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  1. Personally, I think that once one has awakened to Truth, there is no reason whatsoever to teach, as you are alone in the universe and all is you, so why would you teach to yourself? It's like trying to teach your finger to wake up.
  2. It's not that they don't talk about the deepest level that they aren't there, it's just that they understand it's pointless to teach this since most seekers haven't even awakened once. It's useful for the ones that are extremely wise and woke, but totally useless for most people, because what most people need is first to become conscious. When Leo says that he has gone where few teachers has gone, he has no way to know that, it's at best intuition, at worst arrogance.
  3. I want to address a topic that I sometimes see even highly conscious developed human beings undervalue. And that is the importance of valuing your own direct experience over any sort idea that society has put into you. This includes even ideas that I sometimes even haven't seen anyone making it a subject for questioning. The most obvious example that comes to mind now is the topic of food. Everybody, almost everybody I have ever seen seems to have this attitude that certain types of foods are absolutely and undeniably unhealthy whilst other types of food are absolutely and undeniable healthy. But what do you really know about healthy and unhealthy foods from your OWN experience? Have you witnessed how the food affects your body without the preconceptualized ideas in your mind affecting the way you judge the way the effect of the food on your body is? Have you truly experimented with an totally open mind with different kinds of food to see how it would affect you? I doubt you ever have. You may think you may have, but you don't understand how powerful your (subconscious) expectations on the way you are going to perceive it. Take for instance Coca-Cola. Does anyone think Coca-Cola is healthy? I don't think it has to be, but I think in many cases it can be healthy and nourishing to your body. On what basis do I make this statement? Nothing more than my direct experience. What I experience drinking Coca-Cola is that it is initially sweet and pleasant, that it also has this prickly element of the carbonic acid to it, and that it generally doesn't make my body feel any more unpleasant afterwards. I have however noticed that if I do drink Coca-Cola in the evening that I find it hard to fall asleep that night; I assume this is because of the caffeine. I am however mindful of the fact how quickly I am drinking it. Do I guzzle it down all at once, or do I take more tiny sips? Do I fill my glass up with this soda halfway or almost full? These I have noticed are factors of in which way I experience the soda affecting my body. This is just one example. How do you know Coca-Cola would be truly unhealthy? Have you witnessed it from own experience or have you simply believed everyone else when they said that this was an unhealthy drink and have you assumed that what they said would be true? Have you made an identity out of this person that prides himself of being a "proactive, responsible and conscious human being" and have you believed that not drinking Coca-Cola is part of living up to this identity? Have you merely adopted this new approach of demonizing certain foods and idolizing others because you used to come from the paradigm of being below the level of taking proactive responsibility for your life, and now in order to defend yourself (to your idea) to slipping back to that old paradigm of being at the effect of your conditioning instead of taking responsibility for it, you feel the need to identify yourself with a certain idealogy that does not accept the mechanical, unconscious way of acting, and therefore it needs to have certain standards of what is and what isn't acceptable within its belief system in order to make you feel like you have some sense of control over your lower unconscious, impulsive habits? In other words: Do you feel a certain need or necessity to demonize certain foods and idolize others in order to be part a moralistic idealogical system that you can cling to in order to make you feel like you have sense control? And do you choose to adopt this idealogical system because it's a good midway between not following the habits of the majority yet not being willing to standing completely on your own? Because it's still a group you're trying to be part of. You have seperated yourself from the herd of sheep, you may think, but you are not willing to stand completely on your own, so you have chosen to be part of a smaller splinter group of sheep so you can together feel like you are different and wiser than the majority. To be a part of the minority still implies being part of a herd. A smaller herd perhaps than where you used to come from, but still a herd. You are not willing to take FULL responsibility for your life and to be COMPLETELY on your own, where there is only you and your own direct experience as the ultimate authority. Unless you are willing to take absolute full responsibility to stand on your own two feet and let nobody else —not even a small splinter group— decide what is ultimately true for you, you are not going to be free. So if you have a certain group of people telling you what you should and should not eat, or should or should not do, or whatever morals they are trying to impose, then what you are ought to do is to investigate directly in your own experience whether what is being said is going to be true for YOU. If whatever is being said —however unlikely and absurd it may appear— does not seem to correlate with your direct personal experience, disregard the teaching. Because ultimately, nothing is going to free you but your own direct experience. I've always had trouble with accepting something that anyone else said to me as the truth. For me, it doesn't matter if it's supposedly verified by all scientists in the world, or expressed by the most conscious, awakened people that have ever lived, because I sense that unless I get to know it by my own experience, I'm just subject to allowing my intelligence to be hijacked by someone or something else. That's why I have a bit of an issue with the whole subject of science in general; especially the field of psychology. I'm okay with science being used for technological advancement, but if I hear that scientists have discovered that you should eat this more often, or do that more often to be happier, it just doesn't feel right to simply believe them, no matter with how much purity their studies have been performed. Because the issue is: How could I actually know for certain that this is true? And if it is true, how do I know it is true? I rarely ever reference my statements to what someone else has discovered or said because it hasn't really any value to me if I haven't internalized a truth that is being given to me from the outside, or I can't verify that the data that is being shown from a scientific test would actually be accurate. I do however like reading up on scientific discoveries or words that (spiritual) teachers say just to wonder and amaze myself over the possibilities; just to dream a little bit or get my mind a little bit challenged. There's no harm in just looking at it, but just don't blindly believe anything you read. You can also check if what's being said resonates somewhere with an understanding that you yourself already had at some level. Other people's teachings or words can facilitate and help your own contemplation upon life and numerous insights may be had just listening to or reading the information that other people have to give. But what they say will be useless to you if what's being said doesn't connect with something deeper within yourself. Ah well, you can also just do it for fun And you know, maybe even in cases where you're acting upon certain habits that even with a higher degree of sensitivity and awareness there doesn't seem to be anything bad with them, maybe there is even in these cases a potential that it does have a longer-term negative effect on your body and health, but personally I'm just allergic to any knowledge I can't verify by my own experience so I just can't really follow up on it. Because how do you know that when your body starts forming certain problems later on, that it was without any doubt because of this supposedly bad habit you allowed yourself to indulge in? There are numerous other factors that could have caused this physical problem. My feeling is that there shouldn't be really much of a reason to worry about it because I feel like the wisdom that you need to make this discrimination of what's going to be good for you and what not is already innately available in as the intuition of the higher Self. I can't prove that statement absolutely, but that is my feeling. More about how the higher self later on. Having taken this attitude of always going by my own experience —or at least approximating it more and more— I have found simply in my personal experience that a lot of things that the health, nutrition and exercise gurus say are simply not true, or at least not absolutely true. They are at least not true for me and my physical/emotional/energetical/mental/spiritual system at this time. There are many different factors and many different layers in which different intakes may lead to different outputs or effects, that you are not to take ANYTHING that ANYONE says simply for granted. Sometimes people may speak the truth and in the way they express themselves it may appear to be the truth, and it in fact may be the truth, but how will you know if this is the truth if you don't see it for yourself? Take what others say into account, be open to it, but verify for your own experience and your own experiments —without as little preconceived notions as possible affecting your experience and interpretation— what is ultimately your Truth. It doesn't matter if it is (alledgedly) against everything that science says, because science is still in development and scientists are often blind to their own ignorance and biases, or there can be intentional, deliberate manipulation and hidden political agenda's or other agenda's playing a role here. Or it may be so that some things they say may generally be true for the majority of people, but it doesn't have to be an absolute law. So having taken this attitude of always wanting my own direct experience to be the ultimate authority, I have experienced that certain things that almost everyone deems to be unhealthy can in some cases be healthy, and the other way around. In my own experience I haven't generally found pizza having a negative effect on my body. Cheese can sometimes feel like a very nice thing to eat, other times it doesn't feel super pleasant to eat that. Sometimes I really like eating different kinds of grain products, other times these same grain products don't make me feel that great at all. The point is that I can often quite accurately intuit how its going to affect my body and feelings by just sensing within myself whether I feel eating it or not. Sometimes I like to eat candy, but if I eat too much at once if it it doesn't feel good. I now experience that even eating one piece of liquorice or candy can make me feel a bit restless in my head for like 15 minutes afterwards. I do however notice that for instance fruit juices with a decent amount of sugar in it don't seem to generally have this same effect, interestingly enough. I think this may have to do with the fact that water can act as a great neutralizer for what would otherwise be a sugar overload. So I drink lots of fruit juices, but I never buy sugar-free. i feel like sugar is an important and perhaps essential ingrediënt in our or at least my energetical/physciological system. Sugar free means it is added with all these sweeteners which may perhaps be pleasantly sweet, but I feel like it doesn't nourish me. It's a bit similair to as if you're chewing on a piece of food but not swallowing it. It tastes nice but it is missing something. There are moments or days/weeks when I feel like eating a lot of chocolate and then it feels really nice to me, and then there are other stretches of time where it doesn't interest me whatsoever. I have this oscillation in interest/disinterest in certain foods quite a lot. Some foods I eat a lot during certain periods of time, and after a while it completely disinterests me. For instance: Sometimes I buy a lot of strawberries of blueberries and then I absolutely just munch on them, and when having eaten enough of them i don't feel like eating them again for quite a couple of days or even weeks. And so I have a lot of eating habits that most people wouldn't be able to see the intelligence or sensitivity of. When they see me eating candy or drinking a Coca-Cola or whatever they may be thinking I'm just acting out of habitual, unconscious impulses. Little do they know I'm actually very sensitive to what I'm eating and I make most that is in my diet a conscious choice not based on a logical system of what "is meant to be healthy", but I intuit in my body what it desires for and I trust its instincts. OKay, sometimes I do habitually reach for food that then I realize I don't really want to eat, but it doesn't happen too often. The same thing by the way for me also is applicable with for instance exercise. I hear everybody say that exercising is healthy and one should do it more often. In my own experience, it simply makes me feel more congested, uneasy, unpleasant. I think the difference between me and a child that wants to steal the candy pot and eat it in its entirety (and afterwards finding himself sick), is the fact that my decisions aren't only informed by lower instinctual impulses, but also by a higher connection with spirit or the higher Self. If you are both connected with the higher and the lower, then the higher will inform the lower what to do: Spirit will inform body what is good for it and what not. And if it were to be the body and the lower unconscious impulses alone, then indeed there would be an unhealthy lifestyle. That is why this advice of trusting your own experience is in reality only applicable to those who have gotten enough distance between them and their lower drives that now they know they have a developed capacity of discipline, and once discipline has come to its full culmination one will be able to make a conscious choice to let go of their disciplinary rules and idealogies and let once again body speak for itself, as now you have been able to connect spirit and body together and now every time you choose to let go of your discipline and instead follow your intuition, it will be a proper decision. If you are not developed enough, any of this advice will be malicious since now instead of allowing spirit to take charge, you are indeed reverting back to the lower unconscious impulses and it will not be an improvement at all. The important difference here is whether it feels like a decision you have to gather courage for to make. This is actually key. Advising to let go of discipline to someone who does not have the right amount of development and understanding can in fact be very, very dangerous. Because the receiver of this message may in fact not be the higher self but the lower self (ego) in such a case. If the higher self receives this message, it will be an incredibly useful advice. If the lower self receives the message, it is simply the ego seeking an oppurtunity to reinforce its own position. A choice made through the lower self (ego) or a choice made through Spirit (or higher self) may seem very, very similair on the surface. But the quality of this decision is vastly, vastly different. Generally, the advice to trust your instincts should not be given to people who lack a capacity or history of disciplinary action and willpower. People who have gone through such a phase though can be greatly benefited by the advice to forsake discipline, or at least try to. There is however a great possibility that some ego will be left that will now try to make this letting go of discipline and willpower into another form of discipline and willpower. Still, it may be the way forward, as holding on to discipline and strict regulation may imply coming from a more egoic standpoint. That's why I say it requires courage to trust spirit and allow instincts to have their own say and to forsake any of your old idealogies. Because going deeper into the egoic position does not require true courage. It is very easy and convenient for the ego to use any well-intended advice for its own purposes. It requires courage to let go of old identities and beliefs, but it doesn't require courage to stick to a position you have already been familiar with for too long. So with this post I would like to invite people here to be more critical towards their own assumptions and really start to examine: "What do I actually really know for certain?". And what do you know for certain? In fact, is there in philosophy actually one thing we can know for certain other than that we are? I'd like to invite the readers here to just really examine their own experiences better and to see where there's potential for your own beliefs to color the way you interpret your experiences. Beliefs are very powerful in the way that it colors our reality, without this belief actually needing to be an objective truth. Examine how beliefs might affect your life. So that's the end of my post. Be brave, be intelligent, and be alert.
  4. @Bill W LOL, don't worry mate, I'm only responding as I've been discussing privately with him recently and to be honest, I've had some chats with a few people about it and he comes across very strange, let's put it like that. Certain things he said didn't sit well with me, but I didn't know if that was because I was being naive or if he was using his knowledge and age to act superior, to be honest I still don't know and am not really bothered. What I do know, is this year has been incredibly transformations in terms of my direct experience of reality and level of awareness so to speak (language always fails here), so to have my direct experience be called a mindfuck and 'Neo-Advaita Dogma' didn't sit well with me, hence asking 'other awakened beings' as I know their paths are VERY different from mine It is likely due to the limitations of language but I just didn't believe certain things said were true such as the first 6 SD stages are all pointless and bullshit, the absolute doesn't include anything relative (lol), meditation is completely pointless, Transmissions are BS, basically any relative activity except this work is childs play, My direct experiences aren't that. Obviously these are huge claims to make to someone, so I wondered if I was being unfair that's all I just remember being a seeker and if I would've read stuff like that a year ago it would've played on my mind and made me spiral into non stop overthinking, so certain info can be very dangerous when certain people read it, I'm lucky now I have the ability to actually think for myself, and use my own experience as my vantage point, instead of mere concepts and books etc, but not everyone can yet, as I couldn't just 9 months ago.
  5. Yes,...recently downloaded the book,...and reviewed much of it, some were bringing it up in dialogue, and wanted to see if it had any relevance for Conscious Awareness,...concluding that it doesn't. Agree,... many love this neo-advaita stuff,...very Wow! stuff for those transitioning away from Western Absolutist beliefs,...and yet, neo-advaita is itself Absolutist. As for myself, my background in books was in Mahamudra,...which did not contradict my own experiences,...that both duality and Oneness are illusory. Thus it could be said that I'm non-dual and non-One. “He who thinks of mind in terms of One or Many casts away the light and enters delusion” - Saraha Oneness is as an old Aristotelian construct,...and along with the meme of monotheism was for centuries imprinted upon the Collective. Look what they did to Hippasus for his blasphemy of the Greeks universal view by suggesting irrationals,...they killed him. Pythagoreans killed anyone who discussed any numbers other than rational numbers, for their universe was governed by ratios that arise from One. An absolute truth is,...if duality ceases its motion, the One Lever upon which it effects its motion also ceases. This is why Lao-tzu and Buddha considered Advaita concepts as useless. "The Tao gives birth to One. One gives birth to yin and yang. Yin and yang give birth to all things....The Tao gives rise to all form, yet it has no form of its own." Lao-tzu Oneness is akin to being stuck in a paradigm, energy Loop,...with the loss of individual Conscious Awareness after death. This is why Naropa taught that "By learning to recognize Clear Light during one's lifetime, an adept may return to it without difficulty when the shock of death threatens to disorient them.” - Naropa. To retain one's Conscious Awareness after death. The Advaitist cannot realize that,...because of their belief in Oneness. The Great Juncture is uncover the Fulcrum, upon which the One Lever and Duality moves,...I call it Undivided Light. Imagine joining me for a trip in an amazing LightCraft, a vehicle that can reach the speed of light. We are about to accelerate to so called light speed, that is 299,792 kilometers per second (186,282 mps). If you are unfamiliar with Einstein’s theory of relativity, as we approach 299,792 kps, time slows to zero, space no longer exists, and mass cancels itself out. You do not enter a new dimension, but a dimensionlessness within the Still Bliss of undivided light. For those who have already ventured there, an immediate inner inquiry comes to our attention if we allow it: "How did we reach a velocity of 299,792 kilometers per second and arrive at stillness?" You just stepped into light’s shoes, connecting with light’s own point of view, a view, to paraphrase Peter Russell, that light travels no distance in no time, and thus it has no need for speed. In fact, undivided, clear light has not traveled a meter in all eternity. Don’t worry if you don’t grasp this yet; it took Tilopa nearly three years to grasp the dakini secrets through grinding sesame seeds. Our duality reality of divided, projected, simulated light is 299,792 kilometers per second slower than the Stillness of what Mahamudra calls the Clear Light of Vajra (and Gabrielle Roth pointed to through the Silver Desert). When you realize that, you begin to gnow Who you are because you directly understand When you are. In duality, everything is in the past. All divided light, the whole electromagnetic field is in the past. It makes no difference how fast energy equal mass square divided light (E=mc²) is moving, for even at 299,791 kilometers per second, undivided light is perceived as moving 299,792 kilometers per second faster. That’s why Einstein called it relativity,...not Absolute. Energy–mass is relative, conditional, and in the past (mc² < c). Buddhism has stories of this,...for example,...Shakyamuni Buddha and Angulimala, the wearer of a garland of fingers. Angulimala was a notorious bandit who cut off a finger from each of his victims and wore them all around his neck. Although there are several variations of the story, the punch line is nearly the same. One day, Buddha, the light of Asia, was walking calmly along a road in the Kingdom of Kosala, where Angulimala was seeking his next victim. Seeing Buddha, Angulimala ran up to bash him from behind, yet he could not get close enough, and the faster he went, the Awakened One seemed to go that much faster. Infuriated and bewildered at not being able to catch him, Angulimala shouted for Buddha to stop. The light of Asia replied, “But I’m standing still. If you desire to catch me, you too must be still.” This is where oral traditions, especially Theravada ones, go off into different invented morals. The true pearl in the tale is that no matter how fast you move to catch light, light will always be 299,792 kilometers per second faster. Undivided light can only be caught through stillness, cannot be realized through non-duality. And what does Oneness look like? There’s a story in the Kevatta Sutta of a talented monk who wanted to find out the answer to the question, “Where do the four elements cease without remainder?” Through meditation he reached the Heaven of the Four Great Kings, who did not know the answer. Next he went to the thirty three gods in a higher Desire Realm heaven, but none of these rulers knew either. He then asked King Sakka (Indra), the king of these gods, but Sakka did not know the answer. Up and up he went asking all sorts of gods at each and every higher level. Finally he came to Great Brahma, the Creator, the One Uncreated, Knower of All. When the monk finally achieved an audience with Great Brahma, Brahma appeared in all his majesty and glory announcing, "I am Great Brahma, the Conqueror, the Unconquered, the All-Seeing, All-Powerful, the Lord, the Maker and Creator, the Ruler, Appointer and Orderer, Father of All That Have Been and Shall Be." The monk then humbly and respectfully asked his question, but all Great Brahma did was repeat, "I am Great Brahma, the Conqueror, the Unconquered, the All-Seeing, All-Powerful, the Lord, the Maker and Creator, the Ruler, Appointer and Orderer, Father of All That Have Been and Shall Be. The monk eventually got frustrated and said, “I know you are "Great Brahma, the Conqueror, the Unconquered, the All-Seeing, All-Powerful, the Lord, the Maker and Creator, the Ruler, Appointer and Orderer, Father of All That Have Been and Shall Be," but I asked you a question about where the four elements cease without remainder. The Great Brahma replied, “Listen little monk, don’t embarrass me. All these other gods are listening and think I know everything. If you want to know the answer to a question like that, don’t ask me. I don’t know the answer. For a question like that, you have to go ask the Buddha. Buddhists have a saying,..."Contradictions in perspective among those Seeing the profound do not occur" – Taranatha. The differences between Prajnaparamita and neo-Advaita are irreconcilable. Even Ramaji's kinesiological divination cannot bring them into harmony.
  6. I have wanted to speak to animals my entire life. Turns out the only thing that was limiting me were my own limited beliefs about communication and what "I" was. @Derek White Crows are truly a link between the false duality of dead and alive, a messenger and have been recognized as such since ancient times. I noticed a poison nightshade plant growing on the grave of a herbal doctor from the 1800's. I thought this was incredibly hilarious and interesting. Other odd circumstances that happened whenever I visited his grave (I've always just enjoyed cemeteries) lead me to read his book, which later lead to my realizing that he was not just an herbal healer but clairvoyant, awake and described how he awakened. It was all just part of a story line that aided in allowing duality to collapse for me. The day I awoke I had an impulse to leave my most prized possession on his grave, which happened to be an antique ring from the 1800's. It wasn't until after that I realized the stone bird baths by the grave were for the crows, who dropped the nightshade seed there to begin with, who took my ring as an "offering." Crows and dogs are both incredibly smart animals that live in close connection with humans and observe them carefully. The entire world, including the animal world is you, so it makes sense that crows and dogs would act as messengers at certain times. They can channel and have impulses from greater intelligence just like we can.
  7. How could actually someone be Awakened and be addicted porn? It seems impossible to me. I consider myself that I use porn as an addiction, but just because I spent my 99% of my time in a very low-consciousness state. When I have been "very" consciouss, I can watch my thoughts, my emotions, and feelings that interconnects to actually let me to use porn. In that state i can very easily , or better said, effortlessly, choose the wiser option. That´s what I call intelligence, and not my ego mind I am one of those "believers" that beliefs that once realized the Self / Awakening , the mind starts to purify itself and starts discarding what you decide is not wise to continue. Maybe you won´t become a millionarie, but how couldn´t Awakening solve nearly all of your neurosis? (which is just everything that needs to be solved on Self-Help). However I am referring to be Consciouss all the time , if we are calling Awakening to have had mistical experiences, but we are not realized and we are "remembering" our insights and using them as a belief and not as a present direct experience, then of course self-help won´t be cured, but because i wouldn´t call that an Enlightened person.
  8. I wanna chime in here with some thoughts..lots of wisdom in the video but I didn't personally learn anything from it I didn't already know. God can play as form - that's actually what it's doing. Now once you experience Samadhi you experience your true nature is God. Form is but a character it plays to experience what's its like to play that role. Its not your true nature. That said, as it says in the video, one can play in this role (play in duality) if one wishes and develop the character. For remember as form they are taking the perspective of the character. That's the point of being form. God wears the mask of the character simply to be the character. God creates all of reality simply to marvel at its creation and experience its own creation. Unfortunately the cost is that this character is a self - it is selfish. In its goal for survival it will pleasure, seek materials, seek approval. All of this directly contradicts Gods true nature - which is a selflessness and egoless nature. Now once one becomes the selfless one (samadhi) they do ultimately return to the self. That is, until "physical death". Until the physical death of the character. But now, conscious of their true nature (awakened), they no longer identify as the character - yet they also are still in the form of the character. They see through the lens of the character. But they are conscious the character is imaginary. Its paradoxical. As it should be. So what now? Well, they can then choose to play in duality as the video states. They can choose to develop the fictional character and enjoy duality for that is the point of imagination and creation. But in doing so the character, should he be conscious, should become a selfless self. They must become the paradox. To exist as a self but still be selfless. I call it the selfless self. This is the conscious aspect of the self as stated in the video. Filter out the selfish aspects of the ego. But we have a problem. A direct contradiction. When you drill down to the heart of the matter, and come face to face with it - to survive as a self is a direct contradiction to selflessness. To survive at all is still to seek in some way. Example - maybe before awakening you went to the gym to seek big muscles. Or maybe you sought to impress girls. But what if you stopped seeking anything and just went to the gym for yourself - to be healthy so you don't fall over and die from a heart attack. Notice i said for yourself - because being healthy is STILL seeking. Your seeking to survive!!! You see - to forgoe the character completely is literally to die as a self. You cannot escape it. To be a self is a direct contradiction to your true nature. But perhaps that's a feature and not random? Anyway thats why the video ends asking what do you have left? There needs to be a give and take here or you might as well lay down and die as a self. This is not what God had in mind when it decided to experience itself as form - although it is fine with either. Nay, i say to rather strive, as this character you are playing, to be the selfless self. There will always be some form of survival here but one can do it as consciously as possible. Duality is part of being God. That's why in the video it talks about a conscious world and what the world would be like if all were awoke. For example, going back to the fitness example, as my characters perspective (which i am in) i still enjoy going to the gym now - but it is not to seek big muscles. It is not to seek to have a certain look to impress or to attract girls. It is simply to be healthy and feel healthy and happy as the self. That is still a form of seeking - again to survive period is - but it is conscious seeking. That is how it should be approached in all aspects of reality.
  9. @VeganAwake I am not talking about Ego, I am talking about Human integration, maybe it will help if I explain in terms of Psyches? You have an insight say that you are God, but then you need to integrate this insight into your life and way of being, there can be habits that have unreal momentum from years of reinforcement, this is more about the Human side of things than existential. I know you're just going to say this is Ego, but yes while when you have thoughts, feelings, sensations there is NOBODY at the centre just pure awareness, it will still FEEL as if there is someone and unless you go live in a diaper and want to actually participate in the world, being 'detahced' from relationships, people, if you have children etc is a very dangerous thing imo, almost a numb state. What 1000 represents is complete self realization, the END of seeking, I have arrived home in the kingdom of heaven, and know myself to be The Self alone. However, this is a key point of going full circle, I know while in this body I will still be human, have a personality and interests and still be 'Charlie' which in my opinion is beautiful, unique expressions of awareness as our individuals is to be embraced and enjoyed, what fun would life be if we were all blank canvasses? As much as you won't want to admit you still have a personality, things you like, girls/ boys (idk you and don't want to offend) you are attracted to more than others, hobbies you enjoy more, however yes you no longer IDENTIFY as just that, but individuality will continue after awakening. It is nothing to do with seeking spiritually speaking. I can guarantee you, you have a shadow to integrate especially as your awakening is fresh, I can't say what lies in your sub/ unconscious but there will be 'shit' you as a Human need to deal with to fully integrate your awakening. Maybe you don't get what I mean by integration I'm not sure, but it is NOT seeking, it is more of an inner clearing of all everyone has suppressed over the years, WinterKnight touched on this with his talk on PsychoTherapy. I myself was lucky in terms of my childhood, however, there could be past lives Karma to deal with idk yet, I'm still in a honeymoon phase. As I said 1000 is a complete end to the journey of seeking. I feel completely stabilized in happiness and peace, compared to this time last year was constant overthinking and low level of depression. But is only the beginning of the journey of life and deepening, that never ends, to me life truly begins at 1000, as you are now free, as any resistance to life has evaporated, and all there is is the spontaneous joy of living life moment to moment, I have no idea what the next moment will bring, but all I know is there will be complete acceptance and enjoyment whatever arises. This article could help, only decent one I could find aside from paid Satsangs that I cannot legally share. @WelcometoReality During earlier awakenings integration of the shadow happened slowly, such as integrating deeper love into my personal relationships, and treating everyone as The Self, as me. In terms of my shadow, I still have a fair amount of work to do, 1000 represents home existentially, seeking is over. There then arrives a 'clearing' period, often Enlightenment is called destructive and I can see why. @Haumea2018 can shed more light on this as he has actually been through the process. @zeroISinfinity It's merely limits of language, you're right there is no 'I' to be enlightened. If you know of a better way to say it please inform me, I am not meaning to say my 'self' has awakened, it is merely awareness becoming aware of itself. However, I feel saying things like that just adds concepts and confusion to many. The Self has realized itself and has now taken center stage. @Nahm I don't think I'm ready just yet, this thread is exposing how poor I am at articulating in words these things, I would need to become much more concise and direct, as I can hardly explain basic Maths concisely to people when they ask, let alone the Absolute lol. I would also want to be able to give a form of transmission, ideally RASA, and would like a deeper understanding of the Enneagram, as each human has a unique path to awakening, and personality type plays a huge role in this. For example, a 7 (me) hates negativity and being bored, therefore, I would constantly read and watch instead of facing my feelings and the silence. Whereas, a 9 (Tolle, Ramana) is addicted to peace and bliss, therefore can become lazy and just bliss out all day long, so instead needs to and meet people and socialize and stop using their bliss or peace as a way out to face their fears. Hopfully you get what I mean & How are you finding coaching so far?
  10. Self-Help/ Personal Development is still incredibly useful unless you wish to go live in a diaper or become a monk. PD encompasses Diet, Fitness, Career/ Business, Emotions, Trauma, Skills, etc etc So, I don't see why it's a one or the other scenario, you have a shit diet? Go work out how to fix that. Awakened and addicted to porn still? Go figure out how to fix that. Even post awakening Self-Help will have value in your life in an array of areas, for example Self-Realisation/ Enlightenment won't automatically make you incredibly fit, wealthy or have great relationships. Don't think enlightenment will solve all of the issues you face in your life. What you need will be different from what I need for example.
  11. @VeganAwake No, see this is where I think you could struggle. Integration is learning to bring your awakening into your life, I am awake as such, self realised etc, And this is nothing to do with the “separate self” and it isn’t to do with knowledge or the Egoic self agenda. Instead it is to do with dealing with everything else, your shadow, all the shit that you haven’t dealt with in your subconscious and unconscious, you may be in a “honeymoon” phase of the 600s, I am currently in one for 1000, however, depending on each of our lives/ karma/ past lives (if you believe in them idk) you will face some challenges integrating and dealing with your shadow. When the time comes, you will know what I mean, it’s nothing to do with not being awake, or self realised but is merely part of the path for a full embodied awakening. The only other I know at 1000 and who has been through this on this forum is @Haumea2018 so maybe he can help me explain what integration and “shit work” involves. @Nahm RASA is a 15 minute silent transmission, I think In group settings it is 20 minutes. And, well I guess scientifically speaking yes it’s subjective, but it’s not like a debate if you get me. In the book 1000 they go over how they calculate the LOCs, but the individual number itself isn’t important, once you know each “stage” 600s 700s 800s 900s and 1000, you can see common signs and subtle differences in people and teachers at different depths of awakening. This is why I recommend the book as most people never realise not all awakenings = the same awakening, both Ramana and Eckhart Tolle spontaneously awoken, However Eckhart awakened to No Self and being “awareness/ the witness” whereas Ramana awoken to “The Self and The Absolute, and realised the Self is all there is” it’s subtle, and I’m no master but I can tell pretty clearly roughly where teachers/ people are at from how they speak. however, to gauge a full picture you’d need to meet someone really.
  12. Do you practice shadow work? Maybe you have an integrated trauma or shadow side you haven't gone inside and acknowledged? Have you talked to an enlightenment coach, or talked 1-1 with someone who you perceive as truly awakened? There's a poster on here @LfcCharlie4 who speaks pretty confidently about how much help working with a teacher was for him. Maybe go through his post history and look at what he's saying, he seems like he's got the right idea about the spiritual path from what i've seen so far. Sounds like you're in a good position though. Maybe if you look inside and ask yourself you will find the answer you're looking for.
  13. I feel God's Absolute Love. The very reason He gave me life... The very reason He will take it from me... To enjoy the fuck out of it as long as it lasts... And to surrender to death fully... Absolute Awakening... Awakened by the One and Only Awakener of man, the most Supreme Himself... What did you think death was? Haha, what did you think death was? Did you for a second think with your disgusting shameful mind that the Supreme who Created you didn't exists? Did you for a second think that His selfless Divine Love was anything like yours? Nay, God is Absolute, His existence is Absolute. Ay, God's Love is Absolute. All shall return to Him. I say, ALL SHALL RETURN TO HIM! This is God's Love and Grace. Sniff, plug it all your ass, smoke it all... I would rather just smoke some weed while being given a perfect blowjob by my love. Ay, I would rather be ME than becoming some fuckings dead guru. Or plug some 5-meo my asshole.. My God will awaken me when He wills. For now.... I just want to think about tomorrow... O, TOMMOROW.
  14. All glory and praise be to God. I testify, I testify for those who have no shame, for those who have no shame in claiming Godhood with you, for those who deny your existence... There is no God but You! When death comes... No man shall claim any Godhood with you... No man shall deny you.... If they only wish... If they could only try... And they do, in this dream of dreams... But I know, this dream is only to be enjoyed... I know, there is only One thing worth knowing and that is You... And I know, your Supreme grace is in death itself. No drug can touch it's ultimatum, it's absolute nature. Nay, this is the one and only Absolute Awakening. This is God's grace to all of His Creation... So I say, this dream is to be enjoyed. I say, my God's Love is Absolute. All shall awaken to Him. Sniff it all, plug it all your ass, smoke it all... I was created, designed to be what I am as I am! I was created, designed to die! I was created and designed to awaken! Not by some drug. Not by some fuckings guru. Nay, I was created to be awakened by God Himself!
  15. @VeganAwake Yeah, I think it’s best to leave it, but I strongly disagree and have been through the phase you are at now, but it is impossible to put into words. You say duality is an illusion, but saying that is in itself a subtle rejection of duality, as when duality is resolved there is no question of duality or non-duality, but just The Self, therefore you don’t have to reject the small self. Also, I’d be careful disregarding Personal Development work, that involves basically everything on the human dimension including eating healthy, exercising etc. of course your goals change, it just depends on each person to how drastic it changes, for example my business evolved to match the understanding, however when you realise the ordinary is actually extraordinary, there is no need for any of this or to teach anything, I highly recommend reading 1000 to understand the Self-Realization I am talking about, Fred Davis is very far away from a full realisation, there are depths to this work and I am not talking about having 1 experience here. I will leave this here outlining some of what being at 1000 is like. RASA The end of seeking, grasping and craving. You will no longer suffer from an existential contraction, angst or sense of conflict that persists no matter what. You will finally feel totally relaxed, at ease and in peace. You live in a state of total let go. You will feel unlimited. You will not feel conditioned or controlled by anyone or anything. You live spontaneously. Other positive life-enhancing characteristics blossom in you because now you are living fearlessly! You are without fear! As a result, people experience you as more friendly and more positive. You are able to accomplish much more with little or no sense of effort. You can achieve whatever your true desire is because now you are perfectly aligned to the universal power. Contrary to anti-life enlightenment teachings promoted by monks and celibate yogis, you will find that your senses and your experiences in life are richer and more fulfilling. Everything looks better, sounds better, feels better, tastes better and smells better. For your entire life you were driving with the brakes on. You were not living at full power. At long last now you can live! You will experience the temporary content that comes and goes the way the sky experiences clouds and weather. The sky remains free as the sky always. Suffering as you have known it ends. The reality is that life includes pain. Pain cannot be avoided. But suffering is optional. There can still be negative thoughts and emotions as that is part of being a human being. But you will know directly that whatever arises is not me... not mine... and not about me! Your old way of living will come to a full and complete stop. You will be reborn as your effortless free natural Self or Essence. This ends your "story" of suffering and separation which was never real in the first place. The issue of "other" gets fully resolved. You know directly and intimately even when you are talking to people face to face that they are your very own Self. They are your Self... my Self... the Self... the One Supreme Self. The issue of "world out there" gets fully resolved. It becomes crystal clear to you that the world arises from you! YOU are the Source of the world. It is like the world is a dog that is begging to accompany you in life. It needs you but you don't need it. It's a playful celebration. There is no need to deny a world that is not really there... that is just a dream. You are free to enjoy the world! The issue of "relationships" gets fully resolved. There is no other. All there is is only the Self which is your Self. This means that even when you are in relationship there is nothing to figure out. It is all spontaneous. It is the wisdom display of the one divine Self. The two partners are one dancer. The issue of "addiction" and chronic inner conflicts gets fully resolved. You realize that everything that arises in you as well as what you say and do is totally spontaneous. It is the action of the universe from one moment to the next. Every moment is vivid, fresh and new. Each moment is a gift. As a result you relax and let go into a full ever expanding enjoyment of this moment as it is. Old bad habits melt away automatically like snow falling on the sun. You abide in the blessed state of "only don't know." You live like an innocent little child with total faith and trust in this glorious wildly creative universe. Manifestation becomes effortless. Contrary to tepid views that suggest life ends after enlightenment, the reality is that now finally LIFE BEGINS! One of the benefits of fully realizing you are not the doer, that God or the universe is the doer, is that now you understand that there are NO obstacles to the manifestation of your true spontaneous natural desires! The conventional person stuck in feeling like the doer creates all kinds of obstacles in his mind because he imagines he must do it all. The truth is the exact opposite. You role is simple. Know and feel clearly what you want... then ask for it! Your resistance to living in each moment disappears. You used to reject and judge your moment to moment experience as not what you want, not good enough, that there must be more etc. Now because your ability to say "no" has been disabled, all you can say is a big warm wonderful "Yes!" to life. Everything is known to be perfect just as it is. Everything is known to have infinite precious value. You are content. You are fulfilled. You are home. You feel at all times that you are being yourself. You live in sahaja, meaning the natural state. You feel totally at ease with yourself. Life is effortless. Although content comes and goes, that which you are does not come and go. It is always present. So no matter what happens there is a foundation to your experience that goes untouched. This is the Diamond Essence of your Being. No matter how dirty it seems to get, it can be instantly washed off. You soon realize that you are free and that nothing can touch you. Not only that, this Diamond Self that you are is rock hard, solid and totally real. Now you have a reliable foundation for living. Now at last you know who you are. These are just some of the benefits of living at LOC 1000. Realizing your true Self is beyond mystical experiences. The search is completely over. That in itself is such a huge relief! Finally you are HOME. You are your SELF! Finally! (from What is Rasa on Ramaji/ Anandas website) examples of self realised beings include Ramana, Rupert Spurs, Francis Lucille, Adya, Ramaji Nisgardatta Maharaj, Sadhguru. If you watch Fred for example and then listen to Ramana you will see subtle differences in the teaching, yet Fred is certainly awakened.
  16. Considering the number of people who claim to be "awake," most of whom contradict each other (exclaiming "their truth"), it should be apparent that there are many levels of "awake;" and few of which are actually Truly Awake. "Contradictions in perspective among those Seeing the profound do not occur" – Taranatha. More than 99.9% people on this planet are asleep,...95% don't even realize it's a Dream. "We have to learn to know what rhythm we're in, how to ride with it, how to shift; to sense what rhythm others are in, and how the different rhythms are complementary or discordant" - Gabrielle Roth. "What Rhythm are you in?" Jonathan Horan "Everything in the universe has a rhythm; everything dances" Maya Angelou "Where are you on the potentially endless wave of human evolution?" Ken Wilbur "To honestly inquire into our rhythmic signature, and realizing it, we acquaint ourselves with our place, and unique pathway to liberation." Gata de Aztlán There are several models to determine what level you're at,...such a Spiral Dynamics. At SD 9 (Coral), one is Truly Awake, SD 8 (Turquoise) one is Truth Realized, SD 7 (Yellow) one is Self-Actualized. "Only one in a hundred people become fully self-actualized because our society rewards motivation primarily based on esteem, [superficial] love and other social needs" Abraham Maslow Yes,...many First-tier Thinkers believe that there must be many "stages" beyond Coral,...but how can that be,...what's more awake then Awake? Many seek to "know themselves,"...and yet it is impossible to know Who you are, until you realize When you are. The crux is, realize When you are necessitates absolute honesty,...and Liberation from sentience. The senses can only know the past. "Those who are greatly deluded about enlightenment are sentient beings." Dōgen "The person who gathers knowledge through the six senses is categorized by the Buddha as a lunatic." Sabbe Putajjana Unmattaka. "The senses do not know, but man believes that his senses do know--and in that belief lies man's confusion" - Walter Russell Sentient Beings include all those in the lower 6 substance levels of Spiral Dynamics. Thus, SD 5 (Orange) considers themselves 'awake" compared to the Absolutist SD 4 (Blue), and SD (Green) believe they're "Woke" compared to the Individualists SD 5 (Orange) and all Others. Only at Yellow (SD 7) do entities open to learning at any time and from any source, like bees that gather nectar from many flowers. Millions and millions claim to be spiritually awake, yet I'd bet that 99.9% have no idea what the words spiritual or awake actually imply. One cannot realize Spirituality through the patriarchal paradigms of Form, nor what is Awake while dreaming. To be Literally Awake is quite easy to define,...and that definition applies to everyone. To be awake is to have a Conscious Awareness of the Absolute Present. Sentient Beings can only perceive the past. NO ONE can see, taste, touch, hear, smell, or think in the Present. "The senses do not grasp reality in any way." Socrates Dreams are the perceptions of ego while asleep in Duality. There is no dreaming without the Drego, typically occurring at night, and ego, typically occurring in the day. All dreams are about the past; extentions of patriarchal energy that can only perceive motion in one direction. Patriarchal energy is Yang, Particle, Form in denial of Yin, Wave, Empty of Form. The Feminine of Duality is not a gender of Form, but the Wave of a Particle. "The Buddha Shakyamuni often told his disciples to regard all phenomena as dreams." Gata de Aztlán "Treat everything you perceive as a dream." says the Lojong proverb to uncover Bodhicitta. In the later part of the fifth century BCE, Sakyamuni was said to be spending an evening with a family, and in the early hours of the morning, someone asked him, "'Do you dream?" Sakyamuni replied, “I used to dream; then I became Buddha (a Tathagata). The word Buddha is generally agreed to have come from the root bud meaning to be aware of, or awaken. Sakyamuni Buddha was thus an Awakened One. Buddha referred to himself as a Tathagata, one who doesn't Come and Go. "Thoughts come and go. Feelings come and go. Find out what it is that remains." Ramana Maharshi To paraphrase Adyashanti, a true Spiritual Master is one who shakes you awake, not one who tells you how to dream better. "A real Master is not a teacher: a real Master is an awakener. His function is totally different from a teacher; his function is far more difficult. And only very few people can stay with a Master because to wake up after millions of lives is not an ordinary feat; it is a miracle. And to allow somebody to wake you up needs great trust, great surrender." Osho
  17. @V-8 I was not talking about a spiritual business, but that’s a bit naive to believe we could live in a world without business, have you watched Leo’s conscious politics series out of interest? And, yes there is nothing to teach, but I can’t think of a better word to describe helping people wake up, sorry I must admit I think it’s clear you aren’t finished, when you go full circle you realise ordinary life is the very Self, as I said the 10th Ox Picture shows this I am not talking about SD stages here, I could hazard a guess to what stage of awakening you’re at, but I hardly know you I would suggest you’re in a hermit stage also knows as the 900s if you are awakened Im glad you’re no longer seeking, life without seeking is beautiful.
  18. @V-8 yes I am not denying some have a greater understanding than others, I have said multiple times what I am attempting to explain with the absolute is far beyond words and all words are technically untrue about this topic, the absolute is far beyond words What I mean by equality is more saying, we are all the self, and nobody is “better” than someone else just because they are enlightened or vegan or whatever else etc, that kind of attitude is why some enlightened beings cause havoc because they believe they are superior to their students e.g. Mooji and Bentino Massano. of course some understandings are far deeper than others that’s why I recommend beings such as Ramaji, Ramana, Nisgardatta etc and not Eckhart, Jed McKenna, Fred Davis etc while they are certainly awakened and great for some people, I wanted to finish seeking once and for all
  19. I'm having a lot of insights about the nature of "the devil". It's almost impossible and rather pointless to try to list them all here. The point is that I don't know how to be a devil. Not that I'm not one, but that I am poor at being one. And as insane as it sounds, the insights were telling me that I should be more selfish. Even though I realised in the past that I need to stop being selfless, which is the easiest state for me to be in, but this time it was a thousand times deeper. I started noticing how everyone else is a devil, which should have been obvious to me all along. Although, I'm not saying that I wasn't aware of the devilry of others, but it was more of a general idea. I always treated my own self as a devil and ignored any external devilry. That certainly has boosted my spiritual growth. I was able to deconstruct and see through myself very easily. However, my ability to survive was hindered. Not because I wasn't selfish enough, but because I wasn't selfish where I needed to be. I started noticing how almost every move or thought everyone else makes is directed one way or another towards surviving their identity. My identity has been (over the last four years or so) to be totally selfless, to serve others, and to advance their agendas on the expense of my own. So, I ended up being happy as a natural result of not having agendas. The recent awakening revealed (still is revealing) to me that I should stop giving away power and authority to other people. I am frankly more conscious than most of the people I interact with. It's wrong to give them power when I can have it. I can lead better than others. I am a stoic, calm, confident, honest, and I live by little. Who else could lead better than a stoic?! My current goal is to observe more how those selfish dynamics work in order to learn from them. I need to meditate A LOT on this matter. I could talk much more, but that would only help the devils corrupt this world. Bottom line is that I have been a deluded fool for a long time. It’s time for me to change my focus towards improving my situation so that I can change the world better than other stupid people do. It's kind of like I've awakened to some political aspect of my existence. I recall Leo in his politics video saying something along the lines of 'if you leave the unconscious rule, you get poor results'. And now I see that he was absolutely right. I should start learning and involving myself more into politics. .. Good progress regarding the graduation project. I still have ton of work to be done. .. Phone and internet addictions are getting cured slowly. Nothing to worry about. .. And about the gym, I love it! I wish I had nothing else to do so that I could workout for hours and hours. I imagine my ideal lifestyle to be all about working out, eating, having sex, and sleeping. Just like an animal. I want nothing else. The problem is that it isn't realistic, at least it doesn't seem so.
  20. All beings are involved in an evolutionary journey. In the course of history, and far into pre-recorded history, beings have been getting lost in the illusion, and awakening out of it. Some beings have finished their work and have awakened out of illusion, the illusion that is involved in birth after birth, not only on the physical plane, but on every other plane as well. When these free beings finally emerge from the illusion through grace, through the help of other beings who have escaped, they are faced with a choice. That choice is whether to merge back into God, or to resist that merging and remain in form on one plane or another; either to take birth again on the physical plane or to make their substance condense on a lower astral plane in order to do ‘work’ for the relief of suffering of other beings. The way in which these free spiritual beings help us is to speed our journey back to God. They don’t turn us around. If you’re aimed away from God they won’t interfere. But the minute you look up, the minute your despair concerning the possibility for worldly gratification is great enough, you turn inward or reach upward towards God. And at that moment these beings (the true guru) are called forth by your prayers, by your cry for help, by your seeking for God. And then they shower upon you the grace of their presence, and the vibratory rate of their presence speeds up your journey incredibly. On the physical-psychological plane, it’s apparent when one is around such a free being, that such a being is a perfect mirror for oneself, since they themselves are not attached to being anybody; who you see them to be is merely your own projection. Being around such a being allows you to see the way in which you are creating the universe. That mirror helps you gain the perception of your own attachments which ultimately allows you to become unattached to any models you have of the universe, and to truly see the guru who is none other than God, who is none other than Self, which is the unmanifest Absolute. The guru is constantly confronting you with where you’re not, with where you’re holding your secret stash of attachment. For people who are still much attached to their senses and to their thinking-minds, the guru manifests the teachings on the physical plane. It may be through a person, whom you call a guru (that is, they may embody themselves on this plane for that purpose), or it may be just through a set of teachings that they may create for you out of your life ‘web’. Though they are not manifesting on the physical plane they manipulate the substance of your karma in such a way as to speed up your awakening, once you have reached up for God. Ram Dass
  21. @Javfly33 Nope. Not really... consiousness is "awakened" in a baby/infant... But it's not much use is it? Same deal here.
  22. Actually, wisdom is associated with age,...wisdom an accumulation of knowledge through sensory experience (acquired through sight, sound, taste, touch, smell, and thought),...wisdom is the highest and most lofty ideas of that ego experience. Wisdom literally means knowledge accumulated through philosophic or scientific learning. In other words, wisdom points to the highest and most lofty ideas of ego consciousness, whose sole purpose is to sustain itself. Wisdom is to make the best use of knowledge,...yet to realize enlightenment means to let go of all knowledge. Knowledge is acquired through thinking/the Head-mind,...mental inertia,...the truth arises from gnowledge/the Heart-Mind. An Awakened being has no use of wisdom. Gnowledge or prajna is not tied to age or human experience. LfcCharlie4 says he posts from Direct Experience,...however I'm not reading that in your posts,...all I'm getting is lots Conditioned Experience that pivots from hope or anticipation for future status. "In terms of experience of reality" - LfcCharlie4. YES!!! Let's discuss that. "The senses do not grasp reality in any way" Socrates There is no denying that LfcCharlie4 has had "multiple awakenings, as I am personally sick of seeing teachers who aren’t finished seeking, the world is full of enough of them." Fortunately I'm not a teacher for you to seek your disgust upon. To me, teaching would be among the most dishonest of positions. "The purest teachings usually come from teachers who are not surrounded and supported by followers or an organization. Books of a pure teacher never had a wide audience." Dr. Stanley Sobottka If your (LfcCharlie4 )Letting Go is contingent on your definition of absolutely everything, then your definition of absolutely everything must not include very much. I've not once said as you argue that I have a "superiority complex" or saying I'm a "tier two thinker ." Nevertheless, seems I've tweaked your mental inertia more than just a bit. Of course your fall-back position is that you "have a life to live, excellent Tell that your awakenings are all within the lower 6 substance levels,...and that's great,...I'm not belittling your shifts from SD 4 to SD 5. I simply don't relate with that stuff, when your meet a couple with young children and all they resonate with is their children's activities and dreams. And that's great you want to "build a business and become a teacher who gives transmissions,"...I recall the day when I realized that nearly all "transmissions" from Lineage Holders since the 13th century were BS. Nine months after my first awakening (of which I'm not referring to SD 9), I retired,...the Universe was not here for me (to build a business and become a teacher of transmissions) but I was here for the Universe. That's what Absolute Letting Go is about. Something more akin to Somerset Maugham's Razor's Edge or Gurdjeiff's All and Everything. Twenty years old is a great time of life, 19 I read an awesome (IMO) quote that fully altered my then perspective about things,...."Soon we all will die; our hopes and fears will be irrelevant” - Padmasambhava I didn't want to wait until death to potentially be relevant. So at 19, began focusing on the nature of hope and fear. "In order to obliterate the mind that grasps appearances as real, and to realize the true way of things, without hope and fear, shall give rise to bodhicitta." Jigme Lingpa, The Dakini's Laughter Ego loves to focus on not having fear,....but what sustains fear is hope,...and ego adores hope. True spirituality focuses on the liberation from hope. hope n. from ME. hopa, an expectation. 1. expectation of something desired; anticipation of some future event. 2. a guess or belief. 3. that which gives hope; a substance or object hoped for; an expected payoff. Is there a more dishonest, perniciousness word than hope? No matter what level we wish to view it from, hope is false. Hope is an anticipation of the future; thus it must arise from a predisposition, a belief, and attachment to the past. Hope implies lack, else could we possibly define it? Hope is for something we think we don't possess. How could hope ever be expressed through an Open-Mind or Open-Heart ? The belief of hope is a barrier that obscures the present. If our attention is on seeking hope, how are we to ever experience the immediacy required to be in the Present? “the highest goal is being devoid of hope and fear…. And when all hopes and fears have died, the Goal is reached.” Tilopa Ego likes to believe that "consciousness" is individual, separate from all other "consciousnesses." The relative reality is that the body (which is NOT part of the Whole) has levels of Conscious Awareness. As Easterners say, we are not in our bodies, our bodies are inside us. I agree that Ramana and Nisgardatta are interesting reading,....I consumed such interesting fellows in my youth,...not for seeking,...but as how they explained their experiences. Many, many have unfortunately adopted the paradigms of Advaita or Nonduality,...belief systems that will keep one in the 3rd density - 6th density Loop. I don't know what SD Stage Friedrich Nietzsche was at,...perhaps a high functioning Yellow (SD 7),...however, this quote of his is a gateway is Turquoise (SD 8).... "Whoever has the blood of theism in his veins, stands from the start in a false and dishonest position to all things."
  23. Osho was a salesman. A lot how Tony Robbins is. Granted they may have experienced some level of transcendence. But I think there is a difference with BEING and knowing. As of now it seems like Sadhguru is the best representation of modern spirituality coming from India. Eckhart is the best representation in the West.. I think Byron Katie embodies inner work the best in a feminine nurturing way. Leo is a rise of talent among the new generation in the stage humanity is at. There are probably many more that are hidden and not in the public eye all over the world that could be waiting for the right time..... Everyone brings something to the world, there are many awakened masters that some people gravitate more to. And there are a lot of diluted people that do not even know they are diluted.
  24. @SoonHei indeed. @Synchronicity indeed. This essence of which @SoonHei speaks is (consciousness). One must transcend the belief that reality is physical to get this far. Consciousness is mystical. Consciousness is singular. To be singular is to be infinite. To be infinite is to be formless. Formlessness can limit itself to a particular form. It must shapeshift or imagine itself into a particular finite form in order to experience itself. The finite form is still God, but God in limited form. The purpose of the form is to be that form - not to be unlimited. All of this is just concept until one becomes directly conscious of what it's essence is by collapsing its shape or form back into formlessness. Which is possible to do if desired enough. One then becomes conscious it is consciousness - leaving only consciousness. The formless will then return to its form This is dying before you die. But the form, being finite, will ultimately collapse back into formlessness. Only formlessness is eternal. To become directly conscious of this is to become eternal or immortal. So, you are God, but you are God in limited form. You have sectioned yourself off, but the section is imaginary. You just to have to make a shift in consciousness to see that form is formlessness from the highest perspective. From the form's perspective it is just form. So to say you are not God is doing so from your perspective. But for the awakened or the immortal, they have expanded consciousness by shifting past the section or the part and shattering it.
  25. In my experience of Awakening what is recognized is: -You are not the separate individual ME inside the human body... that entire belief falls away. - What is experienced is THIS... anything else is unknown. If you've experienced something outside of THIS let me know... The belief that you are the all powerful Absolute God and its infancy is what I call knowing and is created by the illusion of the separate self. Unknowing and recognizing we are not the doer of any of this is what I consider a truly awakened individual. ❤