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  1. For your last meal eat high protein. Example beef steak. That should stop all that offal bliss your experiencing.
  2. Hi guys for the past month or 2 whenever i sleep i feel a bliss that radiates everywhere and dissolving and then after a few hours i wake up feeling overly energised and can't get back to sleep. If i take melatonin to go back to sleep ill wake up again in another hour or 2. This is a considerable health risk because lack of sleep is disruptive to your daily activities, and in the long term. I feel energised when i wake up but this whole thing is causing very bad fatigue throughout the day. Doctors are fucked on the issue. Any help would be appreciated thanks.
  3. HOME Anchored in spaceless Grounded in timeless Moving in stillness Abiding in silence Serene and peaceful Embodiment of 'this' Governed by Love Beauty and bliss Flow from the Source Streams of healing Here and now Is infinite Being Recognize, aside fear Not knowing is a blessing Surrender to the heart No need for guessing Nowhere else to go No one ever to be You're welcomed Home Here you're free By Natasha <3
  4. "flaunting a big car/house, having a phony relationship, being super ambitious with money, chasing the capitalist corporate model" "being called a loser" Whose voice is this? I am playing the devil's advocate to the whole "become an entrepreneurship/social media influencer or you are a wage slave" bandwagon. Working for a corporation is often a living hell. BUT A Stage Purple person would be able to have ecstasy and bliss while even washing toilets for 8 hours. This is what is getting lost in the "Wage Slave' discussions. A Stage Purple person could be a "Wage Slave" and transform the entire corporation with their presence and influence. This is what I found interesting about Benjamin Smythe. He could have been making major $$$ as a spiritual teacher, if he went into the spiritual influencer route. But he turned his back on that and kept working at a local bike shop probably making minimum wage. Spiritual Growth does not mean being an entrepreneur or retired monk who lives in an aesthetically pleasing location haha Spiritual Growth is when "wherever you are, heaven is"...whether on an island meditating all day or washing toilets in a city for rich people.
  5. What the phrase "Following your bliss" clicks in you? What you'd do if you aligned to that? It sounds like you have some limiting beliefs about dating/pickup, though. It is not over even after 30. Especially since you're in this forum and seem to follow Leo's stuff. The type of women you'd probably will like to associate yourself with will mature and be even more awesome with age. Consider these 35-40 vegan chicks, who do yoga and go on retreats. They usually look like they are 25 and super hot/sexy, probably will be much better in bed as well than your typical teenage/young 20s girl. Much more feminine and open. And you can always find young chicks even in your 30-40s if you're developing good enough, especially if you're developing spiritually and advance in meditation. Go see more older pickup artists who are into meditation (Like TNL, travelbum and so forth, even RSD owen nowadays, lol), they have pretty much 0 problem picking up a young chick if they want to. So i wouldn't be (1) In a such a rush and a hectic space of mind about these things and (2) feel like time is running out and that you'd miss the girs. You can bang chicks even at 60s if you do everything right. Take a look at folks like Mooji, for example. If we are to believe what they tell about him, he is fucking his students left and right and they seem to be very happy about it, because he is this grounded grandpa sage. I am sure you can be a sexy grandpa too, if you want
  6. @soos_mite_ah it's like to watch this video about following your bliss idk but if I did what I wanted I would do nothing. So that's a no from me. @ivory yeah I'm thinking about switching majors
  7. Try removing the image of what you are seeking. and stop chasing the happiness and bliss.. look for the absolute truth and don't settle for less. All your questions will suddenly disappear.
  8. You are one inspiring dude! Totally in love with you. Chill. Relax. Take it naturally. As I said somewhere previously, the breathing impacts me differently compared to what I have heard from people. The tingling - and especially the cramps - are very real. I used to get them around the 20th minute when I started. Nowadays they appear at around the 60th minute. The profundity of the experience increases in the meantime, of course. Don't do anything harmful. I vaguely remember having cramps one day, yet I kept breathing, loosened the body & surrendered, and sort of overcame the cramp-mountain & reached a tranquil sea on the other side, where everything was peaceful once again. The funny thing is, I then sat up and looked around the room, but I was not in the third dimension anymore; that whole notion was deconstructed. So kinda awesome and mystical. My first-ever shamanic breathing session gave me tingles, yet I was too blind to notice the bliss, the revelation, the higher state. It was McKennitt's song Beneath a Phrygian Sky, while lying in the afterglow, at which I first gawked. Music is powerful, other-worldly, it guides you. Try if you haven't yet. And take it easy. You are already amazing. Love ya, man! @Loving Radiance I will. It became a part of my daily routine as a connection to the mystical, for I am not yet capable of basking in those states permanently. I will not update the thread anymore, though, unless I really feel like it.
  9. The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it. ~ Eckhart Tolle If you don't have very strong emotions or very intense thoughts about something, you cannot get depressed. ~ Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev Life is rooted in reality, not in your thoughts and emotions. ~ Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev Rather than being your thoughts and emotions, be the awareness behind them. ~ Eckhart Tolle The most beautiful moments in your life – moments of bliss, moments of joy, moments of ecstasy, moments of utter peace – were moments when you were not thinking about anything. You were just living. ~ Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev
  10. Lol bro I know you're not telling me anything new. Reality can be whatever we make it to be. I said I had an awakening that was exactly the same as what Leo described. I literally "I'm god?" and experienced godhood. Pure bliss and love. For eternity. That got boring. Look at my post history and you will see that I understand this truth very well. This whole forum is just god talking to itself.
  11. Depends on the awakening. Exclaiming OMFG comes to mind. And/or Jaw may drop in awe and shock. Feelings of total Divine Bliss and Love that words will never do justice.
  12. So, here I am with the rest of the insights and considerations! 2) I had another lucid dream (this one was horrific and made me scared af) I mean, how rare is it to have a lucid dream without techniques or such? Well, this is now the 3rd lucid dream in 3 nights (damn epic streak). And this was totally horrific, both for the dream content and for the insights (I remain skeptic). This was something Dark style (if you ever watched it on Netflix, you’ll know, what I mean). Let me tell you what I dreamed of. There were @billiesimon and I who made some tests in the dreams. Sometimes I was me and sometimes I was him. We would go back in particular moments where something specific happened, while being conscious that specific actions would cause that specific outcome. I/We tried then to do something else on purpose so that those outcomes would never happen. Well, it didn’t work out. Sooner or later the same outcomes happened again. The dream ended with @billiesimon cutting me to pieces (I felt the pain of being cut) to prove that I couldn’t escape what’s already written (in the original situation I was cut to pieces; rewinding it back, trying to escape and doing something else, brought the same result). I woke up with my hearth thumping in my chest and had to calm down for 10-15 minutes straight, before going back to sleep. What it practically means is (if it’s true) that life is already written, and we are just “re-living” that. This means we don’t have any control on our life, and everything is going exactly as expected. E.g. this would completely explain dejavus, which are moments when we feel we have already lived that. This is somehow disturbing, because this could mean we are already dead, and we are just apparently alive to live forever and ever the same things. On the other side, this means we are now allowed to detach ourselves from outcome, because it doesn’t matter what you do: it’s all already written. This also means that reality is a dream too. I remember Leo's video about it and by having so many lucid dreams in the last days, I am really starting to find truth in his words. I have already had glimpse of lucid dreams and other lucid dreams in my past which felt more real than reality itself. Some of them were damn magnificent. 3) My dissociation is becoming detachment I followed your suggestions and I am trying to listen more to myself and to my body. I notice I feel generally calm and mild lightness and joy. I am becoming more sponteneous and lighthearted. I laugh a lot, weree before I was a bit like the James Bond typ ála "k dude" or "cool story bro" and I could not really find humorism in some things. With these awakenings and insights I am getting, I am becoming slowly engaged in life itself. 4) My state is fluctuating and not stable Even if it seems that my detachment state is permanent, this state it's still fluctuating. I don't feel the same state all day long and there are particular moments, when I still feel some kind of pain-body. Still I notice an incredible rise in awareness, presence and non-reactivity, especially in situations where I usually would be triggered. 5) I feel reborn I feel like I was born again or that something was washed off my eyes. I feel I can now experiment with life and with myself and start living. I feel like as if you were visiting a new city for the first time. You look around, you observe details, you feel the energy of the place with enthusiasm. You are not in your mind, but enjoying visiting this new city. All my perceptions are augmented. All smells are richer. I can distinguish more flavors and enjoy their complexity. After raining, I can smell the smell of wet grass, moist soil, humidity in the air and other smells carried out from the wind. All sounds are fuller, all colors are more vibrant and colorful. There is more clarity and complexity in my perceptions. Everything feel different, but right, as if before it was the "false" way of perceiving. 6) Every day I discover something new I still haven't experienced the core of true awakening: Discovering who I really am, nothingness and that's all an illusion (perception). I am still not at that point, but I saw some signs here and there (e. g. nature who smiled at me, lucid dreams, some insights I had etc.) that make me think this is a big prelude to that giant insight. I am building up momentum and insights. I tried following your suggestions, but it still doesn't click in my direct experience. 7) There are feelings I don’t really know in my life I noticed there are feelings I felt not so much (or at all) in my life and I am looking for pratical ways to incorporate them in my life. Here is a list in no particular order: Union Unconditional Love 100% Integrity and Authenticity Freedom Bliss Forgiveness Radiance Passion Abundance Victor Joy Patience Humilty Gratitude Happiness Worthy Acceptance Playfullness Spontaneousness Serenity I am looking at what make me passionate. Spirituality, Self-Help and helpiing people make me really passionale and I want my Vision and my LP to encompass this. 8) I am trying to go with the flow and stop forcing awakenings I stopped overtechnicizing life, meditation and spirituality. I stopped relentless self-inquiry at once. Instead of meditating I am just "Being". I am trying to be patient, curious and spontaneous and don't go for the quick wins, but to relax and enjoy the process with trust that it will work. During work I am taking breaks to enjoy the present moment and I am focusing myself on one thing at once. When I eat, I eat. When I shit, I shit. When I be, I be. Today I trained in gym without music. Just trained. I want to experience things as they are. 9) I am showing gratitude for this gift Everything changed since I received this thing I cannot describe. It came at the right moment and I show actively gratitude for it. 10) Love is what we need I told myself these words under the tree and during another trip. Love is really what we need. Self-Love at first. Hope you liked it!
  13. Productivity as a Part of Trauma Normally the observation I have made is that the more trauma I release and the more I work on my mental health, the more productive I become. However, I'm also thinking of the possibility of it being the other way around where I have trauma related to productivity. I have touched on this before in my "Smart=Safety" post where I discuss how I avoided doing certain tasks because I associated it with being unsafe. I also touched on the concept of undisciplined discipline. I always saw trauma as something that prevented me from working hard but now I'm also trying to see how trauma was created from working hard So basically: trauma-> not working hard vs. working hard -> trauma I have talked a lot of the first scenario but in this post I'll be talking about the second. Here are some contributing factors to the second category. 1. Late capitalism: Yesterday I went on about a whole thing internally of being a souless cog in the machine. I also have trauma related to being put in a competitive environment growing up and I began equating my sense of self with how much I could produce, well in this case how much work I could do. I realized that this was toxic and I swung waaay too far in the other direction. I also find myself being hopeless about the future. It appears as if late capitalism has made us all into drones. There are the middle class to poor people struggling to make ends meet and have fulfilling lives because in order to support themselves they need to dedicate their lives to work. I've also been exposed to rich people who pursue status even if they are well to do and have the choice to pursue a life purpose because they have been fed the notion of "you are what you own, you are what you make, and you are you're job position." Apart from chasing materialism a lot of these people also make themselves work crazy long hours in jobs they don't like and then that leads to the manifestation of dysfunction elsewhere in their lives. Its similar to seeing how the patriarchy is destructive towards men. Sure men get the better end of the stick just like the rich get the better end of capitalism but both parties are still psychologically affected and hurt from the system that benefits them at face value. Sometimes I also fantasize about being a housewife and remove myself from this situation all together. However, I know how that story ends and how that puts a strain on a relationship because of added obligations. It simply isn't sustainable. Even my escapist fantasy doesn't check out. It feels like there is no escape. I want to be in a place where I can be free both from the worries of how I'm going to support myself but also free to be creative and do what I want. Which leads me to the fourth scenario, being self employed and pursuing a life purpose. That is also something that seems scary to me. 2. Being afraid of hard work There is a part of me that is ashamed of being afraid of hard work. After all society always says things about glorifying working yourself to the bone. There was a period of time where I did work myself to the bone and I got the consequences from that. I was terribly burnt out and my mind just checked out one day. This went on from February 2019 all the way to about June 2019. I did learn a lot about myself and I learned to stop defining myself according to what I produce. But that period was also traumatic now that I think about it. It's like I want to coddle myself to avoid ever ending up like that again. Also my grades tanked during this time and I still have nightmares regarding that to this day. I also see hard work as pure resistance. I know that isn't true if I actually think about it. For instance, when I'm doing something I care about such as journaling, I can write a long post and not get tired afterwards. It aligns with what I genuinely want to do, therefore removing resistance. I can watch a lot of videos on personal development in one sitting with my absolute attention and not get tired. If anything it refreshes me. What is considered work and play are relative terms. I'm sure there are people who have tried to journal like this and have tried to dedicate themselves to self development but they find it exhausting work instead. There is also this quote that I'm trying to take into consideration which is something along the lines of "you're going to suffer regardless so you need to find what is worth suffering for." This quote is about finding a higher sense of purpose that makes the resistance worth it. While I am willing to agree with that, I would also add the notion of finding what kind of suffering feels like your bliss. . . . I guess both of these ultimately comes down to appreciating orange instead of only focusing on it's negatives and combining it with healthy green ideals of connection and gentleness to soften the discipline so that it doesn't become undisciplined discipline.
  14. So, here I am! I want to share many things that happened to me yesterday and today that I realized. First, I want to describe, how I feel myself right now. Before going to the park and having that breakthrough, I felt confused and detached. After coming back, I felt more joyful and grounded on earth. I feel myself energetic, motivated and positive. I feel myself more full and "roundier". So, let's talk about my insights. I am dividing them into different topics so it's easier for you to read what you like. I am open to hear more from you (especially for the "I" topic, where I am a bit confused). 1) Misconceptions and confusion about "I": Who am I REALLY? I had yesterday three occasions where I noticed afterwards that there was something strange. The first occasion was as I cried out of joy at the park (see my post up here) I felt it was not me (the me identity) who cried, but someone other else. In fact I felt a distance between who was crying and the me identity. It was, as if my body cried on its own or that I have someone else inside of me who used the body in which I still partially identify myself to cry. The second occasion was after coming back home and having a discussion with my ex gf, who is still living with me. I felt that there was someone else who was angry at her (it was some pain body attack). In fact, as soon as I noticed it, I stopped immediately my behavior and preferred to do a step back instead of losing awareness, wasting time etc (it was a goalless discussion). The third occasion was yesterday, as I was talking with my best friend on the phone and we we were looking some funny guy on the internet. I laughed a lot. Much more than I usually would do for that. I felt it was not Vittorio who laughed, but someone else. And I felt it was natural to laugh so much. So it seems there are two different entities inside of me: one, the "bad" one, which is the one I identified myself with. This is the passive one, the resentful one etc. The other entity, the "good" one, is the one who is joyful, has understanding for the situation, is wise and know what's the best thing to do, can be present, can show gratitude, appreciation and joy (and much more). So, who am I? The "bad" one or the "good" one? Who governs me? What is "me"? Who is really speaking? The good or the bad entity? When I see at who am I, I see noone and nothing. It seems that my thoughts and everything I perceive come out of nowhere. If I close my eyes and focus on being, it seems as if all perceptions were in the same realm and if I were there in the middle, together with all these perceptions, in some kind of primordial soup and that's the true core of reality and what I am. 2) Ego was what brought me here, now I have to let it go to move forward To pursue enlightenment there must be some ego driven motivation to let the ball roll and start pursuing it. After a while, you'll understand that ego gets in your way and that will either slow you down or prevent you from reaching deeper awakenings. This means I must: Become aware of what's left of my ego and how it works Stop giving my ego attentions and letting me govern from it Be mindful and avoid mental chatter and monkey mind Understand which ways does my ego use to slow me down from awakening (e.g. sense of proudness, sense of moral superiority, sense of achievement etc.) Stay in the Being as long as possible and make it my standard condition 3) Stop feeling myself morally better and cool I understood why enlightened people don't want to talk about them as being enlightened. First, normal people don't understand at all what enlightenment is (and are not even interested). Second, telling someone who doesn't understand enlightenment that you are enlightened make you look a fool or "that strange guy". Third, this is a ego driven attitude to feel yourself morally better and cool and feel that sense of proudness and getting approval from others. This is a problem of mine, because I try to convey unconsciously and indirectly how cool, intellectual and insightful I am to get approval and recognition. This is only mind game and make my ego stronger. Rather, it's much better to feel humilty and gratitude for the gift you received. As I said, I have to let it go or to reach fuller awakenings. It's a tradeoff. I am more than happy to do this tradeoff, but it won't be easy. The biggest misconceptions about "living in the present moment": What do people understand I understand yesterday the biggest misconception about "living in the present moment". People understand it in these ways: There is only the present moment, so I don't have to mind about consequences and I can do everything I want (even bad stuff) I must always act right now, because there is no other moment than now Do you have any doubt? Hey, there is only the now, just do it (Nike style) Well, this is NOT what "living in the present moment" means. I understand in the next point why, by talking about Mind vs Being. 4) Mind vs Being I noticed that my monkey mind is something separated from me. I noticed that Being is separated from my monkey mind, but it's the "real" me. So I understood that the true core of living Reality is the Being and with Being I mean living reality in the present moment as it is, be feeling and living itself in a raw manner with all your perceptions without any distraction, monkey mind, projections or such. This is what "living in the present moment" really means. Living without wandering off with your mind. So there is Mind and there is Being and you have to learn to use them both properly to live good. If you are in your Mind, then you are not in your Being (and viceversa) Mind nullifies Being and Being nullifies Mind. That's why meditation turn off Mind. Because the focus is on the Being and not on the Mind anymore. Mind is neurotic and falsehood, Being is calm, happiness, Love and Truth. 5) Stop trying to understand everything and go with the flow I understood that I have to take it easy and stop trying to grasp everything with my mind. There will be the right time for me to deepen my understanding. 6) I must open myself more to life and to positive feelings I have to open myself up more to life, to Love, Passion, Joy, Gratitude and let it go. These things are actually missing in my life. I am not used to feel these things, if not sporadically. I have always been result centered and pragmatic (not materialist, only pragmatic) and did not enjoy the small things. This is why it was hard to me to find a Vision or a LP. Because LP and Vision are passion driven and need clarity. You cannot have any clarity, if you are super pragmatic and task oriented. That's one of the reasons why I felt lost for so much time and didn't have any sense of direction. Luckily I have more passion than before, but I feel there is much more to do here. 7) I am randomly waking up in the middle of the night This is the second night in a row I wake up around 4.30 AM in a state of high energy and presence (so no worries or anxiety). After a while insights start plowing in. I dunno why it happens (lol I just want to sleep). Does anybody know why exactly? Some monkey mind shows up too, so I must ground myself in Being and become as much present as possible and to relax myself. I actually relaxed myself so much that after 15 minutes I went into sleep and had a crazy lucid dream experience (the second one in two days). 8) I am having crazy lucid dream experiences I had yesterday and today crazy lucid dream experiences before fully waking up. This is the first one. Yesterday I was in this big space where it was a mixture between an open space/park and a house. While sleeping I became fully consciously that I was in a dream. I started testing the dream. I pinched my arms and I felt pain. I went then on a threadmill there and start running, to see if I got out of breath and tired. And yes, it was just like "normal" reality, but it was rather another reality. So I told to myself in my dream that that was so cool I had to wake up and tell my best friend @billiesimon about it. And I did exactly that. The second one was something stranger. I was aware I was "here" and "there" simultaneously. It was some creepy silent hill decadent setting. I understood this was some kind of symbolic dream, where I had to fully exorcise a specific fear from my past caused by a paranormal activity I had in my childhood. I exorcised it in a past trip, but it seems I am still not completely over it. This time I was motivated to face it once and for all. I had no fear and felt totally in control of myself. I was there to open this door and facing my fear. And then... I woke up. Lolz, badass. 9) Reality will show up to give you hints about who you really are This is something I discussed with my best friend @billiesimon. What he felt in his direct experience is that perceptions and events are there to let you notice who you really are. I felt something like that yesterday too. As I went to the park, I felt how everything was different, as if it were the first time I was visiting that park and that reality was popping up around me as I moved. I felt as if trees, branches, leaves and the entire universe were smiling at me and invited me to move further (= here I am and here you are). I smiled and kept walking I smiled at the sun and he shined brighter, warming me with his rays I noticed the magnificence, the abundance and the perfection of reality with every single leaf, branch and grass stems After a while I sat under a big tree, put my headphones on and listened to Beatles' song "Love is all you need" and focused on grounding myself in the present moment Few seconds later I started crying a lot. Crying out of deep Joy, Gratitude, Appreciation and Love to be alive and to experience Life and I understood for some time that our existence is magic, precious and frail. That's why we don't have to waste it and rather find our bliss in what we do and do what's make us the most passionate and joyful. 10) I am probably going to do a trip this weekend I want to deepen my awakening and to root myself more into being, thus opening myself up to a more stable, profound and permanent shift. My trip intention is reaching a deeper awakening and root myself more into Being permanently.
  15. Any civilization that survives, will have to transcend the lower ego states into higher state of consciousness after it has mastered a level of technical ability. The ego is what suffers. If they don’t transcend the ego, they will self destruct. We are now at a stage where we have the technology to annihilate ourselves with nuclear weapons. If our consciousness does not evolve, we will destroy ourselves. There is no predetermined plan that says humanity has to survive. We can be one of the failures. Higher intelligence would be living in a state of bliss. It’s either bliss or death.
  16. Please, contemplate what I'm about to write instead of pondering over it. You are not confused about your life purpose. You only believe you are. Your purpose shines like a beacon. Despite the treacherous sea, despite the raging waves, despite the thoughts which are trying to becloud it, the light ripples through. This is your calling. This is your bliss. You know, if the world was ending right now, I would play a game of chess and lick a lollipop. How random, yet perfectly aligned with mine. If thoughts are your armor, the life purpose is where your skin begins. Side note: I absolutely adore your profile picture. I do not know you, but you are my knight. You are such a hero for searching for your highest aspiration. I love it. Main note: Your life purpose does not wait somewhere in the future. Search into the depth of the present moment instead. Trust me. That is how I have found mine. By realizing I already have it. When you sit too close to a screen, you lose track of the surroundings. Same goes for your life purpose. Maybe it is too obvious, too pure to be true, too authentic to pursue. Do shamanic breathing. I wouldn't have found mine without it.
  17. I got it. I have a different self-esteem and believes than yours at the time you got your enlightenment. I got depression and had many setbacks in my life. I felt myself caged a lots of time and I suffered a lot, but I never had suicidal thoughts and I always strived to break free at all costs and found my way out one way or another. Many times I paid a high price for that. I have already experienced in real life and in psychedelic trips following feelings and things: - Meaningslessness - Feeling of isolation and don't being understood anymore after what I discovered - I am God - I am infinite - Reality is magic and a bliss - Everything is illusory and only a perception - Oneness - Being - Perception is "glued in" to reality - Freed myself from some kind of entity which stalked me for more than 10 years in my dreams after a paranormal activity happened in my childhood (it was a kind of self-made exorcism I did on myself) - Channeling and possession from entities and much more. So I am not a complete newbie with that. Still, I am following your suggestions and reading a new earth again (not everything, because I have most of the foundation handled, but reading the chapters I feel will help me most).
  18. Do nothing but what your body / mind want to naturally. Don't have any grip on your experience of life, just let things happen and you will experience it to the fullest. Explain to me what advice you want, what are you suggesting exactly? If you want to do something on this world, eating survival etc. You can't be enlightened, but you can be pretty blissful. When you have awakened you can always let go of ego and experience bliss. Every now and then you might see a kid laugh his head of what is the energy that that children is giving in to at that moment? You need to give in to that too, always give in to what you are feeling (when not in survival situations) and you will create a pleasant experience for yourself if you become one with it.
  19. Don't fall into the "entrepreneurship = heaven" trap. You can be in states of ecstasy and bliss in a 9-5 job. And you can be in states of hell and unease as an entrepreneur.
  20. I usually don't get past the image part of Nithyananda. Coversations usually end after endless responses aginst the accusations aginst him. Do you know what will happen if i make a post here about Nithyananda? Either nobody will comment, or I will have to constantly argue aginst 20 people like yourself, who couldn't give more fuck about his teachings. And that is time wasted, see my journal to look what i acctually plan for doing. Because i have something I want to do while paying the bills, and keeping myself spiritually lubricated, thanks to Nithyananda and other gurus, hehe. There is about 10+ more videos of him talking about unclutching, if you do a simple yt search. He even copyrighted the word so you don't get the wrong definiton of what he is saying. In his book called living enlightenment 125.p there is a mention about unclutching. Literally what you do in my own terms is. Notice that there is a sensation or a tought arising. If it is a tought (inner voice) of your mind - then for a brief moment notice that it is there - then decide to keep unclutching. Declare your will to make that tought lose its emotional, sensational or mental impact on you. If you get lost in the tought process or feel unable to unclutch, keep deciding to unclutch, unclutch, unclutch. You will see the effects yourself if you do this for 20 minutes a day. What i feel is bliss in my manipuraka and swadishtana, depending upon what is it that i am unclutching from - fear or lust (the meaning of toughts expresses as emotion and sensation). If that is a sensation - pain, vision, picture in your mind, tiredness, agitation, resistance, anger, fear, boredom. And if you just try to unclutch from it - first of all noticing that it is there and willing to unclutch from it (distance yourself from it), discarge yourself from it, it is like turning a heavy steering wheel, it is intense, but the results can be very fast and last up to few days. The after effect of such practices is like volcano errputing in you with bliss, once you get it. Of course, it doesn't relieve you of dark night of the soul, aka - either ego backlash or suffering. That is why you use consciousness to evolve further in this journey. The actual benefits after trying, to unclutch, unclutch and unclutch - almost like a mantra to express your will to change the direction, will happen progressively over time, and there is immense benefit to trying to unclutch. The actual benefits are greater than the initial ones, your self image will improve and there will be more complete feeling of life. That is my PERSONAL experience from practicing this and other techniques. Idk, his explanation works for me. And i have watched multiple vids on unclutching, multiple times - because my motivation was to make it work, because i was so desperate at the time. There you go "well if it worked so well for you bla bla bla". The burden of proof is on you. I don't have to justify anything. It's on you. I just chose to do so, i don't know if its even worth it. Do you even meditate? I did before hand i tried unclutching and of course it works, because i just did it consistently. The bottom line is just keep deciding to unclutch, your being underestands what you are trying to do, don't worry. Or in more technical steps. 1.See what you are about to unclutch from. 2.Decide to unclutch from it for some amount of time to reduce it's impact on you - its like hitting the brakes, it just reduces the speed in a lower manner. 3.At the end of every session unclutch from even the concept of unclutching. 4.Enjoy
  21. Thanks, I appreciate the guidance. It's a great pointer, i think the same as what I was trying to suggest. The moon is ametaphor here tho, so this Iam im talking about is not the Iam localized in mind /body and nor ourside of mind/body. It does not have a shape and a size, its a quality. It's beingness, cannot be pointed to directly and perfectly, because it "doesnt exist" as you say. It is not a form. But you are it. I am not trying to intellectualise here too much. I want this to be practical, not theoretical. I am pointing to the gold out of which the jewels of beings are made. Not the individual jewel. So you cant say I'm missing the sky, because that's what im pointing. Otherwise I would say that the I am has a subtle individual form. Also I have not mentioned, but the small Iam which is individuated can give up all it knows, to this great Iam which is all. The JesUS which is ALLah. To give up all concepts and definitions, to not cling to a certain way. They don't get lost, there is just a resting,purifying and purging while this giving up is done. In this resting in the greater I we become ignorant, we become newborn like babies, just like every time we go to deep sleep, but fully consciously and aware. This is the communion, this is Love, this is Light and bliss. In this state of no-self we can begin to shine more light and see our connectedness with not only those who follow our pointer, but with all beings. Not just Christians or Buddhists, not just those who share our worldview, not just humans even. all beings. This is not enlightenment yet, enlightenment happens through grace, not brute force, trickery or trying. It does not happen through intellectual understanding, but the intellectual can serve as a map. "The maps is not the territory ", but without a map you are way way way more likely to get lost. That doesn't mean to cling to the map and to say no other map is valid. And also that doesn't mean all maps are valid too. I trust my intuition and my heart on these matters. I can see when there is sincerity and authenticity, and when I am fed with some distraction. It happens through surrender and its not up to me and you. It's all up to the great IAM, the sky if you will, the @Essence
  22. @AlphaAbundance So basically it might help to be able to stimulate the brain in that way that it opens up other areas of the body. Some do it with drugs I did it with music and sport combination. I had to pay a price for it my brainpower went down for deep thinking but my general energy level was amazingly high. It came close to the term ignorance is bliss. When you get difficult problems and you need your brain it may then be shocking to do deep thinking. Might feel depressing but it is worth a try if nothing else works. Sounds like tons of fun. What would be the benefits/purpose of this? (Fun? Energy levels?) It seems like a valuable endeavor however how does it connect to the problem of suffering from effort, having to work to live? Oh I see, are you saying like this might help to deal with the emotions or like "get my mind off" or give me some breathing room when considering this problem? Yes basically it's the feeling when you do sport with music. You have lots of energy for menial tasks. I could find a job where I did not have to think much. Then you can keep a high energy level. Once you have to start to think deep you get problems because you can't concentrate much but as long as the job is not intellectually demanding it can be nice. Physical work has some therapeutic effect. Modern life expects sometimes too much intellectual work from us. That might give you some time to recover and then you can try normal life again.
  23. For now it's very crucial that I focus only on my own apprenticeship. Call it Intuition or whatever. I will have to bust through Obstacles until at least the End of 2021 to get to my Bliss -- while keeping an Eye on the Vision. That will be the hardest part. That I won't be consumed by everyday Life or quit to never pick something idealistic up again. Tough shit. But if it were easy, it would be probably not interesting enough to inspire me. After that I would be delighted to create a school so that new Ones have more than the University of Youtube..
  24. Life doesn't have meaning but it can make sense. As English is a germanic language the words sense and 'sinn' have the same meaning. In Germany we say das macht Sinn. Same in English that makes sense. So basically it might help to be able to stimulate the brain in that way that it opens up other areas of the body. Some do it with drugs I did it with music and sport combination. I had to pay a price for it my brainpower went down for deep thinking but my general energy level was amazingly high. It came close to the term ignorance is bliss. When you get difficult problems and you need your brain it may then be shocking to do deep thinking. Might feel depressing but it is worth a try if nothing else works.
  25. @AlphaAbundance Yes, the higher perspective is enlightenment/liberation or whatever one wishes to call it, but it is important to distinguish the mental idea of enlightenment with the actual experience. In simple terms, you distinguish the Self that is looking out through your eyes right now from the noisy little human self that is always grappling with problems to do with past and future. Only the present consciousness is real. This would change your entire outlook as you can imagine. Having more insights from the higher intelligence might give you a newfound purpose of some kind, or you might still prefer to chill out. There's no right or wrong, except be true to yourself. Owning a home and having basic living costs covered is incredibly liberating, though is easier said than done unless there is access to a substantial sum. Even then, there can be all sorts of restrictions around money for everyday living and it can get depressing. As for mental issues, there can be a certain lethargy caused by a lack of positive engagement with people and challenges. But if you are involved with other goals, that would likely not be an issue. But the finances are hard to get right if there's no external source of support. Sometimes I say that surviving on part-time work is a more achievable goal. Many near-death experiences end because people are told by higher powers that their mission here is not complete. If someone dies suddenly, even if by 'accident', it means their mission was complete. We are not all guaranteed to live 80 years. Suicides often have less pleasant after-death experiences because we are overriding the higher purpose when our minds make the clinical calculation that living is more painful than dying. My best advice is to take suicide off the cards and instead focus heavily on that higher purpose. People who live to old age often comment that the time passes crazy fast anyway. For your last question, the error is in thinking that the suffering is caused by situations. Some masters have lived the most mundane lives, and been in bliss the whole time. They feel joy in even the dullest of chores. It is hard to even imagine or describe it, and it is something antithetical to the ways of Western society and its consumerism, competitiveness, etc. Personally I love the pure and direct teachings of Ramana Maharshi, but there are other worthy teachers also. I hope this helps!