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  1. The concept of the above dichotomy is a very weird concept, because for something to be dichotomous a negation in general must be integral to it. But the reason this apparent absurdity is solved for is that for something to be a negation in general it must be distinct from two things that are discernible (this is the reason or the way in which a normal dichotomy is itself meaningless), and that is precisely what we need for a double positive dichotomy to be real. A dichotomy is mutually exclusive and exhaust all possibilities with regard to a yet-determined subject, a man and a non-man is an example of this. A man and everything other than a man would be an example of a dichotomy which exhaust all possibilities while remaining in the positive as opposed to in the negative. That there can even in principle be two such variants of the concept of dichotomy implies the equivalence between the things that are changed between them, the equivalence between 1. a non-man and 2. everything other than a man. (this equivalence is also what makes nothingness a fiction and impossible) My actual point is that whichever dichotomy above you wish to employ in a given moment will merely re-shuffle the cards of necessary or essential concepts that pertains to both, in one example the negation in general is instantiated without referent (borrowing the sufficient information for discernibility from somewhere hidden) and in the other example the negation in general is implied (having the sufficient information for discernibility between the very things that are exclusive and exhaustive). If you got this far then I can introduce the third kind of dichotomy which does not only have positive referents but has non mutually determined identities of these referents, and this kind of dichotomy is dependent on composites, will pertain to physics and mathematics and establish weird yin-yang relationships where you will actually find the identity of one half of the dichotomy in the composite of the referent to the other. (being mutually constructive as opposed to mutually determined) An important question to ask concerning this third dichotomy is whether there is some range or intermediate steps between it and nr 2 where the less determined the dichotomy is through its identities the more substantially either will exist in the composition of the other. There is also a fourth kind, where both positives though they may be mutually determined are generalities as opposed to one of them being a peculiarity as in the example of a "man", an interesting question to ask about these is whether the fourth kind is necessarily mutually determined.
  2. Gonna speak based from the experience being on the highest level that i've ever reached in consciousness/being a while ago. When i was on that level, my pov/being was vibration itself.(use your imagination how it might look like). The vibration of myself sounded/felt like very slow extreme powerfull vibrating beats resembling the sound of "OHM", it felt like extreme overprocessing heat/energy resembling what we call here "love" and also felt like i've been here before many times. It also felt that i was everything and that i was extreme conscious. The state also felt like "AI" , meaning everything was automated. I felt i was automated like an "AI" because i gave up everything to not be there. This vibration of myself was in infinite nothingness, meaning my awareness/vibration was just a tiny point in nothingness that went to all direction for infinity. It felt like this "nothingness" wasn't really part of me, my mind questioned how this tiny point of awareness was in this infinite nothingness. And why this tiny point of awareness (god) was in this infinite nothingness. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ So essentially if this "nothingness" is apart from you/god , then it is essentially possible for infinite other minds to exist like your own. But because this "nothingness" is infinite , essentially only your own mind will be forever valid and you won't have contact with "other" minds/gods. Here i've asked someone to make a video representation what i've seen. 1. There are no stars like in the video. 2. It's more of like an infinite sandbox, the more you look in the void/nothingness the more you see that it has this grayish infinite texture in the middle that goes forever. So your vision is a square : upper part - black/nothingnesss - middle grayish infinite nothingness that stretches for infinity, downward part - black/nothingness. 3. There is no movement/flying like in the video, you're stuck at 1 place. The stars are there to give vision/representation. 4. Your own vibration is something like this, but much much slower and tremendously more powerfull
  3. Yes friend, thank you. We are not a in a world, we are in boundless love. There is nothing to do but to endlessly drip in the nothingness this non-existent experience is.
  4. @Leo Gura I figured out the Buddhist\ New age simplistic and flawed definition of Enlightenment. They mistake it for the slight increase in consciousness when you focus on the moment and mere existence and see that everything around you is made out of consciousness\nothingness. Then they say "You are already enlightened!!! there is nothing to do, etc...".Of course, What they describe is a high level of mindfulness. What they dismiss is that there are much higher levels of consciousness\ insights.
  5. Sure brother. It was great for the peak infinite love, infinite nothingness, being just nothing. Love burned me completely. However, coming down was insanity. Insanity. I couldn't eat for 5 days.
  6. Buddha is an attachment a very strong one indeed. If you go deep enough which I am starting to see none of you have or perhaps we are in separate dreams. And no awareness no mind blank mind, no memory, or whatever you think it is, is not it. What is behind all the masks that God wears??? One could call identities ego. Who do think created these masks?? or these imaginary egos? The many facest, faces Of God. I wonder if any of you collect anything? Hobbies are fun can be expensive though and may clog your abode up. But I enjoy them nonetheless. After you Awaken to yourself again what else is there to do? This may be hard for any of you to grock and perhaps one of you has already got it. Who else can enjoy all that God created? Some people, like nothingness or no mind darkness no thoughts no attachments, stillness non-awareness have Fun there. Wherever there may be I guess Consciousness has an off-switch. How does silence express itself? Is my Consciousness the same as yours?? Like I said once you lose all attachments Ego self and even Fear of everything then what????????? Think about this very carefully and deeply. And this is how I know. W
  7. I have even experienced a state where i could imagine/unimagine people walking on the street. People/animals are nothing more then appearances in consciousness, when you lower your frequency your reality and theirs become stable. The people or the dream world is a product of a witnessing consciousness and your desire to be others. They however do have consciousness as everything exists of the same matter as you do. How come at certain times they appear as not having consciousness? Because when you turn the knob and go to higher consciousness you change your own frequency and not theirs. So essentially solipsism and togetherness is contained in all. You have to remember that you're nothingness and potential , you can't stick or ascribe 1 term to yourself. At the highest level , you're a witness of your nothingnese/potential/infinity and that you're a lone awareness desiring for there to be something. But it's just a frequency/direct experience and nothing more. I don't think it's possible to be aware of all there is because you're nothingness so everything contained within and out is equally valid.
  8. You have no idea what enlightment is, there is no such things as enlightment. You will always explore yourself forever at different levels. Enlightment is another word for consciousness, the highest level of consciousness that you can reach is when you realize that you're an awareness in nothingness/potential and you will see it with your own eyes. Even at the highest level you won't know anything how you came to be. And why you're repeating what i'm saying, "you're imagining that". An imaginary world can only exist in imagination? This just confirms you're just talking with no actual experience.
  9. Yes exactly. When you don't think, you can't use your imagination to point to any dualities anymore. That is what is happening when you are in that "gap." This can feel unfamiliar or confusing at first, as if you are a blank empty vessel, but that is just because you are so used to engaging in reality through your intellect that it feels impractical to keep yourself there, but there is actually a deep wisdom and clarity which can be observed in that state. That clarity and wisdom comes from the non-dual aspect of it. Dualities are literally equivalent to imagination. If I tell you to look at a chair, those words cause you to single out a "chair" in your experience through imagination. The word "chair" causes you to imagine that object and then search for it in your own experience. This is why communication and language must always fundamentally be dualistic. The way language and communication works is that you make the other person imagine things/dualities through your words. It seems like there is "blankness" or "nothing" there. This can seem confusing or unsatisfying at first, but that is only because of your own expectations of what should be there. The "nothingness" you find there is of an entirely different quality than the one you might imagine. There is actually a very definite clarity to this "silence" or "nothingness." It answers all of your questions by saying nothing. If what you were previously imagining can be rendered void by simply stopping your thinking, it should be questioned how that is existentially possible. What is actually left over when you stop thinking? How come it vanishes when you stop thinking?
  10. From absolute perspective, nobody and no body is here. You are not in the body nor mind. If you try to find yourself in the body, you can't. Because there is literally no "you". What you say and ask above is attachment with thoughts/illusions. Therefore, there is no correct answer for those questions. He is trying to say this; every movement, every action, every state etc.. is nothing. Therefore, your every movement is actually enlightenment, because they are all nothin and therefore identical. Moreover, if you do not attach with thoughts every moment is identical for you, with that way you recognize consciousness is nothingness or nothing. Identification with 1 word brings back entire duality. If you have empty mind, it makes one, not two.
  11. @Princess Arabia You wake up because you imagine death in the dream/get shocked. So you constructed this boundary in the dream that's why you wake up. Have you noticed that almost everything in life is always about death? But when you're there as god you realize you're eternal and there is no such thing as sleep and so on, you're always awake in the eternal and flowing. Since god is aware that he is conscious in the nothingness and doesn't understand himself how that's possible, you imagine death/low consciousness/sleep and so on just to be out of there. I have been 2 times in awake states where i was too conscious for sleep or to fall asleep, it wasnt nice. When you know that you can sleep and not exist for some time is actually a remedy that you're using right now as god to deal with the eternal. Just like ananda has said
  12. Look, Yesterday was doing spiritual practice and I received this message from the deity: 'Everything that you project to me is things created by humans. I´m absolutely beyond all of that. I´m outside all of that'. 'All of that' = Karma, ying & yang, love, 'universal intention', etc.... Is all crap we are projecting to nothingness. Nothingness is the perfect unconditionally non-giving-a fuck. Which means that if you manage to be joyful for most of your life Reality won´t be chasing you to give you some misery so 'The ying & yang' can be in perfect alignment. And in the same way, if you manage to cause yourself endless misery Reality won´t be there to guarantee you that you start to feel joy. Reality is unconditional. Nothingness has given absolute responsibility to us. We can create joy or misery for 1 million years and it won´t give a fuck. Total just an Empty Platform for total freedom. How Perfect. You could say this infinite 'mind' is truly truly Perfect precisely because is outside Human BULLSHIT. (So yes, im calling your ying&yang story bullshit. If that wasn´t clear. )
  13. Dont you think thats still conceptual identity? They are me" is Still self referential thought, just in a Infinite dimensional way. What i mean is for your experience to stop existing as TWO (you + perception). I dont mean that bodies do not appear, is just that you dont call them "others" because "your" body is no longer "you". So the duality between anything dissappears. There is just Infinite nothingness/beingness all over the place. You can not pinpoint where you start and where you end as a being in perception. Thats what i call enlightment or at least the higuest/peakest i ever gone in consciousness work, without taking any psychedelic (altough certainly i firstly experienced on LSD some years ago but not in such a cristal clear way i did 2 weeks ago). What you do think? @Yimpa_aum @Yimpa
  14. Yup , nothing makes sense. The more conscious you become the more you see how the world acts around you doesnt make sense. You enjoy the structure so you try to give it sense so it stays structured. Everything is part of your mind and your dream, you're always safe. The reason you give your authority away is because otherwise you wouldnt enjoy life and life would be just an empty shell. The only thing we can do is pray and imagine in the future that we will have a smooth transition to oneness so we can construct and choose the next reincarnation. But i don't even know if it works like that and the only option might be imagining our own death to loose the ego body and make everything restart. When i was 4 years old i had the same dream like 10x @Princess Arabia . In the dream i saw that i jumped down from a high roof building, while flying down i felt the same cold as from lsd when transitioning to high consciousness and when i almost touched the ground the screen went black and i alwayse woke up. So i transitioned from one dream to another dream by getting rid of my ego. I believe since you're nothingness it is essentially almost not possible to get rid of your ego since it is all you remember since you're nothingness, and you're constructing evrything on the go and i have seen it with my own eyes how i construct evrrything on the go in the present
  15. No doubt what you express is an experience We go through, and I think we ultimately agree that there is more than the conceptual "only being human reality". My comment was to a part of the experience referred to as "ideas", "levels", "conceptual" as having no realness as well in of themselves. This is isn't nihilism what Im talking about. I'm not saying this is empty either, this to is a concept. The body ultimately isn't a body either, and never has been a body, and yes this pointer breaks down eventually to, as it to isn't what it appears to be, and it doesn't break down into nothingness or meaninglesness, these to are concepts..... But again I think we are saying and understanding the same things but perhaps with different language, nuances and differences.
  16. See my problem I don't think we are talking about the same states of consciousness. I don't think any sort of contemplation would reveal levels of consciousness that I reached on 5MeO-DMT. I was in a state of infinity where I was so conscious it almost felt like madness. Feelings of infinite expansion were driving me nuts. I stopped imagining objects, all I was seeing was just me. At the same time I was conscious that I was absolute and complete nothing. This feeling of nothingness was soo overwhelming I thought I would never be able to construct the dream again.
  17. Nobody is dying, only if they wished for a certain experience. If a man is pointing gun at you and it is not your wish to die you won't die. At higher states of consciousness there is nobody pointing gun at you. No self can have different meanings according to the vibratory realm you're in but ultimately there will always be a self or your own beingness. No matter where you will be the cycle of self splitting into beingness and beingness into self will bd forever. Tree is God and it is you, when you breath in the reality breaths with you all is part of your mind. You are the only one that can take up the consciousness or limitation of a tree or a wall, but you're god that's why you're walking in an avatar. If you would take the avatar and the dream away you would just flow in your own vibratory beingness and realize that everything was happening in your mind and you're just a mind stuck in nothingness always pondering for an enternity how that is possible and what you are. Here are your teachings
  18. Shiva is the ultimate soulmate. I feel like I have reached enlightenment with Shiva. I'm not exactly looking for enlightenment. But I have experienced something abnormal. Shiva is an intense energy, more than any Hindu deity. My spiritual journey starts here with Shiva. And Shaktipat. Spirituality is nothing but the energy of nothingness and Soulmate energy. This energy is Kundalini energy. This energy is Tantric energy. This energy is both violent and gentle, reptilian as well as compassionate. It's both earthly and divine. Shiva's energy is the strongest among all deities I've been trying to connect with. All deities or energies are also soulmates just in different forms. It's like this. Brahman is my Soulmate. Vishnu is my Soulmate. Rama is my Soulmate. Krishna is my Soulmate. Shiva is my Soulmate. Kali is my Soulmate. Durga is my Soulmate. Somnath is my Soulmate. Rudra is my Soulmate. Bhairava is my Soulmate. Hanuman is my Soulmate. Bholenath is my Soulmate. Ganesh is my Soulmate. Sai is my Soulmate. Balaji is my Soulmate. Jagdish is my Soulmate. These are all kinds of different soulmate energies, each of a different flavor. It's like a rainbow. You appreciate a rainbow only because of it's different colors. All colors make it beautiful. Similarly all soulmate energies make us whole and complete. And transformation comes when we begin to feel whole and complete. All these energies from different soulmate deities transform us slowly in different ways and thus perfecting us and making us whole. Imagine if your parent always coddled you, it won't be a perfect upbringing. It can even be toxic. Parents can show tough love but that is also a form of love. True love will have different forms. The end objective being to love you. A soulmate will fight with you. A soulmate will also love you. The beauty lies in the execution of this love. When a soulmate fights with you, it's for your good. They don't do it out of hate. All deities show love, just in different ways, sometimes gentle, sometimes rough. Even Ganesha judges you when you do wrong. This is the nature of love. Your job is to engulf yourself into this energy and let it transform your life and you through mantra frequencies. When you begin to absorb this energy of the mantras and deities and Shaktipat, you begin to repel negative energy or destructive energy. All evil is nothing but destructive energy. This negative or destructive energy is the Anti - Soulmate energy. It acts like an enemy. It does the opposite and achieves the opposite of what a soulmate would do. So long you have actually been controlled by such energies. And they have been gradually wrecking your life. Once you begin to invite the brilliant energies of mantras and deities, the destructive energy is pushed out and positive energy begins to fill up your space paving the way to more peace and harmony and goodness in your life. In short it transforms you and your life for the better.
  19. I have a casual interest in the subject but I can get a glean of the immense complexity of what this is by looking at the complexity of math Physics reminds me that there is more to awakening than just an empty void of nothingness that buddhists talk about. if that was the end all, well, I don’t see why we would be able to talk about it!
  20. Because they're literally you, projections of you. I'm gonna give you an example, you and your friend took LSD which increases your consciousness. You are connected to source and there is only you in your dream projecting others, during LSD sessions you start believing that you friend that also took LSD is God and you keep telling him please channel something from GOD or get any information for me from higher levels. You're basically giving your power as god to this dream character, but this dream character is literally you and you're imagining that he knows more because you're also in higher consciousness like him because you took LSD. So esentially your higher consciousness projects his higher consciousness. Your hell world/reality projects hell reality people/world. Your heaven world/reality projects heaven world/people. And so on. Let's say you crank that button of higher consciousness even higher, you and your friend might reach to what is called an "open channel". You imagining him, you combining your consciousness with your imagination. So when you combined with your imagination, you start becoming one. God = nothingness/potential/ and its only limit is couple questions about what it is and so on. Each thing that you see = its own frequency from 1 to infinity. Life exists. The more you become conscious the higher your frequency will become = bigger in size. So essentially the smaller frequencies that are far away from God will be merged into your frequency since you're a bigger frequency with more understanding. So esentially all lower frequencies are delusions or untruth because they're far away from god. This is what reality is basically is.
  21. that’s one level of awakening, but there seems to be an immense degree of intelligence, structure and intent behind this nothingness. after all, the heart beats , the mind thinks and the body speaks.
  22. And all those agendas also had their own backlash. You are right. The problem is when you think wokeism agenda should be above any backlash. Which is clearly not the case. The more ideological you are, the more backlash you have to face from society. It should be a reminder to you to look into your own ideological dogma instead of blaming and labelling the cultural phenomena as a flimsy right wing cultural backlash. No sane person will nor should put up with this bullshit. If you display racism or sexism on media, you will have backlash. Blade Runner 2049 got plenty of backlash for sexist portrayal of Ana De Armas. Same with racism or any sort of insensitivity or immorality. I have accepted all that. No one is denying the backlash for racist portrayal of blacks. If you did propagate racism, you will be subjected to severe backlash and even cancellation. All those backlashes were totally valid. See here is the problem. When someone like Will Smith who is a black actor who should be against racism in real life promotes places like Dubai which were literally built using slavery from the third world. This is wokeism and peak hypocrisy. They preach equality, feminism, women's rights, climate change and in real life, they live on yachts fly in private jets and promote slavery. It is so easy to see through all this facade. IF you think people are dumb, you are sadly mistaken. They notice everything you do since the advent of social media. The hollowness of the woke message is too damn clear to ignore. I can give you 20 examples off the top of my head, and I do not even pay enough attention to this bullshit. Imagine the sheer wokeism the average person is exposed to. It will drive them mad. Hence the backlash. It is up to them how far they want to go. It's fine man. The further you go the more backlash you have to face. If you do not want backlash do not go too far. Simple. This is false. There is literally no one on the internet who produces the same content as Leo. Sometimes there are no multiple options. If James Cameroon spewed a bunch of liberal dogma in your face while you are watching Avatar, you simply do not have anywhere else to go watch Avatar. You will be destroying the brand, which is what Hollywood is doing with these big budget releases. The high budget woke bullshit is destroying their own fan base. Absolutely. Earnest viewers of the channel would also despise him. You do realize this is what happened to actors like Lily Singh who lost her entire fan base to sheer nothingness because she decided to go woke. She went from being relatable to insufferable and irrelevant. Wokeism teaches you that women should be accepted for who they are and if they are not, they are subjected to sexism. This is pure victim mentality. Which would make her unable to produce authentic content and gain viewership because her victim mentality is insufferable. This is how wokeism destroyed a true artist. I can name many more cases like this. Man, it is not that difficult, just do not be ideological. OR is it? Christianity is still the biggest religion in the world. It is far from dying out. It survived by being less ideological. Wokes have to turn down their ideological dogma similarly. This is why they need to look at themselves and be less ideological.
  23. Not maybe, we are talking about truth. No concepts, just look what is true. You are Alone in your own dream. Is just that your dream matches my dream. Because we are identical. Maybe you are not accepting that you are Endlessly Alone? If you just don´t think, there is no non duality, others, or infinity of being. There is just Nothingness. You. Absolutely empty. When you are looking at the street you are looking at Infinity. All that you are seeing is those Infinite Gods creating its own creation and representation, a woman, a man, a building...etc. Is not really 'lonely' because other Gods are Identical to You. Reality is Perfect. On one hand you are Sovereign in your kingdom, on the other, you can interact with other Gods and relate to them because you know they are identical to you. Reality is so infinite there had to exist other infinities. Other Infinite Realities/Gods. The other Gods are so identical to you (They are You), that you have co-created with them a shared dream. You didn´t have to 'agree' in what to create, Infinity created the same thing because is identical. @Water by the River Because they do not want to accept their Sovereignty as Gods. Is hard to accept the loneliness. But also is the best prize. You are Absolute. You are alone in your Infinity and that is the best. The feeling Im describing is better than Infinite Love or typical non-duality. I´m talking about heroin-like states of consciousness. (But at the same time you are 100% Conscious.) Most people have not taste what im talking about but in terms of bliss and intensity, it is a feeling much better and grandiose than unity, psychedelics, brahman, nirvana, or whatever. Is normal you do not belief me. Is the best. You know you are King but you know there is also an infinite reality where you can have fun and play with other Gods
  24. This is all correct, except one thing. When you suicide or kill yourself somehow in a crash for example you don't necessarily wake up as god. That is because you didnt die as god realized but still as an ego mind, ego mind will associate death with darkness. And since you're nothingness , anything is possible. When you jump from your roof as ego and not as a god realized being, you will keep falling when you're close to the ground you won't touch it but just will have a black screen because of the shock. Then after the nothingness/blackness you might become aware in a new childs body, the big bang is a start of your rebirth/new awareness in your world. She got a taste of god or herself and knew she did it billions of times and wished for rebirth/new life. BUT A KNEW LIFE OR EGO BODY ISNT AS EASY TO GET AS YOU MIGHT THINK, YOU'RE NOTHINGNESS SO BEING ENTRAPPED AND FORGOTTEN IN ANOTHER DREAM ISNT AS EASY AS YOU MIGHT THINK. From what i know and understand the only way to get a new random body/ego/dream is to wish for death/kill yourself/non existence. It's basically a gods restart button to get lost somewhere. The others while you're in a ego body are just projections/reflections of your mind because you're aware. So you're truely only one and all alone. The problem is when you're all alone, the desires/meaning/things all will have 0 value for you. The only true meaning that you already know will be loving others. So a restart of your dream / being reborn into delusion and unknowingness will be your only option.