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  1. @LfcCharlie4 Thanks for the shout out man, it means a lot. I think we have a responsibility as people on the path to go out in the world and be successful and make money etc. The world would be a better place if awakened beings were at the highest levels of government, business etc. I plan on making a lot of money and having a lot of influence as i grow. But the difference is I will do it with a high level of consciousness and with the intention to help others.
  2. Ask and ye shall receive...❤ thanks When I read this it completely reminded me of Osho... although I'm aware he was big on meditation. Anyone in tier-2 would recognize that Awakening can occur in traditional advaita, neo advaita and everything all encompassing... there's no prerequisites it's just something that apparently happens. Tony Parsons mentioned a drunk bum that awakened after a long night of partying and doing drugs. (of course you could say the drugs were a practice in itself) Anyone taking a left to right movement in these non dual descriptions would just be limiting themselves to one option. I've had a couple drinky-poo so I hope that makes sense? ?
  3. @Nahm I can’t believe you guys don’t kick out people like him. He asks me why I haven’t done psychedelics, I tell him why, then he proceeds to call me names and make wrong stereotypical judgements. Then he tells you his intent to make me feel bad lol. All this because I don’t want to take psychedelics at this stage of my life. Keep in mind he claims he is awakened. What a joke! If this isn’t bullshit I don’t know what is! You have too many bullshiters who don’t know how to keep the discussion civil. On top of that, you don’t even enforce the guidelines properly. Makes me not want to come on this forum again. Too many bullshiters.
  4. I was dreaming of spring (this time of year I always dream of tropical beaches and spring and this year I just allow it and it's pure enjoyment without the weight of time) and thought about lilacs. I was so enchanted with the memory of last year's lilacs that I thought to write it on my dream board. There is one gift a boy gave me that I remember more fondly than ever. It was the same one who annoyed me sometimes, who I already journaled about who drew me as his wife on the calendar page, but one spring day he brought me and the other girls in our class lilacs that he had picked waiting before the bus came. I'd never really seen or smelled lilacs before that. Not only did he bring me flowers, but the first knowledge/experience of something I would love my entire life. I can feel my face start to get red, at the embarrassment of letting myself be drawn into pure fantasy and romance, and then tears flow down with the realization that that's exactly what I came to do. I see that love, romance, fantasy and gifts can be freely accepted without remorse, shame, guilt or fear. Too good to be true? It is. Why would I create Dr.P to come through as a persona and a literal real life awakened past "being", with a book he had written about a story that broke the duality between fantasy and reality. As much as I had loved Jesus, and as much as I had loved Harry Potter, Dr.P was where the duality between "actual past" and "fictional fantasy" came to die. And I had come to love him before I even knew about him. I had come to be obsessed with that spot on the river, where I went just to appreciate the beauty of nature and my beautiful kids playing in it. It consumed me and I couldn't understand it. Then the stroller rolling away in the cemetery, the joke of the poison nightshade growing on a herbal healers grave, the lost and found again mittens, the impulse to read the book, and then finding the remains of his house, and that they had overlooked the spot on the river the entire time. He came through my love of the "past" and nature to give me gifts, insights and such a strong force of love to overcome my assumptions about reality. It's complete, beautifully written fantasy. So is my path, my existence, my entire life. It's consuming itself in an act of Love. I have played a damsel in distress, but in doing so I am the dragon who threatens her. I have created a fantasy of a knight in shining armor who rescues me from my self imposed bleak prison of existence. Why do I create so many spiritual warrior heros? I am a psychological whore of the heart mind. Oh the spiritual "teachers" I have I loved and let in. Jesus, John, Harry Potter, C.S.Lewis, Leo, Ekhart Tolle, D.P and so many others. Because I am them too. And no one is responsible for any of it. "Responsibility and desire just butt heads, they don't really do well together." -Esther Perell Ohhhh.. shit. She says at the end "Merry Valentine's" It was posted on Valentine's Day. I shared this in the dating section without realizing this synchronicity. What did you tell him about responsibility on Valentine's Day? What day did you join the forum on 4 years ago? What have you dug up Mandy, what are you doing? Are you holding a shovel right now? No? Then no one is digging anything up. This is so embarrassing! Why am I on a forum full of intelligent practical men talking about love, romance and little girl's fantasies? You mean to ask, "who is responsible for that? "
  5. If you're able to- Work 1-1 with a teacher and receive Transmissions. Ramana Maharshi- “Silence is truth. Silence is bliss. Silence is peace. And hence Silence is the Self.” Read this- Silence is and always has been the highest teaching. Words are amazing when necessary, but eventually all concepts must be let go. Self Inquiry was 'invented' by Ramana Maharshi for those not ready for the power of silence, to help them get to that silence and rest there, in the stillness you will then find God/ Absolute/ The Self. Transmissions from an awakened being could be compared to this silence on steroids, it's a bit of a shit analogy but I can't think of a better one! And, just to add once you arrive at the ultimate silence, then thoughts, feelings, the play of life ceases to have the same effects it had on you before as you are no longer identified with it. So, you will still have thoughts, emotions, things happen etc, but these will be felt, thought, lived in the now and then pass through you, the resistance and 'stickiness' is what changes. You could then say Non-Duality and Duality merge in one 'explosion' and the rest in this peace is beyond beautiful.
  6. Looks like I misunderstood your intention. I thought you were asking for proof from awakened teachers that psychedelics are effective. I don’t know of any teachers, other than Leo, that provide guidance on how to use psychedelics effectively on a spiritual path. It seems more like hundreds of scattered trip reports across the internet. I think in the future there will be more teachers that specifically teach psychedelic methods - similar to how many teachers today that give guidance on meditation methods. The people I listed have used psychedelics on their path, yet don’t talk much about it or give best usage instructions.
  7. @4201 You are citing spiritual teachers that have no psychedelic experience. Of course they won’t advocate for psychedelics, since that wasn’t their path. And awakened beings are not just people that lead retreats, ashrams and give talks with a vase of flowers by their side. There are plenty of awakened beings that do not lead conspicuous lives, especially about their psychedelic use. There are awakened beings that have used psychedelics as part of their path. People like Leo, Martin Ball, Lisa Cairns, Ananta Kranti - and people on this forum. As well, go travel through Peru. I met dozens of awakened being engaging in Ayahuasca ceremonies. And native Americans have been using psychedelics for mysticism for centuries. Yet other awakened beings like Ram Dass didn’t resonate with psychedelics. Noone can give you a 100% guarantee of their effectiveness or ineffectiveness. On a scale of 1-10, perhaps the value of psychedelics for you would be 2, or maybe an 8. The only way to find out is try it for yourself through direct experimentation. At a personal level, I don’t resonate with anyone that is 100% pro-psychedelics as the one and only cure all or anyone that is 100% anti-psychedelics. Both are immature, ignorant positions contracted into partial truths.
  8. My answer to you is, because not everyone gets this chance. You have been given the chance to fully realise what you truly are, your true nature. Some people live their entire lives without even the slightest inkling that they aren’t a person riding around in their heads, being attached to “positive” things, and averse to “negative” things. But you have, somehow, by chance, stumbled onto your true nature, or at least got a whiff of it. Now, this should be your new meaning of life, to realise what you truly are. You can still live your life, have goals, have a girlfriend, get a good job, make mistakes, own a house, have kids, or not, and along the way lots of things will change, you might not achieve those goals you had set for yourself, but then you will realise they were only an expression of your ego, so it will be easy to let go of them and continue. But, you can also find psycho-technologies to assist you in getting what you want by changing who you are on the surface. But, what you really are will not change. If you really want to get down in the dumps go read some Nietzsche, that will depress the shit out of you, I mean real despair. But, if you have awakened, even despair wont bother you, it will be observed, and then you will get back to things in your life which give some meaning, like friends, family, hobbies, etc, and those dark times won’t seem so dark. Good luck. You are still so young, and to be at this stage at your age is surprising to me, it took me 15 more years to get to this point, and I feel I am only just beginning in this journey to nowhere.
  9. The more awakened version of the free will question resolves as there not being a difference between free will and not free will, since that is a duality. It's very tricky. The universe's will is in control, but you are also the universe. In the end, everything is God's will, but you are also God. So you sit right in the nexus of the matter.
  10. Yeah why isn't this so called awakened person at a healthy weight? is she still eating McDonalds?
  11. Time is speeding up again. A lot is going on and it's going on fast. Regardless, I wanted to take a moment and share a few thoughts with you here. Those seeking guidance; may be pointed in the right direction. Those who have forgotten; may be reminded. Those searching for a fun read; may be entertained. So... Let's talk Reality! What is it? What's it all about? Everything around you, including you is pure, infinitely intelligent, self-aware Light. Everything you can see, hear, touch, taste and smell is at its core Light. Literally. Even the air you breathe is actually Light. And it's all vibrating at a certain frequency. That is why some things appear to be solid and others soft, airy or liquid - for example. There is nothing physical about reality, really. What we call "physical" is simply a specific density of Light. In actuality; there is no matter. Only vibration. Consciousness. It's all just Light crossing its own path. Over and over again. That is how things appear to be. That is how stuff is tangible. Visible. Experiential. This game... is a vibrational game. In it you can match, mirror, uplift or simply hold space. What you do depends on how conscious you are of the choice you have each and every moment. There is just one moment, but there are infinite versions of it. Every split second is a snapshot. A perfect, unique picture of God. You are shifting through trillions of those snapshots, constantly. You are travelling at the speed of light, literally! And that is why only Light can become aware of that. Of itself. That is how there is only one moment and no moment at all. Only NOW. Only Light. Breathe. It's God that you're breathing. Relax. You are loved and always supported. You cannot fall. Cannot fail. You're here to play. In this game there is an infinite amount of relations. You relate to things, ideas, emotions other people... To everything around you. In fact; that is how "around you" is even possible, in the first place. When you are approached by someone who's embodying a particular frequency, there's a few possible scenarios that can play out; 1. You submit and subconsciously choose to match the frequency of that individual. In that way, the individual you're interacting with has energetically overpowered you and becomes the one with the wheel in his/her hands. You are along for a ride. This is a common occurrence in the dormant phase of consciousness. 2. You are aware of the individual's energetic field to some degree and choose to reflect back or mirror the frequency they're projecting towards you. Be it perceived as positive or negative by you - doesn't really matter. Point is; you recognize - but you still do not have the capacity/awareness to cultivate your own energy, shine your light and share your Truth. That is still the sleepers game. 3. You consciously or subconsciously choose to project the polar opposite frequency. This can be useful and very powerful, but not during the slumber. It must be mastered. You must wake up first and have a deep understanding of the union of contrary things. Understand how paradoxes work. 4. Once you become aware of your true divine nature and realize your potential; the game becomes much more fun. Now you are present enough and conscious of the choice you have each and every moment. And if your heart is awakened; your choice will always be to energetically uplift yourself and those around you. You do this by radiating Love and compassion, your inner Truth - no matter what you're being presented with. You choose to unload the collective burden by increasing your own frequency and standing your ground firmly. That way; you offer those still unable to cultivate higher vibrations a choice to simply match yours. That is how the collective consciousness is being awakened and the vibration/frequency of our plane is being shifted into a lighter density. 5. Yet nother type of game you can play as a conscious individual is to simply hold space (and time) for everything that's unfolding. You do not choose to embody any particular frequency, rather - you remain an empty vessel and rest in observance as pure awareness. Not very interactive, but still much needed and beneficial for the collective field. Just like interacting with other individuals; your diet and daily activities come down to vibration, as well. You eat food that is of a similar frequency as your own. That way it's easier for you to match (digest) and extract the energy needed. There is no one perfect diet. You should eat what feels good in your body and energises your being - instead of following culinary trends. Same goes for your daily activities. Take a look at your life and try to connect the dots. If the stuff that you do drains you and exhausts you - it's usually a sign of dissonance ( not a match ). In that case; you should consider changing those activities. What you do should naturally fulfill you, not drain you. Focus more on your state of being and less on your circumstances. Things will surely shift. You can become directly conscious of your core frequency through meditation and other practices and learn how to increase/decrease it at will. Breath is key. With all that being said... this game is badass. Don't you think? You're bombarded with flashcards non-stop and your mission is to bless and love the crap out of all of them for the benefit of yourself and all... To create heaven on Earth. Level: expert, baby! Haha! Play safe, have fun. Much love to you all.
  12. @Jonac Beautiful. So glad to hear. Simply sitting with and being with the feeling you feel might be the hardest thing to do at times but it's also most beneficial. It's how true growth and expansion happens. It's what feelings "want" from us in the first place. To not turn our back on them and acknowledge their importance. Nothing as spiritual as feeling shitty as fuck and being totally ok with it @Raptorsin7 Would it be a dick move to say you gotta figure out what works for you? Because you do, really. But it doesn't have to be difficult. Feel your way towards Love. What works for me, when I find myself stuck in the mental realm is taking a step back; a big, conscious breath and reminding myself of the big picture. Of what truly matters to me. Of what I am passionate about. What I hold close to my heart. That way I get a grip of the frequency of Love and I can slowly but surely step out of the mental loop. I have no need to explain anything away anymore. No longer am I searching for a cause or an effect. I simply bathe in the feeling that is my home. An overthinking mind is a sign of a shut down heart The mind is not an enemy though. Once you opened the heart up, send some love up there. Love the mind and its ways. It is a genius tool, especially once awakened.
  13. Any 'insights' we have are merely our own perception of our experience, it's not any type of universal 'map' that everyone can follow. We can share our insights to find others who resonate with similar imagery and concepts but to suggest one perception is absolute truth and another is illusion can lead to people seeking the imagery of conceptualization instead of the experience of being present. As we awaken to the experience of being present our imagery and conceptualization will evolve with it so to focus too much on just one marker of our own personal path and teaching it as an absolute truth isn't awakened to the oneness of all marks and all paths. We don't all share the exact same perception in experience so don't share the exact same imagery, concepts or paths even though we share in the exact same oneness.
  14. Hello there fellow seekers of the Absolute. Sorry for the click-bait guys, but there is no shortcut to absolute truth . Instead of giving you false perceptions I will be giving a summary of my journey to absolute truth, not for approval, but to help making you more aware of the false reality you are living in due to lower consciousness. Along the way I will hopefully be triggering your subconscious soul-memory. So DO NOT dismiss or judge this story, for the Source/God has given each and everyone of us life to seek the absolute truth and when found to live and expand this greater understanding onto the seekers. Of course this knowledge cannot be understood by the believer through words or concepts, (it can only be communicated and understood by the knowers, because only they will find the deeper understanding/meaning behind the words or concepts) let alone through a thread on a forum. That's why you have to seek yourself and if you truly, from the depths of your existence, SEEK for absolute truth and intensely want it, that's when you will arrive at your (next) truth (keep in mind truth can change, not the absolute, but rather your truth). That is how the Light will eventually sprout inside of you by experience and sensation, it is not something you can link together like connecting the dots. (Seek and you shall find). So If you wish to trigger this absolute truth unto yourself I advise you not to fast forward scroll through this thread, but rather to read everything with intend. I also tend to share some more personal things to help give you an understanding about the individual (me). My personal self Up until the 19th year of my life, It wasn't really great, I had a hard chilhood and had to leave the house with no contact when I was 16. I started facing the world alone without having any Idea where I was headed or where I would stay, standing with my back against the wall trying to survive day to day. Also I did what I wanted to do because I was living my own life, when I reached rock bottom at 19 I started smoking weed (Funny since I always told myself that I wouldn't ). That is when I truly started to know my worldy self, also my personal horizon on everything expanded greatly. This was an uplift to my emotions and my life overall. I came from a spiritual family with a spiritual mother and aunt that had a bond that even twins can't connect like. Also, they were so far ahead of me spiritually, my worldy self couldn't even comprehend the deeper understanding behind their doings/sayings, and just thought of them as my slightly strange but o so loving and giving family (Oh how I was the strange one in the end). My aunt was like a mother to me, that taught me things my actual mother didn't or couldn't, but she passed away a couple of years ago due to lung cancer, this was a fallback for me with lots of emotions up until my Awakening. The start of the journey This journey began in approximately 2017 when my muslim friend Adam who I met in elementary school came to me with tears in his eyes (we're both 25 now and stayed friends) and said that he had a vivid dream about us and everyone standing at judgement day. He saw me getting taken into Hell while he was going to Heaven (probably because he still lived at home with dinner being served every day and living according to his religion). He also cried in the dream because there was nothing he could do to help me. Keep in mind my friend grew up in a muslim household and everything other than that what he believes in is complete false, simply because Islam is 'the truth'. I don't even judge him now because we've all hold false perceptions of reality at first, I didn't even believe in the Source/God and was a total Atheist, who used logic and science for truth. He practically begged me to learn about Islam because he believed it was a sign from 'Allah'. However, back then I didn't know much about the details of this religion, but he showed me some things in this book and compared it to science, which seemed pretty convincing and made me think, but I still didn't believe there was a God. So there is a God ? This was until I started scientifically looking for mistakes in the evolution theory and I found out how complicated our DNA actually is. This can't just come from nothing. But the biggest switch was when I learned about the formula that came into existence when the Big Bang happened called 1.618, better known as the Golden Ratio or the Spiral of life. I thought if I take apart my phone and throw it into the cosmos we could wait a million years, but it would never be a complete phone in the end. Or I could smash my keyboard for a bazillion years and in the end I wouldn't all of a sudden get a quantum code designed to create new universes or something, so basically you could say that I found out life doesn't just happen to be. This was a definite eye opener that there was indeed an intelligent designer behind our existence. So I began to inquire into Islam, because if this was the truth I wanted it! But if it wasn't then I wanted to save my friend from this false perception! At first they show you all these 'miracles' of the Q'uran that are so convincing, because you are still thinking in concepts and words to comprehend this so called 'truth'. Soon I found out how this cult actually worked and how these so called 'scholars' of Islam are changing words in the translations of the Q'uran/Hadiths in the benefit of Islam. Then I found out (as they (muslims) all say) you can only really understand this book if you read it in the original Arabic language, but my friend didn't even know how to read Arabic. I looked for someone who could help me with translations and it turned out to be even worse than I thought (not going into further details because this truth doesn't even matter). This couldn't be the word of God, this couldn't be Absolute truth, I refused to accept this tyranny, never the less Adam asked me to come to the musk one time just for the experience, so I went. There I found their Imam totally working on the emotions of these people, on the fears and desires (otherworldy desires), He told us to fear Allah! He said to be scared of Allah, how Allah would punish you if you didn't live according to the Q'uran or the Prophet, this went on for about 20 minutes. Before I decided to come with Adam to the musk I found a giant scientific mistake in their scripture. I decided to confront him with it after the gathering ended, to see what his reaction would be. After I showed the imam the error in their scriptures, they were all looking flabbergasted as if they had never heard about this before. After 45 minutes of the Imam browsing through their scriptures, he came to the conclusion that this wasn't a mistake,. It was just me who was an idiot basically and didn't understand their scriptures. That's when I was sure.. These were NOT the scriptures of the Divine. Of course Adam also refused to see this as a mistake, but I knew that it was a done deal for me, even though he still tried to make me see his truth. Emptiness So there I was, knowing evolution wasn't the answer and religions weren't the answer. I was aware that I knew exactly nothing of our existence, the things I was so sure of most likely weren't true as well. I deeply asked myself these questions over and over again, why are we here ? Were we just born to die ? What happens after 'death'? After a month of being pointblank and still seeking for Absolute truth, I came across a book called The Universal One by Walter Russel ( If you haven't awakened yet, or even if you have, I advise you to read this book even if it takes you 2 days to understand 1 page. This book is full of true knowledge about our universe and will benefit YOU, the reader, greatly. Of course you don't have to believe me! Just open the book and look for yourself. With some of this knowledge inside my head and actually starting over with everything I thought was truth I had some sort of a different view of the world. I still wanted Absolute truth, but I knew that I knew nothing. SPIRITUAL AWAKENING! My girlfriend was having a small party with some friends, in the end (about 5 hours later) only 2 friends of mine stayed. My girlfriend was sleeping and we smoked some blunts while talking about divinity and such. We put on some chill music, started filling balloons with Nitrous Oxide and began inhaling them (It's a thing here in the Netherlands). This wasn't the first time, so it wasn't a big deal or anything. A couple of rounds later my friend put on ASAP Rocky - L$D, as I inhaled my filled balloon again, I started to flow away further and further. I focused on my breathing and thought of nothing (unintentionally), I felt I went further away from my individual self yet I was still there in the Now. Then IT happened. It was as if my humanity got taken off layer by layer, The Ego, my Desires, My Fears, my Emotions. For once I was able to completely let go of the past and was fully in the present, It really felt like I was dying, as I was thinking that I was dying It was as if the universe downloaded data inside my head, because all of a sudden I felt and experienced (NOT HEAR) someone giving me a feeling that it's okay to let go and that reincarnation was a fact, so I would come back, Then finally all my attachments in the world were gone and I was aware that all that was left over was consciousness. THEN I REALIZED all I am IS consciousness. After that, I felt a LOVE which was so BIG and SO POWERFUL, I've never felt anything like this before in my life. This love could only be from the Source/God (what I knew the moment I felt it), and it kept on going, After this great sensation of love I was given this sense of UNITY with everyone and everything that's in this universe. I quickly became aware that I am you, you are me, I am the trees, the trees are me, we are ALL ONE. We are not in nature, we ARE nature, we are not in the universe, we ARE the universe. Then I was given the knowledge that RELIGION WAS NOT THE ANSWER INDEED and that NOTHING TRULY MATTERS EXCEPT CONSCIOUSNESS! I felt this deeply intense feeling of happiness and bliss, like I've never felt before. Soon after I came back, I stood up shocked/surprised and said "GUYS NOTHING MATTERS IN THE WORLD, ONLY CONSCIOUSNESS and leveling that truly matters" and they were looking at me all weird, I still see their faces haha . My perception of reality got changed to Absolute Truth for good! The day after, I wanted to find out what happened that caused this great but weird experience, that's when I found out it happened because the brain always needs and gets oxygen every second of the day. The Nitrous Oxide causes 'Cerebral hypoxia', this occurs when not enough oxygen can get to the brain, that gave me a Near Death Experience. So, my mind thought it was actually dying, that's when enough Dymethyltryptamine was released to cause my Spiritual Awakening. Even the day after this experience I was still feeling this insane love and empathy towards other people, also this feeling of unity just kept hanging by and the thought that all I am is consciousness. I felt I couldn't talk to anyone about this, because they would think I was crazy, but I knew there was one person who would listen without prejudice for sure, that was my mother. I called her and told her; "Mom there's something really weird that happened to me", she replied with "What happened !?", thinking something bad happened. That's when I started explaining my experience to her, when I was halfway she just stopped me and said "Really honey ? Congratulations, I'm so intensely proud of you!" SHE KNEW! SHE KNEW about Absolute Truth all along, she knew this would happen one day, and as she told me "Congratulations", all of a sudden a memory came back to me. When I was 12/13, she told me that when I was 3 years old she closed my 3rd eye, because I was bothered by entities (positive though), but I couldn't sleep because of it. Then I remembered she also said it would open when I would be 24 years old............. This awakening happened 2 months prior to my 25th year old birthday, believe it or not. I started crying because I was happy, for the first time in my life I cried because I was happy and because of everything that was changing around me. All of a sudden I didn't just care about myself, but I started to care about all beings in the world, even animals and even strangers, My whole world got filled with light and I started to feel this bliss and happiness throughout the whole day, even a week later still. Even up until now, moments of happiness and bliss come and go. I know now what my task is in this world, to become more aware live in constant awareness of Absolute truth and to help others planting seeds for their awakening. To the reader Please try to understand that the key to peace on earth is inner peace (self-realization). Be conscious and conscious about consciousness. Awaken your true self (your spiritual self) in order to obtain enlightenment. You may stop trying to fill the whole with earthly desires, because you are the one you've been searching for all along. Meaning, this eternal sense of bliss and happiness cannot be found when you reach outward, but rather reach inward. Don't look external, look internal. While I'm talking about knowledge, that is beyond this phenomenal world, please don't try to understand absolute truth through worldy/earthly concepts and words. Give up all these concepts and inquire into the nature of your being (the true self). Ask yourself the right questions: how did we all happen to be? And if you continue in the realm of intellect (trying to understand the divine through these concepts and words) you will become entangled and lost in more and more concepts. We must all give love in order to receive love, Hell is on earth and it's a state of mind that's why the world is so desperately in need of love. We must all enter into the kingdom of the one infinite source which is heaven and you enter that kingdom once you have become enlightened by the divine itself, I say this once more, the Absolute truth must stumble upon you, you cannot stumble upon it. I've added a diagram for the believers to give a deeper understanding of the surfaces of consciousness. I'm giving you all love and peace into your journeys, if anyone has any questions i'd be happy to answer them
  15. That's like saying, what if a man and woman are the exactly same thing, expect the man has a dick. That's a pretty important difference. The awakened person realizes he is God. The derealized person does not. There is no glass between the awakened person and the world, the awakened person IS the whole world. And the awakened person has surrendered to it.
  16. It seems as though his 100% carnivore diet that supposedly "cures depression & almost all diseases" didn't really work. What a surprise... Does untreated depression enter the equation? Exactly. Unfortunately, it seems that he's still relying on alternative treatments. This reminds me of how Steve Jobs tried to cure his cancer, and the consequences of that... It's crazy how very intelligent people can believe in pseudoscience. Lol, sorry, but I don't buy into that stuff. And I think it's dangerous how this idea is frequently repeated in spiritual circles. "Oh... but Eckhart Tolle..." Am I allowed to say that imo he's not truly awakened? Do you really need someone to give you an answer to that?
  17. I do yoga, float tanks, life coaching @Nahm, and micro dose LSD. I'm 24, I live in Canada. I wouldn't rate my happiness on a scale like that, i'd rather describe my emotional set point. I'm around contentment, and hopefulness most of the day. But i've also been slacking on my practices since my first awakening experience. I know what's possible now for me feeling wise, so i'm trying to embody that feeling more. I'm infinitely happier now then when i first started my journey. I have clear directoin, I have purpose, and I have transcended my old limiting beliefs. I'm not done by any means, I still have a lot to do, so I wouldn't consider my self awakened or anything. But i'm definitely on a different level then when i first started posting. I'd rather be wealthy then poor. It's freed up my attention to pursue enlightenment basically full time. I have 0 concern about money, i never think twice about spending. The disadvantages are people can get trapped just chasing money. I know a lot of rich people, like my family, that don't know anything other than working and making money. Some people just get stuck in their nice life, and never know it's possible to experience more. There's definitely a downside to being handed everything, so I don't have the same work ethic as other's my age I think. But i have no complaints, my life is amazing and very conducive to growth and self actualization. I wouldn't trade with anyone.
  18. Complexity and intelligence can be tested in combination with opening the heart. The HeartMath Institute has shown that the heart has intelligence that is connected to the environment. Higher forms of intelligence doesn't mean having thousands of thoughts. Thinking is a limited form of intelligence. Higher intelligence can take in vast amounts of very complex information and make simple sense of it. And an interesting possibility is that an awakened hearth has high intelligence that makes us able to sense the environment through direct feelings. Things that the intellect can's figure out in a thousand years can then via the heart be sensed in an instant through direct knowing/feeling. Something like that.
  19. Just remembered something significant that may be the cause of why it's different, Last night I had a dream, A dream where i plugged 5meo again, it was just as real as my first time, I let go as much as i could, It felt like my consciousness was leaving my body but it was grounded by my toes, my toes was pulling me back, it didn't let me leave I was stuck between terror and love, Half infinite expanding and half stuck that's what it felt like. I don't remember much of it but I felt half awakened and half asleep. (never had any afterglow from the dream when i woke up, compared to past night merging, I used to freak out or try to laugh it off but i was scared inside with a panic attack) I also remember nights where i tried to let go everytime i tried my best, it would reach a point till my heart would pound so much in pain that i would just get up from bed giving up sleep and saying "sorry i can't do this right now, maybe another day" trying to speak to my kundulini if it exists in a confused state. I wonder if those vibrations are just anxiety or really kundulini energy. From what it seems I do feel like this energy is alive in my body and it's part of my thoughts half anxiety of being unsure and half awake conscious energy of my thoughts that is reacting to me. You could say it's the current state of mind phase. It feels like i'm finally making a quantum leap on healing the trama but i believe it's going to take awhile since it's always going to be and up and down phase since it's too good to be true that it was an instant heal. As that's the phase of life. I'm aware of some energy leaping around my body, it wasn't there before all this. It used to bother me, now I just accept it as a part of me it just doesn't bother me it's just like feeling some blood pressure. Tbh I have a preference of it to stop gushing around, it's just distracting as i feel worried about it not being normal since it stems fear within me as i have no idea what it's actually doing. (brain damage thoughts come up here causing a restless mind being worried) It feels abnormal I don't feel used to it. But it doesn't seem to be harming me. So i've been trying to accept it lately.
  20. This was written by Ram Dass and speaks for itself. Enlightenment is a looong way away for this one. It never occurred to me before that there are somethings special for me to open things up here and now. I still need to clarify Awakened vs. Enlightened. I still need to study and prepare for using psychedelics to move toward Enlightenment. I want more clarity as to why I would be seeking Enlightenment. Basically I have been living this life with a, "The buck stops here" attitude. The issues have been so painful, I just don't wish the hard feelings on anybody and I know that somebody that I won't recognize as myself is going to have to suffer the consequences of my avoiding whatever I choose not to recognize as myself now. So here's an article that came across my wall earlier. How do we get trapped within psychedelic experiences? Posted February 18, 2019 “Paradise is the prison of the sage as the world is the prisoner of the believer.” – Yahja b. Mu’adh al-Razi "For many of us who have come into meditation through psychedelics, the model we had for changing consciousness has been of “getting high”. We pushed away our normal waking state in order to embrace a state of euphoria, harmony, bliss, peace, or ecstasy. Many of us spent long periods of time getting high and coming down. My guru, in speaking about psychedelics, said: “These medicines will allow you to come and visit Christ, but you can only stay two hours. Then you have to leave again. This is not the true samadhi. It’s better to become Christ than to visit him – but even the visit of a saint for a moment is useful.” Then he added, “But love is the most powerful medicine.” For love slowly transforms you into what the psychedelics only let you glimpse. In view of his words, when I reflected on my trips with LSD and other psychedelics, I saw that after a glimpse of the possibility of transcendence, I continued tripping only to reassure myself that the possibility was still there. Seeing the possibility is indeed different from being the possibility. Sooner or later you must purify and alter your mind, heart, and body so that the things which bring you down from your experiences lose their power over you. Psychedelics could chemically override the thought patterns in your brain so that you are open to the moment, but once the chemical loses its power the old habit patterns take over again. With them comes a subtle despair that without chemicals you are a prisoner of your thoughts. The trap of high experiences, however they occur, is that you become attached to their memory and so you try to recreate them. These memories compel you to try to reproduce the high. Ultimately they trap you, because they interfere with your experience of the present moment. In meditation you must be in the moment, letting go of comparisons and memories. If the high was too powerful in comparison to the rest of your life, it overrides the present and keeps you focused on the past. The paradox, of course, is that were you to let go of the past, you would find in the present moment the same quality that you once had. But because you’re trying to repeat the past, you lose the moment. How many times have you felt a moment of perfection – only to have it torn away the next moment by the awareness that it will pass? How many times will you try to get high hoping that this time you won’t come down – until you already know as you start to go up that you will come down? The down is part of the high. When in meditation you are tempted by another taste of honey, your memory of the finiteness of those moments tempers your desire. More bliss, more rapture, more ecstasy – just part of the passing show. The moment in its fullness includes both high and low and yet it is beyond both." – Ram Dass
  21. A thread about being overly serious and worrying caught my attention. . . I was raised in a very serious environment. Everything was so heavy and serious. If I got a "C" in a class very serious. Hours of lecture and a meeting with my teacher. . . If I left a light on in the house - very serious. A lecture about how hard my parents are working to put a roof over my head and food on the table - and I'm throwing money out the window (about 4 cents worth of electricity). Even family vacations were serious. Chronic seriousness has many unhealthy aspects. It's hard on the body. A chronic state of seriousness increases tension and levels of stress hormones such as cortisol. As well, it is a state of distress to the mind. Yet the mind and body love to find an equilibrium. Chronic seriousness may become "normal". Occasionally, a chronically serious person may catch glimpses and see it as a problem. Perhaps their bf/gf brings it to their attention. Perhaps the are at a party with people that are being silly and laughing - a serious may notice they can't let go and want to experience being playful and laughter. . . Yet often, a chronically serious person will avoid playful environments because it feels uncomfortable - they feel like they don't fit in. On the flip side, being playful, silly and laughing a lot is healing. It is a release to laugh and be playful - especially when we laugh at ourselves. It is enjoyable and increases our quality of life. It allows rebalancing and recovery from stressful serious times. A couple questions people asked me while I was immersed in serious zones: "What do you do for fun in your life?". If I can't answer this, its a good sign I'm too far serious. I may say "I go running". Yet is running "fun" for me? Or I may say, "I hike. I meditate. I contemplate". Yet is this "fun"? Am I spending any time in actual "fun zones". For example, going to a concert and dancing. Playing a coop board game with a friend and being playful. Playing frisbee golf with a friend (and not being overly competitive and serious). Getting excited when we hit a good shot, high fives, smiles and laughter. Actually playing,. Another question I ask is "How often do I laugh and smile? When was the last time I laughed so hard I couldn't stop?". I've noticed that many people crave to be playful, joyful, silly. They want humor and laughter. I've spent a lot of time with online dating and one of the most common desirable traits women say they want is a good sense of humor and laughter. People don't want to be in overly-serious relationships with chronic worry, issues and drama. As well, people want to be seen as an "easy going guy". So many online profiles have comments like "I like to have fun", "I'm an easy going", "I like to laugh a lot". Yet then when we go out on a date, they are sooo serious. . . @fridjonk Thank you for your comments. I'm not very familiar with Marcus Aurelius. A blue-level person that was also awakened and one with nature would be an interesting case.
  22. just wanna say about the part where he mentions that an awakened person cannot be angry... very good point! many people are indeed confused about it... as if being angry meant that one does not love can we all think of infinite love at play where anger is what's happening? yup: a parent being angry with their child. the anger is out of love... to teach... to discipline if anything, being enlightened may make you more prone to anger love you Leo! keep doing you thing champ
  23. I'd like to add Marcus Aurelius as an perfect example of how one can be truly awakened and one with nature, yet view the world from a blue perspective. He was big on dedicating oneself to service of others and for society; he had lots of the "good" traits of blue.
  24. @Serotoninluv Well put Luv. That's so true. I find this is where integral theory comes perfectly in handy instead of the more simplistic spiral dynamics approach. I find it goes way more into detail. As you say, a minds interpretation of a state or a mystical experience depends solely on which view point their spiritual knowledge is at; or as Ken Wilber calls "growing up". So a stage green or a stage yellow person can have woken up, but their developmental "growing up" has yet to continue to evolve; and will eventually. I see a lot of people here who think they've "made it" when they become liberated or awakened, but they still don't realize that their view point of their awakening is relative to their structure and stage. That's my two cents on that matter
  25. You always love to intellectualize everything, and go very deep into abstract concepts. At times it ends up working very much against you - you end up over complicating simple things, and end up confusing yourself. Try reading again what I said and seeing it for what it is. The key is this: When you make enlightenment/liberation into a future goal - you will never get there. It is precisely what Leo has done, which is very evident by the content that he released plus his forum posts. I don't have any issues nor I am against of doing the "work". It's the place of where it is coming from. If you are doing the "work" to achieve an imaginary goal that doesn't exist in the future - then you will be trapped and end up suffering. Since you love to go deep, take a look and maybe you can see why calling it "work" in the first place is very misleading. Work usually implies a chore or an action - which is usually being done for achieving a future goal. Since Leo has always seen enlightenment/liberation as something to be attained in the future, he came up with the term "consciousness work". If you go further, you will be able to connect the dots and see some of the things that I and other people are pointing out. The problem is that Leo took on a self-development approach to spirituality/liberation, which in here it doesn't work. If you want to improve in business, and achieve great results, you can do so by doing more work. If you want to be better at a specific skill or any area - it can be improved. But this approach doesn't apply to liberation/enlightenment - you will continue to chase your own tail, thinking that you are getting somewhere. This is the reason why there are so many spiritual seekers who have been seeking for 10s of years without finding the gold that they are looking for. Some have even search their whole lives. The recent "live awakening" videos is a great example of this - just watch it very consciously and you will be able to see the ego overtaking the trip - thinking it has awakened, a sense of superiority, etc. The issue here is with the approach, and not with the practices. It's a structure issue - and those that oppose his structure are a big threat to him. This is the reason why he banned people that promoted a different approach.