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  1. So, here I am with the rest of the insights and considerations! 2) I had another lucid dream (this one was horrific and made me scared af) I mean, how rare is it to have a lucid dream without techniques or such? Well, this is now the 3rd lucid dream in 3 nights (damn epic streak). And this was totally horrific, both for the dream content and for the insights (I remain skeptic). This was something Dark style (if you ever watched it on Netflix, you’ll know, what I mean). Let me tell you what I dreamed of. There were @billiesimon and I who made some tests in the dreams. Sometimes I was me and sometimes I was him. We would go back in particular moments where something specific happened, while being conscious that specific actions would cause that specific outcome. I/We tried then to do something else on purpose so that those outcomes would never happen. Well, it didn’t work out. Sooner or later the same outcomes happened again. The dream ended with @billiesimon cutting me to pieces (I felt the pain of being cut) to prove that I couldn’t escape what’s already written (in the original situation I was cut to pieces; rewinding it back, trying to escape and doing something else, brought the same result). I woke up with my hearth thumping in my chest and had to calm down for 10-15 minutes straight, before going back to sleep. What it practically means is (if it’s true) that life is already written, and we are just “re-living” that. This means we don’t have any control on our life, and everything is going exactly as expected. E.g. this would completely explain dejavus, which are moments when we feel we have already lived that. This is somehow disturbing, because this could mean we are already dead, and we are just apparently alive to live forever and ever the same things. On the other side, this means we are now allowed to detach ourselves from outcome, because it doesn’t matter what you do: it’s all already written. This also means that reality is a dream too. I remember Leo's video about it and by having so many lucid dreams in the last days, I am really starting to find truth in his words. I have already had glimpse of lucid dreams and other lucid dreams in my past which felt more real than reality itself. Some of them were damn magnificent. 3) My dissociation is becoming detachment I followed your suggestions and I am trying to listen more to myself and to my body. I notice I feel generally calm and mild lightness and joy. I am becoming more sponteneous and lighthearted. I laugh a lot, weree before I was a bit like the James Bond typ ála "k dude" or "cool story bro" and I could not really find humorism in some things. With these awakenings and insights I am getting, I am becoming slowly engaged in life itself. 4) My state is fluctuating and not stable Even if it seems that my detachment state is permanent, this state it's still fluctuating. I don't feel the same state all day long and there are particular moments, when I still feel some kind of pain-body. Still I notice an incredible rise in awareness, presence and non-reactivity, especially in situations where I usually would be triggered. 5) I feel reborn I feel like I was born again or that something was washed off my eyes. I feel I can now experiment with life and with myself and start living. I feel like as if you were visiting a new city for the first time. You look around, you observe details, you feel the energy of the place with enthusiasm. You are not in your mind, but enjoying visiting this new city. All my perceptions are augmented. All smells are richer. I can distinguish more flavors and enjoy their complexity. After raining, I can smell the smell of wet grass, moist soil, humidity in the air and other smells carried out from the wind. All sounds are fuller, all colors are more vibrant and colorful. There is more clarity and complexity in my perceptions. Everything feel different, but right, as if before it was the "false" way of perceiving. 6) Every day I discover something new I still haven't experienced the core of true awakening: Discovering who I really am, nothingness and that's all an illusion (perception). I am still not at that point, but I saw some signs here and there (e. g. nature who smiled at me, lucid dreams, some insights I had etc.) that make me think this is a big prelude to that giant insight. I am building up momentum and insights. I tried following your suggestions, but it still doesn't click in my direct experience. 7) There are feelings I don’t really know in my life I noticed there are feelings I felt not so much (or at all) in my life and I am looking for pratical ways to incorporate them in my life. Here is a list in no particular order: Union Unconditional Love 100% Integrity and Authenticity Freedom Bliss Forgiveness Radiance Passion Abundance Victor Joy Patience Humilty Gratitude Happiness Worthy Acceptance Playfullness Spontaneousness Serenity I am looking at what make me passionate. Spirituality, Self-Help and helpiing people make me really passionale and I want my Vision and my LP to encompass this. 8) I am trying to go with the flow and stop forcing awakenings I stopped overtechnicizing life, meditation and spirituality. I stopped relentless self-inquiry at once. Instead of meditating I am just "Being". I am trying to be patient, curious and spontaneous and don't go for the quick wins, but to relax and enjoy the process with trust that it will work. During work I am taking breaks to enjoy the present moment and I am focusing myself on one thing at once. When I eat, I eat. When I shit, I shit. When I be, I be. Today I trained in gym without music. Just trained. I want to experience things as they are. 9) I am showing gratitude for this gift Everything changed since I received this thing I cannot describe. It came at the right moment and I show actively gratitude for it. 10) Love is what we need I told myself these words under the tree and during another trip. Love is really what we need. Self-Love at first. Hope you liked it!
  2. There is no past, It was just Love There is no Traumas, It was just Love There is No Uglyroach, It was just Love There is no Ilan Cohen, It was just Love There is no Chloé Denis, It was just Love There is no Leo Gura, it was just Love There is no Nothingness, It is just Love
  3. Hey guys! So I just wanted to share a really profound experience i just had 5 minutes ago! So me and my girl was taking a nap and I started dreaming but I woke up and then I fall asleep again and went into a waking/dreaming state, I had my eyes open but I know they werent open cause I could change the scenery, but out of the blue a question popped up, WHAT AM I? And i was staring into nothingness and the response was GOD and then the insane energy/vibration came and I started to vibrate so I jolted out of my body and I thought I was awake and I tried first to get up but it was really hard lol then I looked at my arms and they were transparent and vibrating light almost. It was an incredible fast and cool thing, but the What am I question just came and the response and effect it had was insane. Never felt that kind of energy/vibration before in my life, imagine when you been underwater for so long that you are desperate for breath and when you come up u take such a deep breath, that you make a sound, imagine that sound + a vibration spreading through your entire being after the question was answered, thats the best way I can explain in words.
  4. I don't think that reincarnation exist but who knows. What are you? First question. For me the best answer is that you are a shape in the nothingness, you are a perfect, wonderful shape , incredibly perfect, a miracle, but no more. Your substance is the infinite nothingness, the same for you, for me, for the shit that I did a while ago, or that formed a stone. A infinite empty hole that it's everything, vibrating in a miraculous, when your shape ends, who is going to reincarnate, if already now there is no one, there is only another shape , another wave with a frequency, when the wave gets consumed, only the substance where the wave vibrates remains, and the substance is everything, so what reincarnation?
  5. Nothing is happening on this forum. Within the appearance that nothing takes are a subset of members of the forum. This subset of members are taking the teaching of "nothingness" or "God" or whatever you want to call this appearance and they're using it to deceive themselves into believing reality is non-dual. This only serves to reinforce their own sense of separateness by weaponising the ultimate statement of non separation and using it to serve their own ego-centric agenda. This is the same old agenda: an attempt to assert that the ego has the truth and now it's time to school all the other ego's about how right it is. This time however, it's wearing a very cunning disguise that says "reality is a dream and I don't exist". This statement (or similar) then become the tool it uses to assert its existence. If you really want to wake up, put down the keyboard, sit on the cushion and humble thyself.
  6. You're intellectualising a bit too much and projecting that I need your pointers. Really relax a bit I do the same mistake. Take this seeing and keep marinating. Its like seeing myself so I cant blame you I do the same thing. You are getting too excited of being nothingness. That's still not enlightenment. There's more, but this is important step. This step is all about purification, so stay calm, stay present beyond form. Glad you are here.
  7. So, I actually contemplated these too in a super nonduality rampage. Here are my replies 1) Where do thoughts happen? Why are you feeling them inside your head as sounds? Does it mean they are located in your head? If no, why am I hearing them inside my skull? Are thoughts created from within your identity, so after the perceiver percieve the avatar or are they coming directly from you (the perceiver)? First of all you have to define what a thought is (in a human comprensible way). A thought is a "container" that includes an energetic charge and a content. The content of the thought is added as soon as the energy is perceived and then processed in the form of perception inside of the ego. Each thought therefore contains not only a verbal content, but also a specific energy charge. The energy is exactly the energy coming from consciousness. That is why there are "positive" and "negative" thoughts. By positive and negative we mean the energy charge coming directly from the substrate under the forms (the consciousness). Memories and thoughts SEEM to be separated from the external word. It seems to you they are part of a container called identity (together with the image of your body and many other things). There is an identification with your identity, which has a specific form and specific boundaries. That's why you perceive yourself as separated from the rest of reality. Thoughts are connected to your identity, because for a specific thought to happen, there must be some kind of perceiver who percieves and then transforms the energy as a thought. Because you identify yourself to your identity, thentime you feel that they are "your" thoughts, but they are in reality are just thoughts floating in the void. Therefore, you perceive that sounds are generated by forms, in which you DO NOT identify yourself, because you identify yourself with your "human" ego. If you focus on perceiving from where sounds are coming from (just tip your finger on something), you will notice that those sounds are not really coming from the contact between forms. It SEEMS to you that touching a form with another form causes the sound to happen and that you perceive it, but if you are aware enough, you'll see that what it really happens is that a form is touching another form and then you hear a sound. You as ego add the meaning that touching a form with another form causes the sound to happen. In reality, you'll see that those sounds are perceived out of nothing. They are found in some underground texture layer which lies behind the reality of the forms: the nothingness/consciousness. This means that nothingness is practically creating energy within nothingness which in turn is perceived by identity and channeled under the form of a specific perception inside your ego and perceived in different ways (in the form of sound, smell, thoughts etc.). The thoughts come therefore in the same nothingness where the energy that is perceived as sound, movement, shape etc. is located. They are all generated in real time (in the present moment) and are just floating in the void. This means that there is no difference and separation between your thoughts and external sounds but they are only perceived different due to the degree of separation caused by identifiying yourself in a human ego. 2) Who is then really thinking? The perceiver or the avatar? Thoughts are then NOT created from within your identity, but rather channeled from consciousness INSIDE the ego. The ego interpretes then the energy and percieve it as a thought. So, who is really thinking is the perceiver and NOT the ego. This means you basically have no free will, because the one who is thinking it's not what you believe you are, but rather the perceiver (consciousness). 3) What is the difference between perceiver, perception (awareness) and perceptions (sounds, smells etc.)? Perceiver: the "true" self, the "true" I, the quantum field, consciousness, infinity. It is infinitely full of energy and empty at the same time Perception: Perceiving=being aware. Perception is infinite being. Being = Being aware of itself as a being without forms. Perception can be at the same time finite too, if there is a finite perspective from which is possible to perceive a reality Perceptions (sounds and smells etc): Perceptions are interpretations that take place under finite form (inside the ego) of consciousness energy. They all have precise channels (tactile, visual, auditory, etc.) Perception is something that happens not only in a infinite way, but in a finite form too. If there were no perspective (a form), there could be no perception of reality, because there would be nothing finite through which the infinite can perceive itself in another finite form. So perception is connected to a perspective. You are "the eye" behind your identity (your perspective) and see reality through the lens of your identity (a perspective). There must therefore exist a perspective for perceptions to occur inside a finite reality. Perception itself exist outside the ego and not inside, because it can perceive itself infinitely without limiting itself in a form. This means that perception is an infinite mechanism, but also finite at the same time, because as soon as it percieves reality through an identity, it becomes finite and cannot experience ALL reality, because it's constraining itself under a specific ego and finite form. That's why to experience ALL reality you must die. Because you don't have any finite form anymore. In fact you as a human being, being finite, cannot perceive ALL the infinite but only the finite in an infinite way (plus nondual insights, that are parts of infinity). This means that finite and infinite exist only conceptually and not really. Another thing I discovered is that infinite is infinite not only outside of finite, but inside of finite too. That's why reality is a fractal. A fractal is a finite picture with specific forms where you can zoom in infinitely and obtain the exact same forms from where you started zooming in. 4) Do perceptions (sounds, smells etc.) exist? If yes, where? Yes, they exist in a specific form as soon as they are channeled from Consciousness inside a ego and interpreted (see question 2). 5) Do thoughts exist? If not, why? Same as question 4. 6) Is there a conceptual difference between a thought and the content of a thought? If yes, which one(s)? Nope. The division is only done by you. Another important thing I discovered is that there is a misconception about what forms are. Forms are NOT ONLY things you can see. A form is something finite that's material or not material that can be percieved in ANY way. This means that a sound is a form, a thought is a form, a book is a form, a smell is a form, a picture is a form. They are all forms, because they are finite. Mind is then both the container of finite forms and the mechanism used by consciousness to create a finite reality. So all what's happening is happening within the realms of the mind. On a personale note: I feel I am reaching a breakthrough. Either I am suggesting myself and I made out all these insights or something is happening.
  8. Hi, First post. So I had this experience and a dream afterwards and I guess I have had questions about it since. So a little background on it before i begin explaining it. I was certainly drunk at the time. However I was in bed at that time and trying to drift off into sleep. Eyes closed. Trying to cease thoughts but failing at that so I was thinking deeper thoughts than I normally do and thinking about nothingness and how everything even my form is nothing and generally My thoughts were centred around nothingness and something being nothing. So with my eyes closed and seeing darkness and thinking of nothingness I started visualising like what I can describe as viewing a blank screen of a computer monitor. Nothing viewed on the screen but then a windows started maximizing from a small point on the screen to get bigger and my thought are like “not that one”, then it minimized and a different window started to appear and im like “not that either” and it minimized. It happened one more time before I finally accepted the fourth window in which The window maximised to fill my entire vision and I was cast as a character into an entirely different and futuristic world. The hair styles were great and i loved the styles portrayed around me. I also was able on occasion to change from one person to a different person like possession. trying and wanting to get a hair style like that. Obviously what I would normally consider a dream. It lasted the whole night until I woke up. Quite unusual for the same dream to last the whole night which was 10 hours of sleep... What i dreamt made me wonder about one of Leo’s videos about how what we call something is actually nothing. Is the something I am seeing my whole life actually like that dream world. Nothing. From my studies of physics experiments in this world that I have called something aka what I have called reality... some of them point to there being no space. Some of them point to future events that are actually able to change past events. Like the Matrix... like that dream... Have I actually been living in a dream world this whole entire time? If so... How can I trust anything that I have learnt in this dream reality? Because I certainly don’t trust anything in my fantastic hair styles dreams... Is everything that I have learnt and experienced as reality... what people in this reality would call materialistic really... just a mere illusion? A fantasy? My body? My friends? The meal in front of me? In my dreams I consider other people to be real. In my “real world” i consider everyone to be real. Are all of them just like my body... “Nothing”? please help if you know the answer to these questions. It also makes me wonder.... if before we experience this “dream” or “reality”... that we choose it just as simply as what I did before the dream that I feel I chose expanded to fill my whole vision and dream the whole night through... It also make me wonder about another thing. if it is like you Dream and the people you dream of... are just as inconsequential as people in your dreams.l when you wake up and you are like “oh it’s just a dream” and they disappear and have no real relevance in your life apart from being a dream person... Are the people and world you are currently living in and experiencing just like a dream... the same... inconsequential... Their dream feelings don’t matter. Illusions? If what I experience as reality... and call “something” is actually “nothing” just like a dream... an illusion... i mean it reminds me of this saying I read... You are God just constantly dreaming. how do you act towards your dream characters? inconsequential? Respectful? if the only thing in existence is You... God... I don’t know how to explain my question to be honest. urgh
  9. The ego he is talking about is just a collection of thoughts and story that got confused with being. It is a fallacy, a misconception but not true. He says "I am not the mind" and that the mind is experienced, but I do believe he is wrong on that (or at least we simply have different definition of "mind"). Thoughts which are the content of the mind can be experienced but not the container. If you could experience anything about the container you could derive "properties" or "qualities" to it, and then claim that's what you are. Any idea about the container is content, and so not the container. Death can be interpreted as the content, "I", coming to an end. This is ego death and infinite love. No problem with that. What I am unsure about is physical death, the end of the container. Leo basically says in his 1h30 video on Immortality that this "end" or "physical death" is just more content, therefore it doesn't exist and the container has no end. I doubt that. Some ideas have more substance than just being ideas. A brick is a brick no matter what you think about it. I still believe in things being "physical" which some would say is just another property, more content, but I would say that those physical things demonstrate limitations that are beyond beliefs. Beliefs are indeed limitation but the reality of a brick wall is also a limitation. Can you let go of the brick wall by letting go of the concept? No, therefore I doubt the idea that physical death can be let go of by letting go of the concept. Following this physical death would end the container. That aside, what determines what goes through awareness? Even if we refuse to say it's the real world and its laws (e.g. you won't see colors in a dark room) then there's nothing preventing this awareness from experiencing pure nothingness for eternity. To give credit to the idea that you will experience more things in the future is to believe in some sort of laws that prevent it. So I accept the possibility of this whole idea of the physical is an illusion, but I cannot say that it is with certainty. Therefore I cannot say with certainty that the container has no end, or that the mind is immortal. The best I can say is that I don't know. It goes without saying that the emotionally challenging part of death is still the ego death. If you don't identify as anything you don't really care what goes through awareness, even if it's emptiness for eternity (which is absolute Love anyway). The problem arises only if we create a self that is scared of that. But this challenges the idea that "after death you will cycle back". Maybe you will, but I don't know how you can tell.
  10. If you go bit deep maybe you ll realize that it's not sure that it's a container or a identity. You are creating that remembers, tastes, every thing, right now, and it's not sure that all that remembers really happened. They are only thoughts that appeared of the nothingness, and for you are real. But where is the container? The time is being created right now for your mind. It's complicated because there is time, there was dinosaur, evolution , etc. But in other hand no. Only this exactly moment exist and all that you are perceiving and thinking come from the nothing right now, in this no time eternal. But I couldn't say that I understand that
  11. To clarify what I am saying: the avatar is your identity. The perceiver is the one behind your identity perceiving your identity. I am asking this too: are thoughts, memories etc external from "external" sounds, smells etc. or are in the same place? I am trying to imagine thoughts, memories, personal tastes, believes etc. as "things that are inside of a cointaner, aka your identity". But are they? Or are they "free"? If they are in this container, then in which container are located the "external" sounds, shapes etc.? Are there in a different nothingness than the nothingness from where you feel your thoughts come from?
  12. @Vittorio i realized About the creation from the nothingness. The thoughts were like shapes, like a wave, without any meaning, and after you translate them to words....I think. the avatar , like you named, is the thinker. He is shaping the nothingness, creating a shape, the shape is you, your egoic identity, the nothingness shaped, and he is who is Creating the thoughts , that are putting limits to the nothing. Creating the thing that is you, or me. We are only a shape of the substance of the infinity, that have no shape. The difference is that the "avatar" have not substance, is only shape, and the perceptor is substance, or at least I perceived the nothingness like a substance...but it's direct experience of a shorts sigths and could be wrong
  13. Thank you for your reply. About the first part (translation as sounds etc) are the sounds in another nothingness external from the nothingness from where you hear the sounds? I ask this, because I still feel sounds, smells etc as something external to me that are "somewhere" and that I perceive as external perceptions through my avatar. About the second part (avatar and perceptor), I don't understand your reply. I am confused about that. If I focus on the origins of the thoughts, I see they come from nothingness (perceiver). What I don't understand is if the thoughts are directly coming from the perceiver or the perceiver create them after he perceives the avatar. Perceiver and avatar are so deeply interconnected that's difficult to differentiate between them. If I am both, then there is no difference between avatar and perceiver. Than what's enlightenment about? There should be a difference, otherwise how can you realize your "true" self?
  14. This is the only question of all you did that I could answer from my direct experience. They are not sounds, there are like shapes that you esculpt from the nothingness, and after you translate like sounds. The other question about the avatar and the perceptor, I realized that it's one who talks and another who is talked. Who talks is shaping the other, who listen. Both are you. If you focus in the talker, you are the shape, if you can forget the talker and be the listener, you have no limits because is the talker who create the limits . The listener is infinite, no shape , the talker is creating the shape all time, non stop any second.
  15. Yeah, from the nothingness. there is nothing and after the thought exist. But how do you do that? Why? How many levels of thoughts there are? Maybe all that you are perceiving is a thought, in deeper levels. Maybe a thought have the same nature that all reality that we are perceiving, create from the nothingness
  16. Fair enough. There is ONE instance of the color green and it’s not happening inside your brain. Everything you hear and see is exactly as it is. The colors you see are suspended in nothingness. The “universe” is perceiving itself. Neither you nor your friend have an instance of the color green. The color green is just floating in the vacuum of empty space. You aren’t experiencing sounds and colors - they are BEING for themselves. The reason you know them is because the “air” or the “space” around you is what is actually conscious. Not your ego. When you “walk” or move your body, it is not your body that is experiencing reality, it’s the space that wraps around you. You get it?
  17. A true non-dual state feels like you “popped” out of reality and you see what’s in front of you as a projection. So imagine the scene right now, suddenly you realize it is a painting, and you step outside the painting and look at it directly. You can see the “void” around your bubble of perception, and then you realize that everything in your direct experience is a flat, dimensionless projection emanating from you, nothingness. Its like realizing you’ve had a 360 degree screen wrapping around you your entire life. I’ve experienced this many times, and it is incredible. Truly remarkable.
  18. I'd like to share with you a few thoughts about the various 'states' of being. Qualities of Light - if you will. I like the word 'Light' because it represents the actuality of what is; to me. It's simply the most appropriate and most suitable word - ime. You can feel free to replace it in your imagination with any other word. God, Infinity, Consciousness, Love or perhaps Nothingness. Point is; I am referring to what's here now. Omnipresent and omnipotent. Many teachers speak of this concept by using models such as 'densities' or 'dimensions'. 'Octaves', even. I'd like to simplify things a bit, and share with you what - in that sense - 'works' for me. How I view and understand Light. So if I tune into what I'm sensing and/or perceiving right now; I'd describe it as 'various qualities/states of Light melting into each - other'. Depending on where my attention is placed; I can sense what we would commonly refer to as 'solid matter' - which feels compressed/condensed/pressured and perhaps even somewhat 'heavy'... Or I can focus on the more lighter, floaty aspects of actuality; stuff like air, sounds or even thoughts. So what I'm saying is, that that's all just Light. All God. No big surprise there - I imagine. But here's what might be interesting as well as helpful/practical; Imagine a spectrum that in one direction goes to infinite contraction and in the other it goes to infinite expansion. Your focus/attention/awareness is what enables you to navigate through the sensations and/or thoughts and determine your position. Which could be referred to as your 'resonant frequency'. Your 'state of being'. When you are contracting; your breath shortens. You start pulling away from the present moment. Getting further and further away. As if you were teriffied of fully being here and now - for whatever reason. Reality seems distant. Your focus is narrowing down, perceptions gets blurry. Everything seems to be choppy - instead of flowing smoothly. Your thoughts multiply each time you blink and become increasingly heavier. So much so you cannot see actuality over them. In a sense; thoughts bury you alive. In extreme cases of contraction; your breath is literally taken away and you are compressed down to a tiniest little dot. And not, even. The good news is; Infinity! No matter how contracted; 'eventually' you break through and come out the other side - if you will. You breathe in consciousness. You start expanding. And expansion feels wonderful. Absolutely lovely. It's like being set free from a cage. You are no longer afraid to be here. You breathe deliberately and on purpose. With the intention to be. You are eager and excited. Invested. Paying attention. Thoughts are much fewer and much lighter. Not distracting - at all. Pleasant, positive and empowering, even. Colours are brighter. Definition is higher. The more you are here now the more your breath deepens. The more relaxed and effortlessly immersed you are. Fully present. Light and at peace. You breathe with such ease and it feels so good that eventually all that there is; is breathing. Absolutely lovely, carefree, effortless breathing. And what that is; is beautiful, divine, floating Light. I remember being in states where my entire being felt like sand being blown around by the wind. There was absolutely nothing solid or physical about it. It felt like heaven. Light is truly awesome.
  19. @Preety_India Because you have never embodied stage yellow. That´s why your idea wont fly. In order to have "good" traits of each stage, every stage needs to be gone through. You are proving the point here. Yes, in theory stage pink would emerge after stage Turquoise, but it would be wayyy beyond what you proposed here @DrewNows Honest question, have you had a kundalini awakening or are you drinking your own urine ? Also have you experienced or even glimpsed what Emptiness/Nothingness is?
  20. When I speak of God I am not necessarily speaking of a singular entity. I am no God myself if we are talking about traditional conceptions of what a god is. There are levels to this stuff. Ultimately we are nothing but consciousness and consciousness is nothingness. That is what I am referring to when I speak of god. It really doesn't matter what you call it (Source, energy, consciouness, god, etc.). My point is that this is all just self-talk and that it's kind of funny.
  21. 1. You’re an eternal mind independent of your body. You’re a system of eternal sinusoid waves existing everywhere and nowhere simultaneously. 2. Your body is an avatar in this sort of VR game. 3. Thoughts are infinite interactions of these waves. They appear from nothing because YOU are nothingness itself, and you’re imagining all thoughts. 4. It is not that you are “having” thoughts, it’s ONE thought morphing all the time.
  22. I discovered an even easier way of looking at the energy body. There is ultimately no difference between the physical body and the energy body. If we take the Wolfram model then all of reality is a single graph (network of nothingness). So both the physical body and the energy body are appearances produced by that single graph. The difference is that the energy body is subtler, more fine-grained than the physical body. I think that's evident in how for example protein folding inside cells is a very clever process that I believe requires more fine-grained control over the atoms than the traditional forces in physics. So instead of making a distinction it's simpler to say that entropy is actually complexity and hence order and it's just that at the personal stage it's too fine-grained order which we can't control at that stage so it appears as disorder to us.
  23. Today i am a moth, tomorrow a bee, yesterday an owl, sunday a tree. I embody all things, as all things are we. You think i am this body, yet i am far more than you see. I see everything, as i am everything, at the same time, nothingness is the greatest truth. Impossible for the mind to grasp, but i am he, i am we, i am you. Can you see me now in the mirror, looking deep inside your eyes, i am the seer and the seen and the mirror in-between. I am the supreme and i am the fool, i am the infinite, the tool, the teacher and the school. Embody in all shape and forms, i am that which is beyond the norm. Feel me deep in your souls presence, i am the awareness that is divine resonance. In my presence, you are fully seen, you can play pretend, but i know your dream. I won't let you know directly, cause that spoils the fun, but i will challenge you to embody your absolute best until you only see and embody The ONE. Then you will have earned the grandest of rewards and receive the blessings of the mighty Godsword. Until then, i hint you with this play, for practice is pretend, and play is the only way to which you can truly Ascend. I AM
  24. You’re speaking about in such a certain manner, changing from your original post. You’re still making dualistic distinctions. You DO have a Self (capital S). Your ego is not your true self, it’s a mask. There is ONE self in existence. There IS a you. Its just that the ONE self is experiencing all the characters simultaneously. There is no universe, no time, nothing. Just one self, dreaming infinite lives. ”No self” is only partially true. You do in fact exist, but you’re not a human being in your truest nature, but pure nothingness, full of everything.
  25. I don't meditate too much. I meditate twice a month in average. Meditation is great IDK why I haven't been able to make it a habit. What I have been able to realize during meditation is that Nothingness = Infinity or something like that. Why guided meditation? The only times I have done guided meditation was a healing guided meditation after surgery. My thoughts about your experience is that you were experiencing some sort of Siddhi