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  1. Enlightened people manage to be blissful in war zones, while starving, while undergoing religious persecution and torture. Doing it while sitting in a school in a first world country should be easy mode. You already said it, the one stopping you from being blissful is yourself. Not your surroundings. It seems like you are actively shunning the conditions that would give you a chance to be blissful. It doesn't have to be a corporate job. But even if you're running your own business, you want a secure income. It's not bliss-inducing to be constantly worrying about how you'll afford your next meal. There is no enlightened YOU, that's the point. Want and desire don't come from enlightenment. That's ego. Obviously I can't prove it, but I call BS on this. Every minute has been productive for weeks? Yet you measure freedom in half-day increments? I would love to be a fly on the wall and track what you are doing in 15 minute segments to show you how much time you're really wasting without realizing it. You think having to hold in a shit until you get to a gym is going to be less bliss-breaking than sitting in a classroom? That's literally the opposite of what I've heard from every enlightened person who has talked about sleep. Normally your demand goes way down. And again if you are enlightened there is no you stretching YOUR mind. There is just a mind doing stuff on autopilot. Look, I know nobody is gonna be able to convince you otherwise. But as an objective observer, this is about the most clear example of zen devilry that I've ever seen.
  2. Yes of course. But the point is as explained by Bashar is that the principle is that what you put out, you get back and life will support and reflect you your beliefs and intentions. So if you act on your excitement, life will give you more of that and also support you in doing what excites you. Bashar likes to call the following your excitement thing 'the complete kitt' or something along those lines, because it is a complete 'method' on its own. So let's say you want to read Leonardo's biography now, perhaps when you finish it you come across something else of him (or someone else, etc) that excites you, and then something else. Before you know it you might get excited to write your discoveries about Leonardo and some other guys on Facebook, then someone contacts you and you discuss and blahblah you get very excited about putting your discoveries on a website which end up paying your bills. Then you might start following another excitement of yours, and on you go. Your life can't pass you by doing that. Because when you say 'life has passed me by, by following my excitement', you're kind of saying that your excitements weren't fulfilled by acting on your excitement. Which is by definition impossible using this method. Not acting on your excitement/joy/passion is how life passes you by. The thing is, is that if you really feel doubtful about whatever your excitement can support you now, it is better to keep doing what you think you need to do to support you in paying the bill or whatever, until you get confident by experience that your excitement can and does support you. I'll tell you that I've never been better as far as I remember since when I seriously started implementing this method, and I've tried a good number of things before lol. I saw you wrote that your apathy was born because you didn't know what joy to follow. It's simple, it's the one that even contains just a very little bit more joy/bliss/passion/excitement than another option. For me that was a couple of hours ago taking a walk, then doing some mantra exercises, then replying this message, etc. Sorry if writing to much, I love this method/insight as it just makes everything good and feel like sharing it much.
  3. I am stopping me from being blissful at school lessons. That's pretty obvious that you cant be blissful there. The whole van thing has making money as the most difficult task. I need a minimum of 150$ a month and I dont want a secure job somewhere. I will have to make money on my own, otherwise I wouldn't be able to travel which I think the enlightened me will want. Now I have been focused every minute of my life in the last couple of weeks in developing skills to make money on my own. We had 1 week holiday right now and I haven't spent any freedom almost, not even half a day. Even me being here right now is not in alignment with what I must do. For me the van is only for sleep, a tent or other solution wouldn't be able to stop in parking lots. Shower at gyms or bathhouses, pooping there too. Peing in the wild or in van. Eating much raw food in the van but also cooked with electric cooktop. Washing clothes for hand or with mini electric washer. That's the essentials. The question is if im pushing my mind too far, my sleep quota has increased because I'm stretching the capacity and capability of my mind. I also don't allow myself high states of consciousness that much and often have a reverse ego backlash. Where I have used my mind beyond capability it gets difficult to use or withhold it any more therefore I get in states of blissfullness as a break from my mind. Not that I mind. School already takes up most of my day and to try to make something out of myself simultaneously gives no room for that much joy or bliss. I would love to just spend one day in ecstacy, but that luxury I never gave myself. I am very serious and dedicated now that I have awakened. Not that I know if I am doing the right thing. Ego is kind of difficult to keep up but as said, is needed for survival.
  4. The path of enlightenment is un-recommendable, not only because there isn't really a path to truth (which is all there is), but because you'll embark upon it against your will if you become all too conscious of your own fraudulent nature as a separate individual. For happiness, peace, meaning, and exploration, I guess I'd have to recommend Rob Burbea's Seeing That Frees. Unbelievable happiness is possible with his approach. I get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about that guy. Or any self-love guru's approaches -- Anna Brown; Matt Kahn; etc. Also, keep on following Leo. His understanding is incredible. And expanding. For fulfilment as a person, the best approach is probably radical practicality. Figure out what you want, and figure out how you're gonna do it. Look for things to be grateful for, keep a radically open mind, and look for miracles. Everything is a miracle. See what you can genuinely see as a miracle now, and keep going further. Never stop. You'd think the more conscious you become, the more bliss you'd feel, but really you just feel more fulfilment, and as far as your mood goes, it may just increasingly consist of gratitude. And perhaps sadness, but maybe that's just me. Even before I started waking up I saw the beauty in sadness more than I think is normal.
  5. Depends on what you mean by enlightened states. Jhana 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and the unfabricated (nirvana; end of time) might aptly be called enlightened states. Unity consciousness, when experienced, will pretty much invariably be assumed to be the goal of the spiritual path when it is made lasting (it pretty much never lasts). Same with jhana 3 and higher, oftentimes. What I mean by enlightenment is the complete collapse of the real sense of here/there, now/then, I/you, distance, good/bad, personal doer-ship, and reality in any sense whatsoever, to the point where it is inconceivable that any self that is separate from everything could "come back," because it's recognized it wasn't actually ever there -- the only thing that seems to be able to bring this about is absolute egoic suicide. Perhaps there is a pleasant path that somehow leads to it, but it would only be pleasant by virtue of doing extremely pleasant things in meditation, etc. The enlightenment would happen completely in spite of the pleasantness. The pleasantness only serving to make the process less painful. I can imagine some may not only get enlightened pain free, but filled with bliss -- that would be due to profound meditation skill. No idea if it's true though. And of course, no one gets enlightenment.
  6. @The0Self Doesnt these states of bliss and ecstasy come from enlightened states?
  7. Yes, to want to know the truth does, in a sense, come from ego. But the ego never actually wants to know the truth (it just says it does), simply because the ego is falsehood. That's why the only way to know the truth is actually not a way at all, because as soon as you know the truth, you are no longer there. You were the lie. You never actually get to know the truth. And maybe you aren't aware, but Rupert Spira defines happiness as "the absence of the sense of lack." If you want ecstasy and bliss, do jhana practice. Some talent may be needed but with enough diligence and skill you'll be able to reach states of bliss beyond anything you could've ever imagined. That's not enlightenment though.
  8. I have currently read "Dear Lover - A Woman's Guide to Men, Sex and Love's deepest Bliss" by David Deida and I am now reading "The way of the superior man" (also by David Deida) and I am quite confused at the moment because the topic of how I see myself and whether I feel (want to feel) more feminine or masculine has been challenging for me for some time now. My main confusion regards the following questions: Can I differentiate between a masculine and feminine approach to finding a life purpose? Is the mere striving for life purpose rather a masculine or feminine phenomenon? (David Deida writes that for someone with a masculine essence it is most important to find and work towards their own unique purpose or mission while for people with a stronger feminine essence the flow of love is most important) How can I combine embodying femininity (and valuing highly love and a romantic relationship) and still working towards a life purpose, towards something greater (with masculine direction)? How do I find out whether my core essence is rather masculine or feminine? Do they have certain "feels" to them? If looking at low-conscious and high-conscious people: How would the expression of feminine energy differ between women of different development? How can I healthily express more feminine energy? If you have any advice or personal insights, they would be much appreciated.
  9. Thank you @Leo Gura for helping me get to this marvelous place of Joy, Creativity and Love. Feel so fortunate, could never have done it on my own. Your Life Purpose Course, wisdom and teachings have been absolutely crucial. Thank you @Nahm for teaching me to use a dream board (have a big double sided white board in my living room which both me and my wife dream on together)... it really works wonders! I've done a lot of psychedelic work in the last months and the awakenings are getting really deep. Everything is transforming. There's an incredible flow opening up. God and Love have taken over my life, and keeps pushing the boundaries, overcoming obstacles, resistance and fear. Surrendering to the miracles and bliss. Syncronisities overflow. I wish you all will experience this in your lives. Trust in Leo and you will see... test out what he teaches... there's no end to what can be acheived, we are limitless creators of Love and Beauty. We are divine. Heal yourself to free yourself to be Yourself. Leo will teach you how. It works, it really works! This improvisation came at the end of a very long trip. I was healing my stomach, getting help from all kinds of wonderful beneficial forces in the universe. I had stored all the pain from my past failed dreams in my belly. Finally I let it out, feeling it, being with it. This improvisation is the healing and if you listen to the whole thing you will hear me healing, as the music becomes more joyful and creative. I Love You. Bless You All. So very grateful to be here, in the Heart. Joy and Benevolence for All.
  10. Absolutely not, this is the bliss in the being knowing bliss, sat chit ananda. Bathe in it, as it.
  11. @VikingIt’s stress. What worked for me was mindfulness throughout the day, which eventually led to spacious awareness, which is free of all tension. Try to completely relax your face. Close your eyes and just sit quietly, just observing the tension in your head. As you do this, focus on your breath as well. Allow the tension to just be as you observe the breath. Can you notice the actual sensation of this tension? What does it feel like, without putting words to it. as you do this, slowly feel the tension relaxing, little by little, melting away. now this next part is important. As you relax, feel a smile on your face slowly appear. Become mindful of THAT. Remain mindful of this smile, just rest IN it for a while. Do this for as long as you like, as you slowly release the tension there by allowing this smile, which is not only on the outside, but also inside, to melt away the tension. If it’s done right, and it should not be an effort full doing, but a relaxing into this, then you will feel the tension becoming at least manageable. Try to continue this throughout your day, whenever you have moments to zone out. It can be done eyes open or closed, but maybe try closed first. other things I would suggest, try to cut down your screen time, phones, computers, and try increase your “being” time in the day, physical activity is ideal, but if you can be mindful while doing it even better, walking through forest etc. Good luck, and know that this peacefulness is what you are, the tension is just a sensation appearing in this bliss which is you.
  12. Some, maybe even most people can benefit from the right psychotropics taken at the right time in the right frame of mind, during the right period of one's serendipitous path of preliminary psychological de-constructivism but it is by no means necessary. We're lucky in this age, because it's relatively easy to try various drugs' effectiveness for initial entry into spiritual self-refinement— but perhaps it is too easy. Ultimately, it is a dead-end. Literally. Terrence McKenna, anyone? Brilliant, but dead. For all the good it does, the toll it takes on the psychological apparatus and the physical body is tremendous. So don't fool yourselves. It's like the spiritual quest itself in that regard, which is exemplified by an admonition in the Art of War stating that war is a serious drain on a country, and it is best to be fast and clumsy (in gaining the insight that drugs provide, like flashes in a night battle, of the lay of one's own psychological terrain). But ultimately, one must proceed alone, in the dark and without any artificial aid other than the grace one is fortunate enough to receive. The process has no shortcuts. It is crucial to neither lag behind or rush ahead in accomplishing the purpose of self-refinement itself, which only then with subsequent advance practice, results in a spontaneous event called seeing one's nature. What is the purpose of self-refinement? It is to refine away the errant human mentality. That is, the mind that thinks there is a person "progressing", "improving", and being "spiritual." Furthermore, in terms of the instantaneous realization one's nature— it does not confer buddhahood. Buddhahood is the working definition of "permanent stabilization of enlightening accord in reality." Sudden enlightenment is "planting the seed of buddhahood in the homeland of nothing whatsoever." Buddha said that nothing whatsoever is gained by complete perfect realization. "You" just see what has been aglow all along. It's you, but you're not it. There is no thing. Mind is selfless. There is no self. it's just the way it is, and no one knows why. So realize that at every stage, further refining practice is necessary. The first trip is short, in that the path resulting in sudden realization of the nature of your own mind as it is at this very moment is finite. The second trip is long, in that subsequent advance enlightening practice is endless. So in experiencing sudden enlightenment, it is selflessly awake experience. Nothing whatsoever is to be known. Why? There's no being. Awake, isn't the person that knows, or realizes that there is nothing to know. It's just your own mind right now that knows; that already knows. Deliberately employing drugs to sunder one's conditional illusion of absolute identity may be a fast-track, or may perhaps only be a diversion for most people from authentic practice. It's like, do you go to a sexy art-school (drugs) or do you just get in the trenches and do the work (self-refinement). Eventually, you will have to do the work. If you don't, you'll never come to see real potential, gather it in sufficiency over a long period of time and then subsequently, through no fault of your own, see essence and then return, to subsequently LEARN TO APPLY IT IN ORDINARY SITUATIONS. Does anyone know how ego invades such well-meant forays into bliss-inducing and supposed ego-sundering pill-popping? Well, it does and it's called spiritual materialism. It's a psychological mindset that convinces the individual that consuming such things is a thing in and of itself and that such things actually effect one's (false) identity by "improving" and "progressing" it, during which all this time these very thoughts of personal progress are defeating the true purpose of self refinement in the first stages, which is, for beginners, is to realize that ego-consciousness is only a wonderfully brilliant and truly mysterious function, not one's true identity; that enlightened consciousness, permanent or otherwise, is ALSO a function, in terms of human being; and that clinging to either aspects of human awareness is as delusional as the other. From personal experience, taking psychotropics for a "reason" reeks of spiritual materialism, relative to ego-aggradisement. But then again, you never know. As for permanent enlightenment, enlightenment just is. It has never moved. The point of spiritual accomplishment is in its subsequent application. Enlightenment is not a thing. An ancient admonishment for those with spiritual ambitions is to "see essence on your own, then seek a teacher." Moksha has a very good perspective on this aspect, as well as on that of suffering or affliction. Gautama buddha himself said that suffering was the very impetus for seeking liberation. Liberation from what? Liberation is not being subject to habit-consciousness. Open awareness is what, I believe flume was referring to when she commented on being permanently awake. I'm assuming her's was an attempt at levity. The truth is, stabilization of open consciousness is 24/7, and attaining such stability of awareness is a total immersion in enlightening potential. Sleep? You can sleep when you're dead, and you can dream when you're deluded. There are no dreams for the enlightened. The sleeping dreamworld is 24/7 for the most of us right now.. Moksha wrote: Don't forget, people, that awakening isn't a thing unto itself. Actually applying enlightenment to conditions is where refined psychological awareness has reverted to its original supportive role in effecting one's nonpsychological potential (enlightening activity) in the midst of delusional (karmic) evolution unbeknownst to anyone. There are no two minds. Mind is one. The two functions are seamless in terms of subtle spiritual adaption to conditions. ed note: add "when she commented on" in 7th paragraph; add last three sentences
  13. Love this one by Rumi Gone to the Unseen At last you have departed and gone to the Unseen. What marvelous route did you take from this world? Beating your wings and feathers, you broke free from this cage. Rising up to the sky you attained the world of the soul. You were a prized falcon trapped by an Old Woman. Then you heard the drummer’s call and flew beyond space and time. As a lovesick nightingale, you flew among the owls. Then came the scent of the rosegarden and you flew off to meet the Rose. The wine of this fleeting world caused your head to ache. Finally you joined the tavern of Eternity. Like an arrow, you sped from the bow and went straight for the bull’s eye of bliss. This phantom world gave you false signs But you turned from the illusion and journeyed to the land of truth. You are now the Sun – what need have you for a crown? You have vanished from this world – what need have you to tie your robe? I’ve heard that you can barely see your soul. But why look at all? – yours is now the Soul of Souls! O heart, what a wonderful bird you are. Seeking divine heights, Flapping your wings, you smashed the pointed spears of your enemy. The flowers flee from Autumn, but not you – You are the fearless rose that grows amidst the freezing wind. Pouring down like the rain of heaven you fell upon the rooftop of this world. Then you ran in every direction and escaped through the drain spout . . . Now the words are over and the pain they bring is gone. Now you have gone to rest in the arms of the Beloved.
  14. Sometimes, about 10% of the time after hitting a bowl of cannabis (sometimes while sober even) I’ll have segments of my crown light up with activity connected to my thoughts that feels like a slight tingle, it’s usually never a full circle or in the same place around my crown. But today I felt a full circle engagement. It didn’t engage all of my scalp but it was a complete circle around the the crown of my skull. A full engagement of the crown chakra feels like you’re wearing a light helmet with an actual crown upon your head. The thought today I remembered was the possibility to push through dimensions and create jewels from pushing up lint balls from carpet. An idea of a manifested power that I imagined once before would be a regular occurrence when I reached further enlightenment a year and a half ago as I was riding a fence of torment and pure bliss wrapped up in harder substances that I wouldn’t recommend but would speak highly of. This did still seem impossible at best today especially being that I don’t have the same carpet that would be used and my feet are on hardwood as I write this. Lol I seem to have a past with carpets now that I look at it objectively...
  15. is it a stage/ state? like sadhguru getting those "trance", he said it was infrequent at first, but came at longer bursts...and then it became quite permanent so i won't need to be scared to lose it once i "get" it? sometimes i feel like deep insight/ realisation is something that can never be something embedded deep into the memory of the body... god, it would be such a bliss to be able to experience that...
  16. @clouffy Enlightenment is when you find something that was always there and was never not that way, and so, it can't really be called a "thing". It is not a state. It's like waking up from a dream. When you wake from a dream do you say: "I hope this new awakened state stays with me"..? Also, what if what you experienced during enlightenment wasn't bliss? Would you still know that you had awoken? Could you become enlightened without feeling bliss? Are you feeling bliss right now, but just not conscious of it? Is there somewhere in you right now that is in bliss? Is all of you not in bliss? How much of your being are you representing right now when you say "I am not in bliss.. I wish I could feel bliss"? Is the you that you call you qualified to say that you are not already in bliss? Would you be interested to contemplate these questions? Even if they didn't lead to bliss? I just thought of another indicator.. Enlightenment is when you have no doubt that God exists. When God "is" before you had an opinion about it. Peace dude, Lenny
  17. Yes, it's heaven/paradise. Because it's Absolute Perfection/Goodness/bliss.
  18. The only thing which is eternal and constant is change itself Guess that could mean an ever-worsening suffering But Change can also mean a turn around and towards bliss Change is unchanging Rest goes on changing. Nothing eternal/fixed.
  19. @Elvaxorn consider what you call eternal as endless and suffering as going in the wrong direction you're in a car that has infinite fuel and you have infinite life and you're on an infinite road so one can keep on driving in the wrong direction to no end. the road will go on, the car goes on and you go on - eternal suffering yet there's the option for a u-turn you can take a u-turn anytime and start driving in the right direction and that will be eternal bliss so it is eternal in a sense that it CAN BE eternal until one chooses to correct themselves. and there's always better late than never. there's no missing the chance, because endless road, endless time.
  20. Keep in mind though no place has meaning , no object has meaning, the only way something could be hell or something could be heaven is by you deciding it to be. Your the one who choses what’s bliss and what’s suffering WOULDNT this be eternal suffering if you were a sex slave right now? It’s all perspective. The place or realm has nothing to do with it .
  21. The Pursuit of Peace and Happiness The conflict is within me. The world is within me. A seemingly mechanised part of me is striving for survival, while a more subtle but very much observant part of me longs for something deeper and more fulfilling. It is clear to me that whatever it is that I yearn must be a feeling, simply because I no longer want to feel the way I feel now. It's not emotional this feeling, I've tried using substances to rid myself of this feeling but even in my euphoria the longing is surprisingly piercing. At this point it becomes obvious that although one may be able to trick the brain into feeling ecstatic using recreational drugs, the heart won't, in even the slightest bit, be fooled. I've always suspected that the heart isn't just biological in its nature, but that it's a spiritual organ as well. I think this is why people who resort to substance abuse can never satisfy the void that is in their hearts, and even in their extreme highs there remains the feeling of the deep soul piercing emptiness inside. The soul yearns for fulfillment. The world is in me, or rather the world is me. I know that this is so because there has never been a moment where I am without the world and the world without me. All perception and experience is one, singular, being. But for the sake of my survival the mind makes it appear otherwise, so much so that what the observant part of me sees isn't what my biology and psychology believes. Or else I would be happy right now, but I'm not because I believe that I am lacking. This is very sad. Because this is not a problem of the world or reality, it is a problem of identity. I know I can be happier than this and be at peace with everything, because I've experienced it before - once. A moment of bliss, purely, or at least seemingly, accidental. During that moment, even in my irritation I was happy, I believe that was a taste of Devine Love. And that happened before I even got into consciousness work. That is very significant to me because for most of my life, growing up in a society marked by and driven by consumerism, I was made to believe that a feeling like that can only be attained through wealth and romance. And now I now that that's not the case because on that day, in that moment I was blessed by something completely outside of my perception, and I got to experience utter bliss. I was somewhere in my mid teens when that happened. This is very sad, but inspiring as well. I know that I don't have to accomplish anything to be that happy again, at least not in the conventional sense.
  22. @Karmadhi So far just whatever girl pops up in the wild lol. But I'm not really an experienced pickup artist who's a lot of cold approaches or anything. For that kind of stuff there are other guys on the forum including Leo who have done a lot of cold approaches that you can question. I just understand to a certain extent the psychological dynamics and agendas of both sexes. Believe it or not it is possible to understand how the world looks through the eyes of a woman lol. Other than socializing more with women more an all of that stuff, I think your main focus should be consciousness work. Consciousness is the number one thing you should be pursuing in life if you want to live life to the fullest with or without a woman. Becoming significantly better with women is peanuts compared to the rest of the long term benefits becoming more conscious has on your life. Aside from making you a stronger man and 1000 times more attractive to women, it leads to better physical health, joy, bliss, better relationships, better internal clarity, helps you conquer fear, more love for life, makes you more authentic and less needy, etc. I can go on and on with the benefits but I just need to tell you enough to get you on the spiritual hype train. There are many methods to become more conscious like meditation, kriya yoga, self inquiry, contemplation, concentration, psychedelics, meditation retreats etc. I recommend you research these techniques in books, videos, courses etc and start taking notes and doing them precisely. Once you get a decent taste of the results. You won't stop lol. It's difficult inner work but extremely rewarding. Leo has many videos on his channel about many techniques for raising your consciousness as well and has many useful books on his book list that have helped me a lot. The book I started out with when I first started meditating is A Million Thoughts By Om Swami.
  23. I became enlightened with the following process. Keep doing as mentioned below and in a process you will feel joyful, blissful and ultimately become enlightened Being purified by his intelligence and controlling the mind with determination giving up the objects of sense gratification being freed from attachment and hatred one who lives in a secluded place who eats little who controls his body mind and power of speech who is always in trance who is detached, free from false ego, false strength, false pride, lust, anger, and acceptance of material things, free from false proprietorship, and peaceful —such a person is certainly elevated to the highest position and remains in Bliss, Paramanand forever. Once you do above in totality, in a process you suddenly start feeling joy within which keeps growing for longer and longer time. From here everything happens automatically and you remain in Bliss.
  24. Keep doing as mentioned below and in a process you will feel joyful, blissful and ultimately become enlightened Being purified by his intelligence and controlling the mind with determination giving up the objects of sense gratification being freed from attachment and hatred one who lives in a secluded place who eats little who controls his body mind and power of speech who is always in trance who is detached, free from false ego, false strength, false pride, lust, anger, and acceptance of material things, free from false proprietorship, and peaceful —such a person is certainly elevated to the highest position and remains in Bliss, Paramanand forever. Once you do above in totality, in a process you suddenly start feeling joy within which keeps growing for longer and longer time. From here everything happens automatically and you remain in Bliss.
  25. Use of Psychedelics for Self Realization may make 95% of the people addict. The proper way is as follow: Keep doing as mentioned below and in a process you will feel joyful, blissful and ultimately become enlightened and attain moksh Being purified by his intelligence and controlling the mind with determination giving up the objects of sense gratification being freed from attachment and hatred one who lives in a secluded place who eats little who controls his body mind and power of speech who is always in trance who is detached, free from false ego, false strength, false pride, lust, anger, and acceptance of material things, free from false proprietorship, and peaceful —such a person is certainly elevated to the highest position and remains in Bliss, Paramanand forever. Once you do above in totality, in a process you suddenly start feeling joy within which keeps growing for longer and longer time. From here everything happens automatically and you remain in Bliss.