic-reaction on something happening in ones visual field, in Ones Own True Being actually, (and that something can be a different opinion written in a forum, criticizing certain core beliefes/values/whatever) splits the Nondual Reality in two and causes duality and suffering. Without compassion & love (in Buddhism Boddhichitta, but all spiritual traditions have this sort of value and practice) it is impossible to truly rest in a stable way in Ones True Nondual Nature. And it is even logical: If one hates a part of oneself, one has an autoimmune/allergic reaction, making one sick/not healthy, and that splits Nonduality into fragments (one fragment/appearance hating the other fragment/appearance): Duality & suffering by definition. Selling Water by the River PS: And "not caring about being human" is of course not the path of differentiation & transcendence and integration (or healthy growth), but differentiation, disassociation and failing integration (sick "growth"), stopping continued transcendence/growth in its tracks, leading to a variety of symptoms and failed growth on many development lines. For more on that, see Ken Wilber growth model, describing in detail exactly what we can watch here. Best described in Wilber, "The Religion of Tomorrow: A Vision for the Future of the Great Traditions" (see quote below). Ken Wilber in "The Religion of Tomorrow: A Vision for the Future of the Great Traditions" One can step deeply enough into thetimeless Now to step into another dimension altogether—just step right here, and push hard. It’s easy to get lost in those worlds, which are, at bottom, simply different dimensions and perspectives of one’s own (violet) consciousness (although, as noted, from another angle, they are all real, ontologically different realms because they are each genuinely co-enacted by a different perspective in consciousness). Given that this stage is the first great transition from “earthly” realms to “heavenly” realms (as a permanent structural enaction), getting lost in these “higher worlds” is indeed one of the most common dysfunctions of this level. The deeply transcendental, otherworldly, electrically visionary nature of consciousness at this altitude makes fixation to this side of the street an incredibly inviting and alluring venture. This is likely to couple with the dysfunction, discussed earlier, of standing in heaven and giving a blistering critique of life here on earth, with all the semiprophetic pomp and pomposity that comes with it. One of the things that often happens with these specific dysfunctions is that, after making some initial discovery of a timeless Now or pure Present (either in 3rd-tier structures or higher states), one can step into that Present and then step right through it into what seem to be endless, “deeper,” “higher” realms altogether, a kaleidoscopic cascade of universes upon universes that at one point seem to be nothing but a slight wiggle in this moment’s timeless Now, and then at the next explode into almost infinitely extending real realms that are all alive and invite exploration—with a sign on the door that says “Welcome to Heaven!” This is extremely common in high subtle and low causal states, but if it happens with structures, it tends to happen right here, with the violet meta-mind (due largely to its visionary nature). In short, getting “lost in heaven” is the most common dysfunction of this level. As a dysfunction, it is—in terms of simple numbers— much more common as a result of a malformation in high subtle or causal states (given that subtle and causal states are much more common than this high altitude, and most states, and their dysfunctions, can be experienced at almost any structure-stage). But this problem is simply the living result of the enactive nature of the real world and the fact that consciousness can co-create an almost endless number of universes, any number of which one can become fixated or semiaddicted to, with straightforwardly dysfunctional results." And for experiencing all of that, meditation and/or Out of body experiences (OBEs) are and have been an alternative methods to psychedelics (which also have been used ever since, see "Secret Drugs of Buddhism: Psychedelic Sacraments and the Origins of the Vajrayana" for example. For access on these realms via meditation/OBEs/psychedelics, see also the work of for example Jürgen Ziewe (OBEs), Christopher Bache, Stanislav Grof, Rick Straussman, Andrew Gallimore, Graham Hancock in Visionary, and so on. Lot of other sources on request. There is nothing new under the sun. "Although my view is higher than the sky, my respect for the cause and effect of actions is as fine as grains of flour" - Padmasambhava
  20. I see so much oneness/nonduality talk. An yet how many of these people if any can say they're okay with giving up attachments to many of their objects and aren't as tied to the 5 senses. Many religious founders spoke of a divine ecstasy/love rapture that is a fruit of spiritual development. An yet where is it and who talks about it? Curious what you all have found. Thanks :).
  21. I think Leo is skilled with the cognitive and mental aspects of nonduality, but he doesn’t seem to have anything to say about actual embodiment. His content is so cognitive-centric that it can spin some people out.
  22. I never made this assumption. Just like all humans I started my spiritual work with the exact opposite assumption. It took me 100s of profound and painful awakenings to finally rid myself of the assumption that stuff exists outside my mind. - - - - - - You are absolutely wrong. GOD IS ABSOLUTE SOLIPSISM. You are not AWAKE and you don't understand what AWAKENING really entails. There cannot be anything outside your own MIND. Because your MIND IS INFINITE. If anything existed outside your own MIND then GOD would not be omnipotent nor omniscient. As you soon as you imagine any sense of "other" you lose your omnipotence and omniscience. This is the very mechanism by which GOD becomes not-GOD. It is absolutely true that all humans are a dream. You don't like to accept that because you will feel lonely and very depressed. Therefore you refuse to surrender the imagining of other people and you blame and project onto me as misunderstanding spirituality, when of course the one who doesn't understand spirituality is you. You are a perfect case-study of how Buddhism and nonduality leads to self-deception and false spirituality. You have been trying too hard to be a good little Buddhist boy, but none of that will ever be enough to AWAKEN. You must destroy all of Buddhism and nonduality if you actually want to AWAKEN. Pretty obvious stuff. What you consider my greatest pitfall is just projection. It's your greatest pitfall. But you are making one even deeper projection. You are literally projecting my existence. In fact I do not exist outside your mind, and as soon as you stop imagining me I will cease to exist. I hope some day you open your mind deep enough to comprehend me. Much love.
  23. Tsk, tsk... Nonduality.