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  1. This shit had me DYING. For those of you who haven't seen it, you've got to watch it.
  2. There are strong disagreement and strong resonation agreement within me which makes it interesting and i will go listen through. Well, perceived and judged as solid, stable healthy green, I have not investigated yet And it is also common pattern of yellow, seeing turquoise as green, spoke by yellow. We are also maybe confused that, highly developed yellow as turquoise, highly developed green as Turquoise. 5meodmt makes me just shut down all models and spiral dynamics thats all pointless, just love yourself, these models are not important But my ego comes back, no they are important, without those survival as individual and collective is difficult, in fact, these structures are crystalisation love. About Don Juan and main stream spiritual, i do not know about Don Juan, But I see that main stream spirituality, lets say green, really avoids darkness or negativity When we think about Aztec nonduality, from brutal ruthless empire, burning fellow humans from neighbour human farm to keep the Sun burning, Spirituality should not be just positivity and happiness, it can also be ruthlessness, ..when we embody nonduality, we are the master and slave, millions of jews and the facist leader (The Egg documentary in kurzgesagt Youtube channel). Dune, paul atreides gets tormented by the god ability he got, conflict is already designed Bhagavad Gita, when Prince Arjuna has to kill their fellow family and friends, teachers, he is tormented by the fate he is carrying. And supreme being kirshna, showing his true presence to arjuna, the many faced being, that soldiers are pushing themselves into krishna's mouth to let krishna devour them, telling that whether they die or not, their original essence of nature has not been changed, so Arjuna must do what he has to do, as a warrior. These stories adds nuanced into spirituality, what is conflict, what is violence and war? Especially between Aztect nondualism and Bhagavad Gita, and dune together, It tells me that "we should not fear the conflict, fear is the mind killer, through conflict, we can grow up, without fight, without conflict, universe will stop evolving and die" I feel, those stories as well, have something to tell about coral stage.
  3. I don't know why, but I started to understand Nonduality way before watching Leo's videos or any other videos about it, I didn't even know that term back then. But during my later teens to early 20s, I just started to see that you can't seem to put things into strict categories, but they are on a spectrum. Like in chemistry, Metal and nonmetal. I saw that there isn't a strict boundary, but instead the elements gradually go from metal to nonmetal from left to right. Or with mental illnesses, no one has either just Depression or not, or ADHD or not, or OCD or not, or Autism or not (not really a mental illness). I just started to see how everything bleeds into each other. Then at about 21 I started using drugs (not just psychedelics, so I'll keep it short), not for Nonduality, but just because I was curious. But I surprisingly got insights from them, stimulants often made me contemplate things, where at some point I came to the conclusion that wishing or imagining for something to be different makes no sense, because everything just is the was it is, and it can't be any other was. During my dissociative drug abuse I became completely aware that I have no free will as this ego, I'm (my ego self) is just a part of the whole universe, which happens in a continious flow. You can't blame anyone including yourself, it completely destroyed the boundary between what I'm responsible for and what others are responsible for. It went so far that I just became completely aware all language, distinctions, basically our whole systeme in which we operate is a complete illusion, it completely breaks down when you investigate it deep enough, I'm aware that the words I'm typing here are also just nonsense which can only work within dualities. But this just made me feel very helpless, since I knew our whole thought systemes and languages are complete illusions, but we still have to use them. I couldn't say anymore what is my fault and what are other peoples faults. Doing something "good" didn't make sense anymore because that's also an illusion. However, I had a lot of puzzle pieces already, and finding Leo's videos about Nonduality helped me piece many of them together, like that there is an Absolute. love + hate = Love, good + bad = Good, free will + determinism = Will. But some things I still don't understand, besides deconstructing my ego to persue enlightenment, what should I do with that? How should I do good when everything is ultimately Good? I don't wanna use nonduality as an excuse to do "evil" things, but no matter what I will do, even if I go on the streets and shoot up Heroin, it is ultimately Good, since it's gods Will for the purpose to maximize Love. So this still makes me confused, and I don't know what to do about that. Thank you for reading this, I'd love to hear your opinions or suggestions.
  4. Yes. As a very experienced meditator with longterm-practice and seasoned in Awakening one can do two things a) completely shut off the thought-flow: A high-speed cut-off at the beginning stage of a thought-emergence. The thought doesn't look like a thought in this earliest emergence phase of it, more like a ripening "seed" that is cut off. Lots of training until that point... And to continue that high-speed-cutoff of emerging thought "capsules" can stop the thought-flow completely. Until having had it, hard to imagine. b) second, and much more important: Staying lucid while thinking, "riding" with ones awareness on the thought-stream. Pretty impossible to describe, stems partly from the ability to do a) . That skill allows to carry the meditation/awareness into daily life. It also causes (due to its momentum in daily life more so than a), since one cant act/work without a thought flow running) the Awakened States of nonduality/one with the visual field, mere appearance (solidity of visual field removed), timelessness (time is imagined right here in THAT), boundlessness (any limit would be imagined in THAT. All of the states that psychedelics also cause. But "without the pill". And it also it cuts the separate-self-contraction in the head which just dissolves, opening up a flow of bliss that is so strong to just overpower the suffering that the remaining separate-self tends to cause in cycles. These are "hard" states of consciousness, not some wishful thinking or some soft states. The separate-self/ego main-building block is regular suffering/being unsatisfied, rejecting or wanting something that is not present in that state, seeking it, getting it or not getting it, and suffering again. Water by the River
  5. There is the human mind. And then you can transcend that into alien mind territory. All conventional spirituality, like Buddhism and nonduality, are all still part of the human mind territory. They do not access alien mind no matter how much enlightenment or cessation or samadhi or ego loss they have.
  6. Is flow state a quasi 'mystical experience'? Whenever I get into flow (usually in high stake situations in sports, adventure sports etc) I will think right after the experience 'holy shit how did I manage to do that?' Then I wonder-where did the 'I' go during that moment? My sense of self dissapeared for the duration and it it felt like time stopped...its quite difficult to subjectively explain the feeling because its so foreign. Hence, I was wondering if this is a glimpse into no-mind. How does flow state relate to nonduality?
  7. The good vs. bad ego, as you described, aren't "good" and "bad" -- they are both bad. One is only "good" from a certain type of morality (Christian?) They are both bad from an Aristotelian golden mean kind of outlook. If you're a narcissist, that's bad; if you're committing suicide because you're too sensitive, that's bad too, from that viewpoint. They are both extremes. Firstly, the "ego" is simply that which we think we are; they are traits we identify with. This is morally neutral, although MOST of the time, we think whatever we are is good or right. Nonduality moves along the process of integrating the shadow, that which we tend to disidentify with. It can occasionally be considered good, but most of the time we think of it as bad. We tend to project it onto others or repress it. The endpoint of spiritual development is a yin-yang kind of integration of the two, where we discover that we were wrong all along in associating the shadow with evil (the case most of the time.) We drop the negative association and see it as a necessary part of ourselves.
  8. Leo doesn’t teach nonduality anymore. He teaches all of the traps of it.
  9. One time I used a well renown book for an essay while I was in college on a topic completely unrelated to anything we talk about here. The topic, while for a class, also was a topic I loved to study at that time. I posted the entire essay on a forum and and few members corrected a part of my essay I got from that book and after doing research it turns out the book was wrong and they were right! This particular thing I got wrong was something I had no knowledge of due to to it being a subtopic that I really didn’t dive into or read about until then. Not making excuses at all, I still read. That has set in a bad way with me though. Especially when one realizes books are written by people who have biases and their own agendas. There’s always criticism of another person for whatever book so I take things as more of an opinion than fact which is why sometimes it may be better to do videos of what multiple “experts” are saying to get a clearer understanding on a certain subject within a subject. For instance in nonduality, for example, I’ve read Jed McKennas “The Damndest Thing” and I’m sure there’s some people here that disagree with his position. When I have to do my own research on a book I give them the same grain of salt I do to any other form of information.
  10. There's an inherent paradox within unity in which oneness becomes twoness. Nonduality becomes dual after becoming nondual from a different perspective...
  11. @CARDOZZO Of course, because I'm here reading and posting in this thread, and because you already know I don't like Lex Fridman, you set up this both siding fallacy , and moot and bailey fallacy between Andrew Tate and Lex Fridman to sneak in a passive aggressive statement against me, but just to let you know you're blocked so you can ditch the passive aggressiveness towards me. And Lex Fridman, is better compared to Tate I agree, however he himself isn't innocent as well: @Leo Gura is much better than these two combined because: He engages with philosophical thinking seriously. He has been a life coach, and created the life purpose course that keeps on getting higher and higher values the more times you engage with the exercises. He also has collected booklists of high quality and range of subjects, yes they cost money to access but the potential value in each book is millions of dollars in returns. He makes long form high quality videos covering a wide range of topics such as sexuality, some business and career advice, relationships, basic self help concepts, philosophy, health and few points of fitness, metaphysics, epistemology, spirituality, concepts of nonduality and more advanced spirituality, infinity, god realization, psychedelics(a major contribution that makes him really stand out IMO), some dangers to taking concepts or actions too far. He can out speak and out perform Lex Fridman and Andrew Tate in motivational speeches and can improvise whilst talking in long formats, meanwhile Lex Fridman and Andrew Tate have to rely on jump cuts and edits. He has created and maintained a high quality forum and has strict standards here that rivals the two, as they never have created any websites with honor. WAY MORE integrity and discipline than Lex and Andrew combined. How is it acceptable to compare Leo to Andrew Tate or Lex Fridman is crazy, he's on a whole other dimension in value provided than the two could ever match up to.
  12. Trying to find peace knowing it isn’t real is what nonduality and Buddhism is teaching. Be careful not to fall into those traps
  13. So I've been reading his book called: Entheogenic liberation: unraveling the enigma of nonduality with 5-meo-dmt energetic therapy and also have read half of his book called Being Infinite: an entheogenic odyssey into the limitless eternal: a memoir from ayahuasca to zen. As well as Leo's interview and some of his youtube videos. My reflection has been the following: it's obvious that Martin understands all ins and outs of the 5-meo experience and has a lot of experience with entheogens and specially 5-meo-dmt. However, it's clear for me that he's not awake, I mean he got it right in the bigger picture: I am God and everything is God, all is the one, non duality and crazy levels of love. However, he does not understand Reality, infinite Consciousness or have experienced the insane levels of Awakening that Leo talks about. This really leaves me puzzled in regards of how should I use psychedelics and specially the 5-meos for Awakening and God. If such a sincere and honest individual like Martin with tones of experience has not been able to progress that far, what makes the difference in terms of awakening with psychedelic substances? What have you done different from everybody else Leo? It also really discomforts me his strong attitude against spirituality, religion, metaphysics, beliefs and systems but then comes out with his own system, metaphysical assumptions and a way of doing non dual therapy based on bilateral symmetric movements and the liberation from the energetic prison of the ego. Maybe it all depends in what we are interested in. I don't know if I'm that interested in the liberation of the ego, but I know I'm interested in Truth and I have not experienced myself as God, but if that is the case I'm also interested in going to the deep end of my Godhood.
  14. Alien Consciousness is God. It's an Alien Consciousness because it's not human. Human spirituality is exactly that...human....i.e., it's Buddhism or Janeism, or Nonduality...human projections, nothing of which pertains to Alien Consciousness. Once you live as Being all that other crap dissolves.
  15. Nahm is not a scammer. He's a decent guy. He's just lost in spiritual self-deception and was spreading a lot of it on this forum. Very few spiritual people are scammers. They just genuinely believe that they have solved spirituality. Like Moksha here. He is completely self-deceived, but he honestly believes he's figured it all out. Self-deception 101. Projection 101. Closedmindedness 101. Gaslighting 101. Such people are so deeply lost they cannot be helped. There's nothing I can say to get them to change their minds. This is what nonduality, Buddhism, and Vedanta has done to them. Which is why I am so harsh on this particular matter. It is the greatest trap to which I will lose my best students. Sadly, my most intelligent and diligent students will never awaken because a day will come when they succeed in convincing themselves that they have outsmarted and transcended me. You have not outsmarted me. You have not out-consciousnessed me. You have not transcended me. Be very careful about that.
  16. For example i am often looking at different websites, reddit, dating apps, nonduality videos, Ukraine videos and go back and forth etc etc i‘m not really sure what i‘m seeking or trying to avoid, i guess just trying to avoid boredom or trying to find „something better“
  17. Yeah, I consider myself non-binary. I don’t exclusively fit in a masculine or feminine role. I’m still working on that aspect of myself since religion taught me that you can’t explore gender and nonduality taught me to not be a person.
  18. Leo bitchslapped a lot of my nonduality out of me the other day. and then I had the following insight. for a philosophy that claims to be the antidote to suffering, is nonduality even a particularly beautiful or inspiring narrative? Wouldn’t it be more beautiful to retain your individuality? fuck being assimilated into the singularity. I want to explore the multiverse….
  19. When you realize nonduality is a farce
  20. He wrote: He referred to light and medium 5-MeO-DMT doses. Not high doses of 5-MeO. Typical effects of psychedelics are (among other effects) Nonduality, Ego-dissolution (to a pretty high degree, although not the complete dissolving of any form of separate-self/individuality/transparent nondual witness merged in Unity with the Totality), and the visual field becoming an infinite centerless mere apperance-like "hovering" in Infinite Consciousness.. So when the separate-self is dissolved anyway/already, and Enlightenment has happened, the effects of psychedelics will change and be different. And less. The impact pf psychedelics is not as dramatic, because the things described above are already in place. These three points/states above are in Zen already Enlightenments/Satoris/Kenshos/Awakenings. But not Great/Full Enlightenment, where the separate-self is fully transcended, and Reality/Impersonal Infinite Consciousness fully realized. I have yet to see somebody who crossed over to Full Enlightenment only/mainly with psychedelics, with the full Deep Identity Level Shift towards Infinite Impersonal Consciousness/Totality, and no separate-self left anywhere (however subtle). The subtle remaining separate-self of Individuality is still clouding the mindstream, blocking the Full Realization of Impersonal Infinite Awareness, well and alive causing suffering. One gets 95% of the benefits of Nonduality and Infinite Consciousness already with psychedelics (the points above, energetic awakened states), but not the full impersonal thing... And that is quantum, like night and day. It is the death of the caterpillar, and the birth of the butterfly. The return home. The end of suffering. Main problem: Before it actually happens, one can't imagine or understand it. Because if one could, one would already be fully enlightened. Although that remaining Individuality/separate-self can be almost totally empty, very subtle, a transparent nondual witness... The cloud/lense/center is still there, even during all the trips... and sometimes mumbling about rodents and other parts of its experience field in less than loving way. Breakingthewall, just an idea: Why not visit him at some time in the future, and see for yourself? Maybe even do some trips together? If he is the real deal and enlightened, you will be able verify that quite fast for yourself from the states he radiates, and what states he induces in you. Selling Water by the River
  21. Sure. There are plenty of people having Nondual experiences (Nondual Unity-experienes for example), with the separate self still intact, dreaming a nondual dream. That is not Full Enlightenment, where anything separate fully drops (Impersonal). I have written extensively about that in many posts: by the River Just one nice example from Jac O'Keffee elaborating on the topic of the Nondual Dream with a separate self still well & alive: And by the way, that differentiation between Nonduality (happens first) and the later happening Great Awakening to the Impersonal Suchness of Infinite Reality/Consciousness is in every spiritual tradition. More material on request. And how Impersonal or how much the Deep Identity has shifted towards Pure Impersonal Consciousness/Awareness, Absolute Reality itself, one with every arising as itself, living itself as the Totality, perceiving itself in every wave on the ocean.... Well, every reader has a certain intuition of that for sure. Bon voyage! Selling Water by the River
  22. Relative to my understanding today, yes. I still had moments way beyond nonduality back then. But I had not fully deconstructed nonduality yet. My comprehension of what Consciousness is has increased by orders of magnitude. You cannot grasp what Consciousness is by reducing it via nonduality. Your reduction of Consciousness to Nothingness or Emptiness is not really what Consciousness is. That's yet another trick that Consciousness plays. Consciousnes is imagining that that reduction is the end of understanding Consciousness. But that's just a clever trick. You have to be smart enough not to fall for it.
  23. NO! Nonduality is imaginary and no one here is conscious of that. When you nondualists try to cast what I'm saying as, "Oh, Leo just wants to explore finite states of consciousness and all kinds of forms, but I am beyond that". NO! You don't even understand what CONSCIOUSNESS is! You are missing the highest possible level of understanding. I am not saying you're missing some finite apsects of consciousness, I'm saying you're missing it's very nature. The very essence of AWAKENING is what you do not have. No nondualist knows what consciousness is, and they never will. No nondualist is beyond anything I say. No nondualist, Buddhist, nor enlightened person will ever transcend psychedelics. They do not understand what I am talking about. To be AWAKE you must realize that you fooled yourself into imagining that nonduality is the core of spirituality. Of course! Nonduality is a self-deception. Of course it is! Why wouldn't it be?