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Marek replied to JalenS23's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Raw vegan diet or fruitarianism has totally changed my life since I've started experimenting with it probably 8 years ago. For example, Dr. Robert Morse has become awakened in his twenties, when he lived 6 months exclusively on oranges . This is must read for everybody who is interested in the Truth about human diet. The Great Lymphatic System.pdf -
Full acceptance and self love is the practices I would suggest, but it isn't always easy especially when there's a lot of self hatred and repression in the shadow. Also, it sounds like you may be in the stage of spirituality where you don't know yourself. This is surprisingly often a really good sign, as you're questioning who you are, it's not easy though, and the answer will only ever be found in the silence, here and now. Keep going until there is no doubt, and the absolute peace and happiness shine through your being. However, always remember, no matter how awakened you become you're still always the absolute having a human experience, with a human personality and human desires. Therefore, your sexuality is something you certainly need to fully accept and embrace, we are all The Self, yet on a human level there is nobody who will ever be exactly like us. The great paradox of awakening I'd recommend watching the show Sex Education on Netflix, there's a character Eric, who is gay but his family know but don't want to admit it in season 1 if you get me? He's also black, so I feel his dad thinks it will make it even harder for him if he is gay. It's a really moving story of struggling (his family is Christian) to accept himself for who he is, so actually going through a deep stage of repression, before fully expressing himself at the end of S1. It's also a great show in general covering lots of issues, Panseuxlaity is also covered in S2. I'm paraphrasing but Eric says something along the lines of 'It took me a long time to love myself, and I can't risk losing that again and being with someone who clearly doesn't accept or love themself, I'm sorry.' Like I said, great show and you might be able to relate to many of the issues presented
I am aware that the problems I am working on are probably pretty simple but you know how it goes when ego is putting itself in the spotlight. I have a quiet confused mind right now so please excuse the long read which purpose is mainly to structurize my thoughts a bit to be able to explain the situation. And I know I should pick up my meditation habit again.. Anyway.. Lets take a step back to about 1-2 weeks ago. I had almost a week of days feeling totally fine. I have worked through so much stuff in the last couple months that it felt like I finally reached a state of complete inner equilibrium. My ego had nothing to complain, nothing to work for, nothing to put itself into the foreground. I can't remember a time when I have ever had this state as deeply and as long as this time. I was happy but not in the sense of what most people think of being happy. It was all just ok as it is. Which led me to having and experience of getting a feeling for a little stage of awakening I think. I had many moments in which I felt like I could understand how everything of me and my surroundings is just this one unexplaineable conciousness. How everything I see, feel, hear etc. is being observed and how that observer could be everything itself. Usually I would start to have a deep loving feeling evolving in those moments forcing a smile upon my face. Now obviously, I fell out of that experience. The ego has lots of complains, one of them being the failure of staying in that state but I mean, thats not too bad, I have trust that that state will come back at the destined time. The other triggers of ego seem to be a very reoccurring thing all throughout my life which is why I am typing this. Those triggers are usually (untrue-) goals and/or failures. The last couple of years I have had the chance to almost live life from moment to moment. I mean, there are always tasks in life popping up that "must be done". Must be done in order to still be able to fit into society, must be done in order to "succeed". Things that must be done even though I'd rather do something that is coming right from the moment im in. And I feel like those are one of the biggest factors that throw me out of balance. At this point it is probably time to tell you about a deep inner belief I have. I guess I have an inner belief that if I'd have enough money to not care about it the rest of my life, I would just live from moment to moment, letting ego go its way, accepting that and being just ok with everything as it passes by resulting in becoming more and more conscious and closer to awakenings. But back to those tasks that "must be done". They are usually pretty simple and "stupid". Lemme give you an example. For a while now, I am working on finding my passions and the right job for them with a coach. Now my interests and passions have been shifting a lot over the past and lately I finally felt like the search has come to an end for now. If money wasn't a factor I would choose music/sound production as its my favorite medium for expressing myself. (Expressing myself has become a big part of growing lately. Giving my ego what it wants but still staying calm, observing, reflecting and learning from those outbursts of expression while accepting that (judged good or bad) those are required to grow and I am not beating myself up much anymore about it.) So long story short, I planned I was gonna write a little unsolicited application to send out to different studio producers telling them how passionate I am and asking them for some advice or even if I could stop by and get a short glimpse of what their day at work looked like so I can find the place thats right for me. Then the phase that I described above in the first couple paragraphs, the "complete inner equilibrium" phase started. It was great but.. I actually wasn't inspired to do any effort in the direction of that application task anymore, nor any other tasks that I had on my list unless life took turns to "organically" direct me to those tasks. I tried to sit down to produce some music but I didn't have any inspiration because there was nothing, no deep emotions to express because everything was alright. I thought about writing the application letter but I didn't feel emotionally invested in it anymore which at least in my head made it hard to believe I could express my passion to music and sound in the application letter. I knew I could probably let myself fade out of that phase and back into a more ego/emotional/passionate state but I didn't because that meant I would go "back" to identifying myself/ego with my passion for music. Even if it is the one thing that feels like it should be the last thing I stop to identify with, in that state of inner equilibrium I didn't "want" to go back to. In that state any form of re-identification results in a step away from that state of inner equilibrium. From what I heard its possible to be conscious enough to let ego do itselfs identification process and still stay in a kind of awakened state but it takes time and experience which is why for me right now I feel like its mandatory to make the most of those times. My thoughts on solutions to this "dilemma": 1. Do everything as soon as I can so I dont lose connection to the purpose of the task. Predestined to fail sometimes, though it would be possible to improve and get better at it. 2. I will write that application letter today as I am back in the ego identified state anyway now, reflect afterwards how its changing me and move on. I am gonna give into ego for now and let it do its part. 3. I will pick up my meditation habit again in hopes it will help me balance and control my shifts to and away from the identification with ego. It wasn't easy to write the last part cause I know how its kind of faulty in itself and it feels kind of dumb to think I can realize that lifestyle of just always acting from the moment. If you have some advice please let me know Thanks for taking the time to read this anyway!
OBEler replied to Tanuj's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Tanuj wow, I always heard that many people got their kundalini awakened with a little psychedelic help. Can you link us the guided kundalini awakening meditation? -
Nahm replied to Santhiphap's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Santhiphap There’s a lot of classic overthinking which is sucking the energy & zapping the creativity, so to speak. The thoughts are being entertained / believed, based on a foundational belief that there is an ego. This is the floor if you will, upon which self referential thinking..or ‘twoness’ in thinking... “I beat up on myself” for example, is perpetuated. It seems you developed an inner monologue of a polarity....”the ego”...or “awakened”. It is only the believing of thoughts about yourself...there’s no such thing as “the ego”. “The ego” = these thoughts you’re believing. Inspect them instead. Each occurrence of inspection and ‘seeing through’ each thought, is a “step into now”, where all the feeling & inspirations awaits like an ocean of consciousness. If I can help, say the word. -
@Dumuzzi Hey man, here just some points from reading what you wrote. Firstly, you're treating spirituality as another religion, saying things have you read the Bhagavad Gita, as if that is the only way to practice spirituality, and that just because lots of cultures and traditions like Buddhism and Tantra promote celibacy means it's best. For one, you're not at all taking in any sort of context of these societies and or traditions. Eastern culture is VERY religious and traditional, you could argue a very Stage Blue society in terms of SD stages, just because people have awakened does that mean they are psychologically developed. A lot of Zen monasteries are very stage Blue kind of places as an example. The Buddha didn't want Women becoming Monks at first is another example. These cultures that advocate no sex before marriage tend to be these sort of cultures, very traditionalist kind of places, this often causes a repression of Sex into the shadow which creates a fuck load more issues than PUA, I mean everyone's heard multiple stories of Priests (meant to be ultra religious) raping and molesting young children (usually boys in the leaked stories) and where do you think that comes from? Repression of sex into the shadow, in a forced manner that eventually is expressed in the most disgusting of ways imaginable. These are meant to be 'Holy Men' yet are comitting the most vile of acts? Something isn't adding up there to me. Same for Buddhist monks as well, forced celibacy does way more harm than good not only in society, but in an individual as well. The way you're talking about sounds quite dogmatic to me, as if Celibacy is superior to having Sex on a spiritual path, which isn't true at all. To me it also shows you haven't had any/many awakenings, or are still viewings teachings as Dogma, instead of the finger pointing to the moon. Now I'm not saying everyone should go fuck everyone in sight, instead I'm saying people should express their sexuality in a way that feels natural to them (of course consensual and with people over the age of consent) for the majority that will mean in a monogamous relationship, for some that may mean lots of casual flings and for others having multiple partners, and for others (i.e. Ramana Maharshi) NATURAL Celibacy where they have decided, by themselves, they don't want to participate in sex or have sexual relationships, but from their own choice, not from some scripture written on a bit of paper. True awakenings will show you complete freedom, and how all teachings and all concepts are just that CONCEPTS that need to be dropped, same as morals, values and ethics. Yes, for the majority of the population they are needed (all you need to do is watch the Purge to see why) however, with deep awakenings you see morals are also just concepts, and abiding as The Self, needs no sort of moral compass as the Peace, Love and Happiness inherent in The Self is enough. In terms of the PUA community, like anything else, it has MAJOR issues and flaws. Most of this comes from it being used in a predominately Stage Orange world which objectifies women and sees them as a number on their lay count instead of a human being and seeing them as their very own Self. However, this doesn't mean people should 'wait until marriage for spiritual purification reasons' or because Tantra said so (The Tantric path is actually very life-enhancing at is's core, another post for another day though) but means PU needs to evolve to become more conscious and loving just like most things. You can gain a LOT of social, seduction, sexual and relationship skills from good PU believe it or not, but most PUA's are operating from a typical Orange mindset, so it's about taking the teachings and using them consciously and evolving them. The first Enlightened PUA& Dating/ Relationship coach will be revolutionary and very interesting to see. Oh, and in terms of Spirituality, having an orgasm doesn't mean you can't become enlightened lol, sure some practices as you said can involve harnessing sexual energy, but that doesn't mean you HAVE to, I always say go with what you are guided towards and feels natural to you, but don't make out it's the only path. I'm big on working 1-1 with a teacher and RASA but doesn't mean I don't see that Psychedelics, Meditation retreats, etc etc all can work as well, just like being a monk can help awaken you and is the path for some people. Also, have some Deep awakenings, I'm sure you'll drop a lot of your judgement towards sexuality Of course it evolves with this understanding like everything else in your Life post-awakening. I do just feel the whole 'Sex Before Marriage' argument is very Stage Blue and often leads to repression of sexuality. Lastly, here's a video from Rupert Spira (someone I hold in the highest regard, I.E. 'Fully Awake') and he explains this topic very well!
Tanz replied to Mafortu's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Eckhart was into spirituality before he awakened. He wasn't snoring crack and banging 20 chicks on crack. He was doing his inner work. There are no shortcuts -
@The Awakened Viking Yeah I studied in Spain for 4 months. Cost is much higher here in the United States and I am taking out student loans for school. I already have a lot of money I have to pay back for a major that I love but can't provide value directly out of college. The Ralston apprenticeship would line completely up with my values, life purpose, and lifestyle that I want. but I would be missing a chunk of school for it.
You don't need to stop dating or having sex to awaken. Many awakened people have sex. In fact I would say most of them.
Yes, and I'm pointing out to you that Jesus was an avatar. The Godhead cannot be hated or loved by people because only the awakened know that a Godhead even exists. You can't see the Godhead, only its avatar.
I met him! Very cool guy. Chris Bache said that for a while he was just waiting to die. He wasn't permanently awakened, and he seemed to think he wasn't going to ever attain it without the psychedelic state.
Prophet/Messenger 1. The desire of the negative spirit to break out of the sphere of pure impossibility creates the phenomenon of prophet within objective reality. 2. The phenomenon of prophet is a manifestation of that which is outside of reality. Which is pure impossibility. 3. Thus, the prophet is the first manifestation of a totally OTHER. 4. In the phenomenon of the prophet, the negative spirit expresses itself as the will to totally OTHER. 5. This will, expressed as a message, is a real thought about OTHER. 6. The subjective spirit cannot realize its actual birth without this thought. 7. In essence, the phenomenon of prophet within objective reality is the true birth of a subjective spirit. 8. In this birth, a fundamental conflict between the subjective and the objective transforms into immediate reality. 9. The prophet carries out an absolute opposition to objective being. 10. Therefore, the phenomenon of prophet does not remove and does not resolve the conflict between the subjective and objective. 11. The essence of the prophet excludes the very possibility of unity of both. 12. Prophet presupposes a metaphysical irreducibility of subjective and objective principles to each other. 13. The prophet is by no means a creature created by the space program of I. 14. This means that he is free from the universal mechanism of personal experience working on this program. 15. The intrinsic nature of the prophet basically excludes the very idea of perception and experience embodied in beings. 16. The internal nature of the prophet is fully alien to any ontological experience. 17. The prophet realises the absolute anti-mind nature of the subjective principle. 18. Therefore, his message cannot be the discovery of any ontologically rooted truths, including Truth from capital T. 19. The prophet carries out his appearance outside of cosmic duration. 20. The content of his message is out of touch with the objective rock. 21. The prophet comes contrary to the expectation in which the being abides. 22. His coming destroys the very foundations of universal hope. 23. His mission is not to heal a damaged being. 24. The mission of the prophet is the transformation of an insoluble conflict between subjective and objective into a merciless titanic confrontation. 25. In this confrontation, the subjective spirit can only be either totally destroyed or triumphed over objective being. 26. The death of the subjective spirit means the complete expulsion of the masculine principle from reality. 27. Reality, devoid of the masculine principle, is the complete triumph of universal arbitrariness, in which the very thought of OTHER disappears. 28. For objective being, the thought of OTHER is the essence of ontological sin. 29. Through the destruction of this only masculine thought, salvation of the damaged ontology is carried out. 30. Therefore, the prophet, as the embodiment of a subjective spirit, is in a titanic confrontation with the principle of salvation. 31. Orientation to the prophet means for the creature to abandon his share in objective reality. 32. In this denial within the being, the aspirations towards fantastic being are affirmed. 33. The aspiration towards the fantastic being is a secret thought which underlies the subjective principle. 34. This secret thought is an interpretation of reality from the outside. 35. Such an interpretation has nothing to do with how reality perceives itself. 36. The inner self-experience of reality is an explicit thought. 37. The overwhelming activity of the universal mind is embodied in this explicit thought. 38. As an explicit thought, reality is a direct consciousness of self-identity. 39. In contrast, a secret thought is a vision of reality from the point of view of a negative spirit. 40. In this vision, reality comes down to a purely relative moment, which is rooted on the universal arbitrariness or objective rock. 41. Reality, as an explicit thought about oneself, is a kind of anti-message from rock. 42. This anti-message is evidence that reality and absolute are mutually exclusive. 43. The true decoding of this anti-message is contained only in secret thought. 44. The secret thought in its vision of the true absolute proceeds from fundamental unreality of true absolute. 45. Therefore, the very vision of the true absolute is generally nothing more than a purely volitional or wilfull act. 46. This volitional act implies that only what is absent can be authentic. 47. Therefore, a purely volitional act, born of a secret thought, is an act of faith. 66. The faith monologue, having no answer, is oriented towards what can only be defined as HE. 67. The prospect of transcendental fulfillment of the subjective spirit is expressed in the pronoun HE. 68. A secret thought implies that HE is the personal embodiment of a complete split with the continuous homogeneity of the immanent oneness. 69. The monologue, whose center is HE, is the factual material of the true message. The core of it is: Say: HE, absent one, is Allah. 70. The pathos of the true message is that it rejects the achievement and affirms the accomplishment. 71. This accomplishment consists in replacing objective reality with a fully revealed subjective spirit. 72. This accomplishment is absolute awakening, as a triumph of prophetic mission. And this awakening has nothing to do with awakened nature of self-aware reality.
I was browsing the webpage and came across a book called The Zen of Love. It was as if a light bulb lit inside of me - this was the next book I had to read. In the very beginning, the author suggested that we don't only read the book with our minds, but with our entire beings. That we feel the book. I really took his words to heart, and don't know so much what the content of the book was (word wise), but I know very well what it felt like. It felt wonderful. Sometimes we say that a book can resonate with us. I really understood what that means while reading this book. Just a sentence, a word, or really just a glance at the book would send waves of energy rushing through my system, making me blissful and quiet. I am not saying that everyone will experience that with this particular book, but I sure did. It resonated. This book is about Love. The author describes his personal experience, life story and keeps pointing us to the reality, which is - Love is all there is, Love is what we are. This book was quite a trip. It showed me that the others are actually me. It showed me that it was actually me who wrote the book. It showed me that it is me that never ends. It showed me Love. It allowed my heart to open up after a long time of being asleep. And the heart is very happy. It is happy to Love. And so is the heart of everyone I meet, as it is the same heart. =================================================================== Title: The Zen of Love: Discover Your Own Awakened Heart Author: Peter Cutler Number of pages: 209
It's so simple, envision/dream, appreciate, love, and when it seems like you can't, meditate and get in touch with that which is limitless love. I assumed that my husband and others were responsible for their actions. I didn't understand that the reactions and interaction I get from people is my responsibility. Ironically when I believed he was responsible I tried to take on responsibility for the results, responsibility that was his, and thought that taking on the mental burden of perceived deficiencies was what was necessary to have the life I wanted. As that failed and failed, I tried less and loved less. When you love someone less, you love yourself less. When you love yourself more, you love everyone else more. You cannot separate these. I don't know why I didn't do this with my kids as much. I think because they are so young, I didn't expect anything from them and understood that my responsibility was truly, in a practical nature my responsibility. I forgave them for everything and put all the blame on my partner. There was an exception to that though, I fell into resenting the kids themselves in a big way last year and The Empowered Wife book's suggestions of appreciating self care helped me more in that area than with my husband. It's almost incomprehensible that I read and enjoyed The Empowered Wife book last year, had an awakening, "understood" the Law of Attraction and stayed so blind, so long in this area. Of course this feeling is ego. It's the remnants of thinking I was good and intelligent and now grappling with the understanding that that was a flawed belief. How pervasive the need to be "good" is that one will sell their own soul just to identify with one out of fear of the other. I didn't read that book for me, I read it for my friend, to connect with her, and to prove that I was open-minded to conservative anti-feminist bullshit. Instead I found pure Law of Attraction, minus a few personal reflections of the author's own examined side. It is a very dangerous thing, to look and see these flaws in a book, or a person, and focus on them and fail to respect and receive the gift that is there for you. I know that all along, my resistance to the law of attraction and anything associated with positive psychology, was a deep deep desire and commitment to truth. I should have known, the truth is, it's all fantasy. The deep love I had of all the stories and fairy tales of my childhood exist in every moment. The truth is it's all imagination. After I awakened to this, I fucked off for a really long time. (Of course it's flawed perception/story telling to not love myself for needing some time.) The duality between fantasy and reality persisted, I thought that I wanted fantasy and magic, to the exclusion and repression of reality. What I really wanted was integration of the two. It took this long to see that that is what I want, not what I should do. There is no acceptance until there is desire of what is.
Both. Sometimes the moment ends and you find yourself in the presence of the person once more, and sometimes you part ways. Ultimately we part ways with everyone in some shape or form just so we can rediscover that everyone we've ever loved or been loved by lives in our heart, which is the essence of emotional oneness. It is a strange experience to have parted ways with friends I don't talk to anymore, and yet feel close to them just as much as I used to when we were in very frequent contact. There is no regret nor disappointment regarding the experience, just love and gratitude. I appreciate that question, however you are in the domain of trying to think it through and figure out. There is ultimately nothing wrong with thinking, but the belief is that if I can think this through enough, and know how this works, and understand the cycle of disappointment and sadness and whatever, I will be more prepared to feel the sadness within me and it won't hurt as much. Well that ain't gonna work :D. Sorry. Tragedy will always feel tragic, sadness will always feel sad and desperation will always feel desperate. There certainly are ways to take edge off the experience, such as enhancing self love, compassion and self-care, but there truly is no benefit in the anticipation of sadness. One of the benefits of any negative emotions is how sometimes surprising and inexplicable it can be. If it were all anticipated and predicted, we would be robbed of the joy of spontaneity that is bound to be born in the reality of every awakened heart. Is there a sadness and bliss theme? Yes, of course. It is very spontaneous.
Leo Gura replied to Dino D's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
There are 1000s of awakened people all over the planet. Most of them aren't celebrities so you won't hear about them. Don't limit your worldview to what is popular on YouTube. Some of the most awakened people are not in the public eye at all. -
VeganAwake replied to VeganAwake's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
J. Krishnamurti said, “It is no measure of one’s health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” Identification with the egoic mind is the sickness and Samadhi is the cure. The saints, sages and awakened beings throughout history have all learned the wisdom of self-surrender. How is it possible to realize the true self? When you peer through the veil of Maya, and let go of the illusory self, what is left? -
Visionary replied to VeganAwake's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Still struggeling my brother. My mind has awakened, have had the realization some 3 years ago. But it has not yet anchored in my physicality. Haven't died yet lmao. -
Leo Gura replied to SBB4746's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
No, it all depends. Although in practice many awakened folks tend to run their own shops. Once you're that conscious it just doesn't makes sense to waste your consciousness working for some fool to earn him money. The point of awakening is that then you're in a great and rare position to help uplift the world. The world needs your conscious leadership. You don't awaken and then go work at Wall Street to make a killing, hehehe... -
Dumuzzi replied to Michael Paul's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@OBEler It was a combination of factors. The event itself was planned well before I was born and not just for me. It happened in December 2012, when I was 33 years old and a lot of people had similar experiences right around that time. My father was actually born on 12 December and My sister on 11 November. Those numerological synchronicities keep coming up in my life and they're never coincidental, in fact they're highly significant. I'm certain my Kundalini would have risen on its own, even if I didn't do anything, but I was also driven to explore it, do meditation, study scripture and live the right lifestyle through an inner conviction. So, it was always meant to happen, but simultaneously I also had to make it happen, as part of my destiny. I hope that makes sense. Because this was pre-ordained, and I was already prepared for it from work I did in previous lives, I had to do relatively little, it was more a question of allowing it to unfold and giving myself over to Divine Grace. That doesn't mean it was easy, I had to go through serious challenges and issues that at times seemed life-threatening, though in hindsight, they were an inevitable part of the growing process. Kundalini is the evolutionary mechanism and it is about taking humanity to the next level, creating a new type of awakened human that is in touch with the spiritual world and basically lives in heaven whilst still on earth. Gopi Krishna, who is my main source and inspiration, wrote about this extensively. -
Inliytened1 replied to OmniYoga's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
It is not the small self that becomes enlightened it is God. The spiritual path if followed will ultimately lead to the collapse of the subject/object duality into Pure Being (a mystical experience). God wakes up to itself and becomes conscious of one or many facets of itself. Such can be what its true nature is, or that the human form it is appearing as is but an illusion created by itself with which to experience itself. But there are many other realizations/facets of itself One can have. They can sprout later from the initial mystical experience or manifest from another mystical experience. The amount of mystical states One may have is not relevant. In duality the work really begins where one who has awakened then works towards embodying these truths. One then has no need to seek non-dual states because they realize their true nature transcends the duality of the form and the formless. The form and the formless are One. -
Throughout my life as I can remember, there has been a battle between wisdom and passion. I also inherently knew that wisdom was something deeper than I thought, but thought said I should follow its own understanding of what wisdom is. It turns out that there's no battle at all. A turning point in my life five years ago was recognizing that forcing my way through life to get what I wanted wasn't working. So I gave it up, including the passion behind it, as I follow Leo's videos, consumed all Eckhart Tolle's content, embraced consciousness work and educated myself about Buddhism and Buddhist teachings. None of it lead me astray, it taught me something I was missing fundamental to my happiness. But my mind latched on, and it missed the gift of life. The mind that had repressed it's lower or animal nature in Christianity, had found a way to side step it and disidentify completely. So it thought. This was necessary, and it was good. It felt good because it was my path. Then it stopped feeling good. Last night I understood something. I love to debate and fight with people, to challenge their beliefs and have them challenge mine, to me as long as there is a mutual shared love and understanding this is the highest form of love. I've loved it since I was a kid. I've had lots of wonderful people come into my life to practice on. I'm not really sure in some cases how I've changed them, but they have changed me. The problem is that when the need to change or control people, especially those close to you comes in, no one comes away feeling good. Because it was causing me suffering, and because I now understood the ego behind it, I put it aside. For once I focused on my own growth. I still thought I was separate. I had never stopped to realize my intention or appreciate the honest love I had for it, how it awakened something in me. I did not believe I could learn to do just that, without the attachment, need to change, control, be offended flip side of it. I didn't understand that I was practicing, how to communicate my love for life and God with others. I was trying to figure out how to communicate something impossible. This intention, to inspire, to communicate inspiration was so strong that it had to be given up so that it could be refined. It was never, could never be given up entirely. It could not be disowned because, who is there to disown it? I had stopped communicating in this way with my husband, the very same way our relationship started and connection grew, out of the desire to shed the dogma and repression of Christianity, the vision to share an amazing inspired life, all of this I threw away in dogmatic rejection of desire. I tried to deny to myself and him the very core and life of who I came to be because I confused it with the ego. The past is perfection, it's only story written now as I tell it. But it's time to reclaim the true part of what was thrown aside, with eyes that see clearly, with love that will forgive itself when it falls into old patterns, and return itself to what is true. Wisdom, love and desire are not separate things.
SoonHei replied to Dodo's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
We are never without grace. We can never be abandoned, it is always there. God can never abandon mankind. From just one candle, you can light a million candles without putting strain on the first candle. From one awakened being, you can set light into a million souls, so powerful is the light. If you go into a room full of light, but outside is darkness, and you open the curtain, that darkness won't come in. But if you go into a room which is dark and you open up a little tiny bit of a curtain, it will fill the whole room with light. Such is the power of the light. We are this light and we must discover this... ~ Master Mooji -
Forestluv replied to Baotrader's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I think this brings up an interesting question of what is "internal" and what is "external". Of course we could say there is no difference and everything is one. Yet part of the fun of being human is observing and creating differences based on our observations. For centuries humans have been curious about the source of content of dreams. Is it random? Is it related to other things? Is there intention?. . . One observation is that dreams often contain content from our waking life. For example, people and places in our waking life. As well, this familiar content is often factors in your recent waking life. One psychological study involves students that played the game Tetris for three hours everyday. This is a simple game in which a variety of differently shaped blocks fall down the screen and the player must organize the blocks. . . After a couple weeks of this, most of the students started having dreams that included Tetris-like blocks and themes of organizing blocks (yet the dream wasn't literally playing Tetris). This would be consistent with you observing a post about PINK packaged armodafinil in waking life and it appearing in dream life. I like how this inter-connects three components that we often see as separate. There is the reality "external" to me in waking life (the post about PINK armodafinil), there is the reality of "internal" to me (noticing the post about PINK armodafinil, imagining it and thinking about it "internally") and there is the dream state (the PINK armodafinil re-appears in the dream). For fun, we could contemplate some new questions. In the dream state, what is "external" and "internal" to "me"? For example, the dream character went to a store that sells PINK packaged armodafinil. Is that PIINK armodafinil "external" or "internal"? . . . It depends on the relative perspective. From the perspective of the dream character, it is external. If awareness identifies as the dream character, the store and PINK armodafinal is "external". To have an experience as this dream character, there needs to be identification as being the dream character. . . Yet from the perpective of the "real me" dreaming, it is all "internal" - it is all occurring in "my" consciousness. The dream character, the store and PINK armodafinil are are internal to "my" mind. This awareness may be realized if a realization that this is all a dream is revealed. There may be identification to the dream character, yet the dream character may awaken that it is all a dream. Then there is a major energetic shift. There is a realization that Everything within this dream is occurring in "my" mind. This can be taken to a higher level in waking life. In waking life, there is identification to a "me" character. Trees, stores, armodafinl, cars, people etc. are all perceived as "external" to me. This is necessary to have an experience as "me". Yet just like the dream character realized it was all a dream and a higher awareness appeared, the waking character can also realize it's all a dream and a higher awareness can be revealed. Remember, the "dream" character thinks it is a real waking character, until it realizes the dream. Similarly, the "waking" character thinks it is a real waking character, until it realizes the dream. . . . When this realization occurs in dreams, we can call it "lucid dreaming" and conscious awareness we are dreaming arises. When this realization occurs in waking life, we can call it "awakening" and conscious awareness we are dreaming arises. To me, the practices to attain lucid dream life awareness is quite similar to the practices to attain awakened wakeful life awareness. For example, one practice to attain lucid dream life awareness is to do "reality checks" during the wakeful day. We may ask "Is this real? Is this imagined? Am I awake or am I dreaming". Then the person does a reality check - such as looking at a clock (if there are numbers on the clock it is awake reality, if there are no numbers on the clock it is a dream). Then while someone is dreaming, hopefully the dream character asks the same question, looks at a clock, notices there are no numbers and then realizes this is a dream. . . This is very similar to the practices to wake up during "wakeful" life. Much of the self inquiry, contemplations, insights are related to "what is reality? what is real? what is imagined? How do I know what is real/true and what is imagined/false?". Similar to lucid dreaming, there can be a glimpse of awakening that "I" am within a hallucination, a dream. Also similar to a dream, the identification to the "me" character dissolves and a new higher meta consciousness that this is all happening within the transcendent "ME". There is realization of "me" the dream character and "ME" the dreamer of the dream character. . . In our "waking" life, there can be an immense amount of attachment / identification to the character and there is an immense amount of resistance to awakening. The character doesn't want to be in the dream, the character wants to be the meta DREAMER. This is one of the hardest things to get over. . . Imagine you are having a dream and the dream character wants to realize itself. Yet the dream character wants to be the meta DREAMER. You will not be able to wake up and enter of meta consciousness of lucid dreaming. The dream character has to let go of its attachment/identification of being the DREAMER. If the dream character is unwilling to do this, there may be a massive struggle. From the perspective of a dream character, entering meta awareness of the dream is death. The dream character still exists, yet the identification as the dream character dies, an energetic shift occurs and a meta awareness that Everything in the dream is within the DREAMER. Now, the dream character is just another thing within the dream. The dream character, other people, trees, houses etc. all have an equivalency in that they are all hallucinations within the meta DREAMER. . . It's a similar dynamic in "waking" life. One of the hardest parts of waking up is that the personal "I" wants to be the meta DREAMER. Waking up can be an amazing process like entering a lucid dream state. Yet, waking up can also feel like death of the character (actually death of identification of the character). From the perspective of the character true waking up may seem like a nightmare - "I" gets nothing out of this. In transitional states, some mind may enter nihilism or solipsism which is a kind of half-way point - yet some minds try to get grounding in this state, can get stuck and spiral into dark places. Other minds seem to let go much easier. My guess is that minds that are curious, flexible, imaginative and like to explore various conscious states, the paranormal and dreams are able to let go and make more efficient progress than minds that are highly analytical and want static, concrete grounding of what reality is. -
TheSelf replied to Endangered-EGO's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
Those energy that you feel are prana doing the preparations for awakening the Kundalini energy, Kundalini is very intense and extreme energy and once its awakened, then there's no way to stop it, its not like a little bit come up your spine with you focus on it then go back, no its prana energy man, my situation is exactly like yours, i do pranayama visualization moving prana up down the spine to complete all stages of awakening with prana, I'd say you do the same thing, never force the Kundalini to awaken man, let the prana energy do the necessary things on chakras and other stuff and when its done, then you are gonna experience a very pleasurable Kundalini Awakening