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  1. Whether it has been described by others or is solely practiced by me I am not certain. Warning: Over the years, this has, in a way, cost me the ability to perform mathematics and process "technical aspects" of life. I perceive consciousness, imagination, and "following the bliss" as paramount. The more I descend into this powerful, yet simple practice, the less value I project onto ordinary, restricted activities such as mathematics. (Although, paradoxically, this technique is more down-to-earth than any other if we assume the meaning of down-to-earth to be "tranquil in the moment.") It's suitable for artists, for self-exploration, and for visualization in general. Here's how it works: Your visualization is already massive, infinite, and it's only being held down by your psychological constructs. That's all. The process you should apply when trying to visualize is to eliminate existing psychological boundaries. You are free to go anywhere, in any direction, to pursue the "w" axis of this world. When you usually try to visualize something, you are working upon preexisting framework of beliefs, which "slow the system down" if I may use the term. Each limiting belief is an axiom which clogs the mind. Attaining a powerful, transcendental visualization is simply about becoming aware of your limiting beliefs and dropping them down. What are the limiting beliefs in this case? You believe that you reside in the third dimension. This is a mental construct holding your visualization down. Why? Because everything you visualize with this belief in mind will be subdued by and fall under the concept of "a third dimension". You believe that you are a human - this is another belief clogging the card's memory, which could be better used on visualization. You believe that you are on Earth - this is another belief clogging the card's memory, which could be better used on visualization. When you let go of existing frameworks, your visualization will become a thousand times stronger. By default. You are constrained by useful survival notions. They bombard you constantly - constantly (notice the word) - unless you become aware of them and let them go. This is your golden ticket to Shangri-La; to visualizing and feeling whatever you need to. I use it in writing, but it can be applied in all sorts of fields.
  2. @Anon212 You need to watch 2 things: that your lack of motivation isn't flippant(you will change your mind/med passion will come back after leaving college and regret it) on the other side of the coin, if you have a genuine passion beyond college, college is a waste of time. You'll never be happy by chasing stuff. You'll be on a hedonic treadmill forever. Happiness comes from an amazing journey, enjoying the process of developing your career, rather than the destination. The best you could ever aim for in life is a blissful moment. Reason why people want loads of money is because the money isnt important, but the blissful moment and feeling of having that money is. The reason why guys want the hottest girl is because the bliss of the moment of having sex with her or being with her is the greatest thing on earth. Its not even her, it's the blissful moment of being with her - the same sort of moment monks feel while having nothing. It may feel like leaving college means leaving all of your materialistic wealth which = suffering. But the real suffering has nothing to do with the materialistic wealth you acquire, its got to do with whether you're feeling that blissful moment now. And you could be living in a tent because you're so poor, but if you're doing a job you really really love, you'll feel that bliss all the time, all day. Meanwhile your medicine colleagues are dying away, dreaming of having loads of money so that they can have that blissful moment that you've already got now. And then even with the money, they still dont have that blissful moment, because they don't like their jobs, have too much to loose and its too late to switch careers, and shitty health from the all nighters they pulled to get top marks.
  3. Sooner or later we all awaken from the dream and realize the illusion of life and death. Then what? What will you say to the fears, what will you say to the times you took life seriously and limited your full potential and experience? You want to get back on the ride now when its all over? It doesn't work that way love. You chose to be a player of the game and then started to complain and postponed playing somewhere along the line because of the shit that happened to you? So what? Life happens to all of us, its how we respond to what makes the currents of life change. One of the greatest lessons Creation will teach you is that the mirror(universe) will never smile first. Victimhood mentality gets you nowhere, for what you resist, persists. Its Universal Law. And so as you stopped playing, you started aging and merely 'existing' in a dream, in limbo, in the greyness between living and non-living, taking things seriously, trying to be all high, mighty and spiritual, not realizing you couldn't be further from the truth. Trying to be something other than yourself, which only pushed you further into illusion, when there was nothing but you to begin with. Where are you going? What are you trying to achieve? You are already infinitely abundant! perfect, whole and complete as you are. You just do not see it because you are no longer here. You are no longer now. You have wondered elsewhere my dear. But in the Stillness of the Here and Now, mind and illusions eventually fade, and I AM presence, your True Awareness arises, and the whole universe becomes your Eternal playground once again, as you were when you took your first breath into the Dream and yet, not a second has passed since. I remember clearly who and what i am beyond this body/mind and that is pure presence, pure awareness, the experience i am experiencing here and now, stability, ecstasy, bliss, peace... Nothing exists outside of this moment, no tool, substance, ritual, partner, lover, act or behaviour is needed to be who you truly are, for this may all be an illusion, but the experience is very real. I sometimes wonder how can we even forget who and what we truly are, in reality, we only pretend we do because we no longer believe we are worthy. I will tell you one thing dear beloveds, if you were truly not worthy, you wouldn't be here, Period. Creation does not make mistakes. We are no different you and i, there is no place in existence you can hide from yourself, you cannot escape the Self. There is only Self. Paradoxically, the beings who are at most at peace within themselves today have usually suffered the most deeply because it takes true darkness to embody light. Use that to your advantage when you feel the whole world is crashing on you, know that your purpose is greater, for you are great, brilliant and of grand design. You are Divine in every aspect of the term. Do not settle, never settle. Never stop playing or you miss the point that Creation is ever playing, ever changing. Keep rising, keep flowing with the currents and ebbs of nature, you are eternal and never ending. Why accept temporary and trade it for Eternal? You are only tired because you are out of alignment with your innermost Truth, with who you truly are, but realize you cannot actually be out of alignment with your true self, but you can make it 'appear' so because you are infinitely powerful and creative, you have the free will to do so and create the illusion that you are not. So Go Crazy! Be Wild! Play as completely as the child, don't just walk here, Dance with Creation, Immerse yourself, entirely. Enjoy the ride, the play, the dance, the dream, while it lasts because one day you will awaken from it altogether. Love ~
  4. @aurum Well according to Leo dating a 10/10 "supermodel" is the holy grail of dating. I know for a fact a lot of these supermodel women have worked as high-class escort girls working their way up the ladder. Of course this is kept under wraps as much as possible. And the supermodel would never admit this until the proof comes out. So what do I make of this? Ignorance is bliss?
  5. Yeah and also holy shit i'm the eternal void. The lies of bliss and heaven get you hooked and like a fish you get reeled in....
  6. Oh yeah this enlightenment stuff sounds amazing. No anxiety, achieve cosmic bliss 24/7. Let's see what it's about....hmmm okay that was a little strange let me try again to see what's going on....Ah I'm confused, let me just reverse and re-evalua- HOLY SHIT I WANNA GO BACK. THE WORLD IS CROOKED, I DON'T MATTER, MY LIFE IS A LIE.
  7. You have received some really good advice here. Make sure to act on it from the bottom of your heart. Make sure whatever you hold true is your bliss. Ending wage slavery could be an exciting purpose for you. However, remember that wage slavery is a state of mind. I would be more happy a teacher living to raise my students rather than building a classic business (excluding my LP) and going down the "capitalism-winner" rabbit hole. I used to crave all that passive freedom, but Ayahuasca has beaten the devil out of me like Bob Ross out of his brush. Each to their own.
  8. Amazing video . And this is what the nuance behind these practices is, it's like the truth now people who fancy this idea of just using "psychedelics" for the expansion of consciousness beyond normal won't get. This related to the essence of your being. Now these practices is like short-circuit in an electric circuit, you get the maximum current terminal voltage being zero ( materially speaking) The essence of prakriti as he also mentioned It comprises of 3 qualities or gunas. Sattva, Rajas, Tamas Tamas- Action that is undertaken because of delusion, disregarding consequences, without considering loss or injury to others or self, is called Tamasic. So these practices would definitely escape you out of your normal consciousness to absolutely infinitum but you see the effect is gonna last only for some time, than you are back. Now, as per my current understanding two things are possible either you breakthrough to embody what you have experienced and for it you might have to go for multiple trip sessions to really figure out what it is, or otherwise you are trapped in the confusion of the radical difference of the two states, because you didn't maneuver step by step to reach that higher state of consciousness and hence is this trap or dilemma of what the fuck was it, here is where the role of a teacher comes in who let's you embody and figure out what the heck is it, now this is only possible if you are really serious to figure out the essence of your SELF. But as most people with their sloppy understanding and stupid approach to things in general, approach these substance in the same way too and hence will be screwed cause it takes responsibility to use such substances real understanding and awareness, yes they look fancy and stuff I get it but then every other thing is, that claims to pacify yourself that it will you give PEACE and BLISS and ECSTASY. That's why Teachers like these are vigilant to not recommend such products even if they know how radical and helpful they can be they would still prefer to not suggest these substances cause they feel they are liable and this what responsibility is all about it's about telling what's good for masses in general. That's why he assertively said what we need is more Sattvic quality which is nothing but the quality of balance, harmony, goodness, purity, universalizing, holistic, positive, peaceful, virtuous. That is it I don't say either it's good or bad that's totally subjective in my opinion, you and your experience will decide that for you who am I to tell you with full confidence whether they are good or bad to use such substances and I reckon no good teacher with some sense of responsiblity would do it amongst strange mass of people or where you don't know about every single individual you are putting forth your lesson to, there you talk in general sense, you prefer to sprinkle a glimpse of Bliss not the whole bottle of Bliss. You see some of these people are really smart.
  9. Meh, he dismisses the power of the consciousness that is possible with something like 5-MeO or DMT or salvia. No way you will access that naturally through his meditation programs. Bliss and peace of mind is not the same thing as Infinite Consciousness and I gaurantee none of his students have accessed Infinite Consciousness. Of course they are not an ultimate solution. You will still have to do meditative work.
  10. The Trap Of The Toxic Life Purpose The Trap Of The Toxic Life Purpose What is the point of life purpose? We live a life and if we don't take on a life purpose we live a toxic life purpose because of our default wiring Toxic Life Purpose - There is no mechanism in our society that aligns high paying job with maximum benefit to the society - If you don't consciously put effort into thinking about what kind of impact you want your life's work to have, we get swayed and have purpose chosen for us. That leads to following the toxic life purpose and harm human society and the collective - We all have to survive and if we don't have a conscious life purpose, the ego looks for the most convenient in terms of easiest, the highest paying or ideologically convenient (something that reinforces your existing world view) - Your mind has a need to have a sense of community and a sense of purpose and you don't have it, your ego-mind will want to have it. If you don't have it, it is just going to happen unconsciously, selfishly - We are gradually brainwashed by it which is why it is so deceptive - But at this moment, we can become aware of the fact that there is a void in our heart due to the lack of meaning and it's going to get filled one way or another. So you can decide to take conscious control of it and decide how you can fill it. - Think "what kind of impact do I want my life to have on the world?" - It takes years of trial and error. So give yourself time. - There is no quick fix. - The amount of time and effort you put in something, it pays proportional dividends. So choose wisely. - A conscious life purpose will not only remove all the suffering caused by some dead-end job but also, help you spiritually connect with the work and helps you stay in bliss - If you don't do it, not only do you have a gaping hole in your heart but also you are living with deep-seated misery and anger brewing inside of you because you cannot express that outside due to the negative consequences - In life, many of the important choices are chosen unconsciously - The hope is in the next five years, with the help of desire, you can figure it out and escape the wage slave - Check out the life purpose course! (It's actually good) - The key is to build a POWERFUL VISION
  11. This is my first “trip” report so be nice. I bought a pack of Kratom powder from an online vendor, since the plant itself is legal in my country (although the mitragynine is not) I thought I might aswell try it. About a week later two black ziplocks of Red Borneo and Maeng Da came in my letterbox. Since I quickly realized that pouring this powder from a zip would be really clumsy I put it in a tea container for future use. Take it from me, this stuff is like dust, hold your breath while you pour it up so you dont cause a sandstorm in your kitchen. To be cautious I did an allergy test first by taking a miniscule amount, the size of a pea and drank that in water before anything else, Im allergic to cut grass, you never know, right? No negative reaction, perfect. Experiment 1: 2 teaspoons, I flattened or scraped off the heap of powder with a knife to make sure I actually got the right amount. I put the stuff in a glass of water and had a taste, not too bad, thought it would be worse, it tastes like grass and the consistency is a bit like dirt or sand, all the horror stories I heard about the foul taste were greatly exagerrated. About an hour later I felt a little spacey, sort of like mental tunnel vision, I could focus on whatever I was doing really well but I wasnt hyped, just calm, no bliss or ecstatic pleasure. Two hours later, its hard to focus on my computer now, I dont care about what Im watching, Im zoning out alot, every 10 minutes, its like a camera lens shifting focus, it feels really good, still calm, albeit more sleepy, I kind of like this but I could definitely do more. Experiment 2: 4 teaspoons, took longer to kick in this time, still the same spacey feeling as before. Two hours later, I feel really calm now, my mind is pretty sharp, Im plastered to my couch, the more couchlocked I am the better I feel, my legs feel really good if I keep them still and focus mindfully on them. My mind is pretty quiet, would be cool to meditate with this if you wouldnt become so sleepy. I like this, I should do more some other day. Its not exactly Nirvana but its pretty cool. Next morning: My breath smells like dog-shit, apparently Kratom breath is a thing, my stomach feels a bit queasy, Ill wait a couple days to do this until I feel better again. Ive read that Kratom can be hard on the liver for certain individuals. Safety first. Experiment 3: 5 Teaspoons, I know the drill, just wait for it to kick in and peace is round the corner, except... it really doesnt kick in... Two hours later, spacey... Its uncomfortable to stand up... I feel dizzy and Im usually never dizzy, I guess this is what the call the wobbles. No feelings of intense pleasure, just kind of nervous and chill at the same time... Six hours later I go to sleep, Its reaaallyy hard, I keep waking up all the time, my arm feels like its floating just as I wake up for the tenth time again, weird uncomfortable semi-lucid feeling, nobody told me about this phase, I pass out at 3 or 4. I came to the conclusion that the tiny amount of relaxation I get is not worth the weird sleep, bad breath and general queasiness I get from the huge amounts of difficult-to-digest plant matter I have to drink, so that concludes my Kratom journey. I threw away my Maeng Da as I have no more use for Kratom, I will try anything once though, except for Datura??‍♀️.
  12. It is up to you. But be smart and rational about your decisions at such young age. They will define your environment in the future ( not completely but it matters, believe me). Ecstasy and bliss is great, but it is not permanent, it will fade. Eventually you will have to accept your human side, which involves being social, having sex, maybe even having kids, doing some work. Life is to be lived, dont dismiss it
  13. Stupid. You're lazy. (Replace with politically correct words if you're sensitive) School is a joke, if you are serious you can go to school, do your chores and spend 6hours sitting on a cushion and bliss out. Learning is not bad, it brings you closer to god. I know school sucks for the most part, but just accept it as practicing suffering. Essentially you want to take a shortcut, it never works.
  14. How do I explain my awakening. I can't, you let go of ego, there is no fear within you. You are the most ecstatic you have ever been in your life. Your mind doesn't work the same and thoughts won't talk to me, they will be me. Also you laugh a lot and the experience of joy is profound. Bodily sensations become something else, there is no attachment only life. It doesn't matter if my body feels pain or I have a strong headache. I will still be in the same joy if I remember right. Also every experience comes and goes all the time and thoughts etc is forgotten instantly, I just made sure to put awareness of the experience so that I could use it now so that I can experience it at any time when I'm free. If I would skipp that awareness I might have lost time completely and gotten into enlightenment who knows. I hope that's enough. I can reach this any time if I just let go lf ego but I need it to write to you - for survival. Otherwise I wouldn't be here. I don't need to just meditate, I've let go of ego in the most joyfull times with people and it was the same. It's just that I only allow myself for such bliss when its appropriate. And it's "never" appropriate in the school system. I would do many things in my life because when you are really happy then I can share that joy and help the world evolve. I would explore the world and do many things. Kinda like Sadhguru does but in my own way. I dont think I will experience much ego backlash because then ego is needed. Then I would just have to overcome that obstacle I would be experiencing and continue. Do you get me now?
  15. Absolute nothingness, The void being conscious... It is weird to explain it with words... Basically it is a game god plays with itself, souls meat suits etc. That state is just being. No feelings, no suffering, no self just is. Not even bliss. Any feeling, perception and label is just a part of the illusion of duality. For me this is not a competition per say. Im only arguing with myself. This thing we are... The nothingness managed to imagine it is souls, then meat suits. I think it's even more complicated but with over 50 trips behind me i'm not in a competition who is more enlightened or not. I'm merely arguing with myself anyways. Suffering is also an illusion, everything is. Including happiness and love. You need other and a world to experience these things xDD Most people wouldn't be on this forum, if they were happy before hand. In fact if they had just a semblance of what they want in life they wouldn't pursue spirituality. I know this life won't make me happy and i know there is nothing in this life which has any meaning. People leave. Circumstances change, you can't keep anything, the only constants seem to be loneliness and change. So i don't really care either way. I don't even care that i'm god, as i can't change anything yet it is in this i find my prepation to truly let go of the self in death.
  16. God really created hell for itself. I feel the same man. Suffering madness and hell without the bliss part :DDD This dream will end sooner or later ;d I will be free
  17. There are many regular states that seem to be outside an average human's imagination. I'm in a state of bliss 24/7. But I have desires, suffering and madness.
  18. I was contemplating on whether to make this trip report or not, because the mods had a spaz attack about a previous post I made, but this was such a powerful trip, that's radically changed my life, I wanted to share it anyway. This is a high quality post, and there's nothing in the guidelines that suggest it should be removed, so I'm not doing anything 'wrong' writing this, even if you remove it. Set I took a very high dose of syrian rue. Setting At my house The Trip Report At around 12am, I heard these alien like buzzing sounds. I looked outside, and couldn't see anything. I checked all around the house, couldn't find anything. Then finally realised it was coming from my ears. These buzzing sounds sounded like an alien spacecraft. I had this strange sense that the buzzing sounds were some sort of portal to a hyper dimensional world, and I had the sense that aliens were watching me and wanted to abduct me. They never did. The buzzing sounds got louder and louder. The question of what was about to happen pondered in my mind. Will I be abducted by aliens? Will the universe blow up? Will it just dissolve into ashes? At this time, I was starting to get freaked out, so I pulled myself together and just sat down and did some deep breathing exercises. This helped immensely. As time went on, my coordination got worse and worse. Never to the point I was crawling, but to the point I was stumbling a bit. My perception also started to get more and more retarded. Space started falling away, distance started warping, etc. And the fear of death was absolutely huge. Its been large with me sober recently, for some random reason, but this trip of course amplified it by 1000. My heart rate was massive, and the situation felt very uncomfortable. Because I wasn't expecting this trip to happen (especially at night), due to the fact that it was rue and not psychotria viridis or root bark, these effects caught me off guard, and that gave me a real great opportunity to persevere through something that would be immensely challenging. It gave me the opportunity to really test how capable I am at loving whatever arises. Can I love the buzzing sounds that are about to abduct me? What about the lack of perception? What about the feeling of vomiting (which was the entire night)? And at first I couldn't. I felt like crying, I really thought "how the fuck is it even possible I'll get through this? This must be impossible!". I was at the bathroom vomiting, assessing the situation. Remembering that who knows how long I've got because I didn't read up on syrian rue only trip reports. Will it be 6 like a normal aya trip? More? Who knows. At that time, I was even considering the possibility that the trip could go through to work. And how would I handle that situation? I was all alone, and it was dark. Going to the hospital was not an option. Getting a friend to help wasn't either. I'm apart of a psychedelic group (who are the ones that teach me protocols and shamanic and psychedelic techniques) and messaged them to help out. But unfortunately they were all asleep. I sat down, panicked, just observing the situation I was in. I had just hit rock bottom of this trip. This was when my inner demons, my traumas, fears, lack of acceptance of myself and the world, were all surrounding me, staring me right in the eyes. I was resisting death. I was resisting the alien abduction sounds. I was resisting my perception. I kept trying to hold myself together, "if I just keep distracting myself, I'll get through it", "if I don't think or feel the alien abduction sounds, they'll go away", "if I just keep thinking about my human self, it wont dissolve" And each attempt I made at holding myself together, the abduction sounds, dissolving of self, perception issues, kept growing larger at each attempt I did. I didn't want to let go, because I was too worried about being abducted, about loosing complete perception and going insane, etc. And considering I was embarking on a less known path (syrian rue only trip) the fear of what may happen, was even worse. And on my final attempt to hold myself together, a voice whispered "the only bad thing about this trip, are the projections and labels you're putting onto it" And that, ended up being a core teaching of this trip. From somewhere, I could not articulate where, out sprang some deep wisdom, a vision for how this trip could end well instead of bad, a voice that told me exactly what I need to do to make it through this thing. "You need to accept, love, appreciate, be grateful for whatever is arising" said the voice. "Whatever arises, is always, ALWAYS good, and the only thing making it bad, is you believing so". And with that message, came a radical reorientation for what that trip was, and what it was about to turn into. The abduction sounds, we re-contextualised, from scary aliens trying to abduct me, to being loving creatures, or the universe, just trying to teach me a lesson and help me. The lack of perception, was seen as beauty and infinity. The heart rate racing, was an opportunity for me to feel my heart and get to know it better. Instead of trying to get the trip to adapt to me, the voice taught me how to adapt myself to the trip. Taught me that no matter what arises, its ALWAYS, ALWAYS! An opportunity to grow, to learn, to practice love and acceptance. And that trip, almost instantly, went from being a hell hole, to being almost a paradise, without a thing changing. I was there, just recontextualising, recontextualising, recontextualising, everything. To turn it from hell to love. To learn from it, and to enjoy it. And in that moment, as I was recontextualising what ever arises, bang bang bang, like a love gun, I got a huge sense and feeling of a flow state. A feeling of "this is what I'm meant to be doing". It just felt so right. This is the point of my life. I'm meant to be doing this, with everything. And as I did that, massive hallucinations in my bathroom formed, they were like blocks waving back and forth, and then the whole room radically changed into a hyper dimensional rainforest, with 2 shamans looking at me. The voice kept saying "keep loving, keep accepting, keep learning" "let go" Until I realised, that voice, was one of the shamans. Staring at me, like I'm doing something, that's so important, so honourable, so worthy for the world. I'm learning to love whatever happens. I'm learning to make the most of the worst of worst experiences, and to enjoy it all. And that shaman, wasn't another shaman on the opposite end of me, he was me. me and him were like 2 tentacles of the same octopus. Different, but the same. I, as being both me and the shaman, was helping myself in this strange loopy way. He was teaching me how to vomit. How the horrible pain in my stomach, wasn't just random pain, but the symptoms of traumas of my past, and not loving myself enough. He showed me, at each time I spewed vomit, how I was purging childhood trauma. He was showing me how to love those traumas, how to accept them, and then how to let them go (spew them out). He was showing me how to walk, even when uncoordinated. He showed me how even when I'm in a state of mind where my coordination sucks, I can still walk, if I just let go, feel my body, feel the flow of the environment, and allow my legs and arms and torso work together to walk. He showed me how the traumas in my mind, affect my IBS, my sleep problems, my pains in my body. He pointed to the pain in my body, showed me what childhood trauma it relates to. He showed me all the damage to my body from the food I ate in the past, how that little pain I always feel at the back of my ear, is from the mcdonalds I had as a kid. He picked up that pain, and showed me the mcdonalds remainders. He showed me what it was like to be a shaman. How to be a proper shaman, its about letting go of all your thoughts, and loving what arises. Being in flow with nature, the environment, other people, and just submitting to the present moment on a deep level. The trip ended on a good note. What I learnt - no matter what I do in life, I'll never be happy and get what I want. No matter what career, relationship, etc I get, it will never make me happy. What will truly make me happy, is learning to love whatever arises. I've been shown, proven, QED to the max, that my point in life, is to love everything. Absolutely everything. And the most counter intuitive, and amazing thing I've been shown in this entire trip, is what I always wanted in my career, relationships and spirituality, wasn't attaining love or happiness, but was the capacity to love whatever I end up attaining. Its the capacity, not the attainment, that I always wanted. And that I now will always strive for in my life. And that's radically changed my views of my career and dating. And its radically changed how I see events that happen to me. I see them now not as mistakes, or accidents, or problems or issues. I now see them as an opportunity to create what I truly want: capacity to love. - Capacity for love is enormous. Things you thought you could never ever love, are possible to love. And you should always try to, because odds are, its possible. - Love is the answer to healing. To heal your body, mind and spirit, the most fundamental, and essential element to that healing, is to love those parts of your body and mind and soul. You can do western medicine, nootropics, ayurveda or vasi healing, but if you don't firstly love the areas of your life you're trying to heal before doing all the things in the above, then its like you're building a roof before the concrete. And in a lot of cases, especially mental, just loving itself is curative. - I think the most amazing thing about this trip, was how it radically changed from being hell to being paradise, all from me just choosing to love and to see what was happening in positive light. That trip at the beginning, had more suffering that I think I experienced when I was getting severely bullied in high school. And to see how it changed just from my attitude... wow. Just fucken wow. I so amazed at how an attitude, is such a key, the key, in being happy. I'll never ever forget that experience, and forget what attitude, acceptance and love really is. All it took for me to love this trip, was a moment. It didnt take a fancy car, girlfriend, some meditation pose, delicious food... All it took was a moment. Was a state of mind. Just a state where i accepted what happened. And what this trip showed me, is the best thing, the only real thing my career, relationships and spirituality can offer me, is a moment. Think about the times you were happiest in your career. It wasn't the money itself, it wasn't the body movements of typing at the keyboard, the only, and greatest thing your career can give you, is a moment. A moment where you're blissful, accepting reality, peaceful. That's what the money gives you, or pretends to give you, is that moment. The best part of your relationship? That moment, during sex or watching tv with her/him. Its that moment of bliss, peace and acceptance. Its something which, you have the power to attain right now, not by earning lots of money, buying stuff, attaining skills. Its simply attained by your attitude, an attitude to love and accept. So why, why grind through life, go through hell working 2 jobs, talking to shitty girlfriends, having a hard time with the self hurt and pain of pickup, going through all that, just to attain that future, special moment, a moment which you already have, right now, all the time, as part of living consciousness itself. Why not just enjoy the moment now? Instead of choosing to only enjoy it after years of pain and hardship? You already have what you seek, and will ultimately get anyway. The best you can get from your career, relationships or spirituality, is the moment, is the now. Just enjoy the now.
  19. I've just watched Leo guras videos on ego development stages. As of lately I've been spending a considerable amount of time being unitive and I think I awakened some time ago. I have hundreds maybe a thousand of hours into spirituality/phycology/myself so I am pretty grounded. My text is serious and I'm not fearful so don't see this as the avarage student that want to drop out. I go to school and it's very difficult right now. I spent let's say 30 minutes living in non duality and bliss, then I tried to study. I felt so much suffering and it was very difficult. I feel like I have two main options, to let my ego play through these two school years and unfulfilling work thereafter. Or quit school and own nothing but a van to sleep and food to eat, with some part time job caring for peoples animals, children, being a paperboy, get a certain car truck license so that I can work in a facility or something else. Just work that will make me survive. That work would also be pretty satisfying because I could be at a blissful state during manual labor when they can't control my mind. Then I could remain blissful 80% of my days compared to a very low percentage in school. What do you guys think about this? Is it a good idea? Any advice? I know about ego and survival etc and have contemplated this for almost a hundred hours years earlier in my spiritual work so I know of the risks etc. It's only now at the unitive stage that I can consider this option for my life. Get Leo gura to read this if you can help. Thank you sincerely for reading my text? Btw im 17 year old and Swedish. I've not written all peices of the puzzle so try to imagine being me and I only want advice especially from unitive people - that's the whole point with this text because otherwise you can't really grasp what I'm writing about.
  20. This thread is about coming full circle. It's about understanding the whole picture. Most people like to protect their beliefs in advance and are not ready to learn without their existing assumptions. When we blindly protect our beliefs and assumptions we feel more at home and safe which is an illusion. Because of that most people as they age lose their ability for accepting new explanations, new facts and new realizations because they identify with that state of being at home and safe and because of that, they reject and don't accept new explanations, realizations...because if they did, they would have to invest energy in changing their ego, and when we're identified with our thoughts and emotions we will want to maintain it. This is what cognitive dissonance is. It's a thought-emotion based blockage from our ego/mind that automatically triggers it's defense mechanism by triggering resistance and fear about change so it maintains itself. We overcome this by being honest with ourselves and with forgiving our self the emotional reactions with conscious re-direction of our life force. If you are Self-realized, do you know how to practically use that realization to systematically transform your life and remove ego reactions methodically? So many people that claim to be enlightened are basically just aware of their infinite nature, their undefined self, aware of the formless non-physical aspect that extends to infinity in all directions and dimensions, that is all present, always here and now, through which space-time moves, when you glimpse that you realize that you are everything and nothing at the same time... That's good, that's quite radical and good. Enlightenment will remove all of suffering and you will come to mental piece and inner silence. But... you will NOT be blissful. At the moment of realizing enlightenment and oneness, you see everything as perfect but the questions is it really? The paradox is that it is, and it's not. And now you have to integrate that paradox. "It's not this or that, it's both" - Bashar The question that realization using you or are you proactively using that realization to come to full embodiment resulting in total bliss? If not, then your enlightenment is half-assed. When you become enlightened you realize and see how everything is happening without you doing it. It's a total mindfuck. It's really like stepping out of the matrix and seeing it for what it is, like super mario realizing it's not the character but the screen. But....that's not nearly enough. That realization is so big, that you don't know how to actualize it and so you can get stuck in passive observation of the present moment for decades. Passive observation of the present moment will never be enough to embody that realization. For example. you can be fully aware all the time, but if you are not able to see how your ego is trying to survive, you will be a passive observer and you'll be following the thoughts and emotions that are responsible for the maintenance of an egoic program. You will stay selfish and ignorant. What is necessary is active observation and acting on principles that are based on oneness, value equality, what is based for all life ...... in the now moment, inside yourself.... it's understanding that you are playing a part in the great scheme of things. (you being a fractal - a part and simultaneously the whole... well we need to act like) Active observation=a shift in being/looking -> a shift in relating Passive observation=allowing and accepting everything -> staying stuck in "all is perfect the way it is" When you're fully aware you see how thoughts and experiences pop up in the present moment without you making a choice. These thoughts, emotions and experiences come up without you making a choice and tell you who you are. Now you have 2 choices. Accept and allow these things or make a conscious choice to change yourself within yourself. To accept and allow the automatically generated reaction to continue or to stop it and do something else. To make a choice you need to be aware. We allow it to continue with our ignorance, non-understanding, carelessness for our state and well-being and self-direction and with our resistance to being honest with ourselves and taking responsibility for our thoughts. We are not our thoughts and emotions. Our thoughts are our tool that we can learn do direct instead of being submissive to it. Our automatically generated ego takes control of ourselves only if we allow it and this is when we don't give ourselves a clear principle based self-direction - when we are not clear about how we want to exist and do in every moment. Let's first define awareness and consciousness. Looking comes from awareness/being. Thoughts and thinking comes from consciousness/your mind. By stopping and looking you are re-defining yourself within yourself. You are changing your relationship to these things. You stop by becoming aware of your breathing (you can also slow it down, in the beginning it's much easier to manipulate your breathing by slowing it down than to be aware of it, just don't do it mechanically and try to observe your breathing, be one with it). When we are not conscious of every breath we take, we direct our energy into our thought-emotion energetic system and at that point we're not even aware of our body. This is an ideal scenario for our parasitic mind to take control of our attention and gain energy for it's own survival. When you are asleep you are simply assuming you're making all the choices in your life, and you're also assuming that if you've made that decision then it's probably a good one, when you're awake you're seeing your own shit that pops up in the present moment and you're able to re-define yourself in the present moment, by being something else. You are no longer identified with the thought, emotion or experience and that's when transformation takes place. Bliss is something beyond positive emotions, it is a result of embodying the Devine aspect of yourself. Bliss is divine and it's your true nature. Bliss feels good, but it feels better than feeling's feeling like a God. Everything is energy but there are different kinds of energy. For this article I will focus on the mind energy and life energy. Life energy is a stable energy. The unstable energy is mind energy. The mind uses energy to preserve itself, it NEEDS energy for it's own survival. Mind energy is parasitic and if you identify with your self-created thought-emotional conscious system you will accept and allow the mind to suck the energy from your body for it's own survival. It is like a vampire, if you follow the automatically generated thoughts and emotions that show up in your awareness, you will allow the mind energy to maintain itself and the result is that your physical body will age and die one day. It's like staying asleep in the driving seat of a car.... you are the driver not the fucking car. What we are does not need energy to exist, it's eternal. A lot of Self-realized people still don't get this, they are aware of the totality...but not conscious of the part that they are playing in that screen. You are reality and you are also in reality. You are aware of the reality that is happening in you, and you are conscious that you are that self-created reality. If you are not conscious of that, then you are lost in the formless aspect of you and you don't know how to integrate that realization in your life, you don't know how to navigate between the paradox of it all and because of that you are still submissive to your automatically generated thought-emotional based system. What are you? You are an undefined being, being able to be aware, able to recognize patterns, self-reflect, to be self-responsible, self-honest, principle self-directive and able to co-create. You are always present, that means that you don't need energy for survival unlike your mind.... From that, we can clearly see that there is something more to non-duality, we are all one, but we are different, we are individual units of consciousness, souls... at different levels of maturity who are able to grow in discernment, intelligence, wisdom, love, compassion through using our abilities that I described earlier. Awareness(god) is creating his own consciousness field and this field of consciousness carries information that was accepted as true and allowed to be. This is our ego, this is the though-emotion energetic based system. You can only change yourself while being in yourself (that is a radical statement that you need to become conscious of, the character needs to shift from BECOMING a character to BEING, from form to formless and back to a different form)... Everything is now, but did you make a distinction between being and becoming? Are you aware of the constant change that is happening in you in the present moment, and be able to be principle self-directive when an automatically generated though/emotion shows up or will you be selfish and ignorant...react and follow the dualistic mind energy, that will suck the energy from your body for it's own survival? You created the mind through imagination but now the mind is using you, you are lost in your own dream, you are asleep while the process of survival is happening and because of that you are allowing and accepting the egoic reactions to continue, when you are aware, you notice how thoughts and emotions automatically come out of nowhere and you notice how these thoughts and emotions need your attention to survive... you are able to stop them, transcend them and be principle self-directive in the now moment. The mind will of course trigger fear, because it fears death and non-existence -> an illusion, so it will seem like you are powerless in the passengers seat, but that is an illusion that can be overcome by being aware that you are the only one here and the only being responsible for your direction, and that you always was that which is here&now.... you will need to train your discernment abilities to recognize appearances from reality. Following certain thoughts and emotions of course has benefits, that's why you do it...BUT...are you seeking positive experiences and emotions? If yes, then you are identifying with your emotions, you are polarizing reality into good and bad. You are basically being selfish and ignorant. When we're under the influence of certain chemicals we easily forget our self-responsibility and power of self-directing and start being submissive to our automatically generated thought-emotion programs. When we look through our ego, we want more of these experiences. Ego wants more! When we look through our ego we want to maintain our selfish interest and what is best for the ego AND NOT what is best for all life just because of the generated emotions. Ego is afraid of honesty because if we are totally honest, the ego might lose it's benefits so it uses all kinds of ego defense mechanisms to avoid facing the truth. Ego thrives on ignorance and avoidance. An internal or external trigger will trigger a behavior of thinking, feeling and acting and you will need to stay mindful to notice that - that's mindfulness . Then, you will stop the egoic reaction by focusing on your breathing, focusing on your feeling in the body and every sound around you, you will become present. Then you will bend the flow of energy based on described principles. By shifting that energy, you will enter an unknown territory, your mind will be afraid and it will trigger fear for the purpose of shifting the energy back. In that moment you will stay present and cultivate a metaphysical connection to reality by being grounded in the present moment, in that case, you are practicing transcendence and witnessing how triggered thoughts and feelings of the old program are trying to sedate you for the purpose of You putting attention into them. And in this process you will understand what is being and becoming. The process that will be described is holistic. It doesn't focus just on the spiritual or emotional or thoughts or physical aspect it focuses on transforming all aspects, that's why it's revolutionary and very advanced but the thing is, that it's so simple that everybody can understand and use it! The principles are based on oneness, value equality - what is best for all. What is best for all is also best for you. "I take others into account and treat others the same way as I would like to be taken into account and treated if I was in their place" A shift needs to happen. A shift to where you don't operate based on your thoughts and emotions but on a deeper level of knowing. A shift from memory to knowing. Some aspect of you always knows...but you don't listen carefully enough. Instead of listening and deeply feeling the truth you are accepting and allowing the thought-emotional based system to steal your attention so it can maintain itself. You quickly jump to conclusions, quickly jump into are being reactive, because you take things as obvious...and that's a trap of the egoic program because if things slowed down, you would have more opportunity to discern falsehood from truth and truth would have more opportunity to shed falsehood. You need to slow down to stop acting like a sheep, following his thoughts and emotions. And you do this by taking a few controlled breaths. When the thoughts and emotions pop up in the present moment via internal/external triggers to steal your attention from what is best for all beings, then you slow down. You must intend to become aware and then you will be aware. By setting an intention you will awaken in the present moment (in the linear sense for example you will set an intention today and tomorrow the triggers will trigger thoughts and emotions and you will be awake in that moment because you've set the intention). Commit to setting intentions to redirect your life force. For example: smoking. Picture this scenario. It's time for lunch break, the smoker usually smokes a cigarette after the lunch break, so that's an external trigger, then there can be also an internal trigger that says ("another cigarette and then I will come back"), BUT if the egoic program was integrated due to repeating it a lot, then there will be no thoughts like that, it will just seem obvious to the smoker that that's the next thing he will do, in this case he is assuming the thought-emotional based system is true and you will always do what you believe to be true. Then that's going the become his reality, because he imagined it to be real....but then let's say a shift in consciousness happens where that no longer makes sense and is no longer true, let's say the smoker found out in reality he doesn't want to smoke but to finish smoking, at that moment he becomes aware of the bigger picture, he steps out of himself and becomes aware and he connects to a deeper level of knowing that is present, he starts imagining a new reality, a new possibility existing. He awakens.... so let's say now comes the same scenario, he finishes lunch and goes to his location to smoke, he grabs a cigarette, he lights it up and then....he awakens, he becomes aware and knowing and at that moment he has the decision to drop the cigarette or to continue smoking it, if he continues smoking it, he promotes the thought-emotional based parasite but if he drops it, he embodies his new truth. When he became aware, memories were not needed to drop it, he was aware and thus knowing....and that's the way toward embodying truth. You come to deeper and deeper levels of realization. But now he needs to transmute the old program and awareness alone usually doesn't do it because we need a new program to integrate, to remove a program without adding a new one will just create a sense of emptiness and after a while we will spiral back into the old program just because we don't know any better, as simple as that sounds. Awareness alone is curative only in the short term. We transmute the old program with speech. So, the smoker comes home, analyzes his emotional reactions in writing(this step was possible only after he became aware), he is honest about his self. He writes self-correction statements about what is best for all and then he needs to say it out loud, for the transmutation process to take place, he needs to repeat these statements, once is not enough and by doing so, he embodies a higher truth, that was deeply felt. We can only change ourselves inside ourselves, analogy - screen (awareness) and mario (the character-you-the thought emotional based system), the character needs to become aware of the screen and only after that he can shift to a new program, like being a character in a movie, if the character wants to play a different role in a different movie, he needs to drop his role and stop following his thought and emotions. By doing so he is becoming a master of himself. You will avoid writing things out and analyzing your reactions at all costs because being honest and reflective of your actions is dangerous to the maintenance of your ego. Make no mistake, you will never feel like doing it. IF you will not do it, that's the same as being identified with the thought-emotional based system. You will keep rationalizing, making excuses, believing your lies and you will keep deceiving yourself but slowly if you keep at it you will become better at spotting your own bullshit, facing your own self, overcoming the fear of losing parts of yourself and do self-correction to change yourself. You always put trust in something, now is the time to ask yourself what you put trust in. There are different levels of knowing. The first is hearing something, the second is contemplating it and the third is making it instinctual. But how can you make awakening instinctual...? BY following certain principles. Alignment with truth. Remember, it's not only about realizing Truth but about being in alignment with Truth. Alignment is not the same as balance. Alignment is about being in tune and connected to the present moment. Being in tune + connected to the present balance. By being in tune and present, we allow the higher self to manifest. For alignment to happen, there needs to be calmness and silence for us to listen and then discern different energy flows. When we're in alignment then we're supporting all life and beings with our actions and if we're not , we're creating disharmony and unbalance in the universal system. We're here to be present to a certain role in the evolutionary process of consciousness. A divine role consists of certain beliefs, attitudes, visions, thoughts, states, interactions, sounds, voice, communication, feelings. So, you need to be present to specific things that remind you of who you are...and not what you truly are, because no thing can trigger the memory of what you are, because what you are is not a memory need to train your discernment abilities to recognize these things. Not just staying in the present moment, but regulating your attention/energy flow/body movements to be present to specific things. And you do this by slowly silently deeply feeling things to discern if you resonate with them or not. This is totally different paradigm than taking things as obvious and reacting to the perceived stimuli. Consciousness is this infinite field that can resonate at infinite number of frequencies, different frequencies = different experiences(sounds, feelings, visions, thoughts...) but as souls we will not resonate with all frequencies, it's not really our purpose to do so, and this is why I told you to discern if you resonate with it or not...that is God understanding what it actually is. Freeing ourselves from the automatically generated thought-emotional based system is a process in which we step by step with every breath and with a few tools 1.conscious breathing 2. self-honest writing 3. self-forgiveness 4. self-correction take our responsibility for our mind/ego/though-emotion based energetic system and start AWAKENING. While doing that we take into account the law of one and value equality of all life, because that's the best for all and because of that best for us. Every action that does not take into account "I take others into account and treat others the same way as I would like to be taken into account and treated if I was in their place" is an action that is coming from our deluded ego. Awakening is a process where we realize our power of directing our eternal life force. To direct your life force, you don't need any kind of energy, because you are eternal and don't need energy for existing. You don't need stimulation. If you're stimulation driven then when there is no longer a supply of your stimulation you don't have any motivation anymore to do the act, you are like a program that will stop existing if there is no supply of input commands. And most people are just that, programs. Being self-honest is about being honest about your state, thoughts, emotions, actions, intentions we're existing in. This is our ability to see our source without judgement. Only by being self-honest life is born until then we're only our automatically generated thoughts and emotions. With writing we discover which thoughts created our emotions and we forgive ourselves. Then we write self-correction statements. And breathing. Only when we're aware of our breathing and grounded in the present moment, we're able to direct our life force. The process of writing looks like that. This is the most efficient form. 1. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed ____ (describe your harmful selfish way of thinking, acting, emoting) 2. When I notice and become aware of ___(describe the things you mentioned earlier), I stop and breath. 3. I am conscious that ___ (1. describe the harmful consequences of your pattern and why it's not supportive for all life. 2. Describe why and how the changed action is better for all) 4. This is why from now on, I am committed to (describe a practical healthy mind pattern new pattern that is best for all life with which you're substituting the old, unnecessary, selfish and harmful pattern) "You are the program and also the programmer" - Arcturus RA With this process we are expanding our understanding of our ego/mind and that gives us power to change ourselves. We are becoming more aware of our selves as the eternal life force and our ability to self-direct selflessly. We are becoming more familiar with our way of thinking, with our habits, reactions and though-emotional based states that we're submissive to. With this process we're coming back to our full power by being less submissive to our thoughts and emotions step-by-step, breath by breath. With this process we're removing all kinds of limitations and we're becoming able to express ourselves more effectively more and more. You can do this at the end of your day to reflect back on your day, you can also open a blog on blogger like many Destonians do to keep yourself more accountable. So, now I have a question for you. Will you start practicing the process and do what is best for all life or will you accept and allow your thoughts and emotions to direct you. I will explain a method that I learned from Destonians. Keep an open mind. Resources to take it to the next level:
  21. Part of my Life Purpose is that I want to lead people to the realization of Infinite / Divine Love and Infinite Self-Understanding, but first I need to define it clearly for myself, have realizations into the nature of it and embody these things in my own life more. My questions: How do you define Self-Understanding for yourfelf? How do you define Infinite Love? How do you realize / awaken to Infinite Self-Understanding and Infinite / Divine Love? What are you doing daily to integrate and embody these realizations? How I define Self-Understanding so far (I have formulated it in the form of affirmations): Self-Understanding is the Awareness of Truth. I understand myself/ my Self as God, as infinte consciousness, as that which is unlimited, one and self-created. I am Truth. Therefore I recognize that I am always already free. My true nature is bliss. I am worthy. I realize that infinite abundance is always here. I do not lack anything. Joy and fulfillment are natural to me. I am able to do what I want when I want. I am at peace I am in alignment. I have got an understanding of my own capabilities, character, feelings and motivations. I know who I am. I am Love. From being in harmony with God, I recieve wisdom. Wisdom is the power to percieve Truth and the ability to make the best us eof the knowledge of Truth. How I define Divine Love so far: Absolute, Infnite, Divine Love is the essence of Truth, Consciousness, God, Reality and my Self. It is ablolute acceptance of everything. I love everything and everybody. Love is the Awareness of the beauty of creation. Love is Selflessness. The purpose of my life is to love. I love all men as God. Everything that happens in the universe, happens to maximize Love. Love is having a vision for my life and a vision of what I can offer to mankind. Absolute, Infinite, Divine Love is unconditional. I am unconficionally loved by God. What I already do: Daily meditation, affirmations, being in nature, journal, doing psychedelics, reading books, meeting like-minded people, be as loving, accepting and present as I can What I want to do now: Create a specific vision of myself embodying these things, study spiritual texts, do reatreats (darkeness, vipassana, isolation, psychedelic), try fasting, get a mentor Do you have any more ideas? How are you guys doing it? What kind of intentions do you set for a psychedelic journey when you want to explore these themes? Thank you for your time, I really apprechiate it.
  22. I'm alone in the no time for the eternity! Horror Another: I'm alone in the no time for the eternity but I'm not alone because I love myself! Bliss
  23. @Oppositionless No i haven't. I don't even really feel better after most meditation sessions. I get some relaxation, but it's similar to if i take a nap or something. The only true experiences of feeling good, or bliss etc, are from LSD not meditation. I find myself ADHD distracting myself with weird body ticks for most of the day, and i noticed that when i stop and just sit still I feel like i'm holding my breathe and i get uncomfortable.
  24. Leo's last video on introspection is great! As Gurdjieff used to say, He was busy stepping on people's korn's. Notice when you're lying to yourself. Notice when you're flippant. Notice when you're arrogant. Notice when you're playing a victim. Notice when you're fanticising. Notice when you're in a bad mood. Notice when you're manipulating others. Notice you're social conditioning. Notice posturing and being phony and fake. Notice when you aren't understanding other people. Notice and catch you're mind creating problems. Notice when you're being selfish. Much of what Leo said mirrors the Teaching of the Fourth Way which centers around noticing you're spiritual sleep. Two main practices in the Fourth Way are self observation and self Remembering. Maurice Nicoll on the Fourth Way- INTENTIONAL SUFFERING “Now self-observation is very harsh and becomes more harsh. If done sincerely it will hurt. But it lets light in and stops all sorts of rank weeds from growing within, and amongst them all the strange growths due to internal considering and self-pity and song-singing. And then at last we begin to see what it means that a man must realize that he is nothing beforehecanexpecttobesomething.”V.1,p.259 INTENTIONAL SUFFERING II “You may often say you are to blame for something, but if someone agrees with you, it is startling and you feel offended. Yes, we easily pretend we are wrong. But to see it, direct and unmistakeable, in one- self, is pain. This is real, and so useful, suffering, for all real suffering purifies the emotions.” V. 1, p. 166 INTENTIONAL SUFFERING III “I have found nothing flattering in this teaching. There is nothing flattering, for axample, in being told that we are machines that have no Real ‘I’, that we are nothing but pictures of ourselves, that what we call ‘I’ is nothing but imagination, that we have no Real Will, that we are a mass of contradictions which we do not notice owing to hav- ing so many buffers and different forms of padding, that we are not conscious yet, and so on...All awakening has a sour taste—like going back to school.” V. 3, p. 825 INTENTIONAL SUFFERING IV “A man must suffer from his observation of himself, but never become negative.” V. 3, p. 1203 SELF-SATISFACTION “Try to see what you are resting on, all of you. Try to see the basis of your self-satisfaction. You will understand that unless this basis is com- pletely broken up there can be no change of being.” V. 1, p. 338 SELF-SATISFACTION II “As regards the remark that this Work is selfish, you must all under- stand that this Work . . . is something that destroys your self-compla- cency, your selfishness, your self-esteem, your fantasies about yourself, your pictures of yourself and, in short, your False Personality. It makes you see yourself naked—makes you see that you have to do some- thing about yourself before you try to help other people.” V. 3, p. 849 SUFFERING ONE’S SELF “When I am in that state of insight I will continually suffer from myself—from Nicoll and his mechanical reactions. Then I will in a certain sense have to endure this external, mechanical, reacting person that hitherto I have taken as myself but which the Work has gradu- ally shown me I must separate from.” V. 2, p. 644 SEEING DIFFERENT ‘I’S “Perhaps, owing to a grain of modesty or a sense of humiliation or, better still, owing to increasing consciousness of yourself, you may realize that you are not one—not a fully conscious individual, willing his life consciously at every moment, but at one moment a mean per- son, at the next an irritable person, at the next a benevolent person and the next a scandalous or slanderous person, at the next a saint, at the next a liar.” V. 1, p. 26 WHO IS RUNNING THE SHOW? “Have you seen a view of yourself marching along as a crowd of ‘I’s, some good, some evil, some in tatters, some over-dressed, some well-meaning, some slanderous, some brave, some self-pitying, some intelligent, some stupid, some a little developed, some undeveloped and childish, and so on? This marching column, marching anyhow, now some leading, now others, this haphazard crew, is leading one’s life for one.” V. 3, p. 975 PRIDE AND VANITY “You must study Pride and Vanity in yourselves and all their different gradations. Do you know your own forms of Vanity and how much they occupy you? Do you know where your Pride lies? Where do you feel that you love yourself, that you admire yourself? Where do you most feel that you are utterly different from other people? Where are you most conceited? What do you boast about? What are you silent about? Vanity is frequently very talkative, whereas Pride is silent. Which is the deeper wound, wounded Vanity or wounded Pride? What is it you cannot forgive? You know that if you cannot forgive it is because of some form of self-love which, ideally speaking, has to be smashed out of you.” V. 1, p. 360 REAL POSITIVE EMOTIONS “If you, all alone, in this solitary place, in yourself, full of the integrity of your most Real I, have decided, made a decision, not to identify or feed a particular negative emotion . . . you will taste positive emotion for a brief moment—something blessed—that is, filled with such bliss that nothing of human love-hate emotions can be compared with it... Such emotions . . . never change into their opposites but visit us and then withdraw.” V. 4, pp. 1238-9 All of these taken from Gems of Wisdom. Similar and more can be found here-
  25. I guess you've already attained Nirvana since you talk about eternal bliss. Hehe