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  1. When I speak of God I am not necessarily speaking of a singular entity. I am no God myself if we are talking about traditional conceptions of what a god is. There are levels to this stuff. Ultimately we are nothing but consciousness and consciousness is nothingness. That is what I am referring to when I speak of god. It really doesn't matter what you call it (Source, energy, consciouness, god, etc.). My point is that this is all just self-talk and that it's kind of funny.
  2. 1. You’re an eternal mind independent of your body. You’re a system of eternal sinusoid waves existing everywhere and nowhere simultaneously. 2. Your body is an avatar in this sort of VR game. 3. Thoughts are infinite interactions of these waves. They appear from nothing because YOU are nothingness itself, and you’re imagining all thoughts. 4. It is not that you are “having” thoughts, it’s ONE thought morphing all the time.
  3. In my experience, the thoughts are always in words or images like stories or a short movie. If I was visually, audibly and speech impaired, who has never spoken, never heard sounds and never seen anything, how would I experience a thought? Please do not take these impairments literally, What I am basically trying to ask is what is there to an experience of thought underneath these complex, subjective layers of sounds, words and images. I experience the "hologramy" nothingness of my surroundings including my body when I sit with my eyes open long enough in a place and get deep into myself (kind of visual meditation or I don't know what to call it, I just do it for the fun of it) but I cannot escape the labeling of the things, like I cant help recognizing a tree and calling it a tree for example. How do I get underneath it where the experience is more raw, underneath the labeling and underneath the recognition of shapes and calling them by their names. It is so hard even to put my question in words, hope someone gets what I am trying to ask. Thanks in advance.
  4. I discovered an even easier way of looking at the energy body. There is ultimately no difference between the physical body and the energy body. If we take the Wolfram model then all of reality is a single graph (network of nothingness). So both the physical body and the energy body are appearances produced by that single graph. The difference is that the energy body is subtler, more fine-grained than the physical body. I think that's evident in how for example protein folding inside cells is a very clever process that I believe requires more fine-grained control over the atoms than the traditional forces in physics. So instead of making a distinction it's simpler to say that entropy is actually complexity and hence order and it's just that at the personal stage it's too fine-grained order which we can't control at that stage so it appears as disorder to us.
  5. You’re speaking about in such a certain manner, changing from your original post. You’re still making dualistic distinctions. You DO have a Self (capital S). Your ego is not your true self, it’s a mask. There is ONE self in existence. There IS a you. Its just that the ONE self is experiencing all the characters simultaneously. There is no universe, no time, nothing. Just one self, dreaming infinite lives. ”No self” is only partially true. You do in fact exist, but you’re not a human being in your truest nature, but pure nothingness, full of everything.
  6. I don't meditate too much. I meditate twice a month in average. Meditation is great IDK why I haven't been able to make it a habit. What I have been able to realize during meditation is that Nothingness = Infinity or something like that. Why guided meditation? The only times I have done guided meditation was a healing guided meditation after surgery. My thoughts about your experience is that you were experiencing some sort of Siddhi
  7. Today i am a moth, tomorrow a bee, yesterday an owl, sunday a tree. I embody all things, as all things are we. You think i am this body, yet i am far more than you see. I see everything, as i am everything, at the same time, nothingness is the greatest truth. Impossible for the mind to grasp, but i am he, i am we, i am you. Can you see me now in the mirror, looking deep inside your eyes, i am the seer and the seen and the mirror in-between. I am the supreme and i am the fool, i am the infinite, the tool, the teacher and the school. Embody in all shape and forms, i am that which is beyond the norm. Feel me deep in your souls presence, i am the awareness that is divine resonance. In my presence, you are fully seen, you can play pretend, but i know your dream. I won't let you know directly, cause that spoils the fun, but i will challenge you to embody your absolute best until you only see and embody The ONE. Then you will have earned the grandest of rewards and receive the blessings of the mighty Godsword. Until then, i hint you with this play, for practice is pretend, and play is the only way to which you can truly Ascend. I AM
  8. As far as I know Infinity doesn't exist, it's just another concept. Just as limitations are conceptial. When spiritual people say infinity I think it's more accurate to say that they mean an absence of limitations. That's what nothingness(another concept) is, seeing through the falseness of limitations. Because when someone says infinity. People imagine that everything they could possibly imagine is possible, but this is another limitation. Or that it's a line of numbers that goes on forever, that's another limitation. Any imagination or concept is limited. Thus infinity is more accurately an absence of, rather than a presence of or a manifestation of. When people get a glimpse of infinity they don't actually get a glimpse of infinity, they get a glimpse of their true selves without limit. Therefore there isn't anything to understand about infinity, because "infinity" is already everywhere - or nowhere. You are just focussing on your limitations. Maybe I'm playing a semantics game but alas. That's what all communication is anyway.
  9. Yesterday I decided to meditate deeper with the clear intent of accessing higher states of consciousness and concentration. I want to share what happened and maybe you can help me to make sense of my experience. So recently I got this idea of how deepening your consciousness state or concentration ability can accelerate and enhance your consciousness work. I've already developed a fairly good concentration ability (4-6 Jhanas, I think), but this time I tried to go even deeper. I started with one point focus and been there for like 10 minutes, then I managed to expand my perception to a point where I could grasp most of the recurring phenomena with my awareness. It was pretty hard to grasp and perceive ALL phenomena as one object. My body sensations were by far the hardest to unite at this all field. But ultimately I managed to do in and was able to hold pretty much all "worldly" phenomena in my awareness, including body, thoughts, noises, sounds, the whole spaciousness. Basically, EVERYTHING. It felt like a holographic thing and very much like a 360 camera (but with even more dimensionality to it). It was very hard to maintain Then, I started to wonder and shift my awareness on the opposite edge. What is the thing that is not it? What is the opposite of this ever-occurring phenomenon and my subjective experience? What is unchanging? What is beneath? This way, I was able to shift my awareness and detach from the world of phenomena to the NOTHINGNESS. This thing felt like a void, with no qualities what' so ever. Total silence and non-spaciousness. Basically, I tried to sort of ignore every phenomenon and go for the thing that is NOT IT. And here we go, I was able to focus on that No-thingness or formlessness. Surprisingly, it was actually pretty easy to do for me. Experiencing the wholeness of my subjective phenomena was much harder than that. It was a very equanimous and chill state to be at. I, then, started to wonder. What is beneath this "beneath"? Is there such a thing that is both not "experience" and not nothingness at the same time? And oh, man, I was able to travel to that area (with my awareness). It felt like I experienced the true nature of paradox. It felt like it was both the phenomena and nothingness at the same time yet none of these things. It was in constant play with each other. I started to have vivid imagery in my mind of various possible (and impossible) phenomena occurring. This thing felt like INFINITE POTENTIALITY. Like it could take whatever form. It was like a smithery of phenomena. This thing, of course, didn't care about the laws of physics at all (or any laws, for that matter). It was completely LIMITLESS and FREE. And It was although this thing was forever inverting itself inside out. It had some forms, yet it was formless and shape-shifting all the time. Also, it seemed to not care about the concept of time at all. Wildly different things could be happening at the same time. Yet it still had some of this Time quality to it. It seemed although that thing was flexing its powers to me to show me what it can do. Well, I was impressed, to say the least It was super hard to hold my attention there, more difficult than the 2 previous states combines. It was like the sum of my current subjective phenomena multiplied by a factor of x100 or x1000. So, I couldn't really be there for too long as my mind got tired of this Wambo Jambo continuum. So I subsided. But afterglow after all this was amazing. Still experiencing it. Very calm, super equanimous, way less reactive to the world of form yet can appreciate it more. I guess I also feel more content and happy now (in a true eudemonic sense, not in a stimulation sense). Standard meditation stuff. So, is it what you guys experience with psychedelic trips or? Did anyone experience something familiar? I feel like I can relate to Leo Videos on Consciousness way more now (already tried to rewatch the episode on absolute infinity). I think I was able to get to the 6-7-8 Jhanas from these Buddhist models and stay for a bit in 8-9. I plan to develop my concentration skills even more (especially the 6th Jhana, as I seem to have problems with it - grasping on phenomena) and start to self-inquiry from these states as I still seem to be identifying with a human existence @Leo Gura Would be amazing to hear your thoughts on this, if you have time, of course
  10. Yep. Nothingness is uncreated, therefore infinite. All of existence is one big fat 0. Which is a perfect system of eternal “mind” containing all possible combinations of existence.
  11. I had a pretty intense journey yesterday on 3.5 grams of psilocybin. It's not a huge dose, so I was not expecting the journey to be so...not even sure what the right word is. Pure Love. Here are 10 insights: I AM. I AM everything. I AM anything that arises in Awarenesses and Awareness itself. I AM the entire Dream. There is nothing else. It’s all right here right now. I am Nothingness experiencing Somethingness. The separation of Nothingness into Somethingness is Love. Love wants to experience itself in infinite ways. This is the Dream of Separation. Everything is the Dream. There is nothing but Nothingness and Nothingness experiencing itself as Somethingness. Whatever is arising in Awareness is what Love wants to experience. All of this is so Nothingness can experience anything and everything. The Dream is infinitely complex to create depth and diversity of experience, which is infinite Love. Every single thing that this Dream character called Tucker experiences is exactly what wants to be experienced. Everything. Every thought, every sensation, every emotion, every moment. It’s all happening for no other reason than to be experienced. To experience is to Love. Nothing exist unless Love wants it to exist. If I want to experience a hurricane, then a hurricane exist as a concept in Awareness. Otherwise, a hurricane does not exist. The construct of Time adds depth and complexity to the Dream that Nothingness is experiencing as Somethingness. Time infinitely expands the possibilities of experiences in the Dream. Every single thing that I as Nothingness am experiencing is because I want to experience exactly this. Everything that is unfolding in my awareness at this very moment is exactly exactly exactly what wants to be experienced. Everything is perfect. Knowing this is the greatest freedom, because even experiences the Dream character Tucker feels that are “bad” like sadness, pain, or even forgetting that he’s Nothingness is all part of exactly what Love wants to experience. It’s like a game that you can never loose. Accept everything that arises in Awareness as Love because that’s exactly what it is.
  12. My Opinion: That Non-Duality when everything perceivable is removed, the state that remains after that, which is called as nothingness/emptiness which also acts as an absolute potential for manifesting anything and everything is what is called as enlightenment. May be this realization itself is attained like a dual switch of ON/OFF. The reason this could be true is because, everyone who attains it says that once you attain it, that reality is never lost or forgotten like other spiritual experiences. The moment it is attained, it becomes permanent and always remains in the background even during intense frustrations in life. It seems, once the projection is directly seen to be just a projection, it always remains as the projection.(May be psychedelics are not showing this truth deeply enough for it to become permanent?) Now, the expansion of consciousness and the various infinite different intense states that it can configure itself into must definitely be limitless and infinite. I don't think Frank Yang or any other enlightened person denies it. May be this is the area where psychedelics are helpful in exploring through the infinite states that consciousness can take shape as. Other Possibility: May be the psychedelics are actually showing the same enlightened states as meditation, but the permanentness of those states are dependent on structure of the individual body-mind, requiring longer time for adjustment which cannot happen in a small time duration during psychedelic experiences. May be Leo is insisting that the nature of some of the states are so radical that even the initial enlightenment/knowing itself just feels trivial and fades in comparison to those unbelievable states. If this is the case, then all that he needs to say is that "Enlightenment/self-realisation itself feels trivial in comparison to these states". Maybe that's what he's trying to say.
  13. That's where nondual awareness comes in. This would be a problem for me if my identity is tied up with this vessel or some entity within this vessel or controlling this vessel. Lol! There is this nonduality trick where your entire experience is happening to nothingness itself. Meaning that you can offer your entire experience to g0d, it's God/Nothingness (beyond the labels) doing everything from this nondual state. Shine light, without fearing, because you are not what it appears. If you were something, then I get why you wouldn't want to get all this negative energy... But negative energy cannot stick to emptiness just like water cannot stick to a lotus. It's all about whether your identity is within the experience, or the empty field surrounding and knowing deeply every experience.
  14. Solipsism is a belief system. It's an apathic view of the world. Even going with the general definition of Solipsism, the definition states that it is "a theory holding that the self can know nothing but its own modifications and that the self is the only existent thing." But, the problem is within the definition itself and it is the skewed view of the self. Your self isn't just your body but the entire cosmos and you can become aware of it. So, once your sense of self expands to encompass the entire cosmos, you may still look at the world, which is yourself through the lens of Solipsism but with positive feelings. Speaking of objective reality, there is no difference between objective reality and nothingness. In your words, the Void exists as objective reality. I feel that it is an important realization to be had. Discussing non-duality is very paradoxical and it can leave you even more confused than what you began with.
  15. My definition of the transpersonal stage goes beyond what even J. Krishnamurti talked about. I include the physical level of reality in the transpersonal stage. At the personal stage we think of the world as being material including our own bodies. But what is the human body? One might say that the body is a collection of atoms. Fair enough, but what is an atom? The Wolfram Physics Project is I believe on the right track and defines all of physical reality as being made of interconnected points of emptiness. So that's what an atom is! It's nothingness taking the shape of a particle. And also, at the personal stage we tend to think of physical objects causing other physical objects to change. That's also how science today is perceiving the human body in biology and medicine. I heard that some people with multiple personality disorder have the color of their eyes change depending on which personality is activated. There is even a report about how scars on the body appear and disappear depending on which personality is activated. And a person with diabetes can have the diabetes disappear by switching to another multiple personality and so on. From a materialistic paradigm stories like that can be takes as being complete woo woo and fantasies. But from the transpersonal perspective I believe that not only are the stories about people with multiple personality disorder true, but that it's actually how reality functions. It's not physical matter that ultimately is causing effects on other material things. Instead it's intelligent control of the vacuum energy of space which makes it take the shape of atoms etc.
  16. @tuckerwphotography For sure. I do think that like a drug, a person has to chase larger and larger forms of excitement if that is their pursuit in life. What may seem exciting to you, may be really boring to the thrill seeker because they have already done it. You see what I mean? I think what it comes down to is not enough people can just sit down and do nothing without needing something that doesn't make them feel so empty inside. The devil fears nothingness because he wants everything ironically.
  17. Yes you are literally nothing, vapor, it's really hard to explain in words how nothingness can appear as a mind or as something. This does it better than me It is difficult to be "myself" Everytime i wake up, everytime i think i am a me i become this meat sack ;D And survival keeps you in the illusion.
  18. Absolute nothingness, The void being conscious... It is weird to explain it with words... Basically it is a game god plays with itself, souls meat suits etc. That state is just being. No feelings, no suffering, no self just is. Not even bliss. Any feeling, perception and label is just a part of the illusion of duality. For me this is not a competition per say. Im only arguing with myself. This thing we are... The nothingness managed to imagine it is souls, then meat suits. I think it's even more complicated but with over 50 trips behind me i'm not in a competition who is more enlightened or not. I'm merely arguing with myself anyways. Suffering is also an illusion, everything is. Including happiness and love. You need other and a world to experience these things xDD Most people wouldn't be on this forum, if they were happy before hand. In fact if they had just a semblance of what they want in life they wouldn't pursue spirituality. I know this life won't make me happy and i know there is nothing in this life which has any meaning. People leave. Circumstances change, you can't keep anything, the only constants seem to be loneliness and change. So i don't really care either way. I don't even care that i'm god, as i can't change anything yet it is in this i find my prepation to truly let go of the self in death.
  19. You didn't wake up yet. Reality is A dream within a dream within a dream within a dream.m within a dream.. Within nothingness.
  20. From a scientific perspective the Akashic records is to me the same as the graph they use in the Wolfram Physics Project. The graph in their model is simply a network of "atoms of space" which I think of as points of nothingness. And the graph expands all the time so all the past is permanently "stored" as the graph itself. Here is a short clip where Stephen Wolfram explains the basic idea: What is a hypergraph? | Stephen Wolfram and Lex Fridman- Alternative researcher Nassim Haramein has a similar model that he calls space memory.
  21. @Someone here If you'll indulge me for a second... Is there depth to the visual field? In other words, when I "look" at a scene, is there just nothingness behind the colors and perceptions I am seeing? Or is three-dimensionality actually real? If I look at a tree, is there something behind the tree? Or am I just looking at a flat rendering/projection emanating from myself? That is the part that gives me pause.
  22. Yeah, however it might be more maddening such as multiple personality disorder, god looks at the universe through many meat suits, doesn't recognize itself, forgets what it is. It could be multi layered as well, going down from soul level to down here.... Yeah its crazy. I have seen the soul level several times, i have also seen beyond it, as the nothingness,consciousness watching the soul... So basically i don't believe god would go through solipsism... Instead as an all powerful infinite mind each dreamed up form of consciousness is conscious, but it's not conscious of the nothingness and the true self. Also can you imagine the wasted potential of viewing an infinite universe only through one viewpoint... Such a waste Thats the whole point of the game.
  23. Watch Tony Robbins and jim Newman lol he will get sick of it. it’s great to humble yourself with the wisdom of nothingness/emptiness/darkness/void. But nothing to understand is only a half truth, because of you understand there is nothing to understand paradoxically you’re still understanding something. I haven’t had many mystical experiences or enlightenment/awakenings but I feel wise enough to say it’s easy to get stuck in the extremes of I’m god and love and everything and the highs or the lows of I’m nothing/ nothing matters/ no point/ don’t exist just got to constantly remind yourself that both are true and neither are true
  24. A few questions keeping in mind I only ordered your book list today so some of the books may answer them... Have you read the "Journey of Souls" books and if you have do you have an opinion on life between lives and reincarnation in general? In my opinion they are the book on reincarnation that most resonated with me. How do animals fit into the picture? Do they have souls? It would seem they can't really achieve enlightenment because they lack egos, only having basic instincts. What about alien civilizations? Multiple dimensions? In theory if another species achieve sentience say Dolphins they would be facing many of these same existential questions? Or alien civilizations? If true enlightenment is nothingness, why pursue it? Why not just do whatever we want? It seems like most humans just try to chase pleasure and avoid pain, so being obsessed with feeling states. Isn't pursuing enlightenment more of the same? By that I mean chasing certain feelings or feeling states. What do you think of the text of "revelations of an insider?" This one should only take you 60 minutes to read. Thanks!
  25. Here is an easy way to make materialism look bad. Most materialist posit that Consciousness is the result of physical matter, more accurately a specific configuration of matter present in what we call the functioning brain. If the materialist doesn't deny consciousness altogether, which would be absurd in the first place, he will have a hard time to argue away this small, overlooked fact about his or her worldview. If we assume that a brain is unique in that it can give rise to consciousness, we basically have to admit the following. The universe started out as purely physical entity, nothing within it was akin to experience and consciousness. All that existed were physical motions, which over the span of billions of years gave rise to a lonely planet earth, which in all unlikelihood gave rise to physical motions so specific, so unique, that it would somehow give rise to a completely new substance unseen in the entirety of the universe. A substance unlike anything that has every existed before, a substance so foreign it cannot be even called substance. Consciousness was born, experience was born, because the wavefunction of the universe decided that this specific configuration was to give birth to that which might have never existed at all, and that which never existed anywhere else. This is so absurd, it's as if you were playing with your marbel set and then suddenly, just at the specific alignment of your marbels in the perfect and impossibly lucky way, a unicorn would emerge infront of you from nothingness. Not an usual unicorn that is, rather an interdimensional unicorn made from a substance existing nowhere else in the universe. A substance that is unlike anything the universe has ever held inside it. This is the current paradigm of western civilization, and everyone accepts it as if it was pure rationality, as if it was undeniable truth. As if any alternative was completely absurd and unthinkable. You live in a world in which the most sophisticated scientists believe in this absurdity. They think the universe is dead, void of consciousness, and that only matter ordained by the great, unconscious chaos of the universe to be worthy of giving rise to consciousness does so. It's interesting how the self-evident can be render to be obvious falsehood if you step aside and shift your perspective. The Truth is revealed not in one perspective, but rather in noticing that which remains between all perspectives. No Perspective is that which is contained within all perspectives. This is why shifting perspective is one of the most important tools to come to see truth. Not because the new perspective shows you what is true, but because the new perspectives shows you what has been so clearly falsehood. You shift your consciousness not to gain new knowledge, to see a deeper reality, but rather, so that that which you thought to be reality falls away, any only that which is True remains.