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  1. One is inherent in the other and are not separate. In the full or complete acceptance of "what is", in the always 'here/now' moment,there's simultaneously the full or complete surrender, to "what is", in this always here/now moment. Letting go,acceptance.surrender etc, are all synonymous. In the complete letting go,acceptance or surrender to whatever is, in that moment,there is also the "dropping back", and/or, "return" to the essential nature of our Being that is peace,love,joy. Also known as "bliss".
  2. Certainly. My point was that you could potentially lose interest in psychology altogether after an awakening. But it seems you have a good grasp of your purpose. Follow your bliss, or you'll regret it 70 years from now. Godspeed!
  3. @Conceptually-made Helping & healing people is a great intention. Good for ya. Just something to ponder on: Have you had any nondual/mystical experiences yet? This could be a game changer for you. I believed I was interested in philosophy and psychology until I had my first real-time awakenings. Then I realized those academic fields were merely wagons carrying me to what I love & that I don't really give a damn about conceptual theorizing and studying endless closed-minded attitudes. Instead, I found bliss in exploring consciousness 'out (t)here'. Consider it.
  4. Keep doing as mentioned below and in a process you will feel joyful, blissful and ultimately become enlightened and attain moksh Being purified by his intelligence and controlling the mind with determination giving up the objects of sense gratification being freed from attachment and hatred one who lives in a secluded place who eats little who controls his body mind and power of speech who is always in trance who is detached, free from false ego, false strength, false pride, lust, anger, and acceptance of material things, free from false proprietorship, and peaceful —such a person is certainly elevated to the highest position and remains in Bliss, Paramanand forever. Once you do above in totality, in a process you suddenly start feeling joy within which keeps growing for longer and longer time. From here everything happens automatically and you remain in Bliss.
  5. For ego specific individual friends may be required. For Self Realized every one who comes in contact is friend. After experiencing bliss, I have spent 10 years alone in my room in last 20 years but never felt lonely or need of anyone to communicate.
  6. Hi guys for the past month or 2 whenever i sleep i feel a bliss that radiates everywhere and dissolving and then after a few hours i wake up feeling overly energised and can't get back to sleep. If i take melatonin to go back to sleep ill wake up again in another hour or 2. This is a considerable health risk because lack of sleep is disruptive to your daily activities, and in the long term. I feel energised when i wake up but this whole thing is causing very bad fatigue throughout the day. Doctors are fucked on the issue. Any help would be appreciated thanks.
  7. that's a good point. It was happening prior to the melatonin. Michael569 has some siddhis or something because 2-3 weeks ago I was getting very big spikes of adrenaline unhealthily often (clinically found) due to a psychospiritual phenomena. So it could be related to adrenaline. Diet I don't think is the problem because I've had a keto diet for ages now and this problem has only started happening now. I think adrenaline reduction tablets may be a good temporary fix until a deeper solution arises. I already have valium because the doctor gave it to me before due to the issue a few weeks ago but I don't want to use it that much. @integral thanks for the advice, in hindsight I came across as a bit of a smart ass because people usually aim for bliss which I forgot. Yes bliss is very good, but disruption from fatigue and lack of concentration from lack of sleep isn't good. In the past (from 2 yrs ago to a week ago) I use to eat like 2-4 chicken breasts a day, so got heaps of protein. Unfortunately that had 0 effect on whats going on.
  8. been meditating for ages I do what the cool dudes adviata vedanta people do and meditate/contemplate 24/7 jks. I meditate all the time, but contemplate whenever I feel like it which is usually maybe 1-3 hours a day. excellent idea sure am, 20 carbs or less for the last 2 years woop woop (not advocating people do this, it can be unhealthy from a certain perspective, even though it works wonders for me). There's actually a bliss energy all the time, and it just gets much bigger at night, never thought it could be adrenaline or catecholamine from the low carbs. Nice. ketones keeping me up at night, im gonna tell all my low carb friends to show off A very informative video on why you should eat a keto diet:
  9. I finally have positive news. After months of suicidal thoughts and depression, i made progress with meditation. I realized on the LSD trips, i was able to peak because of i changed my thoughts in response to the high and I felt more deeply then I do when i'm sober. The LSD forced me to feel deeply, and so i had to let go of thoughts like judgment, worry of past and future, and even thoughts related to who I am and the self. It's like the LSD allowed to get through a series of walls in my psyche, resulting in the breakthrough to a connection I've never felt with myself and the world, and literaly bliss flowing into me. I realized I can do all that while sober, it's just a little more difficult because I don't have the LSD heightening my feeling states. I can sit and meditate, and just feel what's there, I never did this before. I was always "trying" to meditate, and would either get frustrated and stop, or just power the session thinking i accomplished something. II realized i'll never get to connection and bliss through thinking and strategizing. It's literally as simple as sitting/laying down... feeling whatever arises and staying with those sensations and breathing into them. You have to surrender everything to your feeling. I haven't got to the same state I achieved through LSD, but i've gotten closer than i've ever gotten with this method. I even got close to full on tears. I found that the more I was able to relax and the deeper I was into the feelings and sensations, the easier it was to get close to crying. I don't know if this will last, i may end up suicidal again tmrw who knows, but this the closest i've gotten to reaching the peak i've been craving since my breakthrough trip in February.
  10. No expectation, no chatter. No expectation means no fear, no chatter. If no chatter, you are in field of creator, the nature of creator is bliss, so you experience bliss. Truth is you are creator and part of infinite wealth, energy, intelligence, you need nothing, you have everything what is needed, so no expectation i.e. automatically no chatter. Abide in Truth, leave body, mind, intellect. From last 25 years, I am living with truth i.e. always in bliss, no chattering, no thought, no analysis, no doing. To transform abide with creator, continuously for 24/7 for 15 days. Keep doing as mentioned below and in a process you will feel joyful, blissful and ultimately become enlightened and attain moksh Being purified by his intelligence and controlling the mind with determination giving up the objects of sense gratification being freed from attachment and hatred one who lives in a secluded place who eats little who controls his body mind and power of speech who is always in trance who is detached, free from false ego, false strength, false pride, lust, anger, and acceptance of material things, free from false proprietorship, and peaceful —such a person is certainly elevated to the highest position and remains in Bliss, Paramanand forever. Once you do above in totality, in a process you suddenly start feeling joy within which keeps growing for longer and longer time. From here everything happens automatically and you remain in Bliss.
  11. Do following and see the truth right now. Truth is here, right now. If you abide to reality, you can realize truth now within 1 minute. Keep doing as mentioned below and in a process you will feel joyful, blissful and ultimately become enlightened Being purified by his intelligence and controlling the mind with determination giving up the objects of sense gratification being freed from attachment and hatred one who lives in a secluded place who eats little who controls his body mind and power of speech who is always in trance who is detached, free from false ego, false strength, false pride, lust, anger, and acceptance of material things, free from false proprietorship, and peaceful —such a person is certainly elevated to the highest position and remains in Bliss, Paramanand forever. Once you do above in totality, in a process you suddenly start feeling joy within which keeps growing for longer and longer time. From here everything happens automatically and you remain in Bliss. Change your life style, implement above 100% for 15 days, you don't need anything from outside.
  12. Is anyone here in the Apprenticeship-Phase and struggling with it? I struggle this Autumn so hard. I don't expect any easy Answers from you, but if you have something positive to reply I'm grateful;) I mostly want to share my thoughts because honestly my friends and family can't relate. My chosen Field is Programming. I choose it because I wanted to master Programming for Years, it pays the Bills and I can see how I can make a difference with the set of skills I'm mastering right now. The last one is critical. I learn it really good to do even cooler things in 5 Years. My LP is not defined but I would like to impact the Educational System positive, say with Top Notch Software. Now to the Problem! I work in a Software-Company since 2 Years and I start to become good. However, I have still Years to work until I'm a Master Programmer and at least 1 Year until I can work as a freelancer without struggling too hard. It honestly feels like I go no where. I'm bored! I have no impact in creative decision making and I feel like Times is running because I have way less time for everything else. My Solutions are so different that's hard to fit in and sometimes I feel i loose my Mojo when I conform to the Group Default. I had to give up a lot. I see two obvious POVs to this: 1. I have to leave to find my Bliss, 2. That's a damn fine opportunity to learn to be patient. But I don't know right now which is right.
  13. @SoonHei So the thought arises on the 'screen': I'm the unchanging- I'm the sight / isness of this current thought which points at the unchanging Nothingness? I have trouble with this because I know I erroneously conceive as far as I know, of the screen having a mind or being intelligence, but clearly the mind isn't there. Mind implies a doer-ship. The screen showing Earth (my current experience) as intelligible and coherent, doesn't mean there's a mind that's intelligent. It's isness. Is the intelligence inferred on my part wrong, somewhere? Intelligence would belong to someone, and really, there's just fluffy stuff happening. So then if the Earth dream seems highly ordered, there's really no rhyme or reason still. Yet there's a clear path to pointing that there's a screen, God. Do you see what I mean? Truth is ascertainable. I guess I'm trying to grab Nothingness, myself, and corral it into a structure, because things appear which are coherent. But 'coherent' as opposed to what? Reality has no other reality to be inconsistent with, so the dream logic is unerring because well, it's not mechanically bound and is free. Unlimited. So there's just 'freedom' of a neverending moment with any type of content arising (because it wouldn't matter which kind of content arises.) Isness is the very presence of what's appearing? I still have the impression of it being like a ghost which generates the experience, but that's cause and effect, self and object. The worst part is I can barely figure out what my question is but I have my finger on something. It's like asking, "What determines what happens?" So that leads me to the nature of God, which it's said to be unconditional love, which permits. The dream nature takes on any form. Is it just full stop at this point? It's just maya spontaneously arising forever? The maya arising which is bliss/love (although to me it's not always easily recognizable), and sayonara, not much more to say? Tomorrow, I dream of being a reverberating asteroid with little there besides the sensation of moving through space? Then it's a rabbit being chased by a hawk? It's bizarre if that simply is what is, but that's what seems to be apparent. Sorry for the long post lol.
  14. @Mvrs indeed dear One That's the whole journey To realize yourself as the screen, the unchanging. But the unchanging requires you to realize this while in form. While alive and thru a body and mind. "Die before you die and discover that what you are is beyond death" Then you finally take a seat in your eternal chair. As the witness consiousness. Being. Bliss. Eternity. Alive. Consious. Always On.
  15. For your last meal eat high protein. Example beef steak. That should stop all that offal bliss your experiencing.
  16. HOME Anchored in spaceless Grounded in timeless Moving in stillness Abiding in silence Serene and peaceful Embodiment of 'this' Governed by Love Beauty and bliss Flow from the Source Streams of healing Here and now Is infinite Being Recognize, aside fear Not knowing is a blessing Surrender to the heart No need for guessing Nowhere else to go No one ever to be You're welcomed Home Here you're free By Natasha <3
  17. "flaunting a big car/house, having a phony relationship, being super ambitious with money, chasing the capitalist corporate model" "being called a loser" Whose voice is this? I am playing the devil's advocate to the whole "become an entrepreneurship/social media influencer or you are a wage slave" bandwagon. Working for a corporation is often a living hell. BUT A Stage Purple person would be able to have ecstasy and bliss while even washing toilets for 8 hours. This is what is getting lost in the "Wage Slave' discussions. A Stage Purple person could be a "Wage Slave" and transform the entire corporation with their presence and influence. This is what I found interesting about Benjamin Smythe. He could have been making major $$$ as a spiritual teacher, if he went into the spiritual influencer route. But he turned his back on that and kept working at a local bike shop probably making minimum wage. Spiritual Growth does not mean being an entrepreneur or retired monk who lives in an aesthetically pleasing location haha Spiritual Growth is when "wherever you are, heaven is"...whether on an island meditating all day or washing toilets in a city for rich people.
  18. What the phrase "Following your bliss" clicks in you? What you'd do if you aligned to that? It sounds like you have some limiting beliefs about dating/pickup, though. It is not over even after 30. Especially since you're in this forum and seem to follow Leo's stuff. The type of women you'd probably will like to associate yourself with will mature and be even more awesome with age. Consider these 35-40 vegan chicks, who do yoga and go on retreats. They usually look like they are 25 and super hot/sexy, probably will be much better in bed as well than your typical teenage/young 20s girl. Much more feminine and open. And you can always find young chicks even in your 30-40s if you're developing good enough, especially if you're developing spiritually and advance in meditation. Go see more older pickup artists who are into meditation (Like TNL, travelbum and so forth, even RSD owen nowadays, lol), they have pretty much 0 problem picking up a young chick if they want to. So i wouldn't be (1) In a such a rush and a hectic space of mind about these things and (2) feel like time is running out and that you'd miss the girs. You can bang chicks even at 60s if you do everything right. Take a look at folks like Mooji, for example. If we are to believe what they tell about him, he is fucking his students left and right and they seem to be very happy about it, because he is this grounded grandpa sage. I am sure you can be a sexy grandpa too, if you want
  19. @soos_mite_ah it's like to watch this video about following your bliss idk but if I did what I wanted I would do nothing. So that's a no from me. @ivory yeah I'm thinking about switching majors
  20. Try removing the image of what you are seeking. and stop chasing the happiness and bliss.. look for the absolute truth and don't settle for less. All your questions will suddenly disappear.
  21. You are one inspiring dude! Totally in love with you. Chill. Relax. Take it naturally. As I said somewhere previously, the breathing impacts me differently compared to what I have heard from people. The tingling - and especially the cramps - are very real. I used to get them around the 20th minute when I started. Nowadays they appear at around the 60th minute. The profundity of the experience increases in the meantime, of course. Don't do anything harmful. I vaguely remember having cramps one day, yet I kept breathing, loosened the body & surrendered, and sort of overcame the cramp-mountain & reached a tranquil sea on the other side, where everything was peaceful once again. The funny thing is, I then sat up and looked around the room, but I was not in the third dimension anymore; that whole notion was deconstructed. So kinda awesome and mystical. My first-ever shamanic breathing session gave me tingles, yet I was too blind to notice the bliss, the revelation, the higher state. It was McKennitt's song Beneath a Phrygian Sky, while lying in the afterglow, at which I first gawked. Music is powerful, other-worldly, it guides you. Try if you haven't yet. And take it easy. You are already amazing. Love ya, man! @Loving Radiance I will. It became a part of my daily routine as a connection to the mystical, for I am not yet capable of basking in those states permanently. I will not update the thread anymore, though, unless I really feel like it.
  22. The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it. ~ Eckhart Tolle If you don't have very strong emotions or very intense thoughts about something, you cannot get depressed. ~ Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev Life is rooted in reality, not in your thoughts and emotions. ~ Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev Rather than being your thoughts and emotions, be the awareness behind them. ~ Eckhart Tolle The most beautiful moments in your life – moments of bliss, moments of joy, moments of ecstasy, moments of utter peace – were moments when you were not thinking about anything. You were just living. ~ Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev
  23. Lol bro I know you're not telling me anything new. Reality can be whatever we make it to be. I said I had an awakening that was exactly the same as what Leo described. I literally "I'm god?" and experienced godhood. Pure bliss and love. For eternity. That got boring. Look at my post history and you will see that I understand this truth very well. This whole forum is just god talking to itself.
  24. Depends on the awakening. Exclaiming OMFG comes to mind. And/or Jaw may drop in awe and shock. Feelings of total Divine Bliss and Love that words will never do justice.
  25. So, here I am with the rest of the insights and considerations! 2) I had another lucid dream (this one was horrific and made me scared af) I mean, how rare is it to have a lucid dream without techniques or such? Well, this is now the 3rd lucid dream in 3 nights (damn epic streak). And this was totally horrific, both for the dream content and for the insights (I remain skeptic). This was something Dark style (if you ever watched it on Netflix, you’ll know, what I mean). Let me tell you what I dreamed of. There were @billiesimon and I who made some tests in the dreams. Sometimes I was me and sometimes I was him. We would go back in particular moments where something specific happened, while being conscious that specific actions would cause that specific outcome. I/We tried then to do something else on purpose so that those outcomes would never happen. Well, it didn’t work out. Sooner or later the same outcomes happened again. The dream ended with @billiesimon cutting me to pieces (I felt the pain of being cut) to prove that I couldn’t escape what’s already written (in the original situation I was cut to pieces; rewinding it back, trying to escape and doing something else, brought the same result). I woke up with my hearth thumping in my chest and had to calm down for 10-15 minutes straight, before going back to sleep. What it practically means is (if it’s true) that life is already written, and we are just “re-living” that. This means we don’t have any control on our life, and everything is going exactly as expected. E.g. this would completely explain dejavus, which are moments when we feel we have already lived that. This is somehow disturbing, because this could mean we are already dead, and we are just apparently alive to live forever and ever the same things. On the other side, this means we are now allowed to detach ourselves from outcome, because it doesn’t matter what you do: it’s all already written. This also means that reality is a dream too. I remember Leo's video about it and by having so many lucid dreams in the last days, I am really starting to find truth in his words. I have already had glimpse of lucid dreams and other lucid dreams in my past which felt more real than reality itself. Some of them were damn magnificent. 3) My dissociation is becoming detachment I followed your suggestions and I am trying to listen more to myself and to my body. I notice I feel generally calm and mild lightness and joy. I am becoming more sponteneous and lighthearted. I laugh a lot, weree before I was a bit like the James Bond typ ála "k dude" or "cool story bro" and I could not really find humorism in some things. With these awakenings and insights I am getting, I am becoming slowly engaged in life itself. 4) My state is fluctuating and not stable Even if it seems that my detachment state is permanent, this state it's still fluctuating. I don't feel the same state all day long and there are particular moments, when I still feel some kind of pain-body. Still I notice an incredible rise in awareness, presence and non-reactivity, especially in situations where I usually would be triggered. 5) I feel reborn I feel like I was born again or that something was washed off my eyes. I feel I can now experiment with life and with myself and start living. I feel like as if you were visiting a new city for the first time. You look around, you observe details, you feel the energy of the place with enthusiasm. You are not in your mind, but enjoying visiting this new city. All my perceptions are augmented. All smells are richer. I can distinguish more flavors and enjoy their complexity. After raining, I can smell the smell of wet grass, moist soil, humidity in the air and other smells carried out from the wind. All sounds are fuller, all colors are more vibrant and colorful. There is more clarity and complexity in my perceptions. Everything feel different, but right, as if before it was the "false" way of perceiving. 6) Every day I discover something new I still haven't experienced the core of true awakening: Discovering who I really am, nothingness and that's all an illusion (perception). I am still not at that point, but I saw some signs here and there (e. g. nature who smiled at me, lucid dreams, some insights I had etc.) that make me think this is a big prelude to that giant insight. I am building up momentum and insights. I tried following your suggestions, but it still doesn't click in my direct experience. 7) There are feelings I don’t really know in my life I noticed there are feelings I felt not so much (or at all) in my life and I am looking for pratical ways to incorporate them in my life. Here is a list in no particular order: Union Unconditional Love 100% Integrity and Authenticity Freedom Bliss Forgiveness Radiance Passion Abundance Victor Joy Patience Humilty Gratitude Happiness Worthy Acceptance Playfullness Spontaneousness Serenity I am looking at what make me passionate. Spirituality, Self-Help and helpiing people make me really passionale and I want my Vision and my LP to encompass this. 8) I am trying to go with the flow and stop forcing awakenings I stopped overtechnicizing life, meditation and spirituality. I stopped relentless self-inquiry at once. Instead of meditating I am just "Being". I am trying to be patient, curious and spontaneous and don't go for the quick wins, but to relax and enjoy the process with trust that it will work. During work I am taking breaks to enjoy the present moment and I am focusing myself on one thing at once. When I eat, I eat. When I shit, I shit. When I be, I be. Today I trained in gym without music. Just trained. I want to experience things as they are. 9) I am showing gratitude for this gift Everything changed since I received this thing I cannot describe. It came at the right moment and I show actively gratitude for it. 10) Love is what we need I told myself these words under the tree and during another trip. Love is really what we need. Self-Love at first. Hope you liked it!