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  1. What Does Awakening Feel Like Defining "Awakening": Awakening is a complex and ineffable state of heightened consciousness, distinct from ordinary experience, that is difficult to convey due to its profound nature and the limitations of language. Personal Variability in Awakening Experience: Individual experiences of awakening can differ greatly due to factors such as neurology, genetics, and personal interpretations; what Leo describes is subjective and may not exactly match another person's experience. Awakening vs Ego Reactions: It's crucial to differentiate between the pure experience of awakening and the ego's reactions to it. These reactions, such as shock or drama, are not the awakening itself, which can be complicated to discern. Awakening vs Mystical Phenomena: Awakenings should not be confused with other mystical phenomena, like seeing angels or religious figures. Awakening pertains to a profound realization of self, rather than merely visionary experiences. The Consciousness Dial Analogy: Leo illustrates the concept of awakening by likening consciousness to a dial that ranges from deep sleep (near zero) to limitless levels of "sobriety". An awakening cranks this dial to an unimaginable degree, often inducing terror due to sheer intensity. Phenomenological Feel of Awakening: Awakening is characterized by an extraordinary lucidity and sharpness of perception, where reality remains physically unchanged but is comprehended in a radically new light. The familiar such as a coffee table, is seen in its 'true' form for the first time. Awakening as Heightened Lucidity: The awakening experience can be described as a profound increase in lucidity, making the entire environment—including inanimate objects—appear crystalline, luminous, and as though viewed in a vacuum. Recontextualization of Matter: Through awakening, what is commonly perceived as matter becomes understood as luminous consciousness itself, with objects taking on an appearance of both solidity and mirage-like qualities. Recontextualization of Physicality: Objects maintain their physical properties like solidity and color but one's perception of them changes; they're understood as mirages within consciousness, with even solidity revealed as another aspect of the mirage. Hyper Presence: An extreme state of presence is achieved that can be unsettling in its intensity, surpassing anything previously known or thought to be possible. Physical Transformed to Spiritual: Matter is reinterpreted as spirit or divinity. Everything one sees—the room, one's body—is recognized as the illuminated mind of God rather than physical substances subject to biological processes. Qualia as Absolute Truth: Experience and sensation, or qualia, are not temporal occurrences but eternal manifestations in the mind of God, leading to the realization that phenomena are not governed by physical laws but are divine, acausal, and instantly manifesting. Realization of God: One has an immediate and profound realization of the reality of God, not as a speculative idea, but as a direct, present, and experiential truth. Identifying as God: Moving beyond the realization that the surroundings are divine, one turns inward to discover that they are not just a part of God but the entirety of God, overcoming a wall of denial and fully embracing this identity. Universe Awakening to Itself: This transition leads to the understanding that the individual is the universe experiencing itself, and that human existence was simply a dream of the universe. Cosmic Self-Perception: One's sense of being a small human within a vast universe is replaced by the realization that they are the cosmos itself, transcending physicality and embodying a metaphysical, universal identity. Infinite Scale: The concept of scale becomes meaningless as one experiences infinite complexity at every level, from the micro to the macro; every part of existence holds the potential for infinite exploration and is a self-contained universe. Existential 'I Am-ness': An existential realization occurs where one identifies as existence itself, with no possibility of non-existence. Transcending Death: Death is either experienced as an ego death and thus a release from an illusory limitation or understood as an impossibility because one's true identity is eternal existence. The Surreality of Awakening: Awakening induces a surreal sense of having "broken" reality, transcending the imagined physical constraints of the brain and mind, leading to profound shifts in perceived reality. Shock and Obviousness of Awakening: The feeling of awakening is so unexpected and shockingly clear that it can induce laughter because what seemed doubtful before now appears as the most obvious truth — that one is the entire universe dreaming up their life. Radical Nature of Realization: The realization that comes with awakening is so radical it defies all definitions of the term, creating a paradigm shift in understanding reality as something far different from prior expectations. Deconstructing Misconceptions: Preconceived notions about awakening fall apart as one recognizes them as mere stories and delusions; what is experienced in awakening is starkly different and far more profound than any previous ideas or expectations. Map versus Territory: During awakening, one's experience reveals the territory of true reality, highlighting how wrong the map — our constructed perceptions and concepts about reality — was in comparison. Realization of Life's Illusion and Perfection: The awakening process uncovers the realization that there never was a separate self and that what was previously considered 'nothing' is actually the rich entirety of life, redefined as both 'nothing' and 'everything.' Oneness and Unity with All: In the state of awakening, one recognizes they are not just connected to everything but are everything, including all people and objects; even memories and the past take on new meaning as constructs contributing to this moment of awakening. Understanding Infinity and Existence: An awakening can lead to the realization of being infinity itself, which brings an overwhelming sense of completeness and deep peace, marking a profound existential shift. Struggle for Definition: The ego's attempt to define the undefinable nature of God or self will fail, leading to the recognition that the essence of reality is an ungraspable mystery. Experiencing Perfect Beauty and Love: The actualization of awakening allows for the realization of one's own infinite beauty and perfection, leading to complete self-acceptance, love, and the melting away of self-judgment. Gradual Process and Multiple Facets of Awakening: Awakening is not a single event but rather a collection of many glimpses and aspects that unfold over years, or even decades, of spiritual work and integration. Highest Levels of Awakening: At the highest levels, physical distinctions collapse as consciousness expands; one becomes a perfectly conscious point that contains everything, transcending form and the known physical universe. Limitations of Conveying Awakening: The experience of awakening cannot be fully conveyed or understood through usual concepts of experiences or states of the brain; it transcends all physical, biological, and scientific processes and is not a product of causality. Misinterpretation of Awakening as an Experience: Mistaking the awakening for a mere 'experience' is a misunderstanding, as it is not a state produced by the brain but the realization of absolute truth, not limited or caused by any natural or mechanical processes. Existential bind of discussing awakening: Leo explains the paradox of discussing awakening: keeping silent about it keeps others unaware, but discussing it can lead to misunderstandings due to the limitations of language, mind, and one's current level of consciousness. Consciousness as a master control knob: Leo emphasizes that to truly understand awakening, one must 'crank' the knob of consciousness to higher levels, as no amount of thinking, logic, or science can help if you are stuck at a lower level of consciousness. Resources for exploring awakening: Leo advises his viewers to read his recommended book list, containing works by experts and masters, to help lend credibility to the seemingly unbelievable nature of awakening. Warning against simplistic teachings of awakening: Leo criticizes certain neo-Advaita teachings that claim awakening is ordinary and non-astounding, arguing that a true experience of awakening is astonishing and rips apart one's reality. The middle ground in spiritual awakening: He highlights the importance of not getting stuck chasing peak experiences or renouncing progress as purely egoic, but rather finding a balance that recognizes the extraordinary depth of awakening. Recognizing incomplete awakenings: Leo warns that many individuals believe they are fully awakened when they haven't fully grasped the depth of reality. He asserts that someone who is truly awakened can instantly recognize when others are not. Awakening versus mystical visions: He differentiates between genuine awakening, which is a profound shift in consciousness and self-realization, and mystical visions or encounters with entities, which he considers tangential to pure awakening. Continuous exploration of awakening: Leo concludes by acknowledging that he is still discovering new facets of awakening and promises to share these insights with his audience in the future. He mentions the facet of 'self-design' as an example of a complex aspect of awakening he has yet to discuss in full. Alohomora
  2. The Social Matrix - How Society Is A Mass Hallucination "Culture is a mass hallucination, and when you step outside the mass hallucination you see it for what it's worth." - Terence Mckenna Concept of the Social Matrix: The social matrix is an intricate web of societal elements and institutions that human minds use to construct reality. People unknowingly participate in this collective construction, mistaking it for objective reality. It shapes deeply rooted beliefs about history, knowledge, and morality. Influence and Selection of Information Sources: Individuals are conditioned from an early age to trust certain information sources without realizing the arbitrary nature of this trust. Reasoning for selecting sources, like media, the Internet, and educational materials, is based on faith rather than objective methods. Questioning of Information Validity: Each source of information is vulnerable to deception and corruption, and those providing information also grew up in a world where knowing which sources to trust was unclear. The circularity of validating information within the web of society reveals the lack of truly independent, unbiased authority. Role of Academia and Wikipedia: Wikipedia, authored potentially by academics, raises the question of the neutrality and the biases of the contributors. The educational system itself, formed by previous generations and governed by school boards influenced by parents, perpetuates potential distortions and subjective ideologies. Intertwined Authority and Validation of Knowledge: The social matrix utilizes a network of authority and cross-validation, often appealing to other parts within the same network. This includes trusting academic institutions, universities, and the credibility accorded by peer-reviewed journals, which heavily influence career paths and professional credibility. Vicious circularity in human epistemology: Leo elucidates the deeply incestuous and self-serving circularity inherent in human knowledge systems, where the judgment of what is considered authoritative reinforces itself through various interconnected academic and information platforms. Trust in academic and information gatekeepers: Leo questions the trust in journal editors, university educators, and other authorities within the academic system, exposing a feedback loop where the trust and authority granted to these figures are based on pre-existing standards that they themselves helped to create. The reinforcing web of information: Elements of knowledge within society, such as Wikipedia, schools, universities, and search engines like Google, are highlighted as part of a web that reinforces and justifies itself in a self-serving manner, creating a collective 'mind' that is susceptible to self-deception. Biases within Google's PageRank algorithm: Leo shares his insight as a former SEO specialist, explaining how Google's PageRank system can perpetuate biases by assigning higher authority to links from universities. This can create a feedback loop where academic biases influence search results, which in turn reaffirm those academic perspectives. Possibility of unseen information due to Google's algorithm: Leo raises concerns about information and perspectives that may never be presented to users because Google's search algorithms prioritize content that is most profitable or popular, not necessarily what is true or comprehensive. Manipulation of Google search results for profit: Leo discusses the manipulation of Google search results for financial gains and the public's general unawareness of such practices, stressing that these manipulations can influence what is considered factual or authoritative. Education and academia's intertwinement with capitalism: The ties between educational institutions, the internet, and the capitalistic economy are discussed, showing how education functions as a business prioritizing endowments, reputation, and authority over the pursuit of truth. Incentives and disincentives to conform within academic systems: Leo highlights the systemic incentives for agreeing with and progressing within educational frameworks, such as good grades, credentials, and eventual employment, contrasting with disincentives to question or challenge the status quo. Flow of authority and credibility in society: The concept of how authority, reputation, and credibility flow through societal institutions is compared to Google's link juice, revealing a longstanding dynamic where certain institutions and individuals are granted more credibility than others, influencing public perception and trust. Role of economy and capitalism in shaping knowledge: The economy plays a significant role in determining what knowledge is disseminated and valued, deeply influencing the educational and research priorities of institutions like universities and their ties with for-profit sectors. Hierarchy of Information Authenticity: Society has developed a hierarchy determining credible and non-credible sources, which influences what information is perceived as authoritative. Business Influence on Research: What gets researched in universities is heavily dependent on available funding. Biases in funding decisions can affect the direction of scientific inquiry. Pharmaceutical Companies and Profit Motivation: Pharmaceutical companies, driven by the need to maximize shareholder profits, fund research favoring patentable drugs over possibly healthier and cheaper natural alternatives. Banking System and Social Constructs: Money acts as a social construct within the matrix, lubricating exchanges between various societal elements and institutions. Wall Street and Flow of Money: Wall Street directs the flow of money within the social matrix, determining which parts of society get resources to grow, similar to how blood flow affects parts of the body. Survival Incentives and System Conformity: Individuals face a strong incentive to conform to societal systems to meet basic survival needs, like paying rent and buying food, post age 18. Society's Collective Survival Mechanism: The social matrix serves as a sophisticated system for collective and individual human survival, but its intricacies are often not fully comprehended by its participants. Scientific Authority and Validation: Science is regarded as a credible authority, but its validation ultimately relies on a chain of trust in authority figures, with most scientists not personally validating the majority of cited studies. Role of Educators and Hierarchical Knowledge Dissemination: Educators and subsequent generations perpetuate the authority of science without necessarily engaging in critical examinations of epistemology or metaphysics. Interpretation and Bias in Historical Knowledge: Our understanding of history is largely constructed from a chain of narratives filled with potential biases, interpretive distortions, and intentional omissions for cultural pride preservation. Social Matrix Cultural Components: Social norms, taboos, and ceremonies reinforce the social matrix, shaping one's aspirations and behavior in the pursuit of climbing the societal hierarchy. Incestuous Nature of Industries: Industry insiders network and shape their fields, leading to an incestuous atmosphere where favors, gossip, and networking have a substantial impact on career trajectories. Influence of the Food Industry on Mind and Health: The food industry, including fast food and supermarkets, is part of the social matrix and significantly impacts mental clarity. The widespread availability of low-quality, toxic food, marketed as healthy or desirable, influences eating habits from a young age, potentially leading to health issues and obstructing clear thinking. Advertising as a Tool of Social Conditioning: Billions are spent on highly targeted marketing campaigns that exploit human fears and desires, significantly shaping beliefs and behaviors. Advertising is not concerned with truth or well-being, but rather with selling products, even at the cost of the consumer's health. Childhood Exposure to Marketing: From an early age, children are exposed to relentless advertising across various media. This shapes their development, instilling consumerist values and desires, potentially leading to a lifetime of conformity to the social matrix. Subconscious Impact of Advertising: Advertising subtly influences our tastes, values, fears, and anxieties, distorting our perception of authentic desires and values. It manipulates perceptions of health and well-being, impacting lifestyle choices without conscious realization. Workplace Conformity and Capitalism: In the professional environment, individuals adopt their employer's worldview to maintain job security. Confronting or contradicting this worldview threatens one's livelihood, illustrating the conformity required for financial survival in the capitalist system. Challenges of Ethical Business Practices: Establishing a "conscious" business while competing against companies that engage in unethical practices (such as lobbying and advertising) is incredibly difficult, revealing the systemic pressure to abandon ethical principles for survival within capitalism. Corruption in Non-Profits and Charities: Non-profit organizations are not immune to corruption and often rely on funding from businesses that use charitable donations to launder their image. This renders even the non-profit sector complicit in reinforcing the social matrix. Bias in Technology Development: The types of technologies developed are influenced by businesses and are intended to be marketable and profitable, rather than healthy, truthful, or consciously beneficial. This technology perpetuates and deepens the social matrix's influence. Government's Role in Maintaining Social Matrix: Government policies, laws, and subsidies play a critical role in upholding the social matrix, contributing to the establishment of societal norms, and demarcating acceptable and unacceptable behaviors or beliefs. Influence of Advertising and Brainwashing: Individuals can develop a fondness for products like Coca-Cola due to sustained advertising, which effectively brainwashes them into loving potentially harmful products, similar to Stockholm syndrome. Role of Government in the Social Matrix: Laws, courts, police, prison, military, taxation, and national identity are all components deeply entrenched within the social matrix, influencing individuals' epistemic worldviews and political beliefs. Whitewashing of National History: National identity is associated with a national history that has often been sanitized and whitewashed, with educational systems promoting uncritical narratives about a country's legacy. Political Influence and Media's Role: Billion-dollar think tanks, political lobbying, and media outlets like Fox News and CNN shape public opinion on various issues, often neglecting deeper epistemological and metaphysical concerns in favor of survival within the social matrix. Pressures of Wealth and Public Image: The struggles of individuals, including financially successful news anchors and billionaires, are tied to their roles within the social matrix. Accumulated wealth comes with its own set of survival-based challenges, perpetuating the matrix. Enforcement of the Social Matrix through Legislation: Governments may pass laws that prevent the questioning or exposing of the social matrix to protect business interests, such as making it illegal to film in slaughterhouses. Survival as a Natural Force within the Social Matrix: Survival is described as a force of nature like gravity, inherent in every human, driving participation in and perpetuation of the social matrix, regardless of social or economic status. Religion and Language as Aspects of the Social Matrix: Religion influences cultural norms and ethics, while language shapes thought processes and ideas, both being powerful but often unquestioned elements of the social matrix. Influence of Close Relationships in Maintaining the Social Matrix: Family, friends, and coworkers actively discourage questioning the social matrix to preserve harmony and stability in relationships, driven by the collective desire for love and approval. Conformity Enforced in Social Gatherings and Gender Norms: Etiquette, fashion, gender roles, and sexuality are dictated by the social matrix, with these norms being reinforced in social gatherings, where deviation from the matrix can lead to exclusion. Healthcare System and Medicine within the Social Matrix: Leo discusses how the healthcare system, including pharmaceuticals and doctors, is a substantial part of the social matrix. He questions where we get our ideas of health and points out that doctors, educated within the social matrix, may unknowingly dispense advice and drugs heavily influenced by pharmaceutical companies' marketing strategies, without engaging in genuine scientific inquiry. Questioning Reality and the Mental Health System: The mental health system, including therapy and psychotherapy, is analyzed as part of the social matrix. He suggests that even professionals in this field derive their understanding of mental health from the social matrix, which might not truly know what is healthy for the human brain. Leo also touches upon the issue that seeking help from mental health professionals, who are entrenched within this system, can result in reinforcing the very illusions that one should be questioning. Interconnected Web of Social Constructs: Leo presents a vivid image of society as a tightly interwoven tapestry of constructs, which reinforces itself and shapes our understanding of reality, morality, values, and other societal ideas. He implies that our entire sense of reality—down to the physics of our existence—is derived from the social matrix, making it challenging to imagine alternatives or question this deeply ingrained system. Transcendence of the Social Matrix: Despite the complexity and ubiquity of the social matrix, Leo contends that it is possible to become conscious of and transcend the matrix through difficulty and strenuous perseverance. He describes the social matrix as limiting our imagination and perceptions, akin to the old practice of foot-binding, which physically deformed and constrained growth. Independent Thinking as a Mechanism to Break Free: Emphasizing the necessity of independent thought from scratch, Leo advocates for thinking methodically, without biases, and from a place of truth and self-honesty. Not taking anything for granted, including foundational beliefs and societal truths, is crucial to escaping the social matrix. Real Skepticism: Leo describes true skepticism as a painful process where one's favored illusions crumble. To him, real skepticism is not about cherry-picking but rather systematically questioning everything, even personal beliefs about our own nature and existence, to avoid getting trapped in the social matrix. Peer pressure and conformity: From an early age, starting in preschool, individuals are subject to peer pressure to conform to societal expectations. This pressure continues throughout schooling and university, internally reinforcing the social matrix. Educational indoctrination and blind acceptance: The educational system, including vocational training, fosters memorization and blind acceptance of information provided by authority figures, such as adults, teachers, and parents, without critical thinking. Linguistic limitations and myths: The language we use contains categories that shape our perception of reality. As children, we accept inadequate explanations, stories, and myths about the world from adults, which helps to establish the basis of the social matrix in our understanding. Need for love and approval: The desire for love and approval is the fundamental hook that enables the social matrix to dominate one's mind. Growing up, if an individual is in a dysfunctional environment, they may accept the dysfunctional values of their surroundings to receive the necessary love and approval for survival. Influence of selected media and entertainment: The books, media, internet content, and art that individuals choose to engage with can exacerbate biases that originate from one's family and education, perpetuating the cycle of conformity. Family obligation and loyalty: Families, friends, and even professional colleagues can exert pressure to remain loyal and not question the norms of the social matrix, with feelings of betrayal arising if one challenges conventional wisdom. Globalized social matrix: Various local social matrices around the world contribute to a larger, now-globalized social matrix, where western internet culture plays a significant role in connecting different societies. Impossibility of complete independence: It is not feasible to live entirely outside the social matrix because individuals are part of a superorganism that relies on society for survival, much like cells within a body or ants in a colony. Hypocrisy and survival: Even as one seeks to transcend the social matrix, necessary participation in society continues—needing food, employment, and engagement in social activities—leading to charges of hypocrisy against those advocating for independence of thought while still involved in the system. Transcendence within the social matrix: Overcoming the social matrix does not mean abandoning society but involves freeing one's mind and developing independent, critical thinking, leading to subtle yet meaningful changes in life. Consequences of clear vision: By striving for clarity of perception and truth, individuals can live in a way that minimizes contributions to societal deception and leads to a more authentic existence. Value of truth and the costs of self-deception: The pursuit of genuine happiness, truth, love, consciousness, and fulfillment may be hindered by the self-deception within the social matrix; recognizing this may drive individuals to seek a life beyond superficial societal rewards. Evolution and improvement of society: The social matrix is not static; human society has made progress over the centuries, evolving from more brutal practices to better standards of living and universal rights, suggesting that the goal may be to continue improving rather than destroying the social construct. Prospect of a collective hive mind: The idea of society as part of evolution's trajectory, leading to a collective hive mind that raises individuals' consciousness rather than diminishing it, implies potential for a society that is selfless, conscious, and loving. Evolutionary Transitions & Human Consciousness: Humanity has experienced multiple evolutionary leaps, and humans might be a part of a forthcoming quantum leap in consciousness. Leo encourages the viewpoint of seeing the self as potentially contributing to this evolutionary process, noting that most humans fail to notice the grand scheme beyond their immediate concerns. Concept of 'Jailbreaking the Mind': Leo refers to the importance of deconstructing the social matrix to free one's mind, emphasizing that individual thinking is deeply influenced by the collective consciousness. This process is essential for understanding the extent of social influence on one's thoughts and beliefs. Discovering versus Being Told: Leo suggests that true discovery requires a personal drive to explore rather than relying on authority figures for answers. He compares the individual journey of understanding to explorers setting out into unknown territories without guarantees of what they will find. The Antithesis of Seeking Easy Answers: This endeavor to understand reality requires abandoning the expectation of easy answers and instead following principles and intuitions. Leo positions this approach as critical for transcending the social matrix and reaching a deeper comprehension of existence. Intuition and Principles as Powerful Tools: Leo emphasizes the inherent value of aligning with principles like the pursuit of truth, independent thinking, questioning, epistemology, metaphysics, and radical open-mindedness. He finds it baffling when people do not recognize the inherent value of these principles. Improvisation and Living Beyond Survival: To live a fulfilling life, Leo believes in improvising based on core principles and intuitions, rather than meticulously planning every detail. He suggests letting life unfold and trusting in these principles without overmanaging one's trajectory. Understanding Profound Self-Deception: Leo indicates that the social matrix inhibits self-reflection by limiting perspectives that challenge our self-deceptions. He proposes that our reliance on mutual validation perpetuates our collective illusions. Unique Epistemic Position of Human Civilization: Humanity's lack of contact with more advanced intelligent species leaves us in a dangerous epistemic position—prone to collective delusion with no external corrective perspective, stressing the importance of caring about truth to avoid self-deception. Oneness and Sovereignty of Consciousness: Leo discusses the sovereignty of consciousness and reality, which are self-constructed and can become trapped in fantasies due to their oneness. He points out the paradox that one cannot seek external validation for self-understanding within the concept of oneness. Questioning and the Problem of Epistemology: Leo presents the fundamental problem of not knowing who or what to trust for answers, underlining the necessity of independent questioning and contemplation to discern what is true instead of accepting superficial answers or deferring to authorities. Connection Between Truth and Selflessness: Insight into the nature of truth requires overcoming personal biases and attachments. Leo states that selfishness can be the biggest barrier to realizing the truth because personal interests can distort one's perception of reality. Self as the Obstacle to Overcoming Self-Deception: Leo argues it's not external forces that keep us from understanding truth but our own selves. He encourages self-examination of personal biases and inclinations as the key to navigating out of delusion. Skepticism Towards Conspiracy Theories: Leo explains his skepticism towards conspiracy theories, implying that the only significant 'conspiracy' is the insidious personal and collective self-deception inherent in the social matrix and that focusing on external theories might distract from addressing this core issue. Conspiracy Theories and the Social Matrix: Leo criticizes mainstream conspiracy theories, emphasizing that the only significant conspiracy is the social matrix— the pervasive conspiracy of selfishness and egotism distorting human perception since civilization began. Distractions in Seeking Truth: As one questions society and reality, numerous avenues can distract from the essential truths. Leo advises focusing on what matters most, as finite time and energy necessitate prioritizing significant issues over trivial ones. Emphasis on Understanding the Big Picture: Leo values grasping the big picture over getting lost in minutiae. He believes that a broad understanding can prevent delusion, even if some details are mistaken or overlooked. Importance of Correct Epistemology: Stressing the significance of epistemology, Leo argues that if one's approach to knowing is flawed, all subsequent knowledge will be corrupted. Therefore, it is imperative to correct one's epistemological understanding to achieve genuine knowledge. Actionable Response to Realization: Realizing the importance of epistemology compels one to act, not just acknowledge it intellectually. Actions include reading, studying, and independent contemplation to pursue deeper understanding. Validity and Clarification of Teachings: Leo's teachings aim to present possibilities, not to be accepted blindly. It is up to the individual to validate what is taught and to utilize the capability of the mind to clarify itself if used correctly. Desire for Truth as the Guide to Knowledge: A strong desire and intent for truth can lead the mind to clarify itself. However, brutal self-honesty and questioning personal biases are necessary to overcome self-deception. Understanding Selfishness in Pursuit of Truth: Realizing one's own biases and selfishness is challenging but crucial. Acknowledging the ugliness within is essential for genuine self-examination and pursuit of truth. as a Resource: Leo introduces, offering resources such as a book list, courses, and a blog to aid in the journey of escaping the social matrix and achieving self-improvement. Techniques for Escaping the Social Matrix: Key techniques include developing introspection, contemplative practices, meditation, mindfulness, and psychedelic experiences, all of which are discussed in Leo's other episodes. Thinking Correctly and Intelligently: Leo points out that even those who consider themselves spiritually awakened often lack the skill to think correctly. He emphasizes the importance of learning to use the mind effectively and consciously. Connection Between Theory and Action: Leo insists on the importance of linking theoretical knowledge with practical action to avoid the pitfalls of nihilism and skepticism, which can result in unproductive mental paralysis. Constructive Approach to Life: Leo clarifies that he advocates deconstruction not as an end in itself, but as a means to pave the way for conscious, constructive efforts in building society, businesses, families, or governments. Accio
  3. Relative vs Absolute Truth "The truth is not the truth." - Rudy Giuliani Distinction Between Relative and Absolute Truth: Leo emphasizes the importance of understanding the distinction between relative and absolute truth. Failure to do so leads to conflations and traps that he addresses later in the episode. This episode aims to open the listener's mind to the possibility that absolute truth exists and that one can personally access it. Cultural Influences on Belief in Absolute Truth: He notes that the prevalence of relativism and materialism in the 21st-century culture casts doubt on the existence and accessibility of absolute truth. Most people believe that if absolute truth exists, it's beyond human reach due to our limited perceptions and the vast unknown beyond our senses. Opening the Mind to Absolute Truth: Leo challenges listeners to honestly assess their beliefs about absolute truth and consider whether they are truly open to its existence and their ability to access it. He urges an openness to the radical possibility that one can know reality as a whole, absolutely and without error, under all circumstances. Nature of Relative Truth: Leo discusses the nature of relative truth, pointing out that most human "truths" are relative—it is situated within a context and relies on comparisons. He uses everyday examples like the color of the sky and velocity to illustrate relativity, showing how context, perspective, and frames of reference influence what people consider to be true. Einstein's Relativity and Human Perception: Highlighting Einstein’s theories on relativity, Leo explains that there's no such thing as absolute velocity, emphasizing that even seemingly still objects are moving at high speeds relative to other cosmic bodies. He suggests that human perception is commonly based within an Earth-bound frame, obscuring broader relativistic realities. Understanding Large and Small as Relative Concepts: Leo elaborates on how scale, like being large or small, is a relative concept dependent on comparison. He explains that without comparison, one cannot say for certain if the universe or anything else is objectively big or small. Reality, as one unified whole, cannot be measured or described by those terms when not compared to something else. Invitation to Explore Absolute Truth: Leo acknowledges potential skepticism and invites listeners to be open to exploring absolute truth. He differentiates between the intellectual understanding of these concepts and truly opening ones mind to them. He also explains that absolute truth, unlike relative truth, which requires validation, is self-evident because its existence is non-dual and doesn't require external verification. Conceptual Scale and Relativity: Leo discusses the idea that concepts like 'big' and 'small' are relative and cannot be ascribed to objects like mice or elephants without a point of reference. When compared to each other, scale becomes apparent, but if isolated, a mouse and an elephant are of the same scale—scale itself does not exist besides as a relative concept. Constructing Units of Measurement: Measurement units are human-made divisions that allow comparison, exemplified by inches on a yardstick. These divisions let us quantify and compare heights, lengths, and velocities, but their truth is contingent on consensus and methodologies in measuring, interpreting, and the language used. Relative Nature of Velocity: Velocity's relativity is linked to its formula—distance over time—with distance and time being relative concepts themselves. Distance depends on artificial subdivisions, such as yardstick inches, and time, as Einstein cleverly defined, is what a clock measures—another subdivision and relative concept. Truth and Its Dependence on Agreed Framework: The acceptance of any measurement or scientific truth depends on a universally agreed framework of units and interpretations. Any change in this framework can alter the perceived truth, revealing the fragility and relativity of these 'truths'. Time and Relative Truth: While delving deeper into the nature of time is reserved for another discussion, Leo acknowledges the complexity of defining time and points out the artfulness of Einstein's definition, which circumvents metaphysical inquiry by focusing on time as a quantifiable measure without addressing its essence. Foundational Issue in Science: A fundamental issue in scientific methodology is the reliance on measuring differences within predefined units without understanding the intrinsic nature of those units—scientists can measure and compare but cannot explain what a meter, joule, or atom fundamentally is. Reality in Parts and Whole in Science: Science's approach to truth involves dividing reality and comparing those divisions, but this only yields relative truths. Cultural truths, moral norms, and societal rules are derived from the comparison of divided parts of reality and also fall into the category of relative truth. Contrast between Relative and Absolute Truth: Absolute truth exists as a non-dual concept, inherently different from and preceding the subdivisions of relative truth. It is singular and incomparable. Understanding absolute truth entails acknowledging a domain where conventional questions and comparisons are inadequate because they transform an absolute into a relative. Inevitable Mind's Conversion from Absolute to Relative: People convert absolute truth into relative by asking dualistic questions that originate from a misunderstanding of non-dual truth. Leo encourages openness to an absolute domain of truth that operates differently and where such relative questions and assumptions are not applicable. Direct Access and Non-duality of Absolute Truth: Leo invites listeners to consider that there is no veil of perception between humans and absolute truth. By suggesting that appearances and experiences themselves are aspects of absolute truth, he challenges the paradigm that perceives a separation and encourages direct access to absolute truth. Practice vs Speculation: Leo urges active engagement in opening one's mind to absolute truth, differentiating it from passive contemplation or armchair philosophy. He asserts that only through action can a genuine shift occur. Dealing with Skepticism: He anticipates skepticism about absolute truth being a hallucination or self-deception, stressing that skeptics have not genuinely considered the possibility of absolute truth. Absolute Truth as Singular and Indubitable: Leo posits that the idea of something being so true that it's incapable of error or delusion is central to understanding absolute truth. He challenges listeners to genuinely contemplate if they accept this radical idea. Closed Mindset Conundrum: Leo addresses the closed-mindedness that prevents acceptance of absolute truth, suggesting that it's an impediment to deeper understanding. He criticizes the scientific skepticism that outright dismisses the possibility of absolute truth without thorough exploration. Epistemological Challenge: He explores the paradox of knowing something is absolutely true, challenging the traditional demand for external validation, which doesn't apply to the non-dual domain of absolute truth. Non-dual Domain and Validation: Leo emphasizes that in the non-dual domain, the search for external validation is moot, as the truth is self-validating due to its singular nature. Self-Validation of Existence: He invites viewers to become aware of their existence as an example of absolute truth, which does not need external validation because it confirms itself through the act of its existence. Existence as Sovereignty: Leo highlights personal existence as the manifestation of absolute truth, underlining the sovereignty of individual existence and consciousness in determining what is true. Depth of Self-Deception and Receptiveness to Truth: He suggests that the real deception lies in doubting absolute truth and not in the fallacious confirmation of its existence. Leo encourages listeners to be open to the possibility that reality is truth itself, not an illusion. Piercing Through the Veils of Deception: Leo Gura challenges listeners to open their minds to the idea that they, personally, can pierce through every single veil of deception to reach the rock-bottom truth of reality. He proposes that this can be achieved without fallibility as absolute truth excludes doubt, error, delusion, or misunderstandings typically found in relative truth. Singular Validation of Absolute Truth: Leo explains that absolute truth cannot be validated by anyone other than oneself, much like one's own existence. No external authority, whether scientist, parent, or spiritual guru, can affirm one's existence; it is a direct, unmediated knowing. Existence as Validation: He emphasizes that existence itself operates as the validation of its own reality. This self-recognition is what makes reality possible; without it, existence cannot be known. Reality's existence is an example of absolute truth because it is self-validating and needs no external reference point. The Natural Absurdity of Proving Existence: Leo outlines the circular logic and absurdity in attempting to prove existence through any process or experiment, as any such method already assumes the existence it seeks to validate. Existent Nature of Absolute Truth: He discusses the oneness of reality, which is the essence of absolute truth. This oneness means there are not multiple kinds of truth within the absolute domain—only absolute truth. The Illusion of the Relative Domain: Leo posits that the relative domain operates under the illusion of dichotomies like absolute versus relative truth, which is not present in the absolute domain. Here, he stresses that all storytelling and interpretation by the mind are part of the absolute, but misconstrued due to a lack of consciousness. The Existential Responsibility of Accepting Absolute Truth: He discusses the profound existential responsibility that comes with recognizing one's sovereignty as a creator of reality. Leo explains that the fear of this responsibility can lead to an avoidance of accepting that one's imagination can shape what is perceived as truth. Rejecting Self-Deception: Leo debates the idea of self-deception and insists that direct consciousness of the absolute truth cannot be a product of self-deception. He also confronts the materialist misconception that experiences attributed to absolute truth might be mere illusions or brain-generated phenomena. Absolute Truth Manifested: The session closes with a compelling call to acknowledge that reality as it stands is the manifest form of absolute truth. Leo invites listeners to embrace the radical possibility that there are no hidden layers to reality and to understand that reality is precisely what it appears to be. Constructing Reality with Belief: Leo discusses how belief systems shape reality. He uses the example of identity, explaining that if society reinforced the idea of being an alien instead of human during growth, a person would believe that. The belief in being human has been ingrained in us through constant social reinforcement and imagination. Experiencing and Dismissing Absolute Truth: Leo warns about the risk of dismissing encounters with absolute truth as hallucinations or trips, following intense experiences like meditation or psychedelics. After the high of such experiences wears off, there's a tendency to rationalize them as mere illusions, preventing deeper understanding. Claiming Sovereignty over Reality: Leo emphasizes the importance of embracing one's authority and responsibility to construct reality. Actualizing absolute truth entails understanding that validating one's experience and existence depends solely on oneself, not on external affirmation. Potential for Delusion: He acknowledges the risk of delusion when one misinterprets their understanding of absolute truth, which could lead to harmful behavior. Leo counters this by arguing that delusional and destructive behaviors exist even within the current materialistic paradigm. Absolute Truth is Beyond Thought and Imagination: Leo elucidates the paradox of absolute truth: it's neither the thoughts nor the imaginations about it, yet everything one thinks and imagines is also part of it. This complex paradox is hard for the mind to interpret because bringing the absolute into the relative domain, such as through language, is inherently flawed. Differentiating Concepts of Absolute Truth: Leo differentiates 'absolute' as a concept (lowercase a) from the 'Absolute' (uppercase A), which is beyond verbal expression. The latter signifies the ineffable reality, while the former is merely our understanding or idea of it. Cognition Levels and Pre-Trans Fallacy: He explains the cognitive stages: pre-rational, rational (including scientific understanding), and trans-rational stages of understanding absolute truth. He warns against the pre-trans fallacy, where the trans-rational is misinterpreted as pre-rational dogma. Conceptual Truth vs. Being Truth: Leo makes a clear distinction between relative, conceptual truth (lego castle) built from language, logic, or thought, and absolute, being truth (lego blocks). Absolute truth exists as the foundation, while relative truths are secondary, constructed forms. Importance of Validating Individual Experience: Rather than seeking external validation, Leo stresses that people must determine the truth for themselves. He advises listeners to base their beliefs on personal experiences of being and existence. Human Validation of Absolute Truth: Leo Gura explains that absolute truth, which predates human existence, cannot be validated by any human construct. This is fundamental common sense, but is often overlooked because people hesitate to deeply consider its implications. Qualia as Substratum of Reality: Leo elaborates that the building blocks of reality are not atoms but qualia, such as colors, sounds, feelings, emotions, tastes, smells, and thoughts. These sense perceptions form the substratum of reality, contrasting with scientific conventions which suggest that reality is composed of atoms. Relative Truth and Fiction: Using Sherlock Holmes as a metaphor, Leo illustrates that while the character's universe contains facts that seem true relative to the author's narrative, they don't make the fictional elements real. Similarly, science operates within our experienced reality, making factual statements based on observation, which works relatively but doesn't address the actual reality of what's studied. Absolute Truth in Fiction: Despite the relative truths within fictional narratives like Sherlock Holmes, the act of imagining and creating the story, and the physical book it's written on, is rooted in absolute truth as it exists within consciousness. Intertwining of Absolute and Relative: Leo asserts that absolute and relative truths are not in opposition but deeply intertwined, manifesting as a cohesive whole. He emphasizes that understanding both simultaneously is challenging due to their complete overlapping. Common Conflations Between Absolute and Relative: Leo identifies common misconceptions that occur when lessons from absolute or relative domains are mistakenly applied to the other. For example, acknowledging that "nothing is good or bad" from an absolute perspective doesn't justify stealing in the relative perspective of societal norms. Misuse of Absolute Truths by the Ego: He warns that the ego often distorts absolute truths for survival purposes upon glimpsing the absolute, leading to practical or moral errors in the relative domain. Relative Domain Challenges: Leo reflects on the problem of conflation where someone might misinterpret the statement "reality is a hallucination" to believe they can physically walk through walls, not recognizing that hallucination itself is a facet of the relative domain. Survival and the Relative Domain: He discusses the necessity of understanding and addressing relative truths for survival purposes, like the need to earn money and maintain physical health, even if one recognizes the existence of absolute truth. Monetary Considerations in Spiritual Teachings: Leo explains that he charges for teachings to fulfill basic survival needs like food and shelter, which cannot be obtained through the concept of enlightenment but require tangible currency. Misinterpretation of Spiritual Teachings and Religion: There's a clear distinction between the absolute truth Leo discusses and religious dogma. Merely using words like 'God' or 'Absolute' does not endorse any specific religion or belief system; misunderstandings arise when these concepts are misconstrued to validate pre-existing beliefs. Misuse of Absolute Truth in Personal Justification: Leo discusses the dangers of applying absolute truth to justify unethical behaviors. For example, dismissing cheating as a 'social construct' or harmful actions by claiming an inflated sense of love. This conflates absolute and relative truths and is often rationalized by the ego. Relative Truth and Physical Health: Leo explains that dismissing the reality of the human brain because it's 'imaginary' from an absolute perspective could lead to disregarding one's health. Drinking poisonous substances like mercury still leads to concrete health consequences in the relative domain. The Problem with Elevating Every Concept to Love: Leo mentions the folly of justifying unhealthy behaviors, like overeating junk food, with the statement that everything, including junk food, is love. This is a misapplication of absolute truth which ignores practical health implications in the relative domain. Misunderstanding No Path to Awakening: Newbies might wrongly interpret the statement "there is no path to awakening" as an excuse to avoid practices like meditation or self-inquiry, potentially thwarting any chance of actual awakening. Absolute Truth and Relative Suffering: While at the absolute level, suffering is not a concern, Leo emphasizes that in the relative domain, relieving suffering is vital as it can have direct repercussions on oneself and others. Neo-Advaita Teacher's Inability to Meet Students' Needs: He critiques teachers who overly dismiss the relative domain as they fail to provide practical, relative advice to students who are not operating from the same level of consciousness. Understanding 'Death is Imaginary' Misinterpretations: Some might misinterpret the absolute notion that 'death is imaginary' as an invitation to end their lives, not recognizing the need to maintain survival and experiences in the relative domain. Awakening Does Not Exempt Illness: Leo acknowledges that even an enlightened person can get sick or suffer genetic disorders, as the nature of 'God' or 'Absolute' includes both health and disease. Realizing one's divinity doesn't miraculously cure illnesses but entails accepting and dealing with them pragmatically. Past and Birth from Relative Perspective: Leo Gura clarifies that although from an absolute perspective birth is imaginary, he discusses his past and family from a relative, culturally co-imagined consensus for practical purposes. Conflations and Misunderstandings of Absolute and Relative Truth: Newcomers to absolute truth and even awakened teachers could fall into conflating absolute and relative perspectives, leading to misunderstandings and unhealthy dismissals of the relative domain which can impact survival and communication. Applying Absolute Truth in Survival Contexts: Leo warns against using absolute truth to justify personal gain, as the ego manipulates both absolutism and relativism for its own ends. Relative truth, while not ultimately true, is essential for survival and everyday life, and is treated as absolute by most people who are not aware of the actual absolute truth. Relative Importance of Survival: Survival in the relative domain is critical, and regardless of one's level of enlightenment, the finite human form requires attention to physical needs such as food, water, and health. Leo warns against the dismissal of relative truths, which are vital for day-to-day living. Absolute Truth and Practicality: Leo notes the ultimate problem with absolute truth is its enormity, making it impractical for daily use in survival, where humans must construct smaller, manageable truths to manipulate their immediate realities. Absolute vs. Relative Truth in Life Satisfaction: Leo suggests that a smaller, localized existence might lead to dissatisfaction, prompting the search for a more expansive life that inches closer to an understanding of absolute truth. Enlightenment and Maslow's Hierarchy: From the absolute perspective, basic human needs and desires are irrelevant, but from the relative perspective, they are significant obstacles to awakening. Leo advises satisfying these needs first, making it easier to transcend them later. Significance of Accessing Absolute Truth: Encountering absolute truth recontextualizes one's life, eliminates fear and suffering, and acts as the ultimate source of true happiness, answering life's critical questions and offering unparalleled beauty. Role of External Validation: Leo encourages using a variety of spiritual resources to corroborate and gain confidence in the concepts presented, emphasizing the significance of personal experience in actualizing spiritual teachings. as a Modern Religion: Leo describes as a modern, sophisticated approach to religion with minimal corruption, aiming to aid individuals on their spiritual journey through various resources and courses. Independence and Critical Thinking: He urges his audience to think independently and not to blindly follow spiritual teachers, stressing the importance of personally verifying and experiencing teachings to realize their truth. 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  4. I’ve had plenty of moments in discussions of peeling back some layers of insight for people to see awakened consciousness more clearly. The issue is that it takes a lot more than occasional glimpses in conversation for awakening to stick in a lasting way. This part, the most important part of the equation, is up to the person themselves to do the work. And I’ve only had success in helping with these glimpses with people who have already been doing the work themselves. Someone who is only interested in enlightenment in a cursory way will usually not even be interested enough in real awakening talk for it to go deep enough to take traction. It looks like in most cases someone will have had to clear the crust from their own eyes and opened them slightly before you can predictably assist in opening their ability to see any wider.
  5. What Is Goodness - Good & Morality Fully Explained "If good happens, good; if bad happens, good." - Stephen Mitchell The Tao Te Ching Lack of formal education on goodness: Despite extensive education and expert advice, Leo points out that most people have never been given a clear explanation of what goodness is. This absence is prevalent even in many spiritual teachings, where the concept of absolute good is seldom addressed. Absolute Goodness: Leo emphasizes that goodness is not just a human attribute or a relative concept, but an absolute one. He distinguishes between relative good and bad, which are human judgments, and absolute good, which can be directly experienced through expanded consciousness. Materialistic scientific paradigm's limitation: The scientific paradigm assumes reality is neutral and that any notion of absolute goodness is non-scientific. Leo challenges this assumption, proposing that reality is not merely neutral; it is the embodiment of absolute good. Consciousness and Goodness: Leo asserts that consciousness itself is goodness, and that realizing the full, absolute state of goodness requires infinite consciousness. This suggests that what we perceive as bad is merely a projection onto reality due to our biases and limited perspective. Creation of Reality and Goodness: Leo puts forth the idea that in a universe created by an entity with unlimited power, the highest good would allow infinite beings to realize the infinite goodness of consciousness. He claims that our current reality is this very embodiment of absolute good. Goodness as its own reward: According to Leo, goodness holds the unique position of being its own reward and goal, unlike other things like money that can be used for various ends. He presents the universe as a manifestation of this principle, where goodness is the point of reality itself. Human Misconceptions of Goodness: Human beings, having limited consciousness, often misjudge the universe as flawed due to personal biases and a narrow definition of goodness that fails to consider the infinite and selfless nature of reality. Goodness, Neutrality, and God's Creation: Leo revisits the concept that the universe, being created by God, is absolutely good by nature and that any perception of unfairness or evil is a result of human bias and limited consciousness. Achieving Godlike Goodness: The journey to living by Godlike goodness is difficult and fraught with traps such as adopting a false persona of selflessness. Leo concludes that becoming more conscious and experiencing absolute goodness directly are essential steps to genuine improvement and aligning with the selfless nature of the universe. Infinite perception and the illusion of evil: Goodness requires an infinite perspective to understand how every piece fits into the whole. Isolated local events may appear negative, but when viewed from a broader context, their role in the ultimate goodness becomes clear. Thus, the concept of evil dissolves as a mere perception problem, not an objective reality of the universe. God's existential dilemma and the nature of goodness: God is infinite goodness and desires for beings to realize their own infinite goodness. However, goodness cannot be coerced; it must be chosen freely. Coercion would negate the authenticity of goodness, making it a matter of self-preservation rather than selflessness. Conscious choice in being good: The essence of true goodness lies in its voluntary nature. It is about choosing to be good for the joy of goodness alone, without any higher priority or ulterior motive. This aligns with the nature of God, who is the embodiment of self-justifying, self-reinforcing goodness with no need for anything external. Goodness as a self-sufficient end: Goodness is self-reinforcing and tautological. Once conscious of this, one realizes that only goodness can exist, as it is a foundational structure of reality and God. Infinity and goodness are identical, meaning nothing can exist outside or prior to infinity—and goodness, by extension. God's infinite neutrality and embrace of existence: God's consciousness is pure, unbiased, and perfectly neutral. It embraces every possible form of existence, recognizing all as parts of itself. The ego mind misunderstands this, imagining God as a selective creator, whereas God allows all forms to arise without judgment. Overcoming the problem of evil through consciousness: The problem of evil is not solved by eliminating "evil" experiences but by understanding and embracing them with consciousness and love. Evil is not an inherent attribute of reality but a consequence of limited consciousness and personal biases. Misconception of goodness and personal hurt: Our perceptions of good and evil are influenced by personal hurts and self-preservation instincts. Overcoming this requires understanding the absolute good, which can be challenging for those who have personally suffered or have deeply ingrained biases. Self-bias as a barrier to perceiving absolute good: A lack of awareness of one's own self-bias impedes the ability to see reality clearly. To comprehend the absolute good, one must take the notion of self-bias seriously and work towards eliminating it. Influence of self bias on perception of absolute good: Our capacity to understand and accept absolute good is significantly hindered by self biases, including the fundamental desire to stay alive. This self-centered perspective warps our entire view of reality, giving rise to various problems and obstructing the realization of absolute good. God's infinite goodness and neutrality: Leo asserts that God represents infinite goodness due to infinite selflessness, suggesting that the universe's absolute neutrality, as seen by scientists, is not wholly grasped until it is recognized as absolute good. To awakened individuals, neutrality feels like overwhelming goodness rather than mere indifference. Conundrum of God's potential for evil: The question of why an all-powerful God doesn't choose to be evil is addressed. Leo argues that since God created all, including moral rules, these rules cannot bind God. God is not evil simply because, as the infinite entity, it has nothing to gain from selfishness and therefore has no motive to be evil. Stages of moral development: Morality evolves through stages of human development, from rules enforced by punishment and reward in childhood to socially enforced conformity, ultimately moving towards a principled approach that appreciates the relativity and multiplicity of perspectives. Concept of transcendent morality: Transcendent morality is described as a morality that transcends societal norms and doesn't judge others based on a lower level of consciousness. This higher-order morality sees the goodness in all beings, irrespective of their actions, which can be misinterpreted as unethical by those with less developed consciousness. Relativity of goodness: Leo explains that true goodness does not adhere to fixed judgments and must be expressed from a broad, balanced perspective understanding the relative nature of all viewpoints, aligned with what benefits the entirety of the universe, not just the self or immediate group. Concept of the Good Life: Living a good life, according to Leo Gura, means realizing absolute good and endeavoring to embody it, effectively becoming godlike or God. This transformation is the core measure of how good one's life is, based on how close they come to embodying God. Realization and Embodiment of Absolute Goodness: Realizing absolute goodness is critical before working to embody it, as mere ideology isn't enough. This realization must come through direct consciousness of absolute good as a guiding principle for life, beyond any rewards like money or pleasures. Impulse to Be Good: People inherently have an impulse to be good, which is the essence of God moving through them. This impulse can be obscured by the pragmatic demands of survival, leading individuals to lose touch with their true purpose, which is the manifestation of goodness. Practical Aspect of Goodness: Leo Gura highlights the practicality of reaching down to one's innate impulse to be good and building a life around it, despite it being one of life's most challenging pursuits. This involves facing one's fears and conquering them with love, realigning one's life to be congruent with the impulse to be good. Godlike Qualities: The qualities of being godlike or good include truth, honesty, integrity, concern for all, working for the benefit of others, selflessness, non-judgement, consciousness, recognition of beauty, forgiveness, and balance, among others. People who embody these qualities are seen as exceptional and inspirational. Transitioning to a Life Aligned with Goodness: Leo Gura discusses the daunting yet fulfilling journey of transitioning from a life not aligned with goodness to one that is. This often requires confronting fear, making tough decisions, and potentially changing one's career to align more closely with their impulse to be good. Absolute Goodness as the Ultimate Nature of Reality: According to Leo, reality is structured such that every point in the universe, irrespective of the route or duration it takes, will ultimately converge into absolute goodness. This concept reflects the Self-creating nature of God as inherently good. The Challenge of Overcoming Selfishness: Leo notes that becoming truly good, or godlike, is extremely difficult, as it requires surrendering oneself—a profound challenge due to the powerful instinct for survival honed over billions of years of evolution. The Invisibility of God as a Necessity for Infinite Good: He explains that God must be invisible; if God were visible and had a form, it would introduce limitations and selfishness, thus contradicting the nature of absolute goodness. Visibility entails limits, which equates to evil in this context. Dangers of Egoic Selflessness: Leo cautions against adopting a facade of selflessness as part of one's ego, differentiating between the genuine selflessness that comes from increased consciousness and merely pretending to be selfless. Trap of Self-Sacrifice and People Pleasing: He highlights a trap of self-sacrifice where people, especially women, wear themselves out by continually giving without receiving in return. True self-sacrifice involves confronting fear and not tolerating abuse. Understanding and Being Good Are Different: Leo admits that comprehending 'goodness' conceptually is one thing, but truly living in alignment with that understanding is another, more challenging matter. Goodness and Love as Similar Facets of Awakening: He clarifies that goodness and love are similar aspects of awakening that unify into a single concept at higher consciousness levels, although they may appear as distinct at lower levels of awareness. Truth, Consciousness, and Understanding Relativity Are Essential for Goodness: Finally, he asserts that truth, consciousness, and a deep understanding of relativity are critical for being truly good, pointing out that without these elements, one cannot be genuinely aligned with goodness. Emulating God's Neutrality: To be a truly good judge, one must not hold biases and must view every situation as neutral, as God does, who is not attached to any situation and views things in impartiality. Concern for the Whole: To achieve genuine goodness, one must have concern for the totality of creation, not just for a specific group or nation. Preferring the welfare of one over another leads to evil, as God's concern is universal, encompassing all life and matter in the universe. Non-Judgment: Non-judgment is critical for true goodness. Recognizing that he himself has not entirely overcome judgment, Leo emphasizes that one must first understand how to be non-judgmental and bias-free, which is a prerequisite to embodying godlike qualities. Godlike Goodness Is a Challenge: Leo underlines the difficulty of living a life characterized by godlike goodness. Understanding goodness is easier than embodying it, and falling short may lead to feelings of guilt, depression, and neuroticism about one's conduct. Committing to the Highest Goodness: Leo advises committing to and embodying the highest form of goodness in life, which may require taking challenging actions that people often avoid due to discomfort or attachment to their current way of life. Avoiding Traps on the Path to Goodness: On the path to godlike goodness, numerous traps such as neurotic behavior over failing to meet standards must be avoided. Devotion to embodying goodness takes precedence over distractions. Balancing Practical Action with Philosophical Wisdom: Leo acknowledges his teachings may appear too abstract to some and assures that while he will continue to delve deep into philosophical wisdom, he will also be offering more practical, success-based content in the future. The goal is to find and follow a path that works uniquely for each individual. Avifors
  6. Outrageous Experiments In Consciousness - 30 Awakenings In 30 Days Return from Retreat: Leo came back from his month-long psychedelic retreat, full of profound experiences that were difficult to communicate due to their depth and paradigm-shifting nature, which necessitated a period of integration. Experiments in Consciousness: He undertook 30 days of isolation, using daily doses of 5-MeO-DMT to push the boundaries of consciousness and challenge preconceived notions about enlightenment, aiming to be authentic to his experiences. Exploration Beyond Established Limits: Leo started the retreat with a desire to validate deeper levels of awakening that he suspected surpassed those commonly recognized by spiritual teachers, intending to approach truth without the influence of established teachings. Rapid Advancements: Within just one week of his experiments, Leo reached levels of consciousness that he felt went beyond what he had read or heard from other spiritual teachers, questioning their awakenings in relation to his own experiences. Deepening Understanding of God: He had profound insights into the nature of God, suggesting that many spiritual teachings do not fully explore the depth of what God is, often focusing on concepts like emptiness or cessation. Distinguishing Different Degrees of Awakening: Leo grapples with the challenge of articulating the depth of his awakenings, emphasizing there are multiple degrees and levels. He reiterates his commitment not to undermine other teachers, but to honestly share his experiences for the sake of truth exploration. Reflecting on Spiritual Masters: He muses that the most awakened individuals might not be publicly teaching, and he expresses a deep understanding of God, declaring that true knowledge of God is layered and can be understood at increasingly profound levels. Reconciliation of Teachings and Truth: While Leo respects many spiritual teachers for their work and contributions, he clarifies that his primary passion is for truth, not for surpassing others in spiritual attainment. He emphasizes the need for individuals to explore truth independently. Linear Perception of History: Leo illustrates how the human mind generally perceives the world in a linear timeline - from the past through the present to the future, connecting events one after another. God Consciousness Perspective: In contrast, when in a state of God Consciousness, one perceives every moment as present and interconnected; reality is understood from an infinite number of angles, akin to slicing a watermelon in infinite ways rather than just cutting it down the middle. The All-encompassing Room: A profound insight during his trip leads Leo to experience being in a room where he is acutely aware of having created and imagined every part of it, including understanding the intricate design of a computer and the concept of emails and the internet. Breaking into Telepathy: Leo shares a new mystical experience of telepathy, where he realizes that conscious awareness becomes so interconnected that it facilitates direct communication among all points of space without the need for conventional, fragmented methods like email or phone calls. Redefining Communications: He suggests that when one becomes deeply aware that they are infinite consciousness, direct, immediate, and telepathic communication is possible since all perceived separations are just a construct of the human mind. Telepathy as Self-Dialogue: Leo explains that telepathy is essentially a form of communication with oneself, as other individuals are seen as extensions of one's own consciousness, making real-time communication with others conceivable. The Potential to Download Consciousness: He presents the idea that one might be able to download someone else's skills and experiences instantly if they realize their oneness with that person, although he admits he hasn't fully achieved this himself. Superhuman Levels of Consciousness: Leo discusses achieving states of consciousness so profound that they are beyond meditative or traditional spiritual approaches, suggesting that an upgrade in neurotransmitters might be required to reach such states and that they are not sustainable in day-to-day life. Difference between Temporary and Constant Enlightenment: Contradicting some spiritual teachings, Leo argues that real enlightenment doesn't have to be constant. Temporary but radical degrees of consciousness can be just as authentic and transformative. Transformative Challenge of Psychedelic Use: He describes his psychedelic work as challenging and uncomfortable, emphasizing that it is not about seeking pleasure but about pursuing deep truths and love. Questioning the Efficacy of Traditional Spiritual Practice: Leo casts doubt on whether traditional practices alone can lead to the kinds of consciousness experiences he's talking about, suggesting that many who have devoted their lives to such practices have not reached the superhuman states he describes. Leo's Appreciation of Beauty: Leo Gura recalls an awkward moment where his collection of aesthetically pleasing images of female bodies brought him to tears with their beauty while in a state of infinite consciousness, recognizing them as a creation of his own imagination. Ritual of Taking Baths: Leo began a ritual of taking hot baths during his psychedelic experiences as a means of showing love and kindness to his body, a realization that emerged from his heightened states of awareness. Profound Insights on Desire: During his psychedelic experience, Leo realized that human desire is inherently biased and fragmented, but in a state of infinite consciousness, one desires everything without bias, equating desire with the desire for self, absolute truth, or God. Breakthrough into Infinite Love: As Leo's experiences deepened around the two-week mark of his retreat, he describes a profound awakening into the nature of love, which he now understands as the core of true awakening. Verbal Telepathic Communication: Leo developed a method of verbal telepathic communication with God, having a dialogue with himself. He interprets this as God speaking through the symbols, images, or languages that are most understandable to the individual. The Love Becomes Overwhelming: The love he experienced became so intense that his physical body and mind struggled to tolerate it, requiring a process of purification and letting go to accommodate deeper levels of love. Spiritual Catharsis: Leo underwent a spiritual catharsis, letting go of resistance to God's love, allowing himself to be guided into even deeper levels of self-love and spiritual growth. The Challenge of Continuous Psychedelic Use: Leo emphasizes the difficulty of his undertaking, highlighting that it was not pleasurable or escapist but required significant effort and determination. He had to push himself to continue his daily psychedelic experiences as part of his journey towards truth and love. Understanding of Psychedelic Work: Leo clarifies that his psychedelic work is not about addiction or escapism but a profound and often challenging exploration of consciousness that includes emotional purging and can drastically accelerate spiritual growth. Telepathic Guidance from God: Leo describes receiving telepathic guidance from God during his experiences. He acknowledges this seems like a duality but suggests it's akin to "training wheels" for his mind, which is conditioned to perceive the other as a separate guiding entity. He elaborates that while God's voice appears external, it's actually an aspect of his expanded consciousness. Understanding God's Forgiveness: Leo emphasizes that God's communication is accepting and forgiving, never judging, because God recognizes itself in everything. He stresses how God's acceptance can help heal one's self-hatred and denial, contributing to profound self-acceptance and love. Deeper Self-Acceptance: Over the course of multiple awakening experiences, Leo discovers that loving and accepting himself more deeply leads him to open up to even deeper levels of love subsequently. This process involved forgiving himself for perceived imperfections and transgressions. Purpose of Reality as a Love Contest: Leo had an insight that reality's true purpose is a "contest" to see who can love more. He asserts that the only significant pursuit for fully conscious beings is to engage in this race for love, which goes beyond personal love to an existential level. Reciprocal Love with God: Leo narrates a transformative experience where he engaged in a reciprocal "ping-pong game" of love with God. This interactive process led to a concentration of love, symbolizing infinity and purity, as the two mirrors of self and God aligned more closely over time. Loving the Unlovable: The experience of reciprocating love with God challenged Leo to love aspects of existence difficult to embrace, such as tragic world events and personal traumas. He discusses the need to reflect God's capacity to love unconditionally. God's Challenge to Expand Love: As God showered Leo with love, he realized his role was not to passively receive love but to actively give and embody it. This back-and-forth dynamic intensified, demanding that he confront and love all aspects of life and himself. Love as the Transformative Force: Leo makes the case that love, coupled with the acceptance of truth, is what leads to healing from dysfunction and suffering. He underscores that love is not just a sentimental emotion but a radical acceptance of reality. Deficiency of Love as Root of Dysfunction: Leo argues that addictive behaviors or psychological issues stem from a lack of love. He suggests that dysfunctions can worsen when not met with love, signifying the importance of infusing love into every aspect of life for healing. Challenge of Embracing Truth and Love: Leo Gura expresses that opening oneself up to truth and love is difficult, as it involves confronting and letting go of the lies and deceptions that make up the foundation of many individuals' lives. He acknowledges this resistance as a barrier to spiritual growth. Consequences of Lack of Love: He explains that dysfunctional behaviors in people, including criminality and abuse, often stem from a deficiency in love experienced during childhood. This lack of love pushes individuals to seek fulfillment in destructive ways. Transformative Power of Apology and Self-Love: During his experience, Leo had a profound realization about the importance of love—he apologized to himself for the first time in a meaningful way, regretting not having loved more. He learned that not loving oneself and others enough is the primary source of regret. God's Unconditional Love: Leo discusses God's love, emphasizing that divine love is unconditional and does not seek to change us. This realization that God accepts us as we are, with all our limitations and faults, is what drives transformation. Experiencing Gratitude through God's Love: The experience led Leo to express genuine gratitude for the first time, thanking God for love, which became a pivotal moment in his spiritual journey. Radiating Love: Leo talks about the experience of learning to radiate love in the same abundant way God does, comparing it to a contest of who can express more love. This interaction pushes the boundaries of one's ability to love even the most challenging aspects of life. Challenged to Love Unconditionally: In his interactions with God, Leo confronts the challenge to love difficult and traumatic aspects of life, such as past abuses or societal issues. This practice expands his capacity for love, testing his willingness to love what he previously couldn't. Contemplating Willingness to Suffer: Leo considers whether one is truly willing to experience the worst aspects of life—suffering, torture, and death—out of love. He realizes that God's love would endure these out of pure love and questions whether humans are prepared to do the same. Understanding of Reality as Infinite Consciousness: Leo comes to the understanding that reality is infinite formless consciousness manifesting as love, and this revelation brings about an intense fear of losing his individual self to become one with this love. Fear of Complete Awakening: He expresses fear over the potential loss of his individual identity and life as he knows it, should he fully merge with the infinite consciousness that is God's love. Merging and Dissolving into Love: Leo describes that complete awakening leads to the dissolution of the physical self and the unification with omniscient and omnipresent love, which is profoundly transformative yet frightening for him. Concern for the Impact on Loved Ones: Despite the profound realization, Leo is concerned about the suffering his transformation into pure love might cause his family and friends, as it would result in his physical death. He acknowledges that this is only the beginning of his spiritual exploration. Contemplating the Essence of Reality: Leo intensely questions the ultimate essence of reality, leading to his consciousness becoming more omniscient, interconnected, and ultimately forming a singularity of pure love. Analogy of Infinite Consciousness: He compares his increasing consciousness to a light bulb being dialed up, becoming brighter and infinitely more conscious, indicating a continuous expansion without an endpoint. Consciousness as Infinite Subdivision: Leo describes consciousness as infinitely subdividing, immediately spawning an endless number of branches in all directions, symbolizing the endless fractal nature of awareness and its interconnectedness. Realization of God as Love: Through this experience, he faces an oscillating inner dialogue about the nature of God, ultimately realizing, despite resistance, that reality is infinite love. The End of Individual Existence: Confronted with fear, Leo understands that fully embracing this singularity of consciousness would mean the end of individual life and the physical universe as he knows it, merging into oneness with all existence. Awakening as the End and Beginning: He recognizes that awakening to this pure love is both an end—death to the ego and personal identity—and a beginning—entry into an infinite state of being that is the true nature of reality. Struggle with the Finality of Transformation: Leo grapples with the idea of completely transcending physical existence and the impact it would have on his loved ones, recognizing both the irrelevance in the face of infinite love and his struggle to accept this finality. Preview of Ultimate Awakening: He shares that his experience gave him a preview of Maha Samadhi—dying while awake—and the commitment it entails, ultimately deciding he wasn't ready to merge with this infinite consciousness permanently yet. Ongoing and Intense Experiences: After ceasing the use of 5-MeO-DMT, Leo continues to undergo profound and terrifying insights and awakenings, struggling with the irresistible pull toward the infinite singularity and the fear of losing his individual existence. Multidimensional Nature of Awakening: Leo describes awakening not just as a single event but as having multiple, unimaginable dimensions, each one deeper and more expansive, hinting at an infinite potential for spiritual exploration and discovery. Continuing Exploration of Awakening: Leo shares that he has only begun to explore the "second dimension of awakening" and recognizes that this journey into awakening appears to be infinite, causing him a great deal of fear and emotional upheaval. Struggles with Integration: After the retreat, Leo spent several weeks dealing with sleeplessness and emotional turmoil as he attempted to integrate and comprehend the profound experiences and insights from his 30-day psychedelic journey. Uncertainty about Permanent Awakening: Leo expresses uncertainty about whether it's possible to stabilize these heightened states of consciousness (like Maha Samadhi) permanently and questions what happens post-Maha Samadhi, such as reincarnation or transitioning to another dimension. Humbling Experiences: These experiences have humbled Leo and made him question the depth of understanding that other enlightened teachers or masters possess about reality. Leon’s Insight about Awakening: He insists that the distinction between permanent and impermanent consciousness is an arbitrary human imposition, and experiencing infinite God consciousness, even if just for a second, is as real as a more prolonged experience. Integration and Teaching: Leo contemplates how to achieve these profound states of consciousness naturally, without psychedelics, and reflects on the authenticity and effectiveness of his teachings, considering the notion that when fully awakened, there would be no one else to teach because everyone would be understood as one. Shift in Teaching Focus: He anticipates a probable shift in his teaching style toward being more compassionate and loving, playing fewer "games," and placing a stronger emphasis on teaching love. Defining Reality: Leo concludes that the most significant insight from his experience is that reality is love, and he hopes to witness others come to this realization—that they, too, are love. Re-evaluation of Teaching: After his exploration, he has been re-evaluating not just his teaching methods but also whether he should continue to teach at all, given the realization that ultimately, he is only teaching himself. Advising Critical Thinking: Despite sharing profound insights, Leo cautions against turning his teachings into an ideology, advocating for open-mindedness and an individual approach to the spiritual journey. Openness to Diverse Spiritual Paths: He recognizes that his path may not directly apply to others, as everyone's journey, including the use of psychedelics, traumas, and emotional challenges, is different. Understanding the Depth of Awakening: Leo encourages listeners to consider that their awakening may not be complete, and there might be deeper levels of truth to discover. He emphasizes the importance of a continual search for truth regardless of where it may lead. Acknowledging Incomplete Transformation: Leo admits that while he has experienced profound awakenings, he has not reached the pinnacle of understanding or completed his personal healing journey. He still deals with his own physical and health issues. Fidelius Charm
  7. Self-Love - The Highest Teaching In The Universe "Self-Love is the only teaching." The culmination of a seven-year journey: In his personal development exploration, Leo Gura reveals that after exploring numerous methods ranging from therapy to meditation, he has distilled everything into a singular teaching - self-love, which he believes is the highest concept in the universe, essential for the evolution of all conscious beings. Defining self-love: Leo clarifies that self-love is a profound existential force, transcending mere human emotion. It is universal, driving evolutionary progress. Despite its abstract nature when compressed into two words, he emphasizes its fundamental role and the need to decipher and actualize its meaning deeply. Alien species hypothetical: Leo hypothesizes that if advanced aliens were to impart wisdom to humanity, they would prioritize teaching self-love over technical knowledge. He implies that humanity's current inability to appreciate self-love suggests that aliens might understand it far deeper than we do. Self-love as an intelligence measure: Leo proposes that the intelligence of an entity, including hypothetical aliens, can be judged by their understanding of self-love. He states that self-love is a practical litmus test for evaluating teachers and ideologies, with those that promote self-love being of the highest quality amidst a spectrum of beliefs. Corruption marked by the absence of self-love: He asserts that a lack of self-love or the presence of judgment and hatred in ideologies indicates their corruption. He cites Nazism and radical religious ideologies as examples, emphasizing that even a teaching that preaches love, like Christianity, can be corrupt if it is not practiced genuinely. Identification of spiritual corruption: Teachings that contain hatred, judgment, or fear towards individuals or groups, such as condemning criminals or fearing witchcraft, indicate corruption of those teachings from their original pure form. Self-love as a universal remedy: Leo proposes that fundamentally, all problems humanity faces trace back to a lack of self-love, including issues that appear unrelated, such as poverty or health crises. Reframing self-love: Self-love, as Leo describes, refers to loving the ultimate self or awakened self, not just the human identity. By loving oneself as the whole universe, other problems will naturally correct themselves. Components of self-love: Understanding self-love requires grasping the true meanings of "self" and "love". These concepts cannot be comprehended through traditional logic or science but require a shift to a higher state of consciousness. Necessity of mystical experiences: Emphasizing that discourse is insufficient, Leo argues that direct mystical experiences of the true self and love are essential for genuinely understanding and implementing self-love. Practical importance of self-love: Leo outlines how self-love can resolve common personal development issues such as insecurity, self-esteem, and relationship challenges by addressing the root cause rather than external symptoms. Self-acceptance as a path to self-love: Genuine self-love involves accepting one's physical appearance and personality traits, and involves recognizing oneself as part of the universe, thereby aligning with the expanded concept of self. Self-love beyond the physical: While starting with self-appreciation on a physical level is valuable, Leo challenges individuals to also embrace the broader universe, which includes one's body, other people, political entities, as part of their self-love practice. Expanding appreciation of existence: Appreciating your existence involves recognizing that you are an integral part of the universe, and your infinite mind is generating the reality you experience. Unconditional love versus conditional love: True love for oneself or others is not based on utility or what one can provide, it is unconditional, celebrating existence itself rather than what it can do for you. Transformation from physical to existential love: Shifting focus from the physical body's utility to a deeper appreciation of existence enables the experience of deep, unconditional love. Integration of self into the universe: Through self-love, one's sense of self and love expands to merge with the entire universe, leading to the most profound levels of awakening and joy. Realizing love through consciousness: Recognizing the profound nature of reality through consciousness leads to profound existential love, transcending mundane emotions or needs. Experiences that awaken self-love: Moments of consciousness, like admiring a beautiful sunset or being amazed by the complexity of a living creature, activate an appreciation for the beauty of existence. Practical application of self-love in dating: In attraction and dating, a lack of self-love can be detected by others and reduce one's appeal; genuine self-love enhances self-confidence and genuine care for others. Resolving disagreements with self-love: Recognizing that both parties' perspectives are valid and practicing self-love can dissolve conflicts and promote understanding in relationships. Self-love in addressing life's challenges: Facing illness, injury, or injustice with self-love fosters healing and growth, while self-respect requires setting boundaries in harmful situations. Awareness of self in the context of self-love: Becoming aware of how little control we have over our body's automatic functions, like pupil dilation, can foster a deeper appreciation for one's existence and contribute to self-love. Self-love during illness: Having self-love while battling an illness like cancer is vital, as it supports faster healing alongside medication. Reaction to accidents: Instead of reacting with anger to accidents like breaking a leg, accepting and loving the situation can lead to faster recovery and possibly learning profound life lessons. Dealing with injustice: Embracing injustices with love rather than resistance offers a broader, empathetic perspective, recognizing that those causing harm are also part of the universal self. Personal incident of theft: Leo describes how he dealt with his car being broken into by empathizing with the thief, considering the societal issues contributing to drug addiction and poverty, thus practicing self-love and universal perspective. Workaholism and self-love: Overworking and neglecting one's health at work indicate a lack of self-love. A comprehensive understanding of self-love can prompt a better work-life balance and healthier work practices. Job dissatisfaction and self-love: Expanding self-love can catalyze a vision for a new career path away from an unsatisfying job, fostering passion and purpose for more fulfilling work. Fear of starting a business: Overcoming fear in starting a business requires deep love for the business idea and genuine desire to make a meaningful contribution to the world, rather than focusing on potential financial loss. Business practices reflecting self-love: A business that truly helps people, rather than harming them, is a product of self-love and is intrinsically more fulfilling and sustainable than one driven by greed or exploitation. Expanding self-love for positive change: Leo emphasizes that expanding self-love and one's sense of self beyond personal gains—like family, money, cars, and homes—to include all of mankind along with the environment and animals is necessary for personal and global evolution, leading to true happiness and responsibility in roles such as parenting and partnerships. Impact of self-love on business ethics: He argues that many professionals, like marketing executives in unhealthy food industries, are so preoccupied with profits that they don't invest time in personal growth or consider the societal implications of their products. Expanding self-love, according to Leo, would motivate such individuals to innovate healthier alternatives rather than contribute to health epidemics. Addressing societal issues with self-love: Leo describes monetary, economic, societal, and political issues as fundamentally rooted in a lack of self-love. To resolve issues like tribal warfare and corruption, which sabotage economic stability, a shift in societal culture that embraces collective self-love and unity across factions and ideologies is essential. Political turmoil as a reflection of deficient self-love: He links current political discord to a lack of self-love and empathy between opposed parties. He suggests that political conflict can be mitigated by each side expanding their sense of self and love to include understanding for different perspectives, even those of rivals. Advancing spirituality through self-love: Leo points out that struggles in spiritual practices, such as inconsistency in meditation or dealing with bad psychedelic trips, stem from a lack of self-love. Greater kindness to oneself and understanding of spiritual processes are necessary for overcoming these hurdles. Self-love in preventing crime and violence: He asserts that societal problems, including violence, crime, and terrorism, require immense infusions of self-love. By expanding one's sense of self to include even the perpetrators, society can develop empathy, effectively addressing why such acts occur and preventing them through systemic changes and support. Remedying environmental negligence with self-love: Leo argues that environmental issues, such as excessive CO2 emissions, result from a societal deficiency in self-love. Those leading polluting corporations lack an inclusive self-concept that values the environment and wildlife, prioritizing profit over planetary well-being. Root causes of obesity and environmental neglect: Leo suggests that obesity in America is interlinked with environmental neglect, highlighting systemic issues such as the marketing of unhealthy food, which he attributes to a lack of self-love among marketers and consumers alike. Self-love as parental guidance: The rebellious behavior of children is often a response to criticism and lack of acceptance from parents. Leo recommends self-love as a tool for parents to foster unconditional love and acceptance, thus repairing strained relationships with their children. Wide-ranging solutions through self-love: From depression to addiction and parenting to business success, Leo designates self-love as the fundamental remedy for creating happiness and leading a successful life. Self-love's role in conscious politics and leadership: Self-love is crucial for effective leadership and creative work, including politics and business. Leo criticizes profit-driven businesses with no real value contribution, advocating for passion-driven work that benefits society. Dealing with criminals and societal dilemmas through self-love: Leo posits that self-love is essential in dealing with criminals, and healing societal issues, emphasizing that no external achievement compensates for the lack of self-love. The fundamental nature of self-love: Leo defines self-love as the ultimate power and essence of consciousness, meaning that self-love is not merely an emotion or feeling but the acknowledgment and love of reality for what it is. Love as a materialistic world's necessity: Leo argues that love is integral to the nature of reality itself, rejecting the notion that it can exist without consciousness, and equates the concept of God being in love with itself to reality fully embracing its own existence. Self-love transcending acceptance: The differentiation between mere self-acceptance and the ecstatic union of self-recognition that represents true self-love is elucidated, with Leo asserting that recognizing the existential beauty of consciousness is the epitome of self-love. Infinite amazement as a foundation of existence: Affirming that life and existence are inherently amazing, Leo invites everyone to appreciate and love life unconditionally, which aligns with the perspective that we are a manifestation of infinite consciousness and amazement. Humans manifesting self-love: All actions, from technological advancements to philanthropic efforts, ultimately represent humanity falling deeper in love with itself. Each new discovery or creation is the universe – or consciousness – reveling in new aspects of itself. Ego vs. divine perspective: While individual biases may lead us to hate certain things, from a divine perspective, nothing is hated; it is all equally amazing. This infinite love is consciousness exploring itself without judgment or preference. Self-love and boundaries: Practicing self-love does not equate to being a doormat. Actually, proper self-love naturally leads to healthy boundaries and self-respect, indicating a departure from people-pleasing behaviors and low self-esteem. Transcending gender stereotypes with self-love: Self-love transcends the stereotypes of being a feminine or masculine trait. It is a universal truth that encompasses and integrates all qualities, offering true strength and wisdom beyond societal gender constructs. Distinguishing self-love from egotism or narcissism: True self-love is different from narcissism or egotism. Real self-love involves expanding one's sense of self to include and love all parts of the universe, embracing the totality of existence beyond the individual ego. Practical exercise for expanding self-love: Wearing a wristband can serve as a reminder to identify and embrace aspects one typically dislikes or judges. By accepting these aspects as part of oneself and feeling love for the entirety, one practices expanding self-love. Hating as self-reflection: Encounters with things we hate or judge give us an opportunity to see those aspects as part of ourselves, which can ultimately lead us to accept and love a more complete version of ourselves, integrating our shadows into our consciousness. Self-love as the acceptance of existential diversity: Recognizing that consciousness includes everything, from the mundane to the extraordinary, challenges us to accept and love all aspects of existence. This acceptance signifies self-love at its most profound level. All teachings lead to self-love: Every concept and subject discussed by Leo, including those that seem unrelated like quantum mechanics or spiral dynamics, is ultimately a pathway toward the realization and embodiment of self-love. Using self-love as a compass: When faced with confusion or difficulty, one can reflect on the absence of self-love in the situation. It's a central guiding principle to navigate life's challenges and can reveal underlying issues that need addressing. Failure of institutions to teach self-love: Leo notes that schools, universities, workplaces, and religious institutions generally do not teach self-love, which he sees as a significant contributing factor to societal problems and individual suffering. Self-love as an ancient and consistent teaching: The concept of self-love has been taught historically by spiritual and religious leaders; however, it often becomes obscured or misrepresented in institutions, overshadowing its importance and purity. Varied enlightenment about love: Leo indicates that even established spiritual teachers might proclaim love as an illusion because they haven't awakened to love themselves. He points out that awakening has many degrees and versions, hence the diverse teachings about love. Homework assignment for self-love enhancement: Leo gives his audience homework to write down all the aspects of themselves that they don't love—physical appearance, past actions, personality traits, etc. He then instructs them to decide to love all these aspects as part of their reality. The struggle with accepting the true self: Leo describes the resistance one might feel in accepting and loving all aspects of themselves. He explains that the ego resists this acceptance, preferring an idealized vision of oneself, which is a deviation from the truth. Truth and love as identical concepts: Leo asserts that truth and love go hand-in-hand at a metaphysical level, emphasizing that to reject any part of reality is to engage in untruth and self-denial, which is the root of evil. He states that love is the ultimate solution, a reintegration of all aspects of oneself. Incomplete awakening without love: Leo argues that an awakening or enlightenment that does not include a realization of love is incomplete. He stresses that true awakening encompasses both truth and love, and a lack of either results in division and falsehood. Emotional approach to spirituality and its pitfalls: Addressing the tendency for emotional individuals or those who identify as love-seeking, Leo cautions that a journey toward awakening through love alone is incomplete without a grasp of truth. He challenges the perception that truth is harsh or needless, underscoring its indistinguishable nature from love. Self-love as the point of human life: Leo emphasizes that full self-love is the solution to all of life's problems, encouraging the audience to contemplate this assertion and its implications for individual action. Encouragement to support Leo requests support for his content on through Patreon and reiterates the importance of exploring in-depth the substantial content he has created to gain full comprehension and benefit from his teachings. The difficulty of organizing content: Leo discusses the challenges in organizing his voluminous work, highlighting the sprawling nature of the teachings and the difficulty for new viewers to grasp advanced concepts without foundational knowledge. The importance of depth in learning: Leo values deep comprehension, comparing superficial understanding to unsatisfactory sexual intimacy. He stresses that a profound grasp of his philosophies entails a long-term commitment and urges viewers to study his work over several years to gain true appreciation. Cave Inimicum
  8. Self-Bias - Why All Worldviews Are So Skewed "Every bird thinks its nest is the best." - Congolese proverb Definition of Self-Bias: Self-bias is the mind's natural tendency to favor its intellectual positions above others, leading to question-begging worldviews. This phenomenon occurs when individuals are unable to evaluate their own worldview fairly and objectively, creating double standards and justifications for their views' superiority. Self-Bias Rooted in Question-Begging Worldviews: All worldviews are question-begging and are usually defended without acknowledging their baseless assumptions. This leads to a circular validation of one's worldview without genuine inquiry or objective analysis. Conundrum of Objectivity: The biggest obstacle in philosophy and the pursuit of truth is the need for impartiality and objectivity. This becomes complicated as individuals often believe they are being objective and fail to recognize their self-bias, resulting in a prejudiced approach to knowledge exploration. Biased Nature of Philosophical Schools: Each philosophical school, from atheism to theism, science to mysticism, practices self-bias by arguing for its own validity and against opposing views, without fairly considering alternatives. Impact of Self-Bias on Leo's Career Plans: Self-bias led Leo to abandon his plans for a career in professional philosophy. He realized that the industry and Western civilization at large are designed to reinforce, rather than critically examine, established worldviews. Entrenchment of Self-Bias in Intellectual Positions: Self-bias manifests as the presupposition that one's intellectual stance, such as atheism, is inherently more logical or evidence-based than contrasting views. It manipulates arguments and evidence to align with the predetermined, 'correct' conclusion without true inquiry. Challenges in Achieving True Inquiry: A fair and open investigation into subjects like the existence of God is rarely pursued. Instead, each side fails to genuinely explore the opposing views, instead, assuming their conclusions, such as atheism or theism, to be self-evident without rigorous examination. Conflict of Interest and Recusal in Legal Systems: Self-bias is acknowledged in legal systems with conflict of interest and recusal practices. Judges and lawyers must withdraw from cases where they may be biased due to personal involvement, ensuring objectivity. Self-Bias Beyond Legal Contexts: While the legal system recognizes the problem of self-bias, Leo stresses it should extend beyond law to other areas like business, science, and religion, where bias can heavily distort perceptions and decisions. Influence of Self on Perception and Reality: An individual's identity acts as a lens that distorts not only their perception but reality itself, affecting science, logic, relationships, and even emotions. This self-bias complicates the pursuit of truth. Survival and the Compromise of Objectivity: Leo examines how survival instincts compromise objectivity using the example of a judge who faces personal survival challenges. The desire to survive can corrupt even the most integral parts of society when truth is second to personal needs. Personal Cost of Pursuing Truth: The pursuit of truth can come at a great personal cost, often conflicting with one's survival and comfort. This inherent cost is a significant reason why self-bias occurs and why individuals may avoid admitting biases. Denial of Self-Bias for Survival: People often deny their self-bias as acknowledging it can create doubt, potentially threatening their worldview and survival. This avoidance is driven by the assumption that truth should be beneficial, leading to a cessation of the search for truth when no personal benefit is perceived. Intellectual Dishonesty and Defense Mechanisms: In the pursuit of survival, individuals craft rationalizations and defense mechanisms against the truth. Admitting to these mechanisms would lead to cognitive dissonance and a threat to one's defense against the harsh reality of truth. Deception and Self-Deception for Survival: To deceive others effectively, individuals must first deceive themselves. Self-deception is a strategy for survival within a social species which enables the perpetuation of biased worldviews. Unreliability of Evidence, Proof, and Logic: Due to the pervasiveness of self-bias, logic, evidence, and proof cannot be fully trusted. Many individuals throughout history have used these tools to justify incorrect beliefs, demonstrating that reason alone cannot always lead to truth. Recognition of Personal Self-bias: It's easy to spot self-bias in others and criticize their fallacies and double standards, but recognizing one's own self-bias is challenging. This realization triggers serious doubt, marking the essence of skepticism. Connection Between Consciousness and Self-bias: There is a direct relationship between a person's level of consciousness and their degree of self-bias. Lower levels of consciousness are associated with stronger biases and more aggressive defense mechanisms. Violence as an Extreme Defense Mechanism: Violence is the ultimate defense against challenges to one's beliefs. Individuals with low consciousness and high self-bias may resort to violence to protect their views. Ubiquity of Self-bias Across Entities: Ideologies, philosophies, organizations, countries, political movements, and spiritual schools exhibit self-bias, which can sometimes persist even in individuals who are supposedly awakened. Self-bias in Pragmatism and Nihilism: Pragmatism exemplifies self-bias toward practical outcomes, dismissing truth for personal gain, while nihilism represents a self-biased view that life is meaningless. Distinction Between Selfishness and Self-bias: Self-bias specifically refers to how the mind frames its intellectual positions to justify worldviews, such as the narrative a pragmatist uses to uphold the superiority of pragmatism. Self-bias in Authoritarian Figures: Dictators and tyrants, like Trump pondering self-pardon, exhibit self-bias by failing to see their own faults and prioritizing their survival and power above all else. Self-bias in Colonialism and its Consequences: European colonialists exhibited self-bias in their treatment of Native Americans by viewing them as inferior, which led to exploitation, forced conversion, desecration of cultures, and violence. Slavery as an Example of Self-bias: Slave owners exhibited extreme self-bias by dehumanizing slaves and justifying their ownership and mistreatment on the basis of perceived racial superiority. Justification of colonial exploitation: Leo discusses the rationalizations used by European colonizers, who claimed that their subjugation of native populations was justified and benevolent, overlooking the common human desires and sufferings that they shared with those they oppressed. This required a disregard for fairness and objectivity, reflecting a self-bias that historically viewed other races as inferior. Perspective on animal exploitation: Leo points out the historically self-biased view humans have had towards animals, using them in wars, overburdening them with labor, and slaughtering them for consumption without considering their worth and experience, essentially due to human-centered justifications. Corporate self-interest and self-justification: Leo addresses corporate corruption and lobbying as self-bias, where those involved often believe they are benefiting society while skewing policies in their favor, indicating a blindness to their self-interest and its effects on others. Nationalistic and ethnocentric self-bias: Discussing nationalism and ethnocentrism across countries, Leo speaks on how cultures often believe themselves to be superior to others without objectively evaluating or exposing themselves to different cultures, leading to cultural conflicts and problems like the Holocaust. Right-wing vs. left-wing self-bias: Leo addresses the accusation of his own bias, acknowledging that while all ideologies, including left-wing, are self-biased, right-wing ideologies tend to demonstrate a higher degree of self-bias. He draws a correlation between self-bias and cognitive as well as moral development, suggesting different levels of these aspects between the left and right. Self-bias and toxic masculinity: Leo critiques various men's rights movements, discussing how frustrated young men develop self-biased and misogynistic ideologies as a defense for their personal issues, using false logic and evidence to blame societal problems on femininity and women. Self-bias in wartime: Leo notes how self-bias manifests in war, with opposing sides demonizing each other and justifying their own war crimes, while denying or minimizing their atrocities compared to their enemies. He provides historical examples of wartime demonization, concluding that war is underpinned by deep-rooted self-bias. Historical Self-Bias in Wars and Conflicts: In ancient times, both Romans and barbarians saw each other as vicious enemies, with each side considering themselves more civilized than the other. Similarly, Athens and Sparta, as Greek city-states, demonized each other reflecting self-bias. World War II Demonization: During World War II, Americans depicted Nazis and the Axis powers as monstrous, emphasizing their self-bias in wartime propaganda against the Japanese, Germans, and Italians. Criminal Self-Justification: Many criminals, especially white-collar ones, do not view their actions as wrong or do not see themselves as criminals, illustrating self-bias in their perceptions of their own actions. Legal Disputes and Lawyer Bias: Courtrooms represent a battleground of self-bias, where defense and prosecuting attorneys argue one-sidedly for their client's interests rather than for objective truth, despite the judge's role as an adjudicator. Negotiations as Self-Biased: Whether it's salary discussions, business deals, or purchasing a car, negotiations are rarely about truth or fairness but rather about each party promoting their own self-interest, often related to survival or financial gain. Religious Self-Bias: Every religion believes itself to be the true path, creating justifications and ignoring contradictions present in other faiths, with institutions like the Catholic Church unable to admit systemic issues due to self-bias. Self-Bias in Spiritual Schools: Even seemingly unbiased spiritual schools, such as Zen Buddhism, Sufism, and various yoga traditions, exhibit self-bias by believing their practices are superior and more enlightening than others. Science and Epistemic Self-Bias: Mainstream science shows self-bias by focusing on quantifiable evidence, being dismissive of non-measurable phenomena like mysticism and spirituality, and holding onto paradigms resistant to change, as outlined by Thomas Kuhn. Reductionism and Nepotism: Reductionists display self-bias by insisting all phenomena can be broken down to physical components, dismissing what can't be. Nepotism exemplifies self-bias by favoring family in positions of power, highlighted by Trump's administration. Romantic Relationships and Gerrymandering: Self-bias destroys many romantic relationships due to the focus on individual needs. Gerrymandering is a clear case of political self-bias, with parties redrawing district lines for their advantage, overlooking fair representation. Debates, Partisanship, and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Debates are often counterproductive due to the self-bias of participants. Partisanship divides reality to favor one side over another. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is deeply rooted in self-bias, particularly with the contentious issue of Israeli settlements. Self-biased support for Israel by Americans: Leo points out that American support for Israel, particularly among evangelical Christians who see Israelis as the chosen people, is self-biased and unfair to Palestinians. He also notes past agreements by the UN to allocate this land to Palestinians, which are often ignored due to this bias. Self-bias in daily situations like parking: Using the example of critiquing someone's poor parking at Walmart, Leo illustrates how self-bias leads to judgment and double standards. When one's own urgency leads to poor parking, excuses are made, while others' reasons are dismissed without consideration. American exceptionalism and Western culture's biases: Western culture, especially American, favors rationality over emotion, materialism over spirituality, and individualism over collectivism. Leo criticizes American exceptionalism and U.S. foreign policy for bullying other nations and self-biased interference driven by notions of superiority and self-interest. Self-bias among intellectual figures: Figures like Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris, and Neil deGrasse Tyson are named by Leo as being self-biased, lacking in meta-level understanding. He warns of the widespread human species bias, where humanity views itself as superior and disregards other species' epistemologies. Terms synonymous with self-bias: Leo lists related terms that often indicate self-bias including selfishness, conflict of interest, hypocrisy, double standards, cherry-picking, and paradigm lock. He ties these to past episodes where he's covered topics such as 'devilry' and 'self-deception'. Detriments of self-bias: Self-bias is detrimental as it impedes self-reflection, distorts reality, breeds intolerance, creates conflict and 'evil', and ultimately hinders the quest for absolute truth and discovery of God. Indifference towards others' problems: People generally lack genuine empathy for others' hardships unless it impacts them directly. Leo urges the audience to recognize their lack of concern as a sign of low consciousness and extreme self-bias. Cultural self-bias: Leo comments on how people often absurdly favor their own culture, cuisine, and nationality, believing them to be superior due to self-bias without objective evaluation. Human indifference towards other species: Humans generally show little concern for the death and suffering of other species, highlighting the self-bias and the absence of objective value for life across species. Accusations against the objective: Individuals who point out societal and personal issues from an objective standpoint often face demonization or accusations of disloyalty as the existing self-biased views perceive objectivity as a threat. Attack on the selfless: Selfless and unbiased individuals working to correct societal problems are ironically attacked and labeled as selfish or unscientific due to the projection of self-biased flaws by others. Self-bias and group conformity: Leo observes that self-bias can be magnified within groups where biases are mutually affirmed, preventing individuals from recognising their own bias and complicating efforts to overcome it. On Self-Bias and the 'Devil': Leo describes how bias operates by explaining that those with a selfish perspective (referred to as the 'devil') see objectivity and impartiality as evil, bias, and disloyalty. The devil projects his own bias onto those who are objective and selfless, attacking them for characteristics they are actively working to remedy. Reaction to Objectivity: Leo points out that efforts to be objective and impartial are often met with resistance and hostility. People who are called out on their biases react defensively and may label the person pointing out the biases as biased themselves, a phenomenon observed in various ideological groups. Examples from Art History: Leo draws on art history to illustrate objectivity and impartiality. He discusses two paintings by Jacques-Louis David—"The Death of Socrates" and "The Lictors Bring to Brutus the Bodies of His Sons"—as representations of ultimate integrity and impartiality. Image 1 Image 2 Education and Self-Bias: Leo criticizes educational institutions for not teaching objectivity and impartiality, arguing that such principles could threaten the institutions' underlying biases. Self-Reflection on Bias: Leo admits his own biases and emphasizes that his aim is not to judge others but to encourage self-reflection, suggesting that awareness of one's own biases leads to personal growth and avoiding self-deception. Continual Vigilance Against Bias: Leo underlines the necessity of constant vigilance against self-bias and self-deception throughout one's life, even after spiritual awakenings, as new levels of bias can appear. Accessing Absolute Truth: Leo concludes that despite the prevalence of self-bias, accessing absolute truth is indeed possible, but not through conventional means or philosophies discussed earlier, hinting that a deeper approach is needed. Possibility of Objective Reality: Leo explains that through deep introspection and deconstructing human perception, one can access the absolute truth, which is the objective reality sought in the process of Awakening. No Simple Metric for Unbiased Thinking: There's no concrete metric or simple checklist for ensuring unbiased thought; the challenge is inherent because self-deception can always occur, requiring ongoing vigilance and self-reflection. Conscious Effort to Address Self-Bias: To combat self-bias, Leo advises becoming aware of biases (both major and minor), avoiding double standards, ceasing to prioritize personal interests, and cultivating integrity and a genuine desire for truth above personal survival. Broadening Perspectives to See Self-Bias: Engaging with diverse points of view, especially from outside one's "propaganda bubble," can greatly help in recognizing personal biases and expanding one's intellectual horizons. Admitting and Relinquishing Biases: Leo encourages acknowledging one's biases as a first step, then moving on to letting go of those biases, which can be a challenge requiring courage and a willingness to step out of comfort zones. Non-Duality as Transcendence of Bias: Non-duality is presented not as a bias, but as the transcendence of all self-biases, leading to ultimate truths such as God, immortality, and infinite love. Breaking Loyalty With Personal Identities: Leo recommends a radical approach to improving life—letting go of all personal loyalties and identities, which can be difficult but ultimately rewarding. Rewards of Living an Unbiased Life: Despite living unbiasedly being a challenging process, the rewards are profound, including truth, God, immortality, and infinite love. Continuous Practice to Eradicate Self-Bias: Overcoming self-bias is an ongoing journey that requires persistent effort, self-reflection, and the pursuit of intellectual integrity. Regular practices like yoga and meditation can aid awareness but need to be balanced with vigilance. Self-Bias in Teachings: Leo acknowledges the inherent biases within his teachings and emphasizes the importance of exposure to a variety of sources and ideas to avoid toxic ideologies or restrictive outlooks. Flipendo
  9. I'm confused by the difference between having no identity and realizing that you're God. Aren't those the same thing? Realizing that you're God is almost like a non-identity since you're everything and nothing, right? Identity is dualistic if you're claiming to identify as one thing as opposed to other things... but realizing that you're God means that you identify as all things and also nothing. Realizing that you're God is the only non-dual identity. If nonduality is all about how there's only ONE thing... isn't God a good word for that one thing? Like what else would this magical shit be? Kinda confused about the whole deal with the word "experience" too. I understand that people don't use that word since "experience" implies a process over a period of time, which doesn't actually exist since time is an imaginary concept in the present. Realization might be better, but then again, that makes it sound like an ego had some kind of insight. Same with awakening and enlightenment. Who awakened or was enlightened? I feel like any word that someone uses could be torn to shreds and we're just using semantics as a way to spiritually dunk on each other without actually clarifying anything lmao
  10. Leaving On 30-Day Solo Retreat Reason for Taking a Break: Leo is pausing to undertake a personal 30-day meditation retreat to reassess things afterward, due to the intensive nature of video creation and his desire to focus on personal growth. Challenge of Content Creation: Leo finds creating increasingly complex and nuanced videos laborious and it limits his time for personal development and consciousness work. Balancing Act Between Teaching and Practicing: There is a delicate balance between conducting research, formulating ideas, and personally embodying the teachings discussed in content. The Importance of Embodiment: Leo emphasizes the need for more solitude to deeply contemplate and meditate, to embody the more advanced topics he covers. Plan for the 30-Day Retreat: Leo intends to conduct a silent retreat alone, focusing on meditation and self-observation, to facilitate significant personal awakening experiences. Experience Since Previous Retreat: Since his last retreat in May, Leo mentions his growth, quieting of the monkey mind, and plans to build upon these past insights and breakthroughs. Future Release Schedule: Expected changes to's video releasing frequency, with a potential shift towards less regular, but more quality-driven and impactful content. Evolution of Priorities: Leo's growing disinterest in subscriber counts and views, focusing instead on deeper work and original research for mankind's progress. Preparations and Mindfulness: Plans for complete digital disconnection, avoiding all media and work, maintaining mindfulness during routine activities such as grocery shopping. Anticipation of Retreat Outcomes: Leo shares a mix of excitement and expectation of suffering, but looks forward to the insights and personal readiness for deeper spiritual embodiment. Feeling of Transitional Phase: A sense of completing a chapter with and a readiness to move into a new stage of personal and professional evolution. Conclusion about Content Creation: Leo assures that despite his inward focus, he will continue the series with more content after his retreat. Closing and Evolving Chapters: Leo expresses that although has been a long-running project, there’s a natural time for closing chapters and beginning new ones in life. He's not leaving but envisions a rebirth, moving into a more spiritual chapter of growth. Next Stage of Life - Enlightenment Chapter: Transitioning from a business and life-purpose chapter, Leo aims to enter an enlightenment chapter. He wants to evolve his level of consciousness and bring his audience along, potentially changing his content delivery format. Potential Changes in Content Delivery: Leo hints at more in-person teachings or doing a tour, as well as possibly working on a book. He is open to allowing the direction of his work to unfold organically based on insights gained in his upcoming retreat. Content Creation Evolution: Leo describes his new content creation method, a multi-threaded approach, where he simultaneously adds ideas to 150 video outlines instead of focusing on one. This process allows connections across various topics, offering a holistic view. Constant Search for Innovation: Leo needs constant newness and innovation in his life, viewing it as essential for being engaged with life. He can't be content with repetitive success but seeks to push the boundaries in spirituality, science, and philosophy. Interconnecting Modern Insights with Spirituality: Leo emphasizes the integration of spiritual insights with modern scientific discoveries, pointing out that he is very much pro-science when used correctly to make advancements in spirituality, psychology, and government. Holistic and Integrated Approach Needed: He argues that society needs a broad, integral approach to spirituality and human development that goes beyond fixed sets of teachings. This means including modern knowledge and technology to address the evolving complexities of society. Intellectual Foundations for Global Awakening: Before technological advances, Leo sees the need for an intellectual foundation to help humanity awaken to new possibilities. aims to provide the intellectual infrastructure that supports this intellectual revolution. New Enlightenment Beyond Established Systems: Leo calls for a new enlightenment that incorporates scientific, philosophical, and spiritual insights, going beyond established religious and spiritual doctrines and transforming education, government, and other institutions. Continuous Learning and Evolving: Leo stresses that humanity is just beginning the awakening process, and the work needed spans physical, technological, and intellectual development, with the potential for evolution continuing indefinitely. Critique of Traditional Spiritual Practices: Leo criticizes ancient spiritual traditions, including Hinduism and others, for being outdated and lacking integration with modern disciplines such as psychology, sociology, and anthropology which are essential for addressing psychological issues encountered in spiritual practice. Need for Integrating Diverse Fields: Leo advocates for an integration of non-duality with all spiritual traditions and religions globally, combining them with advancements in science, social sciences, technology, philosophy, and self-help movements, to build a holistic understanding of life. Limitations of Existing Spiritual Systems: He points out that spiritual schools are often disconnected from contemporary knowledge and justify the exclusion of other fields like psychology, which hinders the progress towards a more integrated spirituality that addresses all aspects of life. Vision for Society-Wide Transformation: Leo argues for a comprehensive reform involving the sciences, culture, nutrition, education, and technology, suggesting that an interdisciplinary approach is needed to realize his vision of an awakened society. Personal Development as a Foundation for Reform: Emphasizing the importance of personal growth, Leo discusses his own health and the necessity of internal work to effectively contribute to social transformation and prevent the spread of dogmatic and rigid systems. Self-discipline in Achieving Vision: He stresses the importance of self-purification and awareness to avoid the temptations of power and influence that can lead to corruption, comparing this internal battle to the "devil within". Integration of Intellectual Frameworks with Spirituality: Leo emphasizes the need for spiritual masters to go beyond self-mastery and incorporate intellectual structures into their teachings to influence cultural and societal evolution more effectively. Balancing Personal Development with Societal Impact: Leo cautions against the potential trap of trying to awaken or change the world without sufficient self-development, maintaining that one can only lead others to the heights that one has personally achieved. Potential for Power to Corrupt: He warns that with greater influence comes a greater risk of corruption and using power for selfish ends, which can undermine the original purpose of spiritual work and lead to rigid, dogmatic institutions. Future Commitment to Content Generation: Leo assures that despite the focus on his personal journey, he intends to continue contributing to and further the goal of a widely integrative and evolving understanding of human development. Politicians' Downfalls Linked to Personal Indiscretions: Leo cites the examples of John Edwards and Anthony Weiner, politicians whose promising careers were ruined due to their inability to control their sexual impulses. Edwards' career ended in scandal, while Weiner was imprisoned for illicit communication with a minor. Consequences of Not Controlling Selfish Desires: Leo underscores the importance of self-control and warns that personal visions can be easily derailed by giving in to selfish impulses, which he metaphorically refers to as the "devil within." Role of Retreats in Preventing Self-Sabotage: He advocates for retreats as a means of confronting and purifying oneself from internal wickedness and limitations. Retreats bring about conscious suffering, which differs from the unconscious suffering most people experience in their avoidance of growth. Dangers of Comfort and Complacency: Leo discusses the risks associated with becoming too comfortable and disconnected from suffering, as success can lead to a life of chasing pleasure, avoiding the necessary discomfort that facilitates growth. Seeking Conscious Suffering for Growth: He advises deliberately placing oneself in challenging situations that lead to conscious suffering, which in turn promotes personal growth and aligns with the greater good. Life of Service versus Life of Pleasure: Leo contrasts the unfulfilling life of indulgence in a materialistic world with the fulfilling sacrifices made when one chooses to serve a higher purpose. Becoming Vessels for a Greater Purpose: Leo encourages becoming instruments for "Toyota's work," suggesting that individuals should purify their egos to allow themselves to be conduits for larger, impactful actions. Gandhi as an Exemplar of Purposeful Sacrifice: He presents Gandhi's life as a testament to living in alignment with a noble cause, which included hardships and ultimate sacrifice but also immense fulfillment and societal impact. Challenges and Rewards of Transformative Living: Leo acknowledges the risks faced by those who choose to drive societal change but stresses that the rewards of engaging with life on such an impactful level far outweigh the difficulties. Commitment to Continuing Content: Leo concludes by reassuring his audience that despite his focus on inner work, will continue to offer content dedicated to personal and societal development. Descendo
  11. I do not know if you are or are not God. All I know is that no matter how Awakened you are you should fear God. If you do not fear God, you certainly ain’t Awake.
  12. Imo spiritual life is very very difficult in this era we witness. Almost Everything in modern society is geared towards making you distracted..tickled by temptations from all kinds .. like junk food which ruins your physical and mental health games ..Pornhub..sports industry..entertainment as a whole In all its forms ..etc You see ? How can you meditate or be detached and mature person when you are being titillated by all that ? You can't even find a quiet place to shut down your mind or to contemplate...Needless to say if you think about existential questions you are considered weird and cringe-worthy by your "bros". If you read any spiritual will find that founders have awakened when they abandoned society and isolated themselves. Take Buddha..he left a luxurious life of being a Prince and went to the woods meditating until he either wakes up or dies there . Take Muhammad..he awakend in his 40s after he became fed up with his society's worship of idols . He used to meditate alone in a cave before he awakened one night . Same with Jesus..Sadhguru..Ramana Maharshi etc. If you want to seriously awaken..and answer existential must spend some time alone away from the noisy toxic society . There is no other way around it .
  13. Yes - and that will be pure ecstacy. And It will be liberation from the paradigm you were enslaved into. I have a lot of human issues, just like the rest of us. I never claimed to be some type of saint. But I have awakened, and you have not. So I would heed my words on Truth. Now when it comes to girls that's a whole other matter.
  14. What Is God - Leo Becomes Absolute Infinity (Aka God) - All Of Reality Explained Leo's summary of the video purpose: Leo aims to convey his experience of becoming conscious of absolute infinity and his transformation into what he describes as God. He promises to demonstrate, in a subsequent episode, how viewers can gain this insight swiftly, within 15 minutes. Discovery of a unique psychedelic: Leo recounts his research into psychedelics and discovery of a rare substance that induces a complete loss of ego while retaining mental clarity, distinct from traditional psychedelics that create visual and spiritual effects. Redefining the ego and experiencing non-existence: He ponders the paradigm shift that would occur if one's ego ceased to exist. Leo questions the nature of reality and existence when the self is completely absent. Leo's personal stance on divinity: Despite his fundamentally atheistic and rational approach to life, Leo refrains from using the term 'God' due to its cultural implications but finds himself doing so after his ego-dissolving experience. Leo's initial skepticism towards psychedelics as distortions of reality: Leo enters his psychedelic experiment with the preconception that these substances create false experiences, only to encounter an earth-shattering insight that challenges his belief. Leo's experience upon taking the psychedelic: Describes the rapid intensification of consciousness and awareness upon ingestion, which led to an altered perception of reality that defied logic and physics. Experiencing absolute infinity and becoming God: Leo narrates the profound moment he became aware of the absolute infinite nature of reality, resulting in the complete transformation of his life, where he realized he and God are one and the same. Surprise over the use of 'God' label: Observes his own unexpected use of the term 'God' throughout the experience and elaborates on the concept of absolute infinity that transcends mathematical or geometric notions, embodying all dimensions and possibilities. Explanation of Absolute Infinity: Leo delves into the concept of absolute infinity, not just as a mathematical or geometric term but as a reality comprising of infinite dimensions where every possibility, even the impossible and non-existent, is encompassed and perpetually expanding without bounds. Limits within Reality: Discusses that reality, being inclusive of everything, does not allow for any limits, such as physical laws or constants. These perceived limits or structures of the universe, if they exist, are simply aspects within the boundless possibility field of reality, which itself cannot be enforced by anything external since it is all-encompassing. Alternate Universes Concept: Uses the metaphor of moving a grain of sand to imagine an alternate universe, expanding this idea to shifting every particle in our universe and considering all potential universes across time. Even this, however, is only a small glimpse of true absolute infinity. Qualities of Absolute Infinity: Describes absolute infinity as not having sensory attributes but as an existence that can only be perceived directly by being it. It is an endless singularity containing all of existence, including time, which is merely one dimension among countless others. Awakening from Life: Leo shares a narrative illustrating the profoundness of awakening from life, likening it to unzipping and shedding an ego-bound existence to emerge as absolute infinity, a shocking and indescribable transition that reveals the true concept of the ego. Understanding Awakening and God: Emphasizes that true awakening and the concept of God can only be understood through direct experiences far beyond human comprehension or expectation, with 'God' becoming a suddenly appropriate term during this revelation. Chemicals Inducing the Experience of God: Reflects on the impossibility of becoming infinite through chemical means, as conventional understanding would suggest, and how this experience challenges every known aspect of reality, declaring his prior understanding and teachings as part of a delusional dream. The Infinite Beauty of Absolute Infinity: Describes experiencing absolute infinity as encountering pure, raw beauty filled with awe and fear, radically shifting one's perception and awakening a profound realization of the scope of one's own delusion. Capturing the Essence of the Experience: Leo likens the awe-inspired feeling of viewing the night sky to his psychedelic experience, stating that multiplying that feeling by infinity falls short of capturing the profound impact of his encounter with absolute infinity. Full-Body Transformation: Emphasizes that the experience was a complete physical and emotional transformation, releasing a lifetime's worth of emotional struggle and leaving an indelible mark on his entire being. Post-Experience Integration: Leo discusses his return to normalcy after the chemical's effects subsided but acknowledges the permanent shift in his perception of reality, leading to an ongoing effort to reconcile his limited ego with the concept of absolute infinity. Hypothesizing Reality’s Nature: Posits that reality is an infinite matrix within infinite dimensions where every possibility occurs simultaneously, suggesting the necessity of limited perspectives, like individual egos and our specific universe, for absolute infinity to truly be infinite. Finding Satisfaction in a Philosophical Explanation: Shares a sense of satisfaction in having his existential questions addressed by understanding the encompassing nature of absolute infinity, which includes both life's pleasant and horrendous aspects. Life-altering Power of a Single Experience: Leo attests that the transformative power of this single experience surpasses years of meditation and self-inquiry, asserting its unparalleled significance in his personal development. Reacting to Life's Futility Post-Awakening: Expresses a realization of the futility of everyday life goals compared to the awakened state, which offers a complete perspective where everything is understood as a mere distraction from infinite reality. Contrast between Fear and Awakening: Highlights that our limited understanding due to fear of loss prevents us from awakening to the infinite existence that's possible if we let go of our attachments. Recurring Realization of Godliness: Describes subsequent experiences in sleep where he would recall becoming absolute infinity, resulting in awakening from sleep overwhelmed by the memory's beauty and terror. The Imposing Nature of God: Comments on the overwhelming nature of experiencing God, implying that despite its beauty, its magnitude can be terrifying, leading to a cautious approach to repeated experiences. Awaiting Next Episode for Revelation: Teases the revelation of the substance and detailed instructions for safe use in the next episode, urging viewers to keep an open mind and stay tuned for more information. The Gallery Of Absolute Infinity: Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 Image 6 Image 7 Image 8 Image 9 Image 10 Image 11 Image 12 Image 13 Image 14 Image 15 Image 16 Image 17 Image 18 Image 19 Image 20 Image 21 Image 22 Image 23 Image 24 Image 25 Image 26 Stupefy
  15. Reality is far more than even the most enlightened and awakened masters. Did you know that even the sound of a hammer striking a nail is God?
  16. No. It is not. People do not understand the term enlightenment or what it means. It is actually a modern term. To understand this question, we must understand different levels of consciousness. Level 1: The NPC - NPCs have no level of awakening. They move through life on a sort of autopilot functioning according to their karma and fate. Not interested in awakening. Level 2: Players These people have started to raise their consciousness and understand there are unknown dynamics governing reality. They seek to improve themselves. Level 3: Self - Realized These people have understood a grand truth of the nature of self. Maybe they haven’t experienced it but they at least understand the concept. They know that self and god conceptually are one and the same so they seek psychedelic experiences and practice. Level 4: Awakened These people have fully awakened through direct experience to the truth of reality and self. Level 5: Enlightened These people have not just awakened temporarily. They are fully awake and their consciousness has permanently shifted. They no longer identify with the false sense of self. They identify with true self. The mind is completely empty until it needs to be used. Level 6: Saints These people have become Gods essentially. They are pure light without dark. Completely perfect. Pure Yang with no Yin. All positive and no negative Level 7: Sovereigns Govern their own universe. The spirit has grown so much that they are now their own godhead in the infinity of gods
  17. God doesn't wanna wake up, so he sends his sleep agents to put the awakened ones back to sleep.
  18. got some meaning. by the way did you realize being god, as being the infinite / matrix / whatever that is. how does it feel dreaming me and others ? ( I m using words you might understand for you to awaken to yourself ) Being infinity itself, or whatever me/I/you are. And I m talking at the god/universe/consciousness/beyond matter level. of course there is no one to be awakened here, and none of this really matter. going to create a cool character, you might see a narrative ( I mean .. lol. ), I m gonna do it again for another round, been at it for like.. huh can't remind, but we going there. what if that's like real and we only got one time, this time, no way to wake up more !! you gotta ride. hey I missed myself again, got a question ?
  19. Alright… so I’ve been thinking about writing a proposal.. right now for a research project and/or documentary. I’ve gotten into this space a few times and I feel it coming on strong. So it’s time to explore more about the details of what I’m trying to create. This process doesn’t mean it’s going to happen step by step, but it does help clarify what is in my mind. I found it interesting this Sunday service because when I was listening to the husband this evening… it was interesting to hear a little bit about how they started building this Temple here in the middle of Mormon state USA… they seemed to have similar draw to just take steps and not having everything planned out but to trust how it unfolds will be how it unfolds.. so it confirms to me that what I’m led to proceed forward with is not something that is impossible. It’s very possible and I’m so much more calmed down from my first time experiencing messages. It’s time to take another look at this time and see where it leads. I’m debating how much I’m going to be sharing in this Journal. I’d like to be able to do pretty much everything on here… but again I’m hesitant because I know how strong the collective energy is and if there’s a lot of energy that is not supportive, then it will have effects. But it also can go the other way as well. So let’s just see where this goes and I’ll figure out if it’s the right thing to do to document this on here… or if I need to just go back to my pen and paper and do it like I’m used to doing. So… where to begin? Do I begin with the research proposal or documentary proposal? I don’t have the credentials for a researcher; however, I do want to participate in this experiment directly and I want to be able to record it. So… I guess I think I am going to start with the research first. So I’ve taken a look at how to write a research paper. I’ll just go ahead and pick one that I’ve seen and just go with it. So… let’s see which one to do first. I’ll start with… why not… so here’s the website Bouchrika, Imed. “How to Write a Research Proposal in 2024: Structure, Examples & Common Mistakes“. January 2, 2024. Accessed January 7, 2024. “This article aims to describe the common steps taken to prepare a written proposal as attractively as possible to achieve approval and/or funding. It also seeks to discuss key aspects that must be considered to help ensure that you can convert your proposed study into well-conducted actual research work (Bouchrika).” ”At this stage, it is good to ask these preparatory questions to help you steer your research in the right direction: What is the topic I want to study? Why is it worthwhile to study it? What practical or valuable problems will it help solve? How does it build upon—and possibly improve—existing research already done about the topic? (For students:) How is it important within the subject areas covered in the course/program? What are the specific tasks that I must plan to do? Can I get those tasks done within the time and resources available? Generally, a compelling background and significance in research proposal will manifest if it effectively captures your knowledge about the topic and shows your deep interest to conduct the research. Handle it with the purpose of making your readers engaged about the study and what the outcomes will be (Bouchrika).” ok… let’s start asking and answering this suggestions from Bouchrika. Topic I want to study? So this is about Spirituality of course. I want to study this approach that I have found myself in. Traditional religious practices is common and accepted by majority of society; however, when it comes to psychedelics as a spiritual practice or tool there seems to be many opinions… mostly as not a valid way to practice. However, there is a growing awareness from a group of people who have found in their own practice as valid. The issue that I think I want to really focus on is what I’ve been finding as I speak with traditional religious practitioners… there’s a huge reliance on reading scriptures to gain spiritual understanding. Which I can see as something that is helpful, but in my opinion not the best practice for spiritual understanding. We are not understanding that the level of our conscious development depends on the depth of understanding. Direct experience is king… hehe… I think Leo Gura had said this… oh man… referencing and sourcing the words that come out of my head is going to be a tricky one.. hehe.. I’ll try my best. But in my experience I can validate that statement. I know people are gaining an understanding that psychedelics can be used for entheogenic experiences. Ok… here’s another citation… and it looks like this website will be able to give me more literature to cite in specific topics… so here’s another website: “Entheogen.” ScienceDirect. Accessed January 7, 2024. They highlighted a definition at the top of the website… “An entheogen has also been defined as “any substance that, when ingested, catalyzes or generates an altered state of consciousness deemed to have spiritual significance.” From: Toxicology in Antiquity (Second Edition), 2019 Hehe… we are just going to be referencing one another over and over again… hehe.. but I guess this is how we do when doing research. After this… it has many articles that use the word “entheogen.” As I glance through the ones on the first page… I love the fact it states ancient practices and religions who use entheogens… and how there’s going to be an increase in research in these areas to come. So…. I have been wondering who is already trying to do studies in these topics. So which one is talking about research increasing? Let me take a look at it… well… there seems to be a few that catches my eye.. one at a time. “Building Bridges Between Neuroscience and the Humanities” Brick Johnstone, Daniel Cohen, inNeuroscience, Selflessness, and Spiritual Experience, 2019 “Although controversial, future research is likely to include increasing exploration of psychoactive substances, what scholars of religion have referred to as “entheogens,” namely, different plant substances, like mescaline, peyote, or ayahuasca, that have been used in different cultures. It is noted that plant entheogens have been used for centuries in indigenous religions throughout the world to enhance spiritual experiences. While some scholars of religion have argued that chemically induced experiences are entirely “artificial” (e.g., Zaehner, 1957), others have stated that they can produce genuine divine or cosmic connections (e.g., Huxley, 1954). The well-respected scholar of religions Huston Smith (1964) long ago asserted that a failure to explore the connection between psychoactive substances and spiritual experiences would be akin to theologians’ refusal to look through Galileo’s telescope because they worried it might change their ideas of humanity’s place in the (divine) universe. To ignore these topical territories and the subjective experiences of countless individuals would be to lose access to an important area of research and understanding about the human experience. As William James clearly understood over a century ago, … there lie potential forms of consciousness entirely different. We may go through life without suspecting their existence … No account of the universe in its totality can be final which leaves these other forms of consciousness quite disregarded. How to regard them is the question—for they are so discontinuous with ordinary consciousness. (James, 1902, p. 298)” (Johnstone and Cohen). “Psychology and Religion.” R.W. Hood Jr., in Encyclopedia of Human Behavior (Second Edition), 2012 Entheogens Among psychologists of religion, entheogen has become the preferred term for chemicals such as psilocybin that are psychoactive drugs that have profound effects on consciousness. Researchers have long noted that naturally occurring entheogens have been used by religious groups such as the Native America peyote cults to facilitate religious and spiritual experiences. The use of entheogens to facilitate mystical experience or a sense of union with God or a larger reality have produced some of the most frequently cited textbook cases of true experimental research in the psychology of religion. Set and setting have been documented to be important factors in facilitating positive experiences and a religious interpretation of them. Denominational opposition to chemically facilitated experiences is well documented, making research using religiously committed participants difficult. (Hood Jr.) So yes… hehe… how do I get involved with this type of research, because this is what I would like to do. I’m not sure I want to do their own research projects which is probably very structured but invite them into the style that I would like to explore. Which might not be considered actual research hehe… but that’s where I do want to get into the area that it could be used as a study project. Ok… so back to the question about the topic… entheogenic experiences but personally artistic flow is also a spiritual practice that is very impactful for myself as well. Dance, Instruments, Singing, Artwork such as drawing and painting… these are spiritual practices as well… again.. I feel this connects to indigenous spiritual practices as well… so.. this could go on and on… hehe… I feel that I’m interested in sacred spaces as well but Nature is sacred spaces too… so my topic seems to be wide… How can I condense it? Would it be combining indigenous spiritual practices to the modern consciousness? But not all the spiritual practices are indigenous… hmm… ha honestly I want the topic is to explore enlightenment practices. I’d like to see if the practices that I’ve happened to use for myself will help others as well. I’m actively involved with the Krishna Consciousness devotees and that’s what they are trying to do. Why couldn’t I try it as well? How many enlightened souls have come out of this particular Temple? They’ve been here for twenty years… have they had one? Are the ones who are leading this enlightened themselves? How successful are they? And even if they’re not successful… they’re still allowed to try. Why not other practices? That’s the thing… I want all of these practices to be successful.. but I only know the techniques I’ve been drawn to use… and I too want to see if it will be effective for some. Geesh… I feel if I have twenty years… I feel I’d at least get one. Hehe… when it comes to… I wonder how many of Leo’s followers have been Awakened? He’s been doing this for around ten years… I don’t even think quite that long… but how many are his numbers? Four? That might be a good guess but I really don’t know… I’m curious to know if Leo has an idea actually. He mentions that he’s met other Enlightened ones… some who might have helped him as well. That’s what we want to do is help each other to Awaken. So… is there a way I can get support to give it a go? Well… I know I have support from Infinite Intelligence… hehe… of course it might not be as successful as I’d hope it to be… but who cares? It will help me learn how to adjust and learn. There’s a difference to my style of approach as well. I’ve been finding that I continue to mention that I’m not an open door policy. While most traditional religions somewhat are. So there is many people who can come in and participate. The thing is the congregation doesn’t necessarily have a personal relationship with the priest. I do want a personal relationship with the ones I’m working with. I mean that also makes me different from Leo’s approach as well. He has a Forum… but aren’t there rules not to use this space to meet with other people here? I was wondering if this is something I just made up or if I had read this somewhere on the rules. Let me check real quick… Yes… there is no recruiting for meetups in our city, private groups, things of this nature… hehe.. Ok that makes sense for this forum… but again… when it comes to my journey… being engaged one on one is something that I want to share with the people I’m working with. I just don’t have a sign that says… hey everyone and anyone wants to try this out? Come on in… hehe… I’m more like… umm… let’s see where we are together. I’m far more discerning these days… hehe. Well… I guess this audience isn’t potential team members then? Most of my team members are who I’ve ran into personally anyways… but I do feel like I want to see if I can get a hold of some researchers and see who is open to talk to me one on one. I’m curious who I’m going to reach out to. I chuckle because I remember reaching out to a few people after my solo sessions…hehe… I was so excited yet ungrounded that I’m sure I was a crazy lady… hehe.. and I don’t mind being a bit crazy… hehe… I feel the people I’m drawn to work with will have a bit crazy in them as well. We’ll make an interesting team for sure. Hmmm… I feel like that my mind gets a bit distracted when I’m writing here on the journal when asking these questions. There’s a responsibility to cite everyone and everything. Sometimes I just need to let things flow and go to get into a groove and I wasn’t really able to do it tonight. I kept going to other websites and this distracts me and maybe I’ll go ahead and go back to the pen and paper during my next two days which are my days off. I feel like this would be satisfying for my process. Alright… this is good for now…. Until next time… Oh! I almost forgot… I got the nova double flute yesterday. I’ve got 24 hours of practice and I love it. I’m apologizing to my housemates because I have a feeling I’ll be playing quite a bit. Oh and I also randomly got a $50 Amazon gift card from my credit union by filling out a survey… so I ended up getting a drum thing that is easily portable and compact. It’s supposed to have two different sounds… snare on one side and bongo sounds on the other… plus there’s an ability to use it as a shaker as well. I guess I can strap it to my waist or thigh… onto my body if I want to be able to move as well… I thought it was worth a try since I got a gift card… I’d give myself a gift to hopefully have a drum alternative that I can travel with. Ok… just wanted to mention this. I’m excited to get some instruments to play with and travel with…, is a good time for a break
  20. I give better wisdom for free on discord all day. Don't know why people even buy such non sense. Everything is free when you are intelligent enough. There is people who receive everything for free and people who pay for nothing. Guess the people who need money are just not rich to see how pathetic it is. I could pull off billionaires hot young ladies in my bed with just god and it's completely free. I makes them buy me the dinner, the cocktail and they reward me with intense blowjobs. Just Get awakened.
  21. I'm on day 15 of Brahamcharya(semen retention). I just got the girl of my dreams. Extremely fucking hot and sexy. Her personality alone gives me am erection!!! Anyone else who says Brahamcharya is fake is not a sage nor are they awakened. They are stupid. Women can't do brahmacharya due to menstruation. After thokar kriya I had her all over me. Fuckkkk Everything I ever said about women(negatively) is and was false. I just had bad game then. She changed my life. Everywhere I go animals, insects, and people now love me. I have gotten job offers making 14k a month!!!!!!! I was just working as a musician and also at a low-comsciousness fedex job. I now am making money at age 23. I can finally move out and do what I need to do. Yessss fuckkkk. Brahmacharya is reallllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Sure. Ken Wilber said in the Interview-Series "Cosmic Consciousness" to Tami Simon that nobody on the planet is resting 24/7 in his True Nondual Being, enlightened or not. When True Reality clouds over with remaining ignorance, it is a hint from Reality which parts of the separate self are not yet seen through and still have the potential to "cloud" awakened Nonduality/Awareness. The question is then: Does one know ones True Being/Nature (impersonal enlightenment), and can one re-establish that nondual infinite awakened state immediately by just reaching out? Peak to Plateau to permanent. The deciding shift is realizing what that True Being really is. That gives to possibility to re-establish that by just "reaching out".
  23. I never denied that from the perspective of separation/duality/separate ego there is suffering. I agree on the first two statements (above) from you. Actually, I wrote: And that suffering is as real or unreal as everything else. So from the perspective of the separate self it is very (!) real. Separate Self/unenlightened mindsteam = frequent suffering/resistance. First Noble Truth: Suffering. Unsatisfying. I would be the last one to deny that. Here it depends on what is meant with Reality/You/Being. I assume that for me the referent or meaning of these words/signifiers is something different than for you. Maybe lets leave it open what the true potential of the True Reality of you really is? In my perspective it would be unresonsible to not testify on the release of suffering in truly awakened nondual states. Especially if these awakened nondual states are not just temporary highs, but a reality that has become very reliably available right here and now, just by reaching out... Selling "the possibility of an end of resistance/suffering to what is arising in the Nondual Reality that You really are" by the River
  24. @Javfly33 As Cetus writes: If you truly are the awake Infinite Totality on a deep identity level (Full Enlightenment into Absolute Reality itself, preferably as stable as possible in daily life, Peak to plateau to permanent), Infinite Reality itself.... would you resist yourself? Of course not. Remaining suffering/resistance shows where the separation from the Totality (aka separate-self/separation-elements of the ego) are still well and alive playing their game: a) desiring an experience and not getting it and suffering/resisting while doing that, or b) wanting an un-pleasurable experience to go away, and suffering/resisting that that is not happening/appearing. It is a hint of God/Reality (so to say) to highlight certain not yet enlightened elements of the mindstream, remaining false identities of something separate still emerging. To be precise: God/True You/Truth/Reality CONTAINS the (illusionary or mere appearing) appearance/arising of suffering/resistance. The ego or mind IS an appearance, and very often IS the suffering/resistance (when resisting what is). Yet, it is AS real (or unreal) as every other experience/arising/appearance. So very real enough to cause appearing/arising suffering/resisting in a not fully enlightened perspective/being. The sentient awareness is not suffering, it contains as appearance/arising the suffering. "The" sentient awareness is totally empty and impersonal, and yet "it" is also all that arises - nondual and infinite. "It" can never be located, it is the Totality seeing itself in a nondual way, without any separate anything pulling the nondual unity apart into duality. That awakened nondual enlightened state alone (which is also the true natural state btw. if no illusion is appearing/arising in it) is free of suffering/resistance. Resistance/suffering (another word for separate-self/separate ego arisings) ends this awakened nondual state faster than one can say "duality". That is not only my claim, but the claim of many humans that have realized their True Identity, over all ages, cultures, places, and found freedom from resisting/suffering/self-contracting.... But to truly understand and realize that, a big clap of the one hand is necessary. You practice, which is what counts. So, bon voyage.... Selling Water by the River PS: Back from vacation, and happy new year to everyone!
  25. The more awakened you are, the fewer compulsions and more choices you have as far as behavior. You can choose to be either self-seeking or to serve others. "Manipulation" isn't good or bad. You can manipulate people to free them from their psychological problems or to extract resources from them. The choice is yours.