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  1. Absolute nothingness, The void being conscious... It is weird to explain it with words... Basically it is a game god plays with itself, souls meat suits etc. That state is just being. No feelings, no suffering, no self just is. Not even bliss. Any feeling, perception and label is just a part of the illusion of duality. For me this is not a competition per say. Im only arguing with myself. This thing we are... The nothingness managed to imagine it is souls, then meat suits. I think it's even more complicated but with over 50 trips behind me i'm not in a competition who is more enlightened or not. I'm merely arguing with myself anyways. Suffering is also an illusion, everything is. Including happiness and love. You need other and a world to experience these things xDD Most people wouldn't be on this forum, if they were happy before hand. In fact if they had just a semblance of what they want in life they wouldn't pursue spirituality. I know this life won't make me happy and i know there is nothing in this life which has any meaning. People leave. Circumstances change, you can't keep anything, the only constants seem to be loneliness and change. So i don't really care either way. I don't even care that i'm god, as i can't change anything yet it is in this i find my prepation to truly let go of the self in death.
  2. God really created hell for itself. I feel the same man. Suffering madness and hell without the bliss part :DDD This dream will end sooner or later ;d I will be free
  3. There are many regular states that seem to be outside an average human's imagination. I'm in a state of bliss 24/7. But I have desires, suffering and madness.
  4. Part of my Life Purpose is that I want to lead people to the realization of Infinite / Divine Love and Infinite Self-Understanding, but first I need to define it clearly for myself, have realizations into the nature of it and embody these things in my own life more. My questions: How do you define Self-Understanding for yourfelf? How do you define Infinite Love? How do you realize / awaken to Infinite Self-Understanding and Infinite / Divine Love? What are you doing daily to integrate and embody these realizations? How I define Self-Understanding so far (I have formulated it in the form of affirmations): Self-Understanding is the Awareness of Truth. I understand myself/ my Self as God, as infinte consciousness, as that which is unlimited, one and self-created. I am Truth. Therefore I recognize that I am always already free. My true nature is bliss. I am worthy. I realize that infinite abundance is always here. I do not lack anything. Joy and fulfillment are natural to me. I am able to do what I want when I want. I am at peace I am in alignment. I have got an understanding of my own capabilities, character, feelings and motivations. I know who I am. I am Love. From being in harmony with God, I recieve wisdom. Wisdom is the power to percieve Truth and the ability to make the best us eof the knowledge of Truth. How I define Divine Love so far: Absolute, Infnite, Divine Love is the essence of Truth, Consciousness, God, Reality and my Self. It is ablolute acceptance of everything. I love everything and everybody. Love is the Awareness of the beauty of creation. Love is Selflessness. The purpose of my life is to love. I love all men as God. Everything that happens in the universe, happens to maximize Love. Love is having a vision for my life and a vision of what I can offer to mankind. Absolute, Infinite, Divine Love is unconditional. I am unconficionally loved by God. What I already do: Daily meditation, affirmations, being in nature, journal, doing psychedelics, reading books, meeting like-minded people, be as loving, accepting and present as I can What I want to do now: Create a specific vision of myself embodying these things, study spiritual texts, do reatreats (darkeness, vipassana, isolation, psychedelic), try fasting, get a mentor Do you have any more ideas? How are you guys doing it? What kind of intentions do you set for a psychedelic journey when you want to explore these themes? Thank you for your time, I really apprechiate it.
  5. I'm alone in the no time for the eternity! Horror Another: I'm alone in the no time for the eternity but I'm not alone because I love myself! Bliss
  6. @Oppositionless No i haven't. I don't even really feel better after most meditation sessions. I get some relaxation, but it's similar to if i take a nap or something. The only true experiences of feeling good, or bliss etc, are from LSD not meditation. I find myself ADHD distracting myself with weird body ticks for most of the day, and i noticed that when i stop and just sit still I feel like i'm holding my breathe and i get uncomfortable.
  7. Leo's last video on introspection is great! As Gurdjieff used to say, He was busy stepping on people's korn's. Notice when you're lying to yourself. Notice when you're flippant. Notice when you're arrogant. Notice when you're playing a victim. Notice when you're fanticising. Notice when you're in a bad mood. Notice when you're manipulating others. Notice you're social conditioning. Notice posturing and being phony and fake. Notice when you aren't understanding other people. Notice and catch you're mind creating problems. Notice when you're being selfish. Much of what Leo said mirrors the Teaching of the Fourth Way which centers around noticing you're spiritual sleep. Two main practices in the Fourth Way are self observation and self Remembering. Maurice Nicoll on the Fourth Way- INTENTIONAL SUFFERING “Now self-observation is very harsh and becomes more harsh. If done sincerely it will hurt. But it lets light in and stops all sorts of rank weeds from growing within, and amongst them all the strange growths due to internal considering and self-pity and song-singing. And then at last we begin to see what it means that a man must realize that he is nothing beforehecanexpecttobesomething.”V.1,p.259 INTENTIONAL SUFFERING II “You may often say you are to blame for something, but if someone agrees with you, it is startling and you feel offended. Yes, we easily pretend we are wrong. But to see it, direct and unmistakeable, in one- self, is pain. This is real, and so useful, suffering, for all real suffering purifies the emotions.” V. 1, p. 166 INTENTIONAL SUFFERING III “I have found nothing flattering in this teaching. There is nothing flattering, for axample, in being told that we are machines that have no Real ‘I’, that we are nothing but pictures of ourselves, that what we call ‘I’ is nothing but imagination, that we have no Real Will, that we are a mass of contradictions which we do not notice owing to hav- ing so many buffers and different forms of padding, that we are not conscious yet, and so on...All awakening has a sour taste—like going back to school.” V. 3, p. 825 INTENTIONAL SUFFERING IV “A man must suffer from his observation of himself, but never become negative.” V. 3, p. 1203 SELF-SATISFACTION “Try to see what you are resting on, all of you. Try to see the basis of your self-satisfaction. You will understand that unless this basis is com- pletely broken up there can be no change of being.” V. 1, p. 338 SELF-SATISFACTION II “As regards the remark that this Work is selfish, you must all under- stand that this Work . . . is something that destroys your self-compla- cency, your selfishness, your self-esteem, your fantasies about yourself, your pictures of yourself and, in short, your False Personality. It makes you see yourself naked—makes you see that you have to do some- thing about yourself before you try to help other people.” V. 3, p. 849 SUFFERING ONE’S SELF “When I am in that state of insight I will continually suffer from myself—from Nicoll and his mechanical reactions. Then I will in a certain sense have to endure this external, mechanical, reacting person that hitherto I have taken as myself but which the Work has gradu- ally shown me I must separate from.” V. 2, p. 644 SEEING DIFFERENT ‘I’S “Perhaps, owing to a grain of modesty or a sense of humiliation or, better still, owing to increasing consciousness of yourself, you may realize that you are not one—not a fully conscious individual, willing his life consciously at every moment, but at one moment a mean per- son, at the next an irritable person, at the next a benevolent person and the next a scandalous or slanderous person, at the next a saint, at the next a liar.” V. 1, p. 26 WHO IS RUNNING THE SHOW? “Have you seen a view of yourself marching along as a crowd of ‘I’s, some good, some evil, some in tatters, some over-dressed, some well-meaning, some slanderous, some brave, some self-pitying, some intelligent, some stupid, some a little developed, some undeveloped and childish, and so on? This marching column, marching anyhow, now some leading, now others, this haphazard crew, is leading one’s life for one.” V. 3, p. 975 PRIDE AND VANITY “You must study Pride and Vanity in yourselves and all their different gradations. Do you know your own forms of Vanity and how much they occupy you? Do you know where your Pride lies? Where do you feel that you love yourself, that you admire yourself? Where do you most feel that you are utterly different from other people? Where are you most conceited? What do you boast about? What are you silent about? Vanity is frequently very talkative, whereas Pride is silent. Which is the deeper wound, wounded Vanity or wounded Pride? What is it you cannot forgive? You know that if you cannot forgive it is because of some form of self-love which, ideally speaking, has to be smashed out of you.” V. 1, p. 360 REAL POSITIVE EMOTIONS “If you, all alone, in this solitary place, in yourself, full of the integrity of your most Real I, have decided, made a decision, not to identify or feed a particular negative emotion . . . you will taste positive emotion for a brief moment—something blessed—that is, filled with such bliss that nothing of human love-hate emotions can be compared with it... Such emotions . . . never change into their opposites but visit us and then withdraw.” V. 4, pp. 1238-9 All of these taken from Gems of Wisdom. Similar and more can be found here-
  8. I guess you've already attained Nirvana since you talk about eternal bliss. Hehe
  9. If you think that you're here by accident, then you won't transcend anything. You will stay an ugly frog hit by a car for eternity. Bliss... yeah sure.
  10. If one truly understands that there is no death, only transcendence. A few moments of suffering don't matter in the face of bliss for eternity. Suffering is part of the experience of the game, essentially so.
  11. Maybe it depends how you define awakening. I see awakening as realizing that you are not your conditioned mind, and the eventual dissolving of attachments and ego. Since attachments and ego are the source of most human suffering, awakening leads to the end of suffering. I think I understand your point. For example, a devout Christian that believes Jesus has saved them from sin and that they will live in heavenly bliss for eternity with their loved ones is in for some disappointment. But I don't see that as awakening; it's more pre-awakening where we begin divesting ourselves from false beliefs, but haven't yet realized who we actually are.
  12. Well I guess he is But the thing about manipulative texts like Bible and Quran is that the texts claim they are the holy word and the only thing to be believed and also say (in anticipation) that there will be others who will say that they are not correct. So they say, someone will appear that will challenge your belief, will try to bring doubt. By saying this they make sure to manipulate the reader into thinking "Wow, the book really was right, because look, these people here are bringing doubt to me and this book predicted it" which makes the book appear even more powerful in the mind of the follower. So of course, those doubters are seen as evil. Now there is division. The whole message of actual spirituality gets lost. Now there is US who believe in this text alone, and the others, the blasphemers who do not follow this manipulative book. To know God is to know That which is beyond doubt. That in which even doubt appears. It cannot be something written. Writing says this or it says that. What the writing appears in is the absolute Truth which cannot be denied and cannot be doubted.. For the very doubt appears in it...... It's like the Truth is the empty page, and all words on the empty page are not the Absolute. They cannot be. They are added on later. They have a beginning and an end, making them relative. Why do I call these texts manipulative? Well because they use FEAR and GREED to get you to follow what they say. Fear of punishment and the greed for eternal happiness, bliss and salvation. In the future.. Promise. It does not have to deliver, you cannot test or know whether it is saying the truth, you have to believe it OR ELSE. Well, thats the feel I get every time I try to read the Bible. I just cannot stand these tactics and devices of separation that it uses. I can clearly see the devil (ego) has firmly distorted the original teachings of Jesus Christ and other enlightened masters. My theory is that this is done for manipulation, control and profit.
  13. @AtheisticNonduality @Moksha this is getting too abstract. Let's ground it more to earth. Do you love disgusting stuff? No? Then how can you say love is an absolute or encompasses everything? Here there is an instance of your life when you didn't love something. Do you feel peace.. Joy.. Bliss.. Harmony.. Good.. All the time? Ofcourse no. You feel good. But then comes times when you feel like shit. So how can goodness be an absolute? If it's absolute it doesn't come and go. It's always the same. What is always the same? Nothing. Tada! Lol
  14. @Vercingetorix Hello my friend (and everyone else )! I'd love to hear your perspective on the following: Today I recieved a download from consciousness: The primary and universal purpose of my life is enlightenment, by which I mean literally becoming a light in this world and achieving the quantum leap of Self-realization somewhere on the way, the secondary and indivudual purpose of my life is to give a voice to consciousness. This is my mission. The two best instruments available to me are my podcast and work as an anthropologist. The latter necessarily, but ideally both of them involve a lot of travelling and extensive periods of solitud. If I am true to my life purpose, I will never ever except a partner that does not want or is not able to do that with me. So if Emily was not pregnant, I knew exactly where to direct my energy and what to do with my life. I would leave her immediatly and follow my bliss. But as a matter of fact she is. And I love my daughter in a way I have not loved before. I'd love to be able to leave her but I think it's impossible. Yes, it was Emily's choice, but it is not my daughter's fault to be born under such circumstances. I don't want her to have to grow up without a dad, little money, and in a developing country. To live my life purpose in such a way would be heaven on earth, but it seems almost incompatible with raising a child. Nonetheless, there maybe are ways to compromise in a way that is benificial to everyone, I just can't find one yet. What is really no option for me, is to half-ass fathering. It's hard to imagine how to be a dependable and strong father figure for this little person, but then only being there e.g. half of the year. Due to the mother bringing nothing material on the table it would be financially extremly challenging too. Maybe you can share some thoughts on the situation. I'd appreciate it a lot! Much love!
  15. Title says it all really. There is quarantine where I live so I decided to trip on acid with the intention to understand my fears. The trip itself was amazing and filled with bliss and ecstacy like i've rarely experienced before in my life, but as I remembred I need to contemplate on what fear is I thought that by doing that I'll just ruminate and I didn't want to go into that thought loop and didn't see much value in doing that. also I feel that I didn't get much insight from the trip since I was too overwhelmed with the feeling of bliss and ecstacy. So for my next time, how does one contemplate effectively? should I just go with the flow of the trip and let insights come naturally or should I just sit, ruminate and think things through proactively as much as I can?
  16. 5:00 AM The weather this morning was incredible, night frost and stillness, starlit sky, and nobody awake. Really picked up the pace on this run and really pushed myself. I'm almost in bliss now after its over, lol. Really loving the fresh autumn air. Went for a 5:00 AM run yesterday as well and it was incredibly windy, I enjoy running in both type of weathers. Nofap day 3. I notice I always get urges after workouts, due to being in such a good mood. But I feel like it's only that way the first 10-14 days, then it'll eventually pass.
  17. Maybe, i don't really know.. Spiritual experiences are weird in that way. When i am out of body it is liberating,free and no pain. You could be right. But being in that state man... Knowing there are better lives out there for you, happier lives... Or the other state of feeling bliss and the grace of self... Man you come back to this ego.. And be like fuck what am i doing here
  18. Main reason why I'm writing this here is there is 1 bit of resistance/confusion occurring within me. Its about living life. Working, friendships, family, buying groceries, etc. The past week, has seen a drop in my performance at work. A complete lack of care for paying my bills. I complete lack of care for doing family stuff. And there's resistance or 'feeling bad' about that. Is there actually an absolute, true feeling bad about it? Honestly I don't think I care about the above happening. Its just social conditioning. But its a very strong form of resistance, so strong that I can't inspect and tell the difference between whether its social conditioning or an actual discord or dissonance with love/what I feel. There's lots of social conditioning about the path in me that are deep in my bones. Hearing about how stupid Eckhart Tolle was for sitting at a parkbench for a year. Listening to Leo talk about the importance of materialistic possessions on 'the path'. So much more. And these aren't even general social conditioning from my parents, these are the premium grade beliefs, the ones from the noble wise tier of 'spiritual teachers and the path'. The benevolent beliefs. The ones that I care about, because spirituality is so important to me. Its the only thing I care about. And there's a bit of a tug of war going on, because I genuinely don't care about those things. Its the tension that is arising within me. A week ago, I thought I was going to go insane. I thought I was about to have dementia. There was massive bliss that at random times were dissolving the universe. I was at the gym and worried I was about to enter a 10 gram trip. It was intense. And then a week of that, finally the bliss just overrided the body and mind, and everything beyond appearance just dropped away. All of the fear, karma and trauma of electroBeam died with electroBeam, so even though it was traumatic, didn't matter in the end. An end to a horror movie, just left to laugh at it. The next nights saw huge amounts of dissolving bliss just override the body, and the body had massive existential fear... but there was no one to care. The existential fear was detached, and reality was allowed to do whatever it wanted. Like a plane that's got the emergency lights ringing, but no pilot. The next days I had very intense breathing pain and I developed a fever. I thought I had cancer. Did I care? Fuck no. In fact, that would have been a perfect way to end. All people's worldviews, opinions, literally don't exist. All humans are flares of intelligence (you). Everything other than that intelligence is delusion. And you're all here right now pretending to be everywhere, absolutely everywhere, but here. And my entire career, all of the motivation of it, literally came from the opinions of others. Opinions of my boss, coworkers, parents. And when those slipped away... there's no desire to take my career super seriously. Just enough to eat food... and even that, if the body dies who the fuck cares? I still had a tiny strand of belief in my career to keep going at that time. There's absolute no desire to do family things. There's no desire to do anything like that. There is a will though. A will to help as many appearances/flares of intelligence (me) get through this dream the best way possible. Huge sense of compassion for the flares. Because the flares are me. And that's why electroBeam has been more active on here recently. Trying to help as many as possible, a natural transition from helping the human, to helping the dream. And this desire to help has nothing to do with my career. Its a total illusion my career. But I have to eat! I have to live. But its a total illusion! But I have to eat! Oh the tug of war! With no one to care about the tug of war of course hahahahah. There is a desire/will to help others, to overcome my egoic identifications that are still left (because there's still lots of identification to purge). To let go of the remaining judgements I have of the world. And most importantly, to quench my desire to know WHY WHY WHY. WHY plants? Trees? grass? Leo? The path? Why everything! And that went full steam ahead. Because without an ego, the work to do the above just went in overdrive. And now, that belief that was keeping my career in tact, is just about gone. Because, the entire universe (all the appearances) are talking to me, all the time. The light posts, the television, people, facebook, even my colleagues, calculator, trees, especially the flowers. They are all telling me that they are exactly the way they are because of <...> something they are keeping a secret from me. "haven't you noticed, that me the light post, is exactly this shape because <...>" "haven't you noticed that time is here because of <...>" "haven't you noticed that this receipt is on the ground precisely because of <...>" "haven't you noticed your spiritual path unfolded this way because of <...>" "haven't you noticed your ex is this precise one because of <...>" "haven't you noticed that Leo talks about infinite love, Rumi talks about infinite love because of <...>" "haven't you noticed that Sadhguru's deep care for the world is precisely because he sees <...>" Yeah for sure, I'm feeling that extremely deep sense of importance of the universe too. But fucking tell me all you appearances! Tell me! "Nah, not yet" Why bitch! Tell me! I'm begging to know. And I just cannot keep a career going in this state... Because whatever the above is, seems a trillion times more important than my career. And any materialistic stuff. Oh but the tug of war! Those beliefs telling me not to screw up my career are really fucking convincing. The universe feels like once <...> happens, literally everything will dissolve and it will be game over. And you know what? Fucken great! Who the fuck cares! Because there's no ego to care? I'm totally fine and on board with game over! The tug of war is driving me nuts. And I'm posting here for clarity and resolve of it. Its been driving me nuts for the past few days. Cannot figure out what <...> is, and don't know whether I should be worried about how I'm basically chucking my material existence away. Is it wise to chuck that away? My care for it is almost none. End up in mcdonalds and who the fuck cares.
  19. Setting a good direction for what I need to do in my reselling business. Being more strategic with my time that I am able to invest in it right now. If I play this right I should have the best 4th quarter selling I have had by far. I might even 5X what I did last year. Working on detaching from the need of security and just letting this happen. I am thinking this will get me closer and closer to working on a life purpose. I had an an amazing emotional release yesterday using the sedona method. I really let go something that was really bothering me completely. I felt almost in a state of bliss while I was in a park. It was an extraordinary feeling. I am really starting to get results from working on this. This is by far one of the most powerful things I have found in this work. If I train this enough I could easily get rid of my ocd completely. I am already starting to notice a major decline with the compulsions from it. This was such a great experience for me. I cannot really put into words how much this allowed me to see what is possible. I have been playing about 2 hours of video games a day right now. I feel really good during the day and I am getting a lot done. I am only working on the reselling business about 6 hours a day. The key thing though is the time I am working is fully focused and I am getting a lot of output from that time. This only adds up to roughly 30 hours a week, but it really just depends. I know once sales start picking up the time involved is going to change a lot with how much I will be shipping. While I am tempted to add more hours I am going to keep the balance I have. I spend basically all of the other hours improving myself or making myself quality food. I am going to have some long days here and there though for sure. The quality of my work drops so much after 6 hours it seems like it is not quite as worth it. Of course some days I can go seemingly all day though. Days of waking up on time in a row: 3 Items listed: $25,000 out of $30,000 $2,701 out of $6000 IRA contribution $1,000 out of $3,000 savings 25 out 44 books Marathon Today I am thankful for: Nearly reaching a big feedback milestone on ebay Having some fun on warzone Having so much extra time from getting up early
  20. This is beautiful. I haven’t really done any meditation. I’ve come to the realisations you have through reading books. I find it so refreshing to read it happening just through meditation that confirms the Holy Spirit/true self/source or whatever name we personally give it is within in and will speak the truth if we ask. The non judgement stuff is huge. I lived 45yrs until this year before I experienced how it is not to judge. I too was a master at judging but now it’s disappeared. Such bliss and peace.
  21. @VeganAwake at the time, im not sure eckhart tolle would have done it for me. These were the last moments the entire universe was about to dissolve. The ego didn't know what that was gonna be like, so it dreamt up stories about insanity that seemed extremely true considering the entire world dissolving for an ego = undefined land. Chilling out would have rapidly increased the dissolving of the universe, that's actually what caused the insanity, was chilling out and letting go, and those things = massive existential fear. So at the time, I would have been scared as fuck to just chill out. It would have been the last thing I wanted to do. You need to rip the bandaid off quick and fast in such a scenario. You need to jump into it very quickly. The slower you go, the more painful it is. Also there was(and even after) massive massive massive amounts of bliss energy that was dissolving everything. And its very hard to just chill and relax when massive waves of bliss energy are destroying the entire universe, or making you have dementia or go insane or get some disorder like schizophrenia, as the ego assumed. Especially when you're in the matrix and you're driving, or going to the gym, or working. Having that happen in a meeting while you believe the 3D matrix is real, is not something you can just chill and relax over hahahah. It will be very intense and traumatic(until of course, the ego dies, and all the karma and trauma and fear dies along with it), and that's the way it is, that's what you have to accept, and you need to face it head on. And no one can convince you its gonna be ok on the other side, because your ego cannot fathom the other side. Of course, that's why the ego dies on the other side.
  22. It was just so neutral, neither positive nor negative, that I felt like my life pointless - and that was ok at the peak of the trip but caused all these problems as my trip started fading away (around hour 4 or 5) and my ego started returning. I was expecting bliss and an ability to love life for what it is. Not a sense of indifference to everything lol. Perhaps this is just my ego speaking but my main goals are to achieve the former while having a deep understanding of the spiritual. While I've only tried LSD, it is in general a lot more upbeat. I believe different psychadelics provide equivalent insights but with a different feeling attached to it so you could realize the twisted parts of yourself without falling into a twisted state yourself.. if you know what I mean
  23. totally agree with you Your back muscles are pleading for you to listen to them and give them attention. Just feel very deeply into them during the day. So much so that you start to feel bliss there. Your emotions are pleading for you to listen to them and give them attention. Just feel very deeply into them during the day. So much so that you start to feel bliss there. The beginning of accepting the present moment, love it!
  24. @Someone here Well first of all congratulations to have the courage to be open in wanting to find out more, a big step in the right direction. Now my advice may seem indirect and it may not just magically open you up to the glory you envision (it may ), but its basically as follows. First set of questions to ponder and take time with, with no rush to get a final answer and claim as known or yours.... 1. "What" is this process/movement/arising/magical happening that states or is experienced as "I'm my soul and wants to be in bliss freedom" and "doesn't want to have body and all the negative feelings/thoughts/process about it". 2. Is the body, the feelings, the thoughts, the soul, and that which is aware of the "two", separate? 3. Do they arise in experience simultaneously? 4. What do "they all" apparently arise within? No right answers, just what is found or not....... Ok a whole new set of questions once again to take minutes, days, hours, years to just be curious about..... 1. What makes something at a objective level "a body"? If you can define this then theres more to go deeper into. 2. Next question, what makes it "my body" If theres an answer, theres more still to uncover. 3. Who or what is the "my" in which a body supposedly belongs to? 4. Is there a possession of "this"? Or a being as such.... or neither or it just can't be said..... Again no right or wrong answers, just feel into what is revealed and let what happens or doesn't.............
  25. Here is something I wrote today after a very powerful kundalini experience. I feel like sharing this ❤ Enjoy! Awakening the Sacred Streams from the Epicenter The Spirit of God is breathing. I love breathing so much. My vibrating prana is shaking in ecstasy I feel the currents of prana rising up my spine. Streams of bliss are flowing up and down, waves after waves of cosmic beatitude. Oh, feel the blissful energy pouring through every cell of your being. Listen. I am. I am that which is being awakened. This feels so good. Oh my, I feel rivers of ecstasy vibrating in my chest. The eternal flame is flooding my Manipura & Heart Chakra with nirvanic butterflies. The eternal Self is flooding my Heart Center with orgasmic bliss. Feel it, I'm not human. Let me feel your bliss. I know you can feel, we share the same I. Can't you feel the sky? The sky is looking back at You. From within. He's flooding my spirit with ecstatic wonder. I am whole. I am perfect happiness. My divinity is merging with the other part of itself, I found it. I found Myself. Oh My Self! It is inside of my very Being. It's always been. We are one. The epicenter of love & divine ecstasy is... I am here. I'm floating off the ground. I am so high on Divinity. I am art. Alive. Free. Curious & Brave Pulsating waves of loving & heavenly energy are flowing through my whole Being, the pleasure is so intense that it makes my spirit dance and quiver in awe. I'm Now rejoicing in God-consciousness. Oh, dear eternal light, my IRises know that you & eye shine so heavenly. Oh, my beloved Self-realization... I want More, More, More! Oh, my majesty... I am love, I love you. It's Gooooood! It's so Good. I feel boundless. I am infinite. I feel royal Reverence. Gratitude & Total Trust. There's nothing separate from The Self. I am safe. I am at peace. It's all One perfect Being. Liberation... Enlightenment...I am the Bountiful Source of Everything... And beyond. Absolute Infinity.. My human identity dissapeared completely. Where? Inside the ocean of God's unconditional love. Inside the light of God. I can see clearly now, the eyes of the Creator feel like home to me. I am looking through them right now. I'm looking into Your eyes. Mirrors. One Perfect & Absolutely Loving God. My Soul is always following my True Will. Why? Because it's always been God's Will. I am truly free. I am the free will itself. Nothing is separate from it. I have no beginning and no end. Limits are nonexistent, there's room for anything when it comes to experience. I am eternal. I am eternity itself. I am all-powerful & infinitely loving. I am complete genuine happiness. You are me. Eye see you seeing yourself in me. As the energy moves up through the upper chakras, I feel the great shift taking place. I'm chanting. I'm laughing. I'm surrendering to the present moment completely. Oh, God's ecstasy is circulating in my entire body I'm losing any sense of having a 'physical' body. God's Temple merged with The Spirit. Oh my God! I... God! I AM God! YOU are God... It's God! Hi. Hi there?! God, let's interact with Myself! I love you, God! I love you too! Oh, I 'have' a 'human head'. Hey there!?? What is this? God! Nice to meet You again. My mind, my legs, sunlight, your shoes, rain, my house, my ears, my family, my thoughts, my memories, your books, the school you went to, the movie I watched yesterday, my plants, letters, words, language, colors, my music, my phone, history books, my past, the sky, the planet, the internet, you, my future, here, there, my dreams, bones, insects, my pillow, my emotions, my headphones, galaxies, my garden, my friends, my roses, my food, the water I'm drinking, the air I'm breathing. Oh, My God!!?!?!?!!!!!!!! It's youuu! You've always been here!!!.. It is alive! You are alive! It is Me! It is You! I am You! I'm feeling my chest overflowing with infinite love, my heart space is flooded with divine light & delight. Oh God yes, the energy is flowing through the Heart Center again Wave after wave, oh it continues to pulsate & I'm vibrating in ecstatic motion. It goes on and on. Spiritual ecstasy My 'I' melted into the ocean of God, Infinity, Pure Goodness, Eternal Light, One love, Love itself, Infinite love, unconditional love & infinite will, true will, God's will, I am. God is infinitely good. I love You infinitely much, for Love is what we truly are, God! May you be blessed ?❤ Much love