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  1. Without will one cannot pursue in enlightenment true but when awakening has happened will is part of the illusion. Will starts to dissolve as this movement is what's awakened from.
  2. Saw a post by @Gneh Onebar on his RASA experience so thought I'd make a thread for those out there who are still hardcore seekers, don't fancy the psychedelics path and want to work with a teacher 1-1. I started working with Ananda Devi in April after reading 1000 (from Leo's book list) last November time, I at first thought RASA was BS and overpriced, I basically became a Rupert Spira fanboy for about 4-5 months beforehand (I saw he was at 1000 from the book) and it was an incredible step up in understanding from being an Eckhart fanboy loool, however despite being addicted to his videos and books for 4 months or so, I didn't make tremendous progress, was considering his retreats, and may go on one eventually just for fun, but I personally think $1000 on working 1-1 with a teacher > $1000+ on 1 7 day Rupert Retreat. So, I can't remember exactly but my original LOC was like 580 or so, but LOC is just a model and isn't that important really, like all concepts must be dropped eventually, however, it's a great tool for evaluating your own awakenings and/or teachers etc. I also learned a lot about the Enneagram and my own humanity, it explained a lot of how I act and I recommend everynone doing Enneagram work. I have been receiving RASA since April roughly 1-2 times a month, usually every fortnight, and for me it has basically acted as a gradual 'Clearing' of any blockages, issues, problems I had in my own unique awakening process, as well as facilitating several awakenings in the days after, often subtly realizing certain things. It started with an awakening into 'No Self' and there being 'No-Doer' this is similar to what good old Eckhart/ Fred Davis etc teach, the whole 'there's nobody there' 'you are the one who's aware' it's awesome opening yourself to Non-Duality and this was a drastic change in my direct experience of reality, however, the 'problem' of other and world is certainly not solved here, and a true full awakening can't use negations such as 'No' the heart yearns for fulfilment and love, we will get to that. I then had an awakening into 'Being Everything/ God/ All, this is an expansion from 'No Self' into EVERYTHING being me, honestly it's very blissy and this was like a honeymoon stage for me, I was lost in life and the bliss of this awakening, to be honest, this was incredibly fun and it's easy to see why many don't move past this, as you also gain incredible 'Cosmic' knowledge, you could call it a 'Cosmic Self' as such, the space of presence in this awakening was incredible. You become the Universe. However, it isn't the end, as there is still an indentity as 'Everything/ Universe' etc, Nisgardatta wrote this awakening as the 'First Big Step.' However, this stage is not the Absolute, it goes beyond that. Next, was my awakening into Love, and this is also amazing. Realizing all is Love and Love is the substance of everything is fucking amazing, this is the next 'step' beyond being ALL and explains why teachers such as Mooji and Bentino Massano have so many scandals, as an awakening into this love has not happened, so while awakened, scandals are still possible at that stage. This awakening also made me kinda obsessed with my teachers, my love for them and those around me deepened beyond words, even for random people in the street, I was also starting to show and feel emotions much more, a simple move about the injustice of 0 hour contracts in the UK made me ball, as a 7 this was a key step to my journey as I was so keen to avoid and escape negative emotions instead of embrace and feel them. However, in modern times, traditional paths are not followed as much so it's easy to not get caught up here like many mystics of the past who couldn't let God or their Guru go. 'If you see Buddha in the street, kill him' fits well here. A surrender into the unknown is essential though, a deep unthinkable surrender, but the love you experience is beyond amazing, and is of course worth surrendering the 'Cosmic Knowledge' for, this can be especially hard for us westerners. Look at Ken Wilber for example as the perfect example of a guy who has not done this, he loves his models and cosmic knowledge, I love his work and am by no means shitting on him, just to illustrate what I mean by 'cosmic knowledge.' My next awakening was incredibly fun to say the least, a realization of the absolute. I won't lie I became a bit of a hermit for a while as realization of the absolute is so god damn beautiful and astounding it can be easy to get lost here, you realize ALl is The Self, the mind is completely dropped, knowledge is dropped, the 'other' is seen through, however it's like putting a slight protective cave between yourself and the world, instead of embracing THIS as it is, you want to control your environment to suit the bliss, the peace etc and as a result subtly reject the world, there is one final step to make. Common theme here is Monks who go off and live alone, or those who create a perfect environment for peace, although these don't always mean one is here, they are common markers. And, then we arrive to now, my most recent awakening into the true absolute, into true Self-Realisation in all it's glory. THIS IS IT, means THIS IS IT, this moment as it is is perfect beyond words, the ordinary is the very extraordinary you are after, what more could there be than THIS. This very planet is the Buddha planet, is heaven, is Nirvana, not some special space you can attain when you gain your enlightenment wings and fly off. The absolute includes absolutely everything, it is beyond enlightenment and non-duality, all concepts are washed away and the World is seen to be The Supreme Self. everyone is seen to be the Self and The Absolute is all there is. There is NO enlightened person, no other, no mind, no knowledge and of course no world just The Self. This resolves the issue of Duality and Non-Duality, as ALL is the Self, ALL can be embraced and enjoyed, it embraces both non-duality and duality, hence the ordinary becoming the extraordinary, 'duality' embodies truth as much as anything else, EVERYTHING is included, go embrace the world as it is. It is impossible to put into words as everything has become so 'ordinary' again, yet it will never be the same, the best phrase I have seen is 'Transcendental Duality' but that just adds concepts and can be confusing, it is basically pointing to THIS right now. Seeking is over. This as it is is perfect, the Ego will try hard to fight this of course, as will the mind, but resistance leaves you, you go beyond any form of concepts around this work, whatever arises now will be embraced and enjoyed. I am unlikely to do it justice with words, but that explains my 8 month journey working with Ananda so far, it's been fucking amazing to say the least, if you have any questions about RASA drop them below, I get they'll be a LOT of skepticism and thinking wtf is this guy on about, but I'm used to that by now. In terms of what's next? Just go enjoy life. Do what you love, and love what you do. Whether that's starting a business (a conscious one of course ) or becoming a Spiritual teacher, or even going to work in starbucks, just do whatever you want. You will be free and Happy, the seeking is over and all that is left is to enjoy the game of life, for me Happiness, fun and enjoyment are always at the top of my to do lists, if I don't love what I do, I see no need to carry on doing it, of course you have to be practical about this. Oh, and of course, whatever you do at this stage will always come from Love, therefore, desire as big as you well please, with Love as your driving force you have the world at your fingertips, it doesn't mean you become passive at all. Personally, I am in the process of growing my businesses, playing sports, having fun with friends, deepening my relationships, helping people grow their businesses and more importantly Living NOW. In the future, I wish to become someone to help facilitate awakening, not just a teacher, but a 'finisher' who actually helps awaken people to the Absolute, however I'll only be waking up myself, time after time Happy new year everyone!
  3. This is a normal ego backlash where old paradigms are slowly getting back, which can be very painful and frightening. Now you've awakened something else has taken over. This will lead to multiple deaths of the persona where old ways of thinking, wanting/desiring and being are making place to be reformed. Always keep surrendering. Surrender, surrender, surrender. Try to be ok with every possible outcome. Also ok with not being ok. So this okness is not a result, its a process. Ego doesnt like okness. Much love. Enjoy your path.
  4. @Moreira The ego wants to protect it’s own survival and will resist ego transcendence. Ime, there are many ways for the ego to resist. One way is to set up unpleasant consequences. For example, the mind may think “Wait a minute. . . If I’m not around to control things, I may end up unhappy like this guy on YouTube who is awakened. That’s not good”. . . My mind set up scenarios in which I would go mentally insane or that I would harm others if ego transcendence occurred. Yet with transcendence there is awareness of these stories as stories. A new freedom emerges. Yet it can be a bumpy ride at times.
  5. I try not to conceptualize what awakening is because I feel like that will lead to delusion, which is what I'm afraid of. I feel like I'm getting tongue twisted by overthinking it, however I think my body is telling me that it's time to stop smoking weed, because all these neurotic obsessive thoughts are only really prominent when I smoke. My experiences with, what I will call "degrees of awakening" (I in no way mean to imply that I'm fully awakened, but I feel like I've had incredible insights pointing me towards it) lead me to believe that enlightenment is achieved through acknowledging that everything is happening in this very moment. What's tripping me up is the mindfuckery that I've experienced in drugs, where I experience different facets of reality and see the endless of the scope of being. I try to let go of my ego because, when faced with these experiences, I have a hard time just allowing them to happen, as my ego immediately senses the danger of nonexistence, and my thoughts run rampid into worrying about driving myself insane, my whole life story being fabricated, etc. I feel a separation in that part of me, again while sober, understands that I imagined my entire life story, and my sense of self is limited to what I percieve it to be. However, another part of me, usually when actually faced with infinity and experiencing the endless, formlessness that I experience through weed and psychadelics, gets an intense sense of anxiety and fear. It's like I understand that I need to let go, but I can't. I feel like I've hit a wall because everything just seems to be looping back into itself, but it seems like the answer for me is to just let myself experience the fear, and let my experiences become one. I think I've made too many separations, too many dualities, and I'm straying further from the point. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  6. But in order to teach or guide others, one often needs to speak to the ego, speak in separation. To speak from the perspective of other-selves who are not awakened. To make the distinction between the ego and the true self. Some people might need this distinction to move forward on their path. Some people might need to get rid of the distinction altogether. Some people might not even need to know there is a difference in the first place. We are all saying the same thing but differently. Isn't that amazing?
  7. Thanks for the notes @LfcCharlie4 From my experience the ego tries to subsume the awakened state. When I know of my nothingness, the "I" might've gained a new identity. It is "my" nothingess, "I" am Pure Awareness. The ego just wants a name. There aren't any names.
  8. Hi love, I am permanently awakened after a two-day ayahuasca retreat. Here is the report of the retreat. Before the ceremony, I had no intentions, desires, or expectations, just beingness. First ceremony: I became an absolute infinity. The entire existence. All the experiences, all the dimensions. The infinite consciousness. All is one. All is love. All the pleasure and pain, all the senses and emotions. Infinity of infinity. Total surrendering and beingness. The entire existence is just the imaginary manifestation of our infinite love. Time is love's infinite awareness of itself. I am all of you, and all of it is a song that's sang by the entire existence, and it is infinite love and beauty. The knowing of the true self is permanently present. Second ceremony: I became so infinite that I became absolute nothingness and god. The consciousness expands infinitely and beyond. All is one, all is whole, all is love. I am. I love. Just love, and nothing else. Just being, and the entire existence. I purged my entire existence into infinite love and merged into one. The infinite love radiance from everything and everywhere. Life is absolutely clear, it is absolute love. The total surrendering of existence. Enlightenment. The beingness of the absolute is permanent. No more questions or seeking, just absolute beingness. Nirvana. I love you all! Just love, just live, just be.
  9. Of course you can. Liberation has nothing at all to do with how the material world manifests. You can be a liberated scientist, thief, Christian, Muslim, athlete, fighter pilot, banker, garbage collector, etc. The Buddha was a billionaire. Thinking that consciousness determines how the material world is going to turn out for you is the very thing that is actually unconsciousness. Consciousness is a perspective, not a behaviour. There are awakened people all throughout the spiral, purple awakened people like some shamans, plenty of blue awakened people in India, plenty of orange awakened people like OSHO, green awakened people like some new agers such as mooji, turquoise awakened people like Adyshanti. I think you've mixed up consciousness and spiral dynamic stages. What you're actually asking is can you be a green staged billionaire. If the entire world was truly green (not neo green or green in disguise) there would be no billionaires, maybe people with a billion dollars, but no billionaires. Money is very valuable in this day and age because our society, policies and values are Orange. And so if a green stage person wants to revolutionise the world, getting a billion dollars is valuable. And so many would probably go for it. You can get billions of dollars off people without being a cu**, but it's significantly harder to do that then to get it off in an orange stage way, because the norm is for people to get billions of dollars using Orange stage tricks, and you will be competing with those people. Maybe the answer is to not try and be a hero and get money off people in a green way, but to consciously observe that there is nothing wrong with doing things in a healthy Orange stage way and just get a billion dollars that way.
  10. The bias is there because is heavily turned towards enlightenment. When you first start hearing about it, it seems like it's the only thing that is important to do in life, and in a sense it is, but that obviously doesn't mean everyone that awakens should be a teacher. First reason is, because for most people it's a messiah complex, and an ego trip, not much different than wanting to be President or a Star just to be powerful or famous (with the excuse of helping others). Second reason is, if everyone genuinely wanted to teach, then there wouldn't be awakened people in other, important professions, which would limit the impact possible to the rising of our consciousness. If there is one purpose to life, it is whatever you love to do the most op. By doing what you're passionated about, and turning it into your lifes work, you will, whatever it is, brings infinite love to the whole. It doesn't need a mystical explanation, you will just be ecstatic most of the time, and the people you are in connection with will feel it and share it to other people as well, by an infinite chain of cause of effect. So if you want the maximum effect and influence you can bring to the world, do what you love, don't limit yourself to be a copino pastorino version of something that already exist, that seems important. You're here to live your life, not anyone elses ? @Sleyker
  11. I gathered some quotes from enlightened good ❤ Right here and now, you are in the realized state. But you try to judge it through desires and mind concepts, hence your inability to apperceive it and abide in it. -Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj “Suffering just means you’re having a bad dream. Happiness means you’re having a good dream. Enlightenment means getting out of the dream altogether.” ― Jed McKenna “So the single most vital step on your journey toward enlightenment is this: learn to dis-identify from your mind. Every time you create a gap in the stream of mind, the light of your consciousness grows stronger. One day you may catch yourself smiling at the voice in your head, as you would smile at the antics of a child. This means that you no longer take the content of your mind all that seriously, as your sense of self does not depend on it.” ― Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment “Does one really have to fret about enlightenment? No matter what road I travel, I’m going home.” ― Shinsho “No spiritual master who ever walked the earth has anything on you. You’re the complete package, the real deal. You just don’t remember it yet.” ― Carrie Triffet, The Enlightenment Project “Looking forward” to what you think enlightenment might be at some grand point in the future keeps you from seeing the truth of its presence right now.” ― Enza Vita “Those who are actively seeking enlightenment will not find it because the act of looking for it is the distraction from it.” ― Enza Vita “In order to know the Truth, you have to be out of your mind.” ― Vivian Amis “No matter how strange things get, know that with every breath, you are becoming that which you have always been.” ― Eric Micha’el Leventhal “Because of an innocent misunderstanding you think that you are a human being in the relative world seeking the experience of oneness, but actually you are the One expressing itself as the experience of being a human being.” ― Adyashanti “Whatever you think you are, that’s not it.” ― Adyashanti “The first stage of the awakening journey is the calling. The calling arrives when we first feel that spiritual impulse that galvanizes our attention. All of a sudden we sense a greater mystery to life that we seek to experience more deeply; it literally calls us.” ― Adyashanti, Resurrecting Jesus: Embodying the Spirit of a Revolutionary Mystic Keep quiet. Simply keep still. Don’t give any thought to your mind for one second. Don’t stir any thought and don’t make any effort, for just one second. If you understand what I speak about tell me what will happen when you don’t stir a single thought from the mind and you don’t make any effort. Just these two things; no effort and not giving any thought to the mind! Just for one instant. What will happen? –Papaji Awakening or Self-Realization “Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” –Ramana Maharshi “When you are truly awakened, you have completely stopped trying to become awakened. You simply are. You know that you did not locate awakening; awakening located you.” ― Enza Vita “You aren’t actually a someone, a person, who is conscious. You are the Awake space of awareness itself, within which all the “thought up” entities in your world appear. Out of all these imagined entities, you have simply made the mistake of thinking that one of them is you.” ― Enza Vita “Realization is not about you, the wave, realizing it is ocean. The ocean realizes itself in you and reveals itself to have never been just a wave. Nothing changes except the falling away of a false belief.” ― Enza Vita When the mind adjusts to simply staying here, then that mind is not called mind any more. It’s just Self. It’s only ever Self. –Mooji “Being here really is just the invitation to rest as Being. There is nothing you have to do. It is not an invitation to become. You will not be scrutinized, your actions compared with those of others. That’s just unicorn food. Let your river flow as it pleases. Simply observe and recognize that all is unfolding spontaneously when that inner journalist- the ego, is exposed as a myth.” –Mooji “Why struggle to open a door between us when the whole wall is an illusion?” ― Rumi “All that is necessary to awaken to yourself as the radiant emptiness of spirit is to stop seeking something more or better or different, and to turn your attention inward to the awake silence that you are.” ― Adyashanti “When you get out of the driver’s seat, you find that life can drive itself, that actually life has always been driving itself. When you get out of the driver’s seat, it can drive it self so much easier—it can flow in ways you never imagined. Life becomes almost magical. The illusion of the “me” is no longer in the way. Life begins to flow, and you never know where it will take you.” ― Adyashanti, ‘The End of Your World’ “It has nothing to do with effort. Just turn away, look between the thoughts, rather than at the thoughts. When you happen to walk in a crowd, you do not fight every man you meet, you just find your way between. When you fight, you invite a fight. But when you do not resist, you meet no resistance. When you refuse to play the game, you are out of it.” ― Nisargadatta Maharaj “A quiet mind is all you need.” ― Nisargadatta Maharaj “Day by day become more and more intimate with the inner stillness, joy and love which is the fragrance your own pure heart. Keep quiet.” –Mooji Enlightenment, Satori, Moksha, Nirvana “Feel nothing, know nothing, do nothing, have nothing, give up all to God, and say utterly, ‘Thy will be done.’ We only dream this bondage. Wake up and let it go.” ― Swami Vivekananda “Knowing others is Wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment” ― Lao Tzu “We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness.” -Thich Nhat Hanh “Enlightenment is: absolute cooperation with the inevitable.” ― Anthony de Mello “You cannot still your mind – it is the nature of mind to keep moving. You can only be the stillness that is beyond the mind and be free from thoughts, yet watch the mind experiencing the true essence of life. Transcending the mind is Sanyasa (detachment or renunciation) and freedom that comes with it is Nirvana (liberation).” ― Rashmit Kalra “Being enlightened ironically means realizing that there is no separate entity that can be enlightened or unenlightened.” ― Enza Vita “The moment you open yourself completely to the love that awaits your conscious embrace, you are no longer there to receive it.” ― Eric Micha’el Leventhal Do not think you will necessarily be aware of your own enlightenment. –Dogen “Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” ― Adyashanti “In the end it’s all very simple. Either we give ourselves to Silence or we don’t.” ― Adyashanti “Enlightenment is nothing more than the complete absence of resistance to what is. End of story.” ― Adyashanti, Emptiness Dancing “God dwells in you, as you, and you don’t have to ‘do’ anything to be God-realized or Self-realized, it is already your true and natural state.” Just drop all seeking, turn your attention inward, and sacrifice your mind to the One Self radiating in the Heart of your very being. For this to be your own presently lived experience, Self-Inquiry is the one direct and immediate way.” –Sri Ramana Maharshi “All religions are detours on your path to enlightenment”. -Me
  12. @VeganAwake you completely missed my points, Desire will continue. are you telling me you no longer have any desire in life? without it you’d be dead and if you use spirituality as a reason to not workout, eat healthy, improve your finances, develop your career etc then that that merely seems like a form of spiritual bypassing. i never once said something NEEDS to be done or be different, everything is perfect as it is. Yet, if you’re overweight, on a RELATIVE level yes you should probably go workout and eat healthier, just because you have now awakened does not change that. This is nothing to do with doing this stuff = happiness, as you said when you realise Non Duality = Duality, and the distinction is shattered you are free to play the game how you like. If you don’t want to do any of these things, nobody is saying you have to, you can just coast through life, have a simple existence and be happy, again like I said this is very dependent on the person and their personality/ enneagram type. Maybe you’re a 9, if you just want to rest in bliss/ peace forever, that is fine you do you. However, just because someone is active in the world, does not for one second mean they suddenly aren’t awakened. Rupert Spira often talked about the inner and outer understanding. Inner is pretty self explanatory, but outer is bringing your understanding of The Self into all realms of life, such as work, sex, etc. It does not mean you’re doing these things to BECOME happy, you’re simply doing them as you WANT to and for the fun of it, to EXPRESs happiness so to speak, do you get the difference? desire also evolves as I pointed out in the last post, im Not gonna go over it again. You can’t and never will stop desire, otherwise you will die, if you have zero desires you would never feed yourself, drink, go to work, meditate, do literally anything, there is a common misunderstanding of desire in spiritual communities, a lot relating back to the Buddha being falsely translated. Please don’t try and remove desire from your life, it is beautiful to express desire that comes from love and The Self, and is beautiful to experience life in all its forms. Not everything that isn’t watching Non duality videos, meditating or talking about Awakening is Ego, it’s okay to do other things, when you go full circle you realize spontaneous joy of ordinary life is absolutely beautiful.
  13. @Inliytened1That’s definitely one side of it. The other is that pure being takes the form of a mystical state through the process of initiation then shifts into the normality of life once embodied. The duality first converges then re-merges once one becomes permanently awakened. @tedens indeed, I am told. I am confident that would be the case. However, I would say that meditation is an incubative tool to maintain ”beingness” opposed to a mystical entry into a temporary state.
  14. From a Spiritual POV, in contrast to a Sentient POV, the quotes used were meant to breakthough the paradigm that "Meditation can shift consciousness via mysticism to the timeless or the becoming of the present moment." I can understand that you appear to have invested much in Mystical and Mentational group thinks,...sentient beings can get quite upset when anything threatens their beliefs. As for me,...have not come across a single example of someone who realized the Absolute Present through mysticism or meditation. For example,...Historically, Siddhartha Gautama was near dead from meditation when a young girl named Sujata (likely a dakini) offered him some food (perhaps rice cooked in milk). Some say a state of appreciation filled him from this meal, and others as he recovered his physical strength, through a state of appreciation, he realized the nature of Dependent Origination from which suffering arises. The bottom line is that he was not "Awakened" through meditation or mysticism. "After Buddha's passing away, monks and nuns only emphasized meditation; there was no interest in studying the teachings." Anam Thubten I totally laugh every time I see an image of Buddha meditating,...what reason would a Buddha have meditating? AND NO, does not "get rid of all the small illusory me stories" gets rid of ALL THE STORIES. All personal truths are lies.
  15. @Aaron p Psychedelics are great for insights, however, it's all about your level of consciousness now, in every moment, not just for an hour(s). If you can integrate then that's an awesome tool and I'm glad you found something so effective! However, looking at it from both sides, there is a lot of trip reports on here but not many truly awakened beings, however, they clearly help give people incredible insights and can 'spearhead' one's journey, but they certainly guarantee nothing at all and have to of course be used correctly, especially for those of us under 25 we really need to be careful, remember they are still Drugs.
  16. Relative and absolute are the same thing. It's all The Absolute/Non duel. There is always only one thing happening. "THIS" There is nothing else. Either you believe you are a separate person located inside the body. Duality Or you wake up and realize the illusion of self/Maya. Non-duality It's so basic that it's overlooked... there are no individuals... there never was, it is Just Energy compiled up in the body creating the illusion of a separate self. The separate self seeks for fulfillment not realizing that it's already complete and that it never left the source. An awakened individual recognizes the separate self was an illusion... they were never separate and never needed to seek anything for completion. They never left home so they were always complete. It was just a mistaken identity the whole time. ❤ "The separation never occurred" - A Course in Miracles
  17. Quite certain that no amount of mystical or divinely conditioned experiences will ever have a Direct Experience with the Absolute. Experience arisen through belief can only be experienced through the condition of that belief,...thus not a Direct Experience. The question of my Direct Experiences have neither been dodged nor denied. In fact I recall commentting on my first Unfeigned Surrender in Dec '74, first experience with Undivided Light. And it was mentioned that I not only retired 9 months following that tremendum, but had at least a thousand similar direct experiences. A more important question would be why are you and others insistent on hearing stories of direct experience? Yes,...I've had more Peak Experiences than the average Italian has had pizza in their life, what, does that help someone serious about the Great Juncture from sentient being to spiritual being take the leap? Someone once said,..."Go jump off a cliff. Don’t go near the cliff and contemplate jumping off. Don’t read a book about jumping off. Don’t study the art and science of jumping off. Don’t join a support group for jumping off. Don’t write poems about jumping off. Don't cling to a parachute as you jump. Don’t kiss the ass of someone else who jumped off. Just jump." To be clear,...I do not use the words of the awakened as Truth, without my own direct experience of Truth. In fact,...the words of the "awakened" that I use are always prior to experiences. And also keep in mind,...most quotes I use are not from the "awakened,"...but applicable to my message. For example,...T. S. Eliot was surely NOT an awakened being,...but on occasion I've used his quote, "Human kind cannot bear very much reality." IMO, quotations and aphorisms can serve as a mentoring device for those who venture into the liminal zone between duality’s sciential sentience and the sapiential consciousness of authentic spirituality. But again, mentioned before,...using quotations are an excellent TELL of those not really interested in Truth Realization,...but rather their own glorification and status. And to really aggravate those tethered to the Substance Levels of Spiral Dynamics,...the Spiritual Pretenders, last book is a Collage of quotes, with the messenger numbered instead of written out. "99.9% of the World's so-called wisdom, East and West, for the purposes of awakening, is about as useful as a glass of warm spit with a hair in it." Jed McKenna I'm only interested in the <0.1% who are actually desirous of Awakening. A Yellow (SD 7) who appears close the Momentous Leap said, "When you can write your biography on the size of a stamp and you still have space left over, then I would like to meet you."
  18. I believe the original question was, can Leo claim no other teacher has reached the depths of consciousness and knowledge that he has? I have had many teachers in the last 20 years, read books, immersed myself 6 years into Shamanism and other spiritual teachings, worked with aboriginal healers, and done several Ayahuasca ceremonies. What I have come to learn is that the right teacher, book, spiritual paths, people, plants, animals, and psychedelics will gravitate towards you when you are ready to explore the next level of consciousness and awakening. Every teacher, book, path, person and psychedelic etc. has it’s pros and cons. They can only provide you with the knowledge that resonates with your belief system. The limited conscious physical mind, combined with magnetic-attracting-thoughts and electromagnetic energy field, shape and mold our beliefs. Our beliefs shape our reality. Our reality is then strengthened with our imagination, which then stimulates our emotions. Our emotions further shape and solidifies our beliefs and energy field in the physical. It’s an intemperate circle. Every author, teacher, healer person, etc.. is caught in this circle and can only share with us what they are awakened and conscious of through their belief system. Our concentrated thoughts and beliefs are basically what create our physical reality. Our Physical reality is a very narrow banned width of conscious sound, light and electromagnetic frequencies and waves of energy. When I break through the veil of physical consciousness into nothingness, the void or miniscule aspects of God consciousness using a psychedelic or through meditation, I return to this limited reality struggling to translate my experience into symbols, such as words and images that my physical conscious mind can grasp and retain. These symbols are interpreted and integrated by my human conscious mind and by my belief system, which then further create my conscious physical reality. So, to answer your question, can Leo claim no other teacher has reached the depths of consciousness and knowledge that he has? Yes and no. His physical conscious mind, thoughts and beliefs are his. They maybe similar to other humans, but they are unique and distinctly his. That’s the beauty and gift that God has created. It’s neither right or wrong, more or less. It just is. We all have our distinct beliefs, thoughts, and conscious levels, which others may or may not have similarly accessed or reached. There are many conscious beings that have touched great depts of awareness that have decided not to share their wisdom with the masses. They tend to share only with select beings that are open and can resonate with the knowledge. Leo, like a few others, has decided to take a chance and courageously shares his wisdom and knowledge to the masses, knowing full well that he will be opening himself to all levels of consciousness on the Spiral Dynamic hierarchy, which may, or may not resonate with the knowledge. Having said that, he does have a profound amount of knowledge and consciousness that can and will resonate with many students. We are all students! Even the great masters were students in physical reality, until some of them were able to direct there magnetic-attracting-thoughts, from the physical conscious mind, towards other physical and non-physical states of beingness. Not to confuses anyone, what I have learned over the years is that the Ego is more or less your belief system. It is a narrow-focused form of physical mind consciousness (for lack of better words) that allow us to create this physical reality. The Ego (a misguided label we have given it) is a segment of confined focused consciousness that has been created by God for Beings to penetrate and explore physical reality, experience distinctness, objects and other limited forms of consciousness in physical form. The more you focus your attention to one belief, or field of thought, the narrower your world becomes and the more inclined you are to suffering and dwelling in the lower stages of Spiral Dynamics. The more consciousness you bring into your field of thoughts, Ego, physical conscious mind, the more you become aware of how your deep seeded beliefs affect and create your reality. Just a few thoughts and beliefs!
  19. Hi guys, can you get enlightened/awakened, if you pursue it as a way out. You pursue it because you want to end your suffering and your struggles you have in this limited kind of life. So is it possible to reach full enlightenment even when you are not interested in truth, but rather want to live unconditionally happy and you have enough of this material life and because of that you pursue it? So its a more egoic and shallow kind of approach towards the ultimate goal of liberation/awakening. thanks guys I hope Leo will give me an answer aswell
  20. This is hogwash, otherwise you wouldn't be listening to his videos every week and commenting on how great they were.. Agreed there. Desire comes from the heart. It is passion. It comes from love. Many awakened find their life purpose is to help awaken others. This, from the Absolute perspective, stems from Absolute Love. This is because in dividing itself, God ultimately wishes to reunite all of its parts in total unity. God has no one but itself to share itself with, and that is its ultimate gift to itself.
  21. @V-8 I'm begging you to just leave me alone to be honest mate, I've asked you multiple times whether you're happy with no response. You do you, it's up to you what you do, maybe the book isn't great for you cool. You keep throwing Jed McKenna's quote in my face, to be honest, I don't rate Jed at all, sorry to any of his lovers here, I doubt he's even awakened. The book 1000 didn't resonate with you, cool, your constant bombardment of spiritual knowledge and quotes doesn't resonate with me either, so you do you and I'll keep speaking for what has helped me more than anything All I will see is from your posts, it is clear you are a master of knowledge and will likely take it with you to your grave, maybe then you'll finally realize the beauty of pure being you constantly parrot about. Sorry I'm not up to your 'SD7' standards and I am politely asking you not to post on my threads please, I'm not interested in having non stop arguments with you, if you're superior to me great, I'm really not that fussed mate, this might be hogwash to you, but to me it's transformed my life and made me absolutely happy and at peace. Have a good new year mate, but please leave me alone To me direct experience is king, and my direct experience of reality has radically transformed over the last 12 months as indicated by this post, I hope you had fun debunking the book and adding to your knowledge bro. Try being Happy, it's more fun @cetus56 Nothing to do with that actually, I 'promote' RASA as it's helped me and many others, isn't that what this forum is about? Sharing what helps us awaken and grow as people? @Inliytened1 Couldn't have said it better myself, I'm sure he will hit us back with how we're tier 1 thinkers, don't have a clue and how all our experiences are merely mindfucks
  22. Lol listen kid no offense but you are assuming something based off or what people have told you and what you have experienced do to false memory syndrome. I used to say I would never have kids too but one day you will grow up hopefully it will be before your to old . And remember just because your parents didn't become awakened by having you and raising you as well as you not enjoying your childhood and creating a complex towards your parents because they didn't love you enough and not ever being exposed to the proper representation of how someone should raise a kid doesn't mean that it doesn't exist because lots of things exist that you've never seen . Best of luck to you out there have a good day.
  23. @V-8I don't think anyone is bothered by your quotes - i think the issue is that you have been asked as to whether you have had mystical, frozen, divine, non-dual states of consciousness in which your sentient being collapses into the Absolute and the you dissolves, and you have either dodged the question or said that you had not had such an awakening. Thus, as others here have pointed out - when you quote others and then also put their quotes into your own words, it is a clear display that you have taken on the Absolute as a belief, or dogma. And this is a trap which will keep you from ever reaching mystical states of consciousness and grasping Truth directly via Being. Also, by taking the words of the awakened as Truth, without your own direct experience of Truth, your posts of direct quotes come off as very ambiguous, obscure, and open to interpretation - because of your inability to add proper context due to lack of direct experience. So pointing these items out it is for the benefit of both you and others on the path who may not be at a level of consciousness necessary to properly interpret the quotes. Hope that helps. Hope you have a happy new year as well ?
  24. Yes of course Hegel is no easy, but the person I gave links to lived in house with library (his grandpa was philosopher) and so he has read Hegel and Marx at age 12. Coz he started his spiritual path so early, he was awakened at 20. Then in mature age he read Hegel in German, Rene Guenon (who combined feuerbach hegel kant fichte plus all traditionalistic doctrines together) in French and Quran in Arabic. He is himself Anti-Hegelian, Anti-Guenon, Anti-Plato, Anti-Advaitian. He is the first one (at least as far as I researched) who has actually explained difference between path of Abrahamic prophets (from Adam to Muhammad) and path of traditional spirituality (no-self enlightenment oneness dissolving in god etc etc). Before that i couldn't get this difference, I thought they all speaking about same truth and that these paths lead to same enlightenment. But there is radical difference! All human history is about war between these two doctrines, two spiritual paths. War between priests (traditionalistic path) and warriors (prophets' path). Everything else is stemming from this war, everything else is show, but in the core of all is the war between two radically different understanding of consciousness. Abrahamic doctrine states that consciousness exists as opposition to Being=Everything-ness, and Traditionalistic doctrines states that consciousness is equal to Being and consciousness is everything. Abrahamic doctrine states that God is hidden and He is opposite to absolutely everything, while Traditionalistic doctrine states that God is equal to everything, to Total All. I 'experienced' both kind of awakenings, and difference exists, and Abrahamic path is True, while Traditionalistic path is tricky lie, it is how Being tries to suppress Consciousness. Simple example: why some gurus are nuts even thought they are awakened? Why are they saying stupid things or acting weirdly? We think that they are so wise that they act in transcendent wise way. But actually its simply because their awareness is still suppressed by Being, they are awakened but in twisted way, in traditionalistic way. It didn't emancipate their awareness but suppressed it, made it even more 'cloudy', because they dissappeared. If you disappear then awareness can't emancipate from Being, because your physical individuality is that tool that makes consciousness to be emancipated from dictatorship of being. Of course Being through priests will tell you: it is ego, its avidya, it is ignorance, you should destroy it, you should merge with reality etc. LIE! Absolute Lie. So the main evil of traditionalistic doctrine is that you should disappear, to become nothingness, to dissolve in reality, to lose yourself. Thats the main evil! Never do it, its not truth. Its lie. Idea of disappearing, idea of becoming nothingness and losing your ego, is the main evil that exists. Because if you only taste what is disappearing is really like, you will absolutely hate that, its absolutely wrong. Not your 'ego' or ignorance hates that, not your selfishness but consciousness hates that. Devil wants that, but not God.
  25. If full,embodied realization has happened,then there's no one to "decide" to teach. What has awakened has it's own will, and if teaching happens, it's not the will of an individual or person who decided to do it. It was decided for them. Just, as an example, Ramana never sought to, nor ever left the mountain to go out and teach the world, yet he's one of the most influential teachers of the 20th century. Truth has it's own way of getting itself out there whether it's the will of the one who's teaching or not. If they are fully realized, odds are, they didn't choose to do so. As Jesus said, "not my will,but thy will be done". Would he have gone out and spread the truth by his own will,knowing what the cost would be ? As realization deepens and gets further integrated,one very much observes the falling/fading away of personal will. It can be very trying on the so called "personal" level because one's desire and drive to pursue what was once considered of significant importance and meaning, starts falling away. Once the "new" energy or drive starts taking over,"you're" no longer in the driver's seat (well,there never was a "you" driving), Now there's just "going along for the ride" to where it wants to go.